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The magazine of Mosdos Kever Rachel


  • USA $4 Europe 3

    Mama Rachels Day in Court

    Hidden in the Open

    Kindling Hearts in Tel Aviv

  • This issue was produced through the efforts ofRivky Fishman, Managing Editor

    Editorial Staff: Sara Miriam Gross, Ruth Lewis, Sara Chava MizrahiGraphics and Design: Sara Srulovitz

    Now is the time to turn to our mother!

    No one cares for you more than your mother.Her children's pain is her own.A mother wants the very best for her beloved children.Nothing can compare to a mothers heart!

    Each of us is hoping for a better future, waiting for a yeshuah, or for renewed hope.Parnasah, shalom bayis, shidduchim, refuah, peace of mind, nachas from our children. Each of us is hoping for things to improve, for a new beginning in at least one area of life.Hashem Yisbarach has prepared for us the surest path to our immediate yeshuah. Long ago Am Yisraels Forefather, Yaakov Avinu, took all of our tzaros into account. Therefore, as our Sages have taught us in Midrash Rabbah (Parshas Vayishlach), he decided to bury Rachel Imeinu on the wayside, near Beis Lechem, for he knew that this was the most auspicious place for us to pray for salvation, as Bnei Yisrael would pass there in their travail and Mama Rachel would plead on their

    behalf.Because a mother, more than anyone else, understands and feels the distress of each of her children.And those prayers work!Any child in kindergarten can tell us about Kever Rachel, but the older one grows, the more deeply one understands the kedushah and the segulah of this place.A million people cant be wrong, they say. Certainly, tens of millions of Jews over thousands of years weren't mistaken. In every generation Jews realized that when theres a tzarah, we can depend on Mama Rachel.Rabi Shimon bar Yochai stated, as recorded in the Zohar hakadosh, that in Heaven, Rachel Imeinu does more than anyone else. The Vilna Gaon (in his peirush Tikunei Zohar, tikun 6) declared that during the galus the Shechinah rests in Kever Rachel. Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev wrote (Kedushas Levi, Parshas Vayeitzei) that every time one davens at Kever Rachel, Rachel Imeinu goes forth from

    by Dovid Gevirtzman

    This issue is sponsored" " '



    Watch a live broadcast of Kever Rachel on the Yahrzeit Nov 4


  • the kever and raises a tremendous tumult in Heaven, until the request of the person who davens there is fulfilled.One of the holy mekubalim of a previous generation wrote in sefer Chosen Yeshuos that if a group of Torah scholars studies Torah around the clock at Kever Rachel, this will hasten the Redemption, and any request they make will be fulfilled.

    Theres no family in the world that donated to Kever Rachel regularly and didnt see a yeshuah. Thus the holy mekubal Rav David Abuchatzeira of Nahariya, shlita, quoted Maran Hagaon Rav Ovadia Yosef, ztl. I personally know thousands of people who experienced yeshuos in the zechus of donating to Mosdos Kever Rachel, Rav David Abuchatzeira himself testifies.In a rare statement, Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, ztl, affirmed that thousands of poor people have experienced yeshuos as a result of their partnership with Rav Kluger, shlita, adding, All of his actions are for the sake of Heaven.There is no need to add anything to the historic letter of Maran Hagaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky, shlita (see Hidden in the Open, p.15), who wrote decisively, Many have been saved and many will be saved in the zechus of donating to Mosdos Kever Rachel. This letter made a

    thunderous impression throughout Eretz Yisrael. Maran, shlita, did not merely give a blessing or a recommendation; he was stating a fact. Do you want a yeshuah as well? Its yours for the taking!If this is the case throughout the year, how much more does it apply on the day of the yahrtzeit. The holy sefarim (of the Ari Hakadosh and others) explain that on this day the neshamah stands on the kever and has the power to effect yeshuos that it cannot effect during the rest of the year.Who among us is prepared to pass up this opportunity to have Mama Rachel plead for the changes we need in life?Last year thousands read this pamphlet, as you are doing, and jumped at the opportunity. They tested the power of Rachel Imeinu's ability to intercede and were not disappointed. Many were stunned by the power of Hashems salvation, which transcended nature.Mama Rachel has never let us down, and she never will.Because theres nothing like a mother!

    Published by Mosdos Kever Rachel1303 53rd Street, #45, Brooklyn, NY 11219

    e-mail: [email protected]. (+972-2) 580-0863

    All donations are tax deductible

    USA 1-888-276-2435IL 1-800-800-863

    Rabbinical CommitteeHarav Ezriel Auerbach: Rav of Chanichei Hayeshivos, Bayit Vegan Harav Naftali Nussbaum: Av Beis Din of Ahavat ShalomHarav Tzvi Braverman: Beis Din of Beitar IlitHarav Matisyahu Deutsch: Rav of Ramat Shlomo neighborhoodHarav Reuven Elbaz: Rosh Yeshivat Or HachayimHarav Avraham Tzvi Direnfeld: Beis Din of BelzHarav Kalman Greenwald: Council President

    USA $4 Europe 3

    Mama Rachels Day in Court

    Hidden in the Open

    Kindling Hearts in Tel Aviv

    We hope you enjoy reading this inspiring magazine.



  • uring the recent war in Gaza, the Mosdos Kever Rachel hotline was flooded with

    hundreds of calls from people relating nissim and

    niflaos that they had personally experienced - in the zechus of the round-the-clock protective tefillos held at Kever Rachel. Of all these, we present the story of the Drori family of Ashkelon. This account is the result of personal interviews with the parents and the children interviews overflowing with emunah and true Jewish strength.

    Red Alert

    Its two in the morning in Ashkelon. Through closed shutters, the sound of a siren pierces the bedroom, shaking the walls of the house, cruelly invading the sweet dreams of a little girl and presenting a living nightmare in their stead.

    Four-year-old Iris trembles.

    Only a small hallway separates her room from her parents room, but the hallway is scary now filled with the shrieks of the siren. From the window, she hears the tumult of neighbors scrambling to safety. Doors on the floors above are slamming. A baby is crying on the

    floor below. And the roar of the siren tears across the heavens.

