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  • 8/13/2019 Lumped Parameters


    J. Micromech. Microeng. 6 (1996) 157176. Printed in the UK

    Equivalent circuit representation of

    electromechanical transducers: I.

    Lumped-parameter systems

    Harrie A C Tilmans

    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement ESAT-MICAS, Kardinaal Mercierlaan94, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium

    Received 7 December 1995, accepted for publication 28 December 1995

    Abstract. Lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers are examinedtheoretically with special regard to their dynamic electromechanical behaviour andequivalent circuits used to represent them. The circuits are developed starting frombasic electromechanical transduction principles and the electrical and mechanicalequations of equilibrium. Within the limits of the assumptions on boundaryconditions, the theory presented is exact with no restrictions other than linearity.Elementary electrostatic, electromagnetic, and electrodynamic transducers areused to illustrate the basic theory. Exemplary devices include electro-acousticreceivers (e.g., a microphone) and actuators (e.g., a loudspeaker),

    electromechanical filters, vibration sensors, devices employing feedback, and forceand displacement sensors. This paper forms part I of a set of two papers. Part IIextends the theory and deals with distributed-parameter systems.

    1. Introduction

    Electromechanical transducers are used to convert electrical

    energy into mechanical (or acoustical) energy, and vice

    versa. They are utilized for electrical actuation and sensing

    of mechanical displacements and forces in a wide variety

    of applications (see e.g. [13]). An illustrative example of

    a sensing device is a microphone in which a sound pressure

    is converted into an electrical signal. In a microphone, thepressure acts upon a spring-supported mass, which usually

    consists of a stretched diaphragm. The generated mass

    (diaphragm) displacement is next converted into an electric

    output signal by means of an electromechanical transducer.

    In a loudspeaker, on the other hand, an electromechanical

    transducer is used to convert the electrical output signal

    of an audio amplifier into a force acting on the speaker

    diaphragm. This results in a displacement of the diaphragm,

    thereby generating sound waves.

    The behaviour of electromechanical transducers can

    be described by the differential equation(s) of motion of

    the structural member(s), by the characteristic equations

    of the transducer element(s), and by a set of boundaryconditions. A very explanatory and quick way of gaining a

    deeper insight into the dynamic behaviour of the transducer

    is the equivalent circuit approach, in which both the

    electrical and mechanical portions of the transducer (or

    system) are represented by electrical equivalents. The

    approach is based on the analogy that exists between

    Present address: CP Clare Corporation, Overhaamlaan 40, B-3700

    Tongeren, Belgium. e-mail: [email protected]

    electric and mechanical systems [14]. In this method, the

    transducer is no longer described by complex differential

    equations and boundary conditions, but by a lumped-

    element electrical circuit in which the elements are

    physically representatives of the transducers properties

    such as its mass, stiffness, capacitance, and damping.

    The circuits implicitly contain, because of the way they

    are constructed, all the equations governing the system

    represented. To the extent that the original assumptions

    are valid, the equivalent circuit can be considered an exact

    representation of the electromechanical transducer. The

    practicality of the equivalent circuit approach stems from

    the field of electricity where it is unthinkable that the

    design and analysis of electrical systems is carried out

    on the basis of Maxwells equations. The applications

    of lumped-element circuits are numerous nowadays, and

    their use is strongly justified by modern electric network

    theory which provides us with powerful mathematical

    techniques and network analysis programs, such as SPICE.

    Equivalent circuits are now also implemented for analysing

    electromechanical systems, where one of their strengths is

    that they provide a single representation of devices thatoperate in more than one energy domain. Noteworthy is

    their proven indispensable value in the development of

    piezoelectrically driven resonators for use as mechanical

    sensors, timebases, and electromechanical filters [3, 5, 6],

    and further also in the field of electroacoustics [2].

    Equivalent circuits are particularly useful for the analysis

    of systems consisting of complex structural members and

    coupled subsystems with several electrical and mechanical

    0960-1317/96/010157+20$19.50 c 1996 IOP Publishing Ltd 157

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    H A C Tilmans

    ports. Not only is the strict use of differential equations

    very difficult for these cases, but this method also often

    obscures the solution [3]. The equivalent circuit method

    lends itself to a better visualization of the system, and, once

    the basic circuit is constructed, it may be used in further

    analyses to investigate the effects of connecting subsystems

    or of making modifications to the structure.

    The purpose of this paper is to lay a mathematical

    foundation for developing equivalent circuit representations

    of lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers and

    for interconnecting the obtained circuits to the outside

    world and further to illustrate their applicability in real

    systems. The paper forms part I of a set of two papers.

    Whereas part I deals with lumped-parameter systems, in

    part II [7] the theory is extended to include distributed-

    parameter systems as well. Only the steady-state small-

    signal dynamic frequency response is considered, but the

    circuits are equally well suited to analyse the transient

    behaviour of the transducer system. Large-signal non-

    linear behaviour cannot be analysed in a straightforward

    manner using equivalent circuits and will not be dealt with

    here. Therefore, the transducers that are intrinsically non-

    linear are linearized around a bias point. The circuits

    are constructed starting from basic electromechanical

    transduction principles and the electrical and mechanicalequations of equilibrium. The focus will be on systems

    with a single electrical and a single mechanical port.

    Simple examples of how to account for more than one

    port are given. The basic principles of electromechanical

    transduction are not a subject of this paper. For a

    description of this topic reference is made to the literature

    (see e.g., the books by Woodson and Melcher [8] or Neubert

    [1]). The analysis is limited to reversible or bilateral

    transducers, i.e., those which give rise to mechanical

    motion from electrical energy or the other way round

    [1]. These include electrostatic, electromagnetic, and

    electrodynamic and evidently exclude thermal transducers.

