ma/csse 473 day 40 problems decision problems p and np

MA/CSSE 473 Day 40 Problems Decision Problems P and NP

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August 6, 2010 My 33 rd wedding anniversary The day Vinay Dolalikar announced a proof that P ≠ NP By the next day, the web was a'twitter! Gaps in the proof were found. If it had been proven, Dolalikar would have been $1,000,000 richer! – – Other Millennium Prize problems: –Poincare Conjecture (solved) –Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture –Navier-Stokes Equations –Hodge Conjecture –Riemann Hypothesis –Yang-Mills Theory


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MA/CSSE 473 Day 40


Decision Problems

P and NP

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MA/CSSE 473 Day 40• HW 15 Due at 11:59 PM tonight (it's a little

different!); late day until 11:59 PM Saturday.• Fill out the Course evaluation form

– If everybody in a section does it, everyone in that section gets 10 bonus points on the Final Exam

– I can't see who has completed the evaluation, but I can see how many (current: 7/16, 9/23)

• Final Exam Wednesday evening, Nov 17• Student Questions• Problems, Decision problems• P and NP

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August 6, 2010• My 33rd wedding anniversary• The day Vinay Dolalikar announced a proof that P ≠ NP• By the next day, the web was a'twitter!• Gaps in the proof were found.• If it had been proven, Dolalikar would have been $1,000,000 richer!

– –

• Other Millennium Prize problems:– Poincare Conjecture (solved) – Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture– Navier-Stokes Equations – Hodge Conjecture – Riemann Hypothesis – Yang-Mills Theory

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The Law of the Algorithm Jungle• Polynomial good, exponential bad!• The latter is obvious, the former may

need some explanation• We say that polynomial-time problems

are tractable, exponential problems are intractable

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Polynomial time vs exponential time• What’s so good about polynomial time?

– It’s not exponential!• We can’t say that every polynomial time algorithm has an

acceptable running time, • but it is certain that if it doesn’t run in polynomial time, it

only works for small inputs.– Polynomial time is closed under standard

operations. • If f(t) and g(t) are polynomials, so is f(g(t)).• also closed under sum, difference, product

• Almost all of the algorithms we have studied run in polynomial time.– Except those (like permutation and subset

generation) whose output is exponential.

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Decision problems• When we define the class P, of “polynomial-time

problems”, we will restrict ourselves to decision problems.

• Almost any problem can be rephrased as a decision problem.

• Basically, a decision problem is a question that has two possible answers, yes and no.

• The question is about some input. • A problem instance is a combination of the problem

and a specific input.

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Decision problem definition• The statement of a decision problem has two

parts:– The instance description part defines the

information expected in the input– The question part states the actual yes-or-no

question; the question refers to variables that are defined in the instance description

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Decision problem examples• Definition: In a graph G=(V,E), a clique E is a subset of

V such that for all u and v in E, the edge (u,v) is in E.• Clique Decision problem

– Instance: an undirected graph G=(V,E) and an integer k.– Question: Does G contain a clique of k vertices?

• k-Clique Decision problem– Instance: an undirected graph G=(V,E). Note that k is some

constant, independent of the problem.– Question: Does G contain a clique of k vertices?

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Decision problem example• Definition: The chromatic number of a graph G=(V,E)

is the smallest number of colors needed to color G. so that no two adjacent vertices have the same color

• Graph Coloring Optimization Problem– Instance: an undirected graph G=(V,E).– Problem: Find G’s chromatic number and a coloring that

realizes it• Graph Coloring Decision Problem

– Instance: an undirected graph G=(V,E) and an integer k>0. – Question: Is there a coloring of G that uses no more than k

colors?• Almost every optimization problem can be

expressed in decision problem form

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Decision problem example• Definition: Suppose we have an unlimited number of

bins, each with capacity 1.0, and n objects with sizes s1, …, sn, where 0 < si ≤ 1 (all si rational)

• Bin Packing Optimization Problem– Instance: s1, …, sn as described above.– Problem: Find the smallest number of bins into which the n

objects can be packed• Bin Packing Decision Problem

– Instance: s1, …, sn as described above, and an integer k. – Question: Can the n objects be packed into k bins?

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Reduction• Suppose we want to solve problem p, and there is another

problem q.• Suppose that we also have a function T that

– takes an input x for p, and– produces T(x), an input for q such that the correct answer for p

with input x is yes if and only if the correct answer for q with input T(X) is yes.

• We then say that p is reducible to q and we write p≤q.• If there is an algorithm for q, then we can compose T with

that algorithm to get an algorithm for p.• If T is a function with polynomially bounded running time,

we say that p is polynomially reducible to q and we write p≤Pq.

• From now on, reducible means polynomially reducible.

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Classic 473 reduction• Moldy Chocolate is reducible to 4-pile Nim

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Definition of the class P• Definition: An algorithm is polynomially bounded if its

worst-case complexity is big-O of a polynomial function of N, the input size.– i.e. if there is a single polynomial p such that for each input of

size n, the algorithm terminates after at most p(n) steps.• Definition: A problem is polynomially bounded if there is

a polynomially bounded algorithm that solves it• The class P

– P is the class of decision problems that are polynomially bounded

– Informally (with slight abuse of notation), we also say that polynomially bounded optimization problems are in P

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Example of a problem in P• Shortest Path

– Input: A weighted graph G=(V,E) with n vertices (each edge e is labeled with a non-negative weight w(e)), two vertices v and w and a number k.

– Question: Is there a path in G from v to w whose total weight is ≤ k?

• How do we know it’s in P?

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Example: Clique problems• It is known that we can determine whether a graph

with n vertices has a k-clique in time O(k2nk).• Clique Decision problem 1

– Instance: an undirected graph G=(V,E) and an integer k.– Question: Does G contain a clique of k vertices?