    Iris cries.

    The door of her room opens. Ima dashes in, scoops up Iris in her arms, and flies to the stairwell. Meanwhile, Abba is pulling her half-sleeping brother Roi to the same place. Their building is old; it doesnt have a reinforced room in each apartment. According to safety instructions, theyre supposed to take shelter in a protected space. For them and two other families, the only space available is on the second floor of their building, in the stairwell. Within thirty seconds, the three families are there. Although the children are


    Insurance Policy

    Mama Rachels Mama Rachels



  • now crying hysterically, the outside noise has been swallowed up by a deafening silence as they all await the inevitable. Its not a question of when, but of where. And then it comes


    The rusty railing of the stairwell shakes. The echo of an additional boom and the sound of something exploding somewhere. People look at one another and sigh.

    Its starting up again.

    Sadly, the residents of this southern city are used to being the targets of the bloodthirsty beasts from Gaza. Those residents had enjoyed a little over a year of peace and quiet. Daily life had resumed as usual. The Home Front Commands instructions had become faded memories, best forgotten. But now, tonight, life as usual had stopped once again. They know the pattern. It would start with a sprinkle of rockets fired at the Gaza Belt communities. It would spread to the neighboring cities and communities and eventually, their own hometown would be left nearly desolate.

    After staying in the stairwell for the recommended ten minutes, the Droris began to return to their apartment, drowsy children in tow. As they went, Chagit Drori smiled to herself.

    Is everything okay? her husband asked with concern.

    Completely fine. I have insurance.

    Insurance? Anti-rocket insurance? he clarified.

    I have insurance that protects us from all troubles. The insurance of Rachel Imeinu.

    Ive never heard of a company by that name, her husband admitted.

    I just signed up for it yesterday, she explained. When I heard about the worsening situation in Sederot and the surrounding areas, I decided, Thats it. Were not going to endure the same grief as last time. Im not willing to live my life in fear. I need life insurance. Not the kind of insurance that pays out money to a family after a person passes away,

    the kind that keeps him and his family from dying in the first place! Keeps them healthy, sane. I set up a standing order at the bank to donate regularly to Kever Rachel. And every night, the talmidei chachamim there are going to mention our names for yeshuah and rachamim. I believe in the power of the tefillos that those tzaddikim at Kever Rachel offer to Hashem, and Hashem also promises that tzedakah saves a person from death. So now I feel calm.

    Uri Drori heard the words and figured: Okay. I dont know if it will help, but it certainly cant hurt.

    Little did Mr. Drori know how quickly

    his Mama Rachel insurance policy would be put to good use

    The First Payment

    Ten families live in the Droris building, but over the next two weeks, that number dwindled to five. The Cohens, from across the hall, went to stay with their cousins in Haifa. The Dadons, from the second floor, migrated to their parents in Jerusalem. The only people who remained were those who had nowhere to go. Actually, the Droris did have places they could flee to, but it wasnt so simple. Abba Drori works in the local industrial zone and Ima Drori also works in town. So they stayed in Ashkelon. It would be okay. They had insurance, and Chagit insisted that they would rely on Hashem, in the merit of Rachel Imeinu.

    The first payment from their policy arrived two weeks after the start of the war.

    It was the afternoon. The children were playing in their bedroom and the parents were in the kitchen. Ima called Iris to come to her for a moment, so she dutifully left her game and hurried to the kitchen. Roi, bored there alone, tagged

    If there would have been children in that room when the rocket hit, I doubt there would have been anyone left to rescue,

    Have Your tefillos answered in the zechus of Rachel Imeinu USA 1-888-276-2435 IL 1-800-800-863



    hysterically, the outsidehysterically, the outsidebeen swallowed up by aen swallowed up by asilence as they all awaitble. Its not a questionut of where. And then it

    railing of the stairwellhe echo of an additionalthe sound of something

    somewhere. People lookther and sigh.

    g up again

    ve neverIve never hea of aheard ocompany bythat name, her husband admitted.

    I just signed up for ityesterday, she explained.When I heard about the worsening situation in Sederot andthe surrounding areas, I decided, Thats it. Were not going to endure the same grief as last time. Imnot willing to live my life in fear. Ineed life insurance. Not the kind of insurance that pays out money to a

    hisMamaRachel insurance policy wouldbe put to good use


  • along after her.

    What did you want, Ima? Iris asked.

    Um. Yeah. Hmm, What did I want? Chagit mumbled. I dont remember. Well, never mind.

    The children shrugged and began to skip back to their room.


    The thunderous blast pierced the back of their apartment. Dust and smoke rose from the hallway. In the tiny kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Drori froze like statues. For several minutes, they were in shock. Then the rescue crew, in their fluorescent vests, burst into the house, and the Drori family began to take in what had occurred.

    Later, a security officer revealed the full extent of the miracle:

    A rocket had struck only a few yards from the window of the childrens bedroom. Hundreds of deadly metal ball bearings had penetrated the entire outer wall of the building, even into the childrens

    bedroom wardrobe. The shockwave had shattered the window; glass filled the room and shrapnel had punctured a medium-sized hole in the wall. If there would have been children in that room when the rocket hit, I doubt there would have been anyone left to rescue, the officer reported.

    Abba and Ima began to shake.

    The Gratitude Campaign

    The Modeh Missile Gratitude

    Campaign began one evening not long after. Mrs. Drori had just returned from a long journey during which shed listened to a shiur given by Rabbi Shalom Arush, shlita. The rav was speaking about the power of saying thank You to Hashem. Saying thank You for everything the good as well as the bad. He explained that, once the Geulah comes, this will be the madreigah of everyone. At that time, there will be an astounding change in reality, and the entire concept of good and bad will cease to exist. Everyone will finally know that there isnt actually any bad in the world; its all Hashem and Hashem is entirely good. The rav explained that it is possible to bring tremendous yeshuos to the world in the zechus of saying thank You. If a Jew says thank You to Hashem for a painful slap the same way he thanks Him for a present If he believes that everything Hashem does is for the good, because He loves us, with an infinite, limitless love If a Jew conducts himself that way, any difficult gezeirah can be annulled for himself and for his family.

