m sc thesis-2007 of salauddin sheikh

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  • 8/7/2019 M Sc THESIS-2007 of Salauddin Sheikh



    This study attempts to evaluate optimum cost of air pollution (PM10) (Particulate

    Matter with diameter less than or equal to 10 micrometer) control measures to attain an

    environmental standard of Dhaka city and to compare with health cost and thus to find

    out most economic way to achieve Bangladesh national standard of PM10 pollution.

    This study will also show which one is more feasible and economic between to reduce

    PM10 emission to national standard for avoiding respective health hazard and to invest

    in health care due to PM10 exposure. For this purpose at first various sources of PM10

    emission of Dhaka city are identified and emission quantity for individual source is

    estimated. It is found that all emission sources use petrol, diesel, coal and biomass as

    burning fuel which can be easily replaced by CNG (Compressed Natural Gas).It is

    noted that natural gas (NG) has about zero PM10 emission . Besides, in Bangladesh

    natural gas (NG) is abundantly available. Cost of using CNG to every emission sources

    is estimated. A set of control measures to satisfy environmental standard with a

    minimum total cost is found by using Linear Programming (LP) method: the cost

    becomes US$ 353.53 million per year. On the other hand health cost due to PM10exposure has been already estimated for Dhaka city. One of the latest studies ( A.K.

    Azad, et. al. 2003) on health damage due to PM10 exposure shows the cost of US$ 1820

    million per year. From these two studies it is showed that US$ 1466.47 million saving

    from health cost which is equivalent to 2.4 % of national GDP.

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    Chapter 1

    1.1 Introduction 1

    1.2 Background of the research 2

    1.3 Objective of the research 9

    Chapter 2



    2.1 Methodology of the research 10

    2.2 Re-suspended soil dust 10

    2.3 Construction dust 11

    2.4 Motor vehicle 12

    2.5 Brick kiln emission 14

    2.6 Industry emission 15

    Chapter 3


    3.1 Data preparation 19

    3.2 Modeling approach 20

    3.3 Formulation of cost function 21

    Chapter 4


    4.1 Result and discussion 26

    4.2 Rapid urbanization-a cause of rapid air pollution (PM10) 27

    Chapter 5



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    5.1 Estimating the health cost 29

    5.2 Risk assessment of PM10 30

    5.3 Economic Valuation of health effect 31

    Chapter 6


    6.1 Limitation, recommendation and future scope 33

    6.2 Recommendations to improve air quality in Dhaka 33

    Chapter 7

    7.1 Conclusion 35

    7.2 References 36

    7.3 Acknowledgement 37


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    Air is indispensable for the survival of all living organisms on earth, including human beings. It

    is even more important than water - without water a person can survive for days, but without air

    no more than a couple of minutes. Air pollution is one of a variety of manmade environmental

    disasters that are currently taking place all over the world. Air pollution may be defined as an

    atmospheric condition in which various substances are present at concentrations high enough

    above their normal ambient levels to produce a measurable effect on people, animals, vegetation,

    or materials. Substances refers to any natural or manmade chemical elements or compounds

    capable of being airborne. These may exist in the atmosphere as gases, liquid drops, or solid

    particles. It includes any substance whether noxious or benign; however, the term measurable

    effect generally restricts attention to those substances that cause undesirable effects. Recently,

    air pollution has received priority among environmental issues in Asia, as well as in other parts

    of the world. Exposure to air pollution is the main environmental threat to human health in many

    towns and cities. Particulate emission is mainly responsible for increased death rate and

    respiratory problems for the urban population. This problem is acute in Dhaka being the capital

    of the country and also the hub of commercial activity. The other urban areas i.e. Chittagong,

    Khulna, Bogra and Rajshahi have much lesser health problem related to urban air pollution. The

    ambient atmospheric conditions have progressively deteriorated due to the unprecedented growth

    in numbers of motor vehicles, and continuous housing and industrial development. Bangladesh is

    one of the least developed agrarian nations in the world. However, since its birth in 1971, there

    has been some growth in the industrial sector. Industries are mainly concentrated in major urban

    areas like Dhaka (the capital), the seaport cities like Chittagong and Khulna, the inland port city

    Narayanganj, and other divisional towns. Naturally, the air pollution problem is more acute in

    these areas. Apart from unplanned industrial development in these areas, the severity of the

    pollution is increased mainly due to exhausts from two-stroke engine and diesel-run vehicles.

    Dhaka city is facing serious air pollution and has become one of the most polluted cities in the

    world. A report by the World Bank indicates that concentration of particulate matter (PM10) is


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    higher than the Bangladeshi ambient air quality standard and even higher than the WHO

    guidelines. PM10 concentration is now about three times higher than national annual standard

    (2004). Air quality of Dhaka city has improved substantially in the recent past due to the removal

    of two-stroke engine baby taxis. But the gains are being progressively lost due to pollution from

    four stroke petrol vehicles, diesel vehicles and road dust. The main air quality problem in Dhaka

    is the high level of particulate matter. Both PM10 and PM2.5 levels are high, being much above

    the safety standards especially during the dry season. The increasing number of vehicles and

    their improper management, traffic congestion and operation are responsible for degradation of

    the air quality. The economic valuation of the air pollution revealed that between US$ 121 to 353

    million per year (2003 estimate) can be saved in Dhaka as health cost if the PM10 pollution level

    is reduced by a modest 20% of the current level (Khaliquzzaman, 2005a). Air pollution is

    causing a serious threat to public health in most of the urban centers in the developing countries,

    according to experts. In the study, health impact ofPM10 in Dhaka City for 2002 was evaluated.

    Risk assessment ofPM10 has been performed and evaluation of economic loss due to adverse

    health effects has also been made. "Results from this analysis showed that the number of excess

    deaths per annum owing to PM10 pollution inDhaka is 10,350." For PM10 pollution, this study

    predicts about 74,000 cases of chronic bronchitis, about 70 million cases of restricted activity

    days, about 14,000 cases of respiratory hospital diseases, over 286,000 emergency room visits,

    about 2.8 million cases of asthma attacks and over 220 million respiratory symptom days(A. K.

    Azad, et. al.2003).

    PM10 composed of fully dispersed liquids and solids, including soot, dust and organic and

    inorganic substances are the most harmful. It is emitted in the atmosphere from various activity

    sources, such as transportation, fuel combustion, industrial process and solid waste disposal.

