•m - nys historic...

•m Ttw Medina Tribune. FVSUSMRD "fHWRSOAVa. Salt**' *tt« tf**]»f Mt**«' Medina, Orleans County, N. Y. GIRO* I * WUJimtt BOODtH*. fi.SOPDH A K N U M W AOVAMOBf fMWa* the Shi of the Year. ' •iji|Hiii.,iito!MjBa«B ' tittm. oyactt WH«wnttMMMHMM»S: '"~" j 8 w a, tin | tSjl »,1jrcar' SUt Ml AM» ******hwe3u i»eo»ift»*»;*spt»tei ^~"~*"ftplc"'— — u . - - -• •-•- - - — .^apuwljner r.e*W»*tL --_,, ,- jaiwol W'tnFlrttWVt mattn* Vtf fleonetioi .tMBIWfott; Jr^tewi»liara<**ffl* «lt-»96M»* ttnleaaoSMr- yhtm Agmi) niton* ' AH eeuMcwtSIO**, W'Mtof -t* ttunre ;ttpn,W9«(lt)*-usewesdWrtw PM» name, "t •m aa «*«M4»»j»iijl;iBi)tteR_ ' v 4 Ji/ . T1TORSDAY, JANXJABlf a4 1864. MM gatttt ititktt'* «il*m*\ "RAILROAD TI0KKT8. •so -$»*itjfM»;i(& S &MUDbS. CHARS, Genotid Iusur- «acc Agent, »a«Mwr to M. P. Httle«H« >p«aro{e iQUcltcJ.it Hie Low eit raw*. C ^aapqBOa * -ipipcs,' Attorney* ana' •*-.Copi«Box»*tI*w. Office in BeatVBlock. '|^3A8, fc SaiMIBft, 'Superintendent V £ erMffM ©irieanioonatr, -pmee with purr D. KB«PP, wa»oQpoattii))8»t«»tuta»y to ewii y<3W>/»»»%ywt0.qi< •; • .' ;-_ jf -iPE.FBKE AND GA&AtrlNSTJB-- J-< ANOB. Otto* In We TBIIDMS BLOO», KsatnjMUGi.. Over t&,«^,O0i aaaes* repr*. SSB££a. .-__ f, •»<)»' - r ••• ' . J.,BTICTrAg8Mi r T ^ ^ f r ' M T J N S b l J i I t J>., Phj«- Jul lcljnmujSnrjjeon. Qflloe.M Halnatreet, eecoiftl «rt *5ter.<r. % KCraWrgla;OleSMng store, 0(l|oo_M«r».,»WlQ.*,,in.! S to * audi to » p. a. mgat oiUK »t, roiidonoo onOrou Street. : Wtl - \*XM, E. OHAMtoSttNi Pbyeioian 'V'W tml Siiriean. OflceOTerUavens'rtoe afore. SpeM»l odfoo houn Irom »« to H # a. m j «rooast5<»ndttoiajto8ii.m. dlttas, K..T. Special qooM Wo9 W'*i»(iV,J?»^ r. K. tOlipp-Qneconnoptlon ananltaMMU** office. tt BA3KEB. M. Di'i . .. jPMletanamdS/areoOn, ,-,„-.._ New BljuKoVor'O. Hi. UaraMowelrj tiwto. M«- Mn&rtf.Y, Omoo houti.o to ID »,m.; 1 to I, «B4T-t08p'.Ou. KlgUtCHllm«tpmcB. H A S S E S S ^ , b r o o k s , "WMp*, iSitoli- oli.poiteiii. Up EOIJM, BrailioB. 40, *o. Eep»Irliigpftjnlptljr attctWea to. Tae t)Mt 01 Tor«:mom[i4tii«bejtotwopk»t ^ATgmna/g, E O. DAVIS, Fira Iuatiranoe Agaiit. (Sncceisor to J. M. Pltu). Good, loonJ reliablo o«oi>»ttles. Offiao, at prsjent, at roil- deaoe, nut ttte Aoadnmr. Ordor» left at tM store ol C. U Toplltt, Bant's Block, wlU roooim prompUtlontlon. - ' 18U jOpDDIA HOCSJDl, But Center St., HeOUw, M. T. WiJAGSMtt-OO PER DAT. 3. L. HXHtON. Prop'r. Ftnt-oluiatatblinsattiohM, tstt a viotiwo-m, —DBA1EE1N- Leatlior and Findings, Harness Oil, Stoking, PlaBtoring Hair, Etc., rDB'fl OLOCK, MEDINA, II. T. lllglmit prion »»td tor Hides, Felu, Eto. g CBROWNELL TDEJCSTI^IST, OppOBlto Bent'a llloofc, Medina, N. Y. E M.BAKEB.I).0.a; Dental Rooms, Trllwao Bnliaing, 3Steaina t N. Y. A BIEL BOWEN, D. D. 8. Denial Boom 8, Pallet'i llloolc. West al<So olllaln Streat, HeoUot, K. T. All Troik Honottlj done it Mr pilcea, Porocum ptatea a apeelalll,, Corns and aee mo Wore jou en- gage jour rrora. 1 __ F t. HO0E3 & SON, Proprietors Ijoilou*lllo Llrtrj ana Salo Staolo. Par- tloolu Mtcatloa Daw to commercial travoltor*. Aiao mumjors Medina and Yotes SUg« Une, rannlnjlocsaaya, gfinriaaya anlBaturdan.»» •KTATIONAIi HOTBIi, ICOCnESTEB. If. V . Nonlytatlt la Qaoca Anno Stjlo.irltB alltba Modora Appointmentg, Steam and Hot and Cold water Uroiijttiout. Proo 'Boa to all trairu. •9 8. gf'MBBITTB.Managw. Q S. HOAG, INSITHANCE AGENT, OMIOS—Xorts atom of Ida'a Haw EWtt. QlomJslta, Standard, W«»t«m, Boohaater German Mnma lit* and Union. BConoj to loan on good improved farm* T HB UNDEESIGNED WotMsanoanoetotliocltUom ot Medina Ut vicinity, th«t he nas added * enoloeitoekof GROCERIES To mi itoet et FLOUR AND FEED Will ltep;at all times the Best, Floor, feed - ma Grocorleitoba found in tnoHancet. Bprlnj m Winter Batall, Holler Prooeu, .smber, . ' ' "(IntbalBV- Itye, and , ^ Bnoa*fta*t»JOBr»- mtmtMOitimVMS, •• : \ HUI peediol all Xlnds, Oom,Screenlngi, ^ oat v u i , And orerTtl>«t( «»n<Hir K«gt ! • a» rint ClauM rionr aim Fee* mora, MjatooBWjsaarerrert amd aloe aid win ba aold it»Low Front. I TIBTO the B8it75 and BO cent Green and Japaij Tea* in town, ~ . _, IliHre al«oaclitii09a»»ortm»ntor . "Caganua - - Tpb'KSOO, ttoluaaeV ' >• ,.••'•• ,8ew f c « , ' • . : • OamirtOoMe . OUttacPowderi, aateno*!,**.,*)." 8DMC2MBBR THB FZ>AOB Wa«On»«ratt»»t,t»o*>oow««oi tkaKO ... . -jLiwiianb' CO OD ^•a^t*^a| < O \ W 0 ffl < ^l^a^| §****** - THK waww w mm. ^s»^« ,. -i^i^^r : ' ' _ POBT'TRBli!. TJajWiiy*,* wVHIr «c*Mt«t omt«i»»#,» Yoh»UWt»jpa»urr5»ltrt»f»i '^-•----•TOafta^tatipolt tntiate; |i«* •aMriMafo* Ajjltw« I UadnA ' »» •*• " 'OJ». aartaiarj ttir»H»tyl an it u MWb Ml yoa likv^'aaid Uaota Waaaar- bea. And• MrTaioKiat^ata waat oJT wioioin*. (itniH* otwafilkiiEpltoa, w«r» txalt lot wfcaw ha arriMd *9V>aur koodrad iKfflAit and a atort- MM Cwlnt hjlaimt It'va^S' HIHL . aaut JCr. Haagater; "ba* th»V lad-«•**•» «fl»e thianomiag «* Wah *>*», wd " ' - &»4eM«id*red i»a*aii doly to Mr. - . ^ alaaa with ia, ^ Very aWty, ^Ihay »i«W aaii-M^ Not •Uajki a n taaajr -OarBabtaa—Witkaa taaiifaalta *• 1«M« Aaa> aaUi, aot aula/. —Taa towt «abbat» kaada ajft ao> alvarc tin beat, bat aSay avata »•• lar> gaeeheutt, ha^aaiealaawaBiaaaa JLaWaaaaaoek a Maffiai 1M ikMiaa'aaaalaa aataei .ftalba MlUkmSkm/t. mm ww** *" Ha: l«eaw,t!iat,l«ijeBwaU»aaaa« jroreim«i»towoutpir«ut;a Wots . r^aJpMty; «*«|"folftfii9,jrlai. "I don't agt -Mid Mim, NoViin|h«Bki "JToailiaYtraaidharlMUbujd, • IttMaattaUthimoaarf , Mot*bitoTitf I pi»t tta beat of it out on intaraat, aj» •misjmpmamtVM^. W«itaa**iftiAil*. Tl»miayjntai^»B^a^I^b<M<rkt *^a*toU.r "', |ft^^«fi4|Nft "'•*"""* .• • '*, WWA'i hooaa," »aid Mra. all £S%< l & i & I U ^ ' J t t .all wnap-irl|!»;' aattafaotioo, •••'!* ^njwijt. ad Ow»1?W|ajnto-aaTt '• laj-aa«r^i^«U ingcwuatjrmiwandVarhMbaad'aBaoaTi "how do joa think XH<M ntld. np my cad «C &» bminaae partoanhip," —"Aoaa, what aw* yoaj do betor* etarytUm alaa to k*»a yoaunattor- «iwar "Ooaamittoaaleiaj. 1 '^ IcTtWitjaatwi aja oltM at vaoalta' an ialolrarUaiiVVUawaaat barUn'oar auaa nokia' 'avvkt iafia'is at da too oh : ~a.n«MhaiMj«talk aa tbM BattaK firto «•»•# e ^ l a , Tfcv aiaeajy « - waat their diBfnt%y ft #iataur, fat • ^ym*Zm^^. •'^Tr . , Pqaft^Mtat toajoaaf lady whowaAta to know. l a w i s . xtm hmr&% a ««#, - ,Jaiab*#-iwlf.'a^ii«% v -,---' r? ''' .;.•. —Haapaobfolkaamao »a».ai|rhta4 datday dan ink, day * » a lookin* olaaa. or^*dtr n»b»u^h»ad, when day aw oa^paapin'iQatfttn^nda* hitam. —An old twibrior aaaamai taat Uta teat «nd qnWwat way to xaiita al»dy aarhair. If ttaia'thw own, akawOl '|raWi'i%1tfil5f«' , '^ '•..^MMKSt iHW'waa'aiMik^j^nK. , tor »arrjiB|r iwo tine, awwaad Wax- #elf J>j aaying tliitt whan he ,h»4 on* •h*fta»ht bim. but whan n» Jud t«ri» •IJMay ; f9a|^»-**^-flJ!ljw.- • ' : - . • ' • . • • . • . . - '^r^:di***^ ; »l*»ali^6iM|p(i«- '-ay-3g SMll -aa^^jHpttJi^Irlaaafc aada arda i> . Ik* OaaaWry ^S^ajfcayaiwi nooav Maia waaanaaa baaiia laa baiat tbj» W*«A e a j M i a J L t i 4A t k * ^—>n—fc^aeaa— laAal eat tittfaaaaV aaaaaVlaaaV ttttV aaaWMaaatV MMniaflaat taat "' iawattla^JaaasaJtfia{ae)aaaa)iViittaa*af: aaavawataktak*wiUbaaaaennd flS a»t«*af>taavafftan aaaaad waWa «» aaaeoaii aad IS? "Batter than t hara dona mjuilit rnoabl a,"aaidHr, NotUDgham, Vi«i a oariouamoiituraoomingjnto bit tyaav *l*a ^ It ejeav "My plucky Httto wifo, I a w p»«5 of yon. i" T ftatn jprnviaf at HadBtMf Mtajaaa^ yaaka\Ma«TJA]W»iaa^waUkai>wa taiwa tr—a teat to ae<a» yaia ta jbjt l^MaUha* by oaMMaMaMiiaalu tloK^piodawa a potato toordaf, • L4..V ** - - •••• • • I4h*%fc^|»| oooiaajaily iBtpjota prdvaajaNit waoa^l a^*a*it(ry »«tthoi ' AkotwlUllirtinatttallbo»thatbt ow o»awli«toto t»Voa*oJttt* tnow, f n a i t a * , aatpaQaiMiort o t a boarder -Writ at** to kiap. Bk to- • * « » aioatha •UpO OTOS THBMABSST NOW MEATS I And Shall Be Cheaper! Tul* about yoar CBOIOK CWTa, , .. ''«an-at:tt»' ••; AndM««iliQRAMDDIJ!IP14Tei*r«ate. I W1LI NOT BE TJHD*I«0I,D br any Martlt IBflToatemRaw:jrffcttt$ffl»ia otntiea to tUa fOUail, LOOK AT T H t t t I»RICEI " '"!""* " '. jot*- Btttlotaotaak.*,*,•-*••*•*•••**.,*. (i,,,******!! Porter IlooaeBwak...,.,,...,„...,..