maboneng pricint


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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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WHAT: Launch a special events guide on their already existing Facebook page

WHO: The segmented audience would be the people that liked our Facebook page, students, metrosexuals,homosexuals, couples, Business associates.

WHO: Facebook is one of the fast growing mediums to use when advertising or when reaching a wide audience this will help achieve our objective of spreading the message faster

WHEN: Throughout the campaign 5-25 May 2014

WHERE: Maboneng Precinct Facebook page

HOW: We will create a link on facebook which all our followers will automatically have, this will keep them up to date on the 3 week campaign proceedings, what to expect, when to expect it, which activity will take place. They can comment on how they feel about the activities and even share it with their facebook friends.



Kefilwe Sethibe201306655

Nano Shadung 201306072

Nhlanhla Shezi201220547

Zinhle Dlamini201302017

Zamabuya Ngwenya201226062


lovely :)


Integrated business environment , a platform for employment, creativity and social upliftment, bringing diverse people from all corners of the world together into a heart-felt space. these are all factors that define the Maboneng Precinct. A media campaign is needed for Maboneng mainly because we want to create awareness and increase visitation for all potential target markets.Moreover; for them to know what Maboneng does, what experience they can get from visiting Maboneng as well as where it is located.We also want a more specific segmented target market for the precinct



“There is no passion to be found playing small- settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living”- Nelson Mandela

Maboneng, a heartfelt space containing all diversional activities that altogether form one home for all.

A digital tour of Maboneng giving you the taste of a good life. Click the link below.


Nana, you should be on TV :) Stunning video!


➔ Website is very informative

➔ They constantly post about their events and all their interactions on their facebook and twitter page.

➔ Maboneng twitter account has 6 878 followers and 3 787 tweets, facebook page is liked by 33693 people.

➔ It has been featured on TV programmes such as a cutting edge as a documentary, top billing and selimathunzi.

➔ Security Guards at Maboneng use their walkie talkies to communicate with the office and address enquiries visitors might have e.g: directions.


➔ It is convenient for people who want to know about Maboneng and they can find almost everything easily on it. There are maps on how to get to Maboneng, FAQ slot, and question directory where your queries get answered immediately.

➔ This shows that they are interactive on social media platforms,therefore, their followers on social media platforms are always updated.

➔ People are now aware of Maboneng and are showing favour of it. The feedback is positive.

➔ These shows have a very large viewership and other businesses will have interest investing in Maboneng. It also legitimizes their image as a brand.

➔ Makes it easier for visitors to find their destination without having to go around the whole precinct first.

very good!


➔ They do not respond to questions asked on their facebook and twitter pages

➔ They have no internal house publication.

➔ They have no intranet system

➔ Maboneng has never had a television advert


➔ It discourages people who might have interest in visiting maboneng or attending the events. Their queries are left unattended to.

➔ Junior staff never know about events, programs or campaigns that take place prior to their commencement.

➔ This will slow their means of communication from both top-bottom communication and bottom up communication.

➔ This prohibits people residing outside of Johannesburg from knowing about the precinct and that limits it’s overall awareness.


➔ Use lifestyle bloggers to blog about Maboneng

➔ Expand their social networks, make them go beyond twitter, facebook and instagram

➔ Introduce an internal publication.

➔ Introduce an intranet system that moves from business to business

➔ Relevant television programmes (from SABC and otherwise) or entertainment programmes might approach Maboneng and do a show on them every sunday.


➔ Widen their exposure and expand their target market

➔ It will reach more targets on the various social networks

➔ This will ensure everybody that works for Maboneng knows of everything happening at the precinct and are able to help visitors rather than being clueless when asked for help.

➔ This will fasten their communication amongst each other and help create relations with its competitors, will also help them build more networks, including sponsors.

➔ maboneng will get exposure and even a platform to be even globally recognized.

A critically analysis of at least five strengths, five weaknesses, five opportunities and fivethreats are presented. For each, a good description explains is public relations communication impact on the organisation. A good focus on current controlled and uncontrolled media exposure is described. It is evident that excellent research is conducted to obtain information.