    Quoting other studies and research works, the study found a strong evidence of the relationship

    between PM10 and premature death as well as disease. Identifying the sources of particulate air

    pollution has been reported (Begum et al, 2005). Seven components have been found in the

    coarse PM (PM2.2-10) and six components have been found in the fine (PM2.2) particulate



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    Dhaka is now one of the most polluted cities of the world. Especially the concentration of PM10

    is very high in the air of Dhaka. It is about three times higher than the Bangladesh national

    standard and has become a great threat to public health. So, it is high time to take step to

    diminish the PM10 emission. Major sources of PM10 emission in Dhaka city are motor vehicle,

    re-suspended road dust, industries, brick kilns and construction dust. It is observed that the lion

    shares of PM10 emission comes from vehicular emission. It is about 45% of total PM10

    emission. All the sources of PM10 use fossil and biomass fuel. Motor vehicles use diesel and

    petrol oil for their combustion which yields PM10. Besides, there are lots of two stroke engine

    motor vehicles in Dhaka city. They pollute the air more because of improper combustion. There

    about 4000 brick kiln around Dhaka city. These brick kilns use wood, coal and tyres as fuel.

    Although Industries around Dhaka are trying to use natural gas fuel, some industries are still

    using coal and diesel as fuel. Air of Dhaka city is very dusty because of re-suspended soil dust

    and construction dust. A brief conception about above five PM10 emission sources needs to deal


    i) Re-suspended soil dust: It is estimated that 1000 ton road dust accumulated every year

    (Bangladesh Obsever-2003). To control this road dust there are two methods are set, Street

    sweeping machines and watering and brooming. A modern waterless vacuum assisted street

    weeping machine can remove 99.6% dirt, dust and debris

    http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/ultraurb/3fs16.htm. The approximately capacity of this

    machine is 17 km per day swept. So about 55 days required for a machine to clean whole the city

    .So to clean whole the Dhaka city (941Km2) in a week, it needs to buy 8 waterless vacuum-

    assisted street sweeper Machine and divide the Dhaka city by 8 major regions. After

    every two months this cleaning activity will be conducted.


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    Fig.1. A modern waterless vacuum-assisted street sweeping machine

    ii) Construction dust: Construction works includes fugitive dust particulate matter created by

    construction activities while constructing buildings, pavements and roads .The emissions result

    predominantly from site preparation work which may include scraping, grading, loading,

    digging, compacting, light-duty vehicle travel, and other operations. The source of the dust when

    dealing with construction sites comes from materials such as cement, sand, gravel, limestone,

    wood, dirt and the demolition of previous buildings. To illustrate this point, research at

    construction sites has established an average dust emission rate of 1.2 tons/acre/month for active

    construction (WA Dept. of Ecology, 1992). The suspended particulate matter that originates

    from construction sites is not only detrimental to human health but also to the environment as awhole. Dust clouds are carried from the construction site to environmentally fragile areas such as

    lakes, rivers, streams, earth and agricultural land. The demand for an environmentally friendly

    dust suppressant is growing at an unbelievable rate due to the explosion of infrastructure found

    in most countries and regions throughout the world today. With these new developments of

    infrastructure come many new environmentally related issues that need to be answered. One of


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    those is the problem of dust contamination. What makes this problem even more of an issue is

    the fact that most new construction sites are built in and around pre-existing infrastructure. The

    problem that arises with this is that where infrastructure already exists, people exist and inhabit

    the immediate area. Therefore, the suspended particulate matter that spawns from the

    construction site is then redistributed throughout the surrounding community.

    Fig.2 Construction site creating dust storm

    iii) Motor Vehicles:

    Due to rapid and unplanned urbanization the total number of vehicles has increased

    enormously. Most of the cars, jeeps, auto-rickshaws, motorcycles, etc., ply in the cities. This

    has really led to a deterioration of air quality, particularly in Dhaka. Fig. 3 shows the different

    types of automotive vehicles plying in Dhaka, which indicates their rate of growth. Although

    the percentage of two stroke autorickshaws is around 8 per cent, some recent studies have

    shown that they contribute around 40 per cent of PM10and 50 per cent of HC in Dhaka City.

    The second largest polluters are trucks and buses. Two-stroke petrol engines are less fuel-

    efficient, and emit about 30-100 times more unburned hydrocarbons than four-stroke engines;


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    and diesel engines emit 13 times more smoke than non-diesel four-stroke engines. The

    automobiles on the roads are often very old, overloaded, and poorly maintained. Other old

    vehicles, including 40-year old trucks and dilapidated mini-buses, are also plying the city

    streets emitting smokes and gases. According to an assessment made by DoE, 90 per cent of

    the vehicles that ply Dhakas streets daily are faulty, and emit smoke far exceeding the

    prescribed limit. Black smoke which is primarily unburned fine carbon particles is emitted by

    diesel vehicles.

    Among all the sources motor vehicles contribute largest share of PM10 emission. There are

    about 322,803 motor plying in Dhaka city (except CNG converted two stroke-three wheeler).

    They are two stroke petrol engine vehicles, four stroke petrol engine vehicles and four stroke

    diesel engine vehicles. Motor vehicle itself contributes 45 % of the total emission

    Table. 1 Total number of motor vehicles (except CNG converted two stroke 3-wheeler) plying

    in Dhaka city

    Category of Vehicles Number Percentage

    Two stroke engine vehicles ( motor cycle) 140050 44 %

    Four stroke petrol engine vehicles(Car, Jeep,

    Minibus, Microbus, taxi etc)

    155749 48%

    Four stroke Diesel engine vehicles (Bus, Truck,


    27004 8 %

    Total 322,803 100%

    Source: AQMP (Air Quality Monitoring Project, Dhaka- 2003)


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    such as used tyros . they also do not care about the legal requirement of having exhaust

    chimneys high enough to disperse the waste beyond human contact. Neither the district

    administrators nor the Department of Environment (DOE) has any programme in hand to look

    at this environmental nightmare. The DOE is already struggling with a handful number of

    inspectors to look in to thousands of other cases related to insurance of environmental

    clearance to industrial units. The DOE officials say as per law of the land the police can also

    clamp down on such practices but due to lack of initiative the law-enforcing authorities are

    completely indifferent to the problem. In Bangladesh the owner of the brickfields somehow

    managed the license and environment clearance from the DOE and after that they do not

    follow it. Brickfield owners make money, land owner and contractors erect buildings

    government officials make money bribes by allowing to continue the bad practice, but they

    are about to spoil the health of the next generation . But who cares? with the city expending at

    a rate of 1.5 kilometers a year in all direction, demand for bricks and other construction

    materials is rising. In the absence of any sincere effort to tackle the environmental problem,

    brick fields have mushroomed everywhere around the cities without any respect for the law of

    the land or environment. So, handle this environmental nightmare carefully for our future


    Fig.4 Mushroom growth brick kilns around Dhaka city emit particulate matter

    v) Industry emission:- There are 1,176 industrial units in the country that heavily pollute the

    environment. The concerned authorities have identified these industrial units and legal

    procedures have been initiated against them. At the same time, a division bench of the High


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    Court asked the concerned department to ensure pollution control measures in 903 industrial

    units that have been identified as polluters. The order was served in July 2001. A long time

    has passed since these initiatives were taken. However, the scenario of industrial pollution has

    not improved. Rather, there are more reports in the national dailies on increased industrial

    pollution. People from all walks of life in different places of the country narrated their

    sufferings due to industrial pollution. The farmers and the fishermen are suffering the most as

    wastes and effluents from industrial units are dumped in croplands and water bodies.