„.,.,...H Rontwetaalt..., ..... uk Bboultler gte»i ............. 10 Beet Eq»«J»i ........................... 10 to UK PttlwHjoea,.,,.,^ .„,,,.,..«Kll carnMTBe<af.,,**,.*:^K,tf»« >,»,(>«...#,**.*ato 111 BoIoin»g»nM|«. .................. „.,..„uw Bt*iaeffiacuN^.»'<,'»«i"»"*«i, l "jia«?v,*!a--$o-lB( 8alijCtlc»"i;,.. ....... , w j»tt>l/—'• ^KffinC ROwJWBh*** •*4*«v«> aaaeaar **••«»*• at •*<*•*•_ yOT*tSt*Jalt#-*» .»*»+*i.*t,nf^>^+**n*»*i»a«iaa>lt Pittr«t..*..Mi>..v..... , . 4^...;.<..... ,;p* Mi .M1W»PMKMTM» ««-.•«• a-wit<f ,trii»*+%£*** tW^Hg-P jSI(tti||tV*ar^^i|raw*atW*^ r »ftMWcBOtWV**t*f-*.*f»i»iia«tatt**>-**»**^*afd|Ol| s.«^iirtffi^ Going Into PattneriWp, knfc Ho^jrjnto,beto?unal4*toBet tba:i»6«*fKito %etni«bAna to aapport h « nefleWtloBV *t« l»tt intormad lum tbitaha ttoijia JStuine fc« p«aaaaion of teaching, to as to bs independent «i she waaiefbre jti»6ww»arrfBdi - 'O&uarenotitt W«Mt«*y deart" laTdMri SoWinglrtiiii ;-;., "OldflUMo X a t i i n aarneat, Why not? Do you anppotelinltadiogo ott thia w & bsggto^prWlng for aT6» farthing I ineiaT rtooean independ- ent !pnoB,-an4p«n.bo«o-»K«jn. - . „ "Nos b«M«* ie»I" Mr. Hotting. hamhftaaBo6 r andw«apaoing trp and down, jathor •anettilt., ?'AIir. wit* oarit go to teaching I ia it you want?" '•What I wn «arn:|" proacuy »plied MTB. Nottingham. "Edtltinwtlrorde," : ••Well* then* look here," iaid Mm. Nottingbaro, *fl have alwaya done my own work thd sewing. Ooniidexed at a cook, I demand tbroo ponodaamonthj at a aeamntroaa, one pound; aa your wife and the lawful mother of y o u onUdroriittleaat ten ponndaoww. And thenlBhttU not oonaidar myaeU adu- quately oompeoeated." "Whew*-w 1 Intme tee—it'a nearly twenty pouuda * month 1" "I oonilder my serdoet aa irortU that, at lent," aaid Mra. Nottingham, with dignity; "buHf yon would wther hire a houiokeopor. I will proaoontc my original idea of opening a aeleot aonool," Mr, Nottingham walked np and down the room onoe more, rompling hit hair into porcupine fatblon with hie Angara, "IwlU ooatnlt Uncle WothexJjeVlic •aid, "Very veil." aaid Mra. Nottingham, "I'm quite trilling to abide by W» d«< oiaion,' Uncle Wetherbeo, a bronxa-Tiaagad ez-sailor, who-was comfortably amoklng hia meeracbanm up atairi, waa gam- moned at Once. Ho oame down—rather alowly, on aooount of hia, wooden leg— and llttened to the pleading on either aide with the ntmoat gravity. "DVd.want to know my opinion?" aaid Undo Wetherboe, when they both hodnniiheu. . "Oertainly," aaid Mr. Nottingham. "Of coune," aaid hia wife, "Then look here,' 1 aaid Unola 'vyeth. erbee. "Matrimony it a" oo-partner- ship of joyeand aorrowa, and ft onght to fie of money at well My adviee ia, Nephew Nlcholat, that youditide even with your wife." "Difido-eren I" blankly repeated Mr, Nottingham. ''Or, better stall, went on TJnole Wetherboe, "take one-third of the money yourself, lay aside one-third for household purpoati, and then give the other third to Piioobe." "Tfet, hot uncle-" "You naked my ndfioe," said Undo Wetherboe, "There it it, and I haw nothing more t o a»y," Ho atumpodoffnp ataira again. Mr, Nottingham looked tt bit wife; lit* vife looked btok again at him, "I will try ft," Raid Mr, NotKngham, "It teemt a wild idon, but Uncle Wetb- erbee ia a remarkably aatuible man, tea, riltryifc,** For the next three yetra Mr. Not- tingham remained in partnsrabip with his wife ontueeo nnutual flnanoial con- ditioua. "ThongU for the life of mo I can't nee what yon dor with all yonr money," ttid he to hit wife, "The Tory idea that hat often tag* Betted itself to me in regard to your money/' retorted Mra, Nottingham, <«I nadintefflded to bayahonte for yon, if itlind »bt been Ibfttbe uuexpaot- ed appropriation ol toy fundi, "aaid M'. Nottingham, "I can yaifv dctr," taid bia yite, terenely, "All in good time," But one afternoon-Mr. Nottinghara oame home early Irom buiineat, and ruined up to 0nole Wetherbee'a room, ,«My ««««•' ttaele,": Mid im "*»t hou«* of Fakirk't it in the market tt forced sale. Snob a bargain 1 Only tit imridredr -•''• •' •.'"' '-"•*•> '• «Wb>Wfvyon bay il, than*" Mia Mr. WetUorbee, toooping freali tobaoflo outot'Htiafi "Beoanaol'rtotly keen able to, lay np font hundred- out of that dnoedly amallallowauoeo? mine," laid Mr, aot- tinghtm. ..'•E*eriiiieel divided with Phoebe, wonrding to. your tjaggH. 'TTei" nodded Unola Wetherbw, Hdingfo yon. *"**,Vf y*H »?W» Nicholtt," aaid the -erife in a falttrisg yotse, "Bat it WM your prndeuoa and eoon» pmy *lut alowditup, Phcabe," "Then you don't regret the tarmj and the auticlta ot out partnarahip }" S o tha young oonple moTSd into the Pilkork honao when tha Qrtt of May oaro* around, and the ooaieit too«,wi»U »toath window tad an open flre<nlate for at woodfire,Wat raaerred for Uncle WaHwrbee, A n d Mr. Nottingham ianewr tired of tellina; bit trlonda bit wifa bought the place with her thai* of t h t partnomhip proflta. * msasffl*- ^caaBnjRw^eaaa^peaBaaaviijBararara ^arj^Hf "accord nayinggetti ff aighed 3«&, v |ojittghara* »Oa rontuoba tmall many. ,ca»ilot,iWm * **m%m jM-wIr* Ibisfct to *w," ^m^LM^tt W#fb»rfite., ,. _ , -m%t rite*; *&««»-;»; ^asnMi , Unole Wetfcwbee atarred intontly at bit wooden leer, and taid nothina;, g^m of ahona*^andI , Ta alwaya wanted •aMua-ofnw- aim !5fbJ|*,ttw'"" J -" don't altogetbw auit (M,«nd A< T. Httwart'a Body< % now IT w u rntaiiiT ^MOOvaajaD AJTO Ditrownor, W, A. 0re«9Utib«ta»» WbM», Hha real facta abont the body of A, ?. Stewart h«# beta pnrpoeely with- held, and Ttriont itoria* have been givem to the local ptpera iter* to Mtbfy the enriotity of their raadera. Two of the chief of thete ptpera bate alleged within the lut two montb* tbkt ilhaa ne-war been woowred from the tbtevea who atole it from the vault on tbtt dark nigUt fire yean ago, I *m ablt to-day to s i v e the trite ttory for the Brit Mine, and on high authority. The rettleat remaintof the miUionaira war* reeov- sred, more than two yeara ago, tnd for. t y « t » they have repoaed nndtr; the cathedral at Qardtn city, in a ipeoiel wait BO oamtrnoted and equipped that' if axt attempt were made to enter it, the touch wonld Mt in motion the chime of bellat in the tower above and ring an alarm to the town. It Judge HUton'a oonjeotnrei are correct, the robbers ot Stowart'a gitro wen three borie tbttvea pretty well known in tblt itate and Ooaneatlcut, Mr*. Stewart, from the flrat moment of her dieoorery that her uuaband't grate bad been deteertted, inaiated oh tut reooTeryof tht body at any price, but Judge Hilton doggedly oppoaed it, deolaring with tome iborot reaawn that public tafety required a dt< naocaolthftvillaint and A rtfttHl'tO yield, to their demand*.' B u t in the ftil of 1681 (I think it wat) an event occurred that awoke Judge Hilton Up to the peril ot farther per- ilatenoe. One of liit aervtntt happen- ing to go. out of the door at night dli- oovered tome men at the foot of a ladder thai wet erected agalntt the tide of the manaion. They immediately fled and be alarmed the liouMuold. At tht top ot t h e ladder • window «M opin—the window of the room where tlept Judge Hilton'a ttTcn.yetr-old toal Then came an anonymont letter, "Yon were in tame !a«t night. < Next time yon will be too late," Hilton yielded to Mr*. Stemart r »Tlowoltuepa*e\eM fwflotla- tiona were tbtn re-openad. Xhere WM a good deal of ibrtwd bar- gaining tt to the aotutl turn,of money to b e paid, tnd a iplrit exhibited on both tidettbttmutt hav* "rejoiced the aoal of tbo-'great merchant it it wat pnutent; bat at latt the aunt of fW.OOO wa» fixed on, and the ,t«rmt 0, 0..D. Not praoiaoly, either, tor the tbitret in- aittc=4 on getting tba money in hand be- tor* delivering th< body. VhU eondl- tior* w « aooeptod by Hilton, tt Do othver wat offered to him by the oom- raercial and tatpiciotut ptrtiet of the teooadptrt,' ' ,' T h e place teleoted for tht dtlivary wear a. tnutl bare bill in vTtttohetter oodnty, commanding tht tpprotobe* from every tide, Tba direotioUt to JuageHiitonran virtually thuir "We wilibethen at i o'clock on Suadty morning with the body. You tend one man. nnerpJad, on foot, with: 150,000 tor at. Wben he hat given nt tht money wa «rill Ittre him in