    As she was driving home, Chagit had the opportunity to put her new

    Okay, Ima, Iris whispered into her mothers ear just before falling asleep. Well say thank You for every missile. Together.




  • >>>


    lesson to use. The Red Alert siren blasted, striking terror to her heart. With no safe room, available drivers were supposed to pull over, park, get out of their cars, and lie

    flat on the ground. Chagits hands were shaking on the steering wheel, wet and slipping from nervous perspiration. Just then, a flash of remembrance crossed her mind: Thank You. It was time to say thank You. Chagit managed to pull over and get out, and then the thanking began in earnest:

    Thank You, Hashem, for the life that is flowing through me this very moment. For the clean air that I breathe, for my eyes that see. For my 248 limbs and organs that function, for my brain that can make countless calculations in a fraction of a second even for this Red Alert siren, that has given me the opportunity to thank You!

    Chagit continued enumerating all the gifts of her life, and thanking Hashem over and over until


    Chagit opened her eyes. She was still alive. The missile must have fallen somewhere far away. Now she had another thing for which to thank Hashem!

    When she returned home, Mrs. Drori shared the details of her harrowing drive. But more than that, she shared the idea of giving thanks for everything - even for missiles.

    Okay, Ima, Iris whispered into her mothers ear just before falling

    asleep. Well say thank You for every missile. Together.

    And thats how the gratitude campaign was launched.

    What happened to the Drori family two weeks later made it perfectly clear that what had happened (and not happened!) in their childrens bedroom was only the introduction to an entire chapter of Hashgachah pratis and niflaos.

    A Day at the Park

    After weeks of being cooped up in the house, the Droris were desperate for a break. When a humanitarian ceasefire was announced, they welcomed the news. After long deliberations, they decided it was their chance to venture out to the local park. They wouldnt go out for long, just long enough for the kids to enjoy the fresh air, play on the jungle gym, swings, and slide, see real live birds and trees, and enjoy a quick picnic lunch. After all, war or no war, this was still their childrens long-awaited summer vacation.

    When the Droris arrived at the park, they realized that no one else had decided to use the ceasefire that way. The park was empty. Silent. Not a soul in sight.

    Determined to provide at least a modest measure of fun to their long-suffering children, Abba and Ima spread a blanket on the grass and began arranging their cooler and other gear in the middle of it. Iris and Roi went to play on the jungle gym

    and their parents sat down to savor some quiet conversation. They spoke about the situation, about the news, about their concerns. Eventually the conversation turned

    to teachings about emunah. Chagit shared ideas from a shiur she had heard and Uri shared what he had learned in an evening kollel for baalei batim: That emunah is the elixir of life. And, in the words of Rebbe Nachman, ztzl, Whoever has emunah, his life is a life.

    How could a person survive without emunah? the Droris wondered aloud together. Emunah is a persons direct line to the Creator. It gives him psychological strength, and fosters a blissfully serene inner landscape. As their discussion wound up, they looked over to where the children were playing.

    The children were no longer there.

    Iris? Roi? they called out.

    Within seconds, Roi came running over to them.

    Wheres Iris? they asked him.

    I dont know. The boy shrugged. Ive been playing here by myself. Iris left a long time ago.

    Iris! Iris! Iris! Soon three voices were calling for her, and the pitch rose higher, the longer they called and searched.

    Lets split up, Uri said. Well each head in a different direction. You and Roi take the park; Ill take the side streets. Well search anywhere

    As their discussion wound up, they looked over to where the children were playing. The children were no longer there.

    Call now, and next year your story may appear here! USA 1-888-276-2435 IL 1-800-800-863

    cont. on page 22


  • Harav Moshe Menachem Kluger will lead the tikkun. The Rabbanim and Talmidei Chachamim of Mosdos Kever Rachel will mention each name individually in their tefillos.

    The Yahrzeit is the most mesugal time to daven, for one's suitable marriage partner, a good parnassa, health, sholom bayis and all yeshuos.

    Submit Your NameCall now: INTERNATIONAL: (972)-2-580-0863 USA: 1-888-276-2435 IL 1-800-800-863

    SUPPORT KEVER RACHELDonate online at

    Or send a check payable to: Mosdos Kever Rachel P.O.B. 41118 Jerusalem Israel

    A Massive prayer gathering of tens of thousands of people will take place at Kever Rachel.

    Tuesday 11th Cheshvan, Nov. 4, 2014 4:30 P.M. (Israel time)


  • onit Stav loved Fridays. Fridays at night. Well, not really the night just before the night,

    when the afternoon meets the night and the sun colors the street and reflects on the sea. Ima says that the sun goes to the beach at night and hides under the water until the next morning. However it happens, these are the moments Ronit loves the most. But not because of the sea or the sun, only because of what happens on the first floor of her building, behind the door facing the stairwell.

    On Friday afternoons, a little before dark, Ima Stav takes Ronits small hand in hers and says, Lets go down now. That means Ima wants to take Ronit downstairs to the tiny park on the next street, near their apartment building. Apartments in crowded northern Tel Aviv dont have their own yards; that park is the closest place with grass, blossoming flowers, and trees. So they go to the park - but only on Fridays, because Ima works all day till nightfall, every day but Friday,

    and so does Abba.

    On regular days, Abba and Ima leave early in the morning. Ronit goes to school. In the afternoons, she goes to an afterschool program. After that, a babysitter watches her until her parents come home late at night. Even when theyre home, theyre still working Ima is always on her cellphone, talking about work, and Abba sits at his computer until the middle of the night. Then he also talks about business on his cellphone until hes very tired.

    in Tel Aviv in Tel AvivKindling Hearts




  • But now its Friday and Ronit walks downstairs with her mother, exactly two flights.

    Something that happens on the first floor of their building is very important to her...

    Behind the door on the first floor are the Blochs. Theyre not a family with kids. Theyre an old couple, or as Ima says, theyre elderly. Theyre very friendly and always smile when they meet neighbors in the hallway. On Fridays, they leave their door open. Well, not completely open. More like half open, half closed. If you bend down and squint you can see their entrance hall and part of their living room. Thats where Ronits surprising sight stands: two flames, burning on a small, low table. Exactly two. Always two. And not at all like colored birthday cake candles. Completely different. Two little glass cups filled with really clear, golden oil, burning bright.

