m usic teachersm usic teachers’ ’’’ association of california … · 2010-06-09 · m usic...

Music Teachers Music Teachers Music Teachers Music Teachers’ Association of California Association of California Association of California Association of California – Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine June, 2010 Newsletter Table of Contents President’s Message __________________________________________________ 1 Photo Sharing: Branch Meeting & Year-End Party, Wednesday, May 19 th _________ 2 Calendar: July, August, September, October, & November ____________________ 3 CODA News ________________________________________________________ 3 Composers Today: Winner List __________________________________________ 3 Member News: Congratulations and Farewell to Dr. Scott Smith ________________ 4 2010 MTAC Convention News __________________________________________ 5 VOCE Competition and Recital _________________________________________ 5 2010 MTAC Convention Pages – Information and Availability Form _____________ 6 Music Camp ________________________________________________________ 8 Member Recital: Jung-A Lee Organ Recital ________________________________ 9

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Page 1: M usic TeachersM usic Teachers’ ’’’ Association of California … · 2010-06-09 · M usic TeachersM usic Teachers’ ’’’ Association of California Association of California

M usic TeachersM usic T eachersM usic T eachersM usic T eachers’’’’ A ssociation of C aliforn ia A ssociation of C aliforn ia A ssociation of C aliforn ia A ssociation of C aliforn ia –––– Irvine Irvine Irvine Irvine

June, 2010 N ew sletter

Table of Contents

President’s Message __________________________________________________ 1

Photo Sharing: Branch Meeting & Year-End Party, Wednesday, May 19th_________ 2

Calendar: July, August, September, October, & November ____________________ 3

CODA News ________________________________________________________ 3

Composers Today: Winner List __________________________________________ 3

Member News: Congratulations and Farewell to Dr. Scott Smith ________________ 4

2010 MTAC Convention News __________________________________________ 5

VOCE Competition and Recital _________________________________________ 5

2010 MTAC Convention Pages – Information and Availability Form _____________ 6

Music Camp ________________________________________________________ 8

Member Recital: Jung-A Lee Organ Recital ________________________________ 9

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PPPPPPPP rrrrrrrr eeeeeeee ssssssss iiiiiiii dddddddd eeeeeeee nnnnnnnn tttttttt ’’’’’’’’ ssssssss MMMMMMMM eeeeeeee ssssssss ssssssss aaaaaaaa gggggggg eeeeeeee

Our May meeting went as

planned; many thanks to

Janelle Tag, Rebecca

Wu, Jillair Robinson

and Judy Lee! The very

delightful and spirited

program presented by

Heather and Ryan

Reithmeier set the mood

for a fun event to be

enjoyed by everyone!

The first CODA exam held May 16 at Pianoforte

Studio was a very successful one according to Dr.

Paula Sabin. We thank Paula and Dr. M’lou

Dietzer, who is recovering from a car accident and

could not be present, for their efforts in establishing

this fine program for our students!

For those members who were not able to attend last

month’s meeting, I present the newly installed

MTAC Irvine Board, effective July 1, 2010:



President Trudy Pauperas

1st Vice President Rebecca Wu

2nd Vice President Dr. Valentina Gottlieb

Treasurer June Nelson

Recording Secretary Jillair Robinson

Certificate of Merit Chair Angela Yu

Festival Chair Rebecca Wu

Venue Chair Heidi Lee Kim

Board Assistant Janelle Tag

We are discouraging members from wearing two

hats as Rebecca Wu will be doing until she finds the

right replacement for the festival chair position.

Other chair positions that are vacant at the present


e Adult Workshop, which requires the chair to

host one recital a year, usually the first week of

December. Teachers with adult students will be

encouraged to participate.

e Newsletter Editor, Rebecca Wu has done a

fantastic job for several years, but her term is

coming to an end in July; consequently, we are

in need of a person willing to take on this very

important task. An honorarium for the

endeavors is presented to the newsletter editor at

the end of each school year.

e Monster Concert

A fundraiser concert, without adjudicators

present, where students are allowed to play fun

pieces, including transcriptions! It can be made

a family event.

e Senior Recital

A once- a -year event where senior high school

students are encouraged to perform their

favorite pieces for their peers. Further

instructions for all above-mentioned chairs and

events will be in our updated Hand Book.

