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a s V o ii'N O . 166 , •iWITIES : i:iEEiossiB " MiG WD^ ' '" ■ conf' , Livestock, Fencing and Pouitry Listed in Loot Tai<en, Offioi- 9 als Say, by Tliree iVlen; Two . J Arrested , ■'' ' " (mro SEABCHOF SUSPECTS’ RANCH REVEAL-S BOOTY a.tt •, IcfCI git, Amc SjrijlcmiUIe thioVet7 operalionr, ctjv won aUfrlflU In foar countics inelnd’ in« Twin Fall*, afo nlloRcd by Bhoriff I’S. E. Bkcnnnn, Two roon aro under ar- _ ro4t veuiod of the (bofts. another Is lil . beinR MURht by authoritic* ot thl* [ill . vroQnty, Qooabg, Slmoco and Slioi^ono IUI AeauntiM. IBI ^ Tho meo ttoder arroat are Oordon and Lowii. Another man noaei Lewis 1; •Mill to ha»e oinded-eaptoTo. The Moon- tain n«m« Jail holds the eaptlvos. Oorend Wld» Beop^ Boof cattle, pJg*,“'linmea8, saddles, Atit — rtofl, ft ihot^joD, woven wire, nnd posji- j V bly poDlf^ ore cnumorntod la the whedultf of proporty cAld to have been putloinsd liy tbo men named. Much of tho booty wna roeoverod at Ihc home q] of IvOWls, wroBs thn river from ' Kinjr BiH, by libcrift* vrnd olher nn- ' j-tkftrHiiifl or OoodlnR, Elmore, Bhoshono * ‘*nd Trin FalK-eonnties. Tho staff la 7M\*V^ to hnvo been l,oc#tcd in nn nprwr ^^flhaabor in tho Lowia farm resldoneo. Tn nddffi'on a jorvcy of tho /arm, whfeh la not c()>eTntfla ns a produto RrowlnR inafUntinn,- it is related, revcnlorl the prrnencp of n largo nunl-or of enttio J*' bMor, rcfnio, and evon front quarters »tiir of beef, OTidently domped into the erovieo na a Jaeans of toraporary eon- toni i^conlm.'nt In tho bnmynrd ISO tarkoys Rcn< '^foraRotl for'ft livinp. NelRhbora, it ihn •l»*anl(l, Aavo in/ormfd thojintlioriUos Jon that tho Lewia brothers, ns ftir na they tcd know.«dld not ralin or purchase any T • of thcM birii. 4 ,f xi f in tho oppor chnmlior of tho IjowIs «l ^ home a largo «nd varyloR asforlmcnt era- ^ o f hftrnoaa, aaddiea aud a«A wtro dlt- Veovered. tThere wore 14 aets of harji- j, ^ - ew ana «h Mddlssirad a'ebotjt^D, mv- of t M%1 toll* at w«vw wlto and 18 m ta of i tf Mofl were fonad fookod In a jrraatn- net •a.l eosl ih o l .. ' ■'-OUtU# stealta* AUeged. of' Arrest of Oordon and Lew^i was modo on a wamant uincd for eatlfo ^ »i|)*toalini{. Qordon wac taken at Moun* ® ^ tain Homo by Sheriff Stovona of that nUat. Lowia woa arrostod at hia fnrm by Glnore eonnty anthorities. Arn Thrco piga, miisioR from a raneh noar|*°™ Huhl, hovo not .been rocovorod. Th? mnn utiJer arrest nnd tho one yet at <iah; larRp, ore anjpocted of raaking away lho <^w ith this Jlrfi»foek._ flhoriff Sharmajj- a «t «Oitales Cordon nnd the ,Lewl» brothora kavo boen aolllnif droased boof about M E t thft_ country. With the' oieoptton of t# o ’aot» of harness nil rueh aquipmeiH- „ fonnd tt tho hewh plnco, fogelbcr wKh r f ' rioter and alfalfa, seed U re hcon fo w l to belonjr lo Twin Fulls cfionty r^sl- _ deatj nt follows: L. E. Mnrell, one'aet 0 of harnfM! J, H.,Hardesty, one «ot hsncsr; 0. B. fiamnoi, oae set barn* ^ «s; t» V. Bonaor, ono sat bamesa; P. — W. Argflo, ono set liaracss; 0. . "Whitn,, two (toeks red elovor aeod; .T, U ., Harwell, alx aicki nlfnlfa aood, ■) Oooding tonnty alone U thoxt six tela •f haraera. Tho auspceted men, il U said, will be A tn a eattlo steaUnu charge, tad shoulr) thia fail a new JnfonaairoD wlJ bo filotl flffilniit them in one or anothor of tho font Mintlc* {BtotMrtod cbMg^n<j , grand larccny, jt is atated by local on- " thoritlei ^ 1 •• UoAawhUo M irth if belog mado for tko othor Lewis brothor, and hia arrest ^ u oj^weted MOB. * J I B i i Throo Olarfca of JfiiroffrMrfao J Provo UnaTttiliDg Against ti Va-olt Doora .FEJIOMB (0pe^in)>,-^er«ne eauaty . ^thoritic; aro todny arareblnir for ^Bgm eti who cotly Friday aoralBg »t. ^ ‘tompted to tntcr the vnnlt of tho Ba- ® wlion Stato bank br exploding throe ® ^«rgo« of Bllrogtyccrioo at ils doon. P Tho heavy explosion did conaldornblc' I da«ARe to tho interior of tho bank » ^ btuldlng but flailed to ojHin tho way tl to tho bank's attong box. Tho detoan- __ J tfon shook the entiro town and awnk- onod the boali'i ofheiali who aolltled IA! Bhoriff ITbito at Jirrooo, T he hew s Krtsaas to tbo fans of tho ooauQimit^ a eotdi&l inTitatlba' to share to- morrow In lho AsBOolatod trom J5' pluy by piny alory of tho foirtli «» g«mo of lho world’s sorios. Tho >>»' ■ttfflo ^ervloo that has horoio- fore boon ffiven Hio Hows an covering lho aorios will So glv. eia< o» for tomonow’a gamo. Kr«l w topatoleH wffl bo reooivod at iX :30 o'e!oo& a. 10., Ipoal timo, tat PAI Japanese Demands |||| Disarmament for yU V. territories Doan of Imperial Law Sohool Calls for Free Trade and Ifotitral Panama Caoal tokio , yp) — DSsnrmMnont of Ain- rricno trrrltorlos in tho I’acific should bo UfRcd by Jnpaii at the Washington confcTcntc, ilctlnrctl Dr. Baburo Yama- ' da, dean of tho Imp«riat University of non Ilaw, in on addrers boforo tho National ?p55«y nssorifltSoB here lart night. Jlo a also urged freo trade In tho Pacfric , ond the DCiitriUizatlon of tho Pnnatno J can'M, . Amerirn trnji neeuaed by Dr. Uahimi- " Imro Kubayoithi of “ selfishly implant- Ing lier influence In Clilnn, nnd .induc- ing Cfcinn to . rely upon_J.&B_ilni(od tw Stritcs At tho'espcnno-of Jnpanbsc lo- wi terest*.'- lio Jnrlsiod n feature of go Atnetka't "crafty courtship ot Chioj ” fi) wos ths Inciting of bad fooling among Al the Chineao ngninjl tho Japaneie- Tt through the Bhnntung question. ^ wi IHfliiTlS i IDIEiSTii:= ____.a. QOVI Anthorization for. Walkouts if Deemed JToocsflary is Put H Up at Eeforendum tent: ___ «P.lt . OMAHA, Nol,., ,a,.ilon »f ','X , nutlioriatag lho general oxccuHvo board thi- , of tho Aninlgmiiatod Moat CmterB aod drni I Butcher Waritnicns’ union of North f»r , America to call a atrlko in lho packiog nre , industry If tho board deems such action thn , neccRsary waa boforo packing j.lnnt om- . ployea of tho nation on » roforondum I voto todny. , •' I iJfllJottfng hero nnd fllsowhoro will *1W< I start nt 1 o'cloek this afternoon and slbli I wili be completed, It Ih oxpccted, early but tonight. Ballots will bo fonrardod to nf<' r general hoadquartora in Chicago aod ; thli result nnnounccd thore. UotU on- I ion and non-union tnun tvUl bo permit- I’"*' ' tcd to voto. according to union loaders. Tho roforondum follows tho failoro ®'’° ‘ of wloti leadert'to negotiate a nation- ttt working agreement with (ho pack- ; cra-to tako iho ploco of that which « • “I*' last ScptcmbM W. Tlio purpose P'’*’,* • i#,-lf.r.<Jctfl;n2}n(f.irljflt JJfo raa k ani] file ' fif lbeiaifia #iJB'Tfa6"oStheqtt«llM^ » of a^thortotf^bo exeeutWe to ,u. net to protect tho Intem U ot tho work- ort oeeordiag to J. W. Buma, aocrotary „i?i of tbo onion'■ dlrtrlet council nomber fi, who recently said a wago reduction , was Btared by Morris and Cotapany. ' Opposition to tho raforend^n was 1 voted •roeently by about forty omployo ^ representatives of Swift an<l Oomptof, j.j Annour and Company and tho Cudahy f company hero, according ot II. B. Unrt- p^ui ; nett, ropresontlng employes,on n. Cu- ^ t dahy plant'conforoneo bootd, ont of > tho contontioRB bolng thi|t tho tlmo for 1- A striko was'unpropitioua, ^ I ~ • the 1 MIWIAl OOKumOH dUESnOKED Jy J Boyo Wndo of the Wnshingtoa bnrn, velo J Bocond uvenuo south. In hold by eounty Cub| . fluthoritles for Invcstigntion'to dotor mer . mine hii mental condition. Wado w u n 5 taica up Thunday, Ifo is ubout 3S —' ^ years of ago. FLASHES FHO^ . ' ’WAjemWOJfcK, Week ; U) 'peimlt army aliplases to pattlclpue Iz U l objeetloiu on lack of personnel, m atnt mlUtaiy staBdpoiat of testing tbo speed oi : loa U fccceptad « tlw final word on tho '.ahoitld enter thoPaUtxsr races at Omaha. [ OHXaAjJO. {ff’J-F o r two yeara, Carl i wltlt the t294,0(K) maU robbery at Whltlnt oat^thB vest nsdet hia ova faniw, g«,TQ ot hU stun ot t&« fflaaajr,'amouoti^ tg ot supected. This vas tbe itory he told letom ban yeitesdi^ a&d hia n u t l e t ' Applied for aid to hlf /ather, who called a ^ WHiMIHGTOK, K. 0., yp)—TWattiea I yonng man of tU s dty. -who not only grlc I .ied"hlialaat8atnrdBr.«era8radiuU7Cffi hU ha:e and beaxty r^appftmnce, that t lotzsed that the body of another man ba< e aide iba rallnad track at Uhliin^ S. O, la tliled by frtesdi aa hli own. He hurtled h ••hia" boiial, which waa held by lantern b . PABIS, M T-william B. Leoda. Jr.. soi J and the lata WilllBiiiB. Leeds, th e ‘'tin pl pnacesi Zeaia, nieee cf Elng OonitaBtiflo. J, ceremony hen at fotn O'clock this aftcmo{ Q cmd daughter of Orand Doke Mikhallorl I. Prlacoes Marla OeonrtoTna of Otooce, a « e Leedi nnd tha pZlnceo ore 10 yoan of age ^ will occur, the fln t at tho American chnrtl r third At the So»ian chonli, UAPAN HftS SUGGESTIONS M t . Acceptance ot Ansrlcan Agenil& Tlth Pn Proposali for Addiuom Likely . TOKIO, — Japan probably will B accept fho Ameriean agenda for the « ’ ® Waahington confcreBcp on llraifnUon of con tl mwuneut aad Fat Ewtota ^MR««vut, elw 0 but may nggejt nddltlons to^f.'nt- nid ^ cording to information in rcsponiiMe of elrtlta heie.,' Tfcese adJltlon* woult\ fan B nrold concrete qaeitlons bot would in- nt «. elodo. gonerai prisdples such as equal clat J opportnnity throngh the ont&j Paclfle. C5jf X The agenda w u dlscotsed tiy tbe eabl- elu ;* net today aad wiD be labolttfd to tie ear: aarlwry wnasel on Veaday. a;it THE ONLY ASSi LLS TWIN FAU.8, IDAHO. SATO liDECiS / mfCLisr m iJ iK g Denies Relationships Strained and Sees Uo Reason Why Japan and America Cannot Arrive at Understanding TOKIO, (flV-Talk of trouWo bo- L twcos the United Btatos-and Japan, waa deprecated by Leonard Wood, goremor . general of. the ^hlUp- _ {dnns, io an address before the Amcrlctn-Japan society here o h '' ^ Thnnday night He insisted there WAS no reason why Japan and Am- • orlci*Ihonld bo unable to arrire at an andentandlng oa all polats npon'- whleh there is the slightest dla- agreomeot, and declared tbat there wero DO misnndontandlng betvton ol the tvb 'countiles. "T litie Ivtui been n great deni of IflORi- nnd foolish tnlk nliout troublo be- tween Amoricnn and J a tu .” aaid. i Governor Wood, “ nut nil thlf ia nou- I ai’nae. J. tiiink I kmm- tho Amorlcnn l>enple wc\l,';n«d 1 iim certain tbnt on ° their ('“fl tliero ix no desiro nnd no in- *■ tention to dwell in any but tho friend- •’ llp.iturclatSona witb their nelghbora of ^ .Tnpan. The flng* of Japan nnd the )' United BtntM atond wid by aide in | the great wnr in the bflltle for fair drnling Iwtwi-on nntlona nnd reapeet f»r the right* of umaller pooploir. Thoy ' are going (o atntid toRCthor nlwnya on thn side of righl. ' Bolationa Kot Strained. t •‘l/ici.- nnd idle'reports liy irrcspoij. t (iilih- iicri-oHS linvo lieen InrROly respon- iiiible for this talk of iitrninod rolntionf f but our rdfl.lionfi nrn hot attained, and ^ nro going nlwnya to be good., Amcrl- •• leans wnnt td build up trnde nnd * ' 'merrP, bul welcome open and fair com- c petition. Amoricann nre auro tho Jnp- lanfse nfit only the same. Them ii room Icnouu'n fnr nil In honornblo rompoti- c jtlnn. •' I " It would be Jl' terrible reflection R I upon iiiodcrn eivilliatlou. if two groat • * ipooplor like-thoae of Japna ,aod the ,t Itlnltrd Btato* could not-get together J hftroandMhe>«4B^eneA>b6K^>«ul-«t-: He.BllporjiKlVftlli of theV^Hfitml- (les. NVe eimaot Mde tho faet, of I course, that RWat Issues way arian that s wlli cballongo all onr-will and diplom- ney to reaeh a solution, bnt thero seema ' to be. rothing ia fho prcBcnt alinatlon ,f bctwooa Japan oad Amcrica Justifying t even suaplrlon of-ruch an, issue. No C one i-wj visit Jnpnn 'and go nway nn- ^ fticti<ll«- to het. t and my colleagues l' eame iirro as friends from n friendly ^ eountry and will loavo with i^vcn wnrm- '' et fcoUngt." < Prodlcti Philippine DoTelopmeat. ^ Visenunt Kaneko, who presided nt g Itho meeting, predicted thnl- wbon tbo f I I'hj,lipplnca, uBdcr, Qovernor Gwictal ^ ' Wood, renched th e ' aamo stngo of do* Ivelopment that Mr- Wood achieved In |CubtL this cbuntry-would rccdvc, com- j, ' meremlly, a largo share of tho benefit, <, I By iiiatnictionr from tho cmporor, I (Contlnnad on Page F lrt) ^ )M THE WIRE „ - — > • I ■' nil Teeks haa reafflnned Us dadalon not ]t (e in exhibitloii eojapetitliUi^ baaing j,; uerlal and' general naeieuneB from a od of alrtnfts by racing. Tho deda- ii tbe question of whether annyplanei *' aha. Nob.. Ute this mpnth.' larl Stlelor, Jr., In connection iltlng, Ind-, in leuT vareled through- re OblcagQ aa hla h m a ipent v! 1<G,000, and was nerar once guettloned told today to anthoritlea following his der to the police, timda he. ,y td the poUce. Uies and fxlsadi ot Lt«a £. Smith, a [!■ grloTOd orer hii 'M eath" but “ bar- 7 conTlnced today by the argument of lat they had oada a mistake. Bmith I badly mntllated. had heen foiud be* X, last week and later posltlrely iden- ied home but aMvad too late to attend f* m ligbt Saturday night son of Pilneeu Anastasia, of 'Oreeoe, in pUte king” of Blshmond. Ind., and Itino, of Oroeco, werB m arled by clrtl unooiL The Pxlneeas Xcmla it the lec- lloTltch, of Boasia. Trho married tbe I’ . a dstcr of Elng Oonstantlfie. Both ' : age. Tomorrow two more ceremonlea harch of the Boly Trinity hoPo und the R. _____- '• r MORE RUSSIANS SEEK AID ProTijieea Heretofore Oonsldeted 8eU- I" sappoxting, oau for BeUef BIOA, SoTocal Butman provloe- es which up lo the preaont have been ronsldorod .self-supporting,-now.aro . elMnoring to bo Watcd tor govMimcnt nid bocauso of fomino, M. Kalinin, hoad of tbo Bussian contrai eommittco for T famine nWbt, annoancod In a speech nt Moseow today. Thus, tho nomber ^ classcd u starring Is raised to nearly . 25,tl£iD,000. Each fruitful porish, ho de- » dared; wonid be asked to famiih n carload of grain to aid tbs loss forta- 3S0CIATEDPRESS NEV DAIL TOEDAT, OOTOBBB 8, 102L U fO i OF PO i State Chemist gays 1 Made on Disinterr plicate Previoi UNIFORM DISTRIBVTK TOTAL CONTENTS 0 More than Enough i Arsenic to Kill i is Found in Body I i 1.— *■ state Chemist Gives E'esults of \ .Analysis of Speoimenfl from t I Moyer Corpse e M UUH than eaough atsQAit w u » M'titnined in the body of Ed- . wnrd J-'. Moyoj- fo esuno death. , Biwelmcns takun from Meyer's body I tlio dnv fdliijwlng his death nrd una- , lyrcd hy Rtate Chemist Krdenljnugh yjol'kil IV . «i«anUty of tbo 'poison which would iifdlente that tho cn-- tiro corpse probably eontaioed nenr- ty 1« sTnhs. Ifiilf II Rrnln or upwards ronati- f tutor n lotlml nr deadly dose. ^ •TMlimony to tliis offeet late yoi- ® terilny rame its the ellmox .fo, one I of thu leant intcri’atlng sCMlons of the entire trial fo dnto. Thb roveJa- tions rnntaini-d in tho testimony of the wltnoM were rccolvcd In tho ! midst of a nllonce whleb could alinott be folt. Tlii-re were no objections ' nnrLnD..inlc^^uption^• ':A■tUthe con- ! * eliinlon 'of Ihe story of the atate J ehomift aighn of reliof were audible * , throuRhout the eourtroo'm. Under tho (jiifiatloning of Prose-- i" fiitinc Attorney Stopban, Dr. Bodon- “'I' haugb_l«stified that, ho nsed Iwo Bd graiila nf tho jpccimenr carvjd from . k/ilncy, Jiver nnd splcon nnrf fto® «« ,thciQ.tffO-grnms-nbtaIneJ. ,022-mllU»- grrma,of arsenic. Ho lisod SAgraaia .of.\HiOvapoelnicaj..tnkfln,.ftBm...ihft,. large'mid imali IsteitlBe u d froa this got .OIR m tlligani of the pel- s AVreptlng 20M ghiaw os the aver. . I ] nge weight of these Organs in aa 1] nrhilt mnlo, theso orgnna tn Meyer woulil have contftinod a'third of a grain of arsenic. Asiumlng the weight of tho Intestinal system to Imve hecu tf^vt of on avorago adult mnle, KOO grams,' the nmount of ara- <-nln eontnined therein would aaouat '|y to one-third of IVgrala. '• Aeeeptlng fho theory of o gonoral distribution of 'Iho poison through- out fh"'*y8ton!, Chemift Rodonbaagh fixed tho nmonnt of poison eontala- ed In the body of Moyor at P.8 grains. Dc. Rodeuljaugli, sttvtcd tljat m - 'enie wns known td hftvo been found In mu'u-le, bone, finger noils nnd hair ' wUer» dentil fniuod as a tcsuU of it. -------------- --------------- B j Order to Jugo-Slavs Indicates War Movei^ VIKNNA All J'u^'o SlavH of mil- itary oge,- nro ordered by advorthc-,, ments appearing in tho nowspnpera to' report immediately to tholr conj/nlat*. •' it is bcllovcd hore that this mcaoa nio- Mlir.ition by tho Jbgo-Blava ' WHITE SOX MAKE THBEE I STRAIGHT AGAINST CUBS i" lailOAQO, WV-Tko O lluto Amnr- |" ii-rin* mado ft thrco slralghl over the 7 Nallonols la tho elty series by winning .. to<lay'g (fame, A lo 3, in ten innings. flfore Ijy Inninga; (Nntionnl)— B. II. E Cnb" ......................2000000100-8 D 1 (American)— White Sox ..,...... -0000000031— 1 .1 2 o Battorles: Cobs-^JfonM, Freeman r, aod Killifer; Wblto Sox—Korr, TTodgo «. nnd Sehalk, Vnryan. U j------------------------------- 1 Gridiron Results S '-------------------------------- 1 f WESTPOENT, N. Y. - Plnnl acore: .\rniy 10; Mlfldlobury 0, PiriLADELPinA naal leare; Univcmilv of Pcnniylvania 7; Oottya- burg 0. ■' fiYRACUBE, N ..Y . - Final scoro: e Ryracuao 42; Maryland 0. ,1 PBINCETON, K. J. - Final toore; C Prioeetoa 10; Colgate 0. o ANN ABBOB, Mich. — Flnaj teoro; o I Michigan 64; Caae 0. n OAMBRmOE, Moss. — End third , n . period: Harv-nrd 13; Indiaan 0. ft C0LTTMBU8, 0. — End second pe- f rlod: Oberlln 0; Ohio Btato Q. 0 CniOAOO — End third period; Chi- » e.igo 0; Purduo 0. a J MINJIEAPOUS — End first, poriod: . liinnciotn 7; Northwcatom'. 0. t : NlJW HAVEN, Coan:“-:^End:‘a«o'n'd , period: Yalo 21 j North Carolina 0. ^ AtWAPOLIS, M i - End aocond pc- « rlnd: Na<7 20; Western Besorvo'O. ' , MADISON, Wis. — End eoeond pe- J . lind-. Wlseonsla U ; Sooth Dakota 0. * I XDABO^i^^B. . Tonight aid Banday iS^r, I .WSPA PER IN TWiN FA z s i f f l i ill MEVE Results of Tests Dll rred Corpse Du- Hfl ous Findings 'ION WOULD SHOW r OVER NINE GRAINS } oorroboratlag that of- Dr. ^ 2. Ufa, I Dooley.thli afternoon. Mr. Doo- I the rarioua apodmenj $ 1 takea from tho Meyer body, aad ^ made analyaea of the same. The I I wsulu of hU eipedmenta are ex- p pected to occupy the nttenUon of conrt until afwr adjournment thil erenlng. Boveral hoxea we:« po carried into court and lild hedda t>.i» wltnasi in connection with hia te»- " tlmo&y... He told of mtMng an rios ' analy*is of the hardaning com* iwund nsed by the undertaken on the body of Meyer and stat«d that “ “ "J It contained no anenlc. n o to ld o t-' analyting the set of ipedaen* h« 1 recelrod and the resnlta bei Tw3 contalnora cf spedm6E» tak- Bi^ ea jiem the body of her fourth tod hctsbuTd. Edward r . Meyer, were an sot down upoa the attonioja’ UWe da within throe feet of the defendant, 20. Mrs. Lyda Moyer Soothart, this gai -monrfag. Tlu womim (lnd tor iiyn upon the i'TUosomo exhibits, gaipod once Or tv.ct aad settled down to her wonlfta calm. Bbo did ju t again I gUrco in tho dlrecUon of the iped- V I mena. oRd I , - looki Ti-sJif.vintf, u/.Dn dirce/ exarainaiJon in thi> ense .of i.yda Moyer Bouthwd, .fTI; alleged poiwner of her fourth hoBbaad, used Bditari V. Meyer, Dr. E. P. Bodon- Bt bnugh, chemist,- of Boise, todar (be doclarod that thi; resnlts of anolyrcs illnj jnaoa-bj- him ,of spoautioas token ifrom- TJJ tl^od.e nf Meyer in April of thU yeay‘ saip -'■ (ftattauM oa f t p BBSMSS PROPffi COLLAPSEOF(i Mad Effort of Berliti Govei tors to Get Something foi 'Failure—Country’s Pres All Financial Dealings ai Law of Right and Vfrong EOQERW.Bi By Spoctol teoiigoiiieiit wilh' Bob tion, Wellesley Hills, Moss. J (Note-Thls is the third bf a eerlee of ,pared by the famou BUtitttdaa and tecored Idtmrely in thU part of southsnj Idaho, by T3 ,, (All rlRhta strictly reserved) Mtt WEr,LE8Lt;i’ m LL8-A (tltnd S ''' o t mine has retently ptfa In Ger i man.-. .While there h't.won romc Soo money,In'"a poker gome. When he tior wonf hi eash In Ma ehlps ho woa told- to irafc a minuto. /Te whlfod tVo be houra ntid Rot hio roll of mark notes ter and all of thorn' w«te wcl,frora tht llfl printli.R prea*. That ia tho way Gor- pnp mail n.afks are M ng turned ont f<?- day. acnnRny U full of marks; bat ftel they (irn <mly mado of paper. Bo fim 'lonR :i, llie flcnnnna ran sell Amerl- min eanr j-njier' nt »»eh a fnnev prieo a rjg} pounl, they will . eonllnue to print i„ ^ mork", _ nifi Tliis vnUie of pnpcr Jnonty flepond* mfl: on t»ji, things: the gold raacrro fo pen redeem it, nnd the eredit of fhe gov- dro ptnmcr.t bchlml il. Thero nro mil- ern lions of mnrk" nflost in Oormany par whii-li ean never he redeemed In coin. unl In fiii-i, U latj joke to think of that na a ]>r?»ihility. As for crodit,- the wa Oermni, Rovernracnt is not on It# lor feot y tt nnd no ono haa verj- mncb thn confidence In It Credit la Spite of OoTotnnseat j Tho jnfernntlonal bankers nro o*- the foniKny eredit tn (Icrman bosine/t gaj firms, in aplfe of the Gcnnan gov- for ornmeni. beeauso Ihoy hnvo confi- ha> ilcneo in the indnatrlousncss of the l^ai Oermnn people. These qualit/cs nro Irt. entirely Independent of fho number -wa, of ra.irks Inrned out in Berlin.' Oer- in man burincM men nml Oennan work- To raen epo aod iriJI priJfltKe. Engliah it fwd AmerieJin bankera brow it, and Wl for thftt rearon thoy will confinoe to , Ieo , nrr4n|r<- credits for German firms in ti( . spilo of tho lu t fbot fho aark i* wo atlll fhlllng. fol Now that tho-.iaark han '>hi( l>ot- tni tom n.nd gOno thtopgh” tho Ocnaani ma I •'Ili'o milling tbo ilbck market anil. ' buying atoek liko rrn*j- men. That aai . countr?-Is'in a fever of speculation. 1* Wo saw’that kind of fever liere two pn: . y*ra apo. Stoelis hit Ibo top of the ag, thermorootor. bnt thoy cnmo down . wp a g ^ Md a lot of peoplo got hart ' ho , At the present time ia Germany Ot oobodv trasti tho mark. Aeeordlag- aoi Ij erarj-oae waati to tara maxks.iato vl' 'ALLS COVNTY 5W S' PRIOB PIVB OBSB* ER’S BOPy IGiSElF FJilHGK: PllSIfimi feattier Inlerrapts Worid’s Series to Material Benefit ot Yankees Because df Loss of Ruth Througti Injurv POLO 0I10UND8, Now Yolk, (ff)- »la tivustd, tbe postponttseaV'totoy ^ tbs fourth gome of tho world'a eo- ;a botweoa tio Giants and tho Tan- ■, «f. It was mining hard at 8 o’eloek. ion the umpires came upon the fiild id Umpire'Chill announ.-cd that the' Jno wna posipoaed until tomorrow. Tnf'.poaesnQt.'wu t>t mMoiil benefit to the Tankeei became It . had hMU prerlonily announced that Babo Bath w old b i nanble to liay today on account of an Infected arm. Tbe Tankees vUl be the home flab tomorrow. There wero i^wttt 20.000 people cn hand whea the • game vas caUed. TUli licjSia to fall llRlxtly elock but not ia eofflclent amount lo ,UK & vo»tSQaem«ut U tM ?wl?Vto.- on did not Increase. . - It bfflsa to Toln ftt 1 .o ’t l o o k , id the prospctls for today's game okcd dutioa*. Crowds Seek Oorer. ,iTho ftowds in the nneovored studs voi anwipapcr* to aholter thoms«l»e«. Bath ehme to^ tbc gnmo lmd u t la w tpaadiUnd.' Hls arm was Uf. a , T ilttea VffttUeo fat the’Taakwa upended at I;10 o'clock by the dowp- ET PREDICTS »MAN MARK «rnmerit and Speeula- :or Nothing Doomed to Bsent Position'Pro-ves are Determined by the tig B&BBOS dbsoi’e SlotlsUoia-OrganUa-' of artldei on the ftate of trade pr»- «d fot pahUcatton each Satniday, ex* ’ The Twin FlBl K m ). ;«aritlet. Farm haad# nad BOTrant rirlr aro buying stocka. Peoplo will nke anything If ooly thoy eaa got KscprUUt la oxcbaage tor marka , Jooner or later the Udo of speeala- llon will turn. Stock' priees win ,umblo asd a number of Oennans will )0 wtmdering whether they oro bet- ;er off with tho worthless stock eor- , ,Wleates than they were wllh tbelr taper mnrk*. Oermany's position todny is por- [eet testlmonv to tho fact that all finnnrinl dealings aro finullv drlor- ninr.t bv tho fundamentnl laws of , right nnd wrong. German bnsiness , ' in cetllng credit from bankers In for- mer onomy nations becnuao the Gor- man people nro Induatrlooa ond do- pendftblo. Tho German mnrk hns droppoa out of sight beaauao tho gov- ernment'put out ft lot of worthlDis paper monov whieh peoplo nro now unloading wholesale i^n cxchnnge for «toe,k, Tlilr Is why the m&tk whUb wns vrorth abnoat nn Amorifan <]unr- tor to«en years ago Is row worth Uts thnn n rent.' Qomony'i Soiratlon. Bolh tbo Gentian goveraweal aad tho srcculntors have been- bually cn- gaged lo an effort to got sosothlag .. for nothing. Tbnl,nttempt however, bns novtsr stitcecded aad nevtt w^ll. Pomething for nothing does nol ex- Ut. Vv'hat w e W •way o r aaother. Tho common people la OBTraany know tt, and tho Now Tork bnnka' realise tbnt thoy know It This Is Oermaay'.s salvallon. . Whea iH5-loaders ofGormaay 'also leam thlii they trtll reorganise. In , tie menatimB look for flnindal fire- works. WlVh the German gorcfamcat following ita presoat practice tho fa- ture of the mark depends upoa the markot prieo for.»raato papw. , . Thnro U n littlo ohnnge in tbe alt- . oitiea in the Halted Btates. Borlaesi < Is now 72J5 palate below aormal toa- pnrod nith 83.C polati below a mobth - •go, aed the low of 110 polats 1k1ow wtilcli ocentwd darlag Uwcb. If.. howerer, wo will leam a leason frem • : GenBBay ftnd quit tiylag to get aometUSag for -ftothlBj bailBeu re- vlT«J wlTl be

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; ® a sV o i i 'N O . 166 ,

•iWITIES: i:iEEiossiB" M i G W D^

' '" ■ conf', Livestock, Fencing and Pouitry

Listed in Loot Tai<en, Offioi- 9 als Say, by Tliree iVlen; Two . J

Arrested ,■ '' ' " (mro


— •, IcfCIg it, ■ Amc“ SjrijlcmiUIe thioVet7 operalionr, c tjv won

aUfrlflU In foar countics inelnd’ in« Twin Fall*, afo nlloRcd by Bhoriff

I’ S . E . Bkcnnnn, Two roon aro under ar- _ro4t v e u io d o f the (bofts. another Is l i l

. beinR MURht by authoritic* o t thl* [ i l l. vroQnty, Q ooabg, Slmoco and Slioi^ono IUI

AeauntiM. IBI^ Tho meo ttoder arroat a re Oordon and

Lowii. A nother m an n o a e i Lewis 1;•Mill to ha»e oinded-eaptoTo. The Moon- tain n«m« Jail holds the eaptlvos.

O o re n d W ld» Beop^

Boof cattle , pJg*,“'linmea8, saddles, A tit — rtofl, ft ihot^joD, woven w ire, nnd posji- j

V b ly poD lf^ ore cnumorntod la the whedultf o f proporty cAld to have been putloinsd liy tbo men named. Much o f tho booty wna roeoverod a t Ihc home q] o f IvOWls, wroBs thn river from ' K injr BiH, by libcrift* vrnd o lher nn- '

j-tkftrHiiifl o r OoodlnR, Elmore, Bhoshono * ‘*nd T r in FalK-eonnties. Tho s ta f f la

7M \*V ^ to hnvo been l,oc#tcd in nn nprwr ^ ^ f lh a a b o r in tho Lowia farm resldoneo.