    Every week, when they pass by, Ronit always stops to peek at the flames. Every week, when she does that, her mother urges her onward. Come on, Ronit! Ima never lets Ronit stop and gaze at the flames.

    Even if Ima is in the middle of a very important call on her cellphone, she always stops talking and reminds Ronit, Keep on walking!

    But why? Ronit asks.

    Its not nice to peek into other peoples houses, Ima says. But theres a spark in her eyes and her voice is tense.

    Then they rush past as fast as they can.

    Thats what happens every Friday,

    in the afternoon, just before dark.

    Ronits Family

    The Stavs are a young Tel Aviv family: a mother, a father, and a little girl. Mr. Stav works in hi-tech; Mrs. Stav is in charge of advertising and marketing for a business management software company. A mother, a father and a little girl. They are actively involved in their community and they dress as all their fellow Tel Avivians dress. They have two cars - one of their own and the other from Mr. Stavs job. Their daughter attends a local preschool that is completely secular free of any unwanted subjects, such as Judaism. On the surface, the Stavs look like a typical secular family - secular for generations. But the truth of their situation is even more horrifying:

    Abba is the son of a renowned rosh kollel from Bnei Brak. Imas father is a dayan of a Jerusalem beis din that handles financial claims. The two of them followed an identical downward slide, drawn

    I would gladly take you to the zoo or an amusement park or anywhere else instead.Why do you want to go to Kever Rachel, anyway?


    These words aptly describe the devotion of the rabbanim of Mosdos Kever Rachel. Even dur-ing times of war, the sounds of Torah and tefillah at Kever Rachel were never silenced for even a moment. The kollel members continue to arrive at Kever Rachel to learn and daven in round-the-

    clock shifts. The security forces, inspired by their selfless dedication, make a special effort to assist and to enable them to arrive at the kever at all times of the day and night.



  • Just before Ima and Ronit left, she handed them a small packet. This is a package of light. Shabbos candles.



    by the temptations of the street. Eventually, he went to study in a university and she headed into the world of marketing. Their shared background and their shared guilt brought them together. And, on that shaky foundation, they built a new life. Not that they actually chose a direction in life. Their home was based on two principles: earning as much money as possible and fleeing the past. They were determined that not one word about Yiddishkeit would be spoken in their home, and for five and a half years they succeeded

    Mrs. Stav Gets a SurpriseNothing could have prepared Mrs. Stav for the day when her little girl came home from preschool and said: Ima, I want you to take me to Kever Rachel.

    To where?

    To Ke-ver Ra-chel, Ronit answered slowly.

    To where?! Her mother now almost shouted.

    Ima, its in a place called Beit Lechem. Near Jerusalem. Youll take me there, right?

    Ima didnt answer. Suddenly, she was very busy on the phone for the next few hours, talking about work, and didnt have any time to talk about anything else. Ronit kept quiet, but the gears in her brain

    were turning and she knew exactly what she needed to do

    The next day Ronit didnt feel well.

    Good morning, Ronit! her mother greeted her cheerfully. Time to go to school!

    The little blanket that covered the girl shook slightly and then the noisy coughing began.

    Ronit? Are you okay?

    The only reply was another sequence of noisy coughs.

    Mrs. Stav was forced to skip work. Instead of traveling to her office on Dizengoff Street, she ended up calling to make an appointment with the doctor for later that day. But by ten oclock in the morning, Ronit opened her eyes, coughed dramatically, and said: Ima. Kever Rachel!


    Please take me to Kever Rachel, or else Im going to be sick again tomorrow

    Under normal circumstances, Ima Stav would have been very angry at that request. But now, for some odd reason, she heard herself answering simply: Well see.

    Not long after, she found herself in

    her car, driving her determined little daughter to the end of the world in other words, all the way to Kever Rachel. During the one and a half hours that it took to get there, Ima had plenty of time to think and to talk to Ronit. Really, Ronit! I dont even know how you managed to persuade me to do this. I would gladly take you to the zoo or an amusement park or anywhere else, instead. We can still turn around and do that. Itll be much more fun for you. Why do you want to go to Kever Rachel, anyway?

    My Morah told me its a special place. Were you ever there, Ima?


    Little Ronit could not know how that question pierced her mothers heart. There was no one to tell the child that her very own mother was named for Mama Rachel, that her real name wasnt Rimona but Rucheleh. Or at least it had once been Rucheleh, But Ronit would never know because no one was willing to tell her.


  • At Kever Rachel

    Ronit was enchanted. In her entire short life, she had never seen such a place. Old women, young women, and even girls were there. The ladies had scarves on their heads. Their faces were pressed close to large books, as they swayed back and forth. Some of them were crying. Mothers? Crying? Ima suddenly looked so different, standing there with her cellphone that seemed almost eternally glued to her ear.

    No reception, Ima muttered

    sullenly as she put the phone in her purse.

    Thank you, she muttered sullenly, when another young mother offered her a book to hold like everyone else.

    Then someone approached Ronit. Would you like to say Tehillim, little girl?

    Ronit nodded. She was too shy to ask, Whats Tehillim?

    But someone read her thoughts. Tehillim is a holy book that was written by King David. And this is Mamas home.

    Mamas home? My Imas house? Our house is far from this place at the end of the world. Our home is in Tel Aviv with Abba.

    Yes. This is the home of your mother and fathers Mama. Here you can cry as much as you like, and ask for everything you need. This mother is called Rachel - Rachel Imeinu - Mama Rachel.

    Ima had overheard the conversation and she approached the woman. Ima had a spark in her eyes, the same spark as when they passed by the Blochs house each Friday afternoon.

    Who are you? Ima asked sharply.

    A Jewish woman. Your sister. Were all daughters of the same mother.

    Ronit and her mother were speaking with Rebbetzin Kluger, but they didnt know that. For Rebbetzin Kluger, Kever Rachel is her second - or perhaps more accurately, her first home. She spoke gently to Mrs. Stav and, just before Ima and Ronit left, she handed them a small packet. This is a package of light. Shabbos candles.

