macro elements


Upload: alewalker

Post on 05-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Macro elements


Page 2: Macro elements

From this front cover you can tell that the audience will be males. The main image has a rebellious, angry feel to it

which could indicate to us what type of music and attitude people who listen to this music have we get this impression

from the middle finger being stuck up which means up yours. From the main image you can tell that the males

don’t fit into the stereotypical roles males are supposed to have where they supposed to be masculine and have toned bodies. This representation of men is rather the opposite as

the man in the middle of the page is wearing nail varnish but also he is wearing eyeliner. The men on the main image are all wearing dark clothing which could suggest a colour or mood which is popular amongst that crowd of people. As the men on the front cover are all from different bands we

can’t comment on them as a band but as individuals they all have different facial expressions which could suggest the

impression the frontmen want to give the audience of their band. Looking at this music magazine it gives an

rock/alternative feel due to the colours, font but also the content written on the page such a the writing under ‘Fall

Out Boy’ which says ‘The shape of punk to come’ which makes us think that this magazine is for a more niche

market. The main image has been taken in a mid shot to make all of the members in the photo important but also

draw attention to their faces as there is writing just underneath covering their bodies. The way Kerrang has laid

out this magazine to draw people in is by using bright colours such as pink, orange and white against the black

makes it stand out but also the large typography which is a similar sizing to the title of the magazine also shows us who

the main article is going to be about and it states it’s importance by being the same size as the name of the

magazine. The graphic features also stand out as they have put the images on top of each other to make it more

interesting to look at.