magazine cover analyses

The magazine also includes smaller images which link to smaller articles within the magazine to attract other audience who may not want the magazine for the Friday the 13 th story. This shows the audience they have a wide range of stories to read from. The colour used for the font is a green colour which stands out over the images and the background. The images are all of faces of the main evil characters from the films they star in. The main image it Jason the iconic horror character form the sell-out films Friday the 13 th it’s a very bold image in the centre of the cover which will attract the reader and the horror fanatic and the Jason fans. Also the colour scheme is very dull but like I said they are using a ‘Friday the 13 th ’ theme with the magazine and it’s a very gloomy dull film through-out. The blade has pictures of his life story on from when he was first created to now this goes with the tag line ‘the life & films’ the background looks to be the forest from where most of the films are set. This will attract the fans more. Also you can vaguely see the eyes beneath the mask looking straight at you. They also have a plus section at the bottom of the magazine to attract other readers; they are all to do with other sorts of horror icons including zombies This is a magazine based solely on the horror genre, the title hasn’t used the normal of using red for the font colour instead it’s gone for the old sign with yellow paint running from it. This goes with the Friday 13 th theme of the front cover which is a very iconic horror film. The tag line are three words which the readers will be attracted to straight away if they love the horror genre ‘blood, guts, gore’

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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Magazine cover analyses

This is a magazine based solely on the horror genre, the title hasn’t used the normal of using red for the font colour instead it’s gone for the old sign with yellow paint running from it. This goes with the Friday 13th theme of the front cover which is a very iconic horror film. The tag line are three words which the readers will be attracted to straight away if they love the horror genre ‘blood, guts, gore’

They also have a plus section at the bottom of the magazine to attract other readers; they are all to do with other sorts of horror icons including zombies

The main image it Jason the iconic horror character form the sell-out films Friday the 13th it’s a very bold image in the centre of the cover which will attract the reader and the horror fanatic and the Jason fans. Also the colour scheme is very dull but like I said they are using a ‘Friday the 13th’ theme with the magazine and it’s a very gloomy dull film through-out. The blade has pictures of his life story on from when he was first created to now this goes with the tag line ‘the life & films’ the background looks to be the forest from where most of the films are set. This will attract the fans more. Also you can vaguely see the eyes beneath the mask looking straight at you.

The magazine also includes smaller images which link to smaller articles within the magazine to attract other audience who may not want the magazine for the Friday the 13th story. This shows the audience they have a wide range of stories to read from. The colour used for the font is a green colour which stands out over the images and the background. The images are all of faces of the main evil characters from the films they star in.

Page 2: Magazine cover analyses

They have used a sticker type graphic to show the audience there is a ‘complete coens’ from two very good films, they are older films so they will attract the older more film fanatic type audience

They have used a sticker type graphic to show the audience there is a ‘complete Coens’ this is a reference to the Coen brothers. Who directed and screen wrote two very good films, they are older films so they will attract the older more film fanatic type audience

The tag lines are in all different types of font to attract the reader because each letter stands out for its self. Also they use the words ‘meet the joker’ ‘BATMANS new nemesis’ this is going to attract many readers because batman I a huge icon and it is a very much loved film. And given the chance to feel like you’re meeting him and seeing what he says out of the film will attract people more because it gives them the sense that the film is still going on off screen. They also sum him up on the cover in 5 powerful words ‘cold blooded, mass murdering clown’, those words alone will drag the audience in.

The other tag lines are reviews of other films and first looks at new films coming out; this is a way to attract readers which won’t find the main article attractive to read.

The main image they use on the magazine cover is heath ledger who plays the joker in batman as a sadistic killer clown. Clowns in the horror genre have and always will be looked at as a very scary people so this will attract the readers who get a buzz off clowns and aren’t scared of them but at the same time it will attract the people looking for a thrill if they are scared of them. Batman isn’t seen as a horror film but in my opinion the way they use the joker in the dark knight. Is a very psycho-twisted way which can come across quite scary to think about coming across someone like that. Also the face he’s pulling in the photo with the smeared make up shows he’s not all there in the head and comes across rather intimidating. He isn’t dressed like your average clown but he’s still dressed in a way to make you question his sanity.

The red title goes with the stereotypical norm of using red to represent the blood and horror behind the film/magazine. Alongside the title they use a very bold colour scheme on the cover. Not all the colours go which seems quite weird to do, but it catches the eye and represents the weirdness of the character