Tn nddffi'on a jo rvcy o f th o /a rm , whfeh la not c()>eTntfla ns a produto RrowlnR inafUntinn,- i t is related, revcnlorl the

■ prrnencp o f n largo nunl-or o f enttio J*' bMor, rcfnio, and evon f ro n t quarters »tiir o f beef, OTidently domped in to the erovieo na a Jaeans o f toraporary eon- toni

i ^ c o n l m . 'n t In tho bnmynrd ISO tarkoys Rcn<'^ fo raR o tl f o r 'f t livinp. NelRhbora, i t ihn

•l»*anl(l, Aavo in/orm fd tho jin tlio riU os Jonth a t tho Lewia brothers, ns ftir na they tcd know.«dld no t ralin or purchase any T

• of thcM b ir i i . 4,f xi

f in tho oppor chnmlior o f tho IjowIs «l ^home a largo «nd varyloR asforlm cnt era-

^ o f hftrnoaa, aaddiea aud a«A w tro dlt-V e o v e re d . tThere wore 14 aets o f harji- j , ^

- ew ana « h M ddlssirad a'ebotjt^D, m v - o f tM%1 toll* a t w «vw w lto and 18 m t a of i t f Mofl w ere fonad fookod In a jrraa tn- net •a .l eosl i h o l .. '

■ '-OUtU# s te a lta* AUeged. o f ' A rrest of Oordon and Lew^i was ’

modo on a w am ant u in c d fo r eatlfo ^ »i|)*toalini{. Qordon wac taken a t Moun* ®

^ ta in Homo by Sheriff Stovona o f that nU at. Lowia woa arrostod a t hia fnrm by G lnore eonnty anthorities. Arn

Thrco piga, miisioR from a raneh noar|*°™ Huhl, hovo no t .been rocovorod. Th? mnn utiJer arrest nnd tho one y e t a t <iah; larRp, ore anjpocted o f raaking away lho

< ^ w i th th is Jlrfi»foek._ flhoriff Sharmajj- a «t «Oitales Cordon nnd the ,Lewl» brothora

kavo boen aolllnif droased boof about M E t thft_ country. W ith th e ' oieoptton of „

t # o ’aot» of harness n il rueh aquipmeiH- „ fonnd t t tho hewh plnco, fogelbcr wKh r f ' r io te r and alfalfa, seed U r e hcon f o w l to belonjr lo Twin Fulls cfionty r^sl-

_ d e a tj nt follows: L . E. Mnrell, one 'aet0 o f harnfM ! J , H .,H ard es ty , one «ot

h s n c s r ; 0 . B . fiamnoi, oae se t barn* ^ « s ; t» V. Bonaor, ono sa t bam esa; P. — W. Argflo, ono se t liaracss; 0 .

. "W hitn,, tw o (toeks red elovor aeod; .T,U . , H arw ell, alx a ick i nlfnlfa aood, ■) Oooding tonnty alone U thoxt six tela • f haraera.

Tho auspceted men, i l U said, will be A tn a eattlo steaUnu charge, ta d

shoulr) thia fa il a new JnfonaairoD w lJ — bo filotl flffilniit them in one o r anothor “

o f tho fon t M intlc* {BtotMrtod cbMg^n<j , grand larccny, jt is atated by local on- " th o r itle i ^

1 •• UoAawhUo M ir th i f belog mado fortko othor Lewis brothor, and hia arrest

^ u oj^weted MOB. *

J I B i iThroo O la rfca o f Jfiiro ffrM rfao J

Provo UnaTttiliDg A gainst ti Va-olt Doora

.FEJIOMB (0pe^ in )> ,-^er«ne eauaty . ^ t h o r i t i c ; aro todny arareblnir for

^ B g m e ti who cotly Friday a o ra lB g » t . ^‘tompted to tn tc r the vnnlt o f tho B a- ®w lio n S tato bank b r exploding throe ®^ « rg o « o f Bllrogtyccrioo a t i l s d oon . PTho heavy explosion did conaldornblc' Ida«ARe to tho interior o f tho bank »

btuldlng bu t flailed to ojHin tho w ay tlto tho ba n k 's attong box. Tho detoan- _ _

J tfon shook the entiro town and awnk- —onod the b o a li 'i o fh e ia li who ao lltled IA! Bhoriff ITbito a t Jirrooo,

Th e h e w s K rtsaas t o tbo fans of tho ooauQimit^ a

eotdi&l inTitatlba' to sh a re to - m orrow In lho AsBOolatod trom J5' pluy by piny a lo ry of tho fo i r t l i «» g«mo of lho world’s sorios. Tho >>»' ■ttfflo ^ervloo th a t h as horoio- fo re boon ffiven H io Hows an covering lho aorios will So g lv . eia< o» fo r tom onow ’a gamo. K r« l w to p a to leH wffl bo reooivod a t iX :3 0 o'e!oo& a . 10., Ipoal tim o, tat

P A IJapanese Demands ||||

Disarmament for yU V. te r r i to r ie s

Doan of Im perial Law Sohool Calls fo r F ree Trade and

Ifotitral P anam a Caoal

t o k i o , yp) — DSsnrmMnont of Ain- rricno trrrlto rlo s in tho I’acific should bo UfRcd by Jnpaii a t the W ashington confcTcntc, ilctlnrctl Dr. Baburo Yama-

' da, dean of tho Imp«riat U niversity o f n o n Ilaw, in on addrers boforo tho National ?p55«y nssorifltSoB here la r t n igh t. J lo a also urged freo trade In tho Pacfric , ond the DCiitriUizatlon of tho Pnnatno J can'M, .

A merirn trnji neeuaed by Dr. Uahimi- " Imro Kubayoithi o f “ selfishly implant- Ing lier influence In Clilnn, nnd .induc­ing Cfcinn to . rely upon_J.&B_ilni(od tw Stritcs At tho 'espcnno -o f Jnpanbsc lo- wi te rest* .'- l io Jnrlsiod n fea ture of go A tnetka 't " c r a f ty courtship o t Chio j ” fi) wos ths Inciting of bad fooling among Al the Chineao ngninjl tho Japaneie- Tt through the Bhnntung question. wi

IH f li iT lS i ID IE iS T ii:=

____.a. QOVI

A nthorization for. W alkouts if D eem ed JToocsflary is P u t H

Up a t Eeforendum tent:___ «P.lt

. OMAHA, Nol,., ,a , . i lo n »f ' , 'X, nutlioriatag lho general oxccuHvo board thi-, of tho Aninlgmiiatod M oat CmterB aod drniI Butcher W aritnicns’ union of North f»r, America to call a atrlko in lho packiog nre, industry If tho board deems such action thn , neccRsary waa boforo packing j.lnnt om- . ployea o f tho nation on » roforondumI voto todny. , •'I iJfllJottfng hero nnd fllsowhoro w ill *1W<I s ta r t n t 1 o 'cloek this afternoon and slbliI wili be completed, I t Ih oxpccted, early but

tonight. B allo ts will bo fon rardod to nf<' r general hoadquartora in Chicago aod ; thli resu lt nnnounccd thore. UotU on-I ion and non-union tnun tvUl bo permit- I’"*'' tcd to voto. according to union loaders.

Tho roforondum follows tho failoro ®'’° ‘ o f w lo ti le a d e rt 'to negotiate a nation-

■ ttt w orking agreem ent with (ho pack-; cra-to tako iho ploco of th a t which « • “I* '• la s t ScptcmbM W. Tlio purpose P'’*’,*• i#,-lf.r.<Jctfl;n2}n(f.irljflt JJfo raak ani] file' fif lb e ia i f ia # iJ B 'T f a 6 " o S t h e q t t« l lM ^» of a ^ th o r to t f ^ b o exeeutWe to , u .’ net to p ro tec t tho In te m U o t tho work-

o r t oeeordiag to J . W . Bum a, aocrotary „i?i o f tbo onion '■ d lr tr le t council nomber fi, who recently said a wago reduction , was Btared by M orris and Cotapany.' Opposition to tho rafo rend^n was

1 voted •roeently by about fo rty omployo representatives o f S w ift an<l Oomptof, j . j

A nnour and Company and tho Cudahy f company hero, according o t II. B. Unrt- p^ui ; n e tt, ropresontlng em ployes,on n . Cu- t dahy p lan t'con fo roneo bootd, on t of > tho contontioRB bolng th i|t tho tlmo for 1- A striko w as'unpropitioua, ^I ~ • the

1 M I W I A l O O K u m O H dU E S n O K E D Jy J Boyo Wndo o f the W nshingtoa bnrn, velo

J Bocond uvenuo south. In hold by eounty Cub|. fluthoritles fo r Invcstign tion 'to dotor mer. mine h ii mental condition. Wado w u n5 t a ic a up T hunday , Ifo is ubout 3S — ' years o f ago.

FLASHES FHO^.• ' ’W AjemW OJfcK, W eek ; U) 'pe im lt a rm y a lip la ses to p a ttlc lp u e Iz

U l objeetlo iu on lack o f personnel, m a tn t m lU taiy staB dpoiat o f te s tin g tbo speed oi

: lo a U fccceptad « tlw f in a l w ord on tho '.ahoitld e n te r th o P a U tx sr races a t Omaha.

[ OHXaAjJO. {ff’J -F o r two yeara, Carl i wltlt the t294,0(K) maU robbery a t Whltlnt oat^thB v est nsdet hia o va faniw, g«,TQ ot hU s tu n o t t&« fflaaajr,'amouoti^ tg ot supected. This v as tbe itory he told letom b a n yeitesdi^ a&d hia n u t l e t ' Applied fo r aid to h lf /ather, who called a

W HiMIHGTOK, K . 0 ., yp)—TW attiea I yonng m an o f tU s d ty . -who n o t only grlc I . ie d "h lia la a t8 a tn rd B r.« e ra 8 ra d iu U 7 C ff i

hU ha :e and beaxty r^ a p p ftm n ce , th a t t lo tzsed th a t th e body o f ano ther m an ba<

e aide ib a r a l ln a d tr a c k a t U h liin ^ S . O , la t li le d by f r te s d i aa h l i own. H e hurtled h ••hia" boiial, w hich w aa held b y la n te rn b

„ . PA B IS, M T -w illia m B. Leoda. Jr .. soiJ and th e la ta W illlBiiiB. Leeds, t h e ‘ 't in pl

p n a c e s i Z ea ia , nieee c f E ln g OonitaBtiflo.J, ceremony h e n a t fo tn O'clock th is aftcmo{Q cmd daughter o f O rand D oke M ikhallorlI. Prlacoes M arla OeonrtoTna of Otooce, a «e L eedi nnd th a pZlnceo ore 10 y o a n of age^ w ill occur, th e f l n t a t th o Am erican chnrtlr th ird At th e S o » ia n chon li,

UAPAN HftS SUGGESTIONS Mt. Acceptance o t A n sr lca n Agenil& T lth P n

Proposali fo r A dd iuom Likely

. TOKIO, — Ja p a n probably will B accept fho Ameriean agenda for the « ’

® W aahington confcreBcp on llraifnUon o f con tl m w uneu t aad F a t E w to ta ^MR««vut, elw 0 b u t m ay n g g e j t nddltlons t o ^ f . 'n t - nid ^ cording to inform ation in rcsponiiMe of

e lr t lta h e ie ., ' Tfcese adJltlon* woult\ fan B nro ld concrete qaeitlons bo t would in- n t «. elodo. gonerai p r isd p le s such as equal clat J opportnnity throngh th e ont& j Paclfle. C5jf X The agenda w u dlscotsed tiy tbe eabl- e lu ;* ne t today aad wiD b e la b o lt t f d to t i e ear:

a a r lw ry w n ase l on V eaday . a ;it



liDECiS /m fC L isrm i J i K

— g Denies Relationships Strained

and Sees Uo Reason Why Japan and America Cannot Arrive at UnderstandingTOKIO, (flV-Talk of trouWo bo- L

twcos the United Btatos-and Japan, waa deprecated by Leonard Wood, goremor . general of. the ^hlUp- _ {dnns, io an address before the Amcrlctn-Japan society here o h ' ' ^ Thnnday night He insisted there WAS no reason why Japan and Am-

• orlci*Ihonld bo unable to arrire at an andentandlng oa all polats npon'- whleh there is the slightest dla- agreomeot, and declared tba t there wero DO misnndontandlng betvton o l the tvb 'countiles." T l i t ie Ivtui been n g reat deni of

IflORi- nnd foolish tnlk nliout troublo be­tween Amoricnn and J a t u . ” aaid. i Governor Wood, “ nu t nil th lf ia nou- I ai’nae. J. tiiink I kmm- tho Amorlcnn l>enple wc\l,';n«d 1 iim certain tb n t on ° the ir ('“ fl tliero ix no desiro nnd no in- *■ tention to dwell in any bu t tho friend- •’ llp.iturclatSona w itb th e ir nelghbora of ^ .Tnpan. The flng* of Japan nnd the )' United BtntM atond wid by aide in | the great wnr in the bflltle fo r fair drnling Iwtwi-on nntlona nnd reapeet f»r the right* of umaller pooploir. Thoy ' are going (o atntid toRCthor nlwnya on thn side of righl. •

' Bolationa K o t Strained. t

•‘ l/ici.- nnd id le 'repo rts liy irrcspoij. t (iilih- iicri-oHS linvo lieen InrROly respon- •

iiiible for this talk o f iitrninod rolntionf f but our rdfl.lionfi nrn ho t attained, and nro going nlwnya to be good ., Amcrl- ••

leans wnnt td build up trnde nnd *''m errP, bul welcome open and fa ir com- c petition. Amoricann nre auro tho Jnp- •

lanfse nfit only the same. Them ii room Icnouu'n fnr nil In honornblo rompoti- c jtlnn. •'I " I t would be Jl' terrible reflection R I upon iiiodcrn e ivilliatlou. i f two groat • * ipooplor like-thoae of Ja pna ,aod the ,t I tln ltrd Btato* could n o t-g e t together J hftroandM he>«4B^eneA >b6K ^>«ul-«t-: .«H e .B llp o r jiK lV f tlli o f theV ^H fitm l-(les. NVe eim aot Mde tho fae t, o f Icourse, tha t RWat Issues w ay arian th a t s wlli cballongo a ll onr-w ill and diplom- ney to reaeh a solution, bn t thero seema 'to be. ro th ing ia fho prcBcnt alinatlon ,f bctwooa Jap an oad A mcrica Justifying t even suaplrlon of-ruch an, issue. No Cone i-wj visit Jnpnn 'and go nway nn- fticti<ll«- to he t. t and my colleagues l' eame iirro as friends from n friendly ^eountry and will loavo w ith i^vcn wnrm- ''e t fcoU ngt." <

Prodlc ti Philippine DoTelopmeat. ^Visenunt Kaneko, who presided n t g

Itho meeting, predicted thnl- wbon tbo fI I'hj,lipplnca, uBdcr, Qovernor Gwictal ' Wood, renched th e ' aamo stngo of do* Ivelopment th a t Mr- Wood achieved In|CubtL this cbuntry-w ould rccdvc, com- j,' meremlly, a largo share o f tho benefit, < , I By iiiatnictionr from tho cmporor,

I (Contlnnad on P age F l r t ) ^

)M THE WIRE „- — > • I ■' ■ nil

Teeks haa rea fflnned U s dadalon no t ] t (e in exhibitloii eojapetitliUi^ baaing j,; u e rla l and' general naeieuneB from aod of a l r t n f t s b y rac ing . Tho deda- i itb e question o f w hether a n n y p la n e i * ' aha. Nob.. U te th is m p n th . '

la rl Stlelor, Jr ., In connectioniltlng, Ind-, in le u T v a r e le d through- re OblcagQ aa hla h m a ip e n t v!1<G,000, and was n e ra r once guettloned told today to anthoritlea follow ing his der to the police, tim da he . ,ytd th e poUce.

Uies and fxlsadi o t L t«a £ . Smith, a [!■ grloTOd orer h ii 'M eath" bu t “ bar-

7 conTlnced today by th e argument of „ lat they had oada a mistake. Bmith I badly mntllated. had heen foiud be*X, la s t week and la te r p o s lt lre ly iden- ied home b u t aM vad to o la te to a ttend f* m ligb t Saturday n ig h t

son of P i ln e e u A nastasia, of 'Oreeoe, in pU te king” o f B lshm ond. Ind., and Itino, of Oroeco, werB m a r l e d b y c lrtl unooiL The Pxlneeas Xcmla i t th e lec- lloTltch, o f Boasia. Trho m arried tb e I’ . a d s tc r o f E ln g Oonstantlfie. B oth ': age. Tomorrow tw o m ore ceremonlea harch of th e B oly T rin ity hoPo und th e R.

_____- '• r

MORE RUSSIANS SEEK AIDProTijieea H eretofore Oonsldeted 8eU- I"

sappoxting, o a u fo r BeUef

BIOA, SoTocal Butm an provloe- es which up lo the p reaont have been ronsldorod .se lf -su p p o r tin g ,-n o w .a ro . elMnoring to bo Watcd to r govM im cnt nid bocauso o f fomino, M. K alinin, hoad o f tbo Bussian con tra i eommittco for T fam ine nWbt, annoancod In a speech n t Moseow today. Thus, tho nomber classcd u s ta r rin g Is raised to nearly . 25,tl£iD,000. E ach f ru i tfu l porish, ho de- » d a re d ; wonid b e asked to fam iih n carload o f g rain to a id tb s loss forta-



U f O iOF P O i

State Chemist gays 1 Made on Disinterr

plicate Previoi


More than Enough iArsenic to Kill i

is Found in Body Ii 1.— • *■

s ta te Chemist Gives E 'esults of \.Analysis of Speoimenfl from t

I Moyer Corpse e

MUUH than eaough atsQAit w u » M'titnined in the body of Ed- . wnrd J-'. Moyoj- fo esuno death. , Biwelmcns takun from M eyer's body I tlio dnv fdliijwlng his death n rd una- , lyrcd hy Rtate Chemist Krdenljnugh yjol'kil IV . «i«anUty of tbo 'poison

which would iifdlente th a t tho cn-- tiro corpse probably eontaioed nenr- ty 1« sTnhs.

Ifiilf II Rrnln or upw ards ronati- f tutor n lotlml nr deadly dose. ^

•TMlimony to tliis offeet la te yoi- ® terilny rame its the ellmox .fo , one I o f thu leant intcri’a tlng sCMlons of th e en tire tr ia l fo dnto. Thb roveJa- tions rnntaini-d in tho testim ony of the wltnoM were rccolvcd In tho ! m idst o f a nllonce whleb could alinott be folt. Tlii-re were no objections ' nnrLnD..inlc^^uption^• ':A■tUthe con- ! * eliinlon 'of Ihe sto ry of the a ta te J ehomift aighn of reliof w ere audible * , throuRhout the eourtroo'm.

Under tho (jiifiatloning of Prose-- i" fiitinc A ttorney Stopban, D r. Bodon- “ 'I ' h a u g b _ l« stif ie d that, ho nsed Iwo Bd graiila n f tho jpccim enr c a rv jd from

. k/ilncy, Jiver nnd splcon nnrf fto® « « ,thciQ .tffO -grnm s-nbtaIneJ. ,022-mllU»- grrm a,o f arsenic. Ho lisod SA graaia

.of.\H iO vapoelnicaj..tnkfln,.ftB m ...ihft,. la rg e 'm id im ali Iste itlB e u d f r o a th is got .OIR m tl l ig a n i o f the pel- s

AVreptlng 20M ghiaw os the aver. . I ] nge w eight o f these Organs in aa 1] nrhilt mnlo, theso orgnna tn M eyer woulil have contftinod a 'th i r d o f a grain of arsenic. A sium lng the weight o f tho Intestinal system to Imve hecu tf^vt o f on avorago adult mnle, KOO grams,' the nmount of ara- <-nln eontnined therein would a a o u a t '|y to one-third o f IV grala . '•

Aeeeptlng fho theory o f o gonoral distribution of 'Iho poison through­out fh"'*y8ton!, Chemift Rodonbaagh fixed tho nmonnt o f poison eontala- ed In the body o f Moyor a t P.8 grains.

Dc. Rodeuljaugli, sttvtcd tlja t m - 'en ie wns known td hftvo been found In mu'u-le, bone, finger noils nnd hair

' wUer» dentil fn iuod as a tcsuU o f it.----------------------------- B j

Order to Jugo-Slavs Indicates War Movei^

VIKNNA All J'u^'o SlavH o f mil- itary oge,- nro ordered by a d v o r th c - , , ments appearing in tho nowspnpera to ' report im m ediately to tholr conj/nlat*. •' i t is bcllovcd hore th a t th is mcaoa nio- Mlir.ition by tho Jbgo-Blava '


lailO A Q O, W V -T ko O l lu to Amnr- |"ii-rin* mado f t th rco s lra lg h l over th e 7Nallonols la tho e lty series by w inning .. to<lay'g (fame, A lo 3, in ten innings. flfore Ijy Inninga;(Nntionnl)— B. II. E „Cnb" ......................2000000100-8 D 1 „(Am erican)—White Sox ..,...... -0000000031— 1 .1 2 o

Battorles: Cobs-^JfonM, F reem an r,aod K illifer; W blto Sox—K orr, TTodgo «.nnd Sehalk, Vnryan. U

j------------------------------- 1

Gridiron Results S'-------------------------------- 1 f

WESTPOENT, N . Y. - P lnnl acore: .\rniy 10; Mlfldlobury 0,

P iriL A D E L P in A — n a a l le a re ; Univcmilv of Pcnniylvania 7; Oottya-burg 0. ■'

fiYRACUBE, N ..Y . - F inal scoro: eRyracuao 42; M aryland 0. ,1

PBINCETON, K . J . - F in a l toore; CPrioeetoa 10; Colgate 0. o

ANN ABBOB, Mich. — Flnaj teoro ; oI Michigan 64; Caae 0. n

OAMBRmOE, Moss. — End th ird , n. period: Harv-nrd 13; Indiaan 0. ft

C0LTTMBU8, 0 . — End second pe- frlod: Oberlln 0; Ohio Btato Q. 0

CniOAOO — End third period; Chi- »e.igo 0; Purduo 0. a

J M IN JIE A PO U S — End first, poriod:. liinncio tn 7 ; Northwcatom'. 0. t : NlJW HAVEN, Coan:“-:^E nd:‘a«o'n'd, period: Yalo 21 j N orth Carolina 0. ^

A tW A PO LIS , M i - E nd aocond pc- «rlnd: Na<7 20; W estern Besorvo'O. '

, MADISON, Wis. — End eoeond pe- J. lind-. W lseonsla U ; Sooth D akota 0. *

I X D A B O ^ i ^ ^ B .

. Tonight a id Banday iS^r, I


z s

i f f l

i ill MEVEResults of Tests Dll

rred Corpse Du- Hfl ous Findings


OVER NINE GRAINS }• oorroboratlag th a t of-

Dr. ^ 2 . U fa ,I Dooley.thli afternoon. M r. Doo- I the rarioua apodm enj $1 takea from tho M eyer body , a a d ^

made analyaea o f th e same. The II w su lu of hU eipedm enta a re ex- p

pected to occupy th e nttenU on o f “ conrt un til a fw r adjournm ent

th il e renlng. Boveral hoxea w e:« p o carried into court and l i l d he d d a t>.i»

w ltnasi in connection w ith h ia te»- " tlmo&y... H e told o f m tM ng a n rios ' analy*is o f the hardaning com* iwund nsed by th e u ndertak en on the body o f M eyer and s ta t«d th a t “ “ "J I t contained no anen lc . n o t o l d o t - ' analy ting the se t o f ip e d ae n * h« 1 recelrod and th e resn lta bei

T w3 contalnora c f spedm6E» ta k - Bi^ea jiem the body of her fou rth todhctsbuTd. E dw ard r . Meyer, were a nsot down upoa th e a tton io ja ’ U W e d aw ithin throe fee t o f the defendant, 20.Mrs. Lyda Moyer Soothart, th is gai

-monrfag.T lu womim ( l n d to r iiy n upon

the i'TUosomo exhibits, gaipod once “Or tv .c t aad se ttled down to h e r wonlfta calm. Bbo did j u t again

I gU rco in tho dlrecUon o f th e ip e d - VI mena. oRdI , - looki

Ti-sJif.vintf, u/.Dn dirce / exarainaiJonin thi> ense .of i.y d a Moyer Bouthwd, .fTI;alleged poiwner of her fourth hoBbaad, usedB d ita ri V. Meyer, D r. E . P . Bodon- Btbnugh, chemist,- o f Boise, todar (bedoclarod th a t thi; resn lts of anolyrcs illn jjnaoa-bj- him ,of spoautioas token ifrom- TJJt l ^ o d .e n f Meyer in April o f thU yeay‘ saip

- '■ ( f t a t ta u M oa f t p


Mad Effort of Berliti Govei tors to Get Something foi

'Failure—Country’s Pres All Financial Dealings ai Law of Right and Vfrong

E O Q E R W . B i By Spoctol te o iig o iiie iit w ilh ' Bob

tion, W ellesley Hills, Moss.

J (N o te-T h ls is the th ird b f a eerlee of ,pared by th e fa m o u B U ti tttd a a and tecored I d tm re ly in thU p a r t o f sou th sn j Id aho , b y T3

, , (All rlRhta stric tly reserved) M tt

W Er,L E 8L t;i’ m L L 8 - A ( t l tn d S ' ' ' o t mine h as retently p tfa In G e r

i man.-. .While there h 't .w o n romc Soomoney,In'"a poker gome. W hen he tior wonf hi eash In Ma ehlps ho woa told-to irafc a minuto. /Te whlfod tV o behoura ntid Rot hio roll of m ark notes te rand a ll o f thorn' w«te w c l,fro ra t h t l lf lprintli.R prea*. T hat ia tho w ay Gor- pnp mail n.afks are M n g turned o n t f<?-day. acnnRny U full of m arks; b a t ftelthey (irn <mly mado of paper. Bo fim

'lonR :i, llie flcnnnna ran sell Amerl- mineanr j-njier' n t »»eh a fnnev prieo a rjg}pounl, they will . eonllnue to p rin t i„ ^mork", _ nifi

Tliis vnUie of pnpcr Jnonty flepond* mfl:on t»ji, things: the go ld raacrro fo penredeem it, nnd the ered it o f fhe gov- droptnmcr.t bchlml i l . Thero nro mil- ernlions of mnrk" n flo st in Oormany parwhii-li ean never he redeemed In coin. unl In fiii-i, U la t j joke to th ink of th a tna a ]>r?»ihility. As for crodit,- the w aOermni, Rovernracnt is no t on It# lorfeo t y t t nnd no ono haa verj- mncb thn confidence In I t

Credit l a Spite of O oTotnnseat j

Tho jnfernntlonal bankers nro o*- thefoniKny ered it tn (Icrman bosine/t gajfirms, in aplfe o f the G cnnan gov- forornmeni. beeauso Ihoy hnvo c o n fi- ha>ilcneo in the indnatrlousncss o f the l^aiOermnn people. These qualit/cs nro Irt.en tirely Independent o f fho number -wa,o f ra.irks Inrned out in Berlin.' Oer- inman burincM men nml Oennan work- Toraen epo aod iriJI priJfltKe. Engliah i tfwd AmerieJin bankera b row it, and Wlfo r thftt rearon thoy will confinoe to , Ieo

, nrr4n|r<- credits for German firms in t i (. sp ilo o f tho l u t fbot fho aark i* wo

a tlll fhlllng. folNow th a t tho-.iaark han '> hi( l>ot- tni

tom n.nd gOno thtopgh” tho O cnaani ma I • 'Ili'o m illing tbo ilbck m arket a n i l . '

buying atoek liko rrn*j- men. T hat aai. coun tr? -Is 'in a fever o f speculation. 1*

Wo saw ’th a t kind of fever liere tw o pn:. y * r a apo. Stoelis h it Ibo to p of the ag,

thermorootor. b n t thoy cnmo down . wpa g ^ M d a lot of peoplo got h a r t ' ho, A t the present tim e ia G ermany Otoobodv tr a s t i tho m ark. Aeeordlag- aoi I j erarj-oae w aa ti to t a ra maxks.iato vl'



ER’S BOPyIG iS E lFF J i lH G K :PllSIfim i

feattier Inlerrapts Worid’s Series to Material Benefit ot Yankees Because df Loss of Ruth Througti Injurv

POLO 0I10UN D 8, Now Y olk, ( f f ) - »la tivustd, tb e postponttseaV 'to toy

tb s fourth gome o f tho w orld 'a eo- ;a botweoa t i o G iants and tho Tan- ■,«f. I t was m in ing hard a t 8 o ’eloek. ion the umpires came upon the f iild id U m pire 'C hill announ.-cd th a t t h e 'Jno wna posipoaed until tomorrow.

T nf '.poaesnQ t.'w u t>t m M o iil benefit to th e T ankeei becam e I t . h a d hMU prerlon ily announced th a t Babo B a th w o ld b i nanble to lia y today on account o f a n Infected arm. Tbe T ankees vU l b e th e home f la b tomorrow. T here wero i^wttt 20.000 people cn hand w hea the • game v a s caUed.

TU li licjSia to f a ll llRlxtlyelock b u t no t ia eofflc lent amount lo ,UK & vo»tSQaem«ut U tM ?wl?Vto.- on did no t Increase. . -I t bfflsa to Toln ftt 1 .o’t lo o k ,id the p rospctls fo r to d a y 's game okcd dutioa*.

Crowds Seek Oorer.,iTho ftow ds in the nneovored s tu d s vo i anwipapcr* to aholter thoms«l»e«.B a th ehme to^ tb c gnmo lmd u t la

w tp a a d iU n d . ' H ls arm was Uf. a ,

T i l t t e a VffttUeo f a t th e ’T aa k w a up en ded a t I;10 o 'clock by the dowp-

ET PREDICTS »MAN MARK«rnmerit and Speeula- :or Nothing Doomed to Bsent Position'Pro-ves are Determined by the t ig

B&BBOSd b so i’e SlotlsU oia-O rganU a-'

of a r t l d e i on th e f ta te o f trade pr»- « d fo t pahUcatton each Satn iday , ex*’ The T w in F lB l K m ) .

;« a ri tle t. Farm haad# nad BOTrant rirlr a ro buying stocka. Peoplo will nke any th ing If ooly thoy eaa got KscprUUt la oxcbaage to r m arka , Jooner or la ter the Udo o f speeala- llon will tu rn . S tock ' priees w in ,umblo a sd a num ber o f Oennans will )0 w tmdering w hether they oro bet- ;er o ff w ith tho worthless stock eor- , ,Wleates than they were wllh tbe lr taper mnrk*.

O erm any's position todny is por- [eet testlm onv to tho fac t th a t all finnnrinl dealings aro finullv drlor- ninr.t bv tho fundamentnl laws of , right nnd wrong. German bnsiness , ' in c e tlln g cred it from bankers In for­mer onomy nations becnuao the Gor­man people nro Induatrlooa ond do- pendftblo. Tho German mnrk hns droppoa ou t o f sigh t beaauao tho gov­e rn m e n t'p u t ou t ft lo t o f worthlDis paper monov w hieh peoplo nro now unloading wholesale i n cxchnnge for «toe,k, T lilr Is why the m&tk whUb wns vrorth abnoat nn Amorifan <]unr- to r to«en years ago Is row w orth U ts thnn n r e n t . ' • ‘

Q o m o n y 'i Soiratlon.Bolh tb o Gentian goveraweal aad

tho srcculntors have been- bually cn- gaged lo an e f fo r t to go t so so th lag .. for nothing. T bn l,n ttem p t however, bns novtsr stitcecded a ad n e v tt w^ll. Pomething fo r nothing does no l ex- Ut. Vv'hat w e W•way o r aaother. Tho common people la OBTraany know t t , and tho Now Tork bnnka' realise tbn t thoy know I t T h is I s Oermaay'.s salvallon. .W hea iH5-loaders o fG o rm a ay 'also le am th l i i th e y tr tll reorganise. I n , t i e menatimB look for f ln in d a l f ir e ­works. WlVh the German gorcfam cat following ita p resoat practice tho fa- ture o f the m ark depends upoa the m arkot prieo for.»raato papw . , .

Thnro U n lit tlo ohnnge in tbe alt- . o itiea in th e H alted Btates. Borlaesi < Is now 72J5 pa late below aorm al to a - pnrod n i th 83.C po la ti below a m obth - •go, a ed the low o f 110 po la ts 1k1ow wtilcli ocentw d da rlag U w cb . I f . . how erer, wo will leam a leason frem • : GenBBay ftnd qu it tiy la g to g e t aometUSag for -ftothlBj b a ilB e u re- vlT«J wlTl be

C l i « [ S ; ■ lE IE i i E O U L A f f i i

’ --------- Ml

More Than 27,000 Individual Service Men Benefit from the Law Aiming to Re-Est iish »( Soidiers };■

--------- onOTTAWA, Ont., Canjula bw

jptfut over |3<,000,000 in tho catablish- m eni Af roturnod ootdlors od tbo land.T h b f lp iro roprcsonta over 27,000 in i*", dividual px-acrvico men who hnvo been bouclitfd Irca tbu Jnw whUb had for wl' its tw in niniA aoldicr to - 'stnb lb lm ien t poj nnd tiio dcrolopm cnt o f . tlio nffncul- lOt tu ra l rotourccs of tho dotainion. I t »ui rcproac.itii'HO jier ccnt o f CJuinJu’i cx- fl.3

-./lorvleo men w iv have (;ono burk tu Tli tLo tnll-] a ad SO pcr coot of tho men of Iun tho Cunndinn arm j' vrlio v;crc dcmobil ] ijK-d n« ]ihyei6Sl>^ fit. kot

IM DS np to S7/-00

U ndur,tho in w nny oi-acrvlco man cnl eligibJu from a militnry standpoint, rpp l^ v in ^ Mon Kurvici} ovcrauiu, mny up- ply fo r lonns up to n mar>mum o f $7,- f„v SOO for fJio /oilovring purposes: for thi; jiurclmjo of land, $4,SOO; for sttjck and ces: vquipmunt, $2,000; f<ir pi-rmanunt im- ggtl pruvcnmntf, fj,000 . I f ou cncumborcd Innd, tho ox-soldlcr in cn tillcd to loans t),,, fliiiountiu(( to $S,000; if on frco domin* . ibu Jnnd. to loana uinountin(» to M.OOO.