• Clique Decision problem 2– Instance: an undirected graph G=(V,E). Note that k is some

constant, independent of the problem.– Question: Does G contain a clique of k vertices?

• Are either of these decision problems in P?

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The problem class NP• NP stands for Nondeterministic Polynomial

time.• The first stage assumes a “guess” of a possible

solution.• Can we verify whether the proposed solution

really is a solution in polynomial time?

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More details• Example: Graph coloring. Given a graph G with

N vertices, can it be colored with k colors?• A solution is an actual k-coloring.• A “proposed solution” is simply something that

is in the right form for a solution. – For example, a coloring that may or may not have

only k colors, and may or may not have distinct colors for adjacent nodes.

• The problem is in NP iff there is a polynomial-time (in N) algorithm that can check a proposed solution to see if it really is a solution.

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Still more details• Example: Graph coloring. Given a graph G with

N vertices, can it be colored with k colors?• A solution is an actual k-coloring.• A “proposed solution” is simply something that

is in the right form for a solution. – For example, a coloring that may or may not have

only k colors, and may or may not have distinct colors for adjacent nodes.

• The problem is in NP iff there is a polynomial-time algorithm that can check a proposed solution to see if it really is a solution.

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Still more details• A nondeterministic algorithm has two phases

and an output step.• The nondeterministic “guessing” phase, in

which the proposed solution is produced. It will be a solution if there is one.

• The deterministic verifying phase, in which the proposed solution is checked to see if it is indeed a solution.

• Output “yes” or “no”.

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pseudocodevoid checker(String input)// input is an encoding of the problem instance. String s = guess(); // s is some “proposed solution” boolean checkOK = verify(input, s); if (checkOK) print “yes”

• If the checker function would print “yes” for any string s, then the non-deterministic algorithm answers “yes”. Otherwise, the non-deterministic algorithm answers “no”.

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The problem class NP• NP is the class of decision problems for which

there is a polynomially bounded nondeterministic algorithm.

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Some NP problems• Graph coloring • Bin packing• Clique

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Problem Class Containment• Define Exp to be the set of all decision problems that

can be solved by a deterministic exponential-time algorithm.

• Then P NP Exp.– P NP. A deterministic polynomial-time algorithm is (with

a slight modification to fit the form) a polynomial-time nondeterministic algorithm (skip the guessing part).

– NP Exp. It’s more complicated, but we basically turn a non-deterministic polynomial-time algorithm into a deterministic exponential-time algorithm, replacing the guess step by a systematic trial of all possibilities.

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The $106 Question• The big question is , does P=NP?• The P=NP? question is one of the most famous

unsolved math/CS problems! • In fact, there is a million dollar prize for the person

who solves it.• What do computer scientists THINK the answer is?

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Other NP problems• Job scheduling with penalties• Suppose n jobs J1, …,Jn are to be executed one at a time.

– Job Ji has execution time ti, completion deadline di, and penalty pi if it does not complete on time.

– A schedule for the jobs is a permutation of {1, …, n}, where J(i) is the ith job to be run.

– The total penalty for this schedule is P, the sum of the pi based on this schedule.

• Scheduling decision problem:– Instance: the above parameters, and a non-negative integer k.– Question: Is there a schedule with P≤ k?

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Other NP problems• Knapsack• Suppose we have a knapsack with capacity C, and n objects

with sizes s1, …,sn and profits p1, …,pn. • Knapsack decision problem:

– Instance: the above parameters, and a non-negative integer k.– Question: Is there a subset of the set of objects that fits in the

knapsack and has a total profit that is at least k?

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Other NP problems• Subset Sum Problem

– Instance: A positive integer C and n positive integers s1, …,sn .

– Question: Is there a subset of these integers whose sum is exactly C?

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Other NP problems• CNF Satisfiability problem (introduction)• A propositional formula consists of boolean-valued variables

and operators such as (and), (or) , negation (I represent a negated variable by showing it in boldface), and (implication).

• It can be shown that every propositional formula is equivalent to one that is in conjunctive normal form.– A literal is either a variable or its negation.– A clause is a sequence of one or more literals, separated by .– A CNF formula is a sequence of one or more clauses, separated by .– Example (p q r) (p s q t ) (s w)

• For any finite set of propositional variables, a truth assignment is a function that maps each variable to {true, false}.

• A truth assignment satisfies a formula if it makes the value of the entire formula true.– Note that a truth assignment satisfies a CNF

formula if and only if it makes each clause true.

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Other NP problems

• Satisfiability problem:• Instance: A CNF propositional formula f

(containing n different variables).• Question: Is there a truth assignment that

satisfies f?

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A special case• 3-Satisfiability problem:• A CNF formula is in 3-CNF if every clause

has exactly three literals.• Instance: A 3CNF propositional formula f

(containing n different variables).• Question: Is there a truth assignment that

satisfies f?

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NP-hard and NP-complete problems• A problem is NP-hard if every problem in NP is reducible

to it.• A problem is NP-complete if it is in NP and is NP-hard.• Showing that a problem is NP complete is difficult.

– Has only been done directly for a few problems.– Example: 3-satisfiability

• If p is NP-hard, and p≤Pq, then q is NP-hard.• So most NP-complete problems are shown to be so by

showing that 3-satisfiability (or some other known NP-complete problem) reduces to them.

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Examples of NP-complete problems• satisfiability (3-satisfiability)• clique (and its dual, independent set).• graph 3-colorability• Minesweeper: is a certain square safe on an n x n board?

– • hamiltonian cycle• travelling salesman• register allocation• scheduling• bin packing• knapsack