    Shabbos candles, Ima murmured, then immediately bit her lips, as though she regretted even saying the words.

    Yes. May they bring light and joy into your hearts.

    Ima shoved the candles into her purse and rushed Ronit back to the car. All the way home, Ronit was busy thinking. Theres a mother named Rachel and shes everyones mother and now we have candles.

    The Next Day

    The next day was Friday. Once again Ronit and her mother got ready to go to the park. But before

    My Morah told me its a special place. Were you ever there, Ima?Silence.




    Every day, threetimes a day, for anentire year, you will

    be prayed for atKever Rachel:1. at chatzos2. at dawn

    3. after Minchah at therecital of Tehillim

    Kollel Chatzos thezechus of supporting

    the Talmidei Chachamimand mekubalim of the

    Kollel Chatzosat Kever Rachel,a segulah that

    has precipitatedunbelievable yeshuos

    Minyan Tehillim thezechus of supportingthe regular minyan ofbnei aliyah who recite

    the entire Tehillimat Kever Rachel

    every day, the causeof many wondrous


    For 40 days atmidnight - chatzos , theTalmidei Chachamimof Kollel Chatzos will

    daven at Kever Rachelfor your specific


    1 2 3 4

    The Kever Rachel 24 hour hotline

    USA 1-888-276-2435 INT'L 972-2-5800-863

    IL 1-800-800-863


  • they could get out the door Ronit said: Ima. First the candles. We can light them just like Mrs. Bloch does.

    Oy veys mir! shouted Ima. The Yiddish words burst from her mouth. Ronit was stunned to hear the unfamiliar sounds.

    What did you say, Ima?

    After a minute of silence, Ima found her voice. Nothing. Okay. Come, well light those candles.

    What choice did she have with a daughter as strong-willed as Ronit?

    Imas hands shook as she tried to light the match. The first match broke and then the second. Then the package of matches fell onto the sparkling waxed floor. Ronit bent over to pick it up and noticed a small drop of water. She looked up and saw that Imas face was red, and wet. Come, lets finish this, Ima said. She took the package from Ronits hands.

    At last, the candles were lit.

    A bit later, as the sky turned a glorious reddish orange, they went to the park. On the way, they passed by the Blochs home. But this time, Ima didnt try to hurry Ronit along. Actually, an astute observer might even have noticed Ima herself bending over to peek at the flames.

    The Inside Story

    Another week, another Friday.

    In the M. familys home, the phone rang loudly. Rebbetzin Tzivya answered.

    Hello Mrs. M. This is Esty, calling from Mosdos Kever Rachel. I just wanted to update you that last night we had the special tefillah atzeres that you sponsored, at the kever,and we made sure to mention the names you gave us: Rachel bas Tzivya and Eliyahu ben Sarah, along with your bakashah that Hashem kindle the Jewish spark in their souls and the souls of their descendants.

    Esty added her own heartfelt blessings, checked the call off her list, and tried to move on to the next call. But something was niggling at her. Why did those names sound familiar?

    Suddenly she remembered. Just the week before, the S. family






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  • had called and given her those very same names! They too had wanted to dedicate that weeks Erev Shabbos learning. But since that week had been taken by the M. family, Esty had booked them for the following Shabbos, instead. If only to satisfy her curiosity, Esty opened up her Excel sheet and took a look.

    Eliyahu ben Sarah and Rachel bas Tzivya. Yes! It was them. And the dedication? Their bakashah, offered in a wavering, doubtful tone was that their son and daughter-in-law somehow return to them. Esty remembered their request well because it was followed by a flood of tears. Ever sensitive to callers, Esty had remained on the line for a long time, comforting the distraught mother, until the conversation was able to wind down on a quiet, if not peaceful, note.

    And now Esty knew the inside story: Both families the wifes family and the husbands family were contributing to Mosdos Kever Rachel, hoping for their married children to return to the Torah and to them.

    Ronit in Search of Candles

    And then, on that same Friday afternoon:

    Ronit didnt have any more candles. She knew she couldnt ask Ima to buy new ones. Something about candles made Ima very sad and put that angry spark into her eyes. But suddenly, Ronit had an idea.

    She hurried downstairs and knocked on Mrs. Blochs door.

    Shalom, zeeskeit! Mrs. Bloch greeted her. Come in.

    Could you please give me some candles? Ronit asked quickly. Um, two candles.

    Candles? Mrs. Bloch wondered aloud. You mean birthday candles?

    No. There was some other name for them. That lady at Kever Rachel had called them -what had she called them?

    Ich farshtei nisht, Mrs. Bloch said to her husband, with a shrug. What did the little girl want?

    They must have a yahrtzeit, Mr. Bloch concluded. Even chilonimobserve yahrtzeits.

    Ah, yes, that must be it. His wife nodded and went to fetch a candle from the cabinet.

    Two, Ronit repeated simply.

    All right, then. Mrs. Bloch nodded again, and handed two yahrtzeitcandles to her young neighbor.

    Thank you! Ronit said, her face shining. She raced back up the stairs to her home as fast as her short legs could carry her.

    She set up the candles just as Ima had done the week before on the little side table, with tin foil underneath to be safe.

    Just then, her mother entered the room.

    Whats this?! Rimona Stav exclaimed, in fright.

    Theyre candles, Ima.

    Candles? For what?

    For you, Ima. One for you and one for Abba.

    Imas face turned red and then shockingly pale.

    Ronit was afraid. Did I say something wrong, Ima? Is everything okay?

    But there was no one to answer her. Ima Stav had run to her room and locked the door. For the next half hour, all Ronit could hear was whimpering and muffled wailing. Then, not long before the sun set, she heard her mother on the phone: Yes, well try to come. No, its not the first time; its the second week that were lighting. And Mommy please wish Tatty a Gut Shabbos.

    Rimona-Ruchele hung up, unlocked the door, and came out looking sad and relieved all at once. Come on, Ronit, come on! She urged her little girl. We have to hurry if we want to light the candles for Shabbos.