. }ii tho ease 'ot purchjui'tl load tbo sot- tJor may 10 per ccnt of tho cost „„i,' pricu <>f tlio lond n.r n j^ n ran to c o( wq, good faitJi; vini

Tlic^n benefits nru open to m ca of 33]! tho Canodinn Expeditionary f^>rc<H, tu jgn cx-sorvjpo n e n of O m t D rit*in, the tin ' Jom ln inw and tbo alliod forces, who j,]j| l iv e d 'in Caosda p rio r to the w ar, and . (0 m-flcrrioo mon of tho im perial or ' dominions fore«s, if on the ir arrlvnJ In ■ Canada they spent a su ffie ica t t l a o to Rftin. p rartica l O jp-ieultnral-exporienee on O m ndian fonas. T h j impcriW*, ” hoVovnr, a rc rflqnlrod to pay 80 por f ccn t llf th e e ipond itoN s for a ll por- poiM rnah iowa.

T n ln la s O onz^ Provided eenl'6 n Ju ly 31 tho numbor of applica-

- tiona ^var 00,857, and of tbcae 43,705 ' had bcuB accepted as ouailfied to.ftirm . *VB

Nearly IfiDO o thers a re in JrainJog lo™ n-ith tl.fc inten tion o f tak ioR 'up fnrma nh en <iuQlificd. O f the iiO.TOl sottled on iho land, 20,024 woro p u n te d loans. Tl

G A T EThe Tire Witl


s ■ -i-'„=r.-=z--------


'fT A6i?fc4r IfeJIF t j c w t / A W Fui VWEAKEaJ ' a s h . j T O JT C

■ I ■

''' \

fwo _ . ■ - 1


T he othors no ro iocatod-on fxoo domin- e> ion lands w ithout financial assistance be

Tlto Settlom ont Board adopted a hi fy sk u i o f loloction, requiring th a t ap- th pllcants m ust pass a rljtiil ciam inaU on to

I os to jihyaical ab ility , moral c h m c to r 01 , . and aiiieority o f purpose, w ith fiio 'ro - in I aull thn i, ou t of tho 20,000 ac 'n who ra ' liavo lion beon on tbo land upwnrda of

Stwo yeara, t t r lc t auper%’lslon o f tbe ir opomtiona has revealed tho fa c t lh a t only nbout 10 per cen t havo ftiilcd to in show prumise o f sa tisfac tory . results, at: In (lomo eases I t hna boon'found nccer- l l sa ry la allow tho se ttle r to w l(hdrnw [i(!

k\ from III* oIillRation and tbo bonrd b a i ; e i takon over bis farm and aold i t to an- lr.

l e olher. {th, Tn -125 such <wses, where tho invert-ipo

>n m ent of tbo Bovommont wna $1,002,-1 no 720, tho govornm ont roalliod on resale lesi ♦1,0W,52S, ebowiag a }osa o f only I1P.30 ‘ on each farm . i>vl

J-ij. Tho loana for laad and pormnnont j_ D improv.iments run for 2. years , thoro i,j •n for stock nnd equipment fo r six yearn o f jy w ith in te rest a t flvo pc r eont. N oiyjj I t povmontK wiTo duo un lil tho toll o f i

1020, whon 12,231 men wero liable. T h f p i [• number who mnde repaym ents w n s ,” *

0,330 nnd 1,430 made prepaym ents.':u T hem wero J03 who repaid tho ir e n tir e :)f lunna. ' „1 In viow (if the* collnpae.of tho m ar­

kets in tho middle of the tbrczbiai; soa-1 Hon an-I of tho oecurrenc of droutn and | o ther viHitationa last ycnr in aomo lo-, ,

n cnlitios in tho Woat, Jhe governm ent' , t | rPRordi th is stn tem ent na vory sn tiii-.'’^' ’• factory, nnd i t is boliovcd th n t a vo ry ]th i !• fow viinrs will bco moat of theso so l-> pa: <! d)<'f titrmers well on th r ir w a / lo nJ '"-d} '• cess. Indeed, tbero uiro oases where , >• sottliT j linvo taken from tho po u n d “ croiw aRRroKntlnjj In vnlue moro than l<'* thc whole coat o f th e ir farms. . Fi'lI-). ' A lbe rU H as M ost. '."j

•• Afhcrlu has the Inr(n!« nitm bcf o f Jut aolilior se ttle rs , w ith OOSS;.Baskatcho-:fnr

f wan accond, w ith 5W 0; tbo otbor pro-;v;h vinres in tho ordor nam ed; M anitoba,-oth

3310; I>Titiah Columbio, 2076; Ontario, u 1C21; Kew Brunawlck, N ova Sco-r f tia , 381; Quoboc:..303; I’rineo Edw ard poi0 island, 320. • , ' Psi

. In nddition to the loan advnntnRca' soc which n soldier to ttlo r.h n s, tho board for

, socuros fo r him vory favorable n r a n g c - , linf . menta .w ith regard to tho parc tuso of a 0 ■ Ills stock a n d . cdulpmenl. Farm ma-|’ chtnory m anufacturers , lumber dealers.

boroesi a sd wagon makerv ^ iyo speclnl . pricer lo soldier sottjors, in somo casc!«,i :.i am ounting to a roduetloi. of 30 po t; cea t. I n , t h e ' purchase of equipm ent;,

. tho board hha cffoetod n iiavinfr o f n„ j ; $880,804. I t nlso has saved tho ss tt lo ra , s ,„

la;go fums in land purchase. No ir- ; torroediary is perm ittpd to take a rake- \ o ff on soldier f a rm t; tho land is bought ,.]o,1 dircc t from tbo ownor. cd ■

Tho most im portnnt ndvnntaRo, how -jscoi

E S T HVith the Wider and Thick

Obvious, Isn’t It— ■T h e m i l e s y o n g e t

p ^ n d n p o n t h e m ilo t

i n t o i t .

T h a i ’s w b 7 4 fae t r o a

a n t . I t i s t h i s n t l

h a s t o t a k e a l l t h o

ke<3p t h e b n m p s a w £

s i d e f a b r i c .

O b v io Q s , t h o n , i s n ' t

. ‘ . w i t h a w i d e r a n d

s h p o ld w e a r l o n g e r ,

t h e 'o n o b ig : s e c r e t b a

S t t p o r - T r e a d T i r e .

^ ffh ea d ServiPkonc 908-

Cor. Second Ave., and i

POI'■Ti(r»lK V tR \ . j , H M c ; ) i

iW U L S » M c f y 6 e R T iE = \

r z SAVE j

- '

1 TWIN FALLS UAII- evor, is the vnporTtsion whleh tbo ! bcjud Bottlers. I t a d v is ea him in all his oporations'B ntil fatlsfic?, t- th a t ho Is doing woll nnd in a position n to c an y on w itliout assistanre.' I t buy« r only w hat ho needs, not what-,ho w ants,>■ la thU w ay curbing his propensity fo r 0 ra th buying.\ ' W orks with E ed Crosa.

t A hom e-brancb counsels and, asa is tr0 in w hstover manner seems to, be desli*>• able the dopondonts o f tbe fo ttle ra - Ih ia branch has sccurcd tbo co-opexa- r I (ion <if (ho God .Croas and o tbo r «od-1 ctios io thD ostnblisbment of hospitals :- lr. remote arena nnd It b a r bronght

{thoaoaad.! o f the womon to eontcrs o f •ipopulnlion .for wrnrsts In homo cco- .-Inom ici, wbleh bnvo proved ve ry lntor- ejcBtinK nnd helpful.9. Thl* re-MJab!lsJiDicnt scbtfnio,

1 which iH If cbinied is unrivaled in tbo 'w orld, in ndmlniatcred by a ‘board of ■'throe;. M ajor John B arnett, M ajor E .

‘ J . Ashion, nnd Bsmucl M aber. Thc head bfflco Is n t Ottawa and distrloti

" I office* are cstabllnhed in every pro-


M an Fzom lneot In O rK asin tlo tt .D9.' . d a re s Soc&lrorship Pn>ce«iUs{a Be- 11 sa lt o f Blaetanail

;! OIIICAOO (ff ) -T h c Co oporaUvo 0o-I o irty flf Amcripii wiiich wns placed in •]thc Iiauils of Ihf (.Vntrnl T rust com-

'pa iiy 'r.^ rcci’iyor Thursday, was doelar- ' I'll i-YWny hy Unrrison I|flrkcr. one. o t ' tlii'p h ir f fi;n>rea nf thc orgajiization,, tfl havo vlrluiilly Locn aucceoded last

Fi'bniary by Uk- ' ‘Co opt-ralorB of Am- (-rlca.*’' I n IndornI dm lrirt couh ycrtordny,

’ Judge Evans lu nppalntlng a recoivor ' ;fn r tbo ten million dollnr c o r | |h t l o n ; whieh owned dairies,' aroeory s tJro s an \ ■ other Industries, derlnrod the sociotv

• was visionary.■ "TTioro is nothing a t a ll to th is kp- p o ln ln 'o n t-o f n receiv e r," said M r. . P s r ir r . " T h l ; wboJo a ttu k oa tbo

: society Is made by cortam attornoya for. black mail. Wo havo assets to ta l-

jling fivo mlllinn dollars and do no t owo a oont to anyone."

Taft Re-Elected as i Unitarian^ President• D E inO IT , Mlfh. ( /n -W lllto iT . IIOK- , nrd Tnfi, chief justlfo o f th c -Unltod

■ Stntcn supremo oourt, F riday wns ro- clooleil prcriilent. of tljo T lnitarinn Qen- r ra l fiynfcrrnrr n t fbo o r/ranba tron 's

, closlni; buaincm session. Ho wns elect­ed wilhout opposition, fo r n th ird con-

iscontivo to ra .

H E S IIcker Tread

t out of a tiro de. lilos ib a t a re bnUt

’ i - . .

road is so import- ru b b er tre a d th a t ho road w e ar and aw ay from tho in .

n 't it, th a t a tire md th icker troad 2T. I t docs. T hat’s . back of th c Qatoe

race Station188-W

id Second Strcel S.

VLLY AND HER PALS4 ai’ Hlm J t S S j

: .IrT tK HEP T H /iT \

I I I E ^ t ^ i i ^ ^


p M l T f= i p s i i^ O k la h o m a S h e r i f f a n d D e p n t i e s a a F a t W h i t e B o b e d a n d f f a a k - . e J- e d M o n t o E o n t • JI , ■ p[[ DOBANT, Okla., (yp)-6 eTernl shots if TTore fixed Tbnrday n ight betwoon of- t< 3- fleers composed of Sheriff Tnylor ''

o f Brynn county land throo deputies, / ^ and a band of nine marked w hite iob- J od men whom tbo offieori discovered if in a pasture north of tbo d ty . Noae

of ;tbo officcra^ was injured. ^ 0 robed ^ men flud a fle r the sbooting aad 6bor- ‘®’l f f Taylor said he believed none o t •’ '* them hud been wounded. The sheriff

doelarc-i he would o j t permit fflM tiofi *| o f masked men. ' =

] Calls for Big Fund j for Russian Relief I

». IrX)NDON, (/p EttorU to save 10,- I

000,000 Russians from atnrvatlon *wll I ftail unless 5,000,000 pounds ia raised I

*' before Christmas, doclared Dr. F rid tjo f I n Nanoen in an interview w ilh the Daily I

Ilernld, Inrt n ight. Dr. Nnnson. who 11 la in ly.ndun for tho purposo of further- ' I Jng mt-itiirea tor tho roli*/ ot BoasJa, I

‘ oMerted tho solution of lho world I I, problor.i o’f URcmpIoyment was to . bo I t found ill rom batting famino in th a t I

country. I

BBAD TH E O L A S S ir i ib ADft •' ■r '■ '.'.l-a.'.'JJ1I . ’ __________________ __! ' Ir I -~ * iT f rT T T a 'in m ‘n i i cT

i .% • y '

> s , .

I '

DooiI ' M'.


MAGEI . . 'T w m F . k l .


o BY d ul O - . o „ p ^ ,

,:l'l A C C o' jT \ /

.O f tu -M il- ll-WW' / ■ la lT C r t

\ HrtS t E iT

iT- FCfbUI-JiTEJJ'- ( ------- — y ---------


. Ccr----

DAY, OCTOBER S, 1921' '

Greeks Force ttirk ,.... 01■ Columns to Retreat ^

« A Tfn?N 8, '( /P } - 8 orlous figh ting .has ’ oeeuned botwoen Oreok and TorMsh r

J tplloii lat troojv oa tho ,^ ju a -K ara - oJJ hissar fron t in A sia Minor, nnd a* a a a result, tho Oreoks have forced nation- obi

8 aUst >-oromns to re trea t, tays an, offi- on c la l's ta tem en t issued hero. The rix th cei

■ Turkish divisloln waa completely do- foatod,-U ]d fled from tho fitld., boing ] pursncd by tbe Grcoks. ’ coi

« Tho losaes o f tho oncmy axo doclared pa] r- to bo v«_y s o n o n t ' Pit r •• - ' '■ • ........... see., Red River Valley in , ^

Grip of Cold Wavei ^0 W IC IlixA PA LLS, Texas, OR - A GeiD cold wnvo rcached hero oarly iViduy, Tbi.. followed by a drop in tem perature to ceo( .W degreer. F o r t W orth nad D e n m ast railroad employes reported snow bad w i|, fallen i t Texlino. ; ton

rl . ^ ^ ^

J I '

ig e B rothef40TDR CAR

will be sold in th is c ity by

iEL BROS. GARAGEs, Idaho Piione 540-541

d L H T STTiRBBTTn lsh h t , 1031, by N ew spaper Fea tn io Borvla

' ■ SO REK IH u T T u t

r r . how / / iS i

^ 1 \ ■ FEU. HiS

^ ^ “



OIL TAKES ANOTHER JUMP*Advkttce of 25 Oeati a Baxrel ia Aa-

noxuced la .Tozu u d Peeiey lT iau

'TULBA, Okla., ( A ^ N o rtb e r a T exia ' l oil mit Ddnneed.tc #L75 la qnototloaa announced boro Friday. T ke P rn lrie Oil an’d Ons compaay a e t .U e |l.C q ,p riMon O klahoma oil by aiaott^tliiB :’ a ai5-cen t jidvnneo. ' '

P IT T SnD B O n, P«., K ®conts a barrel woa added to tbe p ^ i - pa l grodes of crudo o il qnotod l a the P itU burgh m arket n d d a y . I t Is ik« seeond advance In «m ds tbU week.


WASHINOTON, D. C., Cff) - M a J o # O eneral John L. H laes was d<!slgnat«d Thursday by Seeretary W eoks to toe- ceod M ajor G e n o ^ Diekman, retired, as commander of the E igh th corps o tm w ith lieadqoa iten a t F o r t Sam Hotis- ton , Texas.

- ‘ • * PEOOF OP T flS ' :

AEOITMEKTth a t best vuleacU ia^ PV®/ Is for- nisbed by tbo fac t th a t tubes s e v ­er blow out agala a t pointa whore wo have repaired th e n .A tiibo m ay Irtjvo o a t ono weak po in t. H Whon Uiat givea w ay, b ring the j tube to. us fo r repairing and re s t ^ assured th a t troublo la ended o s ' T f a r ns Uint tire^ Is coaceraod. . ‘

' GEM STATE VULC. CO.120 Seamd A w . W ett ^

If *

r '

: ■

; •

^ I ' *W '" I


rleo. Inc. '

= = i -------------- ■ ;:i£ R K tP T 1 ,

I S h o r t w o ) . ■

R v M W lS ! (


K 4- o a I-

■^da^sSpor'STO EilTL • CEI LiniE OPPI


Champions Retain Superi( the Season, Winning ' Home liOt 133 to 0—Indr erous on Home Side, wi

g iiigtheW ay—SubstitutSOOSB B T Q U A M B E S. Lei

I * QMrlnr-WmitoU 0, I » U F*1U 12 ead Qtuirter-WasdeU 0, Twin F tlli GO. nm 3rd QrurtcT—Wendell 0, Twin Palls 21. Fni4th Quuter-WeadftU 0, Twltt Palls 14. ^or

. Total—Wesdan 0. Twls Falls 1S3. tho

Out-icAUbBa, ont'p layod, out-elaucd,L'- th e Wflndoll b igh Mhool football elovcn W ' «B Lincoln lo t yeaterdajr w m battered T- a ad beaten Into bopeloas dojoction by

tfce am a-hlng M tlaagh ts o f CUneon W. "Vj H ra a s ’ rew U gh sehooi g rid team. Tbo (e«t« w as 138 fo r tb e home fo lk agaiast

_ ae tb in^ fo r th e Tlsitors. I t m ight ba re 9 be«B uoTte b n t E ra n s to re b is f irs t

Ubo pUyiBir o igaalta lion to sndthBTCcnjA fter (lie S n t ba lf, snbstltn tlng second w t in d tb ird w n ad a e n fo r tb e regalarr.

Bvcn tho oppotltion mado l i t tle head* -pdf way and no ro r.d id th roaten tho domw- q „ | t ic goivl. Only once da rlog the entire fray; lii fao t, d id WondeU moa hold the Mj,

A ball f J r downa. T bis wa* in 'th o la s t g ^ . quarto r Tsljen eub itttn tcs had ripped up ;vn B fo a a ' Bturdy offense, croating_w eak- j.;di BCI!* th a t provided a bole or tw o for q],, the opposition. Hin

A ct L ike mUeholders.

E vans ' f ir s t team , a t least tho toam . ® ho neot in to th e fiold to s ta r t tho fray :

/ A a^alnet -P. E . Crutebflold's" north- ^ sliorn.. vcstcrday, lDol:od-hIco''ii cham- "

pionsbiit o u tf it from tho bctnnninR. Spcud ond w eight wcfo dcmonnetratcd - io thac o iitiit, w ith Houp-htelin, Leon- „ y ard S cott a d C aptain Clifford Pix icad- inj; th e sprin ts. This tr i» , aIJcd onit aboltcil by Jim m y Scilloy, and, on. one oftoaslon. Bob Nicholson, tore cither

^ around the end or throDRh tbo opposing jC^ Une for a ll the Jonchdomis, nad Ihoro iruro' 10 in a lt. Tuckor a t contor, wns JL a towpi of irtrcngth, whllo tho ginrds- men stood like collective Oibnvltnr •

^ a^^ainst effori« o f the Wondoll men. - Y ‘ ' I ’a f ' . P lynn a t rlRht guard, and I ,• “ B o b '' Pn taier, a t r ig h t tacklo, gave

oxem plificationf o f slioek absorbing th a t wboDy discooragod tho tnTndln:t ho tt, \tb lle Gene T booiotz,.at right, end, served hla team w orthily. v

Pfom tho blow off Wondell nover had X choafo. The' team th a t a short tlm" ago glorified itse lf by holding tho ago Goodinc college o u tfit to St) counts, and ors lato ly defeated Jerom o 7 to 0, was a ■< boaton o u tf it ^ t o r tho forco o f tho vict f irs t shock was sustained. T hat thock froi soomod to take a ll tho vlTacity from >i tbo northsido c o n tb g en t, ond thore- hnd a fte r , until the 'beginning e f tho third piaj

. ouartar E v a n s ' poopio sim ply tram ped ing u e dust to the goal-lino w ithon t'on ' countcrjng much opposition. Jim Beil- thal

v A loy.'sttick- and BtuTdy or ho is, found ho V u ttlo d ifficu lty Id earry.ing tho ball jas.

. throngh the- lino- fo r f^od -4;tiins by \ (imon pnro line ba stin g tactics. " L e n "S eott proved a w if trd a t p icking holes «*w in tho o|>posing defonso, whllo dls* the played a Nowman speed In carrying; p ltc tbfl pigskin a ronnd th e end fo r gun«, th)it TTo failed no l on gp.al k lek i, either, upoi

f t .robnny Ilonghtolin proved equally of* n Cectivo w ith Bcilley In em shing down >ii(c the W endell defease. *jivi

PiclcM to Pieces. ''t«J

In the f ir s t quartor Scilloy d u h e d nblo through the line fo r SS 'ya rd s to. tho iim goal a fte r play had been on aboul a ka lf minnto. Im m odiatelr a fte r play .. ,

f t had' boen s la rled following Bellloy's k run, FH.t took tho ball ovor. Honghte- 1,1^5 Un mado tho th ird touchdown. Fix fol- fof

.low ed np w ith n .10-ynrd rim round tho «'i)i ond for another Icuchilown and then Boillny picked a b ig hole in the nppos- ],(.n

£ ing lino for another. S eo tt startedpick ing 'ho les a t th ir point ami com- r p

f . plotoly nonplused tho visiting linesmen 9 w ith his nb ility in th is direction. Hu

fonnd HItIo opposition o fter ho onco got underway, and proved himsolf an art- _ . ful dodger. Sellloy mado tho Inst touch- ^ down ot the qua rte r when he plnngod through.

ITongbtelin slnrted o ff cnrl^v in ths second i-pisodc, m aking two touchdowns .

9 before th r oppoting grlddors wero real- ly sPt for tho co m b at Nicholson holpeil ! some poon a fte r w ith ix 50-yard run sroimd tho ond, and Scott followed tho pcrfornnnco w ilh a good sp rin t around, ’’r ' Thoso two c fforla gavo tho homers an- ^ e ther tmiehdown, and a m inute or so ""m Iste r .'lolinny HoughtoUn evaded tho , J nofthiii'lors on n 00-yard dash to the Z

■ A goal. Scolt mado tho nex t on a 50-yard ^ m n, b'cnging Iho score to 77-0, ''

A t th ir junrtnro Wendoll go t a pen- i a lty Ol* fivo yards fo r o ff aido. i l l l e y wont Ihrough for another touchdown, ,v . P ix an-l Scott following suit, making tho scoro 08 to 0 w toa tho f irs t half - M .U , b lJ^ . j „ l ,

) S nbs tita te s Hold 'E m . rnnsCoach E vans s ta r ted o ff early tear-

ing h ij f irs t s treng th toam to pleccr in the tko th ird ( p ir te r . Pucke tt w ent fo scnl(>r for ^ c k c r . Foster, lo ft'tac ltli ' J f f f o r Wondell, began to display football p prow eu a t th is p o in t Tho l.ad gavo tC f somo b rillian t cxomplificatlons of tack-

. -Itng , nnd m aterially aided in reducing if ' tho scoring s trength of^thc Evansmen. tlm Ilo rea lly war the only'm on in the vis- dn-r.

. itin g a rray who showed anyth ing in the ^ron^ way of football t a le n t smnl

I n face o f the now defonso Twin tlon Palls cnntinued to b a tto r holes in Wen- c itr . d e ll’s form ation for good gains, and Span soon K dlley w ent o re r fo r a touchdown. Prazoll was inserted th is p o ls t 'f o r I i l

DriingJ^e'W rs

nLDEIIS I S M F I I i , l i E i i l E il e r i o r i t y i n F i r s t G a m e o f

? T i l t w i t h W e n d e l l o n

n d i v i d u a l S t a r s a r e N u m -

, w i t h C a p t a i n F i x L e a d - ‘ 1'.-

; t u t e s G e t C h a n c e - S i■ ■ ■■■ wo

Leisor n t le ft guard. S to tt w en t dm2 through for 3r> yards for a touchdown )3. nnd H x followed up with r jiothcr. Twin M’nI. FnlU wat pcnalixea for offsido ju s t be- spiL foro thl) whistle blew for th e end o f to5. tho qnarter. mp

Beginning Ibe fourth. K ing-w as sub- I’hiJ, stituto.l fo r Scilloy a t right ha lfback irg

F ix w ont ovor for a counter. Robin- dotJ son took Jobnny Iloughte lln ’s ptar.e I

snd Swim w en t in for Jameson, l^-bns hui> subbing for Bobinson, I^orris fo r Pra- sid■ roll, K err fo r Scott and somebodr e l 'e opf , fo r F lynn. S ro tt had juU made an- for . o thor and tho Inst touchdown when he nm; ^ was called off. /

J Llnenps.i W EN D E l.b. Posliion. T W IN FA L L S Ginf’ Settle .............J><ft Knd_____ Jameson Yoj

Fos ter ............L e/t Tarkli-...... Nicholson'■ O a te s '...... .......I.el't Guard______ Loiser® Ix!lan>l .... _____ Center....... ........ T ucker tj,o^ McOlnnis ..... Kight Guard............ PlynW j,o,^ Sm ith ............Tlight U.icklp.....P u ttie rP Wnlsh ............n igh t Knd........ Thomet* y^si

Kllioi. ...... !,.,.Qunrlerbaek................ F ix (jin^ C hrir ................Fiillhnrk.......... I* S co tt

Ring ..........._...Ri«hr Hnlf._____ SelllovSm ith ........ -...L eft Half.,,, llouch te lln t

8 ubM ilnfc!.-P uckplt for T uckerj a» Hrowno for T liom ett; Frnr.pll for Lola- th t

^ I'rT 'K lnc-f-or-R cilley ; nobinjon fo r con 'I lioughlclin ; Sjvin“ fnr ..Inine.nm; I^ o n s fro

for Hol'iiii'on; N nrrh for Pra7.(11;'Korr F c ^ for Scott. <'vtI. Officials--^;. H. Wliilnt'y. form erly |. U niversity of WiKconsin, roforcn; Em* ll ory Benult. umpiro; Jonw , hond linpr- . man: Knrnes, tlmrkceppr.° , nnll


--------- smiJ " W o ’r o O f f , " S a y s M a n a g e r o f hit. ;r N e w Y o r k G ia n ts A f t o r } W in n in g O n e voi• : nin, NKW YORK. ( /P ) - " W o nro off now. plc,„ W atch i s from this time o n ," Is Man- Jj"'J ftgpr M eOraw's mpssngo to tho support- j.^“1 prs o f Iho O lants today, r -j » “ We will be right back for another0 v k to r v ,” wnr the word to Vankeo flinst from MnnnRor Milior Huggins. (i,,,,» McGraw deelnred yestor.lay’B v ic tory g n ,• hnd renewed the . ronfidonr'o o f h is p jt,1 players, who, ho said, made up a fight- i in g ba ll clnb. ,

“ I nm moro certnin now tb a a over• lh a t tho Qfants will win tho series,” G i ho said. “ I ’ll .prohably p itch Doug- ofI lo s ." fiel’ Asko.l if the defeat discouraged him, basi’ M anager H ugginf laughed and sa id : plajI “ W hy should I bo disconragcd, w itb tion• tho odd game tucked away a n d -tw o ing t pilcherH who have conclusively proved line

th)it thpv could stop thn Giants, to eall onal• u p o n !” ’ doiil

nugg in s declined to announco his Bob» p ilchcr dofinitoly for to iiay ’s game, T

saying ho v,-nnted to think It over an^ disasliidy the situation. toue

“ T h.ive both n a rp c r nnd M nys nvnil- etb(I nblo and I may not deeidn un til game cd 1> Ilmo which I will u to ," ho » id . as'.i1 ------ . serli’ - OIUFP W EATHBE IN lO frA ; '' 1 0 W .\ CITY. Tn., (/P)-(?ri«p w eathor tlm' ideal fo r foolball, prevailed he re 'todny m l■ for t'ho N otre Dnme-Unlvorsity o f low /i said ' “ b ig t e n " football game tiiis a fte r- win ‘ noon. The Jfo lre Dame sqiiad, num- I 1> j boring 25 mon, nrrived yeslerday. . th ir


TTnderstandlnff Beacbed a t W iesbaden : P onnita Paym ent o f Seven BlUIon ‘ M arks in Five T ea rs

■; PARl.S, (/P)—Franco Is Insured rc- I

para tions pajTnent nnd Gormnny Js g lv Is 1 J en a tnf-fins to avoid posslblo bnnk- wot

rnptcy throujrh tho ngrecmcnt *l(jned don yesterday n t Wiesbaden hy Louis Lou- (^j|, rhpur, Frenrh minister, of liberated re-

■ plnns. nnd Dr. W nller'R nthcnau , Qer­man m inister of recon«lruetlon.

' Tlio ngreement Li regarded hero w»' nf extrem e importance nnd will perm it

Oermnny fo pny tho equh-nlent o f seven t“ t“ billion pold marks in the nex t five years. F i n t reports indirnled th e I mjrcpmei.t would rtin bu t thren yenrs, fl b n t It is fonnd npnn exnminntion of fhe th n t I t does nnt expire beforo Mny .1, 102fi,

“ Tt is expressly stlpnlnted thnf. nil dellveri".t shnll bo devoted to tho re- constniplioln o f devtislated reglone in northnm F m n ec ." says an annex lo ' Ih o n g re em cn t Wo

Melilla Bombardment «»'' Resumed by Moroccans ImS

_____ ensilM R L n.T i.\. f ^ M o r o f c i n s resnmed nf i

thp bnmbnrdment nf Mn'ilLi Inst Snn- Wb d n r. n n d 'fh o firo cnntina'-tl throneh on { ^fon<l^v w ifhoul lerioiis dnmnge. A eowi smnll iro u n of Moors ofcnpled a poji- j flon in tho sonthem suburbs of the c ity , and scn» n number of shells into Spanish poslllons.




mmmi i s T I T I

J L L i j l JYankees Do .the Things I ■ and 'Vice Versa, Up to

ship T il t^ R u th May Arm Trouble—Giants

NEW YOBK, (/P)—Thoir batting, sights c!rar nnd aet for sharpshooting, the Now Y ork G iants were dotermincd loday to 'bom bard the Yankee tw irling lokctlon , and gain an even footing in tho w-orld’s eeries. They hammered j four Yankee pitchers for a w o rld 'r sO' „ ries rccord o f 20 h its ycsteniay, and won the lliird gamol U to 5, a fte r dropping tho f irs t two n-jth#ut a score.

M anager McGraw intim ated ho woald M'ml “ Shuffling’’ Phil Douglas, the spil-baller, to Ihe mound in on effort to hold the Ynnkt'c sluggers wliilo h it v mon mnrch to Ihi-lr second victory. " I’hil hurled a gre.it gnmo in the open- * i r g conti-ft BR^inst Mays, bu t the nn -1 '' dorhnnded fllnger was craftior.

H arry H arper, tho Ilackcnsaek, N. J ., h u rler ,'w ho mnkcs u|i H uggins’ port- sided m ountain stnff, is mOst likoly fo h oppose Phil', and if tlie Jorsoylto is in form, fho fourth gamo o f 'th o series may develop nnotlier pllchorf’ batllo . ,]

All the dope issued previous to tlio f nerii's by the so 'sillt 'd exports haa ma- _ feriallrcd, bu t It turned out thoy said {, G iants, whoro they should have said Yankooe and vice verra. Thoy predic t rd the G iants.wouhl show the g reatest « dnsh, speod and rcsoureefnlness, w hile tho Y ankees would win Iheir ffamoa by | horsehide mauling. In tho f irs t two ; gnmcs. Iho Yiinkecf won by dash nnd , rosourcpfulnesH nnd In Ihe th in l. tli*.' G iants piinc.hcd thpir way to *rlumph.

Bnth Has Bad Arm.Suffering from an uI bccss on his arn.

ON n result of his base stealing in thu socnnd gamo, liabo Ruth mny bC compelled to wtilcli fho fourth gome ' from Iho bench. W ilson, (“ C hick” ) Fcw stcr will lake his place in th" pvoiit thn t Ilaho is unablo fo play. Hulll, u)i(> sllll Inclfs a series homo run, may gi'l u chnnce lo pinch h it, howovor, i f tho (‘crasion warrant*.

'“ My greatest desire righ t n o w ," *' said lh>‘ Bnbo, “ Is lo crown my w orld’s serlL'-< play with n homer into the Klund^. I ’d die easy if I could do i l . " ,

Yrsl<‘rdny ’s cnnie ar a result n f tho iiii'ffoctivi' pifchiui; of the Yankee twirlei>.,'’Phawk7y; Quinn nnd Collins, snw .1 rum bor of w orld’s series rccords smnshi'd to Kniithereoni. Thoae e ig h t ' h itr in Ibe seventh innln;; mnde one fl' rccord, Ihc ciRhl runs nnolher, and the • l'2 men who bailed still a n o th e r . ' Pop •''' VoungV two hita In tbe seventh In- i'* ning, onp a double, and the other a-tri* J ' plc, also mado history. The. tim e 're - “ quired to play the nino innings— tw c P hours nnd forty minutes—added a few J? lines to Ihe reeords. ,

.Tn-onfy h its for on^ toam in one gnmo never wero recorded before in o w orid’" scrips. Burns garnered four o f j ' ' Ihom, tlireo 'singles ami n triple and Snyder go t four singles. Roily nnd P itcher Toney were the only G iants „ who failed to connect a t least once.

' ' B u n s M akes H istoric Catch. ' rc Goorgo B u m s' g reat tun an'd cnpluro

of Q uinn’s drivo toward the center field bleacher wall, will go down in Ti baseball histoiy tar one of fho greatest od plays of tho (jame. I t will bo men­tioned rlong w ith Aaron W ard 's leap , ing ooo-haDdcd eateh .of B aw ling t’ be liner tow ard right, in tho socond, which he enabled tho Yankee keystone sackcr to doublo Emil Mouael o ff f irs t and poll Bob Shawkey ou t of n deep, dark holo. ^

T oney’s showing for tho Giants wni- disappointing, .b u t B ig F^cd had a touch break and probnbly will got an- b tber chanco. Jcsa Barnes, who reliev­ed him, pitched & m asterful game and as rennU MeQraw belloves ho haa Iho serlef won.

“ .Remember how Donglaa pllchod in tlm firs t tramo, afid how Nchl worked in Iho sccond, and then count Bnmes,'’ ’ said the Giant leader. ' I cxpect t j w in w ith all three of them ap iin an-!I believn iTonoy Is toijd , despite that Ihird inning yesterday. I t appcnrs th a ' thn Yankees havo o a lr Mnys i\nd Hoyi and I liclifivo wo will boat them in Ihelr next nppoaranees.’’ I

Today bolng a ha lf holiday for bn tl I ness poopio in New T ork, n rerord j erod wns expected to pock th e Polo; Oronnds. '

Woman BU rtad F irr t Dally Paper. 1 Tbc flrst dally paper Id tho world

Is eald to b a re becQ e su b llih e d by a woman. Miss E llu b e fh Mnllcf, In Lon­don. Mnrch. 1702.' She polished and edited tho Dally O onran t whl'cK sho founded " fo r ,tho purpose of doing g rea ier JobUco to w ancn In general throuKh th a elimination of lm;icrtl-: nenccs which tbe ordinary papera con-1 tain ." _____________

A Spieniliil .Farm For SaleAT

A Remarkable Low Price on

.Very Easy TermsWo have a 120 acre farm nenr Jerome, Idaho, th a t is well adapted to dolrj-ing, nnd general farm ing, th a t wo will sell 10 a farm er w h o ‘will handle a dairy herd, on U rm s th a t iflll le t tho farm ensily pay fo r Itself, a t tho low prleo > « t <111.011Wfl h iv e placed several good farmors on fatm s and stocked them w ilh milk eowa, and they aro m aking good.