poatettion of the body." Thf* programme fat aitatlly carried out, A plucky terrtnt of tb# late Mr, Stewart wat teleoted to adm-" pletetUepraGate, He walked to, the, top ot the bill and wat examined tor weMtpont by'mtiked men, who then ao- oep&d the money and deptrted, letting tbt> tormented body behind thim in a trunk, * X have forgotten to tay (bat while the negotiation* were pending the- tilliant proved thair identity- by * tending to Judge Hilton a piece of paper exactly the •Ite and tbapt of the piece of tigtag d o t h they hid outfrow the lining of the rjftod oofnntbeybtdWt biblna tbem ia -the Stewart vault. So endi tba ghawetlyafftir, Since tbtreooveryot the body Mr*, Btowartii yttr asoloded and it oOu« ttamtly atttndtd by dateotiret, who are haa-dlyerar put of Iter light. Judge Hilton tbrivM amttingly, gUwart't grtMt projeoia of a cheap woWtn r * hotel a n d * Otrden City utopi* hay* both b«*D allowed to goto dmmtl wreck, but Jttd*»Hilfon bat, it it alleged, made mottey by th* tweatot bit fngtanity at tlMairatrfof more than tt million doilar** yeeSs the raimonuollawtett Stewart i a w * him nt* betu turned mm tnd OTMT, Stewart UniaeHitaeldomippkeu w#U ot by tbO#* who knew bin. I know of no mote bideon* piotnre of weatltbthtttbtoJboltotr lit* and revolt- in«; death and «**ntt»ctloo, or on* bet. tor oalcnlated to make -to* «oor ««•• tMMKtdwiUi thete lot, *Mtaaa»a1t*»*wa*1tiaaW SCaeOiOM toe til* ItattM*. OttWi «Who' IpftMCT*%W» a^angwldawi «<Wb»»i*btopo»iiionr'r4ba old wid- ow*, t'WhaawithAt" —"5fpu are an idiot,** angrily *x> ol*imed,a domineering wife, "go my friaudi taid when I mawied yon," re* plied th* hatband. And aba bectm» more infuriated than arer t —"Wbau « sun kumt t o n t tor ad* vion" tayt Joab BUHnga. »'I find out what kind .OT advict u» want*, and X givittobM;that wHeTy him that be and! are two amtrttntn." —The Empreet of Buaaiahiutjmt or- dered a fttr-linedi dlimood-beapanglad olonk, t t » ooat of- |18,0QC, Of ooune, yon will out out tbii paragraph before yoq gite the paper to. your wife to read. —Atpoony Mtnacheatar ltwytr eu> thutlng over hit tweatheart, ityled bimtelf the "plittntlffin tbetui^for btr hand. "And when you are mtrrlad you will be the defendant," replied the mattor.of.faok liitener, -^One friend 1 dtt tm aona'all de way frn' am wuff a thouttu* dat htb do dry* rotatdt oore; de nlggth dat bulldt UU oabiuwid rotten log* i n 4 e Snuimer, gin'rally gita trot* bit whoa de tut' col* tntp quini« wblillu' np da line. —Itrather diiguited a Vermont man who went to a ueighbor'a barutotteal a cow, to find when he got tba animal borne, that it wttblt owo. cow* whiob hi* neighbor had alioloa •*rlier itx th-a V few >naor* tat laAoJooattiaet 46\W0 MUtra Hit te_ eyrw ibitwitt* nunur* two ramlrjMrfavw S^^'Vlptypai'wrtWMMVa^'f^'e^BHwM p ^P|aV otnaouringtoair flildl, -wcnld reqnlr* apita of manure wort »h«j> thirty-tieV Mttar* and aight fttt daaen, or attrly :fff.aatau' oordi ^» ****x-;yarjjMr. b«t #*W*a)W _ _ Sfflift5jsS»Sr k^a v~»*^i*w*>7 aigb aayi the neighbor i*» con- foundod thief. —Inoorrigibl*. —IrttU attorney f(o bU olerk, wbo baa taken the h i u t band, and hat bton "belebrttlng tht ovonf'j; "I'll not atand it. t u n I Wid your plidgwt Iuttide o< ttkin,' plidgM, ye'ra alwayt breakin'f yt'd bettor make no promtae* at-all-attll-and ktpttnti' —Mra, Sammtrbrtua'a> new girl waa told to "watch that turnover while her mittrett ran acrou the etratt," Wben the lady returned, the turnover wa* burned to a oriip, and the girl remark* ed: "Sbure I've wttchtd it, mum} but it hain't turned orer yet."* —"I don't tnko much ttook in pro* verbi," taid Drown to •Xouet, 'Vox inttauoe, look tttht oft-qrioted one, •A friend in need it a Mend .indeed, Now, mottof my dxntrituoo with friend* in need bt* beep that they wanted to borrow. Olive mo tliO frieud tbtt it not in naod. '' -"Mother," tnttd Mr*, titogtry, u * dtinty little not* wtt delivered tt the door, «'Mr,<jr«Uh*rdtit:dow0-tt*{rt,iirtd invitee me out to hive eomt oyitertv" "Mt Otbhardt it avarrniot young mab," replied Mr«. Ii«* Briton, tt the adjutted her glttttt, "Yot? otu toad him word tbeiw* will be ready in « taw moment*." 1 —•'•No, Jotepb.tUe'Stotra H««ttng Oomptny wa* not formed for tbt pur. poteolnetting,tenia, statu it betted before it is mttlo-thtt l», to tty, when you htat the iteim—no, wbeu yoa make tba ataam-no—wall, Ooafottrrd you don't you know atetun it hot any way, and doeiu'JiJuar* t o be heated b y e oomptny V * , ,—Aye '# fctoinetliing. A Scotch lady who bad a daughter recently married, wat tiked by an old friend whether the might congratulate Iter upon the eyent, "Yet, ye*/' aba tbtwored: "upon the whole It it very litigatory. It 1< true Jennie bate* iter gudeman, but then there'* aye » acmotuing, —TU» varioui phaaea in tbt tender 1 pattiou bare tbflk bttn exempliflodi A thip it toolitb lying love when the i* attached t o * ' buoy) the i s ardently in lovetrhtu ah* leave* the buoy for the pier: ibe placet Iter affection binpath bar when the J* tnohorlnc after a beaVy •well, and aUe in detperaW/ in lore ,when ajae ia tinder to a man-of-wtr. - " P r t y , aiy' good am" Mid a judge to' an -Xritbmttt -vrbo wtt t wit* sttt on a trial, "what did ptt* between you tad »fce,pri*ontr t" "Oh, then, plateyonr lordtbip," taid Pat, «'»ur* I JSeet fhtliu stop o! tbo wall, --peddy t ttyt be, *Wb*t»' *ay» X, %«*!' aayihe, 'Wbtrtf.'tayavJ; 'WWtWI' «ayt be, *Kuib l r iay* I ; and that'* i*Jl pl*»*yourb>rtlibip,' r i. ^-Th6 story it told otfltdttor "Zeb", Vance, ot jfertit Owolint.tbtt toon after hit aeoond marrage b* remarked to bit bridei "MydeVnl'mtttub* born fellow, imd you way tntifllpatt trouble rtow,;itttb*be*;lttIng, trhU* I ant snbmittive, I want to girt you ontpitoe ot itdWo*. Jt you tallow it, we'll get on taigbty vfefi. It it tbias Make me4o|w(i tt I darned pltttt." , • —Agr*ed.--Mi. *nd Mt*. Am**, of gan Iranolaw, agreed that they werf uniuittd to each otbir,»rid tbtt atepi. t»ree#r««ve«ptitpnthit«Mrionn», oomwon owwrt or ttttoa, holtUngtairty buatwl* ot potato**, nwdit to bt btaptd nrttty wall to hold wt^Uttrd ot a card-, otr&ajtuxa. The following exwlleo* adrio* from tjit WeM mm fmmml UwMjby ot Mn*id*r*«on! "AH wOjatli of th* wm* tariety art noViUk*.. tnd acarotly toy two trill do tquallar will oft $* Hta* reed. Bwb.*ainal*a> want* anould bi toppUed if potjublt, Otttlt ot dif- (•rent age* liiQutd be iMptrattd tor Jteding, MthewMkowt* will aot do wouwlthtbiitwug, OeitMtre wetk ind*byottbaUM»«eni«eautU takee iUtin longer to «tt tlioir waeali, and they »lioUldtU*re(ote be mit Whe«thiy c*n> Act ba'boetej'Wftielr tuperiort iu WraugtU," Saya 0, A, 0„ in \U Onuntrj) (?««• Umm} ftatt tprlUg, ttfter oouilder. »bl* trouble, tbtt nwlp* wtt obkioed for grtftiog wtx, tuii *w it jbatpror^d Mtislaotory. iUtglrtn tor tutbtntStot other*; Take 1 lb. 0* xoain, t lb, of bwtwtx, mnd * littlelitettbana J lb. of Ullow, M*lt togtlttir t o t tmtii iron kettle, tnd iM( thoroughly tbtt tbt in- grediantt may btwell«tixtd. Pour iuto a, dith of cold wittr, and when oool break into three or fbnr piece* and pu(i like moutteetotnuynnUf whit* tnd fin* grained, WbeutUawaolaii ptouirly worked, divide into elgfe* pieoei.form into rolja aix inohti loaa; and wrap tit oiled paper. *A\> olttrx thektttle, rub itwhiV yet hotwttka teupoontul of llird or tallow, and Wjuh. -out with toap tnd warm, waterj ropott i^ii, aud rinte, tnd.it will bt ** alONU. tut«»«. I t I* Httmtted tiiti there *r* ^ow lb HieUnited St*t«*lMP0,O0Q tniloff oowt) tnd tbtt thero are made unnually 1,« 800,000,000 ponudt ot b«tt*r tnd iM,- 000,000 poundi of ohoettv. In 1830,** •down b y tht ctnttHK, 773,304,000 nsundtof bnltet wort made onitrmt. ind aB,«S1.000 poniuli i a fnotorlM, end utoUl of 0*8,115,000 uoandt of ohttit. Dft*lde*.^hi* over 17,000,000 pouudi of olemargtrine were alio aoatuufaoture.-r VnittaSiamOakHmtu*. •> **.> %.u*mmmmm, Do«mtoftto*fpt|, A*i( Qiie ^wew w t *t*ndtb*fo*tofiTi*l*w.' Thtir eon clution wee tb»ttb*_htttb*nd »»oUld gl**tb*wifegronnd lor ooittelilnt W whipping horittrbt »n»i*My jwotife ed her down, And tb* got tbedlvott*, •*r*B**BWH**tw*atitaai I'val'oCTrfiM.