m7b-dermatitis industri -...

3/19/2008 1 Tanaman beracun: poison ivy alergi Bunga beracun Efek: kulit memerah dan gatal Bakteri, jamur, parasit dan tungau Didapat di daerah pertanian, bakery, sayur, dan buah-buahan BEDAKAN DERMATITIS INDUSTRIAL DENGAN BUKAN INDUSTRIAL SEPERTI AKIBAT KOSMETIKA, OBAT, INSEKTISIDA, DLL. Deterjen dan pelarut keratin Desikator, zat higroskopis, anhidrida Protein precipitants Hidrolitik, elektrolitik Pengoksidasi Derivatif nitro yang toksik Keratogenik, neoplastik Agent biologis Alergi, protein anafilaktik Pereduksi

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Tanaman beracun: poison ivy alergiBunga beracun

Efek: kulit memerah dangatal

Bakteri, jamur, parasit dan tungauDidapat di daerah pertanian, bakery, sayur, dan buah-buahan


Deterjen dan pelarut keratinDesikator, zat higroskopis, anhidridaProtein precipitantsHidrolitik, elektrolitikPengoksidasiDerivatif nitro yang toksikKeratogenik, neoplastikAgent biologisAlergi, protein anafilaktikPereduksi



Deterjen dan pelarut keratinminyak alami kulit dan sel kulit larut kulit menjadi kering danmudah terinfeksi

contoh: alkali, terpentin, alkohol, dan sabun

Desikator, zat higroskopis, anhidridamenyerap air dari kulit kulit kering dan panas

contoh: SO2=, PO4=, H2SO4, dll.

Protein precipitantsmenyebabkan koagulasi protein, kulit mengeras

contoh: garam logam berat, HgCl, asam tanat, asam pikrik, fenol, UV, formaldehid, dll.

Hidrolitik, elektrolitikbereaksi dengan air di kulit, terjadi iritasi, panas keluarselama reaksi berlangsung

contoh: gas mustard, NH4NO3

Pengoksidasibereaksi dengan hidrogen O terbebas oksidasi

contoh: FeCl2, H2O2, As, chromat, permanganat, ozon, danamonia

Derivatif nitro yang toksikmelarutkan kulit

contoh: TNT, DNT, fenol, kresol, tetryl, asam pikrat

Keratogenik, neoplastiksel kulit tumbuh berlebih kanker

As, tar, naftilamin, dll.

Agent biologismikroba, parasit infeksi

Alergi, protein anafilaktikreaksi antigen-antibodi dengan membentuk histamin alergi

contoh: tepung, pollen, dll.

Pereduksimembentuk hidrogen bebas reduksi

contoh: asam salisilat, asam oksalat, hidrokarbon alifatik, fenol, naftol, hidrokarbon-aromatik

sub-acute dermatitis from the rubber accelerator, mercaptoben zothiazole

contact dermatitis form exposure to the strong irritant, ethylene oxide

The skin contact with an irritant results in itchy rash within minutes to an hour. They disappear within twenty-four hours, usually within a few hours. Contact urticaria is also known as nettle rash or hives. It is typified by the wheal (swellings) and flare at the site of contact. The affected person may suffer from itching, tingling or burning sensations. There are other types of urticaria. This includes immune sensitised reaction and happens in people who have previously become sensitised to a causative agent (eg latex protein in rubber gloves). This type of reaction is also called ACD.



Acne is an inflammatory disorder of the sebaceous glands. The skin eruptions from acne may be mild, involving exposed areas of the body, or severe covering of all the body.Occupational acne includes oil acne, coal-tar acne, and chloracne. Others types are related to cosmetics, heat/cold and mechanical forces.

The incidence of oil acne has declined in recent years because of decreased use of neat cutting oils. Better performing oils and improved health and safety standards in the workplace helped this decline further.The eruptions resulting from oil acne are called oil boils. When the exposure is prolonged, skin cancer, such as cancer of the scrotum, may develop. Oil acne amongst oil workers is rare because there are fewer opportunities for prolonged contact with crude oil or the heavier oil fractions.

Chloracne results from exposure to certain halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (eg polychlorinated biphenyles (PCBc)). Individual lesions of chloracne consist primarily of blackheads, whiteheads and cysts. Choracne occurs mainly on exposed areas of the skin, but following regular exposure, lesions may appear in other regions especially the genital, groin and axillae areas of the body. Chloracne usually begins several weeks or months after the exposure and new lesions may appear even when exposure stops, because there may still be traces of the contaminants in the follicular areas of the skin.

Coal-tar acne is associated with coal tar-based products and may be aggravated by light/UV.

Skin and eyes are vulnerable and it will cause increased pigmentation as well as acne-related symptoms (eg skin eruptions, blackheads).



Skin pigmentation disorders cause the skin to appear lighter or darker than normal. Pigmentary disorders can be due to hazardous agents found in the workplace (eg: UV, X-rays), environment (eg Sun rays) or ones genetic makeup or reaction to medicines and food. A number of chemicals used at work can cause depigmentaion

Hyperpigmentation by kerosene

Exposure to radiation can lead to skin cancer, most commonly this comes from exposure to the sun. Therefore outside workers are particularly at risk.People who are exposed ionising and non-ionising radiationmay be susceptible to work related cancers.Some chemicals can cause cancer on the skin, others may contribute to cancers found in other parts of the body. The use of unrefined mineral oils has in the past led to skin cancer affecting the exposed skin of the hands and forearms.

Oil-soaked clothing and oily rags kept in overalls caused scrotal cancer. The use of refined oils together with changes in work practice and improved personal hygiene have reduced this risk. Chemicals like Mobca is used in the manufacture of polyurethane products. It can get through the skin and may cause cancer in other parts of the body.

Penyebabzat kimia, konsentrasi pekat, temperaturekstrim tinggi, lama kontak dengan kulit

Klasifikasi luka bakar:tingkat I (first degree burn): merah, panas, gatal, sakit, rasa terbakartingkat II (second degree burn): sangat sakit, melepuh, merah, basah (terbakar lebih dalam)

mudah kena infeksitingkat III (third degree burn): kulit dankaringan bawah kulit habis terbakar

Burn degree