➔ Uncontrolled media is open to negativity from the public, and this could happen to Maboneng.

➔ Journalists could negatively interpret our main message, which is to increase awareness

➔ broadcast media might not reach all our target publics

➔ Unpleasant service experienced by a journalist, blogger or customer can result to them writing about it on the media.

➔ Competitors can have a more appealing website, billboard advertising, creative television advertisements that can grab the attention of viewers


➔ This would result in the image of Maboneng being Tarnished

➔ Since journalists have a major influence on the public it could tarnish the reputation of Maboneng.

➔ It is therefore possible that our target public might not see or hear the message being communicated to them through broadcast

➔ This creates bad publicity, jeopardises the image of Maboneng. Can take some time to regain the good reputation

➔ Being enticed just by the advertisement of the competitor can lead to customers choosing them over Maboneng, resulting in decrease of visitation or no increase at all

“If you focus on results you will never see change but if you focus on change you will certainly see results"


Lovely images :)


➔ To inform our target audience that Maboneng is a convenient spot for relaxation, having fun, making business acquaintances and forming partnerships

➔ To create awareness of the location, products, services and a variety of experiences

MOTIVATIONAL GOALS ➔ Change our target market’s attitudes about Maboneng being in downtown Johannesburg

➔ Increase the flow of visitors at Maboneng by 15% by the end of the campaign

MEDIA LISTclick on the link below to view the media list document on maboneng


Friends and family enjoying their delicious meals on a

slow sunday in Maboneng’s very own Arts on Main

Brothers Sizwe and Themba Ndlovu imitate a portrait on one of the Artwork at the maboneng art gallery on the 12-04-2014 during their visit to the precinct

Very good!


Click below to view the Target Market Segmented

Neighbourhood child Sizwe Nkomo enjoying a delicious frozen yogurt in the Ice-cream truck at the Maboneng Precinct.

Local taxi driver’s favourite barber spot, township style in Maboneng.


The vintage car at the Arts On Main during an event on portrait exhibitions, giving visitors the privilege to take pictures and enjoy their visit


Maboneng is Fashion, Art, It’s Business, food, It’s Diverse,

Ayoba, Awesome, It’s Delicious, It’s MABONENG! Come

experience all the fun, love and warmth of this amazing location.

come to Maboneng - Enjoy the township experience, What are

you waiting for, Maboneng- The place of light.


The message is creative, appealing and encourage stakeholder buy-in. The brand personality and an appropriate tone are clearly conveyed in the message. Nice!


We have created a video for our message, however, only the audio will be heard on radio. To view this, click on the link below.


Wow!!! I am so proud of you. This vid rocks! Well done!!!!!


WHAT: Launch a special events guide on their already existing Facebook page

WHO: The segmented audience would be the people that liked our Facebook page, students, metrosexuals,homosexuals, couples, Business associates.

WHO: Facebook is one of the fast growing mediums to use when advertising or when reaching a wide audience this will help achieve our objective of spreading the message faster

WHEN: Throughout the campaign 5-25 May 2014

WHERE: Maboneng Precinct Facebook page

HOW: We will create a link on facebook which all our followers will automatically have, this will keep them up to date on the 3 week campaign proceedings, what to expect, when to expect it, which activity will take place. They can comment on how they feel about the activities and even share it with their facebook friends.


Good. Give more detail about the content you will provide. Describe visuals you have planned. Describe the sort of stories you would like to include.
Why: What PR/communication objective do you want to achieve with this particular method/activity?


WHAT: Twitter interaction about the campaign with our followers WHO: Twitter followers,bloggers and journalists

WHY: Twitter has become the largest active social media that people use to interact and keep themselves updated about everything that is happening around them WHEN: Throughout the campaign 5 to 25 May 2014 WHERE : Maboneng`s twitter account

HOW : We will use twitter as a platform to publicize our campaign. we will tweet about all our activities that are said to take place during the campaign and create a hashtag on it, include photographs of all our recent media activities that have take place. followers can retweet on it as well. These regular posts on twitter will take place in the duration of the whole campaign.


List the exact target market for this activity. Select from your market segmentation list.
Give more detail about the content you will provide. What topics will your posts be about? What multi-media will you use? Describe these.