    Further, only rectilinear or translational mechanical systems

    are considered, although rotary systems can be described in

    a similar way. Acoustic systems are briefly introduced and

    are accounted for in the analysis. Finally it is pointed out

    that generally applicable assumptions, such as negligible

    fringing fields, small velocities compared with the velocity

    of light, and perfect conductors (see e.g., [8]), are implicitly


    2. Lumped-parameter electromechanical systems

    2.1. General

    The essential characteristic of lumped-parameter (or

    discrete) systems is that the physical properties ofthe system, such as mass, stiffness, capacitance, and

    inductance, are concentrated or lumped into single physical

    elements. Thus, elements representing mass are perfectly

    rigid, and conversely elastic elements have no mass. This

    idealization is similar to electric circuit theory where

    inductors are considered to have no capacitance, capacitors

    no inductance, and resistors are purely ohmic. As such,

    a lumped-parameter electromechanical system consists of a

    finite number of interconnected masses, springs, capacitors,

    inductors, resistors, etc. Lumped-parameter modelling is

    valid as long as the wavelength of the signal is greater than

    all dimensions of the system [2, 8]. The dynamic behaviour

    of these systems can be described by ordinary differential

    equations with time t being the only independent variable.

    The analysis described below will focus on lumped-

    parameter systems with a single degree of freedom (SDOF)

    in the mechanical domain, implying that they display a

    single mechanical resonance [9]. The study of SDOF

    systems is of importance since (i) many real systems displaya behaviour sufficiently close to the behaviour of an SDOF

    system, (ii) they improve the understanding of real systems,

    whilst not having to deal with tedious mathematics, and

    (iii) very often in a limited frequency range distributed-

    parameter systems can be treated as SDOF systems, as will

    be further clarified in part II [7].

    2.2. An example

    An example of a real electromechanical system that behaves

    sufficiently like an SDOF lumped-parameter system is

    shown in figure 1(a). The structure shown illustrates thebasic configuration of an electrostatic transducer that can

    be used as a force gauge, e.g., a microphone [1, 2, 8]. It

    consists of a doubly clamped beam (or diaphragm) with

    a rigid mass at the centre. The mass is electroded on

    one face which defines one plate of the capacitor used for

    the electrostatic transduction. The other plate is formed

    by a stationary surface which is in close proximity to the

    mass. The mass is effectively supported by two adjacent

    beam elements that can be approximated by lumped springs,

    each with a constant k/2. The total spring constant is

    therefore equal to k. The mass moves in response to a

    pure mechanical force Fmtand/or a force of electric origin

    Fet which is due to the attractive electrostatic force ofthe electrodes (nomenclature is explained below). The

    circuit comprising the decoupling capacitor Cd and the

    resistanceRL, which may represent the the input resistance

    of an amplifier, is used to isolate the output terminals

    from the bias voltage v0, and is not intended to affect

    the dynamic behaviour of the system in normal operation.

    If the voltage ve is taken as the output signal and with

    driving frequency this means that RLCd 1 andRL R0[8]. Assuming that the total mass of the two beamsegments is small relative to the rigid mass and, further, if

    only incremental signal variations around a biasing point

    (further explained below) are considered, the system can

    be modelled as the lumped-parameter SDOF system offigure 1(b). Here,m represents the rigid mass, k is the total

    stiffness of the sections of the beam supporting the mass,

    c is a parameter representing viscous energy losses, and

    Cp denotes a (parasitic) parallel capacitance, e.g., due to

    the stray capacitance of the interconnecting wires. Further

    analysis of the transducer, including the development of

    its equivalent circuit, will be presented in the following



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    Lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers

    Figure 1. An example of an electromechanical transducerconsisting of a beam with a rigid mass at the centre, whichis subjected to a forceFetof electric origin and a puremechanical forceFmt. (a) A schematic representation; (b) alumped-parameterincrementalmodel. The transducer canbe used as a force (Fm) or displacement (xm)sensor, withoutput voltageve or currentie.

    Figure 2. A schematic representation of a two-portelectromechanical transducer.

    2.3. Energy exchange

    Exchange of energy of a transducer and the outside world is

    achieved through ports (depicted as a pair of terminals).

    This is illustrated in figure 2, showing a block diagram of

    the often encountered linear electromechanical transducer

    with a single electrical and a single mechanical port. A

    port is defined by a pair of conjugate dynamic variables

    called effortor intensive variable and flow. The power

    exchange through the port is given by the product of

    effort and flow. The flow is given by the time derivative

    of the corresponding state or extensive variable. The

    transducer depicted in figure 2 is a two-port energy storage

    element, emphasizing the number of ports and the fact that

    transducers store energy. Electrical ports are defined by the

    {voltage (v), current (i)} pair, and mechanical ports by the{force (F), velocity (u)} pair. Two-port storage elementsare completely characterized by an energy function of the

    two independent state variables [8]. The state variables

    associated with the mechanical and the electrical ports aredisplacement x and the electric charge q, respectively.

    In describing transducers that are partly operating in the

    magnetic domain it proves convenient to define a magnetic

    port, characterized by the{current (i), flow of flux linkage()} pair. The flux linkagedefines the corresponding statevariable.

    The purpose of this section is to derive equivalent

    circuit representations of the two-port transducer in figure 2.

    Although the transducer in figure 2 consists of only one

    electrical and one mechanical port, the discussion below

    can easily be generalized to any arbitrary number of ports

    (see also [8]).

