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    21 2amir ,S. "On the Notion of the Value for Games with Infinitely Many

    Stages". Annals of Statistics, Vol. I, pp. 791-796, 1973.

  • adaptive control

    absolutely expedient

    absorbing barrier

    absorbing state

    artificial intelligence

    Arzela-Ascoli theorem

    asymptotically stable

    asymptotic variance

    backward product

    Bayesian games


    Borel-Cantelli lemona

    Brownian motion process


    central limit theorem

    Cesara sum

    Chapman-Kolmogorov equation

    characteristic function

    compact Markov Process

    compactness method

    complete information

    control of a ~arkov chain

    control policy


    12, 255

    5, 66

    8, 74




    29, 120, 209








    22, 37



    39, 40

    145, 165

    10, 110, 125

    l38, 161



  • convergence in distribution

    convergence with probability one

    co-operative games


    decentralized routing

    delayed state observation

    descriptive approach

    direct method

    distance diminishing


    ergodic algorithm

    ergodic kernel

    event space

    evolution of mean variance


    experimenter-subject controlled models


    Hctitious play

    Fokker-Plank equation

    game matrix

    games with common fund



    100, 109


    138, 198





    8, 18, 36, 144


    9, 19

    18, 66, 145, 165



    5, 43







  • Helly selection theorem

    heuristic programming

    hierarchical structure


    imperfect information

    incomplete information

    indirect method

    inductive inference

    information transfer

    invariant set

    jump Markov Process

    learning algorithm

    learning automaton

    linear inaction-penalty

    linear interpolation

    linear reward-inaction

    linear reward-penalty

    Lipschitz condition

    Lipschitz derivative

    Markov chain

    Markov diffusion process

    Markov process


    mean learning curve






    11, 138

    11, 138









    44, 110, 115


    11, 35


    37, 173, 204




    117, 240

    64, 184, 204

  • method of characteristic

    mixed strategies


    multimodal optimisation

    multimodal performance

    multi-teacher environments


    non-eo-operative games

    non-linear reward-inaction

    non-linear reward-penalty

    normal distribution

    one step optimal

    one step E-optimal


    optimal, E-

    optimal strategies

    pattern recognition


    perfect co-operative

    p'erfect information

    lYerformance measure

    prediction algorithm

    prescriptive approach

    ~rohorov's theorem

    pure s tra tegies




    11, 169





    19, 172




    21, 36, 40

    5, 42, 67, 84, 89,










    2, 4





  • 278


    random environment

    random systems with complete connection

    regular function

    relative compactness


    Saddle Point

    Semi Markov Process

    Sequential game

    Sequential sampling



    Single ergodic class

    Skew symmetric matrix

    State space

    Statistical inference

    Stochastic approximation

    Stochastic automaton

    Stochastic Programming

    Stochastically closed

    Strongly £-optimal

    Sub martingale

    Sub regular function


    Super martingale

    16, 107










    16, 108




    4, 6


    2, 109





    66, 75

    80, 148


    ll3, 155

  • Super regular function

    Symmetry condition

    Taylor series expansion

    team problem

    telephone network


    time varying learning algorithm

    topologically closed

    transition matrix

    two-armed bandit

    two-person team problem

    two-person zero sum games


    unit vector

    Von-Neumann value

    weak convergence

    zero sum game


    80, 148





    124, 130









    138, 170, 171

    110, 122
