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irtr : 1.4 ir 9 _ -=- \- lt f /! (:i r'C(t , ll ( i 4. (c; ln case outyip-{rmit of this Police Station' then the ,t{.-,- N/fi District Nary)dflheP5 .. t t/ 6 Comilarnant/lnformant: ' / t c'[ ltit LaY** Jt'lb| , .,-. i /t:dta:' (c) Date I Year of Birth :. "" "(d) Nationality" """ ' I Reasons for delay in reporting by the Complainant / lnformation {"*l *u } 10. Total value of properties stolen / involved i 1 . lnquest Report / L' D Case No , if any 12 FIR Contents (Attach separate sheets if requtred) 1l Ttu f t tx i "*.r*trf frr 14 Signalure ; lhumD lmPresslon :, of the Cornptarnant / Informanl _ - I f n*n l, / r_., Name {/rtrl34, ffi)n"t........... Sections t"" 7 Detailsof knowntsuspected/unknownaccusedwithfullparticulars t {) ,//, lhu . i , *" . Mriiqari pstisdt&-fq[t#]t ":li:::::ilTl::,trrepor revea:s "'y;"'.fi;f-:;"',?i"iii';:";.";; 'fr,l,ilffiTlil;;1i1,'; 1r_rrisdiction Fl[t read over to the comptainu intbrmant, adrrritted to be correctly recor -ied and a copy given to the con 'plainant /

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irtr : 1.4 ir 9

_ -=- \-

lt f/! (:i r'C(t

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(c; ln case outyip-{rmit of this Police Station' then the

,t{.-,- N/fi DistrictNary)dflheP5 .. t

t/6 Comilarnant/lnformant: ' / tc'[ ltit LaY** Jt'lb| , .,-.

i /t:dta:'(c) Date I Year of Birth :. "" "(d) Nationality" """ '

I Reasons for delay in reporting by the Complainant / lnformation

{"*l *u }

10. Total value of properties stolen / involved

i 1 . lnquest Report / L' D Case No , if any

12 FIR Contents (Attach separate sheets if requtred)


f t txi "*.r*trf frr

14 Signalure ; lhumD lmPresslon

:, of the Cornptarnant / Informanl _ - I f n*n l, / r_., Name

{/rtrl34,ffi)n"t........... Sections


7 Detailsof knowntsuspected/unknownaccusedwithfullparticulars t {) ,//, lhu .

i , *" . Mriiqari pstisdt&-fq[t#]t

":li:::::ilTl::,trrepor revea:s "'y;"'.fi;f-:;"',?i"iii';:";.";; 'fr,l,ilffiTlil;;1i1,';

1r_rrisdiction Fl[t read over to the comptainu intbrmant, adrrritted to be correctly recor -ied and a copy given to the con 'plainant /

Deai' sir' rT 'e the u.rclersigned would like to lihe to state as mentionecl herein below;-I . 'l'hat \\1e \\rere introclucecr to Mr t<avrn Jongte tv r.,i, *rra n":ani Irilton i, then'ronrh ot Jr-riy 201g. She inrroclurcecl ,.o ,uli,rg;ru1, frrj,"lie proiects wtricht,r'oLrlci g'ou, in a \/e1.)/ stror.t time, Borh odth; ";";;;;';nd assurecl us rorvorit with tr-iem Kavin Jongt. ruiJir"__ut,..uay hacl a pr.oje* namecl ,,Brocr<

ifai'ce" u'iricir rvas registe,eciin f)ubai. He briefecr ,. urri.,igrock payee beinga cllffency exchange colllpany rvanted us to work *itt trin . FIe arreadyhad a vacant office in eLnntam nrifJi,rg .oo,, ,.rrrtr".'jOi, ,n0". Matigara' P.s (regisrer-ecl aclclress _ C/o Ror"-Mu.1, ili;;;, -n?.

eubu Basha,Ir4,'esh,ra.i' p.o champasari, p.s praaha'ra-qar, Siriguri Darjeering), rre*'.rLlcl comprete-the pro.iect an,t ,"tup m*ltipre*orii.", I..o* the globe, rrebeirg the crrair,ran. Kavin .rongre utr-,Inuo "rrr., frffirjn iun,r ar rhar pointantl szrid rvi;uld later.worli orr tGur.

