mafia secret wars

Mafia War Secrets Twitter rockstar Find out the owner of any cell phone or unlisted number. Results include name, address, carrier, and other details when available. Your search is confidential.

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Mafia War


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Find out the owner of any cell phone or unlisted number. Results include name, address, carrier, and other details when available. Your search is confidential.

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Growing Your Mafia…………………………...4

Preparing Your Mafia…………………………8

How to Use Godfather Reward Points….9

Getting Going on Jobs……………………….10

Creating Strong Cash Flow………………..16

Winning More Fights………………………..17


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There's something exciting and romantic about the lifestyle of major

organized crime, as manifested by the success of mob movies such

as The Godfather. The enticement of easy money, lots of power, and

living on the edge of the law has spawned many successful video


I'm not sure any of them rival the power of Mafia Wars by Zynga in

recent times. The explosion of social networking websites,

specifically Myspace and Facebook has made it possible for many

software companies to make a fortune by creating free, addictive

games that people share with one another on these sites.

If you aren't already playing "Mafia Wars" then you are missing out

on a free way to have a lot of fun and make a lot of friends. It doesn't

cost a dime to play and once you're involved in the game you'll enjoy

it so much you won't ever want to stop.

I personally prefer playing Mafia Wars on Facebook. I will shortly

be creating a new Facebook account for us all to join mafias together

and play the game from the start again.

-Dominique Donati

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Growing Your Mafia

Initially, this seems like the hardest part unless you're really

experienced with these kinds of games or 'applications' on social

networking sites. To go out and recruit people into your mafia

quickly and successfully, follow the steps here and your mafia will

be huge in no time.

Method #1) Invite all your existing network friends to play. This

is easy because the application has a built-in feature to do this,

however, it's limited because the application needs to cooperate

with the social network website and not spam.

To overcome the limitations imposed by the built-in feature of the

application, you need to get your recruiting link and go out and

invite your friends individually. This will actually bring MORE of

your friends into your mafia than by using the automated features.

Take a minute and craft your personalized invitation message for

your friends. Tell them that even if they don't want to play, you

benefit by them simply accepting the invitation. You want your

mafia to be huge in numbers so even the people who never use

applications but accept to be in your mafia will speed the game

along for you. Some of the least expected friends can turn into your

strongest mafia bosses so invite everybody.

Send your personalized invitation via the private message feature.

Don't try to send to everybody too fast because you don't want

Myspace or Facebook to kick in its anti-spam defenses. Send a

message every few minutes until you've invited your best friends.

Try to pick the most active members first as they'll be most likely to

accept and play the game with you.

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Method #2) Use forums to recruit super players

In Mafia Wars, you need at least six players in your mafia who are

totally addicted to the game and will reach the higher levels. These

are the players you want to put into your 'top mafia' by promoting

them to be your wheelman, your safecracker, etc. When you

promote players who are further along in the game, you get bigger

rewards in jobs and fights.

To find these people, go to the "Apps" directory on Facebook.

In the Search Applications box, enter 'Mafia Wars'. The first and

best one is #1 by Zynga, the one we're talking about in this report.

Go ahead and click it. It will take you to the application's home page.

What's interesting is that there is a discussion board on this page.

It's where you'll see people asking and answering questions about

the game. It's a good place to hang out if you have doubts, but the

best part is that this is where players post to recruit members into

their mafia.

What you do is add all of these people who are posting for more

mafia members to your own mafia. You add them as a friend and I

recommend you include a personal message at the time of

adding saying something like "for mafia wars" or just paste your

recruiting link in there so they know you're not a stalker and want

to play the game with them. There's no limit to how much you can

do this, and it's the fastest way to build a supercharged mafia.

It's important to recruit early in the game because the best way to

get cash flow going (in order to get stronger weapons and vehicles)

is to buy "Mafia Mike's" property. It's cheap and offers awesome

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cash flow. You need it in order to get those Tommy Guns necessary

for completing jobs and defending yourself. Recruit like crazy and

your mafia will be gigantic. The limit at the time of this writing is

500, but you can get there quickly by using this forum recruiting

tactic ALONE!!!

Do both adding people from the forum and post your own little ad

for recruiting. You can also post in the 'Review' section but tell

people to add you as a friend to invite to the game since the review

section doesn't allow you to post your recruiting link. The comment

section does though so feel free to post it there at least once a day,

maybe even once every four or five hours even since there are so

many postings there.

