mackenzie thompson architecture portfolio

Sketching with Fine liner. Sketching enables me to take inspiration from pre- existing buildings and then manipulate this to suit my own taste. By sketching buildings of different styles and from different periods I can see where architectural styles have come from and how they may evolve in the future.

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Sketching with Fine liner.

Sketching enables me to take inspiration from pre-existing buildings and then manipulate this to suit my own taste. By sketching buildings of different styles and from different periods I can see where architectural styles have come from and how they may evolve in the future.

Charcoal Drawings

Through the medium of charcoal I explored the five senses. The senses are so important when determining how successful a building is as they ultimately judge our surroundings. How a building can make you feel and the way you react with a building determines whether the space you are within is more than just a building, but a space that conveys an idea.

Tracing paper, Sketch-Up and Photoshop

On work experience at ADE I was given the task to design the skylight for an extension that the firm was working on. I had to consider what would provide the rooms with the most amount of light and then I had to incorporate this is into an innovative design.

Tracing paper, Sketch-Up and Photoshop

Whilst at work experience I learnt how to use Google Sketch-up and Photoshop. By experimenting with different colours on Photoshop I could determine what the aesthetic would turn out to be. It also made me research different materials. This eventually resulted in the client choosing one of the materials I researched, Cor-ten.

Lower School and College House

Upper Science and Residential Block

Red House and Theatre

Furzedown house

Bradford House

Photographyand spray painting

Spray painting was the medium used to create the title of the page. I then photographed different buildings around the school of different architectural styles. This way I gain inspiration from my surroundings and can use them when I design in the future.

Product Design- AS

Taking product design for AS and currently for A2 has given me the opportunity to develop ideas into a physical item. It has also helped me to develop modelling skills, CAD drawing and understanding design history so that I can incorporate design movements into my product.

Watercolour painting

As I did not take Art for A level or GCSE I felt it was important to explore mediums that I would not typically use whilst at school. This led me to using watercolours and exploring with different painting techniques. From this I can see how I could use painting as a way of exploring different colour choices rather than using a computer programme such as Photoshop.

Architectural Competition

Entering a competition for Open City to design a new leisure centre helped me to develop skills that I hadn’t learnt at work experience, such as being a project manager. On top of this I was also responsible for the main design of the facade and the design proposal. I then helped to amend any mistakes made by the team in the plans. This competition helped me to explore new sustainable ways of designing such as including vertical gardens.

Model Making

Whilst on work experience at the Urban Projects Bureau I created a conceptual model to show human interaction. In the case of this model it was identifying how music interferes with interaction hence the Acetate music sheet dividing the people. The abstract shape on the rear wall mirrors the rhythms of different pieces of music and the consequence it can have on social interaction.