    3. Elementary lumped-parameter transducers

    3.1. Basic configurations

    Four examples of elementary electromechanical lumped-

    parameter transducers are shown in figure 3. Their op-

    eration is respectively based on electrostatic (with out-of-plane motion), electrostatic (with in-plane motion), elec-

    tromagnetic, and electrodynamic transduction principles,

    each of which is extensively described in the literature

    (see e.g., [1, 2,8, 10]). The transducer of figure 3(a) is

    termed a transverse electrostatic transducer, emphasizing

    that the plates move transverse or perpendicular to each

    other, as opposed to the parallel electrostatic transducer of

    figure 3(b) in which the plate surfaces stay parallel dur-

    ing motion. Apart from the electrodynamic transducer, the

    transducers shown all display non-linear behaviour. For

    instance the electrostatic force of the transducers in fig-

    ure 3(a) and (b) shows a quadratic dependence on the

    charge or the voltage (see appendix A). It is evident thatlinear transducers are mathematically more tractable, but,

    furthermore, linear transducers are also of great practical

    importance. For instance, a condenser microphone is pur-

    posely operated to behave as a linear device, since nonlin-

    ear effects cause distortion and loss of fidelity [2]. Linear

    behaviour is achieved for incremental or small-signal vari-

    ations around bias or equilibrium levels. In fact, if only the

    first two terms in a Taylor series expansion about a static

    equilibrium point are included, the total signal, which is in-

    dicated with a subscript t, can be written as the sum of an

    equilibrium signal, which is indicated with a subscript 0,

    and the incremental signal, which is indicated without any

    subscript, e.g.,xt(t)=


    x(t). Transducers can be biased

    in several ways. For instance, an electrostatic transducer

    can be electrically biased by applying a d.c. bias voltage

    v0, or by introducing a bias charge q0, e.g., by means of an

    electret. The electromagnetic transducer can be biased by

    applying a bias current i0 in the transducer coil or by plac-

    ing a permanent magnet in the magnetic circuit. The type

    of biasing will not change the analysis of the system signif-

    icantly (see e.g., the book by Rossi [2]). Therefore, without

    loss of generality, in this paper the analyses are limited to

    voltage biasing for the electrostatic transducer and current

    biasing for the electromagnetic transducer. These biasing

    schemes are also most often employed in practice. Biasing

    of the electrodynamic transducer is always done with a per-

    manent magnet. It is pointed out that the electrodynamictransducer is inherently linear and biasing is here imple-

    mented to attain any electromechanical transduction at all.

    It is further assumed that the incremental signals are sinu-

    soidal with driving frequency , e.g., x(t)= x exp(it ),where x denotes a phasor [11]. Note that this is not a

    real limitation, since for a linear system the steady-state

    response to an arbitrary signal can be synthesized from the

    response to sinusoidal driving signals using the techniques


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    Lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers

    Table 1. Constitutive and transfer equations of the lumped-parameter transducers shown in figure 3, completed with astabilization springk at the mechanical port (as illustrated by figure 4). The matrix equations describe the relations betweenthe phasor quantities of the sinusoidal signals. The meaning of the symbols is explained in appendix B and in table 2.

    Transducer State Efforts Flows

    type q1,q2 e1,e2 f1,f2


    = B



    = T



    (transverse, q(t),x(t) v(t),F(t) i(t)= q(t), x(t)






    (k 2C0




    figure 3(a))Electrostatic

    (parallel, q(t),x(t) v(t),F(t) i(t)= q(t), x(t)













    figure 3(b))

    Electromagnetic (t),x(t) i(t),F(t) (t)=v(t), x(t)






    k 2




    (figure 3(c))

    Electrodynamic (t),x(t) i(t),F(t) (t)=v(t), x(t)













    (figure 3(d))

    Table 2. Parameters used in table 1, expressed in terms of the dimensional parameters, the bias conditions, and physicalconstants.

    Transduction factors [N V1 = A (m s1)1] and Static( 0)

    Tranducer type Static components [N A1 = V (m s1]1) coupling factor

    Electrostatic C0 q0v0 = 0Aed+x0

    = q0d+x0

    = 0Aev0(d+x0)




    (transverse, figure 3(a))

    Electrostatic C q0v0

    = 0(l0x0)hd

    = q0l0x0 =





    (parallel, figure 3(b))

    Electromagnetic L0 0i0 = N20Ae

    d+x0 = 0

    d+x0= N




    (figure 3(c))

    Electrodynamic L0 =Ls= coil seriesconductance = B0l




    (figure 3(d))

    domain. In fact the electromagnetic transducer and the

    transverse electrostatic transducer are dual to each other

    with respect to the electric domain. The same can

    be said for the parallel electrostatic transducer and the

    electrodynamic transducer. Dual systems are described by

    equations of the same form, but in which the coefficients

    (e.g., capacitance and inductance) and effort-flow variables

    (e.g. voltage and current) are interchanged. The observed

    electrical duality is physically described by Amperes

    circuital law and Faradays law of magnetic induction,

    conveniently expressed asv



    0 N

    1/N 0



    0 1

    1 0


    or :



    0 1

    1 0




    where m.m.f. denotes the magnetomotive force, is themagnetic flux flow in the magnetic circuit, and N is given

    by the number of active turns of the transducer coil coupled

    with the magnetic field of the transducers in figure 3(c) and

    (d). The above matrix equation clearly shows that the effort

    variable in the electric domain becomes the flow variable

    in the magnetic domain, and vice versa.

    The coupling factor , also indicated in table 2, is

    an important characteristic of electromechanical transducers

    as it provides a measure for the electromechanical energy

    conversion which takes place in the lossless transducer

    [6,10, 12]. For a two-port storage element the coupling

    factor can be found from the constitutive matrix B

    as the following ratio: (coefficients product of the

    interaction terms)/(coefficients product of the principal(diagonal) terms). A coupling factor of zero means no

    electromechanical interaction. It can be shown that a

    stable equilibrium exists for 0 < < 1 [10,12]. Typical

    values for are in between 0.05 and 0.25. Furthermore,

    the coupling factor provides an elegant way to relate the

    parameter values, e.g., the spring constant, measured at one

    of the ports to the conditions, e.g., v= 0, at the other port.This will be further explained in the next subsection.


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    H A C Tilmans

    Table 3. Direct electromechanical analogies for lumpedtranslational systems [1, 2].

    Mechanical quantity Electrical quantity

    ForceF VoltagevVelocityu= x Currenti =qDisplacementx ChargeqMomentump Magnetic flux linkage Massm InductanceLCompliance 1/ka CapacitanceCViscous resistancec ResistanceR


    k represents the spring constant.

