magazine evaluation

Evaluation Connor Walker

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Post on 04-Dec-2014



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Media Evaluation


Page 1: Magazine evaluation


Connor Walker

Page 2: Magazine evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media develop?

• My title page follows the conventions of real media products. I have learnt that certain conventions will attract to different audiences. All through my magazine I have included many features that will appeal to “Rock” fans. I have used to route of the eye carefully on my tittle page because I do not want to clutter the layout but I want the readers to see the main information only, as I want them to buy my magazine. By looking at other magazine of the same genre I have used techniques from them, and included them onto mine. A good example is my tittle behind the artists head. Also using different fonts that suit different genre’s will attract readers, as they will connect with the magazine.

• My contents page follows the convention of real media products, with the use of pictures and layout. After looking at different contents pages from a variety of magazines, I recognized that the key information is shown in a much larger font and the less important in a smaller font. I have done this, as to advertise certain pages and get the readers attention. The picture I have added is a very “Rock” looking picture with the cigarette and “Rock” clothes. I have done this as “Rock” is associated with a rule breaker attitude and I feel my magazine contents shows this.

• My double page spread also follows the conventions of a real media product. One page is the picture and the tittle and the other is the interview that is included. I learnt that doing this will give the reader a sense of connection as the picture was taken during the interview. By putting the question in one color and the answers in another, this is very professional as many other magazine do this.

• Overall, I feel that after a lot of research and analysis, I have learnt many different conventions from real media products that will appeal to my audience.

Page 3: Magazine evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media develop?

• Through out my magazine I use very similar conventions to what many other rocks magazine would include.

For my tittle I have edited it so that it appears behind the artists face. This is a good example of following the conventions of a real media product, as ‘Kerrang’ does this too.

I have used fonts that represent the genre of my magazine to make it more professional. I have put large text, which gives a “rock” feeling to it. I have done this so it would appeal to my audience more.

Here I have included the main features that all magazine’s include. I have done this so it gives the magazine an “official” look. By adding the new modern barcode underneath, this will attract readers as it will look more modern.

By using props in my magazine I feel this puts a stamp on what genre my magazine is. This will make it clear to the audience what my magazine is and what it is about, as the props added to the magazine are essential.

I have chosen who features on my magazine carefully. I feel this is a key part to what attracts the readers as they will see this and chose whether to buy the magazine or not. I feel that looking at other magazine helped me decide who to add to my title page.

Page 4: Magazine evaluation

How does your media product represent particular social groups.

My magazine has a genre of Rock, therefore I have included certain features that would appeal only to the “Rock” fans.

• On my title page, I have used certain words and conventions that cause the magazine to appeal to a “Rock” audience.

My title is named after a band “Purple Haze” I have done this because I felt it is a good title, but it will also catch the readers attention as “Rock” fans will know who they are and will automatically like the magazine because it is named after one of the ‘liked’ bands.

The use of ‘exclusive’ will definitely pull readers in as it is a powerful word. Readers will see this and straight away will want to see because it is exclusive to my magazine.

My font will stand out to my target audience. Customers that are interested in classical for example will not look at my magazine as this sort of font is associated with “Rock” and “Punk” so I believe this will appeal to customers.

The artists shown on my title page will automatically connect with the target audience as his clothing and props are associated with “Rock”.

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What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

I believe that my product would be published by the media institution “Bauer Media Group”. Bauer are owners of both “Kerrang” and “Q”. This is the reason that think they would distribute my product. Both “Kerrang” and “Q” are “Rock” genres, and so to is mine. I have a lot of same features that “Kerrang” has, which means Bauer would like my product as it it very similar, though different with the context of it.

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Who would the audience be for your media product?

My audience for my magazine would be “Rock” fans of all ages. This is shown clearly though my whole magazine. I felt that doing a “Rock” magazine, the main thing to do was ‘connect’ with the reader. Many “Rock” fans want to see latest interviews and concerts. I have included all the reviews from recent gigs as well as interviews from rising stars which will intrigue my audience and will keep them interested. I chose “Rock” as my genre because I enjoy designing magazine’s that have there own house style, and “Rock” allows you to do so.

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How did you attract/address your audience?

• I have tried to attract my audience to my magazine with images and text that will be associated with “Rock”. With the artists that is on the front cover, he is wearing the clothes you would expect to find a “Rock” fan wearing. Also on the double page spread he is smoking which is also associated with “Rock” because of the ‘I don’t care’ motto.

• Another way I have addressed my audience is by mentioning all of the upcoming artists and bands. By doing this the audience will see there favorite performers and want to read the magazine and will wait for the next issue also as they would like the choice of bands.

• Lastly I have given the structure of my magazine a very “Rock” feeling. By putting the tittle behind the artists head, and “Rock” font the reader will connect with the magazine because it is in the style that he/she would want. I have kept this consistent through my magazine which will keep the reader interested.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

In the design of my magazine I have used a lot of different technologies to create the finish product. • Using a MacBook Pro was new to me at the beginning of the year, but

after a while I was able to understand it a bit more and use it to add certain bit on my magazine.

• Photoshop also was new to me but after trying a few different magazine’s I saw different techniques that could be used to make my magazine come across to the audience as “Rock” which is shown clearly through my product.

• Lastly, I used a camera to add the pictures to my magazine. It wasn’t as simple as I thought it would be because I found out that different amounts of lighting in the room or outside can effect the outcome, so I had to find the prefect area that had the right amount of light and features to suit my genre of “Rock”.

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Looking back at your previous task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full

product?From my first task to this magazine that I produced I feel that I have learnt a lot and it has been shown in my magazine. • In my first magazine I used Microsoft publisher, and in this one I used

Photoshop. Throughout my process I learnt a lot about Photoshop and different techniques to make my magazine meet the needs of my audience.

• Purple Haze connects with the reader through careful choice of words and phrases. Which is important because it doesn’t sell if the reader doesn’t feel he/she is closer the magazine isn’t talking to them. Unlike my first magazine, it doesn’t talk to the audience at all and from this I learnt.

• I also learnt a lot about the basics, including the color choice, which effects what the audience think about the magazine. I spent a lot of time trying to chose the right color which signifies the genre of my magazine but doesn’t look stupid. On my first task none of the colors suited the magazine at all, and again, this taught me a lot.