m. nauman farooqi, ph.d. email: nfarooqi@mta · 2018-04-19 · page 1 of 3 m. nauman farooqi, ph.d....

Page 1 of 3 M. Nauman Farooqi, Ph.D. email: [email protected] March 16, 2018 Dr. Jeff Ollerhead Chair, Search Committee for Dean of Social Sciences & Business Mount Allison University Dear Dr. Ollerhead: I am excited to apply for the position of Dean of Social Sciences & Business. I see a strong fit between the position and my experience gained over two decades of work in the academic, public and corporate sectors around the world. Mount Allison University’s vision of a future where students actively engage in working together to meet new challenges, both locally and globally aligns very well with my passion about providing opportunities to discover and to advance student leadership competencies. In my current role as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences I have developed a better appreciation of the strength and needs of the faculty, its students and the opportunities for the future. After assuming the position as Dean, I met with all faculty and staff individually to listen to their ideas and vision for the future of the faculty. Incorporating my vision with their ideas, I launched a number of new initiatives to encourage faculty and student engagement and build on the strength of Mount Allison as a top liberal arts university. Some of these initiatives include: an annual newsletter showcasing achievements of faculty and students, honors research day, recognition of faculty accomplishments such as book publications, a new teaching award for non-tenure track faculty members, addressing the need for renewal of faculty computing resources, support for faculty initiatives such as the “Presently Engaged Series”, “Middle East Symposium”, experiential learning opportunities such as diversity and inclusion training for Sociology students, welcome back BBQ event for faculty and regular potluck events to connect faculty. Moving forward, I intend to continue my engagement with faculty and staff to connect their ideas with the strategic plan for the university Given the demographic challenges in Canada and the increasing competitive global landscape of opportunities for students, the Faculty of Social Sciences will need to ensure that it is among one of the preferred choices for both Canadian and International students. This can happen through differentiated and excellent programming choices which are well aligned to the external environment, world-class faculty, solid research productivity, strong brand identity, excellent communication strategy and links to the Canadian and global network of alumni. I am a strong believer in linking theory with practice and have introduced innovative applications of pedagogical techniques in the fields of entrepreneurship and finance. As an award-winning professor at Mount Allison University, I have introduced new courses which provide an experiential learning opportunity to students. An example is the Venture Capital and Finance of

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Page 1: M. Nauman Farooqi, Ph.D. email: nfarooqi@mta · 2018-04-19 · Page 1 of 3 M. Nauman Farooqi, Ph.D. email: nfarooqi@mta.ca March 16, 2018 Dr. Jeff Ollerhead Chair, Search Committee

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M. Nauman Farooqi, Ph.D.

email: [email protected]

March 16, 2018 Dr. Jeff Ollerhead Chair, Search Committee for Dean of Social Sciences & Business Mount Allison University Dear Dr. Ollerhead: I am excited to apply for the position of Dean of Social Sciences & Business. I see a strong fit between the position and my experience gained over two decades of work in the academic, public and corporate sectors around the world. Mount Allison University’s vision of a future where students actively engage in working together to meet new challenges, both locally and globally aligns very well with my passion about providing opportunities to discover and to advance student leadership competencies. In my current role as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences I have developed a better appreciation of the strength and needs of the faculty, its students and the opportunities for the future. After assuming the position as Dean, I met with all faculty and staff individually to listen to their ideas and vision for the future of the faculty. Incorporating my vision with their ideas, I launched a number of new initiatives to encourage faculty and student engagement and build on the strength of Mount Allison as a top liberal arts university. Some of these initiatives include: an annual newsletter showcasing achievements of faculty and students, honors research day, recognition of faculty accomplishments such as book publications, a new teaching award for non-tenure track faculty members, addressing the need for renewal of faculty computing resources, support for faculty initiatives such as the “Presently Engaged Series”, “Middle East Symposium”, experiential learning opportunities such as diversity and inclusion training for Sociology students, welcome back BBQ event for faculty and regular potluck events to connect faculty. Moving forward, I intend to continue my engagement with faculty and staff to connect their ideas with the strategic plan for the university Given the demographic challenges in Canada and the increasing competitive global landscape of opportunities for students, the Faculty of Social Sciences will need to ensure that it is among one of the preferred choices for both Canadian and International students. This can happen through differentiated and excellent programming choices which are well aligned to the external environment, world-class faculty, solid research productivity, strong brand identity, excellent communication strategy and links to the Canadian and global network of alumni. I am a strong believer in linking theory with practice and have introduced innovative applications of pedagogical techniques in the fields of entrepreneurship and finance. As an award-winning professor at Mount Allison University, I have introduced new courses which provide an experiential learning opportunity to students. An example is the Venture Capital and Finance of

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Innovation (VC&FI) course which partners business students with faculty members in the science departments to commercialize their inventions (in one iteration, students successfully pitched and won $100,000 in venture capital for the inventor). I am a strong supporter of connecting disciplines and offering unique insights for our students. One recent example is the “Money, Markets and Merchants” course offered in partnership with the History Department. The Faculty of Social Sciences has a rich tradition of experiential courses and in my role as Dean, I will endeavour to build on this and encourage promoting multi and interdisciplinary initiatives in this area as well. To facilitate the linkage between theory and practice, I have developed and nurtured an extensive network of contacts among the external community at the local and national level. I have been a champion for leveraging technology to facilitate student learning, such as using Skype in bringing “Virtual Guest Speakers” from around the world into the classroom. Building on the VC&FI course, I was the lead person in developing a “Business of Science” workshop in collaboration with business and science faculty. This was followed with a “Business of Arts” workshop and a planned “Business of Music” workshop in 2019. For five years, I was a regular contributor to the Globe and Mail newspaper writing a monthly article on innovation and entrepreneurship. As a researcher, I have a successful record of publications in refereed academic journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings and academic conference presentations. I have been recognized as an expert in Canada on Hawala, an informal money transfer system, and have been invited as keynote speaker at international conferences, interviewed by print and electronic media and consulted by law firms and law enforcement agencies. I have an active research agenda with collaborative projects with colleagues at Mount Allison and other national and international universities. Over the last two decades, I have participated in more than eighty national and international conferences and have been invited for delivering keynote speeches and guest lectures at a number of national and international universities. During this period, I have successfully worked on securing research grants totaling more than $1,000,000. Recognizing the role funding plays in research, I recently started a project to develop a map of research needs of faculty. The information collected will not only allow for identifying needs but also help find, with the input from the Office of Research Services, various new sources of research funding that can be accessed by faculty members. I was actively engaged in the various reviews of the Commerce Department, which led to raising five million Dollars from Mr. Ron Joyce for the establishment of the Ron Joyce Center for Business Studies. More recently, I was involved in developing a proposal for funding support for encouraging experiential entrepreneurial initiatives across the university. The proposal was successful in raising $500,000 from Ms. Heather Reisman. As the Director of Leadership Mount Allison, I was involved in streamlining the program and prepared a report for internal and external stakeholders. In the last eighteen months I have partnered with the university’s advancement and recruitment departments to develop ideas for new fundraising opportunities and enhance recruitment and retention activities. I am the first incumbent to serve as the university’s Academic Integrity Officer with a mandate to implement the guidelines for appropriate academic conduct and administration of the Academic Integrity Policy. I was honoured to serve as the Chair of the President’s Speaker Series which focused on the “Year of Indigenous Action”. This opportunity helped me recognize the importance and the need to focus more closely on developing this file.