    The industries are highly concentrated around Dhaka. Many polluting industries, tanneries for

    example, are located within the city. These industries discharge toxic chemicals like

    chromium and mercury directly into the river.

    Industrial Units in 5 Municipal Wards in Dhaka City

    Municipal WardNumber

    of UnitsTypes of Units

    5 (Pallabi and its adjoining areas) 500 Saree, Paints, Mosquito repellent, Candle,

    Foundry, Molding, Welding, Rubber shoe.

    27 (Sabujbag and its adjoining areas) 20-25 Foundry, Welding, Molding.

    42 (Mohammadpur and its adjoining

    areas) 40-50

    Shoe, Rubber sandal, Welding, Molding,

    Foundry, Candle, Incense.

    65 (Islamabag and its adjoining



    3000Plastic, Engineering

    81 (Gendaria and its adjoining areas) 100-150

    Padlock, Engineering, Pharmaceuticals,

    Molding, foundry.

    Number of polluting industries in Dhaka city is above 4000 ( Fig.5)


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    Fig.5: Number of major polluting industries in Dhaka city

    PM10 consists of many different substances suspended in the atmosphere in the form of fine

    particles (solid or liquid droplet). It can penetrate respiratory organs as we inhale air from

    atmosphere. Thus it causes serious health damage such as asthma, chronic bronchitis etc.

    Recent study shows the annual average concentration of PM10 in Dhaka city is 137 g/m3

    (Murshid & Shimada et. al. 2004) . But Proposed Bangladesh average annual Standard is 50g/m3. So it is about 3 times higher than standard. Excess death per annum in Dhaka city due

    to PM10 exposure is 10,350 ( A. K. Azad et. al. 2003). Over the two last decades, a lot of

    studies demonstrated an association between daily or multi-day concentration of several

    common air pollutants and premature mortality. Among these pollutants, various particulate

    matter including PM10, PM2.5, black smoke and sulfates- appear to show the most consistent

    association with mortality, although some associations have also been reported for ozone,

    sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. But major focus of air pollution

    research in recent years based on health impacts by particulate matter: PM10 or PM2.5. But

    all these studies show the relationship between PM10 and premature mortality and economic

    loss in monetary value per year. But no study attempted how to prevent this premature

    mortality and to stop the emission as well. This study will show a preventive measure tocontrol the PM10 emission to Bangladesh standard level. That is why this research attempts to

    use CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) to every sector as we know natural gas has only 0 to 3%

    PM10 emission () . On the other hand street sweeping machine will be used to remove road

    dust of Dhaka city. A waterless vacuum assisted street sweeping machine can remove 99.6%

    of dirt, dust and debris (http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/ultraurb/3fs16.htm). All two


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    stroke petrol engine must be converted to four stroke CNG engine and all diesel and petrol

    vehicles must be converted to CNG engine. Dhaka city has about 322,803 motor vehicles. So,

    this program will need huge cost. This research will minimize this cost.


    Air pollution is causing a serious threat to public health in most of the urban centers in the

    developing countries. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is one of the most polluted cities in

    the world. Three pollutants- Particulate Matter (PM10), Sulfur dioxide (S02), and air-borne-

    lead pose significant air pollution problems, and have major public health impacts. Among the

    pollutants, PM10 whose levels are 3 times higher than Bangladesh Standard in the heavily

    polluted districts in Dhaka is the most harmful one.

    This study will attempt to reduce PM10 from Dhaka City to proposed national standard by

    applying various methods and technologies. As a result respective health hazard like asthma,

    chronic bronchitis and other respiratory disease will be prevented . The cost of applying

    various methods and technologies to reduce PM10 to standard value will be estimated and

    minimized by Linear Programming (LP) method. A cost function will be formulated subjected

    to constraint equations. After getting air pollution (PM10) cost solving by linear programming

    method it will be compared to health cost of Dhaka city due to PM10 exposure. If air

    pollution (PM10) cost is less than the health cost, this study will suggest the government to

    give more emphasis on air pollution (PM10) control than to invest in respective health care. If

    PM10 pollution is under control (Bangladesh standard annual standard average), respective

    health damage like asthma, chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases can be prevented.

    Then every year government need not to spent so large amount of money.


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    2.1 Methodology of the research

    Assumed methods and technologies for this research to reduce PM10 to Bangladesh standard

    level are given below:-

    1. Conversion of all two stroke engine vehicles into four stroke engine and using CNG

    (Compressed Natural Gas) as fuel.

    2. Incorporating CNG Kit to four stroke petrol engine for converting into CNG engine

    3. Incorporating CNG Kit to four stroke diesel engine for converting into CNG engine

    4. Using CNG in Industries and brick kilns as fuel.

    5. Using street sweeping machines by CNG fuel to remove road dust.

    6. Cleaning of construction dust by vacuum cleaner and cleaning of construction materials.

    7. Estimating the cost for multi-year (two year) basis

    For obtaining item 1 to 7 at first emission of every source has been estimated. It is already

    pointed out that Dhaka city has five major emission sources. For five emission sources eight

    methods are set to reduce PM10 emission to standard level in two years time period. The five

    emission sources and their technologies to control emission are given below:-

    2.2 Re-suspended soil dust:

    8 street sweeping machine cost for the first year (equipment cost plus running cost) US$ 99.59

    million and for the second year is US$ 0.35 million (running cost). In gutter area of street this

    machine can not enter. The dust in gutter area is removed by brooming and watering. This is a

    manual broom and will remove 80 ton of road dust. Labor cost is main for this method. It also

    includes broom and water cost. Cost calculation is given below:

    A Vacuum-assisted street sweeper Machine costs US$ 2,00,000


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    i) So, cost of 8 Vacuum-assisted sweeper Machine = US$ 2,00,000 * 8 = US$

    1.6 Million

    ii) CNG fuel cost to run the machine = 55 *100 m3 *8 *8.5 = US$ 0.35 Million.

    iii) Training and Technician cost = Trainer cost + Technician cost = 8 trainer *per

    trainer cost US$ 10,000* 365 + 75 technician and engineer@ average US$ 2500

    *365 = US$ 97.64

    Total cost = 1.6 + 0.35 + 97.64 = US$ 99.59 Million

    Total cost for the first year US$ 99.59 million and for the second year is US$ 0.35 million.