    Hidden in the Open:

    Connect to Mama Rachel call now: USA 1-888-276-2435 IL 1-800-800-863


  • heres good reason why the gaon and tzaddik Rav Yaakov Edelstein, shlita,

    is called the Kosel HaMaaravi of Ramat haSharon. Yidden of all backgrounds and affiliations flock to him and stand

    united, basking in the light of his lofty soul. Chilonim and chareidim, Ashkenazim and Sephardim,

    simple workers alongside illustrious scholars. Everyone as one, receiving guidance and advice, and a powerful infusion of Torah and yirah. The Ravs influence crosses seas and continents, in addition to his standing as one of the Torah giants of the generation.

    Recently the Rav gave of his precious time to warmly receive the

    rabbanim of Mosdos Kever Rachel. Among other questions, they asked Rav Edelstein about Maran Rav Chaim Kanievskys intriguing proclamation that the best way to assure oneself of a yeshua in our generation is to give tzedakah to Kever Rachel.

    Am Yisrael is in galus, longing for so many types of yeshuos.

    Hidden in the Open:Hidden in the Open:Revealed Yeshuos at Kever Rachel During an Era of Hester Panim


    Many have had yeshuos, and bezras Hashem, many more will have yeshuos, in the merit of supporting Mosdos Kever Rachel" Harav Chaim Kanievsky



  • We hear about so many tzaros.

    Rav Edelstein: We need to believe and to know that we are Hashems beloved children. Everything that happens to us is for our good. Even during galus, in a time of hester panim, Hashem opens a window and shows us that He is One. There is no other. Whoever wants to, whoever loves Hashem, can see it.

    How is it possible to explain the fact that so many people who donate to Kever Rachel experience obvious yeshuot?

    Rav Edelstein: This is a reality that the Creator set up in this world. He wanted it to be this way, and so it is. It is not something that a human beings intelligence can understand. Its beyond comprehension. Ill give you an example: Why is the penalty for some forms of theft double that of other types of theft? The answer is: This is how Hashem Yisborach wanted it to be and that is what He declared in the Torah. We believe

    in what Hashem wants. This is the reality; questions and doubts are irrelevant. So too, when we see so many yeshuos at Kever Rachel, this is reality Hashem wants it this way. There is a pipeline for yeshuos,

    known as Kever Rachel, and whoever has intelligence will connect himself to this pipeline. W h o e v e r doesnt have intelligence will ask questions and remain with his doubts, poor thing. Whoever doesnt have emunah his life is not a life.

    But why davka at Kever Rachel?

    Rav Edelstein: This is because of what Yirmiyahu haNavi revealed to us: That there at the kever, the voice of Rachel Imeinu is heard from on high, crying for the tzaros of Klal Yisrael. This is what Rashi reveals to us in parshas Vayechi: that the entire purpose of Yaakov Avinu burying Rachel in Beis Lechem, was so that it would be a place of tefillos and yeshuos so that Bnei

    Yisrael could evoke yeshuos there.

    There were many gedolim and tzaddikim over the generations who preferred to daven at Kever Rachel more than at any of the other mekomos hakedoshim, because its a place for tefillah that is recorded in the Torah. I heard from Maran Rav Elyashiv, ztzl, that the advantage of Kever Rachel is that its location is indicated in the Torah: On the way to Efrat, which is Beis Lechem. Since the day that Yaakov Avinu buried Rachel Imeinu there, we have had an uninterrupted mesorah, over thousands of years, as to its precise location.

    At this point in the conversation, we showed Rav Edelstein the rare and historic letter penned by Maran Rav Kanievsky, shlita. The Rav removed his glasses, studied the letter, and repeated each word aloud:

    Many have had yeshuos, and bezras Hashem, many more will have yeshuos, in the merit of supporting Mosdos Kever Rachel, directed by HaRav Kluger, as Maran [Elyashiv] ztzl, wrote and testified.

    --- Chaim Kanievsky

    There is a pipelinefor yeshuos, known as Kever Rachel, and whoever has intelligence will connect himself to this pipeline.



    Harav Kanievsky hands historical letter to Rav Kluger


  • Rav Edelstein: As we know, Maran Rav Kanievsky is very medakdek with every single word that comes from his mouth. He will go to great lengths to save even one word. Many times Maran even blesses the people that ask him for brochos with roshei teivos, such as the letters beis vuv hey, which stands for brachah and hatzlachah -- all to save one word. Every word from Rebbi Chaim has great weight in Shamayim he is a giant who is kulo Torah. Yet here he spells everything out simply and decisively: Many have had yeshuos, and bezras Hashem, many more will have yeshuos, in the merit of supporting Mosdos Kever RachelThis is beyond amazing.

    The Torah world is going through such a difficult time right now. So many avreichim are in dire financial distress and are even literally hungry for bread. How can we strengthen our emunah

    in these times?

    Rav Edelstein: Hashem Yisborach alone directs the world, and He will invent a parnassah for everyone who invests in the business of Torah. Despite the fact that the person wont know in advance from where it will come, Hashem will bring about nissim and niflaos for the learners of Torah, to strengthen them and give them life. We experience this. And He does this not only for those who are immersed in Torah. Those who are engaged in making a parnassah can also see Hashem in every one of their business transactions; that is living with emunah, and with the knowledge that everything is only Hashem. Then a persons entire life is one of kirvas Hashem (closeness to Hashem).

    At the end of the conversation, despite the impossibility of explaining the miracles, we once again asked the Rav to give us some sort of answer as to why we see so many obvious yeshuot at Kever Rachel.

    Rav Edelstein: There is a deep secret here that can only be hinted. Since Rachel Imeinu was buried before the gezeira of galus came upon us, it was established by Yaakov Avinu as a place of tefillah from which the geula will sprout. This place has a sort of revelation of geula and the hester panim of galus does not apply to a place that has gilui panim. This is also a deep secret, reflected in the words of our master the Vilna Goan , ztzl, in his peirush on Tikunei Zohar (Tikun vuv): When the holy Shechinah was exiled, after the Churban of the Beis haMikdash, Hashem established that the primary place the Shechinah would dwell during the days of galus is at Kever Rachel. This is a deep concept that cannot be fully revealed, for a secret of Hashem must remain hidden. But whoever longs for a yeshua and who possesses intelligence, knows that he has the right address to turn to, bchasdei Hashem. Kever Rachel the pipeline of yeshuos that Hashem established in the world.