Method #3) Use other social sites to recruit existing players.

If you're playing on Myspace, go to Facebook to recruit players into

your Myspace mafia, and if you're playing on Facebook, look for the

players on Myspace to recruit into your Facebook mafia. The app

also runs on Yahoo, so look for players using the Yahoo version.

One thing you can do is create a free blog about your personal

'mafia' experiences. Go to and create a blog

dedicated exclusively to your mafia. Write on it daily at first, and be

sure to include 'keywords' related to mafia wars that will help other

players find your blog. You should customize your blog sidebar to

display your recruiting link prominently.

If you don't know what to blog about, just Google some info about

mafia wars and you'll be able to get ideas.

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DIRTY TRICK: Write up a blog post about "Mafia Wars Cheats" and

tell people they'll get a bonus by adding you to their mafia. I've seen

other people doing this and while they aren't winning any real

friends, they sure have big mafias…

I've seen similar methods using video sites like YouTube and

Metacafe as well. These are people who promise players a hidden

bonus if they add such-and-such person to their mafia. It's not very

honest unless you give some of your collection items to these

people, in which case it's completely honest and I encourage you to

make those kinds of promises. Otherwise, just make Mafia Wars

Cheat Secrets or something like that the title of your video to get

views but just refer people to your blog or recruiting link.

You can also use Twitter to recruit on automatic pilot. What you do

is go to and create a free account. You will

also already need an active Twitter account to use this. What you do

is once you've created your account, go to "Manage My Scheduled

Tweets and Twitter Account Automation." Click the box that says

"Auto Welcome" and enter either your blogger blog or your mafia

recruiting link into the message box. It can only be 120 characters so

consider a URL shortening site like to make the

recruiting URL small enough that you can still add a little blurb of

text inviting. Remind people they have to add you as a friend too!

You can do searches on Twitter so search for mafia wars and start

adding all the people who have anything to say about it. TweetLater

will automatically send your recruiting message to the people that

follow you back. You can do this to hundreds of Twitter users each

day, but don't go overboard because Twitter also has anti-spam

measures built-in to prevent users from abusing the service. Create

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multiple Twitter accounts if you want, you only need one

TweetLater account for multiple Twitter accounts though.

Preparing Your Mafia

If you've done a good job recruiting members into your mafia, you

should have at least six very experienced players who are very far

along in the game. You want to make these super players your 'top

mafia' members. If you go to the My Mafia section in the game, you

should see places to promote six members of your mafia into top

positions that give you bonuses.

This section will vary greatly depending on who's in your mafia. If

you're lucky you will be able to fill all six positions with high-

ranking members that will give you good bonuses.

If you didn't do so well in recruiting (impossible if you follow the

steps I've outlined) then there won't be many bonuses you can get,

but focus on the bonuses that will at least give you a little more cash.

It's a good idea to send gifts to your mafia, especially to your top

players. It's good criminal etiquette. You'll need to pull a bunch of

jobs before you have anything to give them, however, remember to

send a gift to these members when you get something interesting in

your collection.

How to Use Godfather Reward Points

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When you first get started in mafia wars, you'll have Godfather

Reward Points. The tendency for new players is to spend them

quickly. DON'T DO IT!!!!!

Godfather points are very difficult to obtain unless you're willing to

pay real money. They are occasionally given in the game, but usually

to obtain more, you are required to buy them with cash or buy

related products or offers.

You can score some more Godfather reward points easily by

browsing through the offers to find the ones that require very little

money (like $1.39) or are completely free. There aren't very many,

but there are some. Be attentive browse the offers to find them.

Never waste your Godfather points on:

- Money (you can always get it in fights and jobs)

- Restore Health (you can always go to the hospital)

- Stamina (this recharges quickly)

- Family Members (my recruiting methods are great)


DO use Godfather points on:

- Energy Refills (once you've built up your total energy points)

- Crates (sometimes it's the best way to get certain items)

- New name (it's the only way, if you get a bad rep just change)

- Skill Points (these are permanent and worth getting)

Getting Going on Jobs

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As you start out as a street thug, you'll see that energy goes fast and

you need a lot of tools to run your crime organization. Use your

profile points at first to go all toward your energy. In the initial

stages of the game there is almost no fighting so put everything

you've got initially into boosting the amount of energy you have.