    2.3 Construction dust:

    Construction works are done almost all the year round in Dhaka city. It creates dust mainly

    from roads construction and building construction. Brick pebbles, grinding and crushing

    bricks and materials scatter dust in the city. Amount of construction dust accumulated per year

    is 400 ton PM10 (Bangladesh Observer-2003). Removing construction dust is mainly labor

    oriented. Cleaning and washing construction materials is done by labor. Vacuum cleaners also

    used to clean the accumulated dust. Cost calculation is given below:

    Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) has 10,000 cleaner to clean the roads and pavements by

    brooming and watering. Besides these construction workers use vacuum cleaner at

    construction site.

    Cost of cleaning construction dust and road dust of 941 km roads of Dhaka city can be

    calculated as follows:

    i) Brooming and watering cost conducted by DCC as routine work = Wage per

    labor * Total number of cleaner * 365 days per year = US$ 4 * 10000 *365 =

    US$ 14.6` Million USD

    ii) Cost of broom = 10000 *12 times change * 2 = 0.24 Million USD


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    iii) Cost of water = 10,0000000 liters *0.25 = 0.37 Million USD

    Total watering and brooming cost = 14.6+.24+.37 = 15.21 Million USD

    iv) Cost removing construction dust (washing brick pebbles and dust cleaning atbuilding site by vacuum cleaner) = Vacuum cleaner cost + Total labor * wage

    per labor * 200 days per year =6,8000 vacuum cleaner* Taka 10000 per cleaner

    + 80,000 * US$ 2.57 * 365 = US$ 175.2 Million

    Cost of removing construction dust for the first year is US$ 175.20 million and for the second

    year is US$ 75.20 million

    2.4 Motor vehicles:

    Three types of motor vehicles are now polluting the air of Dhaka city. They are two stroke

    petrol engine vehicles, four stroke petrol engine vehicles and four stroke diesel engine

    vehicles. At first two stroke engine vehicles needs to convert four stroke and then

    incorporating CNG kit. Two stroke engine vehicles are more polluted than four stroke because

    of improper combustion inside the engine cylinder. Two stroke vehicles emits 153 ton PM10

    per year (Bangladesh Road Transport Authority-2003). Emission of various motor vehicles

    are calculated from their emission factor and annual traffic volume (Table-2)

    Table.2 Calculation of Emission per various types of vehicle is given below:-

    Types of car Number Emission Factor



    Traffic Volume

    (Vehicle.km/yr) (A)

    Total PM10

    Emission in

    ton /year(A*a)

    Four stroke

    diesel vehicle

    27004 0.0016 (27004*43,800) 1892.44

    Four stroke petrol 155749 0.0001 (155749*14,600) 227.39


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    Two stroke

    engine vehicle

    140050 0.0001 (140050*10,950) 153.35

    Source: BRTA (Bangladesh Road Transport Authority-2003), AQMP (Air Quality

    Monitoring Project, Dhaka-2005)

    CNG conversion cost (i,e incorporating of CNG kit) (equipment cost) of various motor

    vehicles are calculated from below tables.

    Table 3: Cost of CNG Conversion engine and Four Stroke conversion per vehicle

    Type of


    Four Stroke Petrol

    Engine Vehicle(Unit

    Price in US$)

    Four Stroke Diesel

    Engine Vehicle (Unit

    Price in US$)

    Two Stroke


    Vehicle(Unit Price

    in US$)



    US$ 735 US$ 10,000

    Four stroke


    US$ 322

    Source: slate.newagebd.com / greencarcongress.com

    According to table-2 and table-3 CNG conversion cost of two stroke vehicles for the first year

    is US$ 123.89 million and for the second year is US$ 78.79 million.

    There are about 155749 four stroke petrol vehicle in Dhaka city. Their total emission is 227

    ton of PM10 per year. To remove this emission CNG conversion of four stroke petrol vehicles


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    is suggested. CNG conversion cost for the first year is US$ 202.08 million and for the second

    year is US$ 87.61 million.

    There about 27004 four stroke diesel vehicles in Dhaka city. Their total emission is 1892 ton

    per year. It is seen that diesel emission is largest among all sources (38% of the total

    emission). To remove this huge amount of PM10 emission CNG conversion is suggested.

    Cost calculation is given below:

    * Conversion of two stroke engine into four stroke engine vehicle:

    i) Cost of two stroke engine into four stroke engine = US$ 322 * Total Two two

    stroke vehicle in Dhaka city = US$ 322 * 140050 = US$ 45.1 Million

    ii) CNG cost of 140050 four stroke vehicle = 140050 * 15 m3 *300 * 8.5 = US$

    78.79 Million

    Total cost = 45.1 +78.79 = US$ 123.89 Million

    * CNG Conversion of Four Stroke Petrol Engine:

    i) Cost of incorporating CNG Kit to the four stroke petrol engine

    = US$ 735 * Total four stroke petrol engine in Dhaka city

    = US$ 735 * 155749 = US$ 114.47 Million


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    ii) cost of 155749 petrol engine vehicle = 155749 * 15m3 CNG *300 * 8.5 =

    US$ 87.61 Million

    Total cost = 114. 47 + 87.61 = US$ 202.08 Million

    * CNG Conversion of Diesel Engine Vehicle :

    i) Cost of incorporating CNG Kit to the diesel engine vehicle

    = US$ 10,000 * Total diesel engine vehicle in Dhaka city

    = US$ 10,000 * 27004 = US$ 270.04 Million

    ii) Cost of CNG of 27004 diesel vehicle = 27004 * 100 m3 *300 * 8.5 = US$

    101.26 Million

    Total cost = 270 .04 + 101.26 = US$ 371.30 Million

    Total cost of CNG conversion for the first year is US$ 371.30 million and for the second year

    is US$ 101.26 million.


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    2.5 Brick kilns emission:

    However emission of brick kilns is estimated from the emission factor of biomass burning,

    coal burning and oil burning (Table-3). Total emission for the first year is 623 ton. To remove

    this emission from brick kilns using of CNG for firing is suggested instead of wood and coal.