  • fer P. was admired by everyone who knew him. To the typical Israeli, he was the

    epitome of success. He was a pleasant fellow,

    prosperous, married, and the father of two children, charismatic and influential. But most importantly, the company he owned was so wildly successful that people began calling it Ofers Empire.

    The company, whatever it was actually called, broke sales records every month and quickly cornered the market. Eventually its products began being sold overseas, and from there it was a hop, skip, and

    a jump to the stock market, where shares of the company were almost constantly in demand.

    A Jealous Ex-PartnerIf we were to look back at how the company first began, we would see that Ofer had not launched the business on his own. Hed had a partner whom well call Gabi who had developed the idea for this entrepreneurial venture together with him. But after a time, Gabi had lost faith in the companys ability to grow, and had decided to leave the partnership. Ofer had honored Gabis request, exerted himself,

    took on loans, and paid Gabi back every cent of his investment in the company.

    For reasons known only Above, that was precisely the moment when the company took off. It gave the impression that somehow the company had been waiting to be free of Gabis hands before it skyrocketed to unimaginable heights.

    Its easy to understand Gabis uncharitable response, although perhaps it shouldnt be. Lacking the emunah that no person can take anything thats intended for someone else, Gabi was bitter


    Day in Court Mama Rachel Mama Rachelss



  • >>>


    over the terrible business mistake he had made a mistake that had seemingly allowed Ofer to take for himself, the fruits of their collective labor. Gabi burned with jealousy day and night. He was eating himself up, especially when he leafed through the national business journals and saw Ofers smiling face staring at him from their pages. Everyone

    admired Ofer now and no one remembered that Ofer had once had a partner. Gabi didnt know that his real problem was not Ofer, but a lack of emunah.

    Gabis anger, jealousy, and frustration continued to mount until it was hard for him to think of anything else. His envy of Ofer caused him to lose his senses and he soon began plotting his sweet revenge.

    One day, precisely as Gabi stared at Ofers face on the cover of a news magazine Ofer smiling in front of the New York Stock Exchange, an idea began to sprout in Gabis mind: Ill cook up a case against him, Gabi decided with wicked delight. The rest of the plot bubbled on a slow but steady flame until every detail had been arranged. Gabi reviewed the case in his mind hundreds

    of times until he was completely satisfied. The case was watertight. It was brilliant! Ofer would fall, big time, and no one would have any clue that Gabi had fabricated every bit of it. Gabi found a way to conceal everything. Soon the case was prepared. It was time to go to the police.

    Ofer is TrappedThere was nothing even slightly suspicious about the call that the secretary forwarded on that non-descript summer morning. Nothing to indicate the approaching storm. Only when Ofer heard the tough voice of the police investigator on the other end of the line, inviting him down to the police station at 4:30 pm that afternoon for an interrogation, did his heart skip a beat. This was the first of many beats that Ofers poor heart would skip in the months to come.

    The battalion of hotshot lawyers that Ofer hired to defend him, spent many days putting their expertise to the test, trying in vain to find a hole in the arguments against their client; the case was so tight that they couldnt find any way to crack it.

    The trial began, and as it became clear which way the wind was blowing, Ofers lawyers began dropping the case so as not to stain their sterling reputa t ions . Ofer was going to be convicted on the basis of all the evidence and arguments against him. He would be behind bars for a long time and they wanted nothing to do with it.

    Seeing that his salvation was not going to come through any lawyers, Ofer got behind the wheel one day and drove to Nahariya, to consult with the revered scholar and miracle-worker Rabbi David Abuchatzeira, shlita. The rabbi listened patiently to Ofers entire tale of woe and then, with a heart full of ahavas Yisrael, told him: This is a difficult case. Very, very difficult. Someone is very jealous of you. You have an enormous ayin haraon you. Only Ima can help you.

    Ima?! Ofer asked, eyebrows raised.

    Yes, Ima, Rabbi Abuchatzeira predicted. Rachel Imeinu.

    To daven at Kever Rachel with all my heart? Ofer clarified.

    Yes, but not only that. Find Rav

    Rabbi David Abuchatzeira listened, with a heart full of ahavas Yisrael :This is a difficult case. Very, very difficult. Someone is very jealous of you.Only Ima can help you.

    Many have seen yeshuos in the zechus of Rachel Imeinu USA 1-888-276-2435 IL 1-800-800-863


    the months to come.

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  • Kluger and support the Torah study he arranges there. Buy from him the zechut of Torah learned at Imas kever, and in Imas zechut you will see yeshuot.

    Only a few hours later, Ofers Mercedes pulled into the parking lot across from Kever Rachel. From that day on, the name Ofer ben Gila was mentioned daily by the members of the kollel, for the sake of his yeshuah.

    Surprise Party for a Matriarch

    A hot breeze was blowing over the water, gently ruffling the elegant napkins that were artistically folded next to the stylish porcelain dishes and sparking flatware. The dim lighting was just sufficient to highlight the mahogany parquet floor below and the sparkling Italian chandeliers above. Waiters dressed

    in black scurried from table to table, making sure each one was set to perfection.

    The dozens of relatives, friends, and neighbors sat at their tables, whispering among themselves, as if they too, had been asked to fit in with the tranquil atmosphere. Everyone was shaking with tension and excitement, awaiting the magic moment, and finally it arrived


    Shouts and clapping filled the room, and colorful fireworks painted the sky outside. The timing was perfect at this classy restaurant that overlooked the sea. Soon the guests all began singing Happy Birthday to the guest of honor, a completely bewildered but incredibly touched elderly woman.

    This is the most beautiful birthday

    party Ive had in all of my eighty years! she said in a shaky voice, after the singing died down.

    What a shame that Eitan couldnt come to his own mothers surprise party, Ilana thought with more than a little aggravation. He would have really enjoyed seeing his mother so happy. Several times over the course of the evening, Ilanas mother-in-law asked for Eitan, and each time Ilana was forced to justify her husbands absence; he was handing down the verdict of a very difficult case the next day and had to review all the evidence again before making his decision.