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As my CV indicates, I do not have a traditional background rooted exclusively in academia. In addition to my leadership roles in the university environment, I have held senior-level positions in the corporate sector, start-up environment and the public service. These experiences provide me with a strong skill set to navigate comfortably in the various environments and to work with a diversified team of departments and faculty members required from the Dean of Social Sciences & Business. My academic administrative experience spans a Decanal appointment, Academic Integrity Officer, Head of business programs at two universities and Director of Leadership Mount Allison Program. These experiences coupled with my service on university committees, has helped me develop a keen insight into the workings of the academic practice and respect for the collegial process. These positions have allowed me to interact with and develop contacts among various stakeholder groups and honed my skills to prepare and present arguments clearly and effectively to a wide range of audiences. While serving in these various roles, I have developed extensive experience in leadership, strategic planning, program development and resource management. In the corporate and public-sector environments, I have been a successful President & CEO, consultant and advisor managing multi-million-dollar mutual funds, privatization projects and consulting assignments. I have been involved in successfully transforming projects from concept to reality and developed strong networking, partnership and team building capabilities. I strongly believe that people are at the heart of any enterprise. Leading people towards a goal requires alignment and motivation but it is equally important to empower people to successfully execute strategy to achieve the shared goals. This requires effective management practices to create an enabling environment to take the people and the enterprise to the next level. One of the key roles for the Dean will be to create a set of shared common goals with various internal stakeholders such as students, faculty & staff, senior administration, alumni as well as with external stakeholders such as the government and community-at-large. Engaging and involving these groups will help advance the Faculty of Social Sciences and provide exceptional opportunities for our students, faculty and community. I will be delighted to provide additional information and alert my references, who can shed light on my abilities and experiences for this position. I look forward to hearing from you and thank you, and members of the search committee, for your consideration and time. With warmest regards,

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M. Nauman Farooqi, Ph.D.

email: [email protected]

Profile Experienced academic and professional manager with a proven record and demonstrated ability of taking projects from vision to reality. I have over two decades of academic, corporate and public-sector work experience which spans Canada, United States, South Asia and the Middle East. Specializing in the areas of finance and entrepreneurship, I hold a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration (major finance, minor marketing) and an MBA, both from the Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business, St. Louis University, USA. I have a second MBA degree (major finance, minor marketing) from Quaid-e-Azam University, Pakistan. As a researcher, I have a successful record of publications in academic journals, peer-reviewed conference proceedings and academic conference presentations. I have been recognized as an expert in Canada on Hawala, an informal money transfer system, and have been invited as keynote speaker at international conferences, interviewed by print and electronic media and consulted by law firms and law enforcement agencies. I was a regular contributor to the Globe and Mail newspaper, where I wrote a monthly piece on entrepreneurship. I have an active research agenda involving collaborative projects with colleagues at Mount Allison and other national and international universities. Over the last two decades, I have presented and/or participated in more than eighty national and international conferences and have been invited for delivering guest lectures at both national and international universities. Over the last two decades I have successfully worked on securing research grants totaling more than $1,000,000. My research interests are in the areas of Hawala (informal value transfer systems) and experiential learning pedagogy. My administrative experience spans corporate, academic and public sectors. In the academic administrative area, I have experience at the Decanal level, Academic Integrity Officer for the university, Head of business programs at two universities and Director of Leadership Mount Allison Program. As Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Mount Allison University, I manage five departments (Anthropology, Economics, Geography & Environmental Science, Political Science & International Relations and Sociology). I have introduced a number of new initiatives to encourage faculty and student engagement and build on the strength of Mount Allison as a top liberal arts university. I am the first incumbent to serve as the university’s Academic Integrity Officer with a mandate to implement the guidelines for appropriate academic conduct and administration of the newly approved Academic Integrity Policy. As Head of Business programs at two universities, I developed extensive experience in the area of program development, delivery and academic management. In the corporate and public-sector environments, I have been a successful CEO of a money management firm, consultant and advisor managing multi-million dollar mutual funds, privatization projects and consulting assignments. My rich diversified administrative experience has allowed me to develop strong leadership, networking, partnership and team building capabilities. In 2009, I was tapped to setup and lead an innovative start-up technology venture in New Brunswick as President & CEO.

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As an award-winning professor at Mount Allison, I have been recognized for introducing innovative applications of pedagogical techniques in the finance and entrepreneurship fields. I have been actively engaged in developing and introducing innovative new courses, which respond to the changing demands of the business world. I am passionate about creating opportunities for student learning and success. Building on the strong liberal arts tradition, I have partnered with faculty in different departments of the university to enrich student learning. I was awarded the Paul Pare’ Excellence Award in 2005 and 2006 for excellence in teaching and research and was nominated for the Paul Pare’ Excellence Award in 2003. In 2005 I was awarded the Students Administrative Council Teaching Award for the Faculty of Social Sciences. Mount Allison University nominated me for the prestigious 3M Teaching Fellowship in 2006 and for the Association of Atlantic Universities Teaching Excellence Award in 2005. I have been nominated for the Tucker Teaching Award in 2003, 2005 and 2006. I have been active in service to the academic community by serving as a member of the editorial board, visiting consultant, external reviewer for tenure & promotion, Ph.D. thesis examiner, conference organizer, reviewer and session chair at both the national and international level. I have an extensive record of service at Mount Allison with participation in various university and department committees including a three-year term as the Chair of the Research Ethics Board as well as a one-year term as the Director of Leadership Mount Allison. I am actively engaged in community outreach and have served as board member for two non-profit organizations.

Scholastic Record 1988-93 Ph.D. Business Administration. Major Finance, minor Marketing. Richard A.

Chaifetz School of Business, St. Louis University, St. Louis, USA. 1987-88 M.B.A. Richard A. Chaifetz School of Business, St. Louis University, St. Louis, USA. 1984-85 M.B.A. Major Finance, minor Marketing. Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad,

Pakistan. First position, Gold Medal and winner of the Quaid-e-Azam Merit Scholarship for doctoral study.

1980-82 B.Sc. Federal Government Sir Syed College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Gold Medal with first division and distinction.

Professional Experience

2001-present Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and university’s Academic Integrity Officer (2016-present) Professor & Head of Department (2011-2014 & 2015-2016) Coordinator for Norway and The Hague International Exchange Programs (2003-present) Associate Professor (2002-10) Assistant Professor (2000-01) Department of Commerce, Mount Allison University, Sackville, Canada. As Dean, responsible for managing a compliment of five departments (Anthropology, Economics, Geography & Environmental Science, Political Science & International Relations and Sociology). Launched a number of new initiatives to encourage faculty and student engagement. These include “Presently Engaged” interdisciplinary speaker series which brings faculty and students from various disciplines to explore different points of view on a topic, launch of the first Social Science Teaching Award, Honors Thesis presentation series, faculty accomplishment recognition events, encouragement of interdisciplinary course offerings such as the “History of Business” course in

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partnership with the History Department, to name a few. As Chair of the President’s Speaker Series, invited prominent speakers under the theme of “Year of Indigenous Action”. Speakers included, Chief Perry Bellegarde, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations; Dr. Roberta Jamieson, President and CEO of Indspire Inc., Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, faculty member in the Native Studies Department at University of Manitoba and Ian Campeau, founding member of A Tribe Called Red. Actively involved in various university committees including academic planning, budget and strategic planning. As the first Academic Integrity Officer appointed by the university, entrusted with the task of implementing the guidelines for appropriate academic conduct and administration of the Academic Integrity Policy. As Head of Department of Commerce, I was responsible for ensuring program delivery, representing department on various university committees, liaison with senior administration and other service departments, hiring of faculty, faculty evaluations, managing department budget, course scheduling, handling student issues and special permissions, program review, new course development and curriculum review. Established and nurtured extensive contacts among Mount Allison alumni and external community. Involved in identifying fund raising opportunities and community outreach activities. Extensive involvement in various external reviews of the Commerce Program. Teach finance and entrepreneurship courses to business students. Developed innovative new courses and play a leadership role in introducing experiential learning pedagogy in finance and entrepreneurship courses. Actively involved in launching a “Business of Science” workshop program which brought together business and science faculty and students for the commercialization of university research. Established connections with faculty in other departments to synergize student learning. Developed research linkages with faculty in Canadian and international universities. Compiled for the first time in Canada, a directory of Canadian finance faculty. The directory provided a comprehensive repository of information concerning the research and teaching interests of the finance academics across Canada and facilitated research and teaching connections. 2008-2009 University Representative, NAFTA North American Mobility Program Represented Mount Allison University in the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) North American Mobility Program. The program is funded by the US Department of Education and focused on student-centered education and training for students across US, Canada and Mexico in a wide range of professional and academic disciplines. 2005-2006 Director, Leadership Mount Allison Leadership Mount Allison is an exciting interdisciplinary student leadership development program designed to foster the intellectual and practical abilities of students. As Director developed new programs and prepared the first comprehensive annual report for senior administration and funders. 2009-2016 Co-Founder, President & CEO, ChemGreen Innovation Inc. Sackville, Canada. ChemGreen Innovation is a spin-off company based on research done at Mount Allison University. The company has created and patented (ten patents and growing) a diversified portfolio of novel polymers and nano-materials focusing initially on antimicrobial, conductive, and magnetic properties targeting the $72 Billion global novel polymer market. Successfully raised funding from angel investors, venture capitalists and leveraged over $500,000 in government grants. Involved in setting up company, hiring key staff, market development and negotiations with collaborative partners. Successfully executed a patent strategy for the IP portfolio and