Important news from the State Membership

Secretary, Carol Oaks, regarding Branch transfer







SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 AND APRIL 15, 2011!

Don’t miss the 100th MTAC Convention at the

LAX Marriott Hotel and the VOCE 2010 Dazzling

Spectrum of Talent on July 4 at 4:00PM!

Finally, the postmark deadline for membership

dues payment is Saturday, July 31, 2010.

Hope to see all of you at the 100th MTAC


Trudy Pauperas, President

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Page 4: M usic TeachersM usic Teachers’ ’’’ Association of California … · 2010-06-09 · M usic TeachersM usic Teachers’ ’’’ Association of California Association of California


July/August September/October/November

July Fri.-Tue. 2

nd – 6


MTAC 100th Convention:

A Century of Education and Service Los Angeles Airport Marriott

Sept. TBA Branch Meeting

Sat. 31


Membership Dues Payment deadline Oct. Sat. 16


Monster Concert

Aug. Tue. 31


Transfer of Membership deadline Sat.-Sun. 23

rd – 24


Romantic Festival

Nov. Sat.-Sun. 20

th – 21


Classical Festival

Our new piano evaluation program, CODA (Certification of Distinguished Achievement), was launched this year. It was well-received by teachers and student alike! CODA offers

an excellent means for challenging and encouraging our students in their musical studies.

It was very gratifying to work on this program, and to see the sense of pride in the

students who participated. If you were not able to involve your students this year, do keep

it in mind for the coming school year, and let me know if you have any suggestions for the

future direction of CODA.

Paula Sabin ([email protected])


1st Trains Eugene Lai Ana Contreras

1st Pirates in Treasure Island Sidharth Subbarao Ana Contreras

2nd The Storm Pollyanna Leung Satomi Otsubo

Young Mozart Award Acceso Phillip Matsuura Satomi Otsubo

Honorable Mention Circles in Time Sigal Willner Dr. Paula Sabin

Honorable Mention Dreamin.... Natalie Yee Ana Contreras

Honorable Mention Celebrate 'R' Time Danica Silan Ana Contreras

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Dear Trudy, I'm writing to let you know about an important change in my life. I will be moving to Kansas this summer to become a professor at the University of Kansas (see signature below!). Growth and opportunity always involve some loss, and there will be many things and people I will miss from my time in California. I have enjoyed my membership in MTAC and appreciate all the hard work and expertise you, the other board members and event chairs have contributed to make our students' lives better. Please give my best regards and thanks to my MTAC colleagues. I will continue to visit California and look forward to the next time our paths cross. Cordially, Scott Dr. Scott McBride Smith Cordelia Brown Murphy Professor of Piano Pedagogy School of Music University of Kansas http://music.ku.edu/

Dear Scott, I'm sorry to hear you are leaving the Irvine branch and Orange County to pursue greater horizons at the University of Kansas. Congratulations and Thank You for the contributions that you have made to our branch and the teaching profession at large! THE WELL-TEMPERED KEYBOARD TEACHER, a book that you co-authored with Marienne Uszler and Dr. Stewart Gordon, will always be one of the reminders of your endeavors for inspiration, guidance and excellence in the field of piano teaching. Again, congratulations, Scott! Your colleagues at the MTAC Irvine Branch wish you the best in the future. Most sincerely, Trudy Pauperas

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PAGES NEEDED! See pages 6-7 for detailed information & application form.

The 2010 MTAC Convention at Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles (Friday, July 2 through

Tuesday, July 6) needs over 200 responsible high school (or mature junior high)

students to be pages during the convention. Each page has to serve at least one 4-hour

shift and may invite a friend (who need not be a music student) to page with them.

Adults or parents may also be pages. We will need all the pages we can get. This is an

excellent opportunity for your students to be an essential part of all the wonderful

events at the convention. One incentive for your students to become a page would be

the possibility of receiving (upon request) a letter of recommendation, which could be

added to any college scholarship or job application. Students may also receive

community service hours for paging.