    3.3. Equivalent circuit representations

    3.3.1. Analogies. The development of equivalent

    circuit representations is based on the analogy in the

    mathemtical descriptions that exists between electric and

    mechanical (including acoustical) phenomena [1,2, 11].

    The analogies are a result of the formal similarities of

    the integrodifferential equations governing the behaviour of

    electric and mechanical systems. For instance, Newtons

    second law of motion relating the force F and velocity

    u for a rigid mass m, F =

    m du/dt =

    m d2x/dt2, is

    mathematically analogous to the constitutive equation of

    an electric inductor, v= L di/dt= L d2q/dt2. In thisanalogy, the force F plays the same role as the voltage

    v, the velocity u as the current i, and the displacement

    x as the charge q. The mass m in mechanical systems

    corresponds to the inductance L in electrical circuits. The

    foregoing examples illustrate the so-called directanalogy,

    summarized in table 3. It is pointed out that equivalent

    systems that are constructed based on this type of analogy

    display the duality property in the sense that across

    or between variables are equated to through variables,

    and, conversely, through variables are equated to across

    variables. This means that force (a through variable) is

    analogous to voltage (an across variable), and velocity (an

    across variable) to current (a through variable). Hence, this

    implies that the network topologies of the mechanical and

    electrical circuits are not the same. A series connection in

    the mechanical circuit becomes a parallel arrangement in

    the equivalent electrical circuit, and vice versa. This will be

    further elucidated by the examples presented in section 5.

    The direct analogy was in fact implicitly understood in

    the foregoing. The governing equations, however, can also

    be written in a form that suggests an analogy between the

    force and the current, between the velocity and the voltage,

    between the mass and the capacitance, etc. This analogy

    is called theinverseor mobility-typeanalogy (see e.g. [1]).

    In order to avoid any confusion in this paper no furtherreference will be made to this latter form of analogy.

    3.3.2. Equivalent networks. The construction of the

    equivalent networks starts with the transfer matrices given

    in the last column of table 1. This becomes clear after the

    matrices are split into their constituent transfer matrices.

    For instance, the transfer matrix of the electrostatic

    transducer of figure 4 can be split as follows:v





    (k k)iC0





    1 0

    iC0 1

    1/ 0


    1 1i

    (k k)0 1




    where k = 2/C0 (see also table 4). In the matrixequation above, the centre matrix represents the transducer,

    flanked by the matrices of the electrical admittance and the

    mechanical impedance. Each of the constituent transfer

    matrices can be represented by an equivalent network. Theoveral equivalent network consists of a cascade connection

    of these networks and is shown in figure 5(a). It can

    easily be shown that the network in figure 5(a) forms an

    exact representation of the transfer matrix equation (2).

    According to the aforementioned analogy a spring is

    represented by a capacitor. The impedance (force/velocity)

    of the spring k in figure 5(a) therefore is equal to k/i.

    The electromechanical coupling is modelled through an

    ideal electromechanical transformer with a transformer ratio

    given by , called the transduction factor, which was

    introduced in tables 1 and 2. The transformer relations,

    are given by F = v and i = u, conform tothe sign conventions indicated in figure 5(a). Note the

    existence of a spring with a negative constantk =2/C0 = 0Aev20/(d+ x0)3. The spring is a resultof the electromechanical coupling and apparently leads to

    a lowering of the overal dynamic spring constant. This

    is easily seen by combining the two springs into a single

    spring with constant k= k k= k(1 2) (see alsotable 4). As long as k > 0, which is equivalent to thecondition

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    Lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers

    Table 4. Circuit elements introduced as a result of electromechanical coupling. The elements are used in the equivalentcircuits of figures 58. Expressions for , ,C0, andL0 in terms of the physical parameters can be found in table 2.

    Transducer type C0 ,L0 C


    0 k


    Electrostatic C0 = C012 =C0+ C

    0 C

    0 =


    12 C0 = 112


    k k =k(1 2)=k k 2k = 2

    C0(transverse, figure 5)

    Electrostatic C0 = C012 =C0+ C

    0 C

    0 =


    12 C0 = 2

    k k = k

    12 =k+ k 2

    12 k= 2

    C0(parallel, figure 6)

    Electromagnetic L0 = L012 =L0+ L

    0 L



    12 L0 = 112


    k k =k(1 2)=k k 2k = 2

    L0(figure 7)

    Electrodynamic L0 = L01

    2 =L0+ L

    0 L




    2L0 =



    k k = k


    2 =k+ k






    (figure 8)

    Figure 5. Possible equivalent circuit representations of the transverse electrostatic transducer with a single electric port anda single mechanical port as depicted in figure 4. The meaning of the symbols is explained in tables 2 and 4. Thetransformers model the electromechanical coupling. The transformer relations given byF= v and i = u conform to thesign conventions given in (a).

    transducer (including a springk), the decomposition can be

    expressed asv



    0 1

    1 0

    1 0

    iL0 1

    1/ 0


    1 1i

    (k k)0 1




    wherek = 2/L0 (see also table 4). The first constituentmatrix represents (1) and can be modelled using an ideal

    gyrator with gyrator resistance equal to unity. As a result

    of the aforementioned duality (see subsection 3.2), the

    equivalent circuit representing the cascade of the remainingthree matrices can easily be derived from the circuit in

    figure 5(a). The overall equivalent circuit is obtained

    by placing the gyrator in cascade with this circuit. The

    result is shown in figure 6(a). It can easily be shown that

    the circuits shown in figure 6(b)(d) also form equivalent

    circuits of the same electromagnetic transducer. In the

    latter two representations the gyrator and the transformer

    are combined into a single gyrator, defined by the following

    relations: F= i and v= u , conforming to the signconventions indicated in figure 6(c). The circuit parameters

    indicated with a are clarified in table 4.A similar approach can be used to construct the

    equivalent circuits for the parallel electrostatic and the

    electrodynamic transducer. The results are shown in

    figures 7 and 8, respectively. The two transducers are

    clearly dual to each other. Also note the small, but

    important, differences between the electromagnetic and the

    electrodynamic transducer on the one hand, and between

    the transverse and the parallel electrostatic transducer

    on the other hand. For instance, the equivalent circuit

    representation of the electrodynamic transducer shown infigure 8(a) can be obtained from the equivalent circuit of

    the electromagnetic transducer of figure 6(c) by replacing

    the compliance 1/k by a compliance 1/k.The parameters indicated with a are a result of

    the electromechanical coupling. The circuit parameters

    indicatedwithouta are the usually observed parameters,i.e., in the absence of electromechanical coupling (= 0).For zero coupling, there will be only one spring constant k,