Idaho Home Owners Loan &1 Investment Oo.

Pho^o 83B .W Joromo, Idolio ..


J . ■


; Expected of the Giants, to Present in Champion- .y Be Out of Game with s Punch Way to Victory "

------------ -----------------------------^ ^ fo

I • Brief Bits of Sport <"•t J

I Which proves' onco again thnl it Ir takes ihorc thnn one robin lo. iaaug\ir- nn

; nte n -];rinj; sertson. Si

r ---------The fliants won -yfietcrila.v hecniiiii' Cl

j Ihc-y jiii'ducnd tho punch. AiI.--------r

[ Toni.trrow ihorc will bo nnotlier Kami', wentlii'r [n'rmiltlng, tind Tho Nows will I . supjily iiK sidewalk guesls w ith Ihi A . snini' Iricoiuparablo servlen th a t has . I mnrkcd all oilier game,s n f Ihe prw ent

--------- TlSiimlay’H Imllotins will s ta r l cominu

1 here nt iioon.I I . . .' MeuuwhlL', Clinton W, Hvans hus ■ demimslrnlod o liility to recooslruet ' from the nu'mhcrs o f la s t y e a r ’s cham- ™/

Ktonshiu winners and new tltle contend- ; lg gridiron cloven.

Yctlerdn>*'s demonstration ngninst J Wondell, while no t a rea l te st, provid- („. ed a p retty fa ir so rt of lino on the gon-

cra l phying nbility o f tho local grid ^ o u tf i t There’s spood nnd sturdy

, strength, ns well as stam ina, rourage and “ pep,” in tho E vans ou tfit.

, ii'iiiliiiialinn lha l npclifc i-liampion- shiji Jil'vnyr. ■"

r Fridny tli'o loeal t^iiupe will; lrni|riM to Fil'ur for a gami' on MIpr ; field. /

T h li pH ii'. .ic-i-ording fo Filpr ijrid i'XiM'r>, will l>i, d ifferen t, in fact Filer

' folk drrhire Ilicy will tear the Twin Pa lis mnchini' lo , plecos, or a t least

' eliuck a wri'iich in tho machinery,

And Filer 1ms something on which tn bnnc Its Ih rpn t Lnnl woek tho team defpnlod a neighbor eleven by an over- whclmini; score, hut not quilo w ove'r- uhplmini; ns tliat o f yontcrdny^ :here, .

' Captnin Cliff F ix promisM fo n d e - ''• qunlely fill' tlm elonted' shoos doffed' by “ Speed” 'N ow tian , s ta r o f lost y e n r’s team. He directed his team so porbly >eMerday: took patses perfectly anfl'mSiTe'ond m n s 'lb a t almflst fo re e iH forgetfulness o f t h e lad who won a I place nil tho all-state high school team tnst year, and Is now sta rring with Bcrkislcy.

.lohnny llouithtolin. Ix>onnrd Scott nnd Jim my Scilloy, too, will do nnd thnl vc-ry wnll indeod.

Whilo ngainst “ P .s t” Plynn, “ B o b " Nieholvm nnd “ D ob" P u ttie r whnI chnnce hns any other legitim ate high rchool tenm in this d ls lric tl

Qooding colleRn wanted a game wifh Ti^Mn. Falls. Tlmt w m n fle r tho Melh- odlslfl had dcfqalod-Wondell 20 to 0.

I t is .hnrdly oxpocted tho request will be repeated in ligh t o f w hat happened hero yeslerday.

Reports from F iler indicate tha t the

I ' ^ I H

I T h e F o r d D e l i v e r s

' t h e b u s i n e s s w o r l d . 'i c a l m o t o r c a r i n s e r

s e r v i c e ; i t i s t h e m o s t

t h e r e g u l a r F o r d C h a s

. c a n g e t o r - b u i l d a n y 1

l i t w l l m u l t i p l y t h e v o l i t e n i t o r y v I f t h i s w c

i ^ c o u n t r y w o u l d n o t b e I p o s e s . C o m e i n . L e t

' ■ , Y o u w i l l f i n d i t a p r o l

W ESTER N1 4 2 S o c o a d A v e n u e

.S, IDAHO SATURDAY. (OCTOBER 1921 'grid team of th a t place ranka wilboutdoubt am ong tho W st o f 'th i s y e a r’s Sipo’srlbllltici. ,T ho toom baa heft, speed rep( and tho advantage of superior coaching, trtrp

l U i f i i l i i h

Lloyd Goorgo H eads B ritons j who are to Renew Parleys

with Sinn P o in __ |

1/) .M '0 \ , (yj»)--jThi’ jHTNinni'l of tho ' | EiiKli'li drlnnatlnii to llu' ronferenco ^ w ith Irish K-iidi'n licr.' nrxl Tuesday , mw iiffirinJIy aiinuiinn'.I H rldav ' mC ] follow,-.- . ' ■

LInyd (K-.ir^r, l.ord Illrkon-lnad, tin- bird ......................ilur; Sir Iln-mur (In-onwood, chief -«'crfliiry for Irc'lnml; Austun (rjuimln-rlaiii, Kuvern- iiii'nt Ii';nU>r iu thi', Iioum' iif coniuionr-Sir ......... . W orthiucton Evans, soerctary fi.r wnr. and Winston Hpcncer Churchill, sccrotnry for iJir colonies. Atlurnoy Qeucral Hewnrt will l ie ,a memln'r of lho eonferoneo whenever eoQstilnliannl questions nrlsc.


Tflkw D nm O cto lw 13 to E n t e P lw j vUlB O ouu ltllis w ith le g a l Oonnsel '

SA.V raAKClBCO, Cnl., (JP)-lio .co> I ( l) itly ) Arbuckle wn* arraigned in the ■ ' «ui>cri)ir eourt M d n y on a ehargo of manrlniighfor growing ou t o f tho death ol Mi,s V irginia lUppe. October 1.) wns ,, 't ns the ,dn tc for pleading, Ar- ' liuckh-H aflorneys, C. H JJrennnn of Ban IVincisro iiiid-Millon rM.' Cohen of , • I>is ,\ii"elos, (ftylfif; llipy wished time k III eoiisull w ilh othor coun't'el. l u

A F o ;D e s e ia

r Y o u m ^ ' i h E n l c ' t ^ t a

B a t t e r y f o r y o u r F o r d

^ o o m u o h . W e ’d l i k e 1

s u r p r i s e t h a t c o m e s o n .

w e q u o t e y o u o u r p r i e d


101 2nd Ave. N ortb


■■ ■


e i y c l r i s p r o b a b l y o n e o f t h e m o * T h e r e a s o n s a r e s i m p l e : I t i s t h e

l e r v i c e ; i t i s t h e m o s t d e p e n d a b l e

3 s t s a t i s f a c t o i y m o t o r i n s e r v i c t

h a s s i s w i t h j u s t t h e k i n d o f b o d y y

y k i n d o f a b o d y y o u m a y d e s i r e , ] v o l u m e o f y o u r b u s i n e s s b y d o u b l i i ^

w e r e n o t s o , t h e ’b i g g c s t ' c o r p o r a t i i

b e u s i n g f l e e t s o f F o r d c a r s f o r d e l i

> t ' s g o i n t o d e t a i l s a l i t t l e f a r t h e r

i r o f i ta l ^ lc i n v e s t i g a t i o n .

N A U T O q O M P A N Ylu e N o r t h I^ h o tie -1 2 9

■|1 bJ ktIJIB d

Q sltw ittr Rain.S a ltw a ter rain haa fre q ae a t tf b« t> '

tp o r te d durloff the p r e v a k i i t t ' o l . roplcal cyclones. T b ts Is J tho fnct thnt the .sp ra j '! 'fc (« U » ' re n t waves w h ic h jb eliiito ™ g e n e r ' tes Is o ften carricd many m iles to- »nd by the wind.

\ B>) 'rTCRiEs 'm ■

W fi& 'you nee'dsoond advice, ex­pert lepair 'woikonatiy' H K i k e o f b a t ,

teiy.oranew long-lasting

. BdaeiletiS serve you.

/ DEO. 0 . M IU CC.I C55|DitirikBtir 1/ Eifi!s SmlCfl II I2 & 2 sU n .N s rth 1 \ P b s H 6M M

.1.1 , ^

i iM M iiii i i i i i i im ’

►rd...:.r v e s

a I g e m ^ ' W n i g i t l - '

r d c a r w o o l d c o s t

:e t o s e e t h e l o o k o f . ^

in y o u r w b e a


P b o n t i a

, ZDAfiO

r . • I

= = ? = 9 ' '

l o s t u s e d c a r s i s h e m o s t e c o n o m - ile m o t o r c a r i n

i c e , b e c a u s e i t i a

y o n w a n t ; W e ;, p l a i n o r f a n c y , i n g y o u r b u s i n e s s

i t i o n s i n t h e '

l e l i v e i y p u r - f i e r w i t h y o u .

m ^

" S m m S i S

— .11 - M ..I. ■ Hi ' ^ HJohoi

. S o c i a l S j;;sion c

;■; . .. .'■ > »?•»» t o g l ,

■'■! Tho yoniff JadJci of ' 8 u iaw ardBth o ic h ■BMO 'cn tertttlB ed-* t bomp -5 o f Mias G ertnido M aeaulej l u | oven- injr, nbout aO’faeinj In atlcnflaaco. Tho jj_

' ovoning wna spent in Mwing for tho jji 'uu iboxnar which will bo hold n o it wcok. ,,,0,0 ,A short proRTMn wa* i^von tb a t int\ud- un ,(,j| od m uiie by tho M im s A gnot andEleanor Stronk, Torcsa P lo lfauf, Boso jfenrta sd K atherino Daljr aad a rcadin)f 'b y Carl I

■MiM Bakko. Tho liojtcsa aerved r«- hoitcafrcihm onts. cloio <

ComplimonUDS Mrs. £ . k Whito, tho Mmladies o f tho Poroign 'M insioaary bo- Bmijiicloty o f the i lo th o d is f ehurch served eon Ttoa Thuraday afternoon io the church csorulparlors. Tbe M esdoaos B. I-}. Bmlth, lers. ,Jogejili W all and J . W. C. Doako pour- dn i bicd. T lio muaical projjram included two Frid'nj piano solos by Mrs. 0 . H . Blioton anda duct by Mcsdnmbs Thomaa M ott and —II. C. U aguiro. j ^

Tbo regular mooting of the B a lm o n --------Social club WAS beld a t tho homu of TlioMra. Leo K irkm an on October 0. Bo- I'luMncauao of lho Uireahing aeaaoa, I t was elooto<

■ decided to poatpoao tho neetloL’ of Oe- tb« fi . tober ::o ua til Novombor 0 whoa tho lho ji

a u b ft’iU lucot w ith M ta. W .P. Mike- «oph..i toll. • ' '

. Tbo Tw in FolU delegation l o tho J ] ' ' ’ mooting of thc f i r r t d ia lrict of fodor- ‘‘ aVcd c lubi of Idaho rotum ed Ircrm Bii- port F riday •ovenlng. They roport very cnjoyublo ontortaiiim cut program,

• and till' paasajcc by tlio coiivcution of "suvcral im portant resolutions, including „ ^•a recomiaendallon to cohkt" * p f tho aegrcgiitioii o f tho Pall river area fromlho remainder o f Ycllowalone P o ik j a reaolution pu tting Uio club on rccord

. in favor of diaarmniucnt; continuation ],n,i ,n■ o t .fho traveling lib rary scrvico; sopa- cd by

• ration from politics o f U>o publlo AniihnKbools nod sU to educational instltu- son an

• tlous; cndor5enioat..uf tho work of tbo yell d; natJonol fodoratioo to olimlnate jazz music; proO iotlon 'of comtnunity sing- BAIN

" in g and good muaio In tho .public K hools) speedy consideration of tho .WUUa-Canpbell “ d ry ” law bill now ( (woding; appolntniont' o f Mrs. 0 .. J .W islb r as a mombor of tho advisory |i<’iir n board o f tho dlsarm am eat eonvontloa. rtivprii

•'------- , ■ TheluT ltations .woro^recdvod from 14a-

ho Vftlla BU AulUotty <ot ll;o 1922 Proapc m o o tin g ,;a n d ’the doclslon was rcfor- red t« tW goW rnlng board. Upon np- •« ' peal by U n . H . J . tiweeley, i t was vot. ^

•cd W 'ask fo r doUor OTbscrJpUoas from “ ‘ th o tomnbew (edciM loa Jfo r Uio be'aofit of tho loan acholnrship , fond. Btatom ont is mode tb a t tho fund r Ib rtholly inndoauate to meet tho do- ‘ jaand i o r loans among Qio atudenta. A bout .70 dcle'Ritc* nttcnilcil tbo m eel- „ , liig. Tho Mcsdtfmoa E . lt,-V anCoU ,,U. .^7. .Olouelick, 0 . W . WiUtam, Jn a M ,P i U g ^ d , a : . I t Boavcr, 0 . J . Bchroo- ,

. dor, M ary N orton, M. J . Swceley nnd ** MJm .‘ S te lla H ibbard Treprcientcil tbo

. ^ W t i o t l i Oeatn r r .elnb. . ' T

' T to Prcabytorlan A id socldty spent n ib s t .o f tho 'period of ■tboir-monthly buain«a mectintt T b ira a / --n 0 dU- n A r l cuMton of 'ptruia f o r ' th o ' nyned . . . which wUl eonven*} In T w in Pnlla «n VV Tliursday,- October -U . Katimato* place th e flumber-.«f a ttend ing ministers and tTptuxi d e le r ito s a t 75. and tho A id sodety will and

jurraagtJ 'fo r th e ir oa tertainnjent. Tho hoatcsies of tbo afto rn o o n ' wero Mrs.

:D . P . Bwoot, 'M rs. M. P . Qmnblo, Mrs. ( ju k C. D .In v in and Mrs. C. 0 . Larmoro a n i jow on Uioir novel flotertainm ont cAuaed much 1,0, h ila rity . Bofroahmonts wore served.

Tho 'W omen'# A uxiliary of tho Am- j . j 3 1., o rican L c^ o n hold tbolr; regulnr moot- in g in tho loereation room of tho Reed apartm eatfl T hursday ovoning snil.*i)cnt „ , aomo lime in diacuaalng plflna for aldini; ; tbo Legion in the ir A im lftico day ub- sorvnnco. Mias M argare t B ce!uflnd H art 2 “; V an R iper fu rnished a delightful pro* ,, gram of muaic. 'The hostesses, Misa Blr- , , d\„ P in k , Mra.,'T. H . B antw w , Mrs. « CTydo Blrapson and M rs. 0 . M. Blmpaon suMni-iaed tho social hour and aervod rc r e ih m o n ta ^ ^ ______ two cu

■ P roblcaB hf mom ent to 'U ie m em ben (if tho O atte llc Women’s leaguo were , " ‘' , . discusasd a t > ^ e l l a ttendod meeting J"' T hu rtday a f t A ^ In the Buainesa ” W om en’s c lu b A o m s. A short program t h a t Inclnflod m uiio i>y M rs. Pred Seek- 'ro p * w ith , n read ing by Mrs. M. Q Putnam “ O

- M d » paper by Mrs. P . B. Cox occu- « « 1; p ied tho tim o a f te r tho buslneaa meet.Tng. .T h o hostewea, Mcadamea J . P . p ; l ' « ' A hern, lln g h Amabary, D. M. Ib lr e i tively. Ha'S 0 . D. Aaflersoa io rro d refreih* Tho 1 a e o ts a t th e d o to o f -the tf te roM n . up only

--------- bur wnjA silver to a fo r the benefit o f tho 1-8 Io 5

Rnild of .the Episcopal chureh waa held Oata n t tho homo o f M rs. W . 0 . Taylor oa opening T hursday afternoon. Mrs. Ifa rry Ailea w ith U< and Mr*. J . W . W heeling served the May 37 guests from a tab le centered w ith yel* to 33 3' low flowtirs. D uring tho aftam oon th r i>rovL gnerts finjoyed vocal muaic by Mrs. w 0 Taylor, Mlaa Suianne Taylor nnd U rvc v< M rs. t H . H u t« r L A bont 80 were U n ttendaseo. a— "

M ra, W , R N ixon enterta ined Tues- T W I^ in y ovoning compUmontlng i e r aoU ier,U h . B. Michell, who hna been her lucBt /o r a num ber o f woeka. ^ ^

I'Hcction o f o fficers was tho leading w . v ,n te rc s t a t th e m eeting o f tho Baptist w f t[7omea’s Circle Thursday a t tho homo oTut hiif.M rs. W illiam W arberg. M ra H eart- n m <'lold w as mado Baporintendent o f the a . n f i ilrelo} i l r s . W. H . Scott, prealdoat o fnlsalons; M rs. 0 . 0 . M cHnf/ie, aacre- TD&C a ry ; U n . I r a W inn, trcaaurer; M n .

Safe Vim

^ D i 5 ^ 1 p 2 S * D r i o k F « i S / S M I No'’iS IS

\rotni •

M oh«ra W nUim Bonsli- m i i ;ton and Mrs. T . H . Dean, committoo I 1 1 on, a id work. Tho f irs t number o f tho * * ' program th a t followed was a diacus- alon o f tho L id iaa (jueation, in which Mra. John Ililoy and Mrs. W illiai^ 1 1 6 Doughton led. A piano solo, " Ind ian M elody ," by Mrs. J . 0 . B eatty follow­ed. Tho chapters o f the study book on .. community service w h ic h laT jc io g 'fo l. lowed this year were review ed by Mrs.W. H . Tolliver and M rs. A. Huntsman. Diaeusaiona dealing w ith tho m aking of (] tuoro effectlvo homea wore lod by M ra rm n rt H arold Beatty and Mrs. M artha John- . . don. Tliero wna a reading by Mr*. H . ' H eartfield . M ra P . W . tfobs, Mrs. a B Carl Bonaon and Mrs. WiJllam Qraham, Chfirlc hoateasca, served . refreshm ents a t the Jesse clojo o f lho afternoon. j . n .

Mra. H. J . Younga, prcMflent o f the C. a «Iluaiiiciii W omen’« club, ic rvcd lunch- J . B.eon Thurmlay to .the inenibcra of thc L. 0 .c so ru th o cumniKtce n t elub headquar- s . £ .(era. , l t wns delcrminod to hold a spe- j . c ,finl bUKineiia m eeting in (ho club roomr J . c .Frid'r.y evening, October 7. p , n .

----- ’ • H. J .;--------------------- -------- -------------------------- 1 Aug.

,HI(3H SCHOOL NOTES ?.'"gL - : ,— — ... 1. ^ . I J Brucc

Tho clitRH founcillor* for tho severnl M atthi'lu(ni'H llf thl! high Aihoul hhvo been Fredeleoted. Mias M ary R uth. F laher fu r Uen IIhu fcn inri, Mina lla tricc Ttngerfi fur JohnIhc JiiuiurB, MIh!i Anna K ent for the Charlclophiiinnrcf, ond Mlaa Joaepliiae Jack- Italphaim for Ihp ffealimen. IHnrry

------- ---------------------------ItarryTliu Hliideiit lioiiy hnn eleetod Mnr- Alva

care! firadv im Covoto cniendnr editor, ^onll J . 3.

ticiioul >viin let mit lit •JiliO. Frldny N. I.oiii'rmrti hvcmiie i>f the looliinU ffim< M. J.u 'ith 'Vrndell. A t ll.'^r, tiie cntlri; Costelrrhool iiii't In tho gj-mnnaluni nnd hold Dale 1\ ri’giilnr old-tinio pep meeting. Norrin H.Kpler (Did Louis 'H errim nii who grad- Dcn I)iinted inM yenr and two yenra ngo, re- D. B.ipei'.tively, 'wero n t thc mooting hnd W. P.'iiil|ieit thu new yell lenders who have A. G.mil nu rxporipne'o n t lending. Follow- Dan fi;d by the old tim e kings wore John Dan G\niifm ry, Franria Flynn, Wllnop .Jacl;- A lbertinn n n j Roy M eHaffie, all' napirnhts nr Kohlm’oll dukes. E li Ml



(Continned from P a p C m ) \ T j

mnr mill Uiu ground nltendants begnn , tive rh i^ tho infiold w ith tarpaulins. - ' . r i l

The ja ln w as still fnlling briakly n l M l i:40 o 'clock aod thero waa little . If nnv * )roapoet» o f a gnmo being playeil. _ ^ i’niils o f w nter formed nonr tho. cov- L‘,' ;red ba.ne lines and tho outfiold wni •niildly liecoming a mire. Tho umpiter inid tha t fhoy wouid consider the con- n . _ _ litio ai a little b e fo r e '2 , o 'cloek nnd iinko knp\vn their decision whother ;i P(] jnnii’ woiild bo piayod.

Tho rtnw d sought ahulter in tho cov- tiFl ■red itnuds and a fow spcethtora who vnru nli*erved in tho outfie ld bleach- UU TH atooil_ huddled uuder iimbrcllaa. W’M

Thi m t an/. "1 opular books n ie ar- •iving c r y a t r io s BooK Store.-rfld. '

. . __ ' • • duetiui

I b d i y ' a M i v r k Q t s I

■ - . - ------- hiivvcvi


Crti|>—Jp tu n u O anw d-by Seaboard .B uying Spring

and Beported Salea t'^Jnd ia .^ aU b* All >v: trofoaslonal* OtotmU , Corn

______ Oats(JHICAOO, ( ^ —W heat sold a t n new U arl.v

5W on th e 'c ro p a t tho opening of the Huckw loiud of trade todny. Tho a tn rt w.ia Wliite inai'ttlDil, l-2c lower "to l-2e higher, Sweet i-lth Doeembor $1.00 to 1.10 and May l 'lnx .13 1-2 to L l f 1-2. General aelling of la y by corajnl»»lon bouecV and of De- Tobn^c ember by nurthwoat in terests drove I’caclie irirea down. ApplesA rnlly reaultcd on evening up in nn* Sugar

icipntion of tho government report duo K afirs ate toilay b u t w hen th la died down I'viinut hern was lack of support and tbo heavy Beans laderlono took Deccmbor to tl/IO and Tho Iny to $1.13 3.4. bor 1,A rnjiid r.olly a t tho closo caused by nouncci

eabonrrt buying atU reporicd *.ile of “ coyn wo cargoes to. Indin, caught tho .loenl . rofcMional elomeut In an oversold eon- ition. T he final figures wero $1.00 to u ,00 1-4 fo r December and 11.13,3-4 to ‘.I'l fo r M ay. > ! -Cora also mado a now low for .the

rop with cnah nnd commisaion houaea1 the aelling side. December s ta rted ______i 48 1-4 to 48 I-2e and Mny a t 54 l^Sc ---------rI S4 r-4c. A t the end of tho f lr a t boor aympai rices were 48 1-4 and '>3 3-4 reapoc- ),ojr mn vely. •Tho lato rally in whent pulled corn ) only slightly . A t tho cloao Deeem- CHIC tr wns 47 5-8 io 47 3-4c and M ay 53 Corn 8 to 53 1-4C. • No .2 yOata wero o ff w ith other g raiaa, tho Oats >ening waa unchnnged to l - 4 t lower, 30 to 3 ith D ecm bcr 33 1-2 to 83 3-4e and ov 37 Tlie tuiir took Doeembor33 3-8?.

I’rovLaions were dull b u t firm er in

ave ycuc piano tuned. Phono lOS.-odv I

rWIN FALLS-BOISE STAOEU aT lsg T v la PaUa a t S a . a . ^locul tim o); a rrive BoIm S;30 p. n t (lo- =U t in e ) . o f

Uake eoniiActlOn w ltb No. lO. going f v< i r e t t , .a t U oon ta la Homa. a iT ln s )no hoa r fo r dinner before t t u ar- iT t l o f 10, going, w est' P a re cane IS ra il ro a d j g



Hfflljjg'Horlick'sj W | l g | ^ H i t O r i g i s o l '

A toU ■ImiUtiaa*asd Sobatltates. p r


V ■

i f M l S COl]]*iTf i e l d s P e r A c r e o f A l l K i a

b y G r o w e r s a n d C o )

T w i n . F a l l s

(Note—O row en are cordially Inv ited t« ipocta b y r tn n iin s tn 'flgores ob ciop']:«tQZ&

Grpwrr:'' Acri. B K null -------------------- ------------ *l* r le t Dryden —------ — --------- —.— S;ste H ainllne -------------------— -------------, H. P Jo rso a ------------------------------- - S(, H. P ierson --------------------- -- . 1. a and C. E . M axw ell____________ __ I. E. W h ite _________________________ 1. 0 . E v a n a ................. ..........— ......, E- C rin B o r------------------------------- -, C. B e a t ty ______________________, C. Beatty ------------------------------------- 1. H . .’SOHer________________________ __ 1. J . K ast.--- -----------------------------------ug. H c s tb e c k ----------------------------------eorgo H. M il le r ------------------------------ ]. B. McClain ...... ................................... 1ruco Howard '.i..—--------- ---------------- 1[atthew Bcally ...1--------------------------- Hred Quire .....-------------- -----------— 1en Rayburn —--------------............... -3hn Sommer — ----------Kharlea Dryden — ialph Conant ........... — .. ]Inrry Wohllnlb .......................................... UArry W ohllaib ........... ............................... :Iva Hevercomb ............... ......................... 7onh N 'chols .......— ---------- — 1, 3. Wilhnma------------------------------... ‘ i. I. Jo rdan---------------------- ---------------- i[. J . Sweeley : ____________________ 4pstellii i Crockcr — — 44ale P rcfco lt ______— ............................. 1. 'Diugrlyamn ...............— ---------■en Rayborn (Mrs. T. T. Ruaeoe rh)..., 1. B. .I^utton _____ .......................... ... ..... fl'. P. C o m b a _____________________ _____1. G. A yres ..._______ ______1— ....... Ian filntcr (Howaman farm ) 1an S la te r (Howsmnn farm ) ................ 4Ihcrt Codarburg ........... ............. ............. 3ohlmeyor Brothera .......................... ...... 22li Mnv (J . E . DoWilt farm )................H . Pearson (Joha Maxwell ran ch )............

w io iiiT O P R O D U C T I O N S O F 1 3 , 2 0 0 , 0 0

o r n S h a r e s in R e d u c t io n , D e o lin i

C o m p a r e d w i t l i D e p a r t m e n t o f A f

t i m a t e s ; J h i t e P o t a t o P r o s p e c t s

0 0 0 B u s l i e l s . a n d t o b a c c o H a r v o sW A SH IN aT O N / (/P )^S jirin |: ivl.oal n (iductlon flho'vud a roduction nf a|- )xt 13,2(10.1100 hunhela hnd eorn^ g .fe- elion of-:‘a,a00,'.J00 bushola compared ( th II month ngo, tho:.;drpattinent o f Tl; rlciilture'a O ctober,crop report todny madi Jicnti'il. -Whlto "iiotntoca pronpecta, cropi vvcver, aliuwcd ah incrcnso of 22,. o r w u,(jQU bu«U(!ls iu ii tobacco an lnttca»«« wo?it

•1.1,1:00,000 poundi. • . . liu»h ■ October. • .

OJ)— J'orccaat ring w hent ■___ __ ____ 100,770,0001...w hoat ............................ 740,055,000.rn -.3,103,003,000Its . ______ 1,078,519,000iritv - - - 103,350,000ickn'hent ------------------ 14^03,000hite potiitoea .............. 345,8'(4,000,-eut potatoea __________ 100,560,000« . . ---------- 8,878,000co . - . _ 33,020,000'baccu, pQuiulH ________ 091,504,001)nclies . _______ 33,105,000 •iples - .... 100,710,000gnr bcotH, tona ------------ 7,910,000iflrs ............. . . I _______ 127,930,000w a t r - _____ __________ 31,898,000'aus - . , 9,332,000rho condition t)f tho crops on O eto-*-— p 1, or a t tlmo fif harvest, was an- jj„ iinccd a s follows:[7orn S4.8 per ccnt of a normal.. TiiBuckwheat 67.4. CIcIVhito pota toes 00.5. Po:jw cet iw tatocs 77.0. L i•'lax accd 00^ . RLIitice 84.0. rohncco 75,0. .jiigar beeta 89.3. MI

... ------------- U nlota,

npathy with an nclive and higher 7.76 1 J m arket a t.th o ynrda. B n

Oaah Q uoU U ou JHICAOO, (/py_W heat—No ealei. Oil .’orn No .2 mixed 45 1-4 to 40 l-4e ; crean; .2 yollow 45 1-2 to 40 0-4c. f irsts

)ats No ,2 w hite 32 l-4e; No. 3 ^»hito Eg[ to 31c. caaca.


W i t h t h e c o m i n g o f G c

o f f y o u r T r e a d s , c o m e s

t r e a d i n g .

I f y o u r T r e a d s a r e g o n

i s g o o d w h y n o t h a v e t h e :

c a n n o t g o w r o n g .

. W e a b s o l u t e l y g u a r a i

w e a r a s l o n g a s f i r s t t r e a (

T r y o n e a t o u r r i s k , ■

IDAHO VULGANI2P H O N E 2 9 1 3 0 5 S B



inds Actually Obtained f i lompiled by The IsN e w s ,- “ a_____ ^ — • • - 'T •,rtth

andte aaHjt la the oeopilatlon of tuaae Ugh<

3Hii t u tnclaalon ta tW* Urt)Icretgo Crop Bn. lo Aero

48 W beat i9 • atoa:cSO , W heat 64 ol 4'm W heat 76

SOO W heat M S o. 14 • ■ W beat 85 "7®, 21 W hea i_ 091-512 W heat ' 001-38 W heat 001-2 CI8 A lsike i.ooc3 Oats 100 able

15 W heat 61 7C- 11 0 ^ Alsyke • 13 and

S ■ v :;. SU W h .. l 6013 W l,.« t « 1° ,- ; IJ -A l.ik , U K

140 W heat 43.7 *!™“ 10 W heat 03J1

.................... W heat - 68.5 He130 ' W heat * 50 25c30 W heat . 04 hold-llV i W heat 77. and

100 W beat 53 pack30 W heat 08.5 bulk7: W heat 00 RhID W heat 5’J..'5 j „ . . . 20 W heat «2 70 W heat 51 40 W heat 49 '

441* W heat 53.312 ' Red Clover 5 Cil7% W heat 00 tocel

10 Wlicot 78«i Itivci02 W heat 50 Dako

. 11 'W heat 70 „c80t10 W heat 70 jo ] o 18 Ileana ' 45 45 Beans 37%30 Beans 41 N f

220 W heat 55 . werox A lfalfa seed 10 today

. 4 ^ Potatoea 205 or, eg Backs. I bougl

_________ , '

ING W H E A T i : S H O W S F A L L S } 0 B U S H I E L S E ;_ turn,

ining 13,200,000 Bushels as Agriculture’s Last Month’s Es- ;ts Show Increase of 22,800,- j 'ost Outlook Brightens i’.'“Thia y e a r ’s crop production wns foro- co, ^

a*t iiy tho deportm ent of agriculture orn C iday ill ita monthly cr6p ro)iort, bna- a l Di lg the eatininlca on conditions prevail- f id d IU Oclober 1. . ; tho ciTheao eatlnincs comparod with .those tions

lado laat month, show . the progrcas u( ° ° d ( ro]is during the-m onth of September, point w hether'Ihi’y dctoriornted during the. fourti onth. Tho estim ates of pioduetjotj-.^in fo r t l liiliela except whore noted) follow: pointi

September 1020Forocnat Production N E

210.000.000 / 209,000.000 754/100,000 787,000,000

3,UO,000,000 -3,232.000,000 1,000,000,000 1,520,OQO,000

102.000.000 202,000,00013,(WO,000 13300,000 « =

323.000.000 428,000,000110.000.000 112,000,000

8,300;000 11,000,000 y i• 32,700,000 53,700,000 H

048,000,000 .1,509/100,00033.000.000 - '43,700,000

107.000.000 244,000,000 8,000,000 8,550,000

127.000.000 . 144,000,000 32,500,000 28,000,0008,800,000 9,100,000 .

Ryo No. 2, B4j!. | M Barloy 50 to Olc. ■Timotby seed *4.25‘to 4.75.Clover aood $12 to 18.Pork sominaLLard 10.85. , =Riba IG.75 to 7.75.

M INNEAPOLIS, Minn., (iP)—Flour = I/richangcd to 15c lower. I n carload —;L», ftunlly patents ' quoted a t >7.40 to S ■'S a barrel. @Bran $13 to 14. =

Chicago Produce =amOAQO, m - B u l l t l - .n i j t o i ; =;amcry oxtraa 45c;-standards 38 l-2c; p nsta 3 4to 44c; ooconda 30 to 82c. ' BEgg* - Unchanged; receipts 0,C99 Sjca. =

I A S I m E ! ' !

3ood Roads to wear is the time toi- re- =

jne and your fabric | lem replaced as you' g


antee re-treads to 1 ads. M '

K womis V i :IHOSHONEST.SO.j' |


' ■ I

Ponltry—Allvo .higher; fowls 14 to 3c; epringa Sle.

• Omaha L irestock _ ,OMAHA, N eb., IffV -H ogs - Bo.

eipts 2,500. M arket active, 15 to 25o Jgher than^ycfterday 's average; bulk, l a ^ n g grotioa, 40.25„to 0.75; bolk e f Gutter ales (0.25 t o , y S O o f i . *8,25. ..B aneh

OatUo r - 'BeeeijSts 600. Compared E g g ft rtth , w eeV 'ago: c h o ice -i jd ycarilnga ■ _ jid bandyw'eight steera steady to 25c - cSi. Jg h e r; top - yearling* (10.50; othera, rea tern s-and sho-,atock steady to''25o -Gatt ower; bulla 60 to 75c low er; . vuali veal, I teady to stroag;. Mockers, aud feedera Bog toa:dy to 25c lower. Shei

B h e e p - 7 .Recoipta aono. Compared rith . w cok . ago; um bs rteady to 15c swor; sheep and y e a rlb g s 25c high- r ; feeding lam bs strong. .