2 "\s he alreacl), hacl a ,aoart olyrce in Siriguri rre wantecr ns to invest on [rr-ry Brocr< paycc.irrl., i,.,...t.-,r,., Lrs to be Dir.ector.s ofI)iaex Tecr'rnologies Ltd,'SiligLrri. ii.irrrry he was setti,g up oflice in Nepar.N4r' K.r'i, .Iongte rlr,i r.,: ivaslaking rot* ,"un ,i.o,r Nepar to Dubai to srrowtheu trre o1fice in Dubai, ,o,rrictr ne?ia. Later hc askea the xepar teaur to visit''rdia

alier which rre r,r,curd '.",",p "ii;.. ;; ;# H; il? ,u"rr, peopresi'vest aro,ncr Rs. r 5 fas p;. ,h;i; versionr. seeing arl the hype ancl trre

i;:'nJl]l|;1ii: "'o to up tiit ).;"puri;;opre rve agreecrl"iii, i,i,, to invest in

As ire *'iLS raisi'g tunds 10r- the pro.ject he-r.r,ar,ecr us to br-ry srrares of hisr'()rrIrr) rrrrit'rr rvas valrctr rrndcr.$r wrrietr L".iri;r..; ," 0",il,.'.rarry i.old.sitr tlie cclrning 6 to 12 months. 11! Lldlr,eLr to ooLlDle

That on 0g'03 20 1g trre office rvas reacly ancl openecl, subsequentry he wanteclLrs to .ecruit e'nployees. I, ^ext

t *, ,-,onitrr'rr" i,rtr*r.L"i'l*o',rr.. pr.oject,ii,ed as "Dio. (a social app iike ii ""r"Jl u4rich h" ;i;ir"J; register i.Dela.wa.e U,ited Stares. ir" r.-,...r ur ugr#i"_ l,rri" rn the new project gii,i,gus ,'righ ,opes of trre g::"urp

"r.; i;;;';'Board of'Direcrors.i<irin .rongteancl his rvilt Rajani Hirton'rp."i,""rr'or'rrr. time in other cou,tries ar.rclassirr-ed thcr u,orl< is in, ur_,.i ,onriit e projects rvould be ]aunchecl in


Page 1 of4

]"$* *:t_o[of {zrx_.



NIr Lanam Subba cash deposited a total sum of Rs 1,10,88,0001- [one.cole ten

ial'hs eighty eight thousand] in I(avin Jongte and Rajani Hilton account beingno. 916010041374967, Axis Bank Spectrum Buildir-rg Branch, Sevoke Road;

l espectivcl.y and

Mrs Sonanr Domer Bhutia deposited a sum of Rs 35,00,800/- [Thirty FiveLaks Eight Hr,rndred] through ATM, periodicaliy due to sorne technicalploblems in Company accolrnts and also wauted sotle in cash which he

received ra,ireuever they were in Siliguri.

Ali.:r ob.jecting in such payment method he said that the transaction costr,r,ould be very high and he would do the transactions himself, he also clain-red

to i-rire one to the top C.A in Siiigr"rri who would take care of the legal process.

We never had arry experience in working in a company and was lured to t1-re

brisir ress.

\\'ltert.'rel'\\e asl(cd [o1 t[e pl'ogl'eSS lte alrva1,3 ltssttred fo launcfu tlte bLtsiness

in lncliar soon. During the start of pandemic he introdr-rced f'ew other projectslilie VIIO (an OTT platform) and Corsea (online platfbrm for school) andlJploadea (A crypto coin) another project which was claimed by irim r.vas

Digital Nepal registerecl in 40 Wall Street, The Trurnp Builcling, 28th Floor,|ierv York City, USA. A11 the application was developed througir his source"

Whenever rve asked to bring the developer to lndia he always came up withthe exquse of Corrid i9 situatioi-rs and asstue, he started to buy titne statingeverything was in tlack and soon he would laurch the proiects in India"

T1'rat 1'eu, nronths back i.e on24.03.2021 when he was supposed to leave lbrl.h-rited States to launch the pro.jects in India. He said he is in USA, but wherehe rvas admitted at Presbyterian hospital in New York due to Covid effect on15.04.202 1, and we made many cails to all the 8-9 Presbyterian hospitai inNeu, Yorli to find out he ivas really admitted or not. None of the hospitalclaimed fbr his admission.

9. A-eailr on 28.04.2021 we received a call fi'om I(avin Jongte, he said he wasitr iected lry tl-re covid positlve fbr the second time ancl cliticai conclitions.

Page 2 of 4



14. Srgnature i Thumb impressionof ,hu Cortptu,nanr / tnformant

15. Dale & Trnrrj o.f ctespa t"n 1o{tnu'.Jurt ,


/ t. o! .Lprt a*//'r-o t

i, v. arl.iry \r,qiuun,ptallnant:1,:: r:r(

and he rvi11 reach Siliguri by 12.07.2A21. He came in Siliguri office on 15'r'

JLrly ancl 16i' July and he a"skecl us to calculate total suni of amount to bet'etirnded bach to all the Director''s then he took time liom us tiIl Molrclay (19t1'

)uly). and asked us to resume office as he would clear a1i the dues, rent andenployee salaly by 21't July 2021.