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developed key contacts in the start-up space in Canada and US. Played a key role in being accepted as one of the select companies to be a part of the exclusive Canadian Technology Accelerator (CTA) Program in Cambridge, USA. The CTA selects a limited number of companies from across Canada which have promising technologies and provides them with accelerator space at the Cambridge Innovation Center. 2006-2008 Visiting Consultant. Entrepreneurship and Small & Medium Enterprise Center, Lahore University of Management Sciences. Lahore, Pakistan. The center was established in 1990 with the assistance of Conrad-Adenauer Foundation of Germany with the objective of building and nurturing an entrepreneurial climate to support and assist entrepreneurs. Involved in program advising and contributing to the center’s publications. 1999-2000 Assistant Professor and Coordinator for Finance and Marketing Departments. College of Business and Management, University of Sharjah. UAE. The university was setup in 1999 as a regional center of excellence and attracted faculty from around the world. Involved in teaching business courses and received extensive exposure to recruiting international faculty. Assisted in setting up the program by leveraging experience in establishing the business program at the International Islamic University. Played a leadership role as Coordinator of the Finance and Marketing Departments. 1997-1999 Consultant. Privatization Commission, Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan. Islamabad, Pakistan. Worked as a World Bank funded consultant. Provided expert advice on the structuring of financial transactions for the privatization of multi-million dollar development finance institutions, mutual funds and insurance companies. Acted as the Commission’s lead person in the establishment of the Pakistan Insurance Regulatory Authority. Developed extensive senior-level contacts among leading international banking institutions, domestic and international investors and senior civil servants. Entrusted with the task of preparing detailed information material (printed and electronic) for the investors on the privatization process. Prepared presentations for the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Chairman, Privatization Commission. Successfully transformed two public sector mutual funds, two development finance institutions and a public-sector insurance company for privatization. Played a lead role in organizing the first Pakistan Privatization Summit. 1996-1997 Associate Professor and the founding Head of the Department. Department of Business Administration. International Islamic University, Pakistan. Joined the department at its inception in 1996 and played a leadership role in its establishment. Gained valuable experience in building a business program from the ground-up, including program design, faculty recruitment, student admissions and liaison with top university administration. Played a key role in the enhancement of the program content and reputation among business schools in Pakistan. Involved in the process of strategic planning, budget development and setting up of policies and procedures. Developed and cultivated extensive senior-level contacts in the business community. 1994-2000 Member Advisory Board. Binder International (Private) Limited. Karachi, Pakistan. The firm offered a broad range of specialized insurance consulting services to local and international companies. Worked closely with senior management and members of the advisory board in preparation of consulting proposals and provide expert advice on multi-million dollar investment

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projects. Developed extensive contacts in the insurance industry, which later resulted in being appointed the lead person (at the Privatization Commission) for setting up the Pakistan Insurance Regulatory Authority. 1994-1996 Director. Asian Stocks Fund Limited. Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi. Pakistan. A 100 Million Pakistan Rupees closed-end mutual fund. The fund had the distinction of being the first mutual fund to be simultaneously listed on all the three stock exchanges of Pakistan and offered to overseas Pakistanis. Played a key leadership role in preparing, presenting and securing the listing on all three Pakistani stock exchanges. Worked closely with senior bankers, lawyers and regulators to bring the fund to market. Responsible for all pre-listing formalities, road shows and liaison with key partners. Post listing, responsible for portfolio selection, development of internal controls, reporting policies and procedures. 1993-1996 Chief Executive Officer. Asian Capital Management (Private) Limited. Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi, Pakistan. Management company for the Asian Stocks Fund Limited. The firm was a broad-based investment advisory and money management firm. With the liberalization of financial markets in the 90’s, the firm was established at a critical juncture in Pakistan’s economic history. As the first CEO of the firm, played a leadership role in getting the firm off the ground including hiring of staff and setting up three offices across the country. Developed extensive contacts and gained valuable experience in dealing with government regulatory authorities, stock exchanges, financial institutions and high net worth investors. Designed and implemented investment portfolio management and financial monitoring systems. Developed marketing strategies for selling advisory and money management services to domestic and international institutions and high net-worth investors. Established linkages with international investors to facilitate their investment in the Pakistan stock market. Played a leadership role in undertaking the groundwork and documentation involved in obtaining the corporate membership of the Islamabad Stock Exchange Guarantee Limited. Attained distinction as one of the youngest chief executives of a money management and investment advisory company in Pakistan. 1994-1995 Assistant Professor. Department of Administrative Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University. Islamabad, Pakistan. Taught various courses in the areas of finance and marketing. Reorganized the placement cell for summer internships and job assignments. 1986-87 Economic Advisor. Economic and Commercial Section, American Embassy. Islamabad, Pakistan. As a young professional, was entrusted with the task of monitoring Pakistan's economy and identifying business opportunities for partnership between American and Pakistani businesses. As the only Pakistani member of the Economic & Commercial team, acted as a bridge between the American diplomats and the local business and government departments. Provided extensive briefings and prepared economic and commercial studies for the Ambassador and Economic Counselor. Facilitated linkages and partnerships between American and Pakistani businesses. Developed and cultivated an extensive network of senior-level contacts in government, business, academia and diplomatic circles. 1985 Internee. CITIBANK N.A. Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Competed a rotation in various departments of the bank. Assisted in the preparation of financial spreadsheets for a multi-million dollar engineering project.

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Refereed Journal Articles

Farooqi, M. N., Mahama, H and Sharif, J. (2017), “Making Hawala More Visible – A Management Focused Analysis of Invisible Funds Transfer Networks in the Gulf Cooperation Council Region" paper submitted and under final review. Asian Academy of Management Journal of Accounting & Finance. Forthcoming. Farooqi, M.N. and Bhattacharyya, N. (2015), “Six Responses on Research Questions in Finance – A Canadian Perspective”. Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 15(7), pp 34-40. Farooqi, M.N. and Ricker, L. (2014), “iEntrepreneurship: Encouraging Innovation through Partnership”, Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp. 1-6. Farooqi, M.N. and Sheraz, U. (2014), “Demystifying the Hawala System using Causal Layered Analysis”, Journal of Future Studies, Volume 19, No. 1, pp. 1-12. Farooqi, M.N. and Holton, J. (2014), “Experiencing the Business of Science: An Emerging Case Study Bringing Science and Business Students Together”, The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge, and Society, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp. 289-300. Farooqi, M.N. (2010), “Curbing the use of Hawala for Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing - Global Regulatory Response and Future Challenges”, International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, Volume 5, Nos. 1/2 (2010), pp. 64-75. Farooqi, M.N. (2009), “Dominion Hardware, Inc.”, Journal of Business Case Studies, Volume 5, Number 2, March/April, pp.43-48. Farooqi, M.N., Iqbal, A. and Saunders, K. (2006), “Teaching Methods and Assessment Techniques used for the Introductory Finance Modules in the British and Irish Universities”, Journal of Economics and Finance Education, Volume 5, Summer, pp.47-61. Farooqi, M.N. (2004), “An Examination of the Current Value Impact of a Leveraged Buyback Announcement”, Journal of Comparative International Management, Volume 7, December, pp. 31-54. Farooqi, M.N. and Saunders, K. (2004), “Teaching Methods and Assessment Techniques for the Undergraduate Finance course: A Canadian Survey”, Advances in Financial Education. Volume 2, Spring, pp. 52-56. Farooqi, M.N. (1998), "Strategic Thinking - Using Competitive Advantage to Win”, Marketing Review, Volume 20, October, November, December, pp.49-52. Farooqi, M.N. (1996), “Consumer Decision Making Perspectives”, Marketing Review, Volume 16, April, May, June, pp.61-64. Farooqi, M.N. (1995), “The Role of Finance in Strategic Marketing”, Marketing Review, Volume 14, October, November, December, pp. 23-26. Farooqi, M.N. (1993), "Product Life Cycle - Revisited", Marketing Review, Volume 14, July-September, pp. 41-44.

