m.a. education assignment test 2 semester 2021 cbcs ddce

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2 nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE Paper- (Modern Trends in Methods of Teaching History) Answer all questions 1. Prepare a lesson plan in history taking a topic from class VII history text book. 2. Write down five varieties of objective based objective type questions. 3. Prepare a scheme of lesson for class IX history for the current year. 4. Select a lesson of your choice and prepare dialogues to teach the lesson through dramatization. 5. Mention the various sources and activities that you would use in senior classes for increasing effective participation of your pupil. M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2 nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE Paper- (Modern Trends in Methods of Teaching Mathematics) Answer all questions 1. Prepare a lesson plan to teach 'Volume of a con' to class IX student's. 2. List the components of specific behavioral objective. Illustrate each component with at least one example. 3. Choose atopic from elementary school mathematics. Prepare a project on that topic. 4. Prepare a list of different types of teaching aids in mathematics and state their specific use. 5. Prepare a scheme of lesson for class VIII mathematic for the current year. M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2 nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE Paper- (Modern Trends in Methods of Teaching Science) Answer all questions 1. Prepare unit plan on a topic of your in science at the secondary stage? 2. A teaching aid, however good it may be, cannot replace teacher''. Discuss? 3. Select a topic in Science which can be taught in problem solving method? 4. What is the importance of practical work in Science teaching? 5. "The study of Science as a school subject is certainly useful for community and individuals". Justify the above statement.

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M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Modern Trends in Methods of Teaching History) Answer all questions

1. Prepare a lesson plan in history taking a topic from class VII history text book.2. Write down five varieties of objective based objective type questions.3. Prepare a scheme of lesson for class IX history for the current year.4. Select a lesson of your choice and prepare dialogues to teach the lesson through

dramatization.5. Mention the various sources and activities that you would use in senior classes

for increasing effective participation of your pupil.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Modern Trends in Methods of Teaching Mathematics) Answer all questions

1. Prepare a lesson plan to teach 'Volume of a con' to class IX student's.2. List the components of specific behavioral objective. Illustrate each component

with at least one example.3. Choose atopic from elementary school mathematics. Prepare a project on that

topic.4. Prepare a list of different types of teaching aids in mathematics and state their

specific use.5. Prepare a scheme of lesson for class VIII mathematic for the current year.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Modern Trends in Methods of Teaching Science) Answer all questions

1. Prepare unit plan on a topic of your in science at the secondary stage?2. A teaching aid, however good it may be, cannot replace teacher''. Discuss?

3. Select a topic in Science which can be taught in problem solving method?4. What is the importance of practical work in Science teaching?5. "The study of Science as a school subject is certainly useful for community and

individuals". Justify the above statement.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Modern Trends in Methods of Teaching English) Answer all questions

1. Identify language items of any prose lesson and design learning activities.2. Identify learner difficulty in reading English and prepare remedial exercise.3. Select any poetry of class VIII and prepare a lesson plan.4. Diagnose spelling errors among the students and suggest remedial measures.5. Select a prose piece of class IX and frame one long answer (LA),two short

answer (SA),five very short answer (VSA) and ten objective type questions tomeasure learning out comes.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Modern Trends in Methods of Teaching Geography) Answer all questions

1. What are the advantages of teaching geography at the school level?2. Write the importance and types of charts in geography teaching with examples.3. How excursion helps your students in learning geography.4. Briefly write notes on Atlas, Relief Map and visual-aids.5. Prepare a unit test (Geography) for secondary class with the help of blue-print.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Educational Technology) Answer all questions

1. Technology encourages socialization rather than creating isolation 'Justify thestatement with suitable examples.

2. What are the objectives and uses of Educational Technology? Can it replace aTeacher? Explain.

3. Define Micro-Teaching. Explain its cycle and take one micro-teaching skill anddevelop a lesson plan taking topic of your choice.

4. Suppose an educational institution is enrolling students with special needs.Develop a strategy for educating these learners with the help of assistivetechnologies.

5. Do you think support services play crucial role in distance education? Justify youranswer by comparing your theoretical understanding with your practicalexperience.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Methods of Educational Research and Statistics) Answer all questions

1. Identify a problem from any aspect of education. Prepare an outline of researchproposal to carry out investigation on the same problem.

2. What do you mean by review of related literature in research ?Discuss thesources of conducting review in research .Select a topic of your interest and writeat least five review in that topic.

3. What are the main objectives of experimental design ?Explain the different typesof true experimental design with their main strength and limitation.

4. A science teacher wanted to know the relative effectiveness of lecture cum

demonstration method over traditional lecture method. He divided his class intotwo equal random groups A and B and taught group A by lecture cumdemonstration method and group B by lecture method. After teaching threemonths he administered an achievement test to both the groups. find out theeffectiveness of one method of teaching over the other from the data givenbelow:




Group A




Group B




5. What do you understand by multiple co-relation? Describe its characteristics andapplications. Discuss where would like to use it in education by citing specificexample.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Educational Planning and Management) Answer all questions

1. Define educational Management . Discuss its nature in detail.2. Discuss the functions of DIET.3. What is educational supervision? Discuss its merits and defects.4. How modern supervision is creative and scientific in nature ?Justify.5. Explain the need and importance of educational planning.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Paper- (Comparative Education: UK/USA/China/South Africa) Answer all questions

1. Explain the term 'juxtaposition' with reference to comparative education.Differentiate between international and inter-national educational analysis.

2. Explain the term 'nationalism 'and indicate its characteristics. Enumerate theadvantage of national system of education.

3. Give a comparative account of higher education in US.A and U.K What lessonsIndia can learn from these two countries in context of higher education?

4. Compare the silent features of educational administration in U.K., U.S.A andIndia.

5. What are the major problems of teacher training in our country ? Suggest themeasures for their solution.

M.A. EDUCATION Assignment Test 2nd Semester 2021 CBCS DDCE

Answer all questions