WHAT: A competition that participants will send an SMS to, this will be a word or phrase that they think best represents the Maboneng experience. The winner with the most creative word or phrase stands a chance to win an Apple Ipad.

WHO: Young individuals both male and females who are cell sophisticates, outgoing and always trying out new things. Enjoy the outdoors and clubbing scene and good living.

WHERE: The competition will be running only in South Africa so that the prize won is easily delivered.

WHEN: 5 May 2014, the beginning of the 3 week campaign we will open the SMS lines and they will be closed on the 24th May 2014. On the last day of the campaign 25 May 2014 the winner will be announced on 5FM.WHY: The SMS competition will be an interactive way for Maboneng and its customers to interact.Maboneng will be popular as well and be in the mouth of it’s targets.. The prize is exciting and most of the target markets will be interested in it. HOW: An IT specialist will set up the SMS lines which all participants will send their words and phrases to, the line will be monitored until the 24 May and the winner will be announced at the end of the competition.


Nice. What sort of wording will be used? Describe.


WHAT: Press release to the media

WHO: Journalists

WHY : a press release is a professional way of communicating with journalists and informing them about any event in the company

WHEN : 5 May 2014

WHERE:we will issue out press releases to each publications that is on our media list

HOW : the press release will be written to inform the media about the media conference that we will have which is meant to tell the journalist about the campaign, various press releases will be written according to each publications content and will be emailed to all the journalists that are in our media list


What sort of wording will be used? Describe. Also describe the visuals and that will be used in more detail.
List all the media that you will target


WHAT: A digital billboard that shows short snippets of Maboneng services as a slideshow.

WHO: Business personae, males and females, hetrosexulas and metrosexuals as per primary segment targets and tourists that come to visit South Africa

WHEN: 5-19 May 2014

WHERE: Jeppestown, Maboneng Precinct at the MAMA building high walls.

WHY: Digital billboards are very attractive especially at night as they are lightened and not easy to ignore, they will create intense interest and entertainment

HOW: This lightened digital billboard will be installed in one of the tallest Maboneng buildings, the MAMA building, include moving digital visuals of all the activities that take place in the precinct. This billboard is most effective at night.


What sort of wording will be used? Describe. Also describe the visuals that will be used in more detail.
Why: What PR/communication objective do you want to achieve with this particular method/activity?


WHAT: An advertisement on Television

WHO:Business acquaintances, males and females as per market segmentation, homosexuals and hetrosexuals and students WHO: TV has a high frequency viewership and majority of our target audience will be reached,especially during peak times.

WHEN: 6-11 May 2014

WHERE: The advertisement will appear on SABC1 (during generations, live amp and selimathunzi) SABC3(top billing) and on DSTV during business day tv.

HOW: Bonang Matheba will be our brand ambassador. She will do the advert at the maboneng premises walking around showcasing different activities that take place at maboneng while there is music playing on the background. The content of the advertisement will be the same for all T.V stations.


What sort of wording will be used? Describe. Also describe the visuals and or music that will be used in more detail.
Why: What PR/communication objective do you want to achieve with this particular method/activity?


WHAT: Media Conference

WHO: Journalists and bloggers

WHY: The conference will be held to inform the media about the three week media plan as well as create awareness for the precinct as a whole

WHEN: Monday 9 May 2014 at 13:00

WHERE: Conference room at 12 Decades Johannesburg Arts Hotel at the Maboneng Precinct

HOW: The conference will be held at the conference room where there will be journalists, bloggers media personae.They will be addressed on the campaign that is said to take place and a session for questions and queries, press kits will be distributed as well. Thereafter; refreshments will be served.


List all the journalists that you will invite. Describe the content of the media kits that will be handed out. What audio/visuals will be provided? Who will address the media?


WHEN : Partner up with Mugg & Bean and Ocean Basket

WHO : Business acquaintances; couples; males; females; and homosexuals

WHY : This will help reach our objective of increasing the visitorship of Maboneng. This activity will also create a sense of curiosity in our target market.