Go to your inventory and pick up the basic weapons you'll need. The

required tools are displayed on the same line as the job and when

an item is red it means you either don't have it or need more of that

particular item to do the job. Go ahead and buy everything you

need to start those jobs except for maybe the motorcycle to pull the

'Rob a Pimp' job. You can save that one for last if you prefer because

the motorcycle has upkeep and we haven't talked about optimizing

your cash flow yet.

Do the jobs that cost more energy first. If you want to build up some

cash faster, pull the job 'Collect on a Loan' because it pays high and

the energy cost is very low. Don't waste your high energy on the

small jobs like mugging, save that for when your energy has all run

out and it recharges little by little. Then pull the small jobs.

Focus on just one job at a time as much as possible until you've

mastered it. Once you master a job you're given bonus points which

you can use to get more energy for more jobs.

It's entirely up to you how many point you allocate to energy. You

don't need to get more stamina for fights because it recharges fast

and all fights only cost 1 stamina, but energy costs are high so you

need a lot of it.

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Once you master all the jobs in a section, the jobs will restart at the

next level. So you'll need to redo all the jobs again to remaster at the

higher level.

As you do jobs, you'll pick up lots of goodies and bonuses. This is the

good thing about doing a bunch of jobs before jumping into fights.

Save the fights until you've got a sizeable mafia and some good

weapons and defenses in place.

Avoid the temptation for revenge while you're running jobs.

Sometimes you'll be attacked. Let it go while you build your mafia's

business stronger. Become strong first and then you can pick on

weaker mafias all day long.

I've broken down the jobs, the tools you'll need, and the loot they

give. This is your reference guide to always know exactly which job

you need to do in order to get certain loot.

Street Thug (Level 1-4)

To do all the Thug jobs you'll need 1 Pistol, 1 Crowbar, 1 Sawed Off

Shotgun, 1 Machine Pistol, 1 Baseball Bat, and 1 Motorcycle.

The loot you'll acquire:

.22 Pistol - Beat Up Rival Gangster

9mm Semi-Automatic - Rob A Pimp

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Associate (Level 5-8)

To do all the Associate jobs you'll need 1 Crowbar, 2 Colt Pistols, 2

Sawed Off Shotguns, 3 Tommy Guns, 1 Bullet-Proof Vest, 3 Sedans, 1

Armored Sedan, 1 Delivery Truck, and 1 Motorcycle.

The loot you'll acquire:

Butterfly Knife - Collect Protection Money

Brass Knuckles - Rough Up Dealers

Tactical Shotgun - Perform a Hit

.45 Revolver - Take Out A Rouge Cop

Soldier (Level 9-12)

To do all the Soldier jobs you'll need 1 Bullet Proof Vest, 2 Tactical

Shotguns, 4 Machine Pistols, 1 Chain Gun, 4 Tommy Guns, 3 Sedans,

2 Armored Sedans, and 4 Motorcycles.

The loot you'll acquire:

C-4 - Destroy Enemy Mob Hideout

Stab-Proof Vest - Kill A Protected Snitch

Automatic Rifle - Bust a Made Man Out of Prison

Semi-Automatic Shotgun - Fight a Haitian Gang

Lucky Shamrock Medallion – Clip the Irish Mob's Local Enforcer

Firebomb – Steal a Tanker Truck

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Enforcer (Level 13-17)

To do all the Enforcer jobs you'll need 10 Grenades, 2 .45 Colt

Revolvers, 2 Chain Guns, 10 Tommy Guns, 4 Firebombs, 3 Bullet

Proof Vests, 1 Sedan, 2 Armored Sedans, 2 Luxury Town Cars, 3

Getaway Cruisers, and 2 Delivery Trucks. You will also need to run

the preparation jobs to get Cards, Liquor, Tokens (Poker Chips), and

Wire Tap Devices. The items acquired in preparation jobs can only

be used once in a job, so you'll need to do the preparation jobs

frequently to do the big ones.

The loot you'll acquire:

Armored Truck - Smuggle Across The Border

Concealable Camera/ Computer Set Up/ Untraceable Phone -

Rob and Electronics Store

Hitman (Level 18-24)

To do all the Hitman jobs you'll need 15 Chain Guns, 10 Grenades, 5

Machine Pistols, 5 Body Armors, 3 Armored Sedans, 4 Luxury Town

Cars, and 10 Getaway Cruisers. You'll need to repeatedly run

preparation jobs from now on to get loot drops in order to get the

other items you'll need, the concealable camera and telephone

wiretap devices.