    Ilana was leaning against the stone railing, watching the sea and half listening to the party, as a circle of children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren lovingly surrounded their precious Ima, Savta, and Savta-rabba.





  • Snatches of a noisy conversation soon caught her ear. She wasn't accustomed to eavesdropping yet she couldnt miss hearing something about her husband Judge Eitan.

    As the sentence fragments began to piece together in her mind, she soon realized that the person was discussing the exact case that her husband was deciding the next day. She listened to the next few sentences and began trembling. A man was detailing his glorious success in fabricating watertight claims against his former business partner: Ofer.

    Ilana wobbled back to her seat. To what depths of deceit jealousy can bring a person! she pondered mournfully.

    As soon as she could, she hurried home to tell her husband everything she had heard and understood between the lines from the conversation at the party.

    Eitan listened and then shivered. He went back into his study, turned on the light at his desk and took out the file that he had pored over for hours that night. He sat down to examine it anew. Suddenly everything became clear to him. The entire time the trial had been dragging on, something had been bothering him, but he couldnt put his finger on what that something was. Now the statements his wife quoted to him shed new light on the case. It became patently clear how Gabi had pulled off this stunningly seamless, but completely unfounded, deceitful stunt.

    The Verdict Order in the court! the judge announced as he banged his gavel on his desk and the courtroom grew silent.

    Gabi was sitting in the first row of benches. He had carefully chosen his designer gray suit to mark the special occasion: the day of his enemys downfall. It was hard for him not to smile. In only a few moments, the judge would issue his verdict against Ofer and his entire company. Ofers non-stop victories would finally come to a grinding halt.

    But Judge Eitan had entirely different plans

    Instead of beginning to read the verdict, the judge surprised everyone by demanding a new round of

    testimony, and calling the key witness to take the stand once again. Gabi didnt understand what had gone wrong. It was only the first of many things he didnt understand that morning. He didnt understand the strange questions the judge hurled at the witness, one after the other. The witness wasnt prepared for them and the net drew in closer and closer, until finally, Gabi himself was implicated and caught in it. Ofer was acquitted.

    Ofer and his one remaining lawyer sat, dumbfounded. They had been bracing themselves for a guilty verdict; preparing statements for the bloodthirsty reporters who were waiting outside the courthouse. They hadnt dreamt of a turnaround like this.

    Its all in the zechus of Ima! Ofer told his lawyer again and again

    as everyone filed out of the courtroom.

    Ofer and the lawyer hurried after the judge and eventually cornered him in one of the long hallways.

    What happened? They both asked at once.

    Everything is because of Ima really the judge began. He tried to explain about the conversation overheard at his mothers well-attended birthday party, but Ofer had already tuned out.

    I knew it! he shouted in his lawyers ear. Thats exactly what I told you! Its all because of Ima!

    Rachel Imeinu.



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    Direct hotline to Mama RachelDial 1-888-2-ROCHEL


  • and everywhere she might have ended up.

    "Hashem yerachem!, He started to run.

    At that moment, a Red Alert siren again pierced the air.

    Now?! Of all times? Couldnt those Hamasniks honor even a short ceasefire? Couldnt they allow anyone a few moments to breathe fresh air? The Droris lay down and covered their heads with their hands, even as their eyes darted in all directions.

    You two stay here, Abba instructed Chagit and Roi. Im going to keep searching for Iris.

    If youre going, were all going, Chagit insisted. How could she just lie there when her precious daughter was who knew where?

    They ran together; their panic over their missing daughter mixing with panic over the Red Alert. As they ran, Uri distinctly heard his wife say: Thank You, Hashem!

    Thanks for what, exactly? Uri asked his wife, impatiently. For making our daughter disappear at the worst possible moment? This time, youre really taking things too far.

    But Chagit was undeterred: Thank You, Hashem! We love You, Father! Theres no one like You!


    The explosion was terrifying. The roar was deafening. They were stopped in their tracks.

    Uri was convinced the missile must have landed on him.

    The missile had fallen. There, right there in the park. Noise so loud it could literally puncture a persons eardrums.

    Ima noticed her first.

    A little girl, crouching behind a parked car. Small hands covering her head. Ima came close and listened:

    Thank You. Thank You, Father. Thank You. Thank You, Hashem

    My daughter!

    Chagit pulled Iris into her arms, and cried grateful tears right onto Iriss unruly curls.

    Oh, my precious daughter! Chagit repeated.

    And then they whispered together, again and again:

    Thank You, Father. Thank You...

    Abba returned to retrieve the gear they had left behind. He was stopped by red police tape that was

    now cordoning off the area. This is the site of a missile strike, sir, a guard informed him. Off limits! Firefighters were working alongside security forces to identify all the shrapnel.

    The Droris cooler no longer existed. It had been burnt to a crisp when the lawn a few dozen yards away from it suffered a direct hit. The missile had struck where they had been sitting only minutes earlier.

    They didnt need the gift of prophecy to understand what would have happened to all of them if Iris hadnt disappeared when she did.

    Nu, Chagit proclaimed. Thats exactly why we need to keep on saying thank You! Lets thank Hashem together now.

    Bchasdei Shamayim, their Rachel Imeinu insurance policy had done its job, in the zechus of their tzedakah and the tefillos offered at Kever Rachel. The Droris hadnt lost their faith, and had employed an additional strategic secret weapon: thanking Hashem at the times of their greatest distress.

    Eretz Yisrael under fire?Eretz Yisrael under fire?

    Get insurance from Mosdos Get insurance from Mosdos Kever Rachel. Kever Rachel.

    Rachel Imeinu more powerful Rachel Imeinu more powerful than the Iron Dome!than the Iron Dome!

    Those who donate to Mosdos Kever Rachel will merit miraculous yeshuos in all situations, thanks to dedication of the rabbanim who maintain nonstop Torah learning and davening.

    Call now: USA 1-888-276-2435 Int'l 972-2-5800-863 IL 1-800-800-863


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