maeterlinck in togo

Maeterlinck in Togo Blue Bird and Artist Talk at the Museum of Letters and Manuscripts

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Post on 08-May-2015




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Maeterlinck in TogoBlue Bird and Artist Talk at the Museum of Letters and Manuscripts

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Table of Contents

1. Presentation of our project2. Self-evaluation3. Budget4. Marketing plan5. SWOT-analysis6. Subsidy demand7. Description of the process

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1. Presentation of our project

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Who are we?• Stien Keunen

▫project manager

• Ruben Laureys▫head of communication

• Felicia Brighidau▫head of marketing

• Griet Frère▫head of finances

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Short overview of the conceptual evolution• First idea: poetry project

• Visit to Brussels and the MLM => change of concept:▫Maeterlinck▫Performance

• Artist cancelled performance => contact with Benjamin Deboosere of the documentary Blue Birth▫Making of the film Blue Bird by Gust van den Berghe

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Presentation of the event• Screening of the film Blue Bird @ MLM

• Artist talk▫With the director of Photography of Blue Bird,

Hans Bruch Jr▫With Benjamin Deboosere, director of Blue Birth▫Moderated by Francis Mus, research assistent at


• Reception & free access to Maeterlinck’s manuscripts

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2. Self-evaluation

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Why does one need such a project?•Relationship with the various decrees

▫Participation decree▫Decree on arts

•Relationship with the policy of the MLM▫Attract more Dutch speaking visitors▫Discover Maeterlinck’s oeuvre

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Why is it a good project?

•Artist talk•Reflection on Maeterlinck and making

process of a movie•Target group: Dutch speaking people

in/near Brussels•Film vs. literature

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3. Budget

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ExpenditureAudiovisual materialWhat? Who? PriceAmplifier Lending department KULeuven € 0,00Speakers Lending department KULeuven € 0,00

Totaal € 0,00

PromotionWhat? Who? PriceDesign Poster Daan (brother of Griet) € 0,00Social media Members Cultural Project € 0,00Printing Poster Copycenter € 3,80

Totaal € 3,80

Film rightsWhat? Price (excl. VAT) Price (incl. VAT)Distribution rights € 225,00 € 238,50

Totaal € 238,50

Artist TalkWhat? PriceFee Speakers € 150


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ReceiptsRevenuesWhat? Unit Price Expected number of persons Total amountEntrance fee € 3,00 30 € 90,00

SubsidiesWhat? AmountSubsidy € 305,00


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ExpenditureAudiovisual materialWhat? Who? PriceAmplifier Lending department KULeuven € 0,00Speakers Lending department KULeuven € 0,00

Totaal € 0,00

PromotionWhat? Who? PriceDesign Poster Daan (brother of Griet) € 0,00Social media Members Cultural Project € 0,00Printing Poster Copycenter € 3,80

Totaal € 3,80

Film rightsWhat? Price (excl. VAT) Price (incl. VAT)Distribution rights € 200,00 € 212,00

Totaal € 212,00


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ReceiptsRevenuesWhat? Unit Price Expected number of persons Total amountEntrance fee € 10,00 30 € 300,00


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4. Marketing plan

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1. Product

•Screening of the film Blue Bird

•Artist talk with Hans Bruch Jr., Benjamin Deboosere and Francis Mus


•View of the manuscript L’oiseau bleu

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2. Place

•Museum of Letters and Manuscripts

•Advantages▫In the heart of Brussels▫Manuscript L’oiseau bleu

•Disadvantage▫Small screening room

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3. Price

•Original entrance fee:▫€ 10▫Including museum ticket, worth € 7

•No grant proposal => change of price:▫€ 10▫Not including museum ticket

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3. Promotion


•Personal invitation letter send to:▫Contacts from the MLM▫Contacts from Jan Baetens▫Personal contacts

•Facebook event

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5. SWOT-analysis

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•Strengths▫Top quality▫Expanding the number of Dutch speaking

visitors in the MLM

•Weaknesses▫No funding▫No media coverage▫Bad timing

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•Opportunities▫Making contacts and improving networks

•Threats▫Minus profit

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6. Subsidy demand

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•Original idea:▫Stichting Lezen▫Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie

• ‘Projecten voor Brussel’ / ‘Projects for Brussels’▫Awarded by Flemish minister for Brussels▫“Encourage cultural engagement of the

Flemish Community”

•Because of change of idea to late for subsidies

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7. Description of the process

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• Several transformations

• Initial project: ‘Poetry in everyday life’

• Trip to the MLM in Brussels => change of concept▫Performance with artists from P.A.R.T.S▫Focus on Maeterlinck

• Another change of concept:▫Film Blue bird▫Artist talk

• Main issues▫Subsidy▫Distribution fee

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•Promotion only a week before the event▫Poster▫Personal e-mail invitation

•Cancel the event?

•Trailer Blue Bird•Trailer Blue Birth