Chicago L ireetock BugirCHICAQO, V ^ - C a tt l o — Bocripta S u p ,

,000; comparod w ith week ago: doslr- Pow tt I)lo corn fed steers and ycarilnga 60 to Cream '6e h igher; medium and p la in ahort fed nd graiaers atcady to S5c highor; f a t Bowif bo-stock mostly 26 to 50e h igher; belf- ra up moat; cannora and cu ttera steady 5 ^ “^0 25e higher; lu lla 25 to 40o lower; Buttoi ight veal cnlvcs COo to (1 lower; do- ? ‘ Irablo 'heavy calves unevenly highor; tockcrs and feeders 25c highor.Hogs — Bccelpti 8,000; active, 15 to BMon

:5c higher than yeatorday '» average; E«eon old-<}Vcr ligh t; top $fl.70; 'bulk ligh t nflm ' nd ligh t butehors (8,40 to 8.70; bulk Q u a ncking sows (7 to 7.40; pig* atrong; pork* ulk dosirnblo (7.75 to 6. MUtto:Sheeji — Rccelpta 1,000; roceipts to- Pork

ay practienlly a ll packor'a d irect; Pork 1 ompatod w ith w rek ago all prices round 25c highor. ronnd.

. Deelp in t..

CHICAGO, ( / I^ P o ta to c a — Steady; = icdptfl 80 earn; North D akota Bed M H :ivLT Ohioa, bulk (1.85 to ' 1.03; Bouth ^ 'a k o ta E:irly Ohios (1.55 to L05; Min- csota nnd Wlsconaln Round W hites A 2.10 to 2.25; sackcd (2 to 2.15. • r t

Now Y ork Stock i ia r k e t NEW YORK, (5>)-0 il8 nad tobaccoa '

ero tho only conspicuous featurea of iday 'a b rief s tic k markot. Tho form-

cspedoUjt tho domestic group, -were ought on additional advaneea in prie-1 o f raw . product# nnd tho la tto r ro- londcd to ahort covering. Usual fav- .1 •itoa of tho industrial nnd railway di- I isloiif w urt dull and Inegular.H(-.ivy aelling of- Columbia Grapho-

liono preferred wna tho only atriklng ‘Ilturo among Bpeclalties. T|io clordng na firm . .Balca approxbnated 300,000 / o inrca. Tlio recent nclivo domand for ibcrjy bonds gained further aftmen- mi, nil thc 4 1-4'a m aking high reo- •ds for tho year n t gaina of 25 to DO lin ts. JPow changes of ileto occurred a t the regular opening o f today’s stock mar- ?t. Moxicnn Petroleum wns tho only -oniinent atock to reflect fa r th e r prca- irc, losing ono point. Sum atra Tobac- 1, American Sugar and-G roat North- •n Ore wero fraetionally lowor. Roy-

D utch, Houaton Oil, E elly Spring- eld Tiro, W hlto Motor and aeveral of :o cheaper rails were higher by fcac- ons to ono point. Virginia Iroir, Coal id Coko led tho ipeeialtles a t a two lin t rlao. L lborty second, th ird and u r th - i .M * » mado new. higb records r tho year o a c u ly gales of 20 to 60 ihita. s

L ibe rty oBnda N E W .YOBK, m - r L lborty bonda 38cd: 3 IrS 'a (80.68; f irs t 4 ’s (02.30 d ; accond 4 ’a <02.50; f lra t 4 1-4's 4.00; second 4 1-4'a (03; th ird 4 1-4'a 5.30; fourUi 4 1-4'a (93.30; Victory 3-4’b (99.40; V ictory 4 3-4'a (09.40. ,

G o r

Apple B|oxes | For Sale! i ^

L e t u s p o i c h . y o u r %

lyiunsOn & HarderP H O N E 2 7 6 "

p i n i l l H l l i l l B l l l l l l B

I Civilization and|I Civilization h'as placec I mand .of the farmer al I ern conveniences—for ■

j,f Not the least of these t zation is the bank. Th close a t hand this mo tion of credit which sa money and advances c creation of additional ’

Farmers’ accounts are i of our business.

Twin Falls & Trust Co]

T W I N F A L L S , I I

' “ Member of Federal Res

OCTOBER 8,1921

IW ni PAUM MAKfaBra 1 '' cSST i - = H : I

iniUhcd by Twin p#iu Plonr Milii eat, 'No. I, cwt . ■ u j ,

. Prodnee; ' , atoes, Bnrals,_mrt, ______ v-■terfat — T Jiei botter — - • • -il

— r .r’lirnlshed- b^lndependent Meat

lattle^Cowa 4@4 l-ec;'-*t«t.. fie- *d, 0@7e. - A !ogf—Prime, 8®H)a.Iheep-Mnttbn, 4c; laabs, 6c.’oullry—Hens, 15e;.fi7CTB, 20e. 'j

UOUBEWIFB’a QDIDB.(Retail Prieea) f \ i

ar, 08-Ib. sack ......... -...:([email protected]^r boet, 100 Ibo.---- - (8.1S@8iS

tant, 100 Iba'------ Mo qootaWoi Watoea, nqw, lb.— — -------- 2ctam cheese .............. .............. flOeck cheese _____ 30emr -----------........... ..— ----- flc,tnte, leaf, lb______________ lOelad-------------------------------- 10cItory (ereamery) — ........46ctter (ranch)---------------------40.: gja (ranch), doa._________ 30c “tkoia ..... ............ ................... 35to s ______________________aoc!on ....... ........ ------------ ------ 35c:on, alleed ______:________ 40<:s ______________________ 38ta, alltoi 45c■k ehopa________ ___ 25®30ctton ehopa ____________ 26@30ck ronst ....;_____ __— £5@3fle 3k m . . g « ___________________r2 o « mteak—Biiloln, 30t; 'l-bone, 30c; ^ nd. S'Oe; cbuek, 20c. ’eef—Pot roast, 20c; ntek 17 l-gc;e, 12 l-g>-; bri>krt. lOf.__________

■ ■ M M M fl


TheP h i l a d e l p h i a

's,Now Priced Be­low Pre-War,


S P E C I A L S • *

F o r d S i z e

? 2 5 .5 0 a

B u i c k S i z e ■ *

$ 3 0 .5 0 ■

D o d g e S i z e

$ 3 8 .5 0

A l l G u a r a n t e e d O n e Y e a r

lonuino' D iam ond OridB, loartor S aw ed H ard W ood W , oparato rs and Fam ons hiladolpU a W orkm anship

•ORTER’S ;afteiySRaiiialorWs


a il l l l l l l l l lS ll l l l l l l lB l l l l l l lg l *

Pgricultiire | ^e d a t t h e c o m - =

i l l o f t h e m o d - &

r w o r k o r p l a y , s '

I t o o l s o f c i v i l i - g :

' h e f a r m e r h a s =■

l o d e r n i n s t i t u - s

s a f e g u a r d s h i s g

c r e d i t f o r t h e

1 w e a l t h , • I * ■

i a v a l u e d p a r t g

' 1 ^ 5 Bank |ompany |I D A H O a ^

E se rv e S y s t e m " 1 . f f

, , 1111,1,11 ^ , l l l l , , , I I , ni

. " l i l i y T O i S i D i l l . I S W p P E I l I i

, y C ^ou th -E ndors Ask O poningjJ..... '" I to a d to Tap tho Now


. TnvosHpotlon of plan» for constnicl^ Jng .a riTC-mllo atrctch o f griivel rooi A wo*t of RoRcrion will bo conductod b;

mombcrs o f tho bcin*il of tnu too* o -tho T\via F a lli highway d b tr lc t nex T uerauy. Tho Invoaliffatlon w m bo b; por#onul vl«lt to lho road in quoilloo.

Id r.dditlon tho board propo»c« li ■ s,: ' op fo r tOMSiltiatloQ 5n a ll

• -ft sohcnio propoMd by Bogoraon bu»J ^ ncaa mpn and ia m f irs fo r opening i# . rond botwocn titttp laC o and Boaoworth

W hilo in tho Bogoraon country th' .. Iruatccs wUl go o m tho routo named

rthich If between 15 and 20 miles ii • leni^h tc givo coMiflciation tt> U» loa*

.. Ibility . /Deelaion to thia effec t woa rcachoi

• &t a oM tlnR of the hlRhway boa rd a

• a pcflUng hold today when forthe . tim o wus dovotod to tlio pe tition pro .acn tcd a fo rtn igh t ngo for tho buildiD)

of VI firnvol aurfnccd rond from Knul ’ (o BoRcfaon'by wny of Holliater. Fur 'th c r iiivcatigation ns to coat o f con

■ U n iftW 'i will bo niAdc by tlic l>oat< in fonnpcllon w ilh the Ilollinfcr pcti tion. Tlm <[ucslion of nvnilnliility o

^ crnvcl iy ono th n t concerns lho boar< nionibi'iH most, i t ia laid .

I Thl* aflc rnoon 'b MMion woa givo:r (ivrr tn roo tire-m allcra .


eilO 'S IIO NE, Idaho (B perW ).—Mr« h\T.iw Schuppcnita w m IMc Thutaaiv: nwnrdi'd n verdic t by n ju ry in d lttrlc court Iicro g iving her compenantion li tho-Rum of $0000 for tho denth of hu huabnnd, Auguat Bchuppfinioa, who wn kiliod whllo working na n aoetion hnm

* In tho rmployo of tho Oregon 8hor^ Lm o hero on D cftm bor 21, iMO. Rn^

w as brought by U ra.'B chupponica ii bohnlf of hcraolf and two m inor chil

' drcti, ondct proviaiow 'o f tlio fcdorft cfeploj'cra’ )lnbiUly“ nct nnd wns thi f ira t n rlion br'oiiglit undor tliia ne t li

. bo trii'd auccoaafully in thia acclion Kvldcnce Ind lco lcdJh ftt'th e fntnl ned ilent (iccurred during n anowstorin

. Schiipponira wa* at work in tho switch luK 'yftiil* whca be w w «lnick Uy i trn in th a t hml Intcly Icon pu t on tli' linu, nml which,' it wna nlleged, foilri to (jivo ua rn in tt dignal fo r i ta nppronr) Mm. .SchupiKJDies w.is roprcaonted b; Judgo J . B. Bothwell of Twin Falla.


(Continued {root Ftff* One)

^ Viiirouiil Knneko. dcflorntcil i t r . Wooi r .nnil W.'Cnmoron Forlioa, n form er gov

H \ ,• rn io r grncrnl the l’liill]iplnu.i. w ilh lh » • O rdor of thp Riaing flun, f ira t claa:

O ther iiii'mbcf* of th o irp n n y were giv cu tlocutftUoni o t n. lower order.

Gnvcriror Qoneral Wbod lefi fo r Kob joarord.iy to board llio crulacr Now Or Jctina for Maniln, where ho will bcgli

'— till" <ll'«clinrge o f hla dutlca. Upon in — ' v ilntioii from Japan , ho will v ir il For

nmiH'■ll. routo lo Manila.

^t> ■ -------

Q e a - t k s

Williom U. Day, nged 01 years, o died n t n lorni hospital th l

morniiij( following a a illneaa of man< weeks. Mi . Day waa uno of a lorgi pioaoJr fam ily, 11 brolllera and aiater nurviviug him. Hia wife died sovera yeor{i ogo. Throe daughters, M rs. JA. i ’ord o f Eogcraon, ILrr. Brookmai o f Portlnnd, Mra. William McDaniel o

• W nahington and two aona, Qoorgo F nnd WiUiam I I . l>ny; both of S en ltk eonatituto his immedlstb inm lly . ThrO' brothora n sd ono aiater a te living ii th o viom ity of Twin Fnlla, J . H . DnyB. J . Day, John E . P a y and M rs. W D. Ti. Dnratow. Tho'W idy is At tho T J . O roum aa a o r lo a i^ c b a p e l / t i rnngomonla for tho 'funeral te rvkea no

• y e t hnving boen mado. In lonnent wil bo in Tualatin , Oregon.-


t ,' W ilfred Leroy Noyea,-5-yoar-oId aoi of Mr. end Mra. Ray 'V. Noyca, o f M ut tnugh, died n t tho homo Thuraday ave ning. Tbo funeral woa hold a t th' roaidojicu a t 1 p. m. today, * i th buHa In T w in Pa\la cenolcry , P . J . OroMmni in charge. '

Stcol ^ iiirg cablnela and aafe^ Cin: Pook Plorc.—adv.

: j i 9 The tjc luaivo paint and wnii pape; Hore cnu rbvo yon money; givo na i trlaV Kunklo & Bemlllor, 4(1 alopa fron ])ostoffico.—adv.

Pi.m3 tunlnff—Ilhoao JP8.—ndv.

* Buick and Dodie OwnersW hen Yoa Think

SE R V IC E% . Think

“SUM and BltL”Lyons'^& Helm

BUIOK and DODOE ; M otor Sorvico

■ / Wo O oarnnteo to bo tho B est in Jk the Cily. We nro with

C Tho Gom S ta to Vulo. Co.9 . . 120 2nd Avo. W ew


li BIGKEL SHO^ III ADVANTAGI n g j i f TWINFALLSw • .-------

Construction ot -140 Wiles of P atnict* View after Building of Idalio

Shorten Disiante fn t"I.M Profitable, Sa;

ComttucUon ot tho Tw in I’nllB-Wolli railroad will mako poaaiblo tho bnlld' log and profilablo opor'ntiba o f nnolhei

? , cut-off from Crnao to Lalicvicw thalI bual- rtdnco tho dialnnco by rail frotr Bolao to San i'rnnciaco by Way of Twit

IT *h; Fa llj to 86T wHca, iv* M m paied w ith th« L ‘ , present diatanco of 1/J72 milM by woj named. poriU nd nnd 1,105 miles by way ol

Ogden, nccording to I’aul 6 . A . Blckel engineer in chargc of tho conatrucUoi of tho orlgimil T»vin T a ils irrigatlot project.'

pV .n»i ' Oonstructlon of only IW mllM ol „ n,« 0 »m > M i L alo-

view and o f 120 sUJM b « tw « a Bog- BftCMsary, M t.

Blckel axplalM . H o odvocatea tho •, ' oarly conatructlon o f bo th coanecV

C < if peti lllualratlDg hla arKim'cnt by refer lity i r enco to 0 map, Mr. Bickel in convcraa

board tlo" a ^ o u p of frionda includinf 8. T. llnniiUoil. ut Boiau lho other duj

given '"ado lho following alnlomont:M ap Tona" Story

• “ Work your hend a l i t l l e . - I t won'lDS . hurt you. Out n' Union I ’aclfic folJur _ htudy the map, and tell the Boim- jic» 'o . L . plo nnd nil tlio rest of Snnko rivor val

loy wcat o f AnicrlcDU Falla ineludlnj —V ra I ’ayotle and Wi'isor. Anybody c.m fig'miiiny ' .tirJriM “ Both nl Ontnrio nnd Crnuo ns wo! i 'n a s o t T«vin Falla nnd Wolla the rail o f hor to I'onJioal u)>Iio wftj

hnml iimiiedlulo nocossiliea th a t il could noi g],p,( bo mniingcd. I t ia to be lioiiod th n t tin

o,,i. liiuu wUlBQon comu whou they will bi l u . in ablo to iuduc»-nion of moana to invest

« j|. ill juHt thoso IhiugH wliicli nn- an lui rndnrfil porlniit lo all o f ua,L. Vi.» "Thia will benofit tin- rnilw.iya ii

(n moro waya thnn one. Tlipy will In-, on .. . iibled lo snovu moru fri'iglil over t

II ncci- diitaHCC, tlierelvy g iv b g botl I r,j. producer nnd conaumer a bolter chanc

,witch- fo r profit and prico. Tho conncctloni 1 „ . nro of groat importnnco in moro wayi

on tlip Saving of time nnd mntori“ lr wear’nnd tonr ovi-r aornu -IOO mlloi

iironrh "'**•' " ’ould Tie nboul onougl ;cd by 8®*-»lla. Opens' B all Bound A ro a ______

“ Tho Crano.erec lt road baa eaa? , • _ grndfs nnd connects up lho Boiao, P a y ^ 8 ® otto, Woiaer nnd S n a k e r rivor valloyi

wilh San Frn')cisco n l aboul tho aami ) distance, th a t I’ortland dova and alai

— gnin* n Inrge terrilo ry iu coulrnl Oro Wooil jjo„ ttiiich ig tlio largoit strolch of coun

5r gov- ir j. [„ llio United Stalea w ithout a rail ilh th .‘ rond.

claas. t „ |„ p ^ j], cci„ncctlon aorve:ro giv- „ ,TuiiJcrfiil country which ia to saj ^ ra il boiinij, nnd i l can onaiiy emniKh bl r bIkhvu Iiv figuros th a t the poople mew Of- ,vc!l 'na tho roilroada aru losing by nol

having ' thin connection: Tho nilnint )on in- dia tricts alono will jua tlfv the con it For- Btruction of railroad niid poWor lintfl In

to Ihia ilialrict.“ Thia connection If tho oniy real

hopo for Twin F a lls and Buport countries to tkrlvo, and ovoryone ahould. strivo to b ring hbout, tbls- result. WltU theso connoctlotu and

m— J Inter a coruioctlon ,down tho Snako river CAoyon, thoy w ill havo u

u s , o f . equal, break w ith tho rost o f tha al thir Snako ilvor valley,

m any “ Tho Crano crcclt oxtonaion ia nel I lorpe ijrofitablc unlowi i t is connected up aiater^ -^Vlicn this Ir .lono both tho brnnchei sovorai in California nnd lho Crnne . ercol Irs. J . btancli wilt bo wado to pay w ell."

n le U f ■ S ignificant K gtirosrgo F . Mr, Illckol, in oonnection w ith' hli koU lu, slateaienl, mndo uso of tho followinf Throo figure!:

ing in 1. Nnnjj>a to Porllnnd COO miles; !. D ny, Portland to Han. Franciaco 772 wllca: :ra. W. lo ta l 1,272 milea. _ • tho p . • ■ 2. Nmnpn to Ogden 084 mllea; Og 1 / t r - don to Ban 'F rancisco 811 miles; lota: :ea no t 1,1D5 miloa.a t will 3. Nami>a to Twin Fnlla by way ol

Minidoka 260 m iles; Tw in Fails t( WolU (100 mllea c f now construcUoal

, 130 milea; Wella to San Frnnelieo, COI miles; to ta l DOO milea.

4. Nampa to Ontnrio nnd Crano lO;

lid aon f Mur-ly avo- C S :a t tho burial

JM m n n____ ^ K =\ wV . I H- V & \ ' K 3

, " r *a from f

_ |1 Bay Foor Pi irs ' l | j & Vamisl.

1 W e h a n S Ie th o- I — t h e k i n d t h a

u t m o s t B a t i s f i

f i n i s h a n d d u r

AIbo B r u s h e s ,‘ imcclcim lD gttnd p a ’iDtin

KUNKLE & BIt 230 a ia la N .



IWS p o s s ib l e ":;E TO BOISE IN .S-WELLSROAI}{Railwav Between Crane and La' laho-Nevada Connection, Would M ; trom Capita) to, San Francisco ai Says Irrigation Pro]ect Builder

f f e l l s ^ - --------- — -----------------------------------

miles; Crano to U kov iow (new e ® r !U tc u 6 tlo n ) 1 « mUca; L aka Vlow to £

Franelaeo 000 mllea; to ta l 807 milea.I 5. Bolao lo W lnnemuecn (300 ml o f new construction) 400 milea; Win;

^ muccn to Ban Franelaeo 417 miles; tnl 817 milea.

fl. Twin Fnlla lo San Frnnelaci ' new routo bv way of WoU»—720 mil

7. Boiae-tw in Fnlla cu t o ff to B 147 niiles, m nking Boiao by way Twin Falla to San Franelaeo S07 mil

. o l I ■^ ANAIi'TSES A O B£B ONflg- PBEBBNOB O F POISIMt. I ______

(ConlinDod from Pag? One)JCt* ............_•

praclli-nlly dupli'-ntod those obtair rofct- from ^lll:cImona tnken from the be •craa' immeillnlely nflor the dealli o f Moy lding Boplcmlicr 7, o f Inst yonr.

’ QlTca Basla o f EsUmato.

U nder lho (pieationing of Prosec ,, ing A ttom oy,titi-phnn the wilnoaa tei

. Iioil to having found .O.I milligrams \i '> Kr'"”" o f tho spoein:

I' V of ki'lnov, liver nnd aplcon and ''..itmi "illHgrnina in a lO ^^am (|uantily

y, *• lho apocimen, Pivo |,Tnm« of tho spc ' **' niuna laken from thi! infeatinal tn ■ jl or la rce 'nnd aniiill in lcatinc yielded

,1 niilliBmma of nrnciiic. a fu rther / „ ' Rram inmple yielding .00 roilHgra .. . ' upon tu-alyala.

, On the l)nai» of a norina| weight kidney, liver nnd aplccn of 2000 gm

,,, llie resu lt wnuld indicnto tho proaei „.•« * n lit tle loan Ihnn one-lhird o f a gri

of ar^i-i'io in Ih n o orgnna. E ltim ali ' the lotal woljjht o f tho intealinal In - . tn .lm w 3,'iCm grama, a to ta l result

21 millii.-ranir o f nraonle would be in

botU . A asnalng an eqnai tUstrlbuUoi lanco o f tl:o poison throughout tho enUri :tIona aystem, in the caw of a body weigh waya ing IflP pounds, th e to ta l polsot inter- content o f tho body wonJd bo ft Ut n)Ilos tio OTer 0 grains.

l)r. Bodenbaugh testified th a t ’l diHtribiitlon of lho nracnic through( the ay^lem wna not equnl howovcr, n

^ 'Jillowiit,; for th ii ijiequality, ho CJ P ^ wi\Ud tV.at IV U U lo'leas tlvan !> gra' illnva l’<'l"'*n probably wna eontnirMme *" cndaver o f Moyer,

nlaii M to m c f tjaea T « t Book. Oro- Tilt- differciiro between mode

coun- nu'thoiS nnd old nu-lhoda n-:ir fionc it rail- w ilh tho wilnCM by Mr. Mills.

lU lornry used n choniirnl I c i t book^n orvea went into the meihoda .of nnalyaia J I say |>o!suii nn koI forth thoreln. Tho t(

bt- iiook thcorioa wore diapoacd .of by .1 le aa wilnern a i “ old f.iahloned.’ '

no t “ To w hat fallncio* ia your le il bi Ining ject i ' ’ (\sked M t. Milla. con- Till- riUu,ition drew a lengthy anin

09 in- from llm w itness ]irccoilcd hy tho a ti monl. tlm t “ fnllacu-a" wna no l a rhe

•oal il III term. Ho waa q'urationod n t lenf f lit by th.r nllhrnc-y, tho inlcrrogntiona 1 }ne in;; hnrod upnn tox t hook Informnli iilj. i« tin- hands «>( tlio defenae. ind PolJ:on Somctlnen Tlirown Off. iko " Ilo w murh nraonle havo you fou u in n liiid.v, which d id no t aiuae donlhl

tha naked Mr. Mills.'“ I hnvo heard o f 'c n sc s wbcro t

I not I’oixon cniiai;il ao much vomiting tl: I y - il was IliTnvm off nnd tho pa tien tith«> ' • v t m l . " 'creok “ Did you over hear o f 20 gralni

o f tn e n lc bslng ta k o a wlUs4\« I canBlngdeatU I"

“ I would M7 tlta t w onld bo im. I' his posslblo,” rcpUod tbo witness, iwmg u^vhat i s ^ o n a t o of lo a d !” nlles’ whilo chom ieal'snbstanec, poit illcs* ' charactcr, uaed n g rea t doal in spn

’ lin g .". Qg, N o T ort fOT.Letul A rsontto. 'to tal 1 " D id you teat tho spccimoos j

i arsonato of le a d i” l y o f : " N o , I did n o t "I to " 6 o f a r 'n r you know th a t may hs U oai been la th e b c d y t" - , COO; *'Ye*.»»

I " H a d pulrifle&Uon sot in in I s 107 f irs t ant o f ipeclm enst”

^ - M n

^ j’ p Q W t s I ' / C h I I )

M es Here.

L h a t g iv .c t h e |

iisfQction iniurability. ~ _‘ im d oil o th e r 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ inting neccasillca. ^

[ b e m i l ^ r

Phono 231

r e E S A ^ R I G O T ^ Jl


. " H o d il in the second ael, thoae tn) cn from Ihe body a l tho ccm ctoryt”

N “ Y c»."" I a n ’I I t 't rn c 'th a t , aracnie Is know

to pro«orvc the or'gnna-with which comos. Into c o n ta c tt” t-

k l i - " U IS generally mppoilcc! a o ." •" I s n ' t I t your umlcratandinK Uit

aracnlff does preaerve a ho ily f"Lake . “I o«»'t kMw."HI “ Do JOU know of your own know M d* edge Ihn t tho cont|Uncra uicd wei a n d for o raon lc f"

" I do no t know of my own know odge."

O o u d t A ca ln st f t l s o Bftsolt.

Tho w itness decla rcd .'tb at ho uat ’ con- evory known molhod to enruro ovot0 Soo p a rt of hii> appara tu s bolng free of ar :ca. cnic. There Is no nracnic whatever ; miles formnidahyd&

rinno- Tlu< toat pnper slips uaod In h is e: es; to pcrimonia by the w itness wero in tr

ducod «n ovideneo by thfl atate nfli Ik o — Idcntificnllon by the wltneaa aa thoi mllea. catryim ; tho a rs tn io ta k tn from tl ' Bubl apcciniojiM ch tained from M eyer’s bod ay of O nl/ t'no or tw o ’le ttera nro le ft i miloL tho nlphiibet fo r tlio 'w ork of czhibi

for Idontlfieatlon. rp was reached bforo tho neon reees^.--------

'ISON ijfjjjjq Q r t v e y j j i

Dr. l.oilcnbniigh took the stnnd n t tl brginiiint; (if tho m ornlsg sesaion ar

, ,• , identified the containers w ith l | aptr.im. iiH tnken from the bodv of Mo

''0 “> or nt tijt. Twin Fnlla cemefcry A pril' o f thl-. yi^ir nnd lurned over lo hi ftt Ihnl tinio. D r. Botlcnbaugh haa eln< hnd llll- F|ii'rimena in liia poasoaslon. 1 nnnl^vri'd the contcnta of hut two co

seciii- tnini-r.-. The th ird , conlainlng 'hnir, 1 leil*; did' 11'.! uiiHcnl. The two contnino

ma o.' were nlferod in evldenro. cimrii “ Al ti„. timo the hvo j ^ a nf apeo d .111 nu'iK v.iti' j;ivcn 'y ti« , was llipre niv ly of iiiiii^p ill III,, ju ra ,’ ’ lho witness' wi spoci- nakr<Ltnu-i “ Th.re wna nothing irt tho jara,

cd .0..I WHH till- re].lv.■r Ifl' 'gramn DecUnoa to F ix Tima.

On .nnRoxnm fnatlon by AUomc ;ht of Mllla lln> w itness wont over hla test gnuiia mony nf |,n«t ovoning wltli roaiiecl I isonc.* hia nti;iU-xiH of the apooimons tako grain frnni ihr I,odv o f Moyor Soptombor

laliM-' IH2fl. Dr. Boilenbanch declined lo an Iracl na tj> '>lii'tlu-r nr not tlu’ nrncnic ha

.lit of bw n u-rrivod in to tbe boilv boforo i ! indi- nflor ih-nth.

. , • “ Ilavo you found onenlc in oth- io n i yjjif*'® ® oxam lnod?" aslcod Mr.

" 7 m , I J ia ro ," said the wit-

.“ Thoro a n otliof, aeU iodj of analyils nro there no t, aa to wolght of tlio poison fo u n d ?"

t t to “ Thera aro, b u t aono i to Woro gnoii. aca tra lo than tho mrthods which 1 ft nnd

crti-;rnl-n.^ T raco j Bpotlmeas:ainc(i t|,(j introduction o f-lhe to

ilmony of Dr. Edw ard F . Rodonb.->ug Idaho ntato tiicm ist, lato yoakrdnv 1

oilcrii "'I 'ich ho mndo tho sensational decl; c inlo thnl, hnaod upon his nnalyal

tlio hoJy nf M cycr m ight have coatnii k nnil I’d nearly K) jjrnina of nraonic, lho atal ia for devoted its offorts lo lho trac ing of ll;1 tex t aporlmeiis, atop by slop from tho tlir y .Ibo Ihey were taken from lho body of Mo'

cr on Seplcmbor 8 of last year uut ; sull- the ir appearanco In court yesterday n

U-rnoon in Ibo lianda of Dr. llodci niwor haugh.a tito Tho three containers in which woi chem. tile apcciniena taken by D t. Rlclor fro cnglh Die body wero Identified by tho ph- ’n bo- airiiin nnd entorod in ovldence. I) inliou Hiolor a tatod th a t he g a v e ' thcao I

.ludge 0 . 1’. Dnvall of tho prohai ;*• court, following hla exnm inatioa 'afli

dooth o f Meyer.- Judgo D avall, on th e atnnd, Sdcntific

Iho contniners ns tho same os thm *1. , . ff>-or to- him by Dr. Bieler nn

, which woro delivered by him to D Rodenbaugh in Boiso on Soptomber 2'

lins Lockod Up .P . J . Grossman, \iodcnakcr and co

oner, told of rocolving tho body c im- ____________________

:: t h e y ’ll ! Criti

J th-.-


G LForLc

Clothes we are proi their spirited stylii looms in their woohAny suit ordered h

T w in P1

H. 1 2 -5

' We Absolutely Guaranti Perfect Fit and Workn sliip.

LLS, IDAHO, SATURDAYM eyer a t hia undctiaking cslablisbment

' tak- nbout -4 o 'clock on the aflem obn of his t " deatli Beptcrahcr 7. He told of tho

holding n f.th o firs t postoiorlem n t h ll nown mnrguo on tiio aame evening, llo waa ch it prcsont. during the la ltc r part of the

5 ' exivmlnatlou b u t did no t aasUt. Tho body, ho said, waa locked up from the

tb n l limo i l entered liia rstablishm ent uii­til tho -cxnminotlon' was begun. Ttn- wilni-aa was no t proaont when the aoc-

nowi- ond poatmnrlMn wna performed on the were evening of the day following the deutli

of Meyor. 'nowi- Mr. Oroajmon dcacrlhcd the prcpnrn-

llun of Iho body of Moyer for burial, Xd fiirolKU auliatauce waa introduced into the body othor than the hardening

U"®'' cotn|>ound inacrtijd hv his aaaialoat, E. 0''0r.'' 0 . Hlur.Irviinl. A certnin lollon wan

0" •■'""I' '" ‘d fnro. Mr. Orowmun *” anRucred n number n f cjueitions nboul

, th ia lolinn. Atlornoy .Milla naked him . if l>r k w w ttf ««y oilier use to whieh j ' „ ' the fluid wna put, to which lho coroner thor.- ""O'U'’ ""''d It a fte r shav-

H ardening Compound K ept

lft ill Tho balance of the hardening rnm hlbita I’ound loft In tho cuutuluer aflor lla uav d be- 111 lho raae of Moyer as a prescrvatiTC

w a s ju rn o d over to K. II. Dooley, n ty ehi-iniat, fo r nnalyaia, laal June. The

t .i.g ''onlniner, the w itneia deelnn-d, hnd no| . 1 boon ou t o f his cuitody in the interim Ih,. I hi'Iwoi'ii till' imKlmnrleiii ;md lliii date

• tspoB w U tb I t 'WU glYoa, to M i. Dooloy. I.ril'2 ^ -I him I

I cnn- { he



a ra ," -

omeytcsti- t - Vc l Inlakon>or .<1, .0 any ■ hai^TO nr

m/ -^IV irit- '




atato >f l h o ' tinio Mov. ] until



Dr.0 to J H Q | 6 b 6 8 m S ^ h ^ohaieaflor'


)r 20.’ Profoflsor John J . McOloUan, o naolo, who will appoar a t tho Mi

1 COT- Soptem bor 10.r o f '• <---------A d m is :

Satisfy the ic of ThemMADE-TO-ME,

, O T H>adies and Geiroiid to create-^upstanding ■ling, offering the best prc olens.

here will satisfy the keen

Falls T a ilo. F . A . M o n n g e r

1 3 5 — SHOSHONE ST. SOTJTH— IToit D oor to HcartfieJd the Olof


________________ • I' ^ ■ ■ r

LY, OCTOBER'S, 1921}nt No one, Mr. (Iroasman assorlod, b a d !h is accoss to tJio hody o f Moyor oxenptthe am] h is nasislant a t any time o u o r thh ll during the Ino postm orlans.ras Cross oxamination U r. Mills brotuthe ou t a dcBcrlption o f .th o e ffoct o f ;J rbo liivtdenlng compoimi used 'on tbo bothe and tba sto tcacD t th a t whon tho.bo 'uu- waa exhumed tb ls spring tho enfilrtn- wna in ft good a la te o f prcsot^atlon.

li„> Tolls o f Oar« of B^unalga

K. 0 . atu rdavont, in lUo vmploy Mr. Orossniaa ns aaslatanl, told

' brinKiag tho body of Meyer ftom t Jiospital lo tbc undortnkiBg cstablis

' im en l and o f tho poslmorlcm bold tb. ^ I evening, llo lold of the spriDkling'.

thu o«n,H ,o«a.«bo«i ib» 1^ itlBion in lho body and the uso of U ' .lo tion ujwn hands and foco. lin I Mamlnation Mr, Bturd, . I ' ' t declared th n l no ono aaw o r bt ' ' nccees to tha body of M eyer bolwot " lho limn it was brought to tho unda

tok ing cHlnblltbmcnl nud tbo postmo tom oxeopt Mr. (Iroasman nnd himsol

i ® a H O O I ^ S S A H D

j;>; o H i a a aow oL D T ji t oo.p lo n t n t - w

ri,„ ISfi Sboabono St. Weet r r a u b D ry Olaaning

ley, Bapd r t n t - p y t i m ________


organ ist of. th e S alt Iiako Tabor- M otbodi^t Ohnrch Monday ovoning,

l i s s io n 5 0 o --------- '

e Keenest A ll-


I E Smtlemenlg in quality, sane in reduction of American

jnest of all critics.