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Book Chapters

Farooqi, M. N. (2017). Contributed definition for “Hawala”, in Online Encyclopedia on Informality. A. Ledeneva (Eds). London: UCL University Press. Forthcoming. Farooqi, M. N. (2015). “Workaholic Business Owner Takes Back Her Life” case contribution in Scarborough N.M. and Cornwall J., Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Eighth Edition: Pearson Education, Inc. Farooqi, M. N. and Sheraz, U. (2014). “Demystifying the Hawala system using causal layered analysis”, in Inayatullah S. & Milojevic I. (Eds.), CLA 2.0 (forthcoming). Tamsui, Taiwan: Tamkang University Press. Farooqi, M.N. (2012) “What is Hawala? An Introduction to the Multi-Billion Dollar Informal Value Transfer System”, in Caliyurt K.T. and Idowu S.O. (Eds.), Fraud in Developing Countries. Heidelberg: Springer.

Peer Reviewed Publications Farooqi, M. N., Mahama, H and Sharif, J. (2013), “A Management Focused Analysis of Hawala Networks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Region” paper presented at the First Business Global Congress of the Association for Global Business Research and published in Global Business Frontiers. Newark, DE, USA. Farooqi, M.N. (2009), “Increasing Student Learning in an Investment Management Course through the Innovative Use of Experiential Learning Pedagogy – An Interactive Learning Session”, paper accepted at the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning Conference, published in Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Volume 36, 2009, Seattle, WA, USA. Farooqi, M.N. (2009), “Using Informal Money Transfer System of Hawala for Committing Financial Fraud: The Case of Satyam Computer Services”, published in the refereed conference proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Trakaya, Turkey. Farooqi, M.N. (2009), “Increasing Student Learning in an Investment Management Course through the Innovative Use of Experiential Learning Pedagogy – An Interactive Learning Workshop”, published in the refereed conference proceedings of the Midwest Finance Association Annual Conference (forthcoming). Chicago, USA. 2009. Farooqi, M.N. (2008), “Dominion Hardware, Inc.”, published in the refereed conference proceedings at the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. St. John’s, Canada. 2008. Farooqi, M.N. and Polegato, R. (2007), "Rethinking Entrepreneurship: Integration in a Liberal Education Context", published in the refereed conference proceedings of the Second Liberal Arts Conference at the American University in Kuwait, Kuwait.

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Farooqi, M.N. (2005), "An Experiential Approach to Entrepreneurship Education; Innovative Use of Reflective Learning", paper presented at the First International Conference on Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment, Hong Kong, China. Farooqi, M.N. (2003), "Hundi and Hawala: Myths and Realities", published in the refereed conference proceedings of the Atlantic Schools of Business Annual Conference, Halifax, Canada. Farooqi, M.N. (2003), "Understanding Hundi and Hawala - An Informal Value Transfer System", published in the refereed conference proceedings of the 38th Annual Assembly of CLADEA (Latin American Council of Management Schools), Lima, Peru. Farooqi, M.N. and Roach, C.T. (2003), “Valuing Intangibles Using the Value Creation Index Model: Experience with the Canadian Financial Services Industry”, published in the refereed conference proceedings of the European Applied Business Research Conference, Venice, Italy.

Publications in Newspapers (2013-15 listed below)

Farooqi, M.N. (2015), “Computer security company struggles to define its market”, Globe and Mail, 17 August, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/starting-out/computer-security-company-struggled-to-define-its-market/article25967531/ Farooqi, M.N. (2015), “How can these scientists get their promising new drug to market?”, Globe and Mail, 21 July, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/pharma-company-looked-to-rare-drug-program-to-build-credibility/article25591669/ Farooqi, M.N. (2015), “Trying to raise money for your startup? Don’t be afraid of cold calling”, Globe and Mail, 21 April, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-money/business-funding/trying-to-raise-money-for-your-startup-dont-be-afraid-of-cold-calling/article24026842/ Farooqi, M.N. (2015), “Company sees 'huge potential' in landline texting service”, Globe and Mail, 10 March, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-digital/innovation/business-sees-huge-potential-in-landline-text-messaging-service/article23359222/ Farooqi, M.N. (2015), “How to get your message across in a space dominated by big players”, Globe and Mail, 10 February, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/day-to-day/how-to-get-your-message-across-in-a-space-dominated-by-big-pharma/article22832214/ Farooqi, M.N. (2014), “Couple update 1930s diner while staying true to its history”, Globe and Mail, 22 August, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/day-to-day/couple-updates-1930s-diner-while-staying-true-to-its-history/article20165345/

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Farooqi, M.N. (2014), “How a restaurateur attracted top culinary talent to Moncton, N.B.”, Globe and Mail, 13 June, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-managing/leadership/how-a-restaurateur-attracted-top-culinary-talent-to-moncton-nb/article19134425/ Farooqi, M.N. (2014), “Slow and steady approach no longer suitable for sixth-generation business”, Globe and Mail, 09 May, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/day-to-day/sixth-generation-potato-farm-reaches-critical-juncture/article18553509/ Farooqi, M.N. (2014), “How this Maritimes cab company steered back into the black”, Globe and Mail, 24 January, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-money/cash-flow/how-a-maritimes-cab-company-steered-back-into-the-black/article17692548/ Farooqi, M.N. (2014), “Working more but for less pay? It might be time to pivot”, Globe and Mail, 24 January, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-digital/innovation/when-more-work-doesnt-mean-more-pay-it-might-be-time-to-pivot/article16464575/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “By targeting breakfast crowd, family restaurant gets back in the black”, Globe and Mail, 20 December, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-money/cash-flow/focus-on-breakfast-puts-family-style-restaurant-in-the-black/article16053989/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “Crumbling cookie sales threaten future of small Atlantic bakery”, Globe and Mail, 15 November, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/day-to-day/crumbling-cookie-sales-threaten-future-of-small-atlantic-bakery/article15436297/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “Three small but significant moves helped boost this business”, Globe and Mail, 18 October, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-money/cash-flow/three-small-but-signficant-moves-helped-boost-this-business/article14907449/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “Decision-making by committee pays off for insurance broker”, Globe and Mail, 25 September, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/day-to-day/coffee-shop-had-four-days-to-avoid-shutdown/article13427297/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “New coffee shop had four days to avoid shutdown”, Globe and Mail, 26 July, viewed 12 September, 2015, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-growth/day-to-day/coffee-shop-had-four-days-to-avoid-shutdown/article13427297/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “After bumpy start, Segway tours take off in New Brunswick”, Globe and Mail, 21 June, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-digital/innovation/after-rocky-start-segway-tours-take-off-in-new-brunswick/article12715913/?service=mobile

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Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “Contractor builds second business to retain talented workers”, Globe and Mail, 24 May, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-marketing/customer-service/nearly-tripling-space-helps-drugstore-thwart-new-competition/article5992182/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “How a fourth-generation entrepreneur saved the family business”, Globe and Mail, 26 April, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-managing/succession-planning/diversification-key-to-family-business-success/article11517378/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “Motorcycle magazine revs up by moving online”, Globe and Mail, 29 March, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/starting-out/motorcycle-magazine-revs-up-by-moving-online/article10550232/ Farooqi, M.N. (2013), “Move to Moncton gives company a big lift”, Globe and Mail, 4 January, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-digital/biz-categories-technology/move-to-moncton-gives-company-a-big-lift/article6599677/ Farooqi, M.N. (2012), “Nearly tripling space helps drugstore thwart new competition”, Globe and Mail, 7 December, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-marketing/customer-service/nearly-tripling-space-helps-drugstore-thwart-new-competition/article5992182/ Farooqi, M.N. (2012), “How a former musician retuned the family paving business”, Globe and Mail, 9 November, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-money/cash-flow/how-a-former-musician-retuned-the-family-paving-business/article5086633/ Farooqi, M.N. (2012), “Management hire lets drive-in theatre's partners focus on coming attractions”, Globe and Mail, 14 September, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-managing/human-resources/management-hire-lets-drive-in-theatres-partners-focus-on-coming-attractions/article4542533/ Farooqi, M.N. (2012), “New management structure pays off for Atlantic Canada manufacturer”, Globe and Mail, 17 August, viewed 27 June, 2013, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/small-business/sb-managing/leadership/new-management-structure-pays-off-for-atlantic-canada-manufacturer/article4478563/

Publications in Other Journals/Magazines Farooqi, M.N. (2007), “Experiential Learning - A Innovative Approach to Entrepreneurship Education”, The Entrepreneur. Summer edition, published by the Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprise Center, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan. Farooqi, M.N. (1999), “Rationale for Privatization in Pakistan”, reprinted with permission in Al-Tijarah, Issue No. 9, September, published in English and Arabic by the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sharjah, UAE.

