lynn legacy 5.1.1

Download Lynn Legacy 5.1.1

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Lynn Legacy


Arbutus & Remington

Armaranth & Kaylynn

Ivy & Payton

Randy & Meadow

Roadrunner & Tara

Liam & Venus

Finch & Jade

Oriole & Wren

Lark & Payton

Nene & Holden

Mom, I thought you said you were going to build us a greek house, not plop down something from the lot bin! Not to mention how you left us with the bill!

What, you don't like it? I didn't have the time to build from scratch, but at least I fully furnished it, and with good furniture. And you need to learn financial responsibility. After using your scholarship and inheritance money it should take only three exams with everyone earning A+s to get enough grant money to finally pay it off.

What if we wanted to use all that money for something! And on top of everything, there's a ghost here, too.

Who died?

Some dumb cheerleader who got herself stuck in the corner between the coffee table, chair, and couch. She starved to death. So not only do we have to pay for the house and pay the bills on our own, we have to pay for groceries to feed a hungry ghost.

Stop complaining. Bills and groceries aren't that bad, and you'll have plenty of money after you pay off the mortgage.

And if you hate this ghost so much, put the tombstone out of the way so it can't get in.

Would the small area between the second floor and the first floor roof work? Because that's where we moved it.'

I was thinking more on the other side of a river, but see if that works. Bye!

Great, she hung up on me, Sarah grumbled.

She hung up on me before I could finish complaining! Sarah complained to her brothers. I didn't get a chance to ask her to look for some other sims we could control.

Can't we just not control them and say we did?


Sarah sat up and glared at the ceiling. I hate it when you do that, Mom!

The listening in to your conversations part or the joining your conversations part?


Well, paying attention to my sims is part of my job as a creator. And if no one controls them things will get bad, trust me. So you have to. Besides, the practice will be good for you.

Fine, we'll practice, Logan grumbled.


Hi Dad. No, everything's fine. It's just Grandma told me to see if there was anyone named Venus, or with blue skin, and I found someone in the college directory...

You found Venus?!? Tell Fir right away.

Okay, bye.

Hi Uncle Fir. I found someone in the college directory named Venus and Dad told me to call you. Coincidentally, she lives with Loon, Pheasant, and Quail.

You found Venus?!? But she's supposed to be dead... Are you sure she's the right Venus? I'd think Loon, Pheasant, and Quail would've known to mention something when they met her...

I don't know, maybe they thought since Venus is supposed to be dead this was a different Venus.

You're right. Well, can you find out for sure if it is?

Sure, I can probably get her over here for a party since she's staying with them.

But how do I know if she's the right Venus?

Ask her about her family life. Tosha mentioned a suspicion Opal might have faked the death, so see if her mom sounds anything like Opal. And I'll email you a picture of her mom, so if she looks like her- or me- that's another good sign.

And if she's the right Venus?

Then tell me.


So he's found Venus, has he? Good work Liam. We just need a little more time. Think you can delay the party, or prevent her from going? And you did seduce her, as we planned?

Of course I did. As for the party, I think I can come up with something.

Good. She'll trust you then since you're dating. But just in case your party plan fails or they come up with another plan, I'll have her come for a visit home soon. I was hoping we could wait till she was an adult so it'd be more likely to work, but I didn't get this far only to be stopped. We might just have to take a risk.

What if it doesn't work? We'll be back to square one. Save that for if I'm not going to be able to get her through college unnoticed.

Fine, I'll give you a chance to work things out on your own.

You won't regret this.

Make sure I don't, and tell me if everything's not going perfectly. Bye.


There is so much that could go wrong here. Now that the word's out there's a Venus on campus they'll all be trying to see if she's the right Venus, and Liam won't be able to stop them all. I should've changed her name. Opal spent the rest of the evening worrying like this. But she didn't think about her real fear; What if he starts to like her, like Talin and Keiko? What if I also have to kill him?

Meanwhile, Fir was pacing. If Venus was alive... He remembered the prophecy his mother had told him. The seed shall live, despite what will be heard, he whispered. Could it mean Venus? Could she really be alive?

He tried to remember the rest. Something about life coming from earth and fire, or else the river would lose its power? But what did earth, fire, and the river refer to?

He looked down at his blue skin. Were the Lynns the river? Or the legacy they were a part of?

But then earth and fire probably referred to red and green skin, and as the previous generation had decided at the prophecy meeting, Anina and Tynan having Otieno would've fulfilled that part of the prophecy.

Fir felt a sense of urgency and frustration at that moment. The urgency came from this feeling that he needed to solve the prophecy soon, and the frustration from the fact that he couldn't.