>ring Co.r • '

— 13B l o a n e r


For the convenience'of our customers we will , also re­model parments into the lat­est styles,——— -------— ^——J

>uu«d «verr Wtertioon except 6uod«

To'ln Patli N o n rubll«hlcc Co.. lo

n o t A. HEAD .........................................................JOHN C. HAnVBY .................................................

Caierercil aa »econi] eU u mull nucier April 9. poaiortlco III Twin ra lli. Mkbo. unilar tUfl ActItn.

" "su F sV n ip rio N r a V e iOne jfftr ................ .........................................I n.3QUii .......... ........................................................1 aonUia ............ .......................... ..........................I mOQili ......... .....................................................

WEMUEH O f AaS<K;fATED I'OCS} . Tbr A uocUied I> oxcluilvelr «ntlU«d (or r«puUlcuU<>n of all ti«wa dlfpalcbca credlled i «Ui«nrlJA er<^(llte(l. In Itila papar, tn d ftlso Itia eubll*)i«d hert(n. AH ricbta of raoublleatlon of wiiQtifa herein ar*.ai«o rtia rved. __________ _

So rt»t>OTi^)bllUx )a auuhiihI tor IDs m ra of DSDuacrlpt. phoiocmpha or odier contrlbuled m tleiot BubnUtKHl (or publlcailon will M lu td or tflKreUon d( the editor and no manuacrlpc wlll 1 4Tlf»a accompanied b r neoeaaary poita*#.

EA.STUUN llECnESBNTATIVES Owirito U. Ltavid Co.. Inc., 171 Madlioa Ave..

i . a Ktaicr. K il HArcrord BuMlat. ChlcafO.

Thc Newa (a » member of tbe Audit Dureau ' f ton i, froiU'Wliom (ull inlorm atlon'a a to clrou) ,o< obtained upon uDpllcailon. Detailed Inlonn W ed locally upon rwjueai.

A L L 8H 0U LD E B 8 TO THE. W EE E ^ B ew od cnlliuBiftsni waji inntillwl into tb

lufcwrlptlon efttnpiiiBn ttt u mass uicoUub of falgB workers liurn.last cvoalng irlioti i t w u

' C^«t liie Tw in F a lii d if trJc t had tulim ribod i t t

a sd n o re .JSgnrcf aaJo public a t IJ»ii meoUij^ 'gave

fa ili (U ittie t erod ll ior subseriptlons Qffffropitii iB utfily WCO.OM. Elko county a l r » d y b w fIOO,OOo and ttir* Halmna Kiver project h w eom wt^h #10,000.

On tho foec pf tbcuo riRUrca tboro atill ^c«ni 1240,000 yo t to bo luliscrlbod. I t is ontircly reported subteripHooi Ja otlter d is tric ts o f tiio c (vduee thia Tisuro to a eoatidoniblo oxtont, wh •OOelDiion o f tho ‘‘clDttn-up” c.impaiRn arrnngc e n b g , i t Ib entirely rciuonaitlo to auppoto tlm t ^ witl bo gub»cril)6d w ith somo to Bparo.

U ore and moro tho people aro coming to ri inperaU vo n o tc n ity fo r tbb constnictlon of the and B oro.'and more npproeintliJli Is growinR of th a t ■abscriptlnrf to tbc railroad fund off^em rrofitAblfl inv^Btmcnl ovor prcBCbtciI to 'llilfl too

Tboro bo8 l>ech ti tlispoaltlon, i t is said, in sc dU trleU to w ait unlil i t was w ep w hat Twin : g o h ^ . to 'd o beforo Koln(; ahead w ith thoir ( p d g o & . W hnt Tw in Foils b u ilono is now a .i roeord tb a t iustifies pride In itn aecompiitiu 0 » t ouRht to mako the ralBing of the remaini?] :t m atter o f oomparatlvely e u y aeUeTOment.

Ono more tinited pall shonld po t tho eampa All ib o n ld e n Ut tbe wheoil L e t 's


Back o f thu cxprusfiionii of bopo tb a t tho iimi v tu a n o n ta confrruiicg will prove An uot^undoi b the m a ile r o f a'ccamptiahznonla of bcnefiti world, wbicli cxproMioni ore volcod by il'okc a ll eeuntrica Ib a t will partieipnt'e, tbore ia a nol m a tio B ottribn tod by aome keen obaorvora lo f i w , they explain, ia of Amoric&a inoxporionca ■ u U ck of ondorstanding and A inorioaa ehiiil>ni iM e se y in forelfni affalra.

Tkla eaa neo o only th a t they doubt tho Unite will play t tn ^ ip lo in a llc Koino according to the r Toliiag i n ^ ^ O j V o t l d . . Th6y aay wo have [ I ^ ^ L • ~ ;^ o p ib l^ w ^ » a v ^ B ut oro thoy-tho loi • e p to ra t. Is Iheto nothing-tney can learn t I f 01 d ip to ra ta are coming to W ashington to carry c y e r t i t woro bo tter porhapa th a t thoy atay a t hoi h i o i r ehildlik'o innocence wo have fa ith th a t lho tiona wo have rccoivod are no t altogothor acenn regard to ihoir intontiona.•; P re iiden t U arding did no t auinmott tbo confero) furpoae to confirm (bo old rufea and porpotuale so t-tp . Tbc otbura know th a t and tbo fac t tli ia v e agreed to con'for gives ground for coufiJei Iboy will u t JuM l cnrofully cxiunina whnt Anei io -proposo aod no t make tho ir decisions until tb koaid the ovidonte ’onu the argum ents. I f thoy b to rg o t^ n the worW wnr they should bo inclined rider moans nf avoiding its like in tbo fuluru.

SPEED, n f JT ra r to B

New Jersey jirovidea an' cxampio of sjteedy ju itl if followed Rnnerally miglit bavo a benoficlal cf lim inishing crime. Two mon held up and robt laahior of a tile j>lnnt o f II,COO, L a te r Jo t io d if tho men was capturo<t.. l ie was takon into coi rith in hoBr» n flcr thu robbery was eommitti teen sBntrncnd to 10. to 1C yeara and waa on bia iriaoB.

O f eoursc, dctcction of crim inals is a nccesifti


R c c lo r . C h u r c l i o f ih c A sc c n s ic

W HA T I S A CHHISTIAirT in it tim.> i A m 11:80: " T b c d l .d p l t . n i t « ^

. i t l f l l Chri«U««. t j r . l in A n lio tl i." ‘ ' “ 'j '_______________________m urt bnve

proad iy sjjcaking, Ihcre nrc tbrco defItions o f tho word ObrisiIan praetic- o i r 'a m i tliy accepted. , l,ca^o ^ it;r i n t , thcTO is thc popular definition. The thirC hriftlaa ia a good njan—honest, •

athfnl and virtuous. CbrUtinnlty iim atte r o f charai lor nnd lifo, no mat- ^ viliiliK- sr w L it (!hurcb a man belongs to, or Thc.io t l

■ a lte r i f he belongs to none. A linoilonal iod n a * compobi ndiairation, and peo- ly hhh upI p s in t to hira and'.say, " T h a t man i« usnailr oa<C h ris tian .'’ "< tian . 'Th# ereond defin ltloa i« eno whleh But. n e ito in i in ncrlain largo cirelos of Chrie combioahoiA people UicmsolTcs. I t may bf dnee thnt iiled tbe emotional, defin ition , l l o f ir r t callrisUoB ia ono w hosp'life « d charac- I a ,n cort-.havn beea co&adooalv. tn u u fo n n ed doaerlbcd itk e foree o f hb la ten o r axperlenee. m atte r ef

t ezpeHeaee Usppcned a t-to m « def- « p i ^ M a

TWIN FALLS DAILYV lim inary to conviction oI , I N J i W O aeatonco uni

eundar . m eans of purs'uiBg and cImprovomont in Dtfielem

_ to r a cu lp rit ia caught, t Preaid*« eouragcs e fforta to oppr

.V.'.V-'.V Tteaauror nges offondors to contir

“, Act of March I. . p iosctuU oo, tOD,.Jl

• -— In Otiicr lands tbe occqj

............... 1.00 H ore o ften th e r o l i groaI'w oxponae on the public an

i f h e la no t guilty. t'REas? T ho g re a t num ber o l

idUed lo^u'^or noi pi’oof th o t improvet

“I-'"-_ courso to bo pursued whi

tr# o( uaaoUclied -------

™ . i . t o B . .a h .1. will b" reiun.e.1 Tlianksgivlng ond a t th.

^ im pressing tho publie wl

w . . Chriatwaa. Ono1*0. ” ’ ' engine on the " F lig b t of

ireau ot Clreula*-cirouUUoD may II ia also becoming me

(Qtornutton aup- , l j .in .tho banda of somo p

- - = -— ^ bIiow tho worat in t h e i r :fU E E L --------------------\to Vau railtuniJ Or. I to th o n w takca a .og of tbo cam- bia observation th a t tbe i

onnounced more others m ust atop woid i t s M i <luota --------------------

All av lo to r having gom'guyt till' Tw in w ith U o n nnd tb e moonrogatiPg approx- fee t nearer reo llu tiom

baa aubicrlbod --------------------

tg eomo through A n Illinoia form er plox

un til tbe hired inon who 1I ^ttnaias about th a t . ,;lrely Ukoly un- --------------------

' the county will - Ja p an ‘g 2} dcniaadi muJt, whilo a t tho --------------------rronged last ov- — — - Vhflt, tl^c wholo

. , , R A IL R A T E S W• to realiio the ------

of the m llroad, ^ h a t Investm en t Ncwiing of tho fac t ,incu the oeononiic readjui ,ffet* tlie. moat jiivn nnd opp ren ivc Araerllla foMlity. 'a t A jlcrhury , vjri'-jw^iiic, in aomo other I 'onnsylvnnia Ilallwoy sysTwin Fnlls wns ain, Ho declares tbnt “ rnheir own com- no t vo luntary It will bc fo m a. ma.ttcr o f be m ighl ju a t as wel

„ ' a no tbcr wav, ns follows:ip.IMmonl »«a 11,1, 1, „ i

lalnisR am oanl ]atya*of aelf-prosorvnlion.'’ ut. Tlio rate s eannol ttlny upsamnaien over. . "f® or killing tiaampaign th e ronds thcmsi

iranspprln lion maehii:cn an tutiona.

,rnA I C ongrtas d id n o t b rcjliona and i f tho In tcrsta to .

0 Umtttttiou of [ suggest tvu much chango in Dundod sufcces crossing o f a “ t " or the di- * if. V. *1, 1. themaeJvo* w ould R«t foi!

“ ? * • > sooner or la te r in aji, effort si'oVOBnon o i j , necessary to the ir very e 0 nolo of ri'i- ve rj' th ing now in certain

t to f o u . Thla ‘ >■*“8 “I'* . . not pnv tnx.iricnw, Amori- ^atos never' cnniild*Bkc Incon- / tho e x ten t thoy m ust bo n

. commerce and prcaer^-o tho

u . i i . a B t . u . ; 2 ! " “ T

tho rules ptfi' A nd Uiu only>ioom fo r a have a lot to o rating costa th a t’would bc >, nrr, oTCd to t l f f la tc s i l in th o

? , " ’' ‘Ort ‘ho payrolla oa t up t I f Old W orld g p j „ MYCJmes'tbete l» no i

a rry on oa of which ia neceaaary t^ tho bt M t o m . Y«t

, . , A s a m a tte r o f-fa c t tho*n t lho Impros-

aceurato with ed a policy of.milcido. Ma and ronowal o f rolling ato

w .u. b ridge* ,and thc liko n ro< ut ® do n o t keep th e ir cara and

5tua« th e -jM ponillllon tlio lim e w ill soon act th a t they urIy handle I t a t anyth ing I inliJtB to Umt n » ln t« l" « «

Uio rnltw ny foundntionfr^ lt America itaa t rn n sp u itn lb n mnclvii

Itll thoy have . Q oneral A tterburj- 'a bluni they h&va ptU iled Qlsc'Vhote in tlvla i«.,, , , . a s followa:

:lin«<l to con’ "T horo is only ono solutio ire. liquidfttlon. Uow will i t af

aay, ‘ wo have tltiuldated, ai bu ihrl. ’ TI>o induslrica ■an. Thoy s-iy steel ia aolling a t

f justica Uiat H ut there nro two outstondin

1 robbed th e . A n d .th o cost o f cool, of ibo day oao , Jsbor a t th c mloe, in th e lr? to conrt and handling o f tho coal. 8 o wi

‘ T lU t In fla te d 'BiRe tost*mmittod h n . ^ heavily rcduD hla way to toada, w hleh a ta by fa r the

lho country . And ove;y doll I n K ie d f g . . t r a . r

----------------------------- ChrisUanI

fSERMONETTE g sB A I R D . M ; A .

•.cn sim , E p i= c c p u l .

“ ---------- the re;r-iblimi> and place, Tho C hriallan ean ifmfiof3 othor than a man who haa been „{,Qgo■ ami gonuincly eonvcttcd . H e o n t wn , bnve had, o l aomfl Hmo or othor, 1,^ (h,> t|<i■ d i'f'iuw , d lslii\c t lo r le i d f emu- 'T h e it.l ; whieb ho can rccoll to hla mem- men and the atagca of w hich ho eon re- {g10 «-ith distinctness, nfnllv Mij0 th ird derm itlon ia th e eceletlas- slnndnrd, one. A Christian is cno who ha's ino. He h nitmittod info the Church tiv bar* of miii.l ni o sd has b*«n tsade s s e m b e r o t v.-ith ivhid

ilhli? so rio tr. .. r.rJ)r<l, toc-10 three dcIlnStlon*—t.he olWcal, the U aslei ional and ecclcainrticnl-^mny fnlr-’ fn'.low Iiin K* Ml Ww a ttem p ts th a t a re I'Silf <’<em I t laado tn define w hal Is li Chris- To nik, 1

need onlyI. o e ask. will on.v of those, o r an.v T;a»;'to in iottfion of these, of necessity pro- waJd Hio thn t sort of charactcr whieh woa mnn, inrl t t colled (Tlirlstbn n l A n tlo e h t” ChrUt H n cortaln aonse, a ll l l io x h a rp c le n tian. Tie s< Ibed may be produced, and, aa a ChristiaT]* i » of foet, have b te n pTodwed o r i o t tVe?

/y o a tke diree t ia fla«ne« « f to th a t ata


on onil imprieonmont. A eourt ean- r tli I u n til tha acousfld la present. Dur md capturing violators adm it of vast eloncy. V ot, inadequnto sentence of- Fat h i , tr ied o;id convieted o e t only dis: opptohend erlm ioals b u t also oneour- ontlnuo prosecuting thoir ontorprlsos- moi sn If caught, thoy w ill su ffe r l i ^ t l y . .)0, .J j n o t Jess noadful than certainty, occuaed a to bcotight to apeedy tr ia l, a ff i g roat doloy which saddles 0 needloss.,e a n d is a n injusUeo to th e prisoner,

thor c f crim es committed cortaioly of- ^ rovcmoflt is bolh possible and dosir ood la to b e eommeadod aa th » r ig h t yo t 1 whon tbe culprit* aro in custody.

------------------------ oneof Ilailoweon; ou^t month, ioeludes cr i

t thivt. tlm o th e s ta lisllelan w ill be e w ith tho numbor of days remain-Ono can alm ost lieac tho b m o t tb e fro i

i t o f T fm c!" **•/ ondj

^ moro gonorally known tb a t monoy sold no persons morely pisi o* th o u tf>

. me,lOlr natures. - 7>,

M, -vciii9 a Hlllo more j<i.v «'it o f lifo w ilb 'th e more Oermany work* to pay the fooip working. uall;__________ ■» to ti

gono iip 40,s00 f<wt, coinmunleaUoo g(]f.ooa }» brought « couple o f ,thoasand mari

---------------------- t

plowed up f35,0IHI in billo. W ail vho le f t to w ork ill n fac to ry boorf '

Couu■ I allow

's m ay go fhe way of tbo H points,— — - try »■________ • ■ a

^ 0«1.

3 MUST COME down; . '- — ---------- :---------------- ;___ !____ . J IUI

Nows has llornli'il and relterotpd ih .. adjustm ent began nboul tbo execs* n j morlc.'in transportation bills (3onor- r'sidcnt o f optTfllJon *of lho groat

system; corrobnrntes w ith ompho'“ ra te s m ust romo dOTrn. I f i t i s '

)o forced by legiaUtion.''*.. • -51J w ell liavo s ta led tho iti^TltaW e in :m ws: “ IlatL'jj. inu.st come down. 11 pgislafion il will be forced by the on.” 3::ly up where they nro, boeauso they lg tr a f f ic th a t m u st flow o a tlw ■' cmsclveH cannol livo os cfficlont m :'w a n d itven anh-ont business Insti* jjj.

brealho n word nboul rato roduc- lato .Commorco Commisiloa d id no t0 in n trnn’sj^ rtn tio n ta r i f f oa the -i9& ho dotting ^ a n “ i " tbo railroadsfa il to pross for such reductions i ffo rl. to rogaitf tbo businosa wblehry existence. They oro doing th a t v :: ':oin classificatlonA whore tho traf- " iy bocnuso i t jM n o t aland or will ‘

can bo,rcduccd generally and to 'jbe rcdue'od to servo the country’s '' |1 tho c arrier’s tra ffic w ithout cor-In thc opornting costs o f thc Tali- j

'or any worth whllo saving of op- Mo • I Id bo reflected in adoquolcly low- tho s till largoly Inflated payrolls, up the grcnt bulk of tho earrlera, no place olso lo go fo r th e to liejT ,

lie business of tho counlry’ n i r t h c " ''CE\

tho*oporallng oxpOBsoa r ig h t aowDy lire only by w bat m igbt bo call- 701-

M alntennnco expenses—on repair j; stock, lho upkeep of roadbeds, vi-cui to tbo bone, lin t if the reads ^nnd lotom otivcs in f i t operoting. -wvs j

soon eomo whon thoy cannot prop- JIng bu t a heavy loss. I f ^hey do i1 tbo r.ills and ties nnd ballnst— . ns ^ l l will not bo long hpf()r^ thd }■ntUlno w ill faU lo vleto», '* • rb lunt-w arning of w bat is cinniat;, , P*' ^is is«uo, dcsfi,[Vnji_rii)fiatinB.herc,'' .545 j.

Nlution lo tho problem, and tha t ia • *** hIt a ffec t Mst ‘Woll,’ th o farm ers s s i ' i .d, and nro aoliing w heal a t J l n fJa 's ay Dioy too h a re Jiqoidatfld. iJ a l pre-war prices, fo r cxampio. SJ8 >inding fea tures in liquidation th a t ^ouchwl—theso nrc coal and ttan s- C

1001 r.I of course, is nearly all labor— j’,0 iraniportfltion nnd in tho f in a l OJo when the economie knlfo gooa ^osls o f thc atill unliqnidnled cool rcduced ex(H;ndilures by thc rail- 1057 I. tho biggest consumers o f coal in ^Abllar m m c d should como o ff 1.1

1)0 public.—InvcBtmcnt ffows. ' ****~ i:<9 u-------------------------------------- ------tianlty . Tlicrc nre m ultitudes oCi J-* men who have n o l p ro fesw d - th e n j s tian faiUi, Tln-rc ore many mori Jn m ie n w/io /lavo fell (ho slrongest o f Teli({iniiH emotion whore lives U05

it iiienMirc ii|i lo tho Christinn M. nrd. Thore oio m any membora of hnreli, whn hnvo been mndo so "by 3*J M e;r-ilnr iitoccss, whoie sp irit ana lU -f nrc nn t Christtikc ,. A twin 'M « s K

(■hnractor po flow cnn bc point. U, t m ay 'slill bo ontirely untouched T r .'M Oril o f the M nster. -! ir,l<'ntion of our Ixird .wai to isr« men liko, H itw elf. I lo asked, nil To 0 foJJow Him.' Of eourso wo nat* , j j j

Mijert to auch nn Imposiiblo nlli ird, fo r w e *ay, C h tu t dW* H05 U lie had a aupornatural equipment / JI.I nfiit h eart d ifercnt from thol mti ivhich the ordinary man Is com-

f/j r e g i i M l f l ' b S f yc^ n ; j ss le r fhallengod .His d 's tip le s tn im Ilim . to walk In I lis steps. .H e « « t

'ifm fn be perfect. l i t : j'j,iv«,k, then , t5hM U «» ChrUUan. l. ’inly lo leok a t w hat tho Mosfor0 SPO wbflt m r a ttlfodo w as'Ie-'llic lleavenlv F a th e r, tow ard >lte nd townrd life . ., t H im self was the f l r s t Chris- ^ Ifc se t the atandjird, and mco are Atn ans or no t nccordln.t to whether IVey to 'rfo n a , oT t ty to e o tfo m ,1 i t i a d i r d . W h tt w is O h ritt 's c»n


r t ^ o n , H U a tondsid , E ta r e l l ^ n i 1T5«

I n tho f ira t placc, i t wna th e intense coayict'on jh o t Ho y m tho Child o f flia Fa the r in heaven. Thla w rj to Dim not " • » thoologieal dictum n o f n mya.tical a c t n n 3f f d th , b a t a telf-evldenl, every-day fact. M an 'a aalvotlon Is due, no t so t n i B o e i to th o fa c t th n t thoy need Ood l a . t t a t . G od-needs them.

I n th e aocond plaee, ou t of th is pro- in ? ronndporeoption o f th e reo ltty o f Ood'a iffoction fo r H im , rp rang tbo w(iy in whleh H e regarded othor men. Christ 17|i isaortod th a t a ll mon woro Hia kio^- BOB, th e k lnnnon of one another, ond *” * tho offspring of ,Qod tbo Fnthor. U on 17M httat aet tow ard ono another aa broth- . . . . i n o f tho aamo blood. W hatever dif- ’eront opinion o fellow-moD moy have. 1710 ret th a t m an 's aetion is tho oeUon of V brother. Ono m urt deal w ith those vho offend him, and poreeeute him, as ItSl >no dcalfl w ith (ho eon o f hia own fath*!T and niothpr who deals unfolrly w ith ilm. in s

T ho if thinga boing ro aliu d , the Mod- cr ossertcd thn t Ilfo would bo changed 'rom ft field whoroin eaeb one pursued alfich (lurposca o o d -fiv o j fo r solfish inds, into a fiold whoroin each ono 1 rould seek the o th e r’s good.i Christ old in c ffec t: “ This is M y woy. Fol- ,5,^ DW Ml'. Tn proportion as you follow no, yon fihall bccomo (Thrl.stians."

To t r ft Christian If deliberafeJy Ui. ciitur^ npon a modo of life a f te r th e :oss lerfeet example ,of Jesna. I t Is nn ex* erim cnt w h irh 'th e world pronounces oollsh nnd im practicable, If no t act- :0(7 all.v inipossllilo. B ut the willingness , , , a tahc tbo vantarc, nnd tho ateadfaat- ' ese to abide in It, In splto of all th s 209» elf-sacrlflco which I t Involves, ia tho , , , , larfc fl.id dJatlnetioa o l u ChTMSoB.


rinjU Pnbllcaitlon Oct. 8, 1021 Public notice la hereby given, itiiit tho 2208 , «onta of tho Counly Treaaurer, of ttic ounty or Twin m ils, ainto ot Idaho, , low lliat tnxva assessed for Uic year 2^9 'H were (l<-l(ntiucnt on (h« Jtli day Ol 1 muiirr, 1919, nnd tha t delinquency on- 2iSS y waa mado on tho 13tti Ony of Janu- •y. 1919, on real properly situated In 2:i0 ,1.1, counly. as follow*:Bj.,jj:ntry 23C1 :nri<i'9—l.o is ‘9 and 10. block t ; Twin 1

t'lills CUy, United Presbyterian „r,„ ' I Clmrch.-Ul U t U. block UO, Twin Fulla Cliy. - r . ,

Onico E. W atu - H.. mock (C), Twin Rills. CUas. tJ.

Dyer Est.

Iw in Fnlls. Episcopal Chureh. ;<1 U la 17 nnd KW, fT fe e t of lot IB,

. Mock US. K ran Stnnley n ’Kllams. .-m i JC U l^ 28. 1)lock 65, Twin Fnlla, H er- ■'‘‘® \

!« I 'il 'D .'b lock 55. Twin Fulls. W. A. **'* \Moomaw. /

51 U ta 31 und 3J. block IM. Twin ^F^ilU. C. IL Betly.- • -J

H K «'» ^:i 1.01 D. block 1« , Twin yu is . Lud* S

wle Swanson. , 5, , - ?.ot 16. block H9, Twin PnU*. Twin I

t-alls Ilallwny Co. ?Ifi rfl H, block 160, Twin Pnlla. Umh *■” ' }•

.iKlil & T nellon Co. ‘1: /)1H 17. IS, 19, block 153, Twin F^lla I

I «■ Co- • ,a r , c5 M i. block 159, Twin PiOla, Fronk &

tc-aly. ^t Lois 35. 3«, 37. 38. block 2, Blue moi Z

j iU c t Add.. Pocatello aecurlly & 2T rust Co. ' f

5 U ts 19. JO and 21, block J, Bluo },Trust* Co Po«ate'lo Security & j j j j ^

7 (Alls :o and 21. titock 4. Uluo Lakea S A<lcl.. PocateUo Security 4 TrustCo. *

: U ls 2S. 29 ond 30. block 4. Blue jn.g VIjikes. Add., Pocatello Security & ST rust Co. ■ ' S

8 Lois 47 and 48, block 6. Blue lAkes f, Add.. PocateUo Bcourlty ft Trust j j j j

J xija 10, n and' 12, block t . iilup &. Poeatello fiecuriiy * 3m ^

!■ ^ t s 6, 7, 8 and 9. block 8, llliio 3, 1. S.nkes Add.. Pocatello Security & m

Trust Co. , , , , S0 . U ia 17 nnd IJ. block 8. Oolden llule ” t

AJit. Ifcnry C. Lamourcaux. ,,} U |B 4, 6. «, 7. 8 nnd 9, bloek «, 3139 r ;

lUio Lakes Add.. Poeiteilo Secur- &.ly * Trust Co. 3I«;n V

5 .01 9, block 3. Jones A d i. E. B. • mlelneckfi. , , , , , I3

ilckiord. . , 7,.) x« 17, hfock J, South rirk _ /il( f.. J


' ’ ■ J- IH ! S

‘ K V A “ f»•: Twin Fnll* HelghUi. Twin j;S2 Tt

l-'nll" Cooperallvo Orchard Co. • ■ i t Ut^72. Twin Falls llelBhis. Joseph 3373 u

T>mhite’ ^ ^ " «eJ«hU. A nlhonr siM tf

n '

cfark” ' «S« E

a1i ‘i ‘ I

M?‘ A.’ W o n 'Lot^7C. Twln'’pnlls Hel»rtiU. Joseph 3345 BV

ts.'c.r. MOloVrl'

Twin tMlls H elfjju , FnxlOink. > . . . • SXU W 8 and 7, block l i . Buhl Town- ” ” |vv*lie. norm n Calhollo Diocese of jo tDolse, Iilalio. 3171 VPU U 18 nnd 17. block 69, Buhl awTownjUe. j . T. Morris. : « j 8DU ls D and c. block 111, Buhl Town- r* ,"Uf, John Pnlii-mon. HSl mJfri. *{. Toinislte. sw

10. Investors 3132 NH

■ j i f m e i V ^ t t * ' - Townslte, 3523 SW

K 's i ' j n S S "■ " A - ™ - * . " | i"■? l i M f . of lot 14. Flier

3588 NW. I nn,i : i . block 2, lITli- „rdT roii l ^ f • Security & 389c rw

"*2'I o®’e'ln Becurlty * *3.'

U ls 4, C nnd 6. hlotk "fl jfimh*riv i i f

=• a a T- >•'> *11'

!?,us‘r , V ' i f

'>"■ !. ’ ■ J«> !?fc”

West >50 feet of lats I and irhKwi- *“ * Ji?!. ’

I Palls

LLS/IDAHO. SATURDAY1TS< Lot u In blook HoUlat«r Town* 4010 J

sue. J . W. Boutoo. . nJS Lot 11, block M. Hollister Town*

site, C C. Tappoa.17(2 U ta IE and 16. block 72, EoUlsler ' j

- Townslts, W. a Tnraer, ]1787 Lot 19. block 7(..IloUU ler Town- 1

<lle, W. H. T urser, 40S4 11771 U ls 15 and 28, block 77, Holllsier ]

Townslte. a . o . Halnecke. <><71786 U t^ O .^ bkx^O , HoUUtor Townslte, ,

“ V r ^ o f e ' ’ ' =' = 'iis. a “■ '«> i ™ xScrShS.

"■ W : .117 I

m w t . 1, u S " a B a i i . l „ Town. « “ !


«S0 I

D»o s a 1-4 s w 1-4 a 11 T. 8 n . « , m v I

K V ' ! ' " li

*■ K i r , . ’" "■ "■ i:' W - A T c i i V c . : ” - ‘ “ ■ 5

>3» SE 1.4 8W 1.4 a 7, T. », IU U. ® B. A. Mllnen

” ■ “• "■ “ • > " •

“ n-W SJ ‘Z I

. . I',,'® ' ^ L . Smith. r.«n M*?'■ “• "■ I

" l i =• ” ■ T- ” ■ »■ ■ T 01 Fji« [8 acrM“^ V l - i NB 1- , 80. ot f )

tu n Ni

i i

„ 2 ! .n m n T . 11, 11.1(1. Hush Dodd.

^vVlVr " • ^4 NE l-J NW 1-4 Norlh of CwaJ, of U'

- 8, 8, T. 11, I t 17, B. A. Orirfen I "t U l 3 and NB 1-4 SW 1-4. a 18 itni; t ,, T. 11, It. 17, Anar.w lli l l .b 5 i, “ “7 u t 4 and SB 1.4 SW 1-4, "S. 18. T. i,®‘

11. R. 17, C. A. DIckford. a NB 1-4J e 1-4. s . 20, T. 11. a 17.

>*rank P . Doasey. i "a SE 1.4 NB 1. 4. 8. 32 and 8W 1-4 i . ts f l ',

’ ■>'* f f ;J E 1-3 BW 1-4 NH 1-4 SE 1-4, 8, 1,®*'

» N 1-J of NW 1.4 S. 3S. T. 12. a ‘‘I*. 15, Merehanls Tmde Journal Or- ^ chards Co ibia

» SB 1-4 SB 1-4 S. 7, T. IS. R, H. A.C. Connor. ^ou

5 SB 1-4 SW 1.4 S. 14, T . 12, IL 18,Jlelma llukaro. V<>

f 8W l - t 6W 1.4 <st 8. .17 and BB l- i ^2^'=■ "■ ^

’ t ei 8 I .J Of SE 1-4. S, 20, T. 12, TL 18, V"'

Mnmlo C. Moore. ^oi 1 .VW 1-4 NW 1-4 nnd 8W 1-4 NW

i , : ' i w s v a ; . " g j

' '• '= a'■ W M of.NB 1.4 nnd W 1-2 of’BE

w a II, T. II, IL H I. D. t i „ . « J l- , '" ;

B 1-4 of 8W 1-4, 8. 32, T. 12, IL18. Marlon L Tale, e l sO. r-^,, .NW 1-4 NE 1-4 and NB 1-4 NW,1-4. a 33, and all o f 8W 1-4 B. 3 3 , ---------. ■an In T. 12. p . X8, Albert a Lar- D Jx :

E ast 3 acres of NE 1-4 NB 1-4 S. PublL-34, T..15. IL 18. C. O. Sudderlh. t v t NW 1-4 HE 1-4 and NB 1-4 8W 1-4S . '2, T, 12, IL 17, U rcnso Oreahl. qnency Cu ' g ' u cS v l;* "■ ^ “ “ 7u t 4 and SW 1I4 NW 1-4 of s! 3. “ "5 T. 13. IL 1C. Wm. H . Wytlo. Twin I'nl

N 1-3 of NE 1-4 a 7, T . 13, R. Ifi. lofcr,d«<o J . A. Palmer. Foils Cou

g s s , r c . ' i i ! , t ? . ' “ - ” ■

K n ' T S ; ! “ ■ "■ ” • “ ■ '« lk«BW 1-4 NE 1-4 and N 1-3 of SBIH S. 29, T. 12, IL I t. -Wm. nai=- _________rlntion,8 1-2 of NW 1.4 and N M of g w D H LI1.4 S. 17. T. 13, IL 1«, B 1-2 8B 1-4a^l8 , T. 13, I t 18, A ^ r t B. Cald- P n V ij 1

BB i-4 SB 1-4 of 8. 25 and SW 1^4

a x :SD 1-4 of a 11, T. 14. IL 15, D. L, No. 10 in Penrase.- ilte nn J

NH 1-4 NW 1-4 a 10. T . 14, a U . Idnho. TEd. S. Askew. 1 _BE 1-4 of a 20, T . 14. a 18. Qtom# nhovo-nnmI. Orm. Jnnunrv ] s w 1-4 HB 1-4 S. 22, and W 1.1 NB rd I s'br.l 1-4 nnd SH 1-4 N E 1-4 8. 27, T. 14,a 17. 0 , M. Batty. “^ 0 '”E 1-5 of 8 9, T. 15, a 1«, Em esl E.