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    Lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers

    meaning that the relation between the incremental variables

    can be described by linear (differential) equations with

    constant coefficients. The equilibrium conditions at the

    electrical site are governed by Kirchhoffs voltage (KVL)

    and current (KCL) laws. At the mechanical site the

    governing laws are Newtons second law of motion or,

    more appropriately dAlemberts principle, expressed as

    Fi= 0, and the geometric compatibility or the continuityof space, formulated as ui = 0 [8]. The lattercondition is seldom used for the analysis of mechanical

    systems, but must at all times be satisfied. Note that

    the latter two conditions are directly obtained by invoking

    Kirchhoffs laws to the mechanical part in the equivalent

    circuit representation, thereby illustrating once more the

    analogy between electric and mechanical systems. As a

    matter of fact, this mathematical correspondence of laws

    is an essential requirement for using equivalent circuit

    representations for the analysis of mechanical systems.

    The foregoing forms the fundamental basis for devel-

    oping equivalent circuits for electromechanical transducers

    with arbitrary electric and mechanical loads and/or sources.

    As an illustration, consider the system shown in figure 1(a)

    and its lumped-parameter model of figure 1(b). The elec-

    trical part is in fact already represented by an equivalent

    network and therefore needs no further explanation. Forthe mechanical part the conditions may be derived as fol-

    lows. Applying dAlemberts principle to the mass m leads


    Fm(t ) Fe(t ) kx(t) cx(t) mx(t) = 0Fm Fe


    iu cu imu = 0 (4)

    where the second of the above equations is given in terms

    of the phasors of the respective quantities. Recalling that

    dAlemberts principle is the electromechanical analogue

    of KVL, it is easy to show that the circuit shown in

    figure 9 defines a possible equivalent circuit of the system

    in figure 1. The equivalent circuit of figure 5(a) (enclosed

    by the dashed box in figure 9) is chosen to represent

    the transducer (plus stabilization spring k), because of its

    direct physical significance. Note, however, that the circuit

    enclosed by the box can be replaced by any of the other

    circuits presented in figure 5. This may appear a little

    awkward. For instance if the circuit of figure 5(b) is

    used, the velocity through the compliance (capacitor) 1/k

    as predicted by the equivalent circuit is not the same as

    the velocity of the mechanical resistance c and the mass

    (inductor) m. In practice however (see figure 1(b)) the

    velocities through the aforementioned components are the

    same. The answer to this apparent paradox is simple: the

    compliance 1/k in the equivalent circuit is not the same

    as the compliance 1/k in figure 1(b). They only happento be numerically equal. The internal configuration of the

    circuit in figure 5(b) is reorganized at the expense of giving

    up the practical meaning. It is evident that the physical

    link is lost even further for the circuit in figure 5(d).

    This emphasizes once more that the equivalent circuits

    very often only serve an algebraic purpose. Based on the

    foregoing, it is concluded that the circuit representations of

    figures 5(a), 6(c), 7(a) and 8(a) have a true physical link,

    thus minimizing the chance for misinterpretation as much

    as possible. It is for this reason that emphasis will be on

    these circuit representations while discussing the examples

    presented in section 5.

    5. Examples of lumped-parameter

    electromechanical systems

    5.1. Force and displacement transducers (microphone)

    The basic operating principles and configuration of an

    electrostatic force or displacement transducer have alreadybeen presented in subsection 2.2. A schematic diagram

    is shown in figure 1. In operation, the force Fm(t) to be

    measured (defined as positive in the positive x direction) is

    exerted on the mass, or the mass is displaced by an amount

    xm(t) in the case where the displacement must be measured.

    As explained before a motion of the mass is converted

    into an electrical signal, e.g., a current, which flows in

    part through the resistors R0 and RL, thereby producing

    an output voltage ve(t ). This voltage is a measure for

    the applied force or displacement. Using the equivalent

    circuit shown in figure 9, extended with the appropriate

    mechanical sources (Fm or xm) which have to be connected

    to the mechanical terminals, the steady-state analysis forsinusoidal signal operation becomes very straightforward.

    The transfer function describing the relation between the

    input variable and the output voltage is easily obtained from

    the equivalent circuit. For the force transducer this results



    Fm= iRp

    (k + ic 2m)(1 + iRp(C0 + Cp)) + iRp2(5)

    and for the displacement transducer


    xm= iRp

    1 + iRp(C0 + Cp)


    d+ x0C0

    C0 + CpiRp (C0 + Cp)

    1 + iRp(C0 + Cp)(6)

    where Rp R0/RL. It is noted that the current ie canalso be taken as the output signal. The respective transfer

    functions for this case are easily obtained from the above

    equations by noting that ie= ve/RL.

    5.1.1. The condenser microphone. If the applied force

    is the result of an acoustic pressure pm(t) the transducer can

    be used as an electrostatic or condenser microphone. For

    instance, consider the condenser microphone as depicted

    in figure 10(a). The electric terminals are biased with

    a voltage v0 and a bias resistor R0 in the same way

    as shown in figure 1(a.) The input signal is the sound

    generator pressure pg (t) which is applied to a movablerigid front plate with area A and mass m. The plate

    is mounted on a peripheral spring with an equivalent

    constant k. The pressure produces a small signal voltage

    vout(t) at the electric terminals that can be connected to

    a (pre-)amplifier (not shown). A Thevenin equivalent

    circuit [11] of the transducer is shown in figure 10(b).