WHEN: 12 May at 12:00 -20 May 2014 at 00:00

WHERE: All Mugg & Bean and Ocean Basket restaurants in Johannesburg

HOW: Customers will receive a voucher that allows them to get a free branded product from Maboneng. These will include a bracelet, a flask or a Maboneng t-shirt. The vouchers must be presented at the Arts on Main restaurant as evidence in order to collect the bracelets and t-shirts. The customers have to spend a minimum of R200 in order to receive a voucher.


This needs to be a media activity. You must not include a pure marketing/PR activity


WHAT: Create an Advertisement on Radio

WHO: The perfect target audience would be the ones selected in our target segmentation Couples, Females, Males, Tourists, Business Personnels,Metrosexuals and Homosexuals

WHY: Radio is the best method because people can listen to it while at work, or at varsity during their off time,or when they are stuck in traffic on their way driving back home.

WHEN: 12-17 May 2014 on selected shows

WHERE: The selected Radio stations are Metro Fm, 5 fm and Kaya Fm. These selected stations help reach target audience faster and are more effective

HOW: The advert will basically be 30sec long from Monday to friday at 12:00-15:00, the message on the radio advert will encourage visibility of Maboneng and motivate visitorship, the advert will tell listeners about the various experiences, places they people can go to while at Maboneng


What sort of wording will be used? Describe. Also describe the music that will be used in more detail.
which shows exactly?
Why: What PR/communication objective do you want to achieve with this particular method/activity?


WHAT: Advertisement in a newspaper

WHO: We are going to select newspapers geographically according to the target market. eg; North cliff community newspaper will target business personnels residing in the north of Johannesburg

WHY: Newspapers circulate very fast and this will help us to reach more people faster from different backgrounds and with different interests, making it more convenient for us to spread our message WHEN: 12-19 May 2014

WHERE: We will use national newspapers that are on our media list as they circulate around Johannesburg

HOW: the advertisement will be 4 columns by 12 cm in a tabloid newspaper and a spreadsheet will be 5 columns by 15 cm, the advert will have a yellow and black theme with bold words written on it, the content on the advert will contain address, telephone number, images and a persuasive message inviting you to come and experience the vibe at maboneng and its products and services.


What sort of wording will be used? Describe.
List the exact target market for this activity. Select from your market segmentation list. Which media are you targeting?
Why: What PR/communication objective do you want to achieve with this particular method/activity?


WHAT: We take journalists and TV presenters on a tour guide of Maboneng

WHO : Journalists, Bloggers, TV Programmes(Selimathunzi,Top Billing, and live amp)

WHY: To achieve our informative goals of creating awareness, informing our target audience in a more fast and convenient manner for them

WHEN: Wednesday 14 May 2014 at 10:00 to 15:00

WHERE: This will take place in and around Maboneng

HOW: Maboneng will invite a variety of media personnels such as newspaper journalists, lifestyle bloggers magazine reporters to observe and experience the lifestyle and different services offered at the Maboneng Precinct, Firstly they will enjoy coffee at Kahawa which is a coffee shop and art gallery situated at the outlines of Maboneng, then they will move along to browse around the hotels, bioscope and endof on Arts on main where they will receive their main course. Shows such as Selimathunzi will be invited, Top Billing and live amp Journalists from The Citizen, Sowetan and The Star.


Describe the content of the media kits that will be handed out. What audio/visuals will be provided? Who will address the media?
Why: What PR/communication objective do you want to achieve with this particular method/activity?


WHAT: A video on Maboneng Precinct about the product and services it offers.

WHO: People who have access to Youtube and constant internet users; young couples, single males,single females, Metrosexuals,tourists and students

WHY: Using a video will provide visuals and in depth audio’s, making it easy for us to persuade and inform our target publics on the services and products offered at Maboneng

WHEN: Video shoot 18 May 2014 and it will be digitally uploaded on the 20th of May

WHERE:Youtube,facebook,Maboneng`s website and twitter.

HOW: A model will be talking about the different businesses and activities that place in Maboneng. as she takes us on a tour, music will be playing in the background while pictures are on slideshow


What sort of wording will be used? Describe. Also describe the visuals and or music that will be used in more detail.