W M of a 9, T. 15, a 1«. Ona K. f lr« n . 'NW 1*4 s ; 14, T. 18, . a 18. nioh- DBUM urd I,. Cmner. •RW 1-4 NE 1-4 nnd W 1-2 BE 1-4 Pnblir- 1 nnil BH 1-4 SW 1-4 a 14, and W „ .1-2 NB 1-4 and B 1-2 N-ff l- l H, toJCi 01 :3, T. 16. a Ifl, Wallnce W. Craner. o f Twin !■’

.'iS’ i. ' . - c S . ; ! : “ • “ ■ E' ^" p '» 'NW 1-4 of a 21, and W 1-2 KK linquent a: 1-4 and B.1-2 8W 1-4 of B. 31, T. cnles were 16, a 16. Orrel V. Craner.B 1-S N B -I*f ftnd B J-2 SB 1-4 a °21. lind-N 1*2 NB l-<4 and N. 1-3 o( nm Ihc pn M^GrVeVe®' *•' ” ■ tlf icn lr KcU ls 2. 4 ‘and 8 1-2 NW 1-4 asd BW 1-4 and SW 1*4 BB 1-4 S. 1, T. thn i i f tedII. a 17. Henry Jones. is no t mni All cf N \v 1-4 and W 1-2 NIJ 1-4 f . 1, nnd SB 1-4 N B .1.4 B. 12. r" 18It. 17, Henry Jonea. » to tho I'lio'W 1-2 of SB 1-4 and SE 1-4 SW 1-4 (SlL'Ucdl 3. 3, and NB 1-4 NW 1-4 a 10. T.16, a n ^ lc l l lc hL Chesloy. ----------------

P ; J ; ' i f c ' - ' ” • “ ■ "■ p H i n iMl of Ihe N 1'2 cf a I. T. 18, a I j n i y li|. Alma I-ee. ’4B 1-4 SB 1-4 8. 8, T. 13, TL 18, C < ( 7 ^>;elB T. nolle. IjOla 1 ,2 and I. a 85, T . 18, H n , E S WUweod a Pond. 1*1^ is 7 and 8, block 14, Twin Tails C ' J f'ownslte, M. J. B v eo w . \«> B ,>5t 15. b^ock #», Twin l i l l s Tow*-

n im d ^ v * ^ b io ck ' 114. Twin 'alls Townsits, U abol WebJter. I BEAD 1}

AY, OCa:OBER 8,1921

7 U l 2. In w^’ J . T o u aj BubdlvU- , Ion, W. J. Tounr. •

’ ■ i£ner H ditt* . Wm. C.J U t 4 1pJ ^ J l. B ahj Ttrwnslte. A.

I u \^3^block 64. Buhl ToWBSlto, A ^

5 U l 9i ,blo<^ 125, Buhl Townslte,W. D. Bouihworth.

5 U ta f and # In block f. FUop, J . .W. Nicholson.

1 Bouth 1 -t oJ lot* U M d M, n i , r Acre TracL Ja5. IL Patterson,

r u t s 1 to 13, Inc.. In bloek I, Kim­berly. W. a Sunmer*.

l . u t 4, block J, Tumsr'B Add., C..K. Dynrd. *

’ U l 7, block If, Hansen TownsJie.

r U t '7 , block 8. Mlln'er Townsite, and lol 7, Stockell'B AiJd., Sarah f- Lynch. I

. U t s 1 nnd 3, Stansbury'B A d i, Em­ma C. Hmllh.

1 E 1-2 of BB 1-4 of a 27. T. I, a .

lI*BCrts^W of liW 1.8 SB ^ 1.4 or a 35, T. 10, IL 16, H l(b Line Seed Farm.

I HE 1-4 BE 1-4 Ot B. 19. T . 10, H. ■ is, Claud Wblnnerr.BE 1-4 NW 1-4 exespl N S 1-4 r t 8 .3, T. 10. a 17, M. J . Sweeley.8 1-2 Of SW 1-4 of a (, T. 9, a 14.B. M. Swceley.NB 1-4 SE 1.4 and 8W 1-4 SB 1*4 and W 1 -t o t 8 0 1-4 8B l-« o t 8.4, T. 19, a 15, J. r . Cornelius.W 1.2 Of BG 1-4 of a 4. T. 10, a 17, Clias. H . Lyman.S f r 1-4 SB R of S. 25, T. » , an , o . u scbuits.N B < acres of NB 1-4 N B 1-4 H.27, T. 10, a 17, Dan'l. P. Uoon.W 1-3 of NW 1-4 NB 1-4 and 7 1-2 acres of Soulh 15 acrea of tS i - s NW l - i N B 1.4 a l l . T . 10, a 18, a W. Moorman,Norih 7 1-2 acrcs of Bouth 15 acrea t ot B 1-3 of NW 1-4 NB 1-4 a 21. * T. 10. IL IS. Je ff a fltureoon.SW 1.4 NB 1>4 Soulb o t NW 'i 1-4 BB 1-4. a 8, T. 11, a 15, Hl»h * U na Beed .Fans..NW 1*4 BE 3-4 alw re eaiial, of S.21. T. 10, n . 1», O. D. BIUaT U t s 1 and 3 n « l Boat \ - i o ( HW 1-4 Of 8. 19, T. 13, a 17, Iludy Ho-

ah' of NE 1-4 of e J4, T . 12, a w, . c . A. McMaater. . 1B 1- : of SB i.< a l l . T . 12, a n . 'c . A. McMaater.N E 0 ®* 7- T. » , I t 18.NE M NW 1-4 of NB 1.4 of a W.T. 13, a H , >'rank Snyder.NB 1-4 RE i-4 and 8 1-2 SB 1.4,SB 1-4 SW 1-4 and SB 1-4 NB 1-4, nnd tot 2, a 19,.T. 18. a 17, 6 24,T. 13. a 1«, Ralph Moorehouso.SW 1-4 NW 1.4 8. 11, T . 18, a I 16. Edw. Pastoor. ^NW 1-4 a w 1-4 a 16, T. 13. a 18.C. A. UcMnsler,U t 5 nnd SB 1-4 SW 1-4 Of B. 7,T. 14. IL 16, F. U Ratcllffo.All Of N E 1-4 of S. 34. and oil of NW 1-4 of a J5, In T. 16, a M.Fm nk A. I'urdy.37 miles a t I40.W per mlle. Farm- em Mutual Telephone Co.SW 1.4 HE 1-4 a .37, T. 13, a 18. ^ N E 1-4 and N 1-2 NW 1-4 SW 1.4 M NW 1-4 a 34, T. 13. a 18, SamT ” Lake.All NW 1-4 a 28, T. 13. a 1«. Jolin 1.. Peiers. — - ••• ~ 'U ifl 1. 2. 5. block 1: lots' 1, 2, 3, 4,Block 31: lots 5, f, 7, 8.10, block 2; lota 1, 2, S. block 4: lots 1. 2. 6, 7,U . 10. li . IT. I t , block j, JferchanU T rade Journal Orehard odd. U er- chants Tmde Journal Orchard 0>.U l 3, block 1. Morenantfl Tmde - Journal Orchard odd., J . Harold ■ lieaity. .U t I, blook 2, M erchants' Trade Journal OrchaA add., Emil IL E n '

£ols 8. 7. block J, Merchants Trade Joumni Orcliard a d i . , C. J. Sher-

U l '« , block 2. rMerohanU Trads ' 1 Journal Orchard add., 0 . W. Qay- llsa.

UiewB..ot 1. blook 3, Merchants T nde oumal Orchard add.. F. M. Buller. x)t 4, block 4, MerchnntB Trade oumaS O rchard add.. .noTk' F rank,

rnan. At.ot 5. block 4. MercffTnlB Trade Inurnnl Orchard Odd., Grace Oradno.U t 7, Woek 4, M ^ h a n la T rad t roumul Orclinrd id d ., . Blicldon P. M Modbury. Vl.ot 8. block 4, Merchants Trade loiimnl Orchard add., W. L. Hand.U t i , Wock 4, M erchants Tmde roumal Orcliard ndd., 0 , W. Boylo*.'.ots 3. 4, block 5. M erchanu Trade ’ourani Orchard add.. I . - a B ra n ..at 8. bIocJ( 8, Merchants T n d e toumnl Orchard add.i W. 8 . Btiear.’.ots- II. 12. block £, Merchant*Prade Journal O rcharf add., E. j . ^ ?Tnnkmnn. ■niMvo d<i1lnquency entries are own- (be County o f T w ta FaUs antf the If jedemntlon from tnx aale win

unty Treasurer and Tax Collector.

FailKQUENOT TAX BN TEY lie notice ia hereby filed th a t I, m idcrsignod, am o trner o f Delia* *■ C ertificate No. 327; issued Jna- 18th, 1010, on aeeount of ta se i id unpaid on Lot 10, Bloek ICO,I'n lls Tow taltfli o a Jtm oary Olh, ■ertificate* naaigncd to rao on a a(o h y th o ' t a i eolleetor o f Twin .'ounty, Idoho. >Tho tlmO for re- on o t nbovo-namod eorUIleWcs a l)iro Jonuary I3 lb , 1023, and If • leemod I ehall demand a to x deed above described properly.

. LO UISE J& L L E lt.

U N Q trB N T TAX ENTEY- , ^I: Botleo i t horoby given th a t I , J derstgnod. nm ow;;cr o f Delia-' ■ CortUifnto No. 05 and N0. 6O is- ^

luuary 13th, 1010, on a reoun t o f Ul' and unpaid on lota No. O ond in Block ■11, *W n Fnlls Town-

I January Cth, lOlO, cortificatvs i| to mo on JV la te r da to by th e Iff to r o f Twin Foils County,

The llmo for redemption of ^ .nmcd certifica tes will expire ^/ in ih , 102s , and i t no l rcdeem- br<ll demand n tnx deed to the r*Mi:rlbed properfy.

OEOKQIA L. C O aaiN S .'oggins, a tto rney In foet-

JN Q 0E N O Y T A Z E N T E7.c noticu « hereby g iven ' tha l A ■*'1 on real property in tbo (Jounty 1 i ’alls, ond S ta te o f Idaho, nol or to Jonuary 0, lOlO, wero dfr

and th n t delinquency' cortifi urc mflde Janunry ;3 , 1010, by colloctor th a t I, Q. Wilson TiaTcltiaet o f dcUnoucTicy «et Ko, 3752( whirh rovers lot 19 M 24, Tw in Falls Tow ntlte, and ^

(cdcmption of above eortifieats nnflo p rio r lo tlio W tli day of ‘, 1922, I ahall nsk for ta x deed liovo dfscrlhcd prnpcrty.;d) A. 0 . WILSON,

I H S D A t t T N i m

9 L o t I t I n b t o c k 4 . B o B l h ' F o r k A d d - ,

’ D a i l y^ A d v e r t i s e m e n t s

.'[(IlFlillPPlIEfl -s

GKagel B ro thers to be Agonts fo r

' Popolor Lino of Antomo- ^ ■ bfles Hero

AnnouncflDient i*. made liy DoaRc Brothcrf, DfltroJf, of th e nppolnimcnt nf Iirnccl Bros, lui the ir donlpr Jn thin city. MflRcl B ro th frs will occupy tho p MaRel paraifo on Third nvsnuc norlh g w itb 0 romptote iiaicaroom ond Mrvice Itation. ,

I The rrniftrtaiblo popularity of tho ^ DodRO Rrotbors m otor car h tu cnosci , automobile uifti nil over tho fonntry to ,1° (■iftmnr for «aJ«t privilpRCT, bu t DodRO Jf Brother^ policy of quality in aelllnc " il melliodi, Rfl well m rp.mlity In the car. ^ roqulrM ft pulnntAkinfr invcUIfjiiHon Jn , fvcry iRjtanpo before’ a neloftion i*

_ wade, Tn Mapcl Brotherf fho Doilco I j i • B rotlicn ho re n dealer on whnm thoy

bplloM they » n y rely for holh pro- ^ eroMiietioaB'and fa ir bu*lnC5ji mpthoan.

. The juonipt. miuincr in w hirh Dodijo ^ Prothen am m tiJ ono o f fJio foremost potitiiiM In the aiifomoliilu induntry is rofrardod na n n trikinc Icsllmonlnl (o the hich rpcnrd in w hirh t h ^ r nlinic

f t WOJI lioM by tho public evon boforo — . th ry imirketcd n m otor r a r bcoring his

name. P rior lo Ihnt tim e DodRo Bro’ Dei Iherii hiid hnilt the v itn l part* for more Fai thnn a hnlf million other cnrs, estnb- ( linhlni; r rflputntion fbr thorouRbncM ti}a an« RicfhaDienl aklll. ' 8nl

Thlt reputation han hren more than ^ uphold I t i* sold o f DodRo Brothora l''ol P In erplanotlon o f the ir unuaiW «nccD«, B

lh a t they epare no monoy or e ffo rt In the biiiidin? a cnr to euit tholr particular on idi-oji o f thoronRhncM In nanu factu re . S W hat their Ideaa os thlc nubjeet mean thr to the purehaw r of tho lr p rodurt mnv rou he Imaclnofl from thi‘ fn rt th a t they Ko( have r. s ta f f of n o re thnn 700. inapcet- 1

M ora whfi do BolhlnR b u t check up on Tui ^ worktniinnhip in tho varioua p roceu ’a don

of manufnrturo. In addition there arc 1 '■*pverM lf|Tj;o deparlmontu dovoted cn- hut!

J a p a n ’s D e l e g a t e s i

A ccording to diip& tcbet frem Toklo, andIho JopaooM dolegtttM to tho W oihlag- dor ton conforoneo e a lim ita tion .o f. anna-mont* and probloma of tho .P nellie haTO u , . -boon e fflc lo lly ' announeed aa follow i: AmePrinee ly e ta ro Tokugaw a, prealdont of foroithe house o f f e e r i ; Vice-Admiral To- Torumosaburo K ato, m in iite r of tlie navy, offic


- ...................... ^

, /

w T k g g B B .><• t

• 1

N e w ^k t s u n d e r t h i s h (

Uroly lo Bimilnr work, tuch as lho p h y -] X slcal aftI chcmieal laborntories whero raw and finlglicd ciatvrialB uru lub- 4

ip Jected to tc<ta so thorouRh oa to leave <H no iloubl of tho quality.- - ■ ^

G e o r g i a n D e m a n d s l -

” I n v e s t i g a t i o n o f ~

. A W S e c r e t O r d e r s

5, WAi)inNOTOK, (/P) - ln v c lle « tlo n nj of " itic li nnd every itrcrpt o r j^ l rn t io n , in tho Uniled fitolea” was ralled for I , in a rcsolutli'n introduced Frldoy by 'li'ic ,, Ropre«nnlatIvo Uiwhaw, democrat, o f j t

‘ ffeorRla.“ I*ropn»od a« a auppkroenl. to effort* f

lo iave^llRali)' the Ku K Iiu K lon, Mr. ij^je Updhaw declan'il in o iln tem cn t t h a t ju o

: ho felt 0 nort o f wounded |irido in hear- r iiiR mauy.cntlciamB huricd a t tho klnn .i>„

' ' ' which wna orRnnir.ed tn bir d ia lrlct anil ^ wlione im perial wizard “ ia ono o f Uic j I • knlRhtlieit, m oit pa ttio llc men 1 have ,„ii ." ever kr.ow n." j, Ho iteclnrcd' the public would com- •® mend tin' flilmcBa o f his re/wlulioa to

invoitlRnto concurrently w ith the Ku j Klux Klan nil oilier orRniiiyaliona hold’ gyj InR uiirllnRH behind clored door?.

it _________ ' ' '

AMSTERDAM i -r« ___________ . ------------------ of ■■fl "■ linnIs AM6TKHDA.M, Idaho — Mra. h. V. J "V Dean and Miss Jccla Kunkel were Twino Falla vl/iitora oil Friday. i, ,J. Gilbert;, Hull nnd l>e»lio Dean wororl ti^ ia c tin ff busineaa in IloRcrnon ■ on i

Snturilny.n Mra. Mimi Durtmnn waa in Twia j...■a Kallt on Monday. ’I, Mlai .Ivatn 'Kunkln and M aster An- x\n tho rv I/nrdmpn motored to Twin,r o n ’Monday. ,ij[,). Si'well M rr ,w of, Pilcr pnMOiln IhrouRh Amsterdain on Mdiii^ty <;n =y route lo the MrCaw honiMtend nbovoy ItoflnrMn.:- Thl) w ater wna turned on aRoin oan Tueaday for a few dnya run and fora dnmuttic une.p ’nirexliini; ia ju!>t‘ nlxuit finiahed a n ].- hulling Ijna atarted.

t e s t o A r m s P a r l e y

• .. Ual

i : > ..• "/•'■y- ■

r P IL . .

_____ a Indy

\ " I bL(

jL j i I)''" 'fire.

K A .


and Boron K ijaro Bhldoboro, a m b a m - ___dor to tho Unitcil Btotca. Tho lecro- CJ U riel.t0 ;.,tji0 chief deleco tei w ill-b o 0 . 8

MatinikO ^ ^ b lh a rS j vice foreign minii- tc rj 'J su n c o , M atsuilalro, chlof o f tho Dj American nnd European aection of tho Kceo foreign offiee; Dr. K . Jlayaah^ and Toru Takno, conniellor# o f tho' foreign HI offico. on.


" IT tS /JT i l S . H i s ) »

b r o t h e r !— 7 — hi m' .

s C l a ^h e a d , O n e C e i i l

;] By actual count, four 0 . ■| these people what you h j 63 for sale or ):ent, the iI - ---------------^

, REAL ESTAt£ tRAN5FERSFurnlihed by the T w in PalU Titlo and

A b itrw t Company j,

I Uecil: Bernhard a irohhehn to C. F. j li 'ick elt «2300, lot 0, D eU nR Add.I Do’,'d: Amelin Wilaon to C. E. Wll-'cox «15i)0, lota 1 nnd 'i, block 11, Fllor. a

Deed: H. IL Btedmnn to E lltoboth f;iRtedmati $<000, IoIh 0 and 7, block 2. rI Idaho Orch. L w d Co. . ' FI Qc. I 'c ed : W. II. Tum or to 0. f l . III Truoblood f l , north half northea*t 0tiuartcr aouthenat .quarter 22-10-18. g

Doed: J . E . Baymlllcr to 0; C. Bay- nmiller lot H . block 58, Buhl. c

Dee<l; S ta te -o f Idoho to E dltli It. .1 Orahnm flS^O, northeaat quarter south- enat qunrler 3fl-10-lfi.

Deed: A. D. Pollock ot nl lo J . W. 0Graham west hnlf nnd northcaal-^unr- Ite r aontlienat qunrter 3C-10-18^ '

A im tJA L M BETINO. |>j The nnnual nurliuR of tho membors ' of tho MurlauRh M utual E lectric com- *. pnny will be lirld W odneidny, Octobei ^ li), 1021, n t tlji- Scliool Auditorium a t MurtaURh, Idaho, n t H o'e.lock 11. m. I l . U nocesinry llm ^n jl membera bo pres- _ enl. • - -. . . «


Hy A. i t Hoover, Secretary, - • adv.

W hnt u ua61eM u i you may be va> li^Io 10 utheri — advertiie ll in th f iil 'lu ilf ied .



n S e e l T o p p e r s

W a n l e d ! ~ -


Good w ages a re paid foi

this work, whioh will las t (g

fo r six ty days or more.

Apply a t Tho A m algamat- li

ed Sugar Oompany office.

Phono 4 or see any of our


’ D;____ ____________ Pl

liAW NTI^D—Two ojperlenced applp paekorr, J . Johnaon Cq. Call l."»05.

WANTED — Woman r.io work oo 01] ranch. A ddreu 0. 0 . Shatto, IloU ittei, nc Idaho. __________ ______________ ty

POSITION WANTED__________________ :_________________ re

WANTED—HoDsokoopinR by w om ia Kiwith two girls school age. Ko washing. — Address 0 . D.. caro N e w t

CostLOST—I'\)untain i>en, tied t« sebool ho

aeaaon liekol. K etum to Newa office, hy

LOBT—W atch fob w ith rautical lyre S Thuraday p. m. Botum to .M. F . Mil- _ lurk, Perrino IIolcL Reward.

LO Sr—Tho person flndinit beouliful ^1 comfort with name and nduress (Cora _ Slevenf, Juitpm ero Inn ) on box, kind­ly roturn aamo to lho llttlo cray haired W' Indy n l Idaho D epartm ent storo or no- in tify delivorymon and reeoivo reward, plj

LO.'?T—Polr of tsrtolao rhell rimmed 1 Rluaacs'in caso on Beeond avenne'north. to< Ilewnnl for re tu rn . N otify Nowi of- -fire.

MISCELLANEOUS 'iPIIIIS'a CI! h e a t e d d o o m s . I l r a r J

cooked meal*. .“SSIt Socond avo. No. J

M. l\ M ILLUCK — Export piano tunnnr; nil work fully nuaranleed. Call ” nt Perrlne Hotol.. — ___ j

CARPETS AND E U 0 8 made. Mr*0 . 8 . ITnrper, 251 P e u r th nve. W. " ]

• * . fjojDAN'S PL A C B -SST OSoihono Bn Jtr

Uccou.l hand elolhea bought and sold

nRKBSMAKTKO, Mr* Rlla Cn»»- nm on. Photio 098W. t 224

1 , I M M P , T E A M P " P O L L Y

JO TlO A jj W H y H

1^1 J ^

TW t»t, Cw«i liinii itt*a rAwT ]


s s i f i e iv t p e r - w o r d p e r

oat of every five homes in have to sell, trade, barter

! position you want or the

! FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE' t ’OIt S A L B -F o u r acres Italian

prunes, p icking now; nny amount. 3 miles cast of northeast corner of Buh'. |

• I'honu S:MR5. , '

WB IIA V E an nttracllvo offor fur - a good la m e r . IGO-ncro farm with h( I Kood buildingi, well loented, ncor Jn '. rouie, Idaho; a good dairy farm equip- ' ped wilh cow i; a ll ready for a good fi:

. llvo m:iii tv slop in ond toko eharRo, h‘ : on terms th a t aro vory Bt'.ractlvc|. will I'l

gladly fiirnish detailed information lo ^ ■ anyonj in tc re s lc i Idobo.' Home Owu-

era 1,01m L Investm ont • Co. Phono . .125W; Jerom e, Idalio.

r a i l S A I,E -F iv « room liou.o; mo,I- . orn convi-nlunres, garago; tplondid loca-• lion. !• II. Doan, 720 Second nvo. W. /u

FOll HALE—100 aetcs; 75 nlfnlfa, p n « ilo w ater 00 inchca; soven mllea from tuwii; g ravel ro ad ; $115 per acu-, nu }50U0 cash, balonco termii 7 per com. 2-) J . Ii. W hile, Phone OSOW.

i ’Oil M 1 .B - A reol Durginn In wetl *‘0 iiupriA’cd north aide form . Dr. Dwight. ”

FOJl S A L E i-F i\e acris, 1-2 mile np vaat, I-t milo south W aahingtou school, Fi Team 'u trade for a Ford car. L. 6 , Sjurson. •

FOit 8 A L E l)K ”T B A D iP ‘ o ~ ro o m T l jilaatered and ko lion ined bouio, two big tfloscts, fron t and back sleeping 1-orch; Nwn. barn and two ex tra .lo ta 9 auaii, I'huur 123 or ^oll a l' U l Ease Molu. «

, co!FOit t ) A L E - ^ r traao, now fiv«

room uiuderu house, wiio garagn, for outo, lot or good paper. 145 Jefferson Phone 105.M. ^--------------------------------------------------------

•OR SALE-MISCELUNEOUS" i m V A L E —WlDdfoll Jo'ncilhan''anil

Delicioiif applea. Kenycin Grcvn, phono 52JJ3. ^

I'OU SALE—Ciill potatoes; good for J/ (nblo UH'. T. R. ,Bnllord, 3 1-2 mliei ^ northwest.

tX)R SALE—100 windahlelda, nil sir.cs, pncv ; reasonoble; headlights and _ window glasa. Phono 5, Moon’s Shop, nenr Postoffire. . fir

F O n 'sA L E -M a ilc n b re ran g e ;’ fix- hole « i lh reservoir. Phoae I ’li

BEAUTIFY YOUiTL.VWNB—P lant a nico lot o f 'spring flaw erlng bulbs, or( D arrow Broa, Seed & Supply Co. ert Phose S.

POR bA LE—100 account system, fire- em ]>roof, new; eoH $251; prico $125. Moi- Pb ody (;, Bueschor aaxophono and case, - , now; coJt $100j, price $100. Remington typcw rller, new; cost $115, pried $50,- wo Am eriein adding nnd listing machlno, \ cod . pricB^eSO. _ National cash- register, $15. Addrers J . S., care of Nows. - ^

G ET TH AT OOOD mixed h es-feed , J a t D arrow Bros. Seed * Buppiy-Co. _ ■

___ Co.6 PR IN Q FLOW ERINQ B U L B S -W r

hovo lho very cliolcost stra ins of tulips;- ^hyacinths, narcltsus, otc. ' PLANT t®RIGHT NOW. Dorrow Bros, Sood Si ^Supply Co. Phono 8. i

BLATCHFORDB. EGO M A S H - M okei tbo bens aholl ouf tbo eggs. Dor- row Bros. Bcod & Bupply Co. Phono 8. "i

POULTRY B U PPLIES o f a ll kinds, f,®' Wo nro tho Inrgest handlers o f thia Hue in Idnho. .Dnrrow Brot. Soed i Sup- ^ ply Co. ' Phono 8,

'd B L IC IO u F A PPLES-DoTlvered in lown, $2.50. per box, Tel. 1030J. 1

” FOB*8* A E F o irT B A D E l^20 bcflTo'f p°, rhoico horses, M. A, W illiams, Edon, Id.iho. ' _ „

" F 0 R ~ B A L & ^ in in ^ ~ U ^ r 7 B 'in c b top. 305 Six th nvenue oast. ^

W lC K irB ta b ^ b n g g y " fo r sale. Good as new. 302 Poo rth ave. E. ^

POB SALB—W icker baby buggy; good as new, 804 Fon rtb ave. B.____________________________________ sm:

POB SALE—Begnlar trained ■iik TwRoaU; legistered ilo ek ; heavy a iU *«-stra in. Pboae esOB. P. 0. Box 7M- ^

FOB SALE—Bleyeiea, trteyeles, lir« t see nnd aeceaaoriei. W em er'i Kepalr Sbop. e r i 224 Second it . B. Ffll

Y a n d HER PALS

.■ a A * c BJRDCW B i nv v w w c

-D A M C E n V flH M l

L A S T aJ iS K T ^ I



r d A dr i n s e r t i o n , a r v d

in Twin Falls receive T h ; N sr or exchange, about your r le help you need—One Cent 1

FOR RENT F, r o n REN T^Ilooni,' ' P h o a e '0 0 s ^ _ j

* TOiv RENT—N ow 'nvo room modern •. iiuugalow ; good location; ncor ichooi.

Phono 1208. ^

i 'o u K E N T ^ l o ' i r " i ^ B l i "Toom> house. 420 Mnln No. < ’<1

BOitr o i l RENT—Three or four partly lio

I fu rn ish 'd rooms; detlroble location for run, tmirdrefpcr or dressmaking parior. Wri; I'hone ::05. ;—

FOR KENT—Fumishod house, Cnll jim . 339 T hird nvo. W. ’ " f

FURNACE HEATED ROOMS;'home cooked menis. 55!) Second nve. N. ’ y

I'OR RENT—Two furnished rooms,■ furmmu heat, 4 blocks ftom Perrlne ‘ 'O"

hutcl, liiqulre 401 E. Main. ~

FOR R kN T — llouaokofplng JO'i.u»; pait iiiudvrn. eloso in; no cbildreu, Cu’l Dod 2-10 ro iir ib nvo. E. gooi

I'O R RENT—Good room in modern $S0( houao. I’hono 530W. —

KOll 1 IE N I-T l .ro . room I«t»i.l,'c,l nporlm ent, reasonable. Bungalow Apt»., ,.nn. F ifth at. and Second ovc, E.

FO R RE?lT—PuruI»hed~houio'locnt- * ed 021 Seventh ovc. E, Apply 33fi T hird nve. W.

F O l P ^ N T - ^ f - r o o m honaeT'fnr' "*N,nished or unfurnished; modem except he at; screened ileeplag poreb, g a r a ^ , — collar, paved street. Pbone 1610 or coll a t 302 Sixth, ave. N.

p o r ' 'B B N f^ T w rrf iiro isb e d '" liB b t houfekoeping rooms. Phone 36411. 504 _ _ So. Main. ^

.-P O B " " S E N T ^ H o u s tiw ^ n g suites g round floor, furnished complete. B< w eek or m on th r 4 2 ^ . _ • =

FO B BB N T -SIeoplng rooms. 22'.'F i f lh avo. E . Phone 702R.

WANTED MISCELLANEOUSWANTED— Tfl ren t good forty , eash -

or crop ton t. Address D. B., cnre of N ew i. ■“

W A f^ E D —$12M on elly property ; f irs t r iortgago. 8 , earo of Nows.

" ^ A N T E D -L a rg o gold, fish ,bowl. Llo' Pliono CliSn. " , • Pho

W A N T E D ~ T O ~ R H ;N T ^ ^ r]o n c c d “ o rcliordisl w ithes to ront orchard prop e rly . T hono 637B4.

" w A N T E D ^ n b lo boardors; excoll' ’ ‘ e n t m eals; home cooking, $1 por day, * Pbono 1635. •

W A N T E D ^ a r r tr ~ w M h ‘ ot~iil'ghl: ^ w ork guaranteed. Lind Automobile Co

W AN TED —Havo yonr car unahed a l = m gh t, whilo you sloop. Lind Automo- b ile Co. [ I

W AN TED TO B D Y ~ W f.. have” # .■Ibuyer for improved 40 aerei near Twin ' Pn lla; w h a t-l» T e yoaJ Lloyd-CravenCo., f e T n f f l r x v d T B :— • ___

_ K A N T E I ) r ^ * - o B t - ^ laundry. Y o u r " ^ washed, n lghl or d a j .^ L ln d AulomoLilo C<r.'

WANTED—Second hond ployer pi ~ ono; must bo eheap and in f irs t'c la s* OHJ condition. Address Box 407, Oity.

WANTED—C a n 10 wadi. Brine JOB you r H r to the Arrowhead service s ta T* tion. Second and Second Bontb, Phonf &8SW. Work gnaran teed ..

----------TO TRADE____________________________ 8W1

' " m b . FARMER— Do yoa w ant to movo on n amall tr a c t n c a r 'T w in " f* Pnlls. I have 5 acres I will trad e ' fo r ^ j i a rm in g machinery and stock. laqu iro o r w lro A. J . SpolloAorg, 1-2 milo cost T ou ris t Pnrk on Elizabeth Blvd.

W IL L TRADE Ford touting cor for ? potatoes. Pbone 060R. P . 0 . Box 754.

W IL L TRADE big powerfVl e ^ l i k o * new, for good notce or bonds; would also consider tak ing good Pord or other small car. Addresa 111, eare News,T w in Falls. ‘ ______________________________ on

W IL L TRADE good SD'Oerc farn . ^ n ear Filer for ncROtlablo papor or otherseruritii-s, or unincumborod town prop- 01c rly . /'ddreas Trndcr, cate News, ^ i n eal F a llf . ' lho

■' • - - I - -

B T O L i r r 8TE1 OopTilglit, 1021, by K v n p ap e r

iLTf/5ia1 T 'jb o )v ;o T • 1--------

M E. r ii^L

'■ Y , f----------------, o J i j V p — -0 M iA M t)

o i f t J C

f c S ,-OCT i

OCTOBER 8,-1921

P a g e1 WORTH ITtNews, Daily. Teli all ■ rooms for rent, hous- t Per Word—Phone 32 j

FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES ^• J ^ R S A L ^ ^ g r i o u r i n g ’ ^ . ' ^ |^ r f c c t condition; ]irlcpd to to ll a n i* . t t205. Ccntitl O arago .' '

ONK lOlfi model Velio flvo-paaioogBr ■;ourIng cor; good cord t i r e a , 'ro p a k lS : uid in extra good condition;- can Jw•old n t-n Largoin. One 1017 model T e ■ io flve-possongcr; now tiroa; In good■unning condition; will roll chMti '>Vright Auto Co, Phono 228. i i

FOR CALF)-DodRc rn r in good eoa, lition; i.ew top; .good tires; ju s t o a l ; if paiut ahup; must aell a t oueo. MS .''ifth nve. K. .1 •

M R SA LI>-$]50 will buy Pon) curing car In good mcchanicnl roadl ion.. Inquire W right’a storo.

FOR fiA L E-Jfi20 HuJcJr ligh t <J. t f i a im ed and in fiuo condilioo, $10B0>odge touring, topoinled, $450, Psrd , jood tire i aud runs good, $150. Be* I ouring ear, 1010 model, looks like aow.SOO, Unrrelt Aulo Bale* Co . |

FOK S A L E -P iv e pnssonger Btai»- nker, pcrfect mechanical coadUloa. ood cuid tires, new W illard b a t te n . 750 foi quick sale; term s if d isire4 hone 522M. '

Knii .«a I.E u b T H A n r ^ iu d e b a fc !I r iisd 'ir t in e i i r s uixicj n in d u io a . nil. Mrrr|ii Kord in im .tr. rbn»*ilinv

MONEY TO LOAN jFARM LOANS and monthly payBoat

welling loans. A rthnr L . Swim.

MONEY t 6 LOAN— Wo tw ve ro a e rivate money os hand fot la n o d ia t* iurt«Rg>r loans., I rr ig a u d L anda Oo'

iCiiiiOBioiii i’■ Q I ^ S

VINDOW O L A s i^ W in d tniejda, esa> incl work,' M oon's shop. Phene 6, |


1EADQUASTEE8 for Salmon la a ls . ] iloyd-Ctaven Co., 123 Main Avo. E « k . ' ‘hono m . ' • • I


iL S X A N D ia V 9H 0B E ^ A l U n d132 .Shoihoob W. Phone SOS. A il. work guaranteed. A. Chipooris, Pro^

T m s P E B ■

BOZIEB TBANSTBB O O M P A in 'Phone 348.__________^ I

. p r o f e j j l o n d l


F o oUiTt a NX—D. A Saiaion. , Shoshone St. So.* Phone 085. “

^ ----- ATTOENEYB ^

HAS. A N O E T H - U w / « , ' ' ' £ i i t t Rice Buildlsg. ' ,

OHN V,. O B A B A U -U w y e t. Ba&li * T ra it Building, Phone 085-B.

SH ER B. W IL B O N -U w yer.

