lync newsletter n5!

AUTUMN 2012 LYNC LAUNCHES 2013 ACTION-PLAN ! DIRECTLY FROM SOUTH-CAUCASUS ! LYNC NEWSLETTER In November 2012 LYNC held its special meeting in Bakuriani, Georgia. Read in our newsletter why this meeting was N5 SPECIAL PAGE INSIDE: LYNC IS 1 YEAR OLD! and who where our guests on this meeting! LYNC is celebrating its 1 year old !!! 400 days of LYNC: Caucasian youth shaping the future. We are glad to share with you our report on the meeting held by LYNC team and newcomers in Bakuriani November 2012 with guidance of JULIs and Friedrich Naumann Foundation. The 16 th of November 2012 was the 4irst day of the seminar on “LYNC‐Caucasian Youth Shaping the Future”. The introduction session was very interesting because of the new format of the energizer. People were being divided into groups based on the questions that one of the trainers had prepared (elder or younger then 22, single or in a relationship, those who have been in Germany and those who younger then 22, single or in a relationship, those who have been in Germany and those who have not). New participants and old members of LYNC were sharing their thoughts about LYNC activities during that one year of the experience and future plans. Experienced members told the story of LYNC, how it was founded, new participants had the chance to share their 4irst impression about the community and how they learnt about it, which seminars they participated in. Hrach Ghambaryan took them for a short, guided tour through the LYNC history and later the LYNC team answered the questions of intrigued new participants. After that the participants had a session called in a very funny way WAWATALA, which combined in fact two different way WAWATALA, which combined in fact two different parts of the discussion (WWW and TALA, i.e. “What Went Well” and “To Take A Look At”). The participants were divided into three local groups and started working on the estimation of their own work and the job done on international level. The presentations of the local LYNC teams on this issue were needed for other participants to 4ind out what were the actual problems in other countries and what were the main achievements. Presentation from Georgia Georgian team mentioned the opportunity to represent LYNC in Gummersbach, as a noticeable achievement. Georgian participants shared their thoughts on the need to PR LYNC in the Caucasus, spread information among more young LIKE US:

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In November 2012 LYNC held its special meeting

in Bakuriani, Georgia. Read in

our newsletter why this meeting was



and who where our guests on this

meeting! LYNC is celebrating its 1

year old !!!

400 days of LYNC: Caucasian youth shaping

the future.

We are glad to share with you our report on the meeting held by LYNC

team and newcomers in Bakuriani November 2012 with guidance of JULIs

and Friedrich Naumann Foundation.

  The  16th  o f November  2012 was  the  4irst  day of  the  seminar  on “LYNC‐Caucasian 

Youth  Shaping  the  Future”.  The introduction  session  was  very interesting because of the new format of  the  energizer.  People  were  being divided  into  groups  based  on  the questions that one of the trainers had prepared  (elder or  younger  then  22, single  or in a  relationship,  those who have been in Germany and those who 

younger  then  22,  single  or  in  a relationship,  those  who  have been in Germany and  those who have not). New participants and old  members  of  LYNC  were sharing  their  thoughts  about LYNC  activities  during  that  one year of the experience and future plans.  Experienced  members told  the  story  of  LYNC,  how  it was  founded,  new  participants had  the  chance  to  share  their 4irst  impression  about  the community and how they learnt about  it,  which  seminars  they p a r t i c i p a t e d  i n .  H r a c h Ghambaryan  took  them  for  a short,  guided  tour  through  the LYNC history and later the  LYNC team  answered  the  questions of intrigued new participants.

After that  the  participants had a session  called  in  a  very  funny w a y  WAWATA L A ,  w h i c h combined  in  fact  two  different 

way WAWATALA, which  combined  in fact  two  different  parts  of  the discussion  (WWW  and  TALA,  i.e. “What  Went  Well”  and  “To  Take  A Look  At”).  The  participants  were divided  into  three  local  groups  and started working on  the estimation of their own work and  the  job  done  on international level. The presentations of  the  local LYNC teams on this issue were  needed  for  other participants to 4ind out what  were  the  actual problems  in  other countries  and  what w e r e  t h e  m a i n achievements. 

Presentation from Georgia

Georgian  team  mentioned  the opportunity  to  represent  LYNC  in Gummersbach,  as  a  noticeable achievement.  Georgian  participants shared their thoughts on  the need to PR  LYNC  in  the  Caucasus,  spread information  among  more  young 


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LYNC  engaged  those  who  are new to the  liberal ideology. That might be done via seminars and other  activities.  LYNC  should work  more  act ively  with political  parties  and  provide them with new working tools. 

Presentation from Azerbaijan

Azerbaijani  team  mentioned their  experience  of  organizing regional  seminars  in  Baku, Sumgait  and  other  regions  of A z e r b a i j a n .  T h ey  h a d  a campaign  called  “Free  Future” to  suppor t  t he  po l i t i c a l prisoners.  They  have  also  had open discussion in Baku and on this  “Mobilizing  young  people” meeting  representatives  from E u r o p e a n  p a r l i a m e n t participated.  Azerbaijani  team t r i e s  t o  s e l e c t  a c t i v e participants  from  local  events and  keep  in  continuous  touch with them. Their partners in the regions were Musavat party,  six other  liberal  organizations  in Azerbaijan.