^l'oUndwbtii? Wby> the treat*** remedy in.the world for all kirid* of iBrUMiaatioti an«Jb*«to«h*#*«, It btt never bteu knpwa to fall to gi** io*t*nfju»evoii'* tnd pemtAotntrtlW,-and J* * perfeetour* tor rh*amtt(#oi, seKtr %e*tta^*w*fWW'*' Pw vejaetv**, eeafeav ^ea»e*aewe^w' wmmm^ -V*>F b*ir to, U yoa trt f* balhtaltb «» Wftr^t*om*ny6ittie*b^M»»ed •wmpb&tev fry * bottle at POBdVWt-: bwtrj^aatd get P»«' » ^ that »M will atta»*r, aV* •****, l*« mpeet } taw* Ana&MDS POMD CAxt,i-TliIt it mtde without todt tnd wilt k«ti> uloe lindiretli Wr ovtriWtek. *Jbttaa«ighl eggs btttiogtht wuitos *mlyolk« « p - uttely one pound ol powdered lugir, a iinlf pound o| but trotter «hd t*n onneeaof tionr, Mir thoroughly'and bake on* hour 1 or Wore; fltvor with, A uutmtg, , LABT Foia*M.-B»A* tb« yolki of (our egg* witb t M ounce* etch of flour and powered tujrar. Bant the white* iwparatolytiiil « 4 d , tnd then a gill of rot* water) beat alitor,ftfew Minutes tb*u put in t petper funnel and miu*«M out into lilt iliape of fingirji on paper which tut boon sprinkled with powered AUgltV, Sprintcl* alittle Of th* lijgar Overfteylngori,%od *fl»r letting tlumttaud tor An maoutet btk* to* light brown in* moaornte orenj fttMo tflgetbtrwitlitljltliwhlttottutftg, , MAIMOV HOton.wWieae'tre flaiuty little dithes wlttblt tor Knr Xm ttb- lit, Take- out cn« otAonrmilk sod ott* of ewitt milk, * u 4 put together,' tnd hta* until m ortrd it Mt, Iben •train ofttbemllk, Unbtbeourdtbrongb * strainer, add one tatboipoontul of melted batter* to the cuirjd/tlto oqe' onp of white powered lUeTAKOtndy. tour weU'beefctn *gg yol|(» end tb* Juic* and rind- of on* lemon, OEake little bant tnd line with rioli tittt*, tbeaflUwltb Wis mixtnrojbikeframWhto fiftetn mtunttt, ; ; ' ifAwm&p Pi*,-*l?ar>e tl* midiurt- lited p^tmto« ( ,oo»te writb hot water, tt*a*t*u*»liV***y !««• ' »Wby,tb*r**ttoai*» ebernu neiBi ltitttl *i * anJifl. I kajt Ptteit tiMoagboaeof Mw itcitt wosdiitfal er* ~ "¥l •t*At_ oatarrbtl ttve.1 *»^*t*ltts^*a*ee it^ee^Heawteaievt, . , _. _ . _. . _ _, ^ ^_ m. , v*jUiy«oo»ghIreltaWpp«i*)el]nray oheat, and a e«nr*aeijH>deMgr to b**» f ^ b y j l i a t t ' t y o * Wtt tbt atettwr to kaAdtndBbe^TitriiTtwktr* H wesr Hnlng and »***t»g dltordesr. Ihtte tro«bfat do not mm tU *t tmm *»41 tboaghUt uumtttly io bead t h e * I have found, thautb, wat every phyil> oal negUet mutt be-ptiato* wlVh large iatertM, Men eaonot draw draft* on their oonttituiion wWiouA honotkg tbem aonj»M»e,' Tl>«* minor tyop. tptrailbtr*d*a*rib«d,grtw until tboy were giant* of agony, I beoattit mow nervouti had *THMiJ|(e fluttarin* of tb*betrk au intbiUtJ .to draw* letta breath and a» oootsfoutl numbnatt tnat wat Wfribjy tnggtjttiva ot partlytit, How oouid I have been to blind ** not to undtwtaud wliat tltit Wtaat I otnuot ix&agint," "And dlilyon du noiliing t w „ "Xt*,I traveled, ft % »Hnf 0 f 18TO1 went to ICtuiM tnd Octlortdo. and while in paimr, I w*» atttcked with * mytterion* hattorrfcur* ot tb» urinnry organ* and lntt twenty poundi otflatriiuUireitwetkt, O o e d a y after my return I ww taken with * terrible obilltndat once, tdrtwtd to * very e*v*«| titapk ot pntunMe, My lift lung toott wUrelyflllMw|tb w«t«r and my lag* and body hmm twjo* t:h»t|c natuvtltlte, Iw** Obliged to tit uu- riRhtlu bod for mmA weeks in tbt tniditot the ttvtrttt agony, with tay ennt oter my head, *nilnoonttantf»»r ottnlfocAtiou." 'iAM did you ttlll tiitk* &Q »ttempt totW*your**1t?" r "Xti, I m*d» frantic Dffbrtev X triad ev*rytbing tbtt wwitd to- offer tbt l*A*t itOMMt Ot Hlltf, t Oftlttd * oounqllotdwlorsaudbtd then, ntko aUMhtuitiye obflmlo»l tud wierctaop- leal txtinlnvifoin of tay iwudition, fir* ,of the bent phytioiapi or Syraout* end ftfivtrtl from a&otbw city eatd I mutt It*«mta t t tboun!) tbalr; satertipr. wmtmefor my tent l)«em* eold, my rnou,tnp»rcb*u, ray eytt wore a flr*d glanyttwa, uiy bodywetoaversdwltb A-ooJu. oltturay d^atlt »w«t, s a d X rwd ttyftUju the rtXioiM txpteaeioni of ^ l '»^^tbe J /^nof*/ ,, ^^^^jj^ '-$$;¥$_ '^^^W* 1 3Pt. 3ST^ West Vow feWW Tk*A*aU» -"--It $$& ptntTfflrJ 1 '; «* the potato * «oniidtb*> aide*, . Ii»y in ilioes Ot «s)d mnltoiij tb»t>wbIobi** little rare isbttt. Putin ptnptrand «»lt, e win* gl«H of otttmp, tndenongh gravy to mi*o ,t(i» n*e*lqiiit* raoitt, 0ov.« with ttttlitd poMW, *opre ft with- Akojfe, and btke> in the oveu tbottt-fortyuinntet, Sunt t» it begin* to browh rub A little trotter over the top, ' $o*p,rw.AHot»Pprj»i^tt,*-j3b;)tri* Uioyappl*»,p««d|ii)aoor«d; ont-htU f ,_. fllJ fli^Hifj « w if»4>;.tW0e|glbttti My *lf*, AMUetd tO M">J»«II>H¥U, UBM»U w tdminietor a rim* edy iiuou her owtt retponaiblUty And •Oume a l l **t, df*p«rttiout began tdministar * rim. _-_%.ipon uer own fttponaiblUty t while,I, grew btttet very slowly, ili ia brief, f attied ground «owly until, ia brief, X av* bo tree* p|_Oie terriblt BrlgW* ditCM* from which I wtt dyjtiig, and »m * »*rt*otly Well wtn, TPW* miy sound Ilk*, a romsHoe, bnt jit i* true, »nanJy«f*-«Udb*»Hli tnd trbat lam are dg* to-WaJtaa?* M t quire, wbtob I With nt* known to tnd used by tht tttouttbd* wbo, IbelfeTf, are tuttStlug this mUnit* a* I w4t,flrigiueUy. DOII battucb ttt txperiotiM a* tbt* Juttify XUtmatatflgAJpuHlo UttttmantV" dhtttt it not * oomtooii complaint, doc^ nil:' ^^.fifif- *. \mxmrmi »jr^Jleer1N**tlji' »vi»uaiia , * w * tr T?CTABi3sai&ii*»% cup of*ug*»(two cup* otmillfLtwo "*•—"-- if»a>;.two*|g*bttti ItaJegjoonful ottaltj invbttbillty in Ibo flo«r/ ° l « k Hi* tpple* l». Apttddtng 4Mb £ and fllUb* centre* with tngtr. »»)t th* flour* tggi, tudttirbtcil dwnalttntebefor* pouring oter the'tpj*l*»i Dak* On* bur io m etetdjr own, K*t ltpt wltli hatt*r»»a wg»r or wiilt iwttt tatio*. *)a*t*tBe)a$|aBBSatWMe ' .Hooo'e StrttpHillA tt deebrued to l»**t the wtnl* of iboew who nttd A medlcipe tobnildttigBVtitt, gtt» tbAm t^tehi^ryfflb^a^*, Noot"; er Attlelo takt* boldof «be tyttetn suit. bias exaetiy tt* iWUtls* Hood't »«**»• ptraia, » woriuiik* mm», »**'» iB t mmmmmtmmmitm - 1 To eteewgab* Irtietth*' *bliu**y'. Put taa#po*tot*A i**)frA*t<Hl*i3 ft# fu«An4**4tth**tot#*Ua». . uaWttttsBABSBaaeew pbtfsttv *M<0teiiMiair Ik tte itfl^ty. batiucb ttt experleji9t a* ItMfWnT; J JtMttboti tor. "Not ocitfmon I On tb* ooutrtry It it oue-of tbt tnott oommon. ^?h* trcnbl* it,iewpeople*aoW tKey htyre A . a M m few ratuk^i lymptomt ubtii i_to (insl ttagft that * tenoa mty btr* it for y«irt, e*oh yew getting- mor» end rwr*^n if* power tiid not eutpeot it. It it quit* jnaturtl L-ihoaid'feel e». tbnilMtio o»*r tfaii remtdy while my w^oittyAu Jhqjr* fothutl am, flhl know* of it* bfingtiaodWith anrprWog xetultt by jmtuy MM for tJwir own pecai m Atlmeuts, dtw whwb it bt* •inguler pomt," , !»• Atttemeut toyx o « t by tb* Abort intendtw ieiBfipty oonflmtd by" ttry rotny Of our mo(| proruioent elti- seat, jtuorurtbtat buing Judg* Eelgol, mmJw» a«,fiwkbia; »«*• and pi.Vm. % f, WmutoM, V. »,i gi*ett*»t4*dyl!i(liiP bearSttt *u> dorwiaent, /I« tbif-tk* ot wondtrr, ttirpriilug th}«Ware.(]nit«oo«won but •ft•WW*"! *> onminti M tb»*<rf »r, Mttifa'A and Obcuwng her* in ojp midit, mty well otitw oomtstnt And fewlUIftaaon, It ihpw* « b » tWOtHlty of gutrdiajr tb* iilgbiit ApPwacb ot wWobliMjieAttprcHntbe mottrtlS., bWWd*lBoi*nt* It .bows tbrdtpib towblob on* *#& tink tnd yet b* rW •tt*d sod it pro*** tint few peeplenttd suffer if tbm^^tr*obeejtved> ,. m kT^lSSl^ Nttby.of tb* Toledo XWt, >Mh w?«f» tnUbt- ed to Pe»p»»%tii«great iftdutby^f oav*tioa#wAr#Jfl»TbMr--- J - - - ••-"-• of OinduutttAm hum , „ . „ •beta the psatey-ot t boo**, jot* otp«*»rr*aftg«, 0«Wi - Inteerbjttloaab^eiifitt .„„ ' 1*WJ«*heAt*4;' wat'M)^. «ia"t»» H&tm^. trftit was iUtrodse^ iM£#h| «*A tofitsio** t i d OA8TLE k m Jt'UBLBRS W«<astAW kH» WrJAJCjil Anwriow tM M n "• ' - - 1 < * ^ HiOVaJ StllgA* (A «*Al#.a$ti»'^ a«i aVMirf Ma*, AL*ir|«Wi»of OpOaal Gold ind 811vvPWJnpttl WATCH l««A«UKO^^ P&o in the rMt«**sji*r*Ii)1 VIM. 01*^t«*i«MHttB*»* v,™ neat* t» mxmm^Mi tm.pmti$. -.,, %$f »»•«»> "frrw 1*09 T-E Auvetngettou snowta been b a t i n g to* io i *1tafintH?'fe m aodtber* ***|*a witti •altl*!*''"'; GyunaatcJii fH*,- ^hSZi :%tf;1 \ .•>'«, !£«?**