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Farooqi, M.N. (1998), “Rationale for Privatization in Pakistan”. Perspectives of the Islamic Economy, Volume 3, July-Aug-Sep, published in English, French and Arabic by the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dubai, UAE. Farooqi, M.N. (ed.) 1994, Learning to Invest in Pakistan, Asian Capital Management Limited, Islamabad, Pakistan

Research Conference Presentations (Juried Submissions), Seminars and Workshops 2016 Paper titled, “Making Hawala More Visible - A Management Focused Analysis of Hawala Networks in the Gulf Cooperation Council Region” presented at South Asian Association International Conference. Islamabad, Pakistan. August 24-26, 2016 2016 Paper titled, “The Emergence and Enactment of Trust within Hawala Networks in the GCC Region” accepted for presentation at the 7th International Conference on Governance, Fraud and CSR. Amherst, MA. USA. April 14-17, 2016. 2016 Paper titled, “A Roadmap for Value Creation and Impact through Islamic Venture Capital” presented at the 4th Global Forum on Islamic Finance. Lahore, Pakistan. March 8-9, 2016 2015 Paper titled, “Tech Entrepreneurs Partner with Business Students: A Win-Win Collaborative Experience” accepted at the 8th Annual Conference of the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship organized by the Ted Rogers School of Business, Ryerson University. Toronto, Canada. August 20-21. 2015 Paper titled, “iEntrepreneurship: Encouraging Innovation through Partnership” presented at the 7th South Asian International Conference. Islamabad, Pakistan. August 19-21. 2015 Paper titled, “Research Questions in Finance- Lessons for Accounting and Other Social Science Researchers ” (with N. Bhattacharyya) accepted at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference. Halifax, Canada. June 13-16. 2015 Paper titled, “Growing Entrepreneurial Initiatives with Venture Capital in Islamic Countries” presented at the Advancements in Islamic Finance and Business in the 21st Century Conference. Islamabad, Pakistan. April 24-25. 2014 Paper titled, “A Management Focused Analysis of Hawala Networks in the Gulf Cooperation Council Region” presented at the 5th International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility. Edirne, Turkey. September 23-26. 2014 Paper titled, “A Management Focused Analysis of Hawala Networks in the Gulf Cooperation Council Region” presented at Global Forum on Islamic Finance. Lahore, Pakistan. September 23-26. 2014 Panel member for a session titled, “Innovation in Entrepreneurship Curriculum – Case Studies from Atlantic Canada and the US”. 3rd Annual Deshpande Symposium for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education organized by the Deshpande Foundation. Lowell, MA, USA. June 10-12.

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2014 Paper titled, “The Relevance of Clan Based Organizations and Actor Network Theory in Creation and Development of Hawala Enterprise” (with K. Sharif and H. Mahama) presented at the 2nd International OEFL Conference on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship. Dubrovnik, Croatia. April 4-5. 2013 Paper titled “The Business of Science: Students Experiencing the Intersect between Science, Technology and Business” (with J. Holton) accepted at the 9th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society. Virtual presentation. January 13-14 2013 Paper titled “A Management Focused Analysis of Hawala Networks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Region” (with K. Sharif and H. Mahama) accepted at the First Business Global Congress of the Association for Global Business Research. Newark, DE, USA. July 2-4, 2013. 2012 Paper titled “Experiencing the Business of Science: An emerging case study in bring science and business students together” (with J. Holton) accepted at the Canadian Council for Small Business & Entrepreneurship conference. Halifax, NS, Canada. September 27-29, 2012. 2011 Paper titled “New Approaches to Entrepreneurship Education” presented at the 3rd SAICON International Conference on Management, Business Ethics and Economics. Lahore, Pakistan. December 28-29, 2011. 2010 Paper titled “Innovative use of Skype: Bringing Virtual Guest Speakers from across the Globe into the Classroom” accepted at the Ubiquitous Learning: An International Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. December 2010. 2010 Paper titled “Linking Theory with Practice: An Experiential Learning Approach to Entrepreneurship Education” presented at The 2nd International Conference of the South Asia Chapter of AGBA on Nurturing Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Investments, & Public-private Partnerships – in Global Environment. Bhurban, Pakistan. July, 2010 2010 Paper titled “What is Hawala? An Introduction to the Multi-Billion Dollar Informal Value Transfer System” presented at the 2nd International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics & Social Responsibility. Istanbul, Turkey. June 2010. 2010 Workshop on “Experiential Learning in Finance” accepted at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference. Regina, SK, Canada. May 2010. 2009 Paper titled “Increasing Student Learning in a Venture Capital and Finance of Innovation course through the Innovative Use of Experiential Learning Pedagogy” presented at the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. Moncton, NB, Canada. October 2009. 2009 Co-presented workshop (with Mount Allison faculty colleagues, Dr. Michael Fox and Dr. Erin Steuter) a session on “Alternative Approaches to Course Scheduling” organized by the Purdy Crawford Teaching Center, Mount Allison University. Sackville, NB, Canada. October 2009. 2009 Paper titled “Increasing Student Learning in an Investment Management Course through the Innovative Use of Experiential Learning Pedagogy – An Interactive Learning Session” accepted at the Financial Education Association Conference. Ft. Lauderdale, USA. September 2009.

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2009 Paper titled “Using Informal Money Transfer System of Hawala for Committing Financial Fraud: The Case of Satyam Computer Services” accepted at the 1st International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility. Trakaya, Turkey. June, 2009. 2009 Paper titled “Increasing Student Learning in an Investment Management Course through the Innovative Use of Experiential Learning Pedagogy – An Interactive Learning Workshop” accepted at the Midwest Finance Association Conference. Chicago, USA. March, 2009. 2009 Presented a paper titled “Curbing the Use of Hawala for Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing” at the 30th McMaster World Congress – Economic Crimes Prevention Conference, Hamilton, Canada. January 14, 2009. 2008 Presented a case study titled, “Dominion Hardware, Inc.” at the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. St. John’s, Canada. 2008. 2008 Presented a keynote address titled “Understanding Hawala – An Informal Money Transfer System” at the 10th Regulatory Compliance for Financial Institutions Conference, Toronto, Canada. September 18-19, 2008. 2008 Proposal for a presentation titled “Bridging the Gap: Using Skype to Deliver “Live” Lectures to Business Students in the Under-Developed World” accepted at the Society for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education Annual Conference. Windsor, Canada. June 18-21, 2008. 2006 Session presentation titled, “Increasing Student Learning through the Innovative Use of Experiential Learning Pedagogy – An Interactive Learning Session” accepted at the Teaching for a Change Conference. Park City, Utah, June 21 to 23, 2006. 2006 Presentation titled, “Teaching Methods and Assessment Techniques used for the Introductory Finance Modules in the British and Irish Universities” accepted at the Financial Education Association annual conference, Riverwalk, San Antonio, TX. April 6-7, 2006 2005 Presented a paper titled, "An Experiential Approach to Entrepreneurship Education; Innovative Use of Reflective Learning" at the First International Conference on Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment. June 13-15, 2005. Hong Kong, China. 2005 Presented a concurrent session titled, "Student Learning Experience in an Innovative Experiential Based Entrepreneurship Course" and a co-presented (with Dr. Erin Steuter and Prof. Pravin Varma both at Mount Allison University) a roundtable session titled, “Experiential Instructional Strategies in Diverse Disciplines - How Well do they Work” at the 2005 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) annual conference held in Charlottetown, Canada. 2004 Presented an interactive learning session titled, "An Experiential Approach to Entrepreneurship Education" at the 2004 Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) annual conference held in Ottawa, Canada. 2003 Invited to present research findings on Informal Value Transfer Systems at the Annual Research and Creative Activity day at Mount Allison University. Sackville, Canada.