WHAT: Send an advertorial to a magazine

WHO: The advertorial will be sent to magazines to reach women, metrosexuals,students and homosexuals.

WHY: We want to inform our target publics on products and services offered by Maboneng, beautiful experiences they may encounter and exclusive items purchasable. advertorials circulate faster and have loyal readers. Therefore; it would be easy to reach targeted audiences quicker. \

WHEN: 19 to 25 May 2014

WHEN: Drum and True love magazine

HOW: Having that we using two different magazines, we will take into consideration their content and a newsworthy angle that will be in the best interest of their readers. The advertorial will be in full colour, 4 columns wide by 10cm, colours for the theme will be black, yellow and white with pictures of Maboneng and our brand ambassador Bonang Matheba, Maboneng logo, physical address, telephone numbers, facebook, twitter and instagram icons


Give more detail about the content you will provide. Describe visuals you have planned. Describe the sort of stories you would like to include.


WHAT: 2 Billboards at OR Tambo airport and at Park Station

WHO: Young couples between the ages of 25-35; males and females who have full-time employment and earn R5000+; metrosexuals between the ages of 25-35; students; and tourists

WHY: To achieve our informative goal of creating awareness of the location, products, services and a variety of experiences of Maboneng

WHEN: 19-25 May 2014

WHERE: The first billboard will be at Gate 1 at the OR Tambo airport and the other at Park Station next to the Gautrain station

HOW: Both billboards will have the same advertisement on them as well as the same writing content and images. The background will be black with gold wording, there will be three pictures of activities that take place at Maboneng on the left hand-side and then we will use Bonang Matheba as our brand ambassador on the right hand side of the billboard. the middle will consist of the Maboneng logo and slogan.



WHAT:Television interview on Mzansi insider

WHO : Jonathan Liebmann the founder and CEO will be interviewed by presenter Katleho Sinivasan and Tsholofelo Maseko addressing SABC 1 viewers

WHY : Television programmes have a large viewership, this will help us to reach our target audience and its early in the morning so they will have time to go see the precinct later during the day.

WHEN : Sunday, 09:00am 4th May 2014- the day before the whole campaign begins

WHERE:SABC studios in Auckland Park, Bunting Road

HOW: The CEO will drive along with one of the GEN WORX Consultants to the studios so he stays guided on what to say and how to say it. Makeup and wardrobe has been fixed by the image and publicity team.


good. Topic of the interview? Describe what he will say in detail


BROADCAST RETURNSWe will measure the success of our campaign by how many viewers we reach on television as well as how many listeners we reach on radio. This can be viewed on the stations RAMS (Radio Advertising Measurement Survey) or TAMS (Television Advertising Measurement Survey) which are provided and regularly updated by SAARF (South African Advertising Research Foundation). If the number of listeners and viewers on our chosen radio stations and television channels are high then it will mean that our advertisements reached our target market, however, if the number is low then it will mean that our target market was not reached therefore the campaign will be considered as not effective and our goal of creating awareness to our target market will then not be achieved.

ONLINE RETURNSThe effectiveness of our campaign will be measured on social media platforms, namely facebook and twitter. on facebook we will calculate the number of likes we get; on both facebook and twitter we will calculate a cost per word based on the number of words in the comment blocks. we will also calculate the number of retweets and how many new followers we have on twitter.


SALES RESULTS We will measure the effectiveness of the campaign by calculating profit and market share. If we make more than the estimated amount it will mean that the campaign was effective, we will calculate the difference in the profit made by the restaurants, galleries, and hotels before and after the campaign.

PRESS PUBLICITYWe will reassure number of the column centimeters achieved and convert them into rands. we will break down information on the press publicity into the number of exposure to the target audience. Number of the column centimeters in the publication will be measured and then converted into rands, thereafter to determine whether it did reach the target audience, we will use the circulation what



Below is a link of our budget for the media campaign


The budget needs to be more comprehensive.


Excellent assignment. Thank you for a wonderful assignment that was a pleasure to mark. I really liked your slide layout too. Some wonderful activities included in your plan. You need to include more detail in your activities.Excellent videos and slide layout. Well done!