
Proverbs 31 woman embody embodyt personify, incorporate, incarnate t t Pronunciation: \im-’bä-de\ Function: transitive verb Inflected Form(s): em·bod·ied; em·body·ing Date: circa 1548 1 : to give a body to (a spirit) : incarnate 2 a : to deprive of spirituality b : to make concrete and perceptible 3 : to cause to become a body or part of a body : incorporate 4 : to represent in human or animal form : personify

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four page magazine for an in class assigment


Page 1: Magazine

Proverbs 31 womanembody

embodyt personify, incorporate, incarnate t


Pronunciation: \im-’bä-de\Function: transitive verbInflected Form(s): em·bod·ied; em·body·ing

Date: circa 15481 : to give a body to (a spirit) : incarnate2 a : to deprive of spirituality b : to make concrete and perceptible3 : to cause to become a body or part of a body : incorporate4 : to represent in human or animal form : personify

Page 2: Magazine

embody t personify, incorporate, incarnate t2 embody t personify, incorporate, incarnate t3

Yoga is

b e i n g


a s

having many peaceful

and healthful benefits,

but what we don’t

hear, is the true origins

of this type of lifestyle.

“Yoga postures really

are; they are offerings to

the gods. If you do these

postures and you do this

breathing technique and

this meditation, then you

will be accepted by a god.

That’s the real danger,” she

said. “Romans 12:1-2 says

we are to offer our bodies

as a living sacrifice to God,”

added Laurette. “Here they

are doing something very

similar with these postures

to their 330 million gods,

and it is scary. So we

abstain from things offered

to idols—Acts 15:29.”

In yoga they do what

they call pranayama

breathing. Prana is the

Hindu word for life force,

the same concept as the

word chi in some martial

arts. Yoga breathing

attempts to manipulate that

life energy, which Laurette

believes is perilous. “That is

a dangerous thing,” she said,

“because I think that we are

coming out from under the

blood of Jesus when we do

things like that, and we are

no match for the enemy in

those areas. I think of what

Paul said in Ephesians 2:2,

that Satan is the prince of

the power of the air. We are

not talking about oxygen.”

A third area of concern

in yoga the concept of

emptying the mind, which

is contradictory to what

Christianity teaches. As

Laurette explained, “We are

transformed by the renew-

ingof our minds, not

the emptying.” Along with

emptying the mind, yoga

guides people into astral

travel, which is where

people actually leave their

bodies, a practice that

Laurette was familiar with

and has since questioned.

“I wonder with those experi-

ences when I left my body

what got in there when I

was gone?” Laurette posed.

“As a Christian with the

Holy Spirit in there, we are

not going to be possessed,

I don’t think. But one

could easily be oppressed.”

Clearly, with this under-

standing of yoga, Christians

should think twice before

heading to the local gym

for a yoga class. But if you

are a Christian who thinks

it’s all right to attend

yoga classes because

you think you are strong

enough not to fall prey

to the spiritual deception

that’s being taught and

you enjoy the physical

benefits, Laurette pleads

in all seriousness that you

Benefits of Praise Moves


x Improves flexibility

x Improves circulation

x Helps the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins

x Facil itates the deliver y of nutrients to the muscles

x Alleviates stress

x Helps injuries to heal

x Helps coordination, balance, and agility

Christians and Yoga. . . o f f e r y o u r b o d i e s a s

a l i v i n g s a c r i f i c e . . .“ ”

...We are transformed

by the renewing of our minds, not the emptying...”

to please consider a younger

believer or weaker Christian

who is watching your lifestyle.

and they could fall completely

off track in their walk with God.

By Laura J. Bagby

Page 3: Magazine

embody t personify, incorporate, incarnate t2 embody t personify, incorporate, incarnate t3

Your faceRaid the kitchen cupboards and rustle up some great

skin recipes.

Cool as a cucumber: There’s a reason why so many eye care products contain cucumber - it’s proven to reduce puffiness and calm irritation; go one step better by placing slices, straight from the fridge, on your peepers. Lie back and relax for five to ten (5-10) minutes.

Egg-traordinary : This simple concoction is great for oily complex-ions - and will make your skin feel quite tight and taut when you apply it. Simply mix one egg white with quarter of a teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar - whisk togeth-er and apply to cleansed skin. Wash off after 10 minute.

Soothing yogurt: Plain yogurt is popular for its ability to cool and soothe the most irritated of skins. Try applying it direct to a clean com-plexion if it’s feeling sensitive or you’ve over-indulged on the sunbathing. Leave for 10 to 15minutes, then wash thoroughly.