    To use CNG in brick kilns two types of cost associated. Development of infrastructure

    ( linking roads, CNG pipelines etc) (equipment cost) cost and CNG cost (running cost). Cost

    calculation is given below:

    3,200 brick kilns produce 1375 million bricks (Chemical Engineering, BUET, 2002)

    Coal consumption/brick = 0.3kg/brick

    Total coal consumption = 1375 *106 *0.3 = 412500000 kg = 412500 tons

    147 kg of coal = 220 m3 CNG

    Total CNG = 220*412500000/147 = 617.35 *106 m3

    1 m3 CNG costs = Taka 8.5

    i) Total cost of fuel ( CNG) = 617.35 *106 m3 *8.5 = US$ 77.168 million

    But for 4000 brick kilns around Dhaka city will cost = US$ 96.46 million

    ii) Cost of infrastructure i,e link road , CNG pipe line = Taka 799850 *4000 = US$ 47.05


    Total = US$ 96.46 million + US$ 47.05 million = US$ 143.51 million

    Total cost for the first year is US$ 143.51 million and for the second year is US$ 96.46



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    Table-4: Summary of gaseous and particulate emission factor


    (g kg1)


    (g kg1)


    (g kg1)


    (g kg1)


    (g kg1)

    Grass 1.5 41.7 3.2 2.2 322.4

    Leaves 32.3 70.7 2.4 3.0 1064.6

    Twigs 4.3 70.9 0.2 4.6 897.3

    Leaves and twigs

    (1:1)2.2 42.8 11.4 2.8 1403.3

    Grass, leaves andtwigs (1:1:1)

    4.4 57.3 1.8 1.7 456.2

    Source: (G. Kamalak Kannan, Minakshi Gupta et. al. 2004)

    2.6Industry emission:

    Most of the industrial areas of Dhaka city is located at Tejgaon, Tongi, Kanchpur,

    Hazaribagh, and Demra. In Tejgaon industrial area of Dhaka, there are chemical industries,

    biscuit industries, ice cream factory and heavy metal industries. Tanneries industries are

    located in Hazaribagh. Many of those industries use CNG as fuel in Dhaka city but some of

    the industries still use coal, oil and biomass as fuel which emits particulate matters. Emission

    of PM10 is estimated from emission factor of particulate matter from oil, coal and biomass

    (Table-5 and 6). Total emission of industry is 735 ton. So, this study proposes to use CNG in

    every industry of Dhaka city to reduce this emission to the standard level. This will also

    include two types of cost like brick kilns- one is CNG pipe line and infrastructure cost

    (equipment cost) and CNG fuel cost (running cost). Cost calculation is given below:

    i) Coal consumption for Dhaka city (12.15 *0.34) = 4.13 PJ (world environment day

    2005::SDNP Bangladesh)

    Calorific value of coal = 21 MJ/Kg

    Amount of coal = 4.13*1015/21*106 = 19.67*107 kg


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    iv) NG consumption in Dhaka = 40.62*0.34 = 13.81 PJ

    Calorific value of NG = 55MJ/kg

    Therefore amount of CNG = 13.81*1015/55*106 = 2.51*108 kg

    We know 1m3 NG = 0.668 kg

    So, I kg CNG = 1.5 m3

    Amount of CNG =( 2.51*108*1.5) m3

    Total cost = Taka 8.5 * 2.51*108*1.5 = US$ 47.06 million

    Total cost to use CNG in industries as fuel = 36.8 + 28.70+94+47.06 = US$ 206.56 million

    The cost for the first year is US$ 206.56 million and for the second year is US$ 47.06 million.

    Percentage emission of these five sources are shown in fig.6.


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    Table-5: Uncontrolled emission factor for PM and PM10 from bituminous and sub-

    bituminous coal combustion


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    Table-6 Emission factor for LPG combustion

    Fig.6 Percentage of emission in ton from various sources.


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    This study has attempted to estimate optimum cost of air pollution (PM10) based on

    Linear Programming (LP) method and then compare the cost with health cost. For this

    purpose at first PM10 emission sources of Dhaka city are identified and emission data are

    collected from various organizations of Dhaka city and various research papers and

    website. A Continuous Air Quality Monitoring Station (CAMS) has been established in

    Dhaka city, at the campus of the Parliament House (Sangsad Bhaban), and is operational

    since April 2002. Six criteria pollutants namely, PM10 and PM2.5 NOx, S02, O3 and CO

    have been monitoring in the CAMS. Uncontrolled emissions from motor vehicles and

    other economic activities give rise to air and other forms of pollution. High levels of

    emission of air pollutants in a small area exceed the processes of dilution and dispersal,

    leading to severe episodes of ambient air pollution. Fairly comprehensive air quality data

    are being collected for Dhaka nowadays (AQMP (2002- 04) and Biswas et al (2001,

    2004)). The summary of air quality data for Dhaka obtained at the Continuous Air

    Monitoring Station (CAMS)

    . Table.7 Average values for Criteria Pollutants Measured at CAMS, Dhaka

    during 2003 along with Bangladesh Standards (Source-AQMP (2002-04).


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    Sources of emission , total motor vehicle data, data of emission factor, data about re-

    suspended soil dust , construction dust and brick kilns data are obtained from AQMP

    (Air Quality Management Project, Dhaka), BRTA (Bangladesh Road Transport

    Authority), DOE ( Directorate of Environment) , SOS (Save Our Soul) and from so many

    other website and research papers. According to AQMP there are about 322,803 motor

    vehicle plying in the Dhaka city.


    As it is earlier mentioned that this research will estimate air pollution ( PM10)

    cost and minimize this cost . For minimization of cost Linear Programming (LP) is a

    appropriate method. For this purpose a cost function (objective function) is established

    subjected to constraint equations. This study already has total seven emission sources

    (motor vehicles splitted into three categories) and total eight options (variables) to

    remove PM10 to standard level. Each option has total emission in ton and total cost in US

    million dollars to remove that emission. So, it is easy to calculate cost of unit ton to

    remove (Table-8).


    Table-8: Cost of removal unit ton of PM10 by using the following technology (for first


    System/Technology used

    for removal PM10

    Possible total

    Cost of the


    (Million US$)



    Amount of

    PM10 removed

    (in ton/yr)

    Unit Cost (Million

    US$) (to remove

    per ton PM10) (yj)

    Street Sweeping machines

    for cleaning road dust (x1)

    99.59 920 0.1083

    Watering and broom ingutter area of street (x2)

    15.21 80 0.1901

    CNG conversion of four

    stroke petrol vehicles (x4)

    202.08 227 0.8902

    CNG conversion of diesel

    vehicles (x5)

    371.30 1892 0.1962


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    i =1

    street (2) vehicle (3) into four


    CNG (5)

    others(6) brick





    soil dust


    x11 x21




    Four stroke




    Four strokediesel



    Two stroke










    ,2,3) is cost of per ton PM10 removal

    So Cost Function T = x1y1 + x2y2 +x3y3+

    So, Cost Function for first year T1 = 0.1083x1 +0.1901x2 +0.438x3 + 0.8902x4 +0.1962x5



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    Subject to Constraint Equations :-

    1.Re-suspended soil dust:- x1 +x2 1000

    2. Construction dust : x3 400

    3. Two Stroke Engine:- x6 153

    4. Four stroke petrol Vehicles:- x4 227

    5. Four stroke diesel vehicles:- x5 1892

    6.Brick Kilns :- x7 623

    7.Industry :- x8 735

    8.Total Emission: x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8 (5030x0.64)

    x1, x2,x3, x4, x5, x6,x7,x8 0

    Solution found ( x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8)

    ( 1000, 0 ,0 , 0 , 1892, 0 , 327.2, 0,)

    So ,Total minimum cost for first year T1 = US$ 554.86 million


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    Table-10 Cost of removal unit ton of PM10 by using the following technology ( for

    second year)