    The Thevenin equivalent circuit is very simple and its

    elements can be determined (experimentally) as follows.


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    Figure 9. An equivalent circuit representation of the electromechanical transducer system shown in figure 1. The circuitenclosed by the dashed box represents the transducer of figure 4 (see also figure 5(a)).

    Figure 10. The condenser microphone. (a) A schematic diagram; (b) the incremental signal Thevenin equivalent circuit; (c)a detailed equivalent circuit illustrating the interaction between the variables in the three signal domains of interest, i.e.,electric, mechanical, and acoustic.

    The Thevein voltage vT h is given by the open-circuit

    voltage and the Thevenin impedanceZT h is the impedance

    seen at the electric terminals if all the independent

    sources, here only the pressure generator, are set to

    zero. However, the circuit is not at all convenient for

    attaining a better understanding of, and for analysing and

    optimizing, the microphone behaviour, as the shape of the

    frequency response and the microphones sensitivity are

    determined by the bias conditions, geometrical parameters,

    and damping and dynamic characteristics of the specificmicrophone structure, including the electrical, mechanical,

    and acoustical parts. Damping for instance is due to the

    air-streaming resistance of the air gap, and can be strongly

    reduced by introducing acoustic holes in the backplate.

    Also, a narrow gap is of importance to attain a high

    sensitivity. The stray capacitance Cp between the metal

    case (which is electrically connected to the front plate)

    and the back plate results in a capacitive attenuation of

    the transducer signal and thus a lowering of the sensitivity

    [2]. None of these individual components or others are

    reflected in the Thevenin equivalent circuit. Therefore, a

    more detailed equivalent circuit similar to the one shown

    in figure 9 is required. For this purpose, the acoustic

    signal domain must be included. The effort, flow, and state

    variables in the acoustic domain are respectively given by

    the acoustic pressure pa (N m2), the volume velocity

    (m3 s1), and the volume displacement (m3) [2]. It can

    be shown [2] that, for a system in equilibrium, equalityof the acoustic pressures pi at either side of an acoustic

    junction applies, mathematically formulated as pi= 0.Further, the continuity law states that for the incident

    volume velocities i at a junction the following relationapplies: i = 0 [2]. At this point it is evident thatthe latter two relations form the analogies to KVL and

    KCL, respectively. In the example discussed here, the

    mechanical and the acoustic domain are linked via the


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    Figure 11. An equivalent circuit representation of an electrodynamic (moving-coil) loudspeaker. The acoustic power istransmitted into an acoustic impedanceZa; details ofZadepend on the specific speaker construction and can be found in [2].

    Figure 12. A schematic diagram of an electrostatic comb-driven micromechanical resonator according to Tang et al [14]. (a)A typical layout of a linear resonant plate. (b) An equivalent circuit representation for a zero externally applied mechanicalforce,F

    m= 0. The system behaves like an electrical two-port network. (c) Typical amplitude response plots of the

    transadmittancei2/v1 evaluated for a short-circuited output (v2 = 0), as expressed by (7).

    5.4. Electromechanical series filters employing in-plane

    parallel microresonators

    Electromechanical filters are used for signal processing

    in for instance telecommunication systems which require

    narrow bandwidth (high Q), low loss, good signal-to-

    noise ratio, and stable temperature and aging characteristics

    [3]. Lin et al [15] have recently described a new

    class of passive bandpass electromechanical filters that

    employ laterally driven in-plane resonators (of the type

    that were introduced in the previous subsection), linked

    through coupling springs. The passband characteristics


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    Lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers

    Figure 13. (a) A schematic diagram of a series two-resonator electromechanical filter using electrostatic comb-drivenmicromechanical resonators, according to Linet al [15]. (b) An equivalent circuit representation. Cb represents a parasiticfeedthrough capacitor and/or an intentionally added bridging capacitor. (c) Typical amplitude response plots of thetransadmittancei2/v1 evaluated for a short-circuited output (v2 = 0) and for different values of the coupling spring, asexpressed by (8).

    (centre frequency, shape, and bandwidth) are determined

    by the specific design of the individual filter components.

    Very important in this respect are also the number of

    resonators and coupling springs used [3,15]. In fact, afilter configuration consisting of a single resonator and no

    coupling springs has already been described in the previous

    subsection. A typical response is given by (7) and is

    graphically displayed in figure 12(c). The graph clearly

    shows that the passband characteristics are far from being

    the ideal square shape. Using several resonators that are

    linked through coupling springs is a well known method

    for obtaining better passband characteristics [3].

    An example of a so-called series two-resonator

    filter, with a square truss coupling spring, is shown in

    figure 13(a). The filter consists of two spring-suspended

    masses m1 and m2 that are coupled through a relativelyweak coupling spring kc. Electromechanical coupling to

    each of the masses is accomplished using comb-shaped

    electrostatic transducer elements. The system defines an

    electrical two-port network, that behaves like an electrical

    bandpass filter. The mechanical part of the filter behaves

    like a two-degrees-of-freedom lumped-parameter system,

    having two (closely separated) mode frequencies that are

    determined by the masses m1 and m2 and by the three


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    H A C Tilmans

    springs k1, k2, and kc. Usually, the structure is designed

    such that k1 = k2 = k and m1 = m2 = m. Thetwo mode frequencies are then given by

    (k/m) and

    [(k+ 2kc)/m]. An equivalent circuit representation ofthe filter is shown in figure 13(b). The transduction factors

    and the static capacitors of the transducer elements are the

    same as explained in section 5.3. Damping is represented

    by the viscous resistors c1 and c2, each one associated

    with one of the resonators. Note that the coupling spring

    experiences a displacement (and therefore a velocity) that

    is given by the difference in displacements (velocities)

    of the two masses. This example also illustrates theduality that exists between the equivalent circuit diagram

    of figure 13(b) and the mechanical diagram of figure 13(a)

    (see also subsection 3.3). For instance theseriesconnection

    of the two springmass systems and the coupling spring in

    the mechanical diagram becomes a parallelarrangement in

    the equivalent circuit. The equivalent circuit also includes

    a capacitor Cb which may either represent an unwanted

    feedthrough capacitance between the two electrical ports or

    it may represent an intentionally added bridging capacitor

    used to further shape the passband characteristics [3].