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Page 1: •m - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031556/1884-01-24/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · And• MrTaioKiat^ata waat oJT wioioin*. (itniH* otwafilkiiEpltoa, w«r» txalt

• m Ttw Medina Tribune.


Salt**' * t t « tf**]»f M t**«'

Medina, O r l e a n s County , N . Y. GIRO* I * WUJimtt BOODtH*.


fMWa* t h e S h i of the Year.'


'tittm. oyactt WH«wnttMMMHMM»S: '"~" j 8 w "» a, t in | t S j l »,1jrcar'

S U t Ml AM»



^ ~ " ~ * " f t p l c " ' — — u . - - -• •-•- — - - —

.^apuwljner r.e*W»*tL --_, , ,-ja iwo l W'tnFlrttWVt mattn* Vtf fleonetioi .tMBIWfott; •

Jr tewi»liara<**ffl* «lt-»96M»* ttnleaaoSMr-yhtm Agmi) niton* '

AH eeuMcwtSIO**, W'Mtof -t* ttunre M »

;ttpn,W9«(lt)*-usewesdWrtw PM» name, "t •m

aa «*«M4»»j»iijl;iBi)tteR_ ' v

4 J i / .

T1TORSDAY, JANXJABlf a 4 1864. M M

gatttt ititktt'* «il*m*\




S& M U D b S . CHARS, Genotid Iusur-«acc Agent, »a«Mwr to M. P. Httle«H«

>p«aro{e iQUcltcJ.it Hie Low eit raw*.

C aapqBOa * -ipipcs,' Attorney* ana' •*-.Copi«Box»*tI*w. Office in BeatVBlock.

' |^3A8, fc SaiMIBft, 'Superintendent V £ erMffM ©irieanioonatr, -pmee with purr D. KB«PP, wa»oQpoattii))8»t«»tuta»y to ewii y<3W>/»»»%ywt0.qi< •; • .' ;-_ jf -iPE.FBKE AND GA&AtrlNSTJB--

J-< ANOB. Otto* In We TBIIDMS BLOO», KsatnjMUGi.. Over t&,«^,O0i aaaes* repr*. SSB££a. .-__

f, •»<)»' - r ••• ' . J.,BTICTrAg8Mir

T ^ ^ f r ' M T J N S b l J i I t J>., Phj«-J u l lcljnmujSnrjjeon. Qflloe.M Halnatreet, eecoiftl «rt*5ter.<r. % KCraWrgla;OleSMng store, 0(l|oo_M«r».,»WlQ.*,,in.! S to * audi to » p. a. m g a t oiUK »t, roiidonoo onOrou Street. : Wtl -\*XM, E. OHAMtoSttNi Pbyeioian 'V'W tml Siiriean. OflceOTerUavens'rtoe

afore. SpeM»l odfoo houn Irom »« to H # a. m j «rooast5<»ndttoiajto8ii.m. M«

dlttas, K..T. Special qooM Wo9 W'*i»(iV,J?»^ r. K . tOlipp-Qneconnoptlon ananltaMMU** office.

tt BA3KEB. M. Di ' i . . . jPMletanamdS/areoOn, ,- ,„-. ._

New BljuKoVor'O. Hi. UaraMowelrj tiwto. M«-Mn&rtf.Y, Omoo houti.o to ID »,m.; 1 to I, «B4T-t08p'.Ou. KlgUtCHllm«tpmcB.

HA S S E S S ^ , brooks, "WMp*, iSitoli-oli.poiteiii. U p EOIJM, BrailioB. 40, *o.

Eep»Irliigpftjnlptljr attctWea to. Tae t)Mt 01 Tor«:mom[i4tii«bejtotwopk»t


E O. D A V I S , Fira Iuatiranoe Agaiit. • (Sncceisor to J. M. Pltu). Good, loonJ

reliablo o«oi>»ttles. Offiao, at prsjent, at roil-deaoe, nut ttte Aoadnmr. Ordor» left at tM store ol C. U Toplltt, Bant's Block, wlU roooim prompUtlontlon. - ' 18U

j O p D D I A HOCSJDl,

But Center St., HeOUw, M. T. WiJAGSMtt-OO PER DAT.

3. L. HXHtON. Prop'r. Ftnt-oluiatatblinsattiohM, tstt

a viotiwo-m, —DBA1EE1N-

Leatlior and Findings, Harness Oil, Stoking, PlaBtoring Hair, Etc.,

rDB'fl OLOCK, MEDINA, II. T. lllglmit prion »»td tor Hides, Felu, Eto.


T D E J C S T I ^ I S T , OppOBlto Bent'a llloofc, Medina, N. Y.

E M . B A K E B . I ) . 0 . a ;

D e n t a l Rooms , Trllwao Bnliaing, 3Steainat N. Y.

A BIEL BOWEN, D. D. 8. Denial Boom 8,

Pallet'i llloolc. West al<So olllaln Streat, HeoUot, K. T .

All Troik Honottlj done it Mr pilcea, Porocum ptatea a apeelalll,, Corns and aee mo Wore jou en-gage jour rrora. 1 __

F t. H O 0 E 3 & SON, Proprietors • Ijoilou*lllo Llrtrj ana Salo Staolo. Par-

tloolu Mtcatloa Daw to commercial travoltor*. Aiao mumjors Medina and Yotes SUg« Une, rannlnjlocsaaya, gfinriaaya anlBaturdan.»»


ICOCnESTEB. If. V . Nonlytatlt la Qaoca Anno Stjlo.irltB alltba

Modora Appointmentg, Steam and Hot and Cold water Uroiijttiout. Proo 'Boa to all trairu.

•9 8. gf'MBBITTB.Managw.


INSITHANCE AGENT, OMIOS—Xorts atom of Ida'a Haw EWtt.

QlomJslta, Standard,

W«»t«m, Boohaater German

Mnma lit* and Union.

BConoj to l o a n on good improved farm*


WotMsanoanoetotliocltUom ot Medina Ut vicinity, th«t he nas added *


GROCERIES To mi itoet et

FLOUR AND FEED Will ltep;at all times the Best, Floor, feed -

ma Grocorleitoba found in tnoHancet.

Bprlnj m Winter Batall, Holler Prooeu,

.smber, .

' \£ ' "(IntbalBV-Itye, and

, ^ Bnoa*fta*t»JOBr»-mtmtMOitimVMS, •• : \

H U I peediol all Xlnds, Oom,Screenlngi, ^

oat v u i ,

A n d orerTtl>«t( «»n<Hir K«gt ! • a» r in t ClauM r ionr a i m F e e * mora,

MjatooBWjsaarerrert amd aloe aid win ba aold it»Low Front.

I TIBTO t h e B 8 i t 7 5 and BO cent Green a n d Japaij Tea* in town, ~ .

_ , IliHre al«oaclitii09a»»ortm»ntor . "Caganua - -


ttoluaaeV ' >•

, . • • ' • • , 8 e w f c « , ' • . : • OamirtOoMe

. OUttacPowderi, aateno*!,**.,*)."


Wa«On»«ratt»»t,t»o*>oow««oi tkaKO

... .-jLiwiianb'






W 0



^ l ^ a ^ |

§****** - THK waww w mm.

^s»^« ,. -i^i^^r:'

' _ POBT'TRBli!.


wVHIr « c * M t « t omt«i»»#,»

Yoh»UWt»jpa»urr5»ltrt»f»i '^-•----•TOafta^tatipolt tntiate;

| i«* • a M r i M a f o * Ajjltw« I UadnA ' »» •*•

" 'OJ». aartaiarj ttir»H»tyl a n it u MWb Ml yoa likv^'aaid Uaota Waaaar-bea. And• MrTaioKiat^ata waat oJT wioioin*.

(itniH* otwafilkiiEpltoa, w«r» txalt lot wfcaw ha arriMd

*9V>aur koodrad iKfflAit and a atort-M M Cwlnt hjlaimt It'va^S' HIHL . aaut JCr. Haagater; "ba* th»V lad-«•**•» «fl»e thianomiag «* Wah *>*», wd " ' - &»4eM«id*red i»a*aii doly to Mr.

- . ^ alaaa with ia, ^ Very aWty, ^Ihay »i«W aaii-M^ Not

•Uajki a n taaajr -OarBabtaa—Witkaa taaiifaalta

* • 1«M« Aaa> aaUi, aot aula/. —Taa towt «abbat» kaada ajft ao>

alvarc tin beat, bat aSay avata »•• lar> gaeeheutt,

ha^aaiealaawaBiaaaa JLaWaaaaaoek a Maffiai 1M ikMiaa'aaaalaa aataei .ftalba MlUkmSkm/t. •

mm ww** *" Ha: H» l«eaw,t!iat,l«ijeBwaU»aaaa« jroreim«i»towoutpir«ut;a Wots .

r^aJpMty; «*«|"folftfii9,jrlai.

"I don't agt -Mid Mim, NoViin|h«Bki

"JToailiaYtraaidharlMUbujd, • •

IttMaattaUthimoaarf , Mot*bitoTitf I pi»t tta beat of it out on intaraat, aj» •misjmpmamtVM^. W«itaa**iftiAil*. Tl»miayjntai^»B^a^I^b<M<rkt

*^a*toU.r "', |ft^^«fi4|Nft "'•*"""* .• •

' * , WWA'i hooaa," »aid Mra.

all £S%< l&i&IU^'Jtt .all wnap-irl|!»;' aattafaotioo, •••'!* ^njwijt. ad Ow»1?W|ajnto-aaTt '• laj-aa«r^i^«U ingcwuatjrmiwandVarhMbaad'aBaoaTi "how do j o a think XH<M ntld. np my cad «C &» bminaae partoanhip,"

—"Aoaa, what a w * yoaj do betor* etarytUm alaa to k*»a y o a u n a t t o r -« i w a r "Ooaamittoaaleiaj. 1 ' IcTtWitjaatwi aja oltM at vaoalta' an ialolrarUaiiVVUawaaat barUn'oar auaa nokia' 'avvkt ia fia' is at da too oh

: ~a.n«MhaiMj«talk aa tbM BattaK firto «•»•# e ^ l a , Tfcv aiaeajy « -waat their diBfnt%y ft #iataur, fat •

^ym*Zm^^. •'^Tr .. , Pqaft^Mtat toajoaaf lady whowaAta to know. l a w i s . xtm hmr&% a ««#, -

,Jaiab*#-iwlf.'a^ii«%v-,---'r?''' .;.•. —Haapaobfolkaamao »a».ai|rhta4

datday dan ink, day *» a lookin* olaaa. or^*dtr n»b»u^h»ad, when day aw oa^paapin'iQatfttn^nda* hitam. • —An old twibrior aaaamai taat Uta teat «nd qnWwat way to xaiita al»dy

aarhair. If ttaia'thw own, akawOl '|raWi'i%1tfil5f«' ,'^

'•..^MMKSt iHW'waa'aiMik^j^nK. , tor »arrjiB|r iwo t ine , awwaad Wax-#elf J>j aaying tliitt whan he ,h»4 on* •h*fta»ht bim. but whan n» Jud t«ri» •IJMay;f9a| »-** -flJ!ljw.- • ' : - . • ' • . • • . • . . - '^r^:di***^ ; »l*»al i^6iM|p( i«-

'-ay-3g SMll -aa^^jHpttJi^Irlaaafc

aada arda i> . Ik* OaaaWry S ajfcayaiwi nooav Maia waaanaaa baaiia laa baiat tbj» W*«A e a j M i a J L t i 4A t k * ^—>n—fc^aeaa— laAal

eat tittfaaaaV aaaaaVlaaaV ttttV aaaWMaaatV MMniaflaat taat

"' iawattla^JaaasaJtfia{ae)aaaa)iViittaa*af: aaavawataktak*wiUbaaaaennd f l S a»t«*af>taavafftan aaaaad w a W a

« » aaaeoaii aad


"Batter than t hara dona mjuilit rnoab la,"aaidHr, NotUDgham, Vi«i a oariouamoiituraoomingjnto bit tyaav

* l * a ^ It ejeav

" M y plucky Httto wifo, I a w p » « 5 of yon. i"T

ftatn jprnviaf at HadBtMf Mtajaaa^ yaaka\Ma«TJA]W»iaa^waUkai>wa taiwa tr—a teat to ae<a» y a i a ta jbjt

l ^ M a U h a * by oaMMaMaMiiaalu tloK^piodawa a potato toordaf, • L4..V * * - - •••• • • I 4 h * % f c ^ | » |

oooiaajaily iBtpjota prdvaajaNit waoa l a^*a*it(ry »«tthoi ' AkotwlUllirtinatttallbo»thatbt ow o»awli«toto t»Voa*oJttt* tnow, fnai ta*, aatpaQaiMiort ota boarder -Writ at** to kiap. Bk to- • * « » aioatha

• U p O OTOS T H B M A B S S T N O W

MEATS I And Shall Be Cheaper!