The loot you'll acquire:

Grenade Launcher - Repel the Yakuza

.50 Caliber Rifle - Disrupt Rival Smuggling Ring

Armored Car - Invade Tong-Controlled Neighborhood

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RPG Launcher - Sell Guns to Russian Mob

Bodyguards - Protect Your City Against A Rival Family

Night Vision Goggles - Assassinate A Political Figure

Napalm Attack - Exterminate a Rival Family

Blackmail Photos – Obtain Compromising Photos

Capo (Level 25-34)

To do all the Capo jobs you'll need 15 Chain Guns, 5 Automatic

Rifles, 4 Semi-Automatic Shotguns, 1 Tactical Shotgun, 4 Tommy

Guns, 1 .45 Colt Revolver, 15 Body Armors, 2 Night Vision Goggles, 2

Body Guards, 2 Untraceable Cell Phones, 4 Motorcycles, 4 Armored

Trucks, 5 Luxury Town Cars, and 4 Getaway Cruisers. You'll need to

repeatedly run preparation jobs to get loot drops in order to get the

other items you'll need.

The loot you'll acquire:

Prop Plane - Steal An Air Freight Delivery

Harley Davidson - Run a Biker Gang Out Of Town

Illegal Transaction Records - Steal Bank Records

Consigliere (Level 35-59)

To do all the Consigliere jobs you'll need Blackmail Photos, 5

Delivery Trucks, 4 Semi-Automatic Shotguns, 2 Speed Boats, 1

Hacksaw, 1 Prop Plane, 5 Automatic Rifles, Untraceable Cell Phones,

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Illegal Transaction Records, 2 .22 Pistols, 10 Chain Guns, 2 .50

Caliber Rifles, 2 Night Vision Goggles, 2 Body Guards, 10 Luxury

Town Cars, and 2 Grenade Launchers. You'll need to repeatedly run

preparation jobs to get loot drops in order to get the other items

you'll need.

The loot you'll acquire:

Luxury Yacht – Influence a Harbor Official

Porsche 911 – Ransom a Businessman's Kids

Bookie's Holdout Pistol – Fix the Big Game

Underboss (Level 60-99)

To do all the Underboss jobs you'll need Computer Set Ups, 6

Armored Trucks, 20 Chain Guns, 2 Humvees, 6 Automatic Rifles,

Untraceable Cell Phones, Illegal Transaction Records, 12 Body

Armors, 4 Luxury Town Cars, 4 Getaway Cruisers, 4 Armored Cars, 1

AR-15 Assault Rifle, and 4 Grenade Launchers. You'll need to

repeatedly run preparation jobs to get loot drops in order to get the

other items you'll need.

The loot you'll acquire:

Humvee – Break Into the Armory

AR-15 Assault Rifle – Rip Off the Armenian Mob

As you pick up items such as poker chips and cards, be sure to hang

on to them. Don't waste your energy pulling the little jobs all the

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time. When you have lots of energy, pull the big energy jobs first and

then do the little ones later. The big ones give you more experience

and you'll be able to recharge your energy quicker by advancing a


Creating Strong Cash Flow

There's no competition for cash flow properties. You need to build

your mafia big so you can get your hands on as many 'Mafia Mike's'

bars as you can during the early phases of the game. These are

cheap and give more cash flow than buying any of the other smaller

properties. The only thing you need for more bars is a bigger mafia,

so keep the recruiting up on a daily basis. You'll need them to

guarantee the upkeep of your vehicles and heavy weapons which

are required for the bigger jobs.

Recruit constantly to your mafia and keep buying bars to keep up

with your numbers. You should quickly be able to have a cash flow

of over $200,000. Bars are also great because they don't require

protection from robbing. It's a good idea to make bars the base of

your property dealings and only get into the bigger hotels and

casinos once you're bringing in millions in cash flow AND have a

strong enough mafia to repel heists.

It's not a good idea to sit around on a lot of cash. Always put it to

work for you. If you just sit on it, you can lose a lot of it in a fight and

your hard work will go to other mafias. Always buy property in bulk

when you can to get it at the lower price. You pay more 1 by 1.

Doing big jobs will bring in lots of money very fast. Reinvest it

quickly into property. That's good business. Instead of looking at the

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money, invest it into making you MORE money without having to

work for it in jobs or fights.