    System/Technology used

    for removal PM10

    Possible total

    Cost of the


    (Million US$)



    Amount of PM10

    removed (in


    Unit Cost (Million

    US$) (to remove

    per ton PM10) (yj)

    Street Sweeping machines

    for cleaning road dust (x9)

    0.35 920 0.0003

    Watering and broom in

    gutter area of street (x10)

    14.97 80 0.1871

    CNG conversion of four

    stroke petrol vehicles (x12)

    202.08 227 0.8902

    CNG conversion of diesel


    101.26 Already removed

    Conversion of two stroke

    engine into four stroke

    CNG engine (x13)

    123.89 153 0.8097

    Cleaning of construction

    dust by vacuum cleaner

    and others (x11)

    175.2 400 0.438

    Using CNG in brick kiln

    for firing (x14)

    68.59 295.8(52.5%




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    Using CNG fuel in

    industries (x15)

    206.56 735 0.281

    Total 892.9 2810.8

    Table-11 Total PM10 (in ton) removal by applying various methods/technologies ( for

    second years)

    Source of



    Methods/Technologies used to remove PM10





    i =


    and to

    broom in


    area in

    street (2)



    of four



    vehicle (3)



    of four

    stoke diesel

    vehicle (4).


    of two




    into four


    CNG (5)

    Cleaning of


    dust by


    cleaner (6)














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    soil dust


    x11 x21




    Four stroke




    Four stroke



    Two strokeengine










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    Cost function for second year T2 = 101.26 + 96.46*0.525 + 0.0003x9 +0.1871x10 +

    0.438x11 + 0.8902x12 + 0.8097x13 +0.2303x14 +0.281x15

    Subjected to Constraint Equations:

    1.Re-suspended soil dust:- x9 + x10 1000

    2. Construction dust : x11 400

    3. Two Stroke Engine:- x13 153

    4. Four stroke petrol Vehicles: x12 227

    5.Brick Kilns : x14 295.8

    6.Industry : x15 735

    7. Total emission: x9+x10+x11+x12+x13+x14+x15 (2810.8- 1810.8)

    x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15 0

    Solution found ( x9, x10, x11,x12, x13, x14, x15)

    (1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,0 )

    So, Total minimum cost for second year T2 = US$ 152.2 million


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    For air pollution cost minimization a linear programming is formulated consisting of a

    cost function for multi-year (two years). Multi-year (two years) is considered because

    once all the sources are equipped with CNG from next year there is no equipment cost. It

    will be needed only running cost from next year. For this purpose objective function for


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    five PM10 emission sources and eight variables (methods / technologies) are set to solve

    the linear programming (LP).

    From linear programming (LP) method it is showed that air pollution (PM10) cost is

    US$ 353.53 million per year whereas health cost for Dhaka city is US$ 1820 million per

    year. So, air pollution cost is about one fifth of health cost. From the model following

    results are also achieved:

    64% of total PM10 is reduced in Dhaka city which leads to achieve Bangladesh

    national standard level (50g/m3, annual average)

    The annual saving from reduction of PM10 to proposed national standard is US$

    1466.47 million which is equivalent to 2.4% of national GDP

    64% of PM10 reduction (i, e reduced to the proposed Bangladesh national

    standard) will save 1,213 deaths annually (Murshid and Shimada et.al. 2004)

    Air pollution (PM10) control measure is a preventive method. If the PM10 pollution can

    be prevented , respective health damages(Asthma , chronic bronchitis and other

    respiratory disease) would be reduced considerably . So, in the light of this study

    government should pick up this preventive measure rather than to invest in mitigative

    method like respective health care and can save US$ 1149.74 million per year. The

    World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about 700,000 deaths annually could

    be prevented in developing countries if three major atmospheric pollutants - carbon

    monoxide, suspended particulate matter, and lead - were brought down to safer levels.

    Among the pollutants, particulate composed of fully dispersed liquids and solids

    including soot, dust, and organic and inorganic substances are the most harmful one. It is


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    emitted into the atmosphere from various activity sources, such as transportation, fuel

    combustion, industrial process and solid waste disposal.

    A number of studies show a strong evidence of the relationship between particulate

    matter less than 10 g (PM10) and premature death as well as disease. The associated

    costs are also estimated to be very large. For example, in Mexico City, such economic

    damages due to air pollution are estimated at $1.5 billion per year. In Jakarta, 14,000

    deaths, which is about 2 percent of annual deaths in the cities, could be avoided every

    year if particulates could be kept at the level recommended by WHO (Ostro, 1994).


    Urbanization is an inherent part of the process of economic development in Bangladesh,

    and its rate can be indicated by the large population growth in urban areas. In 1981 the

    total population in urban areas was 14.08 million, which increased to 22.45 million in

    1991. Now in 2006 it is about 42 million. With increased urbanization, the number of

    vehicles is also increasing rapidly, and contributing to more and more air pollution

    (PM10). The major urban centers in the country are the metropolitan cities of Dhaka,

    Rajshahi, Khulna and Chittagong. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh is one of the most

    densely populated cities in the world. This is the center for the major economic and

    commercial activities, too. In the urban areas ambient air quality is dependent on many

    factors like air movement, traffic volume, traffic congestion, emissions from motor

    vehicles, and re-suspended dust particles. Various other activities related to the extremely

    high population density also result in severe air and other forms of pollution. The salient

    parameters of air pollution are particulate matter , sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides,


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    hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, lead, ozone and other gases. Aircrafts, railway engines,

    power plants, open burning incineration, solid waste disposal sites, and dust particles also

    contribute to increase PM10. Dust pollution due to road diggings, constructions and other

    development activities further aggravate the PM10 pollution in cities. In order to

    accommodate the growing population, the construction of multi-storied buildings is

    increasing rapidly. Along with these buildings, the number of slums are also increasing.

    The tremendous pressure of population has made it almost impossible to maintain a clean

    environment in the capital city of Dhaka.

    Table.10 Pressures, State, Impacts, and responses to air pollution


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    Health cost on Dhaka city due to PM10 exposure is already estimated. One of the latest

    studies ( A.K. Azad, et. al ,2003) shows that valuation of health cost is Taka 124.184

    billion per year which equals to US$ 1820 million per year. This paper (A.K. Azad, et.

    al ,2003) estimated health cost considering all kind of exposures, risk assessment for

    mortality. But at the same time, the number of occurrences of respiratory and other

    diseases and weakness (chronic bronchitis, emergency room visits, asthma attacks,

    restricted activity days etc.) are estimated following Ostro (1994). Thus risk assessment

    for morbidity is also conducted. Finally these impacts of both mortality and morbidity are

    evaluated in monetary value.

    Exposure Assessment

    In this study, the exposed population are placed into three classes:

    High exposure population include drivers, traffic polices and street venders.