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2003 Paper titled "Understanding Hundi and Hawala - An Informal Value Transfer System" accepted at the 38th Annual Assembly of CLADEA (Latin American Council of Management Schools) held in Lima, Peru. 2003 Paper titled "Hundi and Hawala: Myths and Realities" accepted at the Atlantic Schools of Business Annual Conference. Halifax, Canada. 2003 Paper titled “Valuing Intangibles Using the Value Creation Index Model: Experience with the Canadian Financial Services Industry” accepted for presentation at the 2003 European Applied Business Research Conference, Venice Italy. 2003 Paper titled “Teaching Methods and Assessment Techniques for the Undergraduate Finance Course - A Canadian Survey” accepted at the Financial Education Association annual conference. Florida, USA. 2002 Presented a paper on “Hundi and Hawala” at the Social Science Research Seminar Series, Mount Allison University, Canada. 2002 Presented a paper titled “Preliminary Findings - Teaching Methods and Assessment Techniques for the Undergraduate Finance Course” Northern Finance Association annual conference. Also acted as a discussant and chaired one session at the conference. Banff, Canada. 2002 Presented a paper at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference titled, “An Analysis of the Current Value Impact of a Leveraged Buyback Announcement”. Winnipeg, Canada. 2002 Presented a paper titled “In Search of Value” at the Faculty Club, Mount Allison University, Canada 2002 Presented a paper on “Leveraged Buybacks” at the Social Science Faculty Research Seminar Series, Mount Allison University, Canada

Invited Lectures 2017 Invited as a panel member to discuss Curriculum Indigenization at the 4th Deans and Directors Conference organized by the National Business Education Accreditation Council. Islamabad, Pakistan. February 8, 2017. 2016 Invited to deliver a talk on “iEntrepreneurship: Encouraging Innovation through Partnership” at the Community Engagement at the U4 University conference. Wolfville, Canada. October 2-4, 2015 2016 Invited to deliver a workshop (with Dr. Khurram J. Sharif, Qatar University) titled, “Entrepreneur’s Dilemma! A Journey from Value Creation to Value delivery” at the South Asian International Conference. Islamabad, Pakistan. August 25, 2016. 2016 Invited to deliver a workshop titled, “Developing Entrepreneurs; Refining your Curriculum and Guiding your Faculty” at the 3th Deans and Directors Conference organized by the National Business Education Accreditation Council. Islamabad, Pakistan. February 7, 2016.

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2016 Invited to deliver a talk on “Understanding Global Hawala Networks”. Faculty Colloquium Series. Mount Allison University. Sackville, Canada. February 4, 2016. 2015 Invited to deliver an online lecture titled “Leveraging Commercialization of University Research through Partnership with Business programs – A Case Study Showcasing Use of Experiential Learning Pedagogy”. L.E.J. National Science Information Center, International Center for Chemical & Biological Sciences, University of Karachi, Pakistan. May 8, 2015. 2012 Invited to as a keynote speaker to discuss strategies for encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship at the “Science Policies and Restructuring of National Systems of Innovation”. Islamabad, Pakistan. October 3-5, 2012. 2012 Invited to deliver the keynote address at the “Money Laundering in Canada”. Montreal, Canada. September 30-October 2, 2012. 2011 Invited to deliver a presentation titled, “Teaching Entrepreneurship through Experiential Learning” at the Alliance for the Promotion of Fair Trade and Sustainable Development. Nicholls State University, New Orleans. USA. February 25 – March 1, 2011. 2011 Invited by the Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan as a Visiting Scholar to COMSATS Institute of Information Technology. Lahore, Pakistan. December 28-29, 2012. 2011 Invited as a guest speaker to speak at conference titled, “Money Laundering in Canada”. Victoria, Canada. October 16-18, 2011. 2010 Invited as a speaker at the "Introduction to Raising Equity Capital” session at the Invest Atlantic Conference. Halifax, NS, Canada. October 26, 2010. 2010 Invited by the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Central Punjab to deliver a workshop on "Use of Experiential Learning Pedagogies in Business Education”. Lahore, Pakistan. August 3, 2010. 2010 Invited by the Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology to deliver a workshop on "Course Preparation and Delivery” to faculty members at Islamabad and Wah campuses. Islamabad and Wah, Pakistan. July 19-27, 2010. 2009 Invited as a guest speaker to deliver a lecture titled “Introduction to Hawala – An Informal Money Transfer System” at the Universidad De Colima, Manzanillo, Mexico. October 27, 2009. 2007 Invited as a guest speaker to speak at the “Anti Money Laundering & Anti-Terrorist Financing Proactive Approaches for Financial Institutions Conference”. Toronto, Canada. November 20-21, 2007. 2007 Invited by the Technology Incubation Center, National University of Science & Technology to deliver a four days course. "Harnessing the Power of Entrepreneurship - A Workshop for the Entrepreneur and the Entrepreneurial Manager”. Islamabad, Pakistan. June 4-7, 2007. 2006 Invited by the Entrepreneurship & Small and Medium Enterprise Center (ESMEC) at the Lahore University of Management Sciences to present a workshop titled “An Interactive

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Learning Workshop to Share an Experiential Approach to Entrepreneurship Education”. Lahore, Pakistan. December 28, 2006. 2005 Invited by The Co-operators, a major Canadian insurance company, to deliver the keynote address on “Issues and Challenges Facing the Insurance Industry” at their Leadership Excellence Annual Planning Conference. Miramichi, Canada. 2005 Invited as a speaker to present findings from paper titled, "A Global Survey of the Implementation of Special Recommendation VI of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF)" at the Third International Conference on Hawala organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Central Bank of UAE. April 2-3, 2005. Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2005 Invited by the Dar Al-Hekma College to deliver a seminar on “Use of Experiential Pedagogy for an Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Course”. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Editorial Work, Consulting and Mentorship 2017 International Peer Reviewer for the National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC). NBEAC is responsible for accrediting all business schools in Pakistan and to facilitate their accreditation to international bodies such as AACSB and EQUIS-EFMD. 2015 External Reviewer for Competitive Grants Program. The program is part of an overall four-year Pakistan Strategy Support Program (PSSP) funded by USAID and managed by the International Food Policy Research Institute. Washington, D.C, USA 2015 Invited as an External International Reviewer for the Pakistan Development Review published by the Pakistan Institute of Development Economics. Islamabad. Pakistan. 2014 Conducted site visit on behalf of Mount Allison University to innovation spaces at University of Waterloo’s Venture Garage and Ryerson University’s Digital Media Zone. (Kitchener and Toronto). 2010-present Reviewer for the International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance. Published by Inderscience Publishers Ltd. 2010-present Member of McKinsey Quarterly Online Executive Panel. Published by McKinsey & Company. 2009 - 2015 Research Affiliate with the Atlantic Metropolis Center. Halifax, NS, Canada. 2008 Consulted for expert advice on Hawala transactions by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Financial Investigations Team (Toronto). 2006 - 2008 Visiting Consultant at the Entrepreneurship & Small and Medium Enterprise Center (ESMEC) at the Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan.

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2005 - present Member of the editorial board of Workplace Review. The journal provides research-based analysis and commentary on the issues and challenges being faced by today's organizations. Published by the Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada. 2005 - 2008 Mentor in the UNDP/UNIFEM Women with 2020 Vision program which is aimed at girls and young women in developing countries who aspire to be entrepreneurs in 2020. 2005 - Invited to provide expert testimony for a US client in a Hawala case to be heard in a court of law in Toronto.

Research Work in Progress “The Development and Enactment of Trust within Hawala Networks in the GCC Region”. In collaboration with Khurram J. Sharif, Associate Professor, College of Business & Economics, Qatar University, Qatar and Habib Mahama, Associate Professor, College of Business and Economics, UAE University. UAE. “Growing Entrepreneurial Initiatives with Venture Capital in Islamic Countries”. In collaboration with Khurram J. Sharif, Associate Professor, College of Business & Economics, Qatar University, Qatar and Amar Anwar, Associate Professor, Shannon School of Business, Cape Breton University, Canada. “An Experiential Learning Approach to Entrepreneurship Education”. Article is under revision to add new updated data/material before submission for publication.

Service - University Served on various committees since 2000 Faculty of Social Sciences, Mount Allison University, Sackville, Canada.