Maybe he should hold another meeting. Maybe this generation of Lynns and Flynns could solve it, unlike their parents.

Well, it's worth a shot.

From the beginning the meeting looked very different. Cactus had taken the spot Tristessa might have had if she was alive, and with Rosemary in the hospital they'd had to ask Chickadee and Alejandro to come instead.

But as with the last meeting, it began with the reciting of the prophecy.

'All will be lost if you don't heed my words/The seed shall live, despite what will be heard/new life must come from earth and fire/or the river will be drained of its power' Fir said.

Looking around the room he continued. I think the seed might be Venus. Keiran says he thinks she might be alive, even living with Loon, Quail, and Pheasant. The theory is Opal kidnapped her after faking her death. Keiran is trying to figure out if she's the right Venus, but meanwhile I think we should try and figure out the rest of the prophecy.

In the last meeting I believe that Pao made the hypothesis that the red strand of HSMS and the green strand of HSMS were fire and earth, but then concluded Otieno would've fulfilled that part of the prophecy. The green strand has died out though, but the red strand is still alive in Keiran. It's possible he or one of his future descendants could be fire.

Then who's earth? You said it yourself, it can't be the green strand.

I thought about that, too. The only other creature with green skin is an evil witch, and many have been members of the Lynn greek house; Gina, Opal, Talin, and this generation I believe there's an evil witch named Liam in the Lynn greek house? I also have a theory as to why they've been plaguing the Lynns. They're all descendents of Nathan, trying to fulfill his goal in ending the Lynn legacy.

Everyone looked at Cactus. Her logic was sound, except in one point; why would a descendent of Nathan marry a descendent of Ina?

Randy, didn't you say Tristessa told you once that Keiko had been engaged to Talin, and that he'd died because of it? And that was after the prophecy. Were they supposed to fulfill it by having a child?

If that's true, we must resurrect them. But which one of our kids wouldn't mind getting a job in the paranormal career track?

Arbutus wouldn't mind, and as heiress her kids would have full use of the Lynn fortune to resurrect them when they have their turn in college!

Now that there was a plan, the meeting ended, giving Lyndsay the chance to inform her daughter of her role in this plan.

Hi, Arbutus. First of all, I'm sure you'll be happy to know you're heiress.

Really?!? Thanks, Mom!

There's more. I know you're dream is to have six grandchildren, so you don't care what job you have, right?

I kind of wanted to be a stay at home mom, but I guess I could have a job for a while.

Good, it's only until you get the career reward anyway. We need you in the paranormal career track to get a resurrect-o-nomitron so we can resurrect Talin and Keiko.

Okay, but why?

We think they're important to the prophecy. And they need to have a baby, so make sure when they're resurrected it's not cheap.

Okay. Bye.


Rosemary sat up and pushed the sheets off her, feeling a bit confused and disoriented.

She turned and saw Ethan, and the memories came back to her.

Ian. The gun. He'd- he'd shot her.

You shouldn't get up, was the first thing Ethan said. You might get a bit dizzy.

Rosemary nodded, but she didn't lie back down.

So, your awake, Demi said as she walked in. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?


First of all, do you remember who shot you?

It... was my ex-boyfriend. Ian Fancey.

Dorian, she woke up and confirmed that Ian's our man. Have you made any progress?

It looks like he's fled the country, but the trail hasn't cooled down yet. We still have a chance to catch him.

Good. And we have enough evidence against him when you do catch him.

Yep. Now I've gotta get back to investigating. Bye!

So, what have I missed?

Besides your birthday? Not much. The kids are doing well in college, and I know they'll be happy to know you're doing better and want to come visit. The doctor said he thinks you'll get to come home soon, too.

But Rosemary was feeling restless. She wanted to go home now, and get back to her normal life.

The police officer said she thought that they could catch Ian. Does that mean I'll have to testify?

Not if you don't want to.

Hi Lark, we're having a party Friday night, if you or Nene or anyone else wants to come.

I'll ask them, but I can't. I have a date.

Really, with who?

My boyfriend, Payton Menon.

Oh, well have fun! Ivy hung up the phone. She'd gone on a date with Payton, but he hadn't called her since and apparently he'd already moved on.

Instinctively she dialed the number of her friend Jack.

Hi, Jack, can you come over?

Thanks for coming, Ivy hugged Jack.

Tears forming in her eyes she told Jack about Payton.

Jack hugged her again, unsure of what else to do.

Jack leaned forward and kissed Ivy...

I'm sorry, was that too... Jack blushed and looked down.

No, Ivy smiled. And don't be sorry.