Please view the remainder of this request and the application on the website at


Thanks, Lowell Webster for Susan Lin, Convention Page Chair, sfun420@gmail. Com

VOCE finals were held on April 25, at Chapman University. Hundreds of

students from all over the state participated in this event; and our

wonderful teachers and students represented our branch very well. I

would especially like to congratulate the following teachers whose students

were recognized for their excellent performances:

Miranda Wu – Senior Ensembles Division – 1st place Susan Boettger – Intermediate Ensemble Division – honorable mention Andy Honea – Junior Strings Division – honorable mention

The VOCE Recital will be held on July 4, at 4 p.m. This is always an excellent concert and I

encourage everyone to attend.

Lisa Honea

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Convention Pages needed! Please help! (April 27, 2010)

Dear Fellow MTAC Teachers: The 2010 MTAC Convention at Marriott Hotel in Los Angeles (Friday, July 2 through Tuesday, July 6) needs over 200 responsible high school (or mature junior high) students to be pages during the convention. Each page has to serve at least one 4-hour shift and may invite a friend (who need not be a music student) to page with them. Adults or parents may also be pages. We will need all the pages we can get. This is an excellent opportunity for your students to be an essential part of all the wonderful events at the convention. One incentive for your students to become a page would be the possibility of receiving (upon request) a letter of recommendation, which could be added to any college scholarship or job application. Students may also receive community service hours for paging. There are several kinds of pages, each of them have specific duties: Host Page: stationed at the convention registration desk and throughout the hotel; direct/escort conventioneers to their destinations within convention, answer questions and smile. Event Page: pick up programs for event (concert, recital master class, lecture or banquet) 30 minutes ahead of the event; check event attendees’ badges; pass out programs and greet event attendees; supervise entry to event while it is in progress; open doors at end of event; answer questions of attendees and smile. Practice Room Page: supervise practice rooms and enforce practice room schedule. Exhibit Page: make rounds amongst the exhibitors in the exhibit rooms; answer questions and attend any needs of attendees or exhibitors (man their booth temporarily while exhibitor uses restroom, phone, etc); get them coffee. The convention is packed with events and exhibits, many of which may be of great interest to your students. Those whom you select as a page may attend any convention concert, recital, exhibit, lecture, or master class (including their accompanying parent) free of charge that day! This does not include some evening concerts. The pages will be assigned to specific days, shifts and stations at the convention. Please select as many students as you would feel reliable and responsible for these important jobs. Students who have submitted convention festival forms will receive notification about performing with enough advance notice so that they could be encouraged to volunteer to page following their performance for even one shift. Attached with this letter is the Page Availability Form. Please make copies for your students/parents and have them mail the completed form to my address as cited below. Or, you may also share my email address with those interested students and they may contact me directly. Your support of this event by encouraging your students to participate is one of the best things you can do to help them interact with adults in a helpful and respectful manner, the opportunity to see how things are done “in the real world,” and to broaden their horizons. Thank you for valuing this request and acting soon. Students are making summer plans now and our desire is that convention paging be a top priority for them! Susan Lin, Convention Page Chair Email: [email protected]

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2010 MTAC Convention PAGE Availability Form We look forward to having you serve as a Page at the 2010 MTAC Convention in Los Angeles. Your responsibility, courteousness and alertness will help make the convention a success. Please fill out and mail or email this form back to Susan Lin, Convention Page Chair, 2142 Camwood Ave., Rowland Heights, CA 91748 (Email: [email protected]) by June 4th, 2010 . PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Your Name ____________________________________________________________Age_________ Your Phone Number_____________________________E-mail Address________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ ************************************************************************************ Teacher’s Name__________________________________________ MTAC Branch________________ Name of Page partner (if any)______________________________________________Age___________ Partner’s Phone Number_________________________E-mail Address___________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please check your calendar to avoid conflicts with other activities you or your page partner may have scheduled. Changing schedules and reassigning page times is extremely difficult. Check www.mtac.org for convention daily events schedule that will be of interest to you. We will do our best to accommodate your preferences, but cannot make any guarantees. Please note that if you are assigned to a concert, master class or lecture you may be required to sit OUTSIDE the door to control late entrances during the program. You may therefore wish to page at a different time than an event that you wish to attend. You will need to arrive a half-hour before your shift starts to find out what to do and take a quick walk through the convention area as there will not be any other orientation meeting scheduled. Below please write in your name for all the dates and times you will be available to serve as a Page. Write in you and your partner’s names for all the dates and times both of you will be available as pages. Day Morning Afternoon Evening Night