    The filter action is reflected in the transadmittance

    Y (i), defined asi2/v1, which can easily be obtainedfrom the equivalent circuit, either from a direct circuitanalysis or by using circuit simulation software. For a

    symmetrical design (m1 = m2 = m, k1 = k2 = k,c1= c2= c , and 1= 2= ), assuming short-circuitedconditions at the output (i.e., v2= 0) and further in theabsence of capacitor Cb, the transfer admittance can easily

    be obtained directly from figure 13(b), resulting in

    Y (i) ioutvin

    = i2v1

    = i2



    1 + 2kc/k 1

    1 + ick + (i)2m


    1 + ic

    k+2kc + (i)2m


    . (8)

    The two mode frequencies ((k/m) and[(k + 2kc)/m)indicated before are clearly reflected in the above equation.The frequency response Y (i) of this symmetrical design

    is determined by the magnitude of the coupling spring as

    illustrated by the graph of figure 13(c) showing typical

    amplitude response plots. For kc > 0c, the response

    displays two distinct resonant peaks, whereas forkc < 0c,

    only a single resonance is observed. For the transition

    value, kc= 0c, a flat passband is obtained. The lattercondition is generally preferred in practical filter designs.

    The response achieved for k0c = c clearly shows that thepassband more closely resembles the ideal square shape as

    compared to the passband obtained for a single resonator as

    shown in figure 12(c). For more details, reference is made

    to the literature, e.g. [3, 15].

    5.5. Vibration sensors

    Vibration sensors are employed for measurements on

    moving vehicles, on buildings, or on machinery or

    as seismic pickups [1]. The basic principle of

    vibration measurements is simply to measure the relative

    displacement of a mass connected by a (soft) spring to

    the vibrating body. An example of a vibration sensor

    employing an electrodynamic displacement transducer is

    shown in figure 14(a). The transducer detects the mass

    displacement xm relative to the displacement xin of the

    vibrating body. In the equivalent circuit the input motion

    is modelled using an ideal velocity source uin . The

    displacement xin and acceleration ain can be directly

    obtained from the velocity as follows: xin = uin /iand ain = iuin . An equivalent circuit representationof the system in figure 14(a) is shown in figure 14(b).

    The resistor Rs represents the total series resistance of

    the coil and interconnecting wires. Note that the input

    velocity source, the mass m, and the network consisting

    of the series connection of the damper c, the spring k,

    and the mechanical port of the transducer, are subject to

    the same force. In the equivalent circuit this means that

    these three networks are placed in parallel. It is evident

    that the velocity (and thus the displacement) experienced

    by the spring, the damper, and the mechanical port of

    the transducer is given by the difference of the mass

    displacement and the vibrational input, um uin . Fromthe equivalent circuit, the frequency response for velocity

    measurements can now easily be obtained:


    uin =imRL

    2 + ki

    1 + 1





    2RL + Rs+ iL0



    1 + 1Q




    2 = B0l (9)

    where the first approximation applies for very large load

    resistors RL and the second approximation is valid at

    high frequencies, 0. Further, 0 =

    k/m and

    Q = m0/c denote the undamped resonant frequencyand quality factor of the springdampermass system,

    respectively. Typical amplitudefrequency response plots

    are graphically depicted in figure 14(c). The equation above

    illustrates that at very high frequencies ( 0) accuratevelocity measurements are possible since the output voltage

    is directly proportional to the input velocity. At these high

    frequencies the mass practically stays at rest, um 0.For a good design thereof displaying a large bandwidth,

    a low resonant frequency is desired, which can be achieved

    by choosing a soft spring and/or a large (seismic) mass.

    Signals from such transducers can be readily integrated

    electrically to obtain displacement information.

    Finally, it is pointed out that the electrodynamic

    transducer can be replaced by any of the other transducers

    shown in figure 3. The equivalent circuit of figure 14(b) is

    easily adapted to the new configuration by carrying out theappropriate replacements of the transducer circuit enclosed

    by the dashed box in figure 14(b).

    5.6. Systems employing electromechanical feedback

    Electromechanical feedback (or force balancing) is often

    employed for applications requiring a great accuracy [1].

    Instruments employing feedback are even often considered


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    Figure 15. (a) A schematic diagram of a electrostatic force-balanced transducer for the measurement of forces (includingpressures)Fm or accelerationsain. (b) An equivalent circuit representation. The subscripts s and f refer to the sensingcapacitor (the upper one) and the feedback or actuating capacitor (the lower one), respectively. (c) Typical amplituderesponse curves, clearly displaying low-pass second-order filter characteristics.

    parameterKs= 1/CF. Note that the output voltageof the charge amplifier, va= s Ks (xm xin ), is directlyproportional to the relative mass displacement. The analysis

    does not change significantly if the upper-capacitor/charge

    amplifier combination is replaced by another displacement

    sensor, e.g., a differential capacitive detector [1, 16, 17, 19].