§ President’s Speaker Series (Chair) § Academic Integrity Committee (Chair) § University Planning Committee (Member) § Tenure and promotion Committee (Member) § Budget Advisory Committee (Member) § Council of Social Sciences Heads (Chair) § International Programs Committee (Member) § Committee on Students with Disabilities (Member) § Experiential Learning Committee (Member) § Task force on Experiential Learning (Member) § Tenure and Promotion Committee (Member) § Presidential Advisory Committee for Re-appointment of University Librarian § Coordinator – BI Norway International Exchange Program § Coordinator – The Hague University International Exchange Program § Head of the Commerce Department (2011-2014 & 2015-2016) § Research Ethics Board (Chair) § Board of Regents Finance & Administration Committee (Member) § Mount Allison Faculty Association Bargaining Team (Member) § Curriculum Review Committee (Chair)

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§ Tenure and Promotion Committee (Alternate Member) § Committee on Committees (Member) § Served as the internal faculty representative on the External Review Committee of the

Physics Department. § Search Committee for Tenure Track Accounting Position (Chair) § Regularly requested by the university admissions team to meet visiting prospective

students and parents. § Program Review Committee Physics Department (Member) § Policies & Procedures Review Committee (Member) § Teaching and Learning Committee (Member) § Search Committee for Tenure Track Accounting Position (Chair) § Search Committee for tenure Track Position, Department of Sociology (Member) § Mount Allison Faculty Association - Monetary Issues Sub-committee (Chair) § Faculty of Social Sciences Representative on Senate § Academic Renewal – Working Group on Course/Program Delivery (Member) § First Year Adviser for Commerce students § Teaching and Learning Committee (Member) § Represent Mount Allison at the meetings of the Consortium for Fair Trade, North

American Mobility Program § Leadership Mount Allison. Adjudicator for Social Sciences applications § President’s Advisory Committee on International Students – Financial (Member) § Search Committee for Tenure Track Accounting Faculty (Member) § Acting Head of the Department of Commerce (August, 2008) § Shastri – Mount Allison Summer Program Committee (Member) § Investment Committee of the Board of Regents (Member) § Honorary Degrees Committee (Member) § University Review Board Committee (Member) § University Scholarship and Bursary Committee (Member) § Search Committee for Dean of Students (Member) § Leadership Mount Allison Steering Group (Member) § Leadership Mount Allison Adjudication Committee (Chair) § Aboriginal Community Development Centre Steering Group (Member) § University Web Committee (Member) § University Wireless Communication Plan Committee (Member) § International Programs Committee (Member) § Economic Benefits Committee of Mount Allison Faculty Association (MAFA) § Continuing Education Advisory Committee (Member) § Commerce Department Curriculum Review Committee (Member) § Commerce Department Co-Curricular Activities Review Committee (Chair) § Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship (ACE) – University Chapter Advisory Board

(Member) § Advisory Committee on Employment Equity (MAFA Representative) § New Student’s Mentorship Program 2004 (Member) § Continuing Education Advisory Committee (Member) § Commerce Department Task Force (Member) § Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship Inc. (ACE) Member Advisory Board § Employment Equity Panel (Member) § Continuing Education Advisory Committee (Member) § Department Sub-Committee for Preparing Response to Commerce Review (Member) § Member/Representative of Social Science Faculty on the Strategic Plan Task Force § MAFA Economic Benefits Committee (Member)

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§ MAFA salaries Sub-Committee (Member) § Interview Committee of the Norway Student Exchange Program (Member) § Secretary/Member, AIM Commerce Department Academic Enrichment Fund Committee § Core Curriculum Review Committee (Member)

1999-2000 College of Business and Management, University of Sharjah. UAE.

§ Executive MBA Curriculum Design Committee (Member). § Finance and Marketing Faculty Hiring Committee (Member). § Curriculum Review Committee (Member). § University Computer Systems Purchase and Review Committee (Member). § Seminars and Workshops Committee (Member). § Students Activities Committee (Chair).

1996-1997 Department of Business Administration. International Islamic University, Pakistan.

§ Faculty Hiring and Retention Committee (Member). § Academic Board (Member). § Admissions Committee (Chair). § Internship and Placement Committee (Chair). § MBA (IT) Curriculum Development Committee (Member).

1994-1995 Department of Administrative Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University. Pakistan.

§ Student Admissions Committee (Member). § Internship and Placement Committee (Chair). § Alumni Committee (Member).

Service - Academic Community 2016 President for the 7th International Doctoral Student Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and CSR. Amherst, USA. 2015 Member of Scientific Committee for the 1st Dubai International Business and Social Sciences Research Conference. Dubai, UAE. 2015 Member of Scientific Committee for the 1st MUST International Conference on Business and Management Conference. Mirpur, Azad Kashmir. 2014 Vice President for the 5th International Student Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and CSR. Edirne, Turkey. 2014 External Reviewer for the 5th International Student Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and CSR. Edirne, Turkey. 2014 External Examiner for promotion for Canadian University of Dubai. Dubai, UAE. 2012 Thesis Examiner for Ph.D. (Finance) for Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

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2013 External Reviewer for tenure and promotion. Faculty of Management Sciences, M. A. Jinnah University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2012 Thesis Examiner for Ph.D. (Finance) for Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2011 Reviewer for the Finance track of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference. St. John’s, NF, Canada. 2010 Thesis Examiner for Ph.D. (Finance) for Faculty of Management Sciences, M. A. Jinnah University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2010 present Reviewer for the International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance. Published by Inderscience Publishers Ltd. 2009 External Reviewer for tenure and promotion. American University of Kuwait. Kuwait. 2009 - present Research Affiliate with the Atlantic Metropolis Center. Halifax, NS, Canada. 2008 External Member for Ph.D. (Finance) Comprehensive Examination Committee for Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2010 Session Chair and Reviewer for best paper award at the 2nd International Conference of the South Asia Chapter of AGBA on Nurturing Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Investments, & Public-private Partnerships – in Global Environment. Bhurban, Pakistan. 2010 Reviewer for the Finance track of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference. Regina, SK, Canada. 2010 Organizer and Member of the Scientific Committee for the 2nd International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics & Social Responsibility and conference e-journal. Istanbul, Turkey. 2009 Reviewer for the Experiential and Innovative Methods Track of the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning Conference. USA. 2009 Chair for the Teaching Experience Symposium. Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. Moncton, NB. Canada. 2009 Reviewer for the Finance track. Applied Business Research Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2008 Reviewer for the Case Track for the Atlantic Schools of Business Conference. St. John’s. Canada. 2005 Treasurer for the Atlantic Schools of Business (ASB) Executive. Conference Chair for Finance, ASB Annual Conference. Halifax, Canada. 2005 Reviewer for the Finance Division of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2002 Discussant. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) conference. Winnipeg, Canada

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2002 Reviewer for the Finance Division of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). 2002 Discussant. Academy of Financial Services (AFS) Conference, Toronto, Canada. 2001 Discussant. Administrative Sciences Association of Canada conference (ASAC). London, Canada 2001 Discussant. Northern Finance Association (NFA) annual meeting. Halifax, Canada

Participation in Conferences and Workshops 2017 Atlantic Regional Workshop on Constructive Academic Relations organized by Faculty Bargaining Services. Sackville, NB Canada. 2015 Workshop on Global Sales Strategies for Ambitious Canadian Firms organized by Business Development Bank of Canada and Entrepreneurship Ventures Inc. Montreal, QC, Canada. 2014 Invited to attend the 3rd Annual Deshpande Symposium for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education organized by the Deshpande Foundation. Lowell, MA USA. 2013 Invited to attend the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO) National Conference. Chicago, IL, USA. 2013 Invited to attend the Sandbox Summit and Deshpande Consortium for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in Higher Education by the Deshpande Foundation. Lowell, MA USA. 2012 Participated in the Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards (CAREB) annual conference. Toronto, ON, Canada. 2012 Invited to attend the First Annual Pond-Deshpande Entrepreneurship Conference organized by the Pond-Deshpande Center. Saint John, NB Canada. 2011 Participated in the Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards (CAREB) annual conference. Halifax, NS, Canada. 2010 Invited to attend the TEDx (Technology Entertainment and Design) conference on the theme of “Collective Genius” (a formal review and screening process is involved for receiving an invitation to attend TED conferences). Lahore, Pakistan. 2010 Participated in the Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards (CAREB) annual conference. Montreal, QC, Canada. 2009 Invited to attend the FullSail 2009 Summit organized by the New Brunswick Securities Commission. Fredericton, NB, Canada. 2007 Invited to participate in the First Anti-Money Laundering & Combating the Financing of Terrorism Conference, organized by the Central Bank of Kuwait. Kuwait.