Tul* about yoar CBOIOK CWTa, , . . • ''«an-at:tt»' ••;

• AndM««iliQRAMDDIJ!IP14Tei*r«ate.

I W1LI NOT BE TJHD*I«0I,D br any Martlt IB flToatemRaw :jrffcttt$ffl»ia

otntiea to tUa fOUail,

LOOK AT T H t t t I»RICEI " ' " ! " " * " ' . jo t*-

Btttlotaotaak.*,*,•-*••*•*•••**.,*. (i,,,******!! Porter IlooaeBwak..., . , , . . . ,„.. . , . .„., . , . . .H Rontwetaalt..., . . . . .uk Bboultler gte»i . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Beet Eq»«J»i...........................10 to UK PttlwHjoea,.,,.,^ .„ , , , . , . .«Kll carnMTBe<af.,,**,.*: K,tf»« >,»,(>«...#,**.*ato 111 BoIoin»g»nM|«. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „ . , . . „uw Bt*iaeffiacuN .»'<,'»«i"»"*«i,l"jia«?v,*!a--$o-lB(

8alijCtlc»"i;,.. . . . . . . . , w j» t t> l /—'• ^ K f f i n C R O w J W B h * * * • * 4 * « v « > a a a e a a r * * • • « » * • at • * < * • * • _

yOT*tSt*Jalt#-*» .»*»+*i.*t,nf^>^+**n*»*i»a«iaa>lt

Pittr«t..*..Mi>..v....., .4^...;.<.....,;p* Mi

. M 1 W » P M K M T M » ««-.•«• a-wit<f ,trii»*+%£*** tW^Hg-P jSI(tti||tV*ar^^i|raw*atW*^ r»ftMWcBOtWV**t*f-*.*f»i»iia«tatt**>-**»**^*afd|Ol|


Going Into PattneriWp,

knfc Ho^jrjnto,beto?unal4*toBet tba:i»6«*fKito %etni«bAna to aapport h « nefleWtloBV *t« l»tt intormad lum tbitaha ttoijia JStuine fc« p«aaaaion of teaching, to as to bs independent «i she waaiefbre jti»6ww»arrfBdi -

'O&uarenotitt W«Mt«*y deart" laTdMri SoWinglrtiiii ;-;.,

"OldflUMo X atiin aarneat, Why not? Do you anppotelinltadiogo ott thia w & bsggto^prWlng for aT6» farthing I ineiaT rtooean independ­ent !pnoB,-an4p«n.bo«o-»K«jn. - . „

"Nos b « M « * i e » I " Mr. Hotting. hamhftaaBo6randw«apaoing trp and down, jathor •anettilt., ?'AIir. wit* oarit go to teaching I p » ia it you want?"

'•What I wn «arn:|" proacuy »plied MTB. Nottingham.

"Edtltinwtlrorde," : ••Well* then* look here," iaid Mm.

Nottingbaro, *fl have alwaya done my own work thd sewing. Ooniidexed at a cook, I demand tbroo ponodaamonthj at a aeamntroaa, one pound; aa your wife and the lawful mother of y o u onUdroriittleaat ten ponndaoww. And thenlBhttU not oonaidar myaeU adu-quately oompeoeated."

"Whew*-w 1 Intme tee—it'a nearly twenty pouuda * month 1"

"I oonilder my serdoet aa irortU that, at lent," aaid Mra. Nottingham, with dignity; "buHf yon would wther hire a houiokeopor. I will proaoontc my original idea of opening a aeleot aonool,"

Mr, Nottingham walked np and down the room onoe more, rompling hit hair into porcupine fatblon with hie Angara,

"IwlU ooatnlt Uncle WothexJjeVlic •aid,

"Very veil." aaid Mra. Nottingham, "I'm quite trilling to abide by W» d«< oiaion,'

Uncle Wetherbeo, a bronxa-Tiaagad ez-sailor, who-was comfortably amoklng hia meeracbanm up atairi, waa gam­moned at Once. Ho oame down—rather alowly, on aooount of hia, wooden leg— and llttened to the pleading on either aide with the ntmoat gravity.

"DVd.want to know my opinion?" aaid Undo Wetherboe, when they both hodnniiheu. .

"Oertainly," aaid Mr. Nottingham. "Of coune," aaid hia wife, "Then look here,'1 aaid Unola 'vyeth.

erbee. "Matrimony it a" oo-partner-ship of joyeand aorrowa, and ft onght to fie of money at well My adviee ia, Nephew Nlcholat, that youditide even with your wife."

"Difido-eren I" blankly repeated Mr, Nottingham.

''Or, better stall, went on TJnole Wetherboe, "take one-third of the money yourself, lay aside one-third for household purpoati, and then give the other third to Piioobe."

"Tfet, hot uncle-" "You naked my ndfioe," said Undo

Wetherboe, "There it it, and I haw nothing more to a»y,"

Ho atumpodoffnp ataira again. Mr, Nottingham looked tt bit wife; lit* vife looked btok again at him,

"I will try ft," Raid Mr, NotKngham, "It teemt a wild idon, but Uncle Wetb-erbee ia a remarkably aatuible man, tea, riltryifc,**

For the next three yetra Mr. Not­tingham remained in partnsrabip with his wife ontueeo nnutual flnanoial con-ditioua.

"ThongU for the life of mo I can't nee what yon dor with all yonr money," ttid he to hit wife,

"The Tory idea that hat often tag* Betted itself to me in regard to your money/' retorted Mra, Nottingham,

<«I nadintefflded to bayahonte for yon, if itlind »bt been Ibfttbe uuexpaot-ed appropriation ol toy fundi, "aaid M'. Nottingham,

"I can yaifv dctr," taid bia yite, terenely, "All in good time,"

But one afternoon-Mr. Nottinghara oame home early Irom buiineat, and ruined up to 0nole Wetherbee'a room,

,«My ««««•' ttaele,": Mid im "*»t hou«* of Fakirk't it in the market tt forced sale. Snob a bargain 1 Only tit imridredr -•''• •' •.'"' '-"•*•> '•

«Wb>Wfvyon bay il, than*" Mia Mr. WetUorbee, toooping freali tobaoflo outot'Htiafi

"Beoanaol'rtotly keen able to, lay np font hundred- out of that dnoedly amallallowauoeo? mine," laid Mr, aot-tinghtm. ..'•E*eriiiieel divided with Phoebe, wonrding to . your tjaggH.

'TTei" nodded Unola Wetherbw, Hdingfo

yon. *"**,Vf y*H »?W» Nicholtt," aaid the -erife in a falttrisg yotse,

" B a t it WM your prndeuoa and eoon» pmy *lut alowditup, Phcabe,"

"Then you don't regret the tarmj and the auticlta ot out partnarahip }"

S o tha young oonple moTSd into the Pilkork honao when tha Qrtt of May oaro* around, and the ooaieit too«,wi»U »toath window tad an open flre<nlate for at wood fire, Wat raaerred for Uncle WaHwrbee,

And Mr. Nottingham ianewr tired of tellina; bit trlonda bit wifa bought the place with her thai* of th t partnomhip proflta.


msasffl*-^caaBnjRw^eaaa^peaBaaaviijBararara ^arj^Hf

"accord nayinggetti

ff aighed 3«&,v|ojittghara* »Oa rontuoba tmall

many. ,ca»ilot,iWm * **m%m jM-wIr* Ibisfct to *w," ^m^LM^tt W#fb»rfite., , . _ ,

-m%t rite*; *&««»-;»; asnMi , Unole Wetfcwbee atarred intontly at bit wooden leer, and taid nothina;,

g^m of ahona*^andI,Ta alwaya wanted •aMua-ofnw- aim !5fbJ|*,ttw'""J-" don't altogetbw auit (M,«nd

A< T. Httwart'a Body<%

now IT w u rntaiiiT MOOvaajaD AJTO Ditrownor,

W, A. 0re«9Utib«ta»» WbM», Hha real facta abont the body of A,

?. Stewart h«# beta pnrpoeely with­held, and Ttriont itoria* have been givem to the local ptpera iter* to Mtbfy the enriotity of their raadera. Two of the chief of thete ptpera bate alleged within the lut two montb* tbkt ilhaa ne-war been woowred from the tbtevea who atole it from the vault on tbtt dark nigUt fire yean ago, I *m ablt to-day to s i v e the trite ttory for the Brit Mine, and on high authority. The rettleat remaintof the miUionaira war* reeov-sred, more than two yeara ago, tnd for. t y«t» they have repoaed nndtr; the cathedral at Qardtn city, in a ipeoiel w a i t BO oamtrnoted and equipped that' if axt attempt were made to enter it, the touch wonld Mt in motion the chime of bellat in the tower above and ring an alarm to the town. It Judge HUton'a oonjeotnrei are correct, the robbers ot Stowart'a gitro wen three borie tbttvea pretty well known in tblt itate and Ooaneatlcut, Mr*. Stewart, from the flrat moment of her dieoorery that her uuaband't grate bad been deteertted, inaiated oh tut reooTeryof tht body at any price, but Judge Hilton doggedly oppoaed it, deolaring with tome iborot reaawn that public tafety required a dt< naocaolthftvillaint and A rtfttHl'tO yield, to their demand*.'

B u t in the f til of 1681 (I think it wat) an event occurred that awoke Judge Hilton Up to the peril ot farther per-ilatenoe. One of liit aervtntt happen­ing t o go. out of the door at night dli-oovered tome men at the foot of a ladder thai wet erected agalntt the tide of the manaion. They immediately fled and be alarmed the liouMuold. At tht top ot the ladder • window «M opin—the window of the room where tlept Judge Hilton'a ttTcn.yetr-old toal Then came an anonymont letter, "Yon were in tame !a«t night. < Next time yon will be too late," Hilton yielded to Mr*. Stemartr»Tlowoltuepa*e\eM fwflotla-tiona were tbtn re-openad.

