magazine analysisisisisis

As a whole, I kept the look of the magazine simple, as I wanted it to have an educational feel, as if the magazine was like homework for a student. I didn't want a cluttered feel to it.

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Post on 21-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Magazine Analysisisisisis

As a whole, I kept the look of the magazine simple, as I wanted it to have an educational feel, as if the magazine was like homework for a student. I didn't want a cluttered feel to it.

Page 2: Magazine Analysisisisisis

I decided to use the original Empire magazine font as it would have a greater impact as opposed to using a different font. As the font was only available to buy for an extremely high amount, I cut out the font myself and was able to make the masthead a darker colour using colour overlay.

Page 3: Magazine Analysisisisisis

For the picture, I decided I would use a full body one of the villain with half his body turned around. The reason for this was because I wanted it to feel as if the villain (who was a teacher), had just seen school students doing something that was against school rules. The look on his face gave the idea that his punishment would be more than severe.

Page 4: Magazine Analysisisisisis

Similar to my poster, I wanted the text to have an educational feel to it, I wanted for it to be clean and sophisticated, as opposed to using large, block text such as Impact.

'First Look' was used as added incentive for the reader. It promotes the idea that a top class magazine such as Empire is privileged enough to get the first look at The Lesson.

Page 5: Magazine Analysisisisisis

The left side third was simple, as I wanted the cover to have a clean, immaculate look. I used a hyphen to separate the main story from the information as it was more suitable and looked professional.

Page 6: Magazine Analysisisisisis

The left side third was simple, as I wanted the cover to have a clean, immaculate look. I used a hyphen to separate the main story from the information as it was more suitable and looked professional.