W e a k n e s s e s :  L a c k  o f responsibility.  Some  members did  not  respect  the  main working  schedule  of  LYNC Azerbaijani  team  by  organizing something  different  in  the country.  LYNC  used  to  have skype  cal ls  formerly  and currently the team feels the lack o f  t h o s e  c a l l s  w h i l e c o m m u n i c a t i n g .  T h e Azerbaijani and Armenian team have  a  separate  challenge  to think  about  concerning  the political  relation  between  two countries and LYNC has to think how  to  approach  and  react  to this  question.  Possibly  for avoiding  lack of  information  on the  local  events  and  personal opinions  about  them,  it  might be  good  to  appoint  certain p e o p l e  w h o  c o u l d  b e responsible  for  posting  news from  three  countries  in  the Facebook group. 

Azerbaijani participants had the idea  to  invite  Georgian  LYNC members  in  cooperation  with FNF to their local events, which would  keep  the  team  in  touch 

more  actively.  Though  this practice  is  not  suitable  to  be realized  between  all  three countries equally.

Presentation from Armenia

The  Armenian  team  of  LYNC mentioned  that  they  meet continuously  in  Yerevan.  And the  fact  that  they  are  friends and  keep  in  touch  all  the  time makes  it  easier  to  organize something.  The  team  just  gets together and decides what to do and shares the responsibilities.

Armenian  team has also a  good recruiting  mechanism.  It  has i nd iv i dua l  p a r t ne r s  and organizations,  NGOs,  think‐tans that it works with. Two months ago  LYNC  Arm  organized  an event  with  Woman  Rights Center  which  included  also  a street action on gender issues. 

The  Armenian  members  of LYNC  have  opportunity  to represent  LYNC  internationally on  var ious  youth  events (Germany,  USA,  Moldova , Hungary  etc.).  But  Armenian team  has  a  problem  to  4ind long‐term motivated people and keep  them  being  motivated  all the time.

Then  followed  the  input  from Yasemin  Pamuk  concerning cooperation  between  FNF  and LYNC  with  the  idea  on  the further  action  plan.  Later  two participants from each country were invited to share the news and last events of their countries to keep other participants up to date about the collective situation within the region. The discussion intrigued the participants with the opportunity to ask question concerning this events directly to those who come from the country of origin.

Mrs  Pamuk  referred  to  two m a j o r  i s s u e s  t h a t  t h e participants mentioned:

‐  Relation  with  FNF  altogether, being  more  independent  from FNF;

‐  Activities  of  LYNC  are  not perceived  by  FNF.  Local  events meet  no  interest  from  the  side o f  t h e  f o u n d a t i o n . 

The  central  part    that  is combining  the  three  circles  is important  for  FNF.  Somehow the  bilateral parts also do.  The local  parts  are  ok,  but  not  the centre  of  attention.  FNF  is willing  to  support  locally,  but more  important is the Centre. If LYNC  gives  FNF  the  Centre,  it can  easily  require  support  on t h e  l o c a l  l e v e l .  H r a c h Ghambaryan’s  remarks was  the following: “If we do not have the circles,  we  will  not  have  the overlapping part of the graphic.”

FNF  suggested  doing  two  local seminars  in  Azerbaijan  and Armenia  in  February  before  a joint  seminar  in  Georgia.  LYNC can  build  the  program  of  the seminar. The idea of Mrs Pamuk is  to choose  the  same  program for the  local  events. FNF would look  forward  to  the  list  of poss ib l e  top i c s  o f  th ree countries and the concept of the program.  FNF  is  open  for proposals.  Besides  that,  FNF would  also  need  the  list  of LYNCers  of  three  countries, which  would  also  include  the names  of  those,  who  are  ready to  join  the  meetings  at  the appointed time sharp.

T h e  6  w o r k i n g  g r o u p s introduced  the  results  of  their work,  moderated  by  the  JuLis members.  With  their  help  the groups  concretized  the  main tasks  that  LYNC  faces  in  their special  sphere  and  gave  their suggestions  on  what  could  be done next. The new participants of  the  seminar  were  also engaged  into  the  working 

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groups,  and  this  fact  gave them  an  opportunity  to  decide which group would they want to continue working with. The experienced LYNC staff members and those who were engaged in the works of LYNC formerly, had

the chance to finally raise the main challenges that LYNC faced during one year. There were some issues mentioned that seemed to be quite tough for the members to approach because of the political situation and relations between

member countries, but this time the LYNC team was confident to discuss them tet-a-tet to prevent further possible conflicts during online cooperation.

Photo Story by Arman Karakhanyan


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Ha!y Bi"hday, LYNC!

Welcome to the LYNC Birthday Party Page!

Your Cake!

Yummy !Your Drink ! ;)

Our DJ !

LYNC ;)Party People !

Page 5: LYNC Newsletter N5!

LYNC continues sharing its word and ideas via Facebook posters

campaign !

What do we stand for?

As socially active, quite well educated,professional youth with skills and deep

knowledge of liberalism and liberal values, we mobilized our power for

activating regional cooperation based on individual !eedom, tolerance and

equal rights.We strongly hope that our initiativewill greatly contribute to the peace

making process, dialogue ofcivilizations, will have a great impacton !ee market development, political

and social !eedom establishment.We will be very glad to share our ideasand experience with increasing amount of newly engaged, interested readers and

potential members of LYNC.

We are looking forward to your liberal word !

[email protected]

Share your idea with us and join our campaign !