7:30AM-11:30AM 11:30AM-3:30PM 3:30PM-7:30PM 7:30PM-10:30PM Friday, July 2 __________ __________ __________ __________ Saturday, July 3 __________ __________ __________ __________ Sunday, July 4 __________ __________ __________ __________ Monday, July 5 __________ __________ __________ __________ What are the total number (approximately 4 hour/shift) of shifts you would like to serve? _____________ If you have some specific preferences (like specific hours, type of page duty, etc.), please let us know. We’ll do our best to consider them: _______________________________________________________ Note: Pages will NOT receive free parking. Please plan accordingly. Note: Please make a copy of this form for yourself and then mail or email it to Susan Lin. Thank you very much. We look forward to your talent and your help!

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MUSIC CAMP, July 12 MUSIC CAMP, July 12 MUSIC CAMP, July 12 MUSIC CAMP, July 12 ---- Aug 14 Aug 14 Aug 14 Aug 14

Music for TotsMusic for TotsMusic for TotsMusic for Tots Age 5-6 July 12- Aug 6

Sing songs, play rhythm games, learn note reading and beginning keyboard

Music Class Music Class Music Class Music Class –––– Accompanying Accompanying Accompanying Accompanying Levels 5 and up July 12- Aug 6

Pianists learn to accompany songs of any style

Piano Class Piano Class Piano Class Piano Class –––– How to read a Lead Sheet How to read a Lead Sheet How to read a Lead Sheet How to read a Lead Sheet July 12- Aug 6

Learn how to take any melody and create your own arrangement from chords

Piano ClassPiano ClassPiano ClassPiano Class---- Ensemble: Ensemble: Ensemble: Ensemble: July 12 –24, Aug 2-7

(Optional 1 x per week) Learn how to improvise and play with a keyboard orchestra.

Eight one hour sessions $160 Eight 75 minute sessions $200 Four 75 minute sessions $120 Private Lessons per half hour $ 20

The teachers are Stephanie Young and Jennifer Puhl 949-551-8862 www.PuhlYoungMusic.comwww.PuhlYoungMusic.com

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Noon Organ RecitalNoon Organ RecitalNoon Organ RecitalNoon Organ Recital Monday, June 7, 2010Monday, June 7, 2010Monday, June 7, 2010Monday, June 7, 2010

12:30 pm12:30 pm12:30 pm12:30 pm St. Andrew’s Presbyterian churchSt. Andrew’s Presbyterian churchSt. Andrew’s Presbyterian churchSt. Andrew’s Presbyterian church

600 St. Andrews road600 St. Andrews road600 St. Andrews road600 St. Andrews road

Newport beach, CA 92663Newport beach, CA 92663Newport beach, CA 92663Newport beach, CA 92663


Dr. JungDr. JungDr. JungDr. Jung----a Lee, a Lee, a Lee, a Lee, organistorganistorganistorganist

Works by: Works by: Works by: Works by:




& Selby

���� Free lunch served prior to the recital at 11:30 am.

� � � � Free-will offering with be received.

� � � � “Frenzy Friday - You Must Bring a Friend” — Starting in September the

Noon Organ Recital series will be held on the second Friday of

the month. The first recital will be on Friday, September 10, 2010.

Contact: Dr. Jung-A Lee 949.300.1205 www.musicmissioninternational.org

• Organist at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian


• Adjunct Professor at Vanguard


• Accompanist for Men in Blaque

Choir, UCI

• Doctor of Musical Arts degree —

Boston University

• Master of Music — Yale University