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2007 Invited to attend the Third Annual Islamic Funds and Capital Markets Conference, Kingdom of Bahrain. 2006 Participated in the “Kuwait & Middle East Conference on Combating Money-laundering”. Kuwait City, Kuwait. 2006 Participated in the “Kuwait: Gateway to the Gulf; Business and Investment Opportunities” conference organized by the American-Kuwaiti Alliance. Kuwait City, Kuwait. 2005 Participated in the Atlantic Association of Universities (AAU) Institutional Award Winners Retreat held at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. 2004 Teaching, Learning and Technology Conference - 2004 Series. Ottawa, Canada. 2004 Blending Classroom and eLearning Practice - 2004 Series. Vancouver, Canada. 2004 Attended a Financial Management Workshop organized by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Moncton, Canada.

Service - Community 2015 and 2016 Town of Sackville. Invited to consult with town administration for developing economic outlook for the town. 2009-2015 New Brunswick Ambassador Program (Member) 2013 Invited to attend One Region – One Vision: Economic Summit by the City of Moncton. 2010 - 2013 Tantramar Heritage Trust (Member, Board of Directors). 2009-2014 Volunteer with the Global Citizens for Change (GCC). GCC is a joint outreach and public engagement initiative of the coalition of Canada’s eight leading volunteer cooperation agencies. 2008- 2013 Greater Moncton Immigration Board (Member, Board of Directors). 2009 Sackville Minor Hockey League Advisory Committee on Development Program (Member). 2008-2009 Developing a rating scheme for B&B properties for the New Brunswick Bed & Breakfast Association (in collaboration with Dr. Rosemary Polegato, Professor, Department of Commerce, Mount Allison University) 2008 Guest speaker at the “Lunch & Learn” series program organized by the Continuing Education Department of Mount Allison University. 2008 Advisory role for a study on “Effects of Bullying”. Tantramar Regional High School, Sackville.

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2002-2010 Moncton Muslim Association. Member, Board of Directors (2002-2010). Treasurer (2009-2010). Vice President (2005-8).

Databanks Compiled the Pearson Directory of Canadian Finance Faculty, published by Pearson Education Canada. First edition published in fall 2003, second edition fall 2004, and third edition fall 2005. Fourth edition published via web portal in 2010.

Book Reviews

2011 Book review of Corporate Finance, Sixth Canadian Edition by Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe and Roberts for McGraw Hill Ryerson. 2009 Book review of Fundamentals of Investments, Second Canadian Edition, by Jordan, Miller and Yuce for McGraw Hill Ryerson. 2006 Book review of Personal Financial Planning for Nelson Higher Education, Canada. 2005 Book Review of Introduction to Managerial Accounting, for McGraw Hill Canada. 2003 Book Review of Practical Financial Management for Thompson Nelson Learning. 2003 Book Review of Investments, Canadian Edition by Cleary/Jones for John Wiley & Sons Book. 2002 Book Review of Fundamentals of Investments, by Corrado/Jordan for McGraw Hill Ryerson. 2002 Book review of Finance for Non-Financial Managers, by Pierre Bergeron for Nelson Thomson.


Involved in funded research projects totaling over $1,000,000. The following table provides details for the last ten years.

Funding Source Purpose Year Amount in


Qatar National Research Foundation

For research project titled, The Development and Enactment of Trust within Hawala Networks in the GCC Region. Co-Principal Investigator

2015 179,579.00

Marjorie Young Bell Sabbatical Fund

For research on Informal Money Transfer Systems and Trust Networks

2014 3500.00

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Funding Source Purpose Year Amount

Khalifa University Internal Fund Level 2 Grant

For research project: Population dynamics, sustainable economic growth, energy and the environment. Mathematical models and optimal policies. Member of research team

2013 703,264.00

Regional Opportunities Fund, NSERC

To support the Business of Science Workshop 2012 2400.00

Vice President’s Curricular Innovation Grant

To develop an experiential entrepreneurship course involving business and computer science students

2011 4800.00

Qatar National Research Foundation

For research work pertaining to the governance aspect of money transfers and informal value transfer systems. Principal Investigator

2011 153,149.00

Research and Creative Activity Committee

For research work on Informal Money Transfer Systems

2011 2500.00

Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

To facilitate travel to Islamabad, Pakistan as Visiting Faculty to the COMSATS University, Pakistan

2010 1500.00

Marjorie Young Bell Faculty Fund

For presenting a paper at the International Conference on Governance Fraud Ethics and Social Responsibility. Istanbul, Turkey

2010 1500.00

Alumni, Department of Commerce

To support the student trip to visit the financial markets in Toronto

2009 4000.00

Department of Commerce To support the student trip to visit the financial markets in Toronto

2009 2000.00

Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

To facilitate travel to Islamabad, Pakistan as Visiting Faculty to the International Islamic University, Pakistan

2008 1500.00

Dobson Fund Project for developing a rating scale for Bed & Breakfast properties in New Brunswick. In association with the Bed & Breakfast Association of New Brunswick (with R. Polegato, Department of Commerce, Mount Allison University).

2008 4500.00

Department of Commerce For student conference travel in the Venture Capital & Finance of Innovation and Entrepreneurship courses

2008 1600.00

Alumni, Department of Commerce

To support the student trip to visit the financial markets in Toronto

2008 5000.00

National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan

To facilitate travel to Islamabad, Pakistan as Visiting Faculty to deliver a workshop on Entrepreneurship at the Technology Incubation Center

2007 1200.00

Humanities and Social Sciences Sub-Committee of the Research and Creative Activity Committee

Developing experiential learning modules for finance courses

2006 4100.00

Purdy Crawford Teaching Center - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant

Developing experiential learning modules for finance courses

2006 2200.00

Marjorie Young Bell Faculty Research Fund

For research work pertaining to the regulatory aspect of money transfers and informal value transfer systems

2005 3900.00

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Funding Source Purpose Year Amount

Marjorie Young Bell Faculty Travel Fund

For presenting a paper at the First International Conference on Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment. Hong Kong, China

2005 2700.00

Certified General Accountants (CGA) Association of New Brunswick

To setup and run the “CGA Distinguished Speaker Lectureship Series” ($1000 per year for five years)

2005 5000.00

Dobson Center for Entrepreneurship

Grant for providing seed money to students in the Entrepreneurship & New Venture Creation class

2004 5000.00

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSSHRC) - Strategic Research Clusters Design Grants

Proposal for a Strategic Research Cluster focusing in the area of Finance. Funding requested: $30,000

2004 30,000.00

Recommended but not funded

Humanities and Social Sciences Sub-Committee of the Research and Creative Activity Committee

To conduct an international survey of central banks with reference to regulation of informal value transfer systems

2004 5000.00

Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and Department of Commerce

To partially fund visit of Investments class to the financial markets in Toronto in 2001

2004 2000.00

Marjorie Young Bell Faculty Fund

To present a paper at the Society for Teaching and learning in Higher Education (STLHE) annual conference

2004 1500.00

Marjorie Young Bell Faculty Fund

To conduct an international survey of central banks with reference to regulation of Hawala

2004 2500.00

Teaching Experience Taught the following courses to MBA, Executive MBA and BBA/B.Com. students:

§ Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation (developed course) § Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation (developed course) § Entrepreneurial Finance (developed course) § Corporate Finance § Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management § Capital Markets and Financial Institutions § Financial Management § Introduction to Finance § Seminar in Finance § International Financial Management § Personal Finance § Financing Challenges for Small Scale Green Energy Projects (developed course)

Student evaluations available upon request

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Technology Skills

Excellent working knowledge of popular software programs. Skilled in the use of specialized course management software and on-line testing systems. Expert in use of on-line course delivery software platforms (Moodle and Blackboard). Excellent multimedia communication and presentation skills.

Languages Excellent speaking, writing and understanding of English and Urdu languages. Speaking and understanding Punjabi language. Basic understanding of French.

Personal § Citizenship: Canadian § Married with two children. § Hobbies: Enjoy cycling, travel, photography and golf.

References Available on request.