I don't recommend buying ANY rent houses or Italian restaurants.

The cash flow is too little. Focus on bars until you can afford hotels

and casinos. Remember the movie The Godfather? Did you ever see

Al Pacino and the Corleone family worried about rent houses or

restaurants? No way, because it's not good cash flow. Hotels and

casinos is where the big money's at. They're expensive to protect, so

don't lighten up just because you got the properties.

Once you have a large mafia and lots of good defensive loot, go

ahead and go for casinos and hotels, but until then make do with

empty property and Mafia Mike's bars. There will be plenty of time

for the big hotels/casinos later.

Winning More Fights

Winning fights is a brutal way to run your entire business. I would

never recommend focusing your entire mafia's force on fighting

until after you've built a huge mafia and mastered the higher levels.

After that, you can have all the fun you want taking out hits for

bounty or just picking on the weaker mafias for fun or cash.

Your ability to win fights depends on how big your mafia is and how

well equipped you and the other members are in comparison to the

opposing mafia, and a little luck. The luck factor is minimal, but it

exists to help keep things a little more balanced.

If you intend to be a major fighter, you will want to use your profile

point on health and stamina. Your attack and defense aren't very

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important because it's a lot easier to boost those stats with a lot of

equipment and strong mafia members. It won't hurt you to boost

your attack and defense stats occasionally when you master a level

and only get one bonus point. It's not enough to considerably boost

your health or stamina (requires two points) so in those cases you

can use the points on those stats.

In the early stages of the game, there will be a lot of underequipped

and inexperienced newbies (n00bs) that you'll be able to pick on.

They won't know half the secrets and tips you now know, so if you

want to have some fun taking out the 'little fish' then use money on

getting lots of weapons and armor for your mafia to use.

Here's how to almost guarantee that you'll win a fight:

1. If the opposing mafia is smaller than yours

2. If the opposing mafia is a higher 'rank' than you at the same

level of play. This means that player is pulling lots of jobs and

not doing many fights. This is an easy way to identify the

mafias you can overpower – and the good part is that they'll

have money and items for you to take.

3. If the opposing mafia has an overall losing record of fights. If

your enemy has lost 2/3 or more of his/her total fights, that

player hasn't figured out yet how to win consistently and you

should be able to beat them easily.

Before attacking a player, click on the player's profile. See what

kind of weapons and armor they have. If your opponent appears

to be carrying a lot more weaponry that your mafia, you may

want to pick a different victim.

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You want to have lots of weapons available for your mafia

members to use so buy the cheap effective weapons like grenades

and hacksaws that have no upkeep. Eventually you'll need

Tommy guns and other heavy weapons to pull jobs so always be

attentive to picking up the best tools as soon as you can.

The biggest key to winning more fights is to have a strong

defense. You can usually get this with some of the mid-level loot

items. My favorites are Bodyguards, Night Vision Goggles, and

Prop Planes. I recommend getting as many prop planes as

possible. The defensive power of prop planes is extremely high

and having a lot of them will keep you from losing fights and

getting killed in fights.

Since the new elements of Gifting have been introduced to the

game, you can request to have people send you prop planes. Most

people don't like them and will happily send them.

A word on Collections: They are fun to get but don't kill yourself

trying to get all of the items for the collections because once

vaulted, the bonuses aren't that impressive. Here are the bonuses

you get from vaulting the collections:

Diamond Flush Collection (Street Thug Tier) +1 Energy

Heart Flush Collection (Associate Tier) +5 Health

Sculptures Collection (Soldier Tier) +3 Defense

Poker Chips Collection (Soldier Tier) +2 Attack

Club Flush Collection (Soldier Tier) +3 Attack

Cigars Collection (Enforcer Tier) +2 Energy

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Spade Flush Collection (Enforcer Tier) +2 Stamina

Rings Collection (Hitman Tier) +5 Defense

Ties Collection (Hitman Tier) +6 Defense

Paintings Collection (Capo Tier) +6 Energy

Cufflinks Collection (Capo Tier) +10 Health

Race Horses Collection (Consigliere Tier) +7 Energy


Mafia Wars is a fun an ever-evolving game. As such, this information

could become outdated. It's important for you to remain on the

update email list so that whenever there are changes or more tips

and tricks available that you'll be able to receive them.

If you aren't on the update list, contact support at

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All the best, have fun playing!

-Dominique Donati