Xhere WM a good deal of ibrtwd bar­gaining tt to the aotutl turn,of money to b e paid, tnd a iplrit exhibited on both tidettbttmutt hav* "rejoiced the aoal of tbo-'great merchant it it wat pnutent; bat at latt the aunt of fW.OOO wa» fixed on, and the ,t«rmt 0, 0. .D. Not praoiaoly, either, tor the tbitret in-aittc=4 on getting tba money in hand be-tor* delivering th< body. VhU eondl-tior* w « aooeptod by Hilton, tt Do othver wat offered to him by the oom-raercial and tatpiciotut ptrtiet of the teooadptrt,' ' ,'

T h e place teleoted for tht dtlivary wear a. tnutl bare bill in vTtttohetter oodnty, commanding tht tpprotobe* from every tide, Tba direotioUt to JuageHiitonran virtually thuir "We wil ibethen at i o'clock on Suadty morning with the body. You tend one man. nnerpJad, on foot, with: 150,000 tor at. Wben he hat given nt tht money wa «rill Ittre him in poatettion of the body." Thf* programme fat aitatlly carried out, A plucky terrtnt of tb# late Mr, Stewart wat teleoted to adm-" pletetUepraGate, He walked to, the, top ot the bill and wat examined tor weMtpont by'mtiked men, who then ao-oep&d the money and deptrted, letting tbt> tormented body behind thim in a trunk, *

X have forgotten to tay (bat while the negotiation* were pending the- tilliant proved thair identity- by * tending to Judge Hilton a piece of paper exactly the •Ite and tbapt of the piece of tigtag d o t h they hid outfrow the lining of the rjftod oofnntbeybtdWt biblna tbem ia -the Stewart vault. So endi tba ghawetlyafftir,

Since tbtreooveryot the body Mr*, Btowartii yttr asoloded and it oOu« ttamtly atttndtd by dateotiret, who are haa-dlyerar put of Iter light. Judge Hilton tbrivM amttingly, gUwart't grtMt projeoia of a cheap woWtnr* hotel a n d * Otrden City utopi* hay* both b«*D allowed to goto dmmtl wreck, but Jttd*»Hilfon bat, it i t alleged, made mottey by th* tweatot bit fngtanity at tlMairatrfof more than tt million doilar** yeeSs the raimonuollawtett Stewart iaw* him nt* betu turned mm tnd OTMT, Stewart UniaeHitaeldomippkeu w#U ot by tbO#* who knew bin. I know of no mote bideon* piotnre of weatltbthtttbtoJboltotr lit* and revolt-in«; death and «**ntt»ctloo, or on* bet. tor oalcnlated to make -to* «oor ««•• tMMKtdwiUi thete lot,


SCaeOiOM toe til* I ta t tM*.

OttWi «Who 'IpftMCT* %W» a^angwldawi «<Wb»»i*btopo»iiionr'r4ba old wid­ow*, t'WhaawithAt"

—"5fpu are an idiot,** angrily *x> ol*imed,a domineering wife, "go my friaudi taid when I mawied yon," re* plied th* hatband. And aba bectm» more infuriated than arert

—"Wbau « sun kumt t o n t tor ad* vion" tayt Joab BUHnga. »'I find out what kind .OT advict u» want*, and X givittobM;that wHeTy him that be and! are two amtrttntn."

—The Empreet of Buaaiahiutjmt or­dered a fttr-linedi dlimood-beapanglad olonk, tt» ooat of- |18,0QC, Of ooune, yon will out out tbii paragraph before yoq gite the paper to. your wife to read.

—Atpoony Mtnacheatar ltwytr eu> thutlng over hit tweatheart, ityled bimtelf the "plittntlffin tbetui^for btr hand. "And when you are mtrrlad you will be the defendant," replied the mattor.of.faok liitener,

-^One friend1 dtt tm aona'all de way frn' am wuff a thouttu* dat htb do dry* rotatdt oore; de nlggth dat bulldt UU oabiuwid rotten log* i n 4 e Snuimer, gin'rally gita trot* bit whoa de tut' col* tntp quini« wblillu' np da line.

—Itrather diiguited a Vermont man who went to a ueighbor'a barutotteal a cow, to find when he got tba animal borne, that i t wttblt owo. cow* whiob hi* neighbor had alioloa •*rlier itx th-a

V few >naor* tat laAoJooattiaet 46\W0 MUtra Hit te_ eyrw ibitwitt* nunur* two ramlrjMrfavw S^^'Vlptypai'wrtWMMVa^'f^'e^BHwM p^P|aV

otnaouringtoair flildl, -wcnld reqnlr* apita of manure wort »h«j> thirty-tieV Mttar* and aight fttt daaen, or attrly :fff.aatau' oordi ^» ****x-;yarjjMr.


#*W*a)W _ _

Sfflift5jsS»Sr k ^ a


aigb aayi the neighbor i*» con-foundod thief.

—Inoorrigibl*. —IrttU attorney f (o bU olerk, wbo baa taken the hiut band, and hat bton "belebrttlng tht ovonf'j; "I'll not atand it. t u n I Wid your plidgwt Iuttide o< ttkin,' plidgM, ye'ra alwayt breakin'f yt'd bettor make no promtae* at-all-attll-and ktpttnti'

—Mra, Sammtrbrtua'a> new girl waa told to "watch that turnover while her mittrett ran acrou the etratt," Wben the lady returned, the turnover wa* burned to a oriip, and the girl remark* ed: "Sbure I've wttchtd it, mum} but it hain't turned orer yet."*

—"I don't tnko much ttook in pro* verbi," taid Drown to •Xouet, 'Vox inttauoe, look tttht oft-qrioted one, •A friend in need it a Mend .indeed, Now, mottof my dxntrituoo with friend* in need bt* beep that they wanted to borrow. Olive mo tliO frieud tbtt it not in naod. ''

-"Mother," tnttd Mr*, titogtry, u * dtinty little not* wtt delivered tt the door, «'Mr,<jr«Uh*rdtit:dow0-tt*{rt,iirtd invitee me out to hive eomt oyitertv" "Mt Otbhardt it avarrniot young mab," replied Mr«. Ii«* Briton, tt the adjutted her glttttt, "Yot? otu toad him word tbeiw* will be ready in « taw moment*."

1 —•'•No, Jotepb.tUe'Stotra H««ttng Oomptny wa* not formed for tbt pur. poteolnetting,tenia, s t a t u it betted before it is mttlo-thtt l», to tty, when you htat the iteim—no, wbeu y o a make tba ataam-no—wall, Ooafottrrd you don't you know atetun it hot any way, and doeiu'JiJuar* to be heated bye oomptny V * ,

,—Aye '# fctoinetliing. A Scotch lady who bad a daughter recently married, wat tiked by an old friend whether the might congratulate Iter upon the eyent, "Yet, ye*/' aba tbtwored: "upon the whole It it very litigatory. It 1< true Jennie bate* iter gudeman, but then there'* aye » acmotuing,

—TU» varioui phaaea in tbt tender1

pattiou bare tbflk bttn exempliflodi A thip it toolitb lying love when the i* attached t o * ' buoy) the i s ardently in lovetrhtu ah* leave* the buoy for the pier: ibe placet Iter affection binpath bar when the J* tnohorlnc after a beaVy •well, and aUe in detperaW/ in lore

,when ajae ia tinder to a man-of-wtr. -"Prty, aiy' good am" Mid a

judge to' an -Xritbmttt -vrbo wtt t wit* sttt on a trial, "what did ptt* between you tad »fce,pri*ontr t" "Oh, then, plateyonr lordtbip," taid Pat, «'»ur* I JSeet fhtliu stop o! tbo wall, --peddy t ttyt be, *Wb*t»' *ay» X, % « * ! ' aayihe, 'Wbtrtf.'tayavJ; 'WWtWI' «ayt be, *Kuib lriay* I ; and that'* i*Jl pl*»*yourb>rtlibip,'ri.

^-Th6 story it told otfltdttor "Zeb", Vance, ot jfertit Owolint.tbtt toon after hit aeoond marrage b* remarked to bit bridei "MydeVnl'mtttub* born fellow, imd you way tntifllpatt trouble rtow,;itttb*be*;lttIng, trhU* I ant snbmittive, I want to girt you ontpitoe o t itdWo*. Jt you tallow it, we'll get on taigbty vfefi. It it tbias Make me4o|w(i tt I darned pltttt." , • —Agr*ed.--Mi. *nd Mt*. Am**, of gan Iranolaw, agreed that they werf uniuittd to each otbir,»rid tbtt atepi.

t»ree#r««ve«ptitpnthit«Mrionn», oomwon owwrt or ttttoa, holtUngtairty buatwl* ot potato**, nwdit to bt btaptd nrttty wall to hold wt^Uttrd ot a card-, otr&ajtuxa.

The following exwlleo* adrio* from tjit WeM mm fmmml UwMjby ot Mn*id*r*«on! "AH wOjatli of th* wm* tariety art noViUk*.. tnd acarotly toy two trill do tquallar will oft $* Hta* reed. Bwb.*ainal*a> want* anould bi toppUed if potjublt, Otttlt ot dif-(•rent age* liiQutd be iMptrattd tor Jteding, MthewMkowt* will aot do wouwlthtbiitwug, OeitMtre wetk ind*byottbaUM»«eni«eautU takee iUtin longer to «tt tlioir waeali, and they »lioUldtU*re(ote be mit Whe«thiy c*n> Act ba'boetej'Wftielr tuperiort iu WraugtU,"

Saya 0 , A, 0„ in \U Onuntrj) (?««• Umm} ftatt tprlUg, ttfter oouilder. »bl* trouble, tbtt nwlp* wtt obkioed for grtftiog wtx, tuii *w it jbatpror^d Mtislaotory. iUtglrtn t o r tutbtntStot other*; Take 1 lb. 0* xoain, t lb, of bwtwtx, mnd * littlelitettbana J lb. of Ullow, M*lt togtlttir t o t tmtii iron kettle, tnd iM( thoroughly tbtt tbt in-grediantt may btwell«tixtd. Pour iuto a, dith of cold wittr, and when oool break into three or fbnr piece* and pu(i like moutteetotnuynnUf whit* tnd fin* grained, WbeutUawaolaii ptouirly worked, divide into elgfe* pieoei.form into rolja aix inohti loaa; and wrap tit oiled paper. *A\> olttrx thektttle, rub itwhiV yet hotwttka teupoontul of llird or tallow, and Wjuh. -out with toap tnd warm, water j ropott i^ii, aud rinte, tnd.it will bt ** alONU. tut«»«.