    The frequency response function as obtained from the

    equivalent circuit can be expressed as

    H (i) voutFm main

    = As Ksk + As fKs


    1 + 1Q






    11 + 1





    2 1f (10)

    where the first approximation applies for very high closed-

    loop gains, resulting in a large electrical spring constant

    ke As fKs k, and the second approximation is


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    Lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers

    Figure 16. (a) A schematic diagram showing the implementation ofQ-control for a three-port electrostatic comb-drivenmicromechanical resonator according to Nguyen and Howe [20]. (b) An equivalent circuit representation. The subscripts s,f, and in refer to the sense electrode, the feedback electrode, and the driving or input electrode, respectively.

    valid at low frequencies, 0. Further,

    0= 0

    1 + As fKsk


    As fKs


    = 0






    Q= Q1 + As fKsk QAs fKsk= Q





    where 0=

    k/m and Q= m0/c=

    km/c denotethe undamped resonant frequency and quality factor of the

    springdampermass system, respectively. Note that for

    a symmetrical design the bias displacement x0= 0, andthat the transduction factors s andfas well as the static

    capacitors C0s and C0f are equal, respectively given by

    s = f = = 0Aev0/d2 and C0s = C0f = C0 =0Ae/d, as presented in table 2. Moreover, as indicated

    in the equivalent circuit of figure 15(b), it follows that k

    is now given by k= k ks kf= k 2k, where thelatter equality applies for a symmetric design with k =2/C0 (compare table 4). Typical amplitudefrequency

    response plots are graphically depicted in figure 15( c). The

    system displays second-order low-pass filter characteristics.Equation (11) clearly shows that, due to the feedback,

    the bandwidth, compared to a system without feedback,

    is increased by a factor

    ke/k, where ke denotes theelectrical spring constant. Thus, the mechanical spring k

    may be considered to be replaced by an electrical spring

    ke, which offers a greater linearity and accuracy and lack

    of hysteresis. Other advantages of employing feedback

    are the already indicated increased bandwidth, and further


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    Lumped-parameter electromechanical transducers

    The above equations define the terminal voltage and the

    force as being the effort variables at the respective ports.

    The equilibrium values are given by the partial derivatives

    ofWe with respect to the corresponding state variable [8].

    Note that Ft is the externally applied force necessary to

    achieve equilibrium. It is evident that in magnitude it

    is equal to the electrostatic Coulomb force between the

    charged plates of the capacitor, but has opposite direction.

    Also note that the force displays a quadratic dependence

    on the charge, which makes the system non-linear.

    Linearization is commonly accomplished by introducing

    bias or equilibrium conditions. The equations whichdescribe the linear relations between the incremental or

    small-signaleffort variables and state variables, determined

    at the bias point defined by a displacement x0and chargeq0,

    are called the constitutive equations. For the electrostatic

    transducer these are given by

    v(q, x) = v tqt


    q + vtx t



    = (d+ x0)0Ae

    q + q00Ae

    x= 1C0

    q + v0x0

    x (A5a)


    F(q, x)=






    x t



    = q00Ae

    q + 0 x= v0x0

    q + 0 x. (A5b)

    To obtain the very last expressions on the right hand side,

    the following equality was used: q0= C0v0= 0Aev0/x0,wherev0 denotes the bias voltage andC0 denotes the static

    or bias capacitance. It is noted that the bias signals are

    independent of time since they define the static equilibrium


    The ideal transducer described above is not of great

    practical use since it is not stable. This can be reasoned as

    follows. Assume the system is in equilibrium, meaning that

    the externally applied mechanical force is counterbalanced

    by the electrostatic force. Now if, due to some disturbance,the movable plate is displaced a little in the direction of the

    fixed plate (i.e., the negative x direction) while keeping

    the applied voltage constant, the attractive electrostatic

    force will increase a little and becomes somewhat larger

    than the external mechanical force. This will increase

    the displacement of the plate even further, which in its

    turn results in a further increase of the electrostatic force.

    This will go on until the gap spacing is reduced to zero.

    Similarly, if the movable plate were initially displaced a

    little further away from the fixed plate (i.e., in the positive

    xdirection), force equilibrium is again destroyed. Now, the

    mechanical force exceeds the ever decreasing electrostatic

    force and the plate will eventually disappear into infinity.

    Stability is easily attained by including a mechanical spring

    with constantk, e.g., as shown in figure 4. Analytically this

    means that a mechanical energy term must be added to the

    energy function of (A1), resulting in

    Wem= Wem

    qt, xt = q2t

    2C(xt)+ 1


    xt xr2

    = q2t(d + xt)

    20Ae+ 1


    xt xr2


    where xr denotes the rest position of the spring.

    Equation (A4a) is not affected this way, but (A4b) is:


    qt, xt Wem(qt, xt)



    = q2t

    20Ae+ kxt.


    Finally, the second of the constitutive equations, (A5b),

    must be replaced by

    F(q, x) = Ftq t 0

    q + Ftxt 0

    x= q00Ae

    q + kx= v0x0

    q + kx.

    (A8)The constitutive equations (A5a) and (A8) are expressed

    as a relation of the(q, x) type, whereby the state variables

    are chosen as the independent variables. Sometimes it is

    more convenient to choose the voltage and the displacement

    as the independent variables. The electromechanical

    interactions are now described by equations of the (v, x)

    type, given by

    q(v, x) = 0Aed+ x0

    v q0d+ x0


    = 0Aed+ x0

    v 0Aev0(d+ x0)2

    x (A9a)

    F(q, x) = q0d+ x0

    v +

    k q20

    0Ae(d+ x0)


    = 0Aev0(d+ x0)2

    v +

    k 0Aev20

    (d+ x0)3

    x. (A9b)

    It can easily be shown that the equilibrium position of the

    transducer, including the spring k , is, apart from excessive

    bias loads [10], stable. In fact the system is stable as long

    as k > k, where k= 0Aev20 /(d+ x0)3, i.e., the secondterm within parentheses in (A9b).

    Appendix B. Nomenclature

    A beam or diaphragm area (subjected to

    acoustic pressure) [m2]

    Ae effective electrode area (also for the

    electromagnetic transducer) [m2]

    B0 applied bias magnetic induction [T]

    c viscous drag parameter [N s m1]C0 static or bias capacitance of the

    electrostatic transducers [F]

    Cp parasitic capacitance [F]

    d gap spacing at rest, also called the

    zero-voltage gap spacing [m]

    F, F0, Ft incremental, bias (static) and total

    applied mechanical force [N]i, i0, it incremental, bias (static) and total

    current [A]

    k mechanical spring constant [N m1]k spring induced by electromechanical

    coupling effects [N m1]k effective dynamic spring constant

    as a result of electromechanical coupling

    [N m1]


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