lugares turisticosç


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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Lugares turisticosç
Page 2: Lugares turisticosç

Is a commune, is located in ecuadorian coasts of Santa Elena's province and for where it passes the highway of the Route of the Sun.

Montañita is a magic beach.

Today in day Montañita is a multicultural spa, with tourists from all over the world that they enjoy from some surf lessons until a pizza with shrimps.

Page 3: Lugares turisticosç


The Playa Los Frailes are a curved beach,

in bay form, facing to the west, with

totally clear horizon. To the west it is surrounded of lightlymountainous hills and toward the sector of the gulch correspondingto the outlet of the River The Pampas, the hills retire for the laterpart.

Los Frailes have a solitary pretty

beach it is located in the

suroccidente of Portoviejo.

Page 4: Lugares turisticosç

El Parque Nacional Cajas has an extension of almost 30 thousand hectares of natural forests, where they settle more than 230 lagoons of diverse sizes. The Park is a paradise for the lovers of the sport fishing that will be able to find in the lakes great quantity of trouts, the species more important piscícola of the Park. In this wonderful place of to nature they live, also, great quantity of species of birds, some of them in extinction danger. To observe the bird symbol of our nationality, the condor, doesn't exist better place that the Cajas.

Is located in the province of the Azuay in the city of Cuenca.

Page 5: Lugares turisticosç

Recognized by the local and foreign inhabitants, like a modern marvel.

This "Sculpture in green" it is only in their gender, it was created by Mr.

Azael Franco in 1936. Carved in cypress these marvels they transform to

the sacred field into a palace where they are conjugated art and beauty

harmoniously, and they bear to an unique show worthy of being

appreciated by tourists.

Page 6: Lugares turisticosç

The Chiles are a volcano snowed in the Andean western mountain range, in the Knot of the Grasses and together with the volcano Black Hill of Mayasquer they constitute part of the frontier between Ecuador and Colombia.

The nature offers a complex of seven lagoons,

three of those which are the biggest and they have an approximate diameter of 200 meters.

El Volcán Chiles it constitutes an ideal place for those who you/they like of the adventure, andinismo, walks and trekin.

Page 7: Lugares turisticosç

Is place touristsvery visited by theforeing inhabitants.

Is lacated in the cityof Quito.

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