    Moderate exposure population include the commuters who exchange daily.

    The rest of the people are averagely exposed.


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    This paper also estimated morbidity and finally calculated total cost.


    a) Restricted activity days: Ostro (1994) calculations of 20% workers (valued at an

    average wage), and 80% lower

    productivity (valued at one-third of average wage) were used. The average wage is

    about Taka 150 per day.

    Therefore, the estimate is thus: 0.20 * 150 + 150 * 1/3 * 0.80 = 70 Taka.

    b) Emergency room visit: Private hospital charge Taka 100 to 150 for an

    emergency room visit. This includes the

    doctor's bill and medicine. To this added the cost of the loss of one work-day (Taka

    150), cost of transport (2*Taka 50).

    Therefore, the estimate is 2 * 50 + 150 + (100 to 150)

    = 350 to 400 Taka.

    d) Respiratory symptoms day: No surveys on willingness to pay to prevent a

    respiratory symptom day have been

    carried out in Bangladesh. Therefore it is difficult to make a reliable valuation.

    Considering the valuation in Jakarta (US $2), Bangladesh's lower per capita income

    and the restricted activity days valuation above an estimate of Taka 50 seems


    d) Asthma attack: A severe asthma attack lasts on an average 9.1 days. The daily

    hospital fees in private hospitals are

    about Taka 1000; to this we add 9.1 lost working days.

    Therefore, the total for a severe attack is 9.1 * (1000 + 150)

    = Taka 10,465

    For a milder attack, the same figure as for an emergency room visits (Taka 350 to

    400) could be used. For still milder attack only the medicine costs apply; aerosols and

    tablets cost approximately Taka 300. Depending on the severity, the cost of an asthma


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    attack can range from Taka 300 to 10,465. Considering that milder attacks are more

    frequent, the average valuation is estimated at Taka 1500 per attack.

    e) Respiratory hospital admission: The valuation is the same as for a severe

    asthma attack, Taka 10,465.

    f) Chronic Bronchitis : It is estimated that the number of work loss days per year

    are 50, workdays lost at Taka 150 per day, resulting in Taka 1,09,825, if

    discounted at 5%. To this we add the costs of hospital visits, which are estimated

    at 0.5 times per year. Such a visit would average 13.1 day at at fee of Taka 1500

    per day. Discounted at 5%, the total hospital costs amount to Taka 1,43,867.

    Finally yearly expenditure on medication is about Taka 1500. Totaling a

    discounted amount of Taka 22,000 over 27 years, the valuation of a case of

    chronic bronchitis is

    = (1,09,825 + 1,43,867 + 22,000) Taka

    = 2,75,690 Taka.

    5.2 Risk Assessment of PM10

    Table 1 shows mortality and morbidity resulting from exposure to PM 10 in the year2002.

    WB study showed that the excess death was 11,158 and total morbidity was 31,56,26,126

    and this study findings are 10,350 and 22,25,40,849, respectively, which are slightly

    lower than the WB estimation. A number of reasons may, however, be responsible for

    this nonconformance.


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    Table 1: Mortality and morbidity from exposure to PM10.

    Case Items High ExposureModerate





    Mortality Excess death 2640 2459 5252 10,350


    bronchitis18,984 17,687 37,753 74,424


    activity days1,78,36,015 1,66,17,492 3,54,70,530 6,99,24,038




    3,723 3,468 7,403 14,594


    Room visits73,019 68,031 1,45,213 2,86,263

    Asthma attacks 7,07,857 6,59,497 14,07,717 27,75,071Respiratory

    symptoms days5,67,65,056 5,28,86,975 11,28,88,818 22,25,40,849


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    5.3 Economic Valuation of Health Effects

    Table 2: Valuation of health impacts due to the effects of PM10

    Case Items Total exposureSpecific Costs Taka Total Costs (Million


    Mortality Excess death 10,3507.50 million (US WTP)

    5,49000 (lost salary)




    bronchitis74,424 2,75,690 20518

    MorbidityRestricted activity


    6,99,24,038 70 4895


    hospital diseases14,594 10465 153

    Emergency room

    visits2,86,263 350 400 114

    Asthma attacks 27,75,071 1500 4163Respiratory

    symptoms days22,25,40,849 50 11127




    In Table 2, the valuation of health impacts due to PM10 is shown. The variation in cost

    with different type of health impacts is shown in Figure 2. It has been found that about

    83214 million Taka comes as the total costs for excess death case, 20518 million Taka as

    cost of chronic bronchitis, 4895 million Taka as cost of restricted activity days, 153

    million Taka as cost of respiratory hospital disease, 114 million Taka as cost of

    emergency room visits, 4163 million Taka as cost of asthma attacks, 11127 million Taka

    as cost of respiratory symptom days. Thus the total cost comes out to be 124 billion Taka,

    which shows a tremendous loss potential on our country. And the massive impact seems

    to come out from excess death.


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    During this research no action is taken about old engine vehicles. Old engine vehicles

    (older than 10 years) are more polluting than new engine vehicles. In this study it is said

    that all motor vehicles, brick kilns and industries will use CNG as fuel. So all the

    demands of natural gas may not be meet up from only domestic source although it seems

    at present that all demand can be fulfilled according to present reserve and exploration of

    natural gas. But after several years government may have to import natural gas which

    will create pressure on economy. Besides to maintain a continuous supply of CNG to all

    sector it needs to establish so many CNG stations. But at present Dhaka city has a few

    number of CNG station. In this research it is not considered traffic congestion in

    mathematical model. Traffic congestion is one of the main cause of air pollution (PM10)

    and Dhaka is a huge traffic congestion city. The presence of very low speed non-


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    motorized vehicles (mainly rickshaws) with a maximum speed of 10 km/hour, and their

    interaction with motorized traffic presents a very special traffic problem. Rickshaws

    cannot be removed due to socio-economic constraints. Hence, creative measures are

    needed to limit the impact of non-motorized traffic. Some of these have already been

    tried sporadically, on a limited scale, but what is needed is a long-term commitment, and

    substantially scaled-up operations. A suggested measure for Dhaka city is that non-

    motorized traffic is restricted from arterial roads, with some exceptions for the circulation

    of such traffic. The exceptions would consist of non-interactive special lanes and

    crossings, to maintain non-motorized flow between different regions. Some expected

    effects from this measure that will reduce pollution would be that traffic flow-speed will

    increase, and fuel consumption will be reduced for the same vehicle-miles traveled.

    Banning of old engine vehicles and excluding this vehicles from calculation-a suggestion

    for future modification of this research. PM 10 emission from traffic congestion should

    also be included in mathematical model.


    The estimation shows that diesel vehicles are the main cause of severe air pollution in

    Dhaka city and the industries, brick field , re-suspended soil dust follow to those.

