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Page 1: Macbeth - English Center, undervisningsmaterialer på ... · Macbeth c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Macbeth - Answer keys of 3 Answer keys LEVEL 4 PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support


c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Macbeth - Answer keys � of 3


Teacher Support Programme

Book key

1 Openanswers2 a traitor,tyrant,witch b armour,battle,dagger,surrender,sword,victory c ambition,fate,predict3 Openanswers4 a Macbeth b Banquo c thesupernatural d murder e theThaneofCawdor f hislandandproperty g thecrown h Duncan5 Macbethisafraidofthewitchesandofkilling

Duncan. Theyarebothambitious,althoughLadyMacbethis

moreimpatient. LadyMacbethisangrywithMacbethbecausehedoes

notwanttomurderDuncan. Macbethisabravesoldier. LadyMacbethisnotworriedaboutkillingDuncanin

hissleepandblamingtheguardsforthemurder. LadyMacbethsaysthatMacbethistookindand

gentle. LadyMacbethhasastrongercharacterthanMacbeth. MacbethhasaweakercharacterthanLadyMacbeth.

HefinallyagreesthatheshouldmurderDuncan.6–8 Openanswers9 a 7 b 3 c 7 d 7 e 7 f 3 g 7 h 3

i 7

10 Possibleanswers: a confusedandfrightened b happy;calmandclear-headed c shockedandangry d shocked e afraidandupset11 a Macbethimaginesthatitisleadinghimto

Duncan’sbedroom. b Macbeththinksthatit‘invites’himtothecrime. c AfterhekillsDuncan,Macbethbelievesthathe


d Lennoxsaysthattherewasastrongwindandstrangescreamsinthenight.Itisanotherexampleofthesupernaturalinthestory.

e Thismakespeoplebelievethattheyareresponsiblefortheirfather’smurder.

12 Possibleanswers: a Theyareafraidfortheirlives.Theyareunwise


b Hehasleftthecountryandpeoplethinkthatheisamurderer.

c Openanswers13 a–b Openanswers c their=thewitches;you=Macbeth;thewitches

predictedthathischildrenwouldbekings14 Openanswers15 a thinks b havenot c donotblame d doesnotknow e escapes f cannot g has h donothave16 a MacbethisafraidofBanquo’s‘royalquality’.He


b FleanceescapesthemurderersandwillnowbeMacbeth’senemy.

c MacduffhasgonetoEnglandtoaskKingEdwardforhelpagainstMacbeth.

d MalcolmisinEnglandandknowsthatMacbethisamurderer.

e LennoxandRosshavesuspicionsaboutMacbeth.17 a Macbethistalkingtothetwomurderersabout

Banquo. b LadyMacbethistalkingtoMacbethaboutwhy

theyarenothappywiththeirsuccess. c MacbethistalkingtoLadyMacbethabouthis


d LadyMacbethistalkingtoMacbethabouthisstrangebehaviouratdinnerwhenheseesBanquo’sghost.

e MacbethistalkingtoLadyMacbethaboutwhyhecannotactcalmlyandwiselyafterhiscrimes.

f RossistalkingtoLennoxaboutwhyMalcolmisinEngland.

18 LennoxistalkingaboutMacduff,whohasgonetoEngland.MacduffisgoingtoaskfortheEnglishking’shelptofreeScotlandfromMacbeth.

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c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Macbeth - Answer keys 2 of 3


Teacher Support Programme

19–20 Openanswers21 a AsoldierwarnsMacbethaboutMacduff. b TheghostofBanquofollowseightkingsacrossthe

stage. c Macbethreceivesthreespokenpredictions. d LadyMacduffthinksthatherhusbandhasacted

badly/unwisely/foolishly. e AmurdererkillsMacduff ’ssonwithaknife. f RossbringsMacduffbadnewsabouthisfamily. g Malcolmhasanarmyoftenthousandsoldiers. h MacduffwantstofightfacetofacewithMacbeth.22 a 3 b 6 c 4 d 2 e 7 f 5 g 8 h 123–25 Openanswers26 a 6 b 4 c 7 d 2 e 5 f 1 g 8 h 327 MacbethisresponsibleforthedeathsofBanquo,


28–39 Openanswers

Discussion activities key1–2 Openanswers3 adagger,page15 witches,page4 asword,pages4,15,40 acrown,pages31,49 alamp,page45 amoor,page4 armour,pages4,31,49 aghost,page314 a after b eleventhcentury c Stratford-upon-Avon d 37 e Inverness f Yes,butthestorywaschangedquitealot. g ‘theScottishplay’.Theybelieveitisunluckytocall

theplaybyitsname.5–19 Openanswers

Activity worksheets key1 a 3 b 2 c 1 d 6 e 5 f 42 a 2 b 3 c 1 d 3 e 23 a tired b bed c wine d guards e sleep f kill g daggers h blood i sad4 a 2 b 1 c 3

5 a MacbethistalkingtoBanquo.Heisexplainingwhyheisnotyetasleep.his meansDuncan’s.

b MacbethistalkingtoLadyMacbeth.HehasjustkilledDuncan.Thisisthesightofhisbloodyhands.

c BanquoistalkingtoLadyMacbeth.Banquothinksthatsheistooworriedaboutherreputationandnotenoughabouttheking’sdeath.It meansthemurderoftheking.

d MacbethistalkingtoMacduff,Lennox,Ross,MalcolmandDonalbain.HeistryingtomakethembelievethathekilledthetwoguardsbecausehelovedtheKing.themmeansthetwoguards.

e RossisreplyingtoMacduffafterMacdufftellshimthathethinkstheKing’ssonspaidtheguardstokilltheirfather.their areDuncan’ssons’.

6 a 6 b 2 c 4 d 1 e 5 f 37 a Fleance b Ross c Banquo d LadyMacbeth8 a T b F c T d T e F f T9 a pot b bloody c acrown d like e father f left g Macduff ’sson h fight10 a Thesecondwitchistalkingtotheotherwitches.

Something meansMacbeth. b Macbethistalkingtothewitchesaboutthelineof

kings.hismeansBanquo’s. c Macbethistalkingtohimself.this thingmeansthe

killingofMacduff,hiswifeandchildren. d LadyMacduffisspeakingtoRoss.Hemeansher

husband. e RossistalkingtoMacduff.the worst newsisthe

newsthatMacduff ’swifeandsonhavebeenkilled.11 a afraid–pleasedorhappy b thewitches–thekingsorhissons c agrees–disagrees d afraid–notafraid e money–menorsoldiers12 a LadyMacbethistalkingtoherselfwhilewashing

herhandsinhersleep.the old manmeansDuncan. b MacbethisreplyingtohisservantSeytonafter


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c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Macbeth - Answer keys 3 of 3


Teacher Support Programme

c AmessengeristalkingtoMacbeth.the forestisreallythetreesheldbythesoldiersastheycomenearMacbeth’scastle.

d MacbethistalkingtoMacduffduringtheirfinalfight.Theyarethethreewitches.

13 a 5 b 1 c 3 d 6 e 4 f 214 a–f Openanswers

Progress test key1 a witch b king c captain d thanes2 a onthemoor b Macbeth c funny d unhappy3 a 3 b 7 c 3 d ?4 a sleeping b guards c afraid d dark5 a 5 b 6 c 3 d 1 e 7 f 4 g 26 a T b F c T d F7 a 4 b 1 c 6 d 2 e 5 f 38 a LadyMacduff b Macduff ’sson c Ross d Edward9 a afraid b killherself c armour d joinedtheotherside