machine learning ics 178 instructor: max welling visualization & k nearest neighbors

Machine Learning ICS 178 Instructor: Max Welling visualization & k nearest neighbors

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Page 1: Machine Learning ICS 178 Instructor: Max Welling visualization & k nearest neighbors

Machine LearningICS 178

Instructor: Max Welling

visualization & k nearest neighbors

Page 2: Machine Learning ICS 178 Instructor: Max Welling visualization & k nearest neighbors

Types of Learning

• Supervised Learning• Labels are provided, there is a strong learning signal.• e.g. classification, regression.

• Semi-supervised Learning.

• Only part of the data have labels. • e.g. a child growing up.

• Reinforcement learning.• The learning signal is a (scalar) reward and may come with a delay.• e.g. trying to learn to play chess, a mouse in a maze.

• Unsupervised learning• There is no direct learning signal. We are simply trying to find structure in data.• e.g. clustering, dimensionality reduction.

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Ingredients• Data:

• what kind of data do we have?

• Prior assumptions:• what do we know a priori about the problem?

• Representation:• How do we represent the data?

• Model / Hypothesis space:• What hypotheses are we willing to entertain to explain the data?

• Feedback / learning signal:• what kind of learning signal do we have (delayed, labels)?

• Learning algorithm:• How do we update the model (or set of hypothesis) from feedback?

• Evaluation:• How well did we do, should we change the model?

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Data Preprocessing• Before you start modeling the data, you want to have a look at it to get a “feel”.

• What are the “modalities” of the data: e.g. • Netflix: users and movies• Text: words-tokens and documents• Video: pixels, frames, color-index (R,G,B)

• What is the domain?• Netflix: rating-values [1,2,3,4,5,?]• Text: # times a word appears: [0,1,2,3,...]• Video: brightness value: [0,..,255] or real-valued.

• Are there missing data-entries?

• Are there outliers in the data? (perhaps a typo?)

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Data Preprocessing

• Often it is a good idea to compute the mean and variance of the data.

• Mean gives you a sense of location, Variance/STD a sense of scale.

• Better even is to histogram the data: Tricky issue: how do you choose the bin-size: too small: you see noise, too big: it’s one clump.













mean variance standard deviation

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Preprocessing• For netflix you can histogram this for both modalities:

• The rating distribution over users for a movie.• The rating distribution over movies for a user.• The rating distribution over users for all movies jointly.• The rating distribution over all movies for all users jointly.

• You can compute properties and plot them against each other. For example:

• Compute the the user-specific mean variance over movies and plot a scatter plot:






every dot is a different user

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This shows all the 2-D projections of the“Iris data”.

Color indicates the classof iris.

How many attributesdo we have for Iris?

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3-D visualization

contour plot meshgrid plot

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• Every red dot represents an image.

• An image has +/- 1000 pixels

• Each image is projected to a 2-D space

• Projections are such that similar images are projected to similar locations in the 2-D embedding.

• This gives us an idea how the data is organized.

These plots are produced by “local linear embedding”

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Visualization by Clustering

By performing a clustering of the data and looking at the cluster-prototypesyou can get an idea of the type of data.

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• Often it is useful to “standardize” (or “whiten”) the data before you start modeling.

• The idea is to remove the mean and the variance so that your algorithm can focus on more sophisticated (higher order) structure.











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