    Besides frequently use of two stroke engine vehicles, import of old engine vehicles, poor

    fuel quality, inadequate maintenance of vehicles and absence of proper traffic planning

    are responsible for the air pollution problem in Dhaka.


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    Conversion of two stroke engine into four stroke design and incorporating timed

    fuel injection and crankcase lubrication for better combustion

    Using CNG(Compressed Natural Gas) in all kinds of motor vehicles in Dhaka

    city instead of using conventional gasoline and diesel fuel. For this the engine of

    the vehicles must have CNG converted . At this 99% of the PM10 emission will

    be reduced.

    To control Municipal road dust and construction dust have both preventive and

    mitigative option. Mitigative option involve removal of road surface dust and

    deicing materials. For this purpose street sweeping technology should be

    applied . A vacuum-Assisted street sweeper Machine cost USD 200,000. It picks

    up fine grained sediment, road dust, road salt and other debris. As a preventive

    option all types of construction works may be tried to do in rainy season. Because

    it is seen that average PM10 load reduces substantially during the high rainfall


    Using CNG as fuel in all industries and brick kilns instead of oil, coal and


    Setting of CNG filling station in Dhaka city. Government has already planned to

    set up 61 CNG filling station (4 station already existing, 6 under construction, 30

    site identified, 21 site not yet decided)

    Improving of traffic management so that traffic congestion may not occur at

    various intersection points of road because vehicle idling pollute the air more.

    Introduction of ambient air quality standards and vehicle emission standard and

    maintaining a continuous air monitoring station(CAMS) in Dhaka city

    Dumping and burning of refuse garbage should be away from Dhaka metropolitan


    .Banning on importing two stroke engine vehicle, old engine vehicle and theirspare parts.

    In Bangladesh Natural gas is abundantly available. Recent estimates by the US

    Geological Survey reveals that the total resource reserve of natural gas is about 32

    trillion cubic feet (TCF). Petrobangla estimates the recoverable natural gas


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    reserves to be about 12 TCF. So, no thought of export natural gas without

    fulfilling of all domestic demand



    The ultimate success of any decision is the extent to which it translates into action. It is

    apparent from the discussion above that it is possible to reduce emissions from various

    sources mentioned above to national standard if the model of the research is followed

    although there are some limitations are associated. Old engine vehicles should be banned

    from Dhaka city and its imports are also to be prohibited. Motor vehicles, especially two-

    strokes engine vehicles are an increasingly important source of air pollution emissions in

    Dhaka. Further understanding of the sources of air pollution, the contribution of vehicles

    to air pollution emissions, and the characteristics of vehicular emission control measures

    is necessary to design a cost effective action plan. It is recommended that government

    will undertake actual measurement of emission factors, complete the emission inventory,

    and conduct an investigation on emission control measures. A continuous monitoring

    scheme is essential to evaluate air quality and for the development of any with the help of

    development partners. However, the acuteness of the problems caused by air pollution,


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  • 8/7/2019 M Sc THESIS-2007 of Salauddin Sheikh


    1. Murshid and Shimada, Health and Economic Assessment of Air Pollution in Dhaka,

    Bangladesh, the 2nd seminar of JSPS-VCC, Ritsumeikan University, Japan ,pp. 39-

    53, 22-23 September 2005

    2. A.K. Azad, J. Sultana and S. Jahan, An Economic Evaluation of Air Pollution in

    Dhaka City, Proceeding of the International Conference on Chemical Engineering

    Department, BUET, Dhaka Bangladesh, pp. 83-87 (2003)

    3. G. Kamalak Kannan, Meenakshi Gupta and Jagdish Chandra Kapoor, Estimation of

    gaseous products and particulate matter emission from garden biomass combustion

    in a simulation fire test chamber, Centre for Fire, Explosive and Environment

    Safety, Defence Research & Development Organisation, Timarpur, Delhi 110 054,


    Received 17 March 2004; revised 16 August 2004; accepted 2 September 2004.

    Available online 8 December 2004

    4. Liquefied Petroleum Gas Combustion available online at


    5. Bituminous and Sub-bituminous Coal Combustion, available online at


    6. Should I be a CNG convert?

    available online at SLATE http://slate.newagebd.com/03.html

    7. Pollution Prevention Fact Sheet: Parking Lot and Street Cleaning: Cost of Street

    Sweeping Machine ,available online



    8. NEW AGE Xtra Cover,high pressure, low price ,

    available online at newagebd.com

    9. AIR POLLUTION, available online at


    10. From grim city to green city: Industry. Available online at



  • 8/7/2019 M Sc THESIS-2007 of Salauddin Sheikh


    11. Use Renewable Energy: National data ,available online at


    12. Calorific values of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. Available online at

    http://www.kayelaby.npl.co.uk/chemistry/3_11/3_11_4.html ,

    13. Waste Mismanagement and Health Hazard in Dhaka city,available online at


    14. Vehicle population, utilization and fuel economy in Dhaka,

    available online at http://www.angelfire.com/ak/medinet/dhakutp.html

    15. Key Environment Issues, available online at



    At first I would like to express my deep gratitude to my academic supervisor professor

    Dr. Toshihiro Kitada , Ecological Engineering Department, Toyohashi University of

    Technology, for his continuous help and important guidance to this research. He inspired

    me every moment to to study others respective papers and journal to improve the quality

    and result of my research . Without his guidance and supervision , it was impossible to

    complete the thesis. I want to thank Dr. Takayuki Tokairin, the research associate of

    Kitada laboratory for his valuable help and suggestion in my research. I also wish to

    express my appreciation to Mr. Asep Sofyan, the Ph.D candidate of Kitada laboratory for

    his help in various aspect. I am also grateful to MEXT that provided me financial

    support by giving Monbukagakusho scholarship and makes me proud in becoming

    graduate from Japanese University.

    EWand Economic Assessment o


  • 8/7/2019 M Sc THESIS-2007 of Salauddin Sheikh


    Evaluation of Optimum Set of Air Pollution (PM10) Control measures to Attain

    Environmental Standard of Dhaka City with Minimized Cost : Comparison of The

    Cost with It by Health Damage

    Prepared by: Md. Salahuddin Sheikh

    Advisor: Prof. Dr. Toshihiro Kitada

    A thesis submitted as partial fulfillment

    Of the requirement for the degree of

    Master of Engineering


    Department of Ecological Engineering

    Toyohashi University of Technology

    Toyohashi, Japan

    November, 2007

    Master Course

    Student ID: 055808


  • 8/7/2019 M Sc THESIS-2007 of Salauddin Sheikh


    Department of Ecological Engineering (Kitada Laboratory)

    Toyohashi University of Technology


    Student ID: 055808

    Department of Ecological Engineering (Kitada Laboratory)

    Toyohashi University of Technology

    Economic Assessment of Air Pollution in Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Health and Economic Assessment of Air Pollution in Dhaka, Bangladesh