:OUBB 0 . M lL L S -B oyd 'B u ild lsg . |

W BELIpr h BWBBLEY - A U m bI^ i ' a t law. Practice in all rourU . Twto Palls, Idaho..

. U . WOLPB—Lawyer, Booms & a u , 0, over Idaho D epartm eat ' S to n Twin Falls. Idaho.

H . WIBB—Lawyer. P u Iit orgaalsM o6llejtlon department, Offiee*— Booms 0 and 7, over Twin P a lli B a a t A T tn il Co., Twin P a lli Id ab a


J. 6. W. O A m T 6W -^ M M ti" f i r » t r^ ond, third, fourth Mondays, L 0 . 0 F. hall. • ____________________

Classified adTortiabg u tbe cheap- It th ing you can buy—measured by 10 profits ifaay 'T jy lb 'g von.

m R B E T T T i»er Peattue BottIc*, In t.

.L a J L w e r a E J T H t j

i/^ME j

T 8-_______________ • ,

a iH s m t i '1I B T i i y l H l ”

ijo D edalon Rcmlorod in Hcar- • ug* of Compaay Application • —

a t B upcrt

■ ■ • Nil ilefiiiilo fODcluflioM Wll* itii'ui-d fnl-VMvIfifi y ts lcn ln y ’s Jit'uritiB in H uihtI , u f tlio IJalib Power coiiiimny’H itiijiliea- Cion for rijtlit to ilcvplo]i tlic imwiT r jV (

a t tljf Twin i-’allH of tlio H duiiko river. ToJtiiiiony in (liis corn’ . was volumiBOUB on >>oth »Wc8. Tlio ap- V,

‘(■Itcunt company i)rc!»onti'il Hh ftliu caso in compicto fomi, whilo tlio ^

’ (jrotcKtanta, ineluilloff liurluy, Uupcrt and Tw in I’alls chiinil)ora of ctraimeree _ n

Uio leiuv w ith equally (all cUal,- Jcugcn'aRntnBt eotnmrreialMiovolopmonl o f thn «lt«. Til,

A l tho conclunitin o f llie huarinj; U. ■ C. I’nulBcn, o f Boisp, reproscntiai; tbo j,J

' ''£oJoral power coniniiuion of the United a tn tc i Keoloifical survey, announeod Twin tliu, uia tto r would bf takon nndor ad- viwimcnt, and gave tho pa rties to the aotion lim ited tlmo In whieh to filo iij-iof* Novrcll a W ight and 0 . K Tot V rig b t, repreMQting tho T w in Fa lli Tin

' cham ber o f comoereo, attonded tho nia»<i ' nieiiUog. im-fii'

■ » ttm lo

m m m a d v is e dVAN EATONS WILL

EMPLOY A DIVERAnno.onoomont M ade T hat An-

o tho r E ffo rt Will Bo M ade mnce- to Locate Body vnwin

— u p " o

H heriff E . H. Hhcrman of Twin -FaHi i«n in tv , reports jiavliijj iteon n d m e d 1'“" '' ' tKat th r Van Eutonn of tlio ContactdJa trlft uro i^ ik in c |i!nn-i ,fnr em ploy *'ing un e»pert ilivi-r froni Uie eomit lo pr"”" ' umko nn aquatic unirch to i tho body o f HyWa Van Knlon, ia id to bi* lylnjj ■t tho bottom of tlio eniiiinn rcuL’rvoirTU a aanouncomont is xaid to have lined \come Ml tho Ktierlff In .th i- ikihI few injf of hours.

A lthough forecK have iuM-n i-niployod ]iliin»eonttoiilly a t 'th i* reservoir Hlnru tin- (jlti-K v(h e r if f gnvo up (he tearcli for (lu- liody »vH'l pmortt (hnn a mielc npo, iio.runultH hnvc muRhto c n ijp o rle d . DrnRKinK w itti a ui'Wly ,|„y„ ii ^oviaoil ryslfni o f liooIcK, jilnunnl to roneb « e ll into th r lover mi-sncn oftho . rcfleryoir, lu u ItmnBhl^ nb reauUs Mvcio f a d ia ra c ter roRiifded aK:;i-oneIimire sla to ]'tfv^oneo tb a t tli* flllef’ed ini/tle ror of ii nhorO iilotcs WclRlittU toinmStlcd McWo In of lhoIhe Salmon reservoir, or IhatM io piece Hint t

■ o f ab irtinc noiv on rxM bltion u t thij imlay • b o r lf f 'i offiee i m over [loltcd ont of iviii/b Iho w ater a t th a t place. , „ver

S h e riff Sherm an 'nnnoynrcr th a t ns • Uh'TA r IUI (h r Salmon ilani Is concerned hi* rnilronofflco t'SB ceased (bo search for Van j ,

. ' .Iraki-BVH L W INS OVER ininrku't ^ ^ l L E R ’S SCHOOL ....'

ELEVEN 14 TO 13 iriililei,• __ _ ----------- piirtlot

W -estenders P n t Foro'o Info P ray fn Closing Sonndfl an d Tako ' kein. ,

t h o OontOJBt Ibc ri'iI ” ■ nuuncf

UUHL. Idabo (H pcclal).-acb iinR l-l iw lnta BRoinat 13, th e 'B ah l high schoDl ‘

• dovoii je s te rd o y afternoon on Paria f ield <1ef»Alcir K l6 r; ’' AlI''iiedTea ir tro ihadB In tho Iant. b a lf o f the gam e, i ^ r(bo homo elovon Wilaon, cen terj Snyder, "•f'urtiJackie, ond M inler, Runrd, ita r re d . Bat- "tated(erin i; taetiea o f a sp irited order m arked f'coiiirIhc closinff periods. portntl

«— .11. the vrii, M ra o ra o B M E M T B . ' »t o n

-------- SPPtlOITtio Pnn-nollenlo will meet w ith Mrs. vvlicre

!<. Coleman a t I1C> Poplar aTcnno on V o n d a t evening.

T he members of (ho Kps(crn S tn r -------^will Rivi' a (Innco T o ^ n y OTonlne for -i—

■ tho mimber*, tbo M a n n s nnd thoir la- ) ities. Danelnfr w ili^ o jtin a t 0.-30. i

W. 0 . W. Tdll m ect U ondfi^ ovcnlnft I.AVK OotolKir 10 In Odd Follows hall a t 8 „ dram

- j i ’elocki * Gou'------------ ---------------- m il


W ASlilN O TO K, ( /F J - W r j lh t t pre- v ' ‘. d ictions for the woek bofinnlni: Moi*‘•“y-" IDAIK

U pper MlMlwippi ond lower Miasoo; ijnu, rl valleys: Oonerally • fa ir nnd cool , 0^0 K oather b u t w ltb n p robability c f lo*ca] rain Tuosdny or Wodnnsday. . __ i.'atin

N ortborn a ad southorn HoAlcy mutin* tnl Spr _tal,B.and p latean regions: (Jonnr^il!;/fnir of Pes

and nonnal tem perature. rour b

T t A ttend T r la l-M rr . Cl.erry Codv .\tcM•r riv c 'l from BlIlinKK, Mont., to tcallfy (pialityin tbo Southard trinl. Mrn. Cody own* ltvmilt( ed Ihcf urai-ihcd Jiouso whieh wM oc-eupied by Mr. nud Mrs. Harlnn C. Law- 1^1Is a t th e tim e of Mr. liOwis' la s t III* kle nn Beaa. • '

■ ----- TypeP lay e r P iano vrorJt—I’lmm- IOS.—aiiv. fltore.-

I ■ - —

QPPD-COMFORTAIIs ona of tlio Brta tosfbleM lJisi,

‘■'to<lar..-_YoB w ay have g o o d ^ a jj-- lon "bnt jyonr j j W ®ay. eosiitaat s tra in . • . . ■ •• y ^

B e tte r le t .n i jnako a-ttw rongh - <T»rainfltiim and i f ’ fflaaici « « I -

■ n o t needed .w e"' ^ s i i d l y . . ^ V • yon. ■ ■ ^

Parrott OptE X O L U Sira .OPTOMETEIfiTB

Oni; P rices Axb Aiwa


l i S f i l iBE S M I 11

'^ IfS D JT iEverett Sweeley, Member

Tellp Business Men Vital Country is More Railroad R.'jilroad lo San Francisc

All told npjiroxbnatvly (231,000 baa {ireaoiiH-en jOrdRi-d o l thc rcquunlcA irjOO.OOO w aikiriiilrund building bonns fund. over

Thu iiledcen nniptv Jcm ouslralii's meatlt 'la t Tivin H iIIk diKtrii-t h:ir douc nil i-f (hntil>. imr;. iirei' ro i'ltn l iis folluv.’k ' llirou.

Twin Falls .llX ric t ............. ♦l!2/),78l>.r.O .'J '"KIki) couuty •....... .................... 100,000.00S,il.iion .tlH(ri.'l ...................... 10,000.00

TotuI ............. .................(230,782.50

Tlii'sc figures were Bubml((ed to a Fol niasfl ussemMiigo, chiefly of locnl bns- to Ih iui-SH men in tliu high srhool audKorl* um last evening. ,

(!. I>. Thomns, rha innan of tho gen- ernl cunviisslng commjttee, mndo tho r<!port giving sta tistica l da ta covoring l ' „ * nil pledges reported except a small' fow , V J not yot Buiumcd up. Theso aro oxpect- o" iSl lo bring (he grand to(nl (o tbo ~ i 'iM .m marli.

<;halmian. Thomas a(a(ed he Jiad ar- j. j. r/iiiRcd lo turn looso a ll of his can^ { g " vnssing forces for n (breo day "clean- ‘ u p " of the e ity and d iatriet, and addod y/ tb n l since Tw in Fnlls hus TOotc ,tbaa • <lonc Ita shuro in thla drive Ih ii'J is tr lc t Qcgrc inviiived should now “ cami' Ih rough '' jinrvc and mnko tho road-bulldlu^' schcmo A|^'_ pronouuced aupcess. The report ou E l - ' j | . a . k« county Bubscrlvtlon* wn* liuscd u p o n ,^ . >j. II ine».«gu froui K. F. Oray of Contact, iji r* .

Kxecutive Chairman K. J . F inch out- lined plans for a thorough corner- scrai>- i_vt- I lug of the east end of tbe county to be- a . I), •ill next Tueadnv. Uo announced t b a t .p , (?. ,Iiiu» included (he uso of III automo-1 Soviil. illi'K witb two men in encb. These cars Fergii ivll'l go to Hanaen. Kimberly and-tilui:' W ill* liiugh uud wiil Uovolo four eomplote n . JI." Iiiys lo tho east end. -V.'

O et t i e Lino I j,; j ’Hveret( .M. Sweeley, menilicr of (ho j,,,,,,,,,

fla(o publlo utilUlea eonimissluu, made \\_ |( . I short nddress on the vital rail needs \\'. L af the Twin F a lls d is tric t. Uc Mnted Frnnk lha t tho grentest uej'd o f thc d istric t .idbu loday is not no much rnilroad cars iu F. M. ivhirb to move produce ns rn 'lroad lines K. F. .ver w hifh -to haul th is produce. .1. M.• Un't-‘ i" ver will l.e ti tim e whon Ihi- l-rter

rnilroads of the country can supply-nll Frank ,'ar demands in rush seasons.” tho Rich/ir speaker said, llo adde«l thn t th e 'need Claren is (cf got a direc t line to tho prim ary C. E. market. Uc simko In p a rtu a ia r favor 0 . 0. uf llio propoacd 80U(hcrn oudct fo r Frank Piviu Falls, saving tho coast provides a W. wlulion for all the d istric t’s, m arketing l.enf'>> iroblems. “ The solntion of tho m ajor t - lurllon of ho Twin Falls section’s m ar- *'f- “ • i;oting difficulties .lies In Ibo construc- ;ion nf lines renchlng the coast mar- J-; «• kelH. rlJuUd . Uio . southern outlet and I.C rest will be ensy,” thc apeaker an- AuM'*, luunced. lie declared th a t more rail- •onds nro the crying necd .o f all sec- Ions In tho w est. Of tho proposed line 0 W ells ho spoko w ith particular nr-liir,-saying (he' lino from Iho viewpoint ...........if engineering nnd mechanical con- itrurtion, woutd bo fnWW easy. Ue also 'Itated lh a t danger o f encountering Henry Ireering w ealher is minimlred In Irons- A. J- lortntlnn lo (ho Pnciflc coast during .he winter tim e, another foaturo In fay - B- ,r of to a st m arkets fo : tho Tw in m h A. \Va .pptlou as ogainat eastern mnrkoU 1 '“" ^,vhere w inter w eather Is more sovoro. ” •

Sore o f Bucceas There were about l.IO business men

a m u s e m e n t s ■ J. Q

--------------------------' of Kftll'.AVKUINQ T IIK A T B E -A 0-pnrt the mt , drama, a tale o f two worlds, story b y tho mt

Gouverncur M orris; alao Sm iling reromr Uill Parsons In "C h a sin g Bain- rid irin b e aux ." ' ‘" ‘n t I

)1U'11EUM—2 vaudovlHo acts; also a The ni wcstorn melodromn, “ The Mnn Hat* lors ai

a 2 port eomedy “ K ldnapors’ sition ^Itevongo” ; and In ternational Nowa. D A UO -W llliam Russell In "B aro Ooea

K nuckks’ *, an Alaskan picluro; also w ent I eomedy and ' Pa tbo Newa. will bo

■'___________________ o f thmCanning peaches are ready a t Crys- Monda

nl Springs orchards, 4 1 -2 B iles aorih f Peavy; 11.25 fo r bu-.ticl: bria^ WK onr b o ic . Pbone 000.—hdv. Intops.

............ - ■ 407. Ft.VteMurtrv pa ints are the hi(?he<l ---------

uality and ]>rlce» rl[!h(. Kunkle and {cmllier Phone i:;tl.—qdv.

1^1 :is frame your j>i.-tnrea. Kun lie nnd llemiiler. I'honc2 31.—ntlv.

Typew riters repaired, Clos BootHore.—adv.


ptical Co.I f i T S j i r o ^ O P T I O I A M S ■

A lw a iy i E i ^ b t


S i r ^

O P fflll “ IR IIIL E I/

arc' • ave

e r o f P u b l i c U t i l i t i e s ,

t a l N e e d o f t h e E n t i r e j - :

) a a s — F a v o r s P r o p o s e d y,“

i s c o ,'■ tini

ireaont a t tho meotiog, which w as Pol la rked by cnthnslnatle o n tb w ta -whon- Inh iver construction of (ho south line i m I tieationcd. Asauranco was expressed hn t tho lino wlll bo made possible lirough tbo present activities. . “ 'C

'fliurwliiy o f thl* wcok woa “ prite- r inner dny ,” tho ilay Itaolf se ttin g n in rk for to ta l subacripUons w ith •<,- 38. 0 . ir . Self waa tho indivldool tinner among tbo aollcltors, tn m ln g in C l ledges am ounting to (4,000. JW

Following nro thc latest subscribers 0 the fund:

Tw in FftllB Olty.:. p . Olaon . . . - i S.'S.OO

A ndenon ....... ....... .......... 50.00 Jn ]I. K. Deisr .. 100.00. Nf .rcnaon ... 100.00 ^. K. Ucnnofer .......................... 25.00I. S. Pavburn .............................. 25.0(1I. Z. Rills .................................., ,50.00 . .Tohn Boren .............. - .....—— ' C5.00 Joh'. E. MeConncl ............. ......... 50l00 jiae. 8 . H nll ........ .......... ..................• 25.00 org;lerirgu IL EWrow ........ — .— 100.00 rhnf. A. Pabcofk ........... .............. £50.00 tleS'nrl J IT ahn,.....................- ..4 -.. 500.00 Picorgn fl. Tnylor ....... ............... '2 5 .0 ^ Pali[arvov W. Qundv ..................... BO.OC big

O .'l l n l l .............. - ................. 2 1 0 0 ; tior;. A. Dunaldsou .......... ............. 25.00 fir*:. T. Ncgiw ............... ----------- 35.00 . Tirs. D o n 'R ig g s ....................... 50.0i) in ,i, ; . l . Uell ..... - 50.00 tbalee n . Chase ........ ...'..................40.00 nea. I). >;milb ......................... .'iO.OO recc, C. Kills ...... .......... _________ 75,00 foroviile, P c .B . , - w ^ v ________- lOftOOe rg iis .- lU J j^ ’ ' ^ ^ - — :----- . ';50.00 -Ii

____ 25.00 firs. JI.''.MiiJier-l_____ w -:^ „ .- . . : ; f^ 6 0 .0 0 nne'...U ' ScbwartB ..... ;______- 25.00 in I. .V. .'S h ea rs" .............. ............. 50.00 ‘I i f

.1. .“ lepken ............................ 50.00 1«»inies \V. Wbeelini; ................ .10.00 Cho'. IL ('nwooil r.......................... 100.00 niei:’. L Aiininf .............. - ........... 100.00rmik fetapiev ............ ............... fiO.Of) M t'hn V. Ilnnsen .......... ............... fio.do, M. KIrod ............ ......... - 10.00. F. S te td e r ....____ ________ 30.00

M. Diniond --------------------- ' 25.00■ter Tr.ipyen _____________ _ 50.00rank lln rb e rt ____ — .............10.00ich/inl Ilansing .............______ 100.00arenc.- K. Alien ......... ............ 100.00 . ‘

E. Edwards ............................ 50.00 '0 . M abaffcy ................5.00

rnnk A. N ye ---------------— 100.00W. Meoil ........................... ... 25.QU

’nfcird W n(ts ....................... 23.00I’. Jloore ........................ ........ .W.OO

r. H. ft. Idset .................... .... SO.OOfRtcr AsWon ..................... .......• 10.00

0 . na iley ........................ . .'iO.OO ‘\}Lrank Holmanv,,.:-.'..... ................. 100.00iigus: Ilestbeck ....... .".............. 25.00 'iri W. Predrickson ............... 2u.0Oly Vl Hfnwn —: ' .... fln «bnt■. n . K arls .................. ............. .a'i.OO

.............. t t i i w J f e ' !■Oonntry------- - - > ' 4 2

enrv (tli-ou l[vol,) ...... ........100.00 yoaa. .1. Msir<]uis .............................. 50.00' A

C. M eKinloy ..................... 25.00 jngBJornron _ 100.00 leal

, W anmnn _ _ 100.00 Iti iarvoy Bros 48.00 Twi

IL rfemplemau .....................; J.SO.OO thron . D lngm nn ............................ 150.00 m n

------------ -hns$ 729.00 sion

-------------- — ......................... .......... .. ■ [inal---------------------------------------------- o f

OPPOSE D YE SUBSIDY.F. 0 . Monoh o f tlio I tarrett eomlianyS i l l I-nki. ll, T .'ln W l . ,l„ rlnc " J

I’ medical nssoelalion meet Ho present ,,0 m n tter of tho Chemical Foundation rommendalions roncerniii(f the sub- lir ing by ib<- IJnltciI S tates Kovorn-I'nt of Ibe (lyn nnd ehemieal worksl , le nssoelalion voted to advise scna-rs anti represontntivos of Ihelr oppo* ' t l iion to tho subsidy plan.

Ooea to S a lt L ake—Dr. .T. It- .Morgnn m t lo S alt I.ake ycilcrday w h m V ill bo »n consultation w ith a pbvsician thn t c ily . He is expected to ro(urn "

■ • i; WK A m : IX T I Ie M a iIK E T for po- ' ‘ J , tnps. Adnms Produce Co. Phone 7. Fourth nve. So.. 22.r22.'l.~adv.

L is te n to th e M U S

E a t Y o

S u q d a y E

5 : 3 0 t o



C laim Heirskip fZ in Baker Estate j

at Philadelphia *-Mrs. J . H s'ttrib , o f Tw in FaUB, wS

A n o t h e r C l a im a n t t o E ^ t - . »ou ' e m E io h o a

Another elnlmant to iv portion of the X. B aker estate lives In T irin rB lls, 9 “ ' necording to Mra. J . IL Urio o f Addison avenao west. M rr. Urio Is tbo niece of J. B aker, and claims to bavo bnd knowl- odgo o f (bo exislonco of " a rich nnclo in Philndclphia,” 's lnee hor early child- hood ., IVlion hla death occurrcd 20 ‘V»y >'eurs ago or ao, sho f ile d -h e r elolffls w ith thoso of tho other bcira, and ex­pects to rocoivo about $150,000 a t t h i 0 tim'o th a t hor d is tan t relatlvo, L F . le ft RoberU comcs Into poaseralon o f h is Mln InUeritante from th e so n o te tttee. tlon

M n . Urio la a t preaont in Qreon clnt Rlvor, Wyo., w ilh a son. Mr. U rie Ih custodian of tho detention houso n t n the counlv general bospitnl. Thoy bavo aovon rblldrcn, p ll Uving in southern Idaho, H th tho exception o f tbo ono nepl son in Wyflmlng. ijy i

lu i i ig i ■ -J;C i l F f l R l l E C I l K

______ com

J o h n J . M o O le l la n , E m i n e n t ^ A m o n g : W e a t o r n M u s io i a n f l , swei

to P J a y O r g a n ‘>“0I.. to c

• .Tudginp from p reseat indlcaUons I’Oft Tohn J . McClellan will en teria in a ca- boyi |iaelty homo wben»ho nppm rs in pipe )rgan recital a t tbe F irs t MeUiodlst •hnreti^nexl Monday rilcht. Cnll fo r Prer :Ifketriin(i boon ex traord inarily heavy. *1

ProTcasor MeqiibHftn- Is' a ’ residen t o f |ng ^alt Laho nnd isT flrst o rgan is t a t tho ''nlli •ig Inbcrtiarie. H e has held th a t posi :ion sineo 100 and is clasred onc of the- terd ’irst (en pipe organists o f tbo country.. T lie Rail Lako musician has, nppcnred T< n . r H tn l 'h e re on a crovlous occasion, L. £ bat bring nl Uic .I’re,ibyterlan chureb llvln lenrly n year ago. 'Hp^inailo n splendid the •ecord on 'lhn t ocearioti. and demand for ’o r A Tfcturn engugcmont lu^ thin e.ltv lm«v (as bcuT urRcnt smeo” 4 2 - . - - V : ; .^ '. , ; - fcyw• In addition lo-M dillBg pbBitloii J^iijlieali

’Irat o itnn ist a t Iho Balt lAk<r*T5^ r > laelo Mr. McCTollnn Is ftl«» j^ 4 irB efo r - Oo n the L. R. S. conservatoVy-tiniiltsIc. F. I’ lifecio* of the S a lt L ake O pera com- hnmi n n y nnil fouduetor o f tbo S a lt Lake Hive 'horn l foficly. The rc'c'itnl in Hcbcd' utle lied tn s ta r t a t fi:15 Mondny evening, bad

' i Mr.


■ Mrs.Jftnqnet Friday E vening Is O lvea for <

Dologates and Ladles_____ oral

I’roiiKiineed by thoso in a ttcndunee Pp''*0 b.ivc been tho. rUongcst and moaf urress 'iil atalo medicfll nasochtion tieelini; Im lho history of U:»o organiza- - ion, tlie S tate Medical nssociation elos-d its iw ealy-nlnth m eoting yostefday , vith Ihe' election of o fficers fo r the /irnliii: ycnr. M ax-Sm llh o f W allace . , V

eliofcn ptcslden t; John Q ray, St. Intliiiiiv. Viee presidont; B. B. Lnn- X "

Boire, aocre tn i^-tro rtu icr; L.N McCalla, chairman of- legislative omralttco;.' E . L . W hilo. Lowiston, J . 'S bnlrman of pnblie hoallh com m itlee;

F. irow ftrd,-Poratol!o ,. J a m o s 'L . To hoapital w ork: J . , B. mnn

'■'ValTacc, and II. D . Spen'cor, wUk « to i- ,F u ll< delegates to tho Amorican of r W rs nssociation meeting. Wnllaee •wns Twir hosen fo r tho place o f m eeting nexi tbo ,

SoutA t tho banquet a t the Rogerson din- w ha

ng room in the ovenlng, about 40 med- last cat men and Iheir wives pa rticipa ted MeXl a a banquet. I h . I I . W. W ilson of I>y,ar V in F iIIh neled as toartm nater, and tho hrough nil Ihp toasts Ibat woro given hhn nn th e thought o f.tho fellowahip tbnl deatl ns eome (o Iho membera of fbe profcs- ion In n marked degree dnring the Ex ■nst fe«- yenra. Dr. W. F. Wllllaraaon « . F. f Poriland spoke of the proposed M ite 'oeiic for Ihe conservfitlon of public Ing cnlth ns ono of (be ou tstanding proofs ssaoc f llic fellowship ^.nd nltnilam thht o f t j e lnau .s Ibe men of the profession of Ashli bl- pri'M-nt, nnd dwelt eloqnentiv npon havo he specter nf wnr which s till 'bovcri fo r 1 ver tiie world, and wbirb wo regard s ta te •Ith nn unbelievnblo apathy, compar- e ight ig U (0 R v i r u l e n t , ■ w b l c h •nW th a t ortainly clnim again its millions of proci leU m i unlc jf tho mothers nnd fa the rs from, w akn In tb f thing tha t th rea tens. Dr. Ioy,. Enri KIso of Portlnnd conlinucd w ith re tn r lie toiiic of Ihe pnblir honltb , char- • cterirln i: thc lax ohservnneo of quar- ^ — m ine measures as mnrder.

I’ain* your home witb “ M cM urtry” , le eroiiomlral paint.- Knnklo nnd Bo- 1 iHler. Vhone 331 .-adv .

.ogan Music Co.—I’jano tuning.— adv. j

SIC While You ' our


1 8 : 3 0



{ o c a l g r e - v i t i o j ]

Concludes V l* It-M r. and Mrs. H . C. MrrW interj bavo returned bomo to Mon- la Ttmouth, Oro., a fto r a vialt w ith Mr. and MtiMrs. fl. B. Colo. cajior

■ 'V • Mn•Oomes fo r V ls lt -M re . D. a Boyd of waa i

Ouray, Colo,, Is hero fo r a v is it w itb Mf* ber slKter, Mrs. E . L. Boyd nad bor Ing U nloce, Mrs. W. P . Omham. , W.

Oomes B o c k -^ o h n Lormer o f Lone D<>1Beach, Cal., arrived In T^vin F a llr P ri- Ofoot(lay to renow acquaintances. U r. L or Mr,mer lived hoto unlO a fow years ogo. Poeat

— ■ ' pndGone to OoaTeatloa—11. j . youbm

le ft last ovenlng fo r MinneapolisMlnn., whoro bo will a ttoad .tbo convon- "tlon of lho NntSonaJ D airym en's asso .,■ '■'1elation, the ,l

■ , to Oj

N obraikans A ir lr s -M r s . Susie and i,r?n‘‘Mrs. E tta N appcr o f N orfolk, Neb., ore - ^ . , 1 beto fer a v is it w ilh tho f a m ^ of tbolr nephew, 0 . M. Dnugherty, liv lae .n en r i> W n M . . . -

Talcfji C largo of S to ro -M Ias Mnrf-c t'n 'poP a iia n i, for many years nn cniploj'e W.of tbe Idnho Doparimont. atoro, has buaiOigone to Burloy, Avbore she \rill bo local week'monnger fo r tho W. H. W right i H.ins tn-ns,rompnny now store. ■ • ' Mrt

* feUotnWeed P lro—Tho firo dopartmont an- Buhl

swered a call a t noon lo 803 Fourth avo- E lir jliiiie r.vit irftoro a weed firo was found P to need Attcntioo. No damago wos re-liorted by (bo b lare , w hich, I t is eidd, L( boya of tho dlstrhjt started.

M l» F ranctt-L oaT e» -M ir* Z alda "“I '," ' French of Sontllo.lofti last evening aft- ?r spending n dny in Tw in F a lls v lalt- 1'""^ * Ing tho Illuo Triangle clubs of thc Twin Fnlls bIgb acbool. She spoke beforo thc ' njaembied olubs In Ibe auditorium yes- lerihiy during tho f if th porlod. “

To L iv e ia Io w » -M r. nnd M rr.'W .ii. Sissiina; and fnmily, who havb been 'Iving [lear T»rin Palla on a farm fo r :he past fow years, le ft thia morning for Sioux I> lls, S. D., to mako thc ii ' 10KK-. The nititudo of Tw in Pnlls wns f^yiu,d,lo bo loo high for,M rs. fiisfon 's


•Oontiiines T rip W est-^M r. and Mra.P. n ive ttc of n ia ek fo tt woro called

'mme yestcrd/iv bv Uie death of Mra. n Hivclle's mo(hcr. Mr. and Mra. Riv D l ;tle were cn rou(e to Culifornla nn-l H i md atojiped'.ln Twin i'a lls lo v is it with \fr. m .i Mra. E . ,P . Logan, when tbe ^ ind inu'lllgonco rcached thorn. ^

Oono to Coast—C. L. Valontino and I J klra. Oorlrudo Valontino loft yesterday ^ or Omnge, Cnl. The former Is return- n g to hir homo a fto r a vla it o r sov- iral weeks w ith hla sister and other rol- itivcs h ire. Mrs. Valontino will v b l t ier soa, R. Lerov Valentine soverul oonths beforo returning to Twin ^ l l s .

BeUgloM Serv lce»-/rho ^ v . Charles ' llenn Bnird will hold sorviccs a t Bore- vorth Sunday evening for (hc members if tho Eplacopal chureh who live there.U loMt ten families o f tho caravan ore i nembcM of th a f body. Dr. 0 . S. Mur- 'by nnd fnmily wlll accompany tho lov. M r. Baird, and i t Is oxpected th a t ovoral Bubl parishioners will a lto .a t- I— Li

To To.«Ufy tn C ttse-M rr. Boy Coff- tmn of W inett, Mont., Mrs. R ica Hel- fick nnd-M rs. Sarah McMIUan, botb f Hnrdin, Mont., n rrlved Friday In L _’win Falls, having beon summoned b y _____bo sta lo In the prosecution of tbo ■ ■ loutbnrd case. Mrs. Coffman is a nnrso th a cared for Iln rlan L ew s during b i/ asl illnrta. Mrs. U elw lck 'nnd Mrs. ifeMillnn nro form er neighbors o f M rs .>y.da M eyer Bonthord whon aho wtm he wife o f M cIIaffio, ond woro w ith ifm prior to and a t (ho tim e of his leath..

E xam lnej M a d lo l A 5pU e*tlen»-D r.J. F . Ashley, Moalpcllcr, ncd Dr. F. W. inteholl. B bekfoot, hnvo boen ottend- ng the le islons .o f the ta to Medical saoclatioD. Dr. Mitchcll la president ^ f tho s ta te examining board, on* D r ■ ishley Is socfbtary. fTho two doctors ■ avo ju st beld tbo annual Axht^inulion' - V or licenser to practico medicine In'-ihe ^ la te o f Idaho. D r Mitchell s ta te s fbnt Ight npplleants were examined, and 1 hat 11 . will bo lioonsed through reel- I rocity, ' b ringing tbe lr crodontlals rom. other states. D rs. Mitchell, Ash- ly, and Riehnrd E aton of Blackfoot atnmed bomo last eveillng.'. gamm

L A V E R I N G 1E . H O M E S S T O N E

The Stone--------- ^W ITE—

MISS VIOLA ]■ — m —

J, Hartley Manners

“ PEG’OMYFriday and Saturday,

P O P U L A R , P I

. ' ■ . •'i '

Y ^ e x s d o x ^ a

Uru. \V. I* Stowe o f E la b e r ly was Twin F a lls yesterday. ‘ ■

Ute. J . D> Fulm er « f E e l lu te r w u a .Her in Tivin H ills Friday .Mrs- W. C. Bouthworth o t •nonsen J 0 Twin P n lls 'e a ller Priday.'Mrsa'Neliio Morris Is in Bohl spend-, r UlO week end w ith bor -paretitt. .W. P . Fowler o f B n iley .w n j-n bbsl- •9s vli-Itor in Twin I t l l yesterday.'Deputy Stato V o te r in n r ^ Dr., U . R. oomu la in Burloy on s ta te basiness.Ur. und Mra. B. R. M arsh '.ate la eatcVio for a fow days oh 'budness d pltnturc.Dr. C. W. Pond of Pocatello was la rin Fnlls a ttending ;lho S ta te Med!- - I aaoclatlon meet, r Vi'Tnen Kennedy anti B. P . Manson. o t '3 ,Utah ConstnicUon eom piay w ent ’ Ogde'n laet ovonlg.

UliS Jennio W ake of Burloy who ,1ud • ■ en the bouae guest of Miss, Margo (anm for tho past’few days rotumed hor liomo Inat evening.

R. M. LiUIue who ban bcM) (9 lla fo r tho w t thren days on bnrl.IS, roturnod la st evening to his hom o ' Poialello.W. B. W all, V. C- B o llo n t^ e and ainoai m eeting, T hu rsd iy in n dii-. e k ’s hunUng in tho Sawtooth moun- ns, each w ith ono doer. - a rs- W. T . H aines and U lss MUdrcd oemaker spen t P rid ay afternoon i o ' hi w ith Mrs. H ain es ' danghter, U iu ' .7Jboth Jlaincr who is a U acher in ' public choots o f th a t place. • •


0. Oignonx of O m ah^ atslstont leriittcndcoi of #grieoItur« fo r (ho Ion Pacifie railread, has spent' thc it fow days looking over the shipping uatlon in tbla' section. Ho states it his company will soon bo ab le 'to nounco 4»*es w hereby the farmisTs- I m arket the ir hay a t ^ price th a t ‘1 pay for tbo cosl o f production, and. .. .whia depactment will oM ut in ever^L:" laiblo wny to f ind 'm arkels tb a t a w . ■csiible.

. tu r c a framed .eor:ce'tly and mplly. Cle% Bouk S tjre .—

'hone lOS—Piano tuning.—ivdv. ^

Return Engagement

Scliuliert’s ' Jazz .

' O F (jffiOAOO


itfond^ay, October V . l O t k ^

LaveringPaviliorusual Price

C O M .

Nibley-ChannellU M B C T COMPANY •

h e a t r e I .

E P rc B c n tB

Players ,H A Y N E S

1 G r e a t S u c c e s s . ^

I HEART”, Oct, 14 and 15 '? R I C E S