I t I* Httmtted tiiti there *r* ^ow lb HieUnited St*t«*lMP0,O0Q tniloff oowt) tnd tbtt thero are made unnually 1,« 800,000,000 ponudt ot b«tt*r tnd iM,-000,000 poundi of ohoettv. In 1830,** •down by tht ctnttHK, 773,304,000 nsundtof bnltet wort made onitrmt. ind aB,«S1.000 poniuli i a fnotorlM, end utoUl of 0*8,115,000 uoandt of ohttit. Dft*lde*. hi* over 17,000,000 pouudi of olemargtrine were alio aoatuufaoture.-r VnittaSiamOakHmtu*. •>

**.> %.u*mmmmm, Do«mtoftto*fpt|, •

A*i( Qiie ^wew wt

*t*ndtb*fo*tofiTi*l*w.' Thtir eon clution wee tb»ttb*_htttb*nd »»oUld gl**tb*wifegronnd lor ooittelilnt W whipping horittrbt »n»i*My jwotife ed her down, And tb* got tbedlvott*,

•*r*B**BWH**tw*atitaai I'val'oCTrfiM.^l'oUndwbtii? Wby>

the treat*** remedy in.the world for all kirid* of iBrUMiaatioti an«Jb*«to«h*#*«, I t btt never bteu knpwa to fall to gi** io*t*nfju»evoii'* tnd pemtAotntrtlW,-and J* * perfeetour* tor rh*amtt(#oi, seKtr

%e*tta^*w*fWW'*' P w v e j a e t v * * , e e a f e a v ^ea»e*aewe^w' wmmm^ -V*>F

b*ir to, U yoa trt f* balhtaltb «» Wftr^t*om*ny6 i t t i e*b^M»»ed •wmpb&tev fry * bottle at POBdVWt-:

bwtrj^aatd get P»«'

» ^ that »M will atta»*r, aV* •****, l*« mpeet} taw*

Ana&MDS POMD CAxt, i -TliIt it mtde without todt tnd wilt k«ti> uloe lindiretli Wr ovtriWtek. *Jbttaa«ighl eggs btttiogtht wuitos *mlyolk« « p -uttely one pound ol powdered lugir, a iinlf pound o| but trotter «hd t*n onneeaof tionr, Mir thoroughly'and bake on* hour1 or Wore; fltvor with, A uutmtg, , LABT Foia*M.-B»A* tb« yolki of (our egg* witb t M ounce* etch of flour and powered tujrar. Bant the white* iwparatolytiiil « 4 d , tnd then a gill of rot* water) beat alitor, ft few Minutes tb*u put in t petper funnel and miu*«M out into lilt iliape of fingirji on paper which tut boon sprinkled with powered AUgltV, Sprintcl* alittle Of th* lijgar Over fteylngori, %od *fl»r letting tlumttaud tor An maoutet btk* to* light brown in* moaornte orenj fttMo tflgetbtrwitlitljltliwhlttottutftg, • , M A I M O V HOton.wWieae'tre flaiuty

little dithes wlttblt tor Knr Xm ttb-lit, Take- out cn« otAonrmilk sod ott* of ewitt milk, *u4 put together,' tnd hta* until m ortrd it Mt, Iben •train ofttbemllk, Unbtbeourdtbrongb * strainer, add one tatboipoontul of melted batter* to the cuirjd/tlto oqe' onp of white powered lUeTAKOtndy. tour weU'beefctn *gg yol|(» e n d tb* Juic* and rind- of on* lemon, OEake little bant tnd line with rioli tittt*, tbeaflUwltb Wis mixtnrojbikeframWhto fiftetn mtunttt, ; ; '

ifAwm&p Pi*,-*l?ar>e tl* midiurt-lited p^tmto«(,oo»te writb hot water,

„ tt*a*t*u*»liV***y !««•

' »Wby, tb*r**t toa i*» e b e r n u neiBi lt itttl *i * anJifl. I kajt Ptteit tiMoagboaeof Mw itcitt wosdiitfal er*

~ "¥l • t * A t _

oatarrbtl ttve.1 *»^*t*ltts^*a*ee i t^ee^Heawtea ievt , . , _. _ . _. . _ _, ^ ^_ m. ,

v*jUiy«oo»ghIreltaWpp«i*)el]nray oheat, and a e«nr*aeijH>deMgr to b**» f ^ b y j l i a t t ' t y o * Wtt tbt atettwr to kaAdtndBbe^TitriiTtwktr* H wesr

Hnlng and »***t»g dltordesr. Ihtte tro«bfat do not mm tU *t tmm *»41 tboaghUt uumtttly io bead t h e * I have found, thautb, wat every phyil> oal negUet mutt be-ptiato* wlVh large iatertM, Men eaonot draw draft* on their oonttituiion wWiouA honotkg tbem aonj»M»e,' Tl>«* minor tyop. tptrailbtr*d*a*rib«d,grtw until tboy were giant* of agony, I beoattit mow nervouti had *THMiJ|(e fluttarin* of tb*betrk au intbiUtJ .to draw* letta breath and a» oootsfoutl numbnatt tnat wat Wfribjy tnggtjttiva ot partlytit, How oouid I have been to blind ** not to undtwtaud wliat tltit Wtaat I otnuot ix&agint,"

"And dlilyon du noiliing t w

„ "Xt*,I traveled, ft % »Hnf 0f 18TO1 went to ICtuiM tnd Octlortdo. and while in paimr, I w*» atttcked with * mytterion* hattorrfcur* ot tb» urinnry organ* and lntt twenty poundi otflatriiuUireitwetkt, Ooeday after my return I ww taken with * terrible obilltndat once, tdrtwtd to * very e*v*«| titapk ot pntunMe, My lift lung toott wUrely flllM w|tb w«t«r and my lag* and body hmm twjo* t:h»t|c natuvtltlte, Iw** Obliged to tit uu-riRhtlu bod for mmA weeks in tbt tniditot the ttvtrttt agony, with tay ennt oter my head, *nilnoonttantf»»r ottnlfocAtiou."

'iAM did you ttlll tiitk* &Q »ttempt totW*your**1t?" r

"Xti, I m*d» frantic Dffbrtev X triad ev*rytbing tbtt wwitd to- offer tbt l*A*t itOMMt Ot Hlltf, t Oftlttd * oounqllotdwlorsaudbtd then, ntko aUMhtuitiye obflmlo»l tud wierctaop-leal txtinlnvifoin of tay iwudition, fir* ,of the bent phytioiapi or Syraout* end ftfivtrtl from a&otbw city eatd I mutt

It*«mta t t tboun!) tbalr; satertipr. wmtmefor my tent l)«em* eold, my rnou,tnp»rcb*u, ray eytt wore a flr*d glanyttwa, uiy bodywetoaversdwltb A-ooJu. oltturay d^atlt »w«t, sad X rwd ttyftUju the rtXioiM txpteaeioni of


^ ^ ^ ^ j j ^ '-$$;¥$_

'^^^W* 1

3Pt . 3ST West

Vow feWW Tk*A*aU»

- " - - I t


ptntTfflrJ1'; « *

the potato * «oniidtb*> aide*, . Ii»y in ilioes Ot «s)d mnltoiij tb»t>wbIobi** little rare isbttt. P u t i n ptnptrand «»lt, e win* gl«H of otttmp, tndenongh gravy t o mi*o ,t(i» n*e*lqiiit* raoitt, 0ov.« with ttttlitd poMW, *opre ft with- Akojfe, and btke> in the oveu tbottt-fortyuinntet, Sunt t» it begin* to browh rub A little trotter over the top, ' $o*p,rw.AHot»Pprj»i^tt,*-j3b;)tri* Uioyappl*»,p««d|ii)aoor«d; ont-htU

f ,_. fllJ fli^Hifj « w


My *lf*, AMUetd tO M">J»«II>H¥U, UBM»U w tdminietor a rim* edy iiuou her owtt retponaiblUty And

•Oume a l l **t, df*p«rttiout began tdministar * rim. _-_%.ipon uer own fttponaiblUty t while ,I , grew btttet very slowly,

i l i i a brief, fattied ground «owly until, i a brief, X av* bo tree* p|_Oie terriblt BrlgW*

ditCM* from which I wtt dyjtiig, and » m * »*rt*otly Well wtn, TPW* miy sound Ilk*, a romsHoe, bnt jit i* true, »nanJy«f*-«Udb*»Hli tnd trbat l a m are dg* to-WaJtaa?* M t quire, wbtob I With nt* known to tnd u s e d by tht tttouttbd* wbo, IbelfeTf, a r e tuttStlug this mUnit* a* I w4t,flrigiueUy. DOII battucb ttt txperiotiM a* tbt* Juttify XUtmatatflgAJpuHlo UttttmantV"

d h t t t t it not * oomtooii complaint, doc^

nil:' ^^.fifif- *.





cup of*ug*»(two cup* otmillfLtwo "*•—"-- if»a>;.two*|g*bttti

ItaJegjoonful ottaltj invbttbillty in Ibo flo«r/ ° l « k Hi* tpple* l». Apttddtng 4Mb £ and fllUb* centre* with tngtr. »»)t th* flour*

tggi, tudttirbtcil dwnalttntebefor* pouring oter the'tpj*l*»i Dak* On* b u r io m etetdjr own, K*t ltpt wltli hatt*r»»a wg»r or wiilt iwttt tatio*.

*)a*t*tBe)a$|aBBSatWMe ' .Hooo'e StrttpHillA tt deebrued to

l»**t the wtnl* of iboew who nttd A medlcipe tobnildttigBVtitt, gtt» tbAm

t^tehi^ryfflb^a^*, Noot"; er Attlelo takt* boldof «be tyttetn suit. bias exaetiy tt* i W U t l s * Hood't »«**»•

ptraia, » woriuiik* mm», »**'»iBt

• mmmmmtmmmitm -1

To eteewgab* Irtietth*' *bliu**y'. Put taa#po*tot*A i**)frA*t<Hl*i3 ft# fu«An4**4tth**tot#*Ua». .


pbtfsttv *M<0teiiMiair Ik tte itfl^ty.

batiucb ttt experleji9t a*

ItMfWnT; J

JtMttboti tor.

"Not ocitfmon I On tb* ooutrtry It it oue-of tbt tnott oommon. ^?h* trcnbl* it,iewpeople*aoW tKey htyre A . a M m few ratuk^i lymptomt ubtii i_to (insl ttagft that * tenoa mty btr* it for y«irt, e*oh yew getting- mor» end rwr*^n if* power tiid not eutpeot it. I t it quit* jnaturtl L-ihoaid'feel e». tbnilMtio o»*r tfaii remtdy while my w^oittyAu Jhqjr* fo thut l am, flhl know* of it* bfing tiaod With anrprWog xetultt by jmtuy MM for tJwir own pecaim Atlmeuts, dtw whwb it bt* •inguler pomt," ,

!» • Atttemeut toyx o « t by tb* Abort intendtw ieiBfipty oonflmtd by" ttry rotny Of our mo(| proruioent elti-seat, jtuorurtbtat buing Judg* Eelgol,

mmJw» a«, fiwkbi a; »«*• and pi.Vm. % f, WmutoM, V. »,i gi*ett*»t4*dyl!i(liiP bearSttt *u> dorwiaent, /I« tbif-tk* ot wondtrr, ttirpriilug th}«Ware.(]nit«oo«won but •ft•WW*"! *> onminti M tb»*<rf »r, Mttifa'A and Obcuwng her* in ojp midit, mty well otitw oomtstnt And fewlUIftaaon, It ihpw* «b» tWOtHlty of gutrdiajr tb* iilgbiit ApPwacb ot wWobliMjieAttprcHntbe mottrtlS., bWWd*lBoi*nt* It .bows tbrdtpib towblob on* *#& tink tnd yet b* rW •tt*d sod it pro*** tint few peeplenttd suffer if tbm^^tr*obeejtved> ,. m kT^lSSl^ Nttby.of

tb* Toledo XWt, >Mh w?«f» tnUbt-ed to Pe»p»»%tii«great iftdutby^f

oav*tioa#wAr#Jfl»TbMr---J- - - ••-"-• of OinduutttAm hum , „ . „ •beta the psatey-ot t boo**, jot* otp«*»rr*aftg«, 0«Wi -

Inteerbjttloaab^eiifitt .„„ ' 1*WJ«*heAt*4;'

wat'M)^. «ia"t»» H&tm^.

trftit was iUtrodse^ i M £ # h |

«*A tofitsio** t id

OA8TLE k m

Jt'UBLBRS W«<astAW kH» WrJAJCjil

Anwriow tM M n

"• ' - - 1 < * ^

HiOVaJ StllgA* (A «*Al#.a$ti»'^ a«i aVMirf Ma*,

AL*ir |«Wi»of OpOaal

Gold ind 811 vvPWJnpttl

WATCH l « « A « U K O ^ ^

P&o in the rMt«**sji*r*Ii)1

VIM. 01*^t«*i«MHttB*»* v , ™

neat* t» mxmm^Mi

tm.pmti$. -.,, %$f •— »»•«»> "frrw



Auvetngettou snowta been bat ing to* io i *1tafintH?'fe m aodtber* ***|*a witti

•alt l*!*' '"';


fH*,- hSZi :%tf;1 \ . • > ' « ,