il.Thnt or-r 19tr'July 2021 he messaged and stating that l-re was busy in banhingu,orli and u,onld not be abie to colne to office toclay, ancl on 21tl'Jr.rly 2021 wereceived message ti'orn him that ire is going out of Siliguli for financial worhand r,viil come back afier trvo days [i.e 23.07.2021) and sertle all the dues.Since then his phone is totally switched off ancl no where about. We decidedto visit his residence on2'7 & 28.07.2021 and came to know that Kavin Jongtealoug rvith his wife Raiani Hilton and their cliiiclrenis Tiara Jorlgte andRici-rard Jongte not to be fourd and all their phone number is srvitched of1, Weale in dilernn-ia and come to a conclusion to be scammed by I(avin Jongte andRa.iani IIilton a.s they were absconding along ivith their children, even theirmaid Pooja Pasrvan u,as also absconcled since 3 1.08.2021.

l2.That l.]o\\i \^/e also came to know tirat l're had personally collected the fundsfl'orl the locai peopie of Siligurri on his owlt personal level which we rvereLrnaw.lre Lurtil nr,r,r,, the arnor-int he raised personally from local people ofsiligr-u'i, Darieeling. sildrim & Japaiguri is estirnated approx to be arounci T2laLhs as infbrmed by tlie local people to us and also received a soi-ircejrrt'olnrariorr that tlrcy all the ctrlprirs have c,:llectcd a ntoney liorn Nepalapprox 15 Cr:ore.

13. \Are tlren approached to his in-lai,vs address, Rose Mary Hilton, near BabnBasl-ra, Maheshmari, P.o chairipasari, P.s Pradhannagar, Siliguli DarjeeiingF1el'e rve rlet his iather in law Mr. Alex Hilton and asked about l(avin Jongtear-rr;l lris fbnrily's rvlrereebouts, But to our si"rrprise tlrey told ue that sinoe 1811'

Jr-il1'202 1 there is no contact w-ith them, He also said he was worried abouttherl ancl was planning to file a missing complaint. After hearing all this li'on,his tather'-in-1arv, mother-in- law and brother-in-law \^/e are sure ihat we alllltlvc been duped, breach of trust and cheated badly and ciishonestly inducir"rgto cieliverlr of ,rouey ar-rd later \,ve came to know that he shows all forged andiabricated clocument to cheat r-rs lbr illegal gain. And irow he fle<t away fi-omhis lesidence lJttaroyon, Matigala.

Page 3 of 4

14. l'hiit above naurecl l{omi I-Iilton, Alex

lL'onr tf ieil lesidence.

Tlinnliirrg Yor-r

B,-rard ol'Direcrot's1. D.B Yonzoi't - 79085793442. I)au,a Tainang - 89189439873. Snrt Sonam DomaBhutia -97495188744. Sr.nt Rurarnit Lepcha5. Sn-rt Dicliy Yangzum

15, Wc atl Six Dilecrors have invest a surn o.f Rs 2.5 crore fapprox] till date to N{r',

I(nvin Jongle. And we tried to trace out fiom our level best but went ftitile.

Thereinre we lrunrble request to you goocl oftice please kindly take a legal action

against the Chairman of Diaex Technologies limited Mr I(avin Jongte and his

r,vit.e N4rs Rajni Hilton as per latv. We shall be highly obliged for your kirld co-


Yours laithfully

S/o Ashok Chong SubbaVedanta Residency, Gyan JyotiMore, Baragharia, P.s N4atigara

Dt DarieelingPh: 8158999620

Page 4 of 4

1. I(avir-r Jor:igte - 983195517718076616122. Rairii Flolton - 95648273303. Tiala.trongte -90010743384. Richard Jongte -1602112142

Aclclr'ess of l(avin Jongtel" FI.L Dixit Road, Lower Bong Busty, P.o, P.s & Dt l(alimpong2. Clo Rose Mary Hilton, near Babu Basha, Maheshmari, P.O Champasari,

P. s Prac1l'rannagar. S iiiguri Darj eeling.

. A11 P1-rotocopy of deposit slip and others documents are attached herervith


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ktrdr Cnr No dd-d ,ill I oxrl wzt ?!, ^kf ,u/r,/ /,tf^b q ? ) f,, P-f f z"'b tu Et ' t J'il )fl '/

rht ,,jrJjhzl?ty'_f 4/{/4rd/2,t /P( ?*,-e,t^,/g;h h *( t ' dr/rot 7fr//^/\o/a' [f*)fi mt*fui..l;." t),


ff:;""1-'i l' $ili gr riri i:;1lii{' ilii'ir1:ri:r ii' i i:i' i'iiQ

' - -..r , .ivr -,EU ano a copy gigq*tg ttieiCon,ptalnaiiirT i::itit