Tomato source: The fruit acids in the humble tomato are great for calming oily skin and boosting dull complex-ions. Mash a ripe, very soft tomato with a fork, apply to clean skin and leave it on for 15to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm (not hot) water.

Your body Is your skin looking a tad on the dull side? This is one to try when you’ve got some time on your hands.

Natural scrubbers: hiding in the kitchen - like coarse brown sugar, oatmeal and rock salt. Mix a handful with a glug of olive or rapeseed oil and apply to warm damp skin in circular motions. Wash your skin (and the bath) thoroughly.

Oats so good: Oats are known to calm conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. They often appear as an ingredient in sensitive skin products as

‘avena sativa’. Fill a clean sock or stocking with porridge oats, tie and place in your bath water for 20 minutes. And relax.

Milking it: Warm a cup of milk in the microwave for 30 seconds (or until warm, but not boiling). Soak your hands for five minutes to strengthen nails and hydrate stressed skin.

Oil slick: The ancient Greeks used to bathe in olive oil to boost their skin. We’re not recommending you do that, but use in small amounts on problem dry areas. Leave for 5 -10 minutes and then rinse. This can also be used on other areas prone to dry skin like elbows and knees.

Written by Antonia Kanczula

DIY beautY

Page 4: Magazine

embody t personify, incorporate, incarnate t4

Apple: this body type is “top heavy.” Apple bodies have a wide

torso including a full bust, waist and upper back. They also have

broad shoulders. They may have slim arms, legs, and hips. Weight

gain will normally go towards the waist line. In general, the

upper body is noticeably larger compared to the lower body.

Jean Tips: Avoid skinny legged jeans for the most part.To

create a more balanced look you need to fill out your lower half. Try

wide-legged or flare jeans to give a more proportional look. Search

for jeans with front and back pockets.Choose a pair of jeans with a

lighter wash, and some bleaching or whiskering. Jeans with that

worn look will add volume to your bottom half without adding any real bulk.

Pear:this body type is the exact opposite of an apple

shape and it is extremely common. Pear bodies are noticeably

smaller on top than they are on bottom. Weight gain will nor-

mally go to the hips and thighs, therefore pear bodies will ap-

pear larger in this area. This body type may have a slender neck

with narrow shoulders. Pears will always have a curvy bottom.

Jean Tips: Avoid high-waisted, skinny or shapeless

jeans and opt for the younger, slightly lower rise styles. Go

with waistlines that rest slightly below your natural waistline

(mid-rise). Larger pockets on the back of your jeans will make

your butt look a bit smaller. Avoid flap pockets or pockets that

have a lot of embellishment. These can make your butt look larger. Your per-

fect pair of jeans would have oversized pockets that taper at the bottom.

Rectangle : this body type has very little curve. Rectangle

bodies have small frames and are considered athletic or slim. These are

those “skinny” bodies that will many times wear petite or tall sizes. They

also often times have a small chest size. The

rectangle body looks straight up and down.

Jean Tips: Avoid details around

the hips and do not cuff your jeans since

this can make your legs appear stumpy.

Straight leg cuts are a great choice. Look

for a pair of jeans that have larger open-

ings at the ankles than at the thighs.

This will make your thighs appear slim-

mer. Skinny jeans can add some curve to your frame but be careful if

you have problem areas you don’t want to highlight. Jeans that have

been lightened at the thighs and knees can make you appear curvier

as well. If you have a flat butt, choose jeans with embellished or flap

pockets. Stretch jeans can be worn nicely with athletic shapes. Avoid

baggy jeans at all costs since these can make you appear “boyish.”

Hourglass: this body type is the one that most women want.

It is considered curvy but proportional. Hourglass bodies have well de-

fined waists with hips and shoulders that are

well balanced. Weight gain distributes evenly

throughout the body with this body type as well.

Jean Tips: Once again, you want to

accentuate your waist so wear jeans that

have defined waistlines. Straight or wide

legs will showcase your curves. Flat front

pants will also look nice. Baggy jeans won’t

do your figure any justice however. Tapered

jeans also don’t look good on most people.

Apple, Pear, Rectangle,

Hourglass & Round

Do you ever have trou-

ble shopping for jeans? Can’t fig-

ure out which style is the most

flattering? The answer lies in your

body type or body shape. There

are five different body types and

each type is best suited for differ-

ent types of clothing. Finding the

right type of Jeans is a difficult

task especially if you don't know

your size, there is always a way to

get around thatand this is how;

read on to learn which jeans are

going to compliment your shape.