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Some advices to have a long life

AUG 2012 English 3

Everyone’s dream is to live a long life being young and happy. We cannot stay young

forever but we can be happy and live more than expected if we care about our health. I think

that if we expect to be immortal or live thousands of years, it would be in some part exciting

but also sad, if our relatives cannot have the same luck because we will see how all them die.

There are some factors that people believe help you to live more years. Balance

rich diet in vegetables and fruits. Our jobs require a lot of time and we do not have time to

prepare any kind of homemade food and we prefer to spend money in fast food that contains

a lot of calories and fat. The causes are that you are not burning those calories and fat,

because you do not have time to go to the gym. So your health will suffer with high blood

pressure, cholesterol and overweight. For buying “food” we are damaging our health. People

can say it is cheaper and I save time, but the time you are saving is going to cost you more in

the future when you are going to need go to the doctor.

The motivation is a great factor in this equation of longevity, especially if you have

goals or a purpose in your live. That will make you work and move forward to achieve it.

Also keep your mind busy. It will help you to be away from drugs, alcohol and smoking. It

is said that the exposure to tobacco or nicotine accelerate ulcer disease, hypertension.

Related with alcohol, a moderate intake can cause you a lower risk of a heart disease, on the

other hand a high level can cause accidents, and violence. This will be the worst case

because the person is not thinking clearly. You need to be as healthy as possible and with

full energy to get to the goal.

Spend time with your family and friends will help you to feel love and that you are

important in their lives. Also spending little time with them, hanging out in some way makes

your life less stressful and you can keep your mind “relax”. Also they care about you so they

will be worried if they noticed you different.

Those are facts to take into consideration if you want to have a long life. Live your life as

happy as you can and try to take advantage of today because tomorrow we never know.

There will be a new day to change you lifestyle and to save a few years of life.

Ana Maria Sánchez Rivas.


In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of

technology. First there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines,

television and now the internet.

We live in a society that constantly lives around information and

communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like

work, entertainment, health care, education, personal relationships, traveling and

anything else that we have to do. What is a positive aspect of media in our life, Is that it

simplifies our daily duties and helps us to change our routine.

Also a common person in the city usually wakes up, checks the television

news or newspaper, goes to work, makes a few phone calls, eats with his/her family

when possible and makes his decisions based on the information that he has either from

his/her coworkers, news, television, friends, family, financial reports, etc.

What we need to be aware of, is that most of our decisions, beliefs and values

are based on what we know for a fact, our assumptions and our own experience. We

have put our trust in the media as an authority to give us news, entertainment and

education. However, the influence of mass media on our kids, teenagers and society is

so big that we should know how it really works.

Sometimes the media's main goal is to make money, to sell their news and to

create an impact in the people, to be talked about by people and gain popularity, even if

the impact is going to be in a bad way.

We can say that there are some positive and negative influences on young

people. Here is a positive influence example: if there is a sport that is getting a lot of

attention by the media and gains popularity among your friends and society, you will

more likely want to practice the sport and be cool with all your friends. The result is

that you will have fun with your friends and be healthier because of the exercise you

are doing.

Mass Media Influence on


However some negative influences

around the teenagers are the use of cigars by

celebrity movie stars, the constant exposure to sex

images, the excessive images of violence and

exposure to thousands of junk food ads.

As a conclusion doesn’t matter if you’re

young or old media is always going to influence

our live, directly or indirectly. The main goal for

society is to avoid being involved in all this

massive attack of information and keep our feet on

earth, looking for what is better for our children

and us.

Geordie Marin


If we start thinking about the social networks like

Facebook, MySpace, Twitter places where people keep in

touch and share information to be updated with their families

and friends, but sometimes we go beyond from what people

should know about us. What happens with our privacy? Why

does everyone know what we do? It is a need to know what

people do, come on people! There are moments of your life

that are private or that you are just missing due to all the time

you spent at those web sites. I do not care if you buy a new

cell phone or if you are at the cinema. You need to think that

everything that you post maybe could be the information that

a thief needs to watch you and steal your new cell phone,

kidnap you or steal your identity. Information is powerful so

we need to handle it with responsibility.

We need to choose if we are going to get involved in a

world in which media is going to be keeping us updated or to

create a monster that is hungry to buy everything that is new

on the market. It is our decision, but thinks about it carefully!

We do not want to be surrounded by monsters.

Is media controlling our live?

Nowadays everyone can get any kind of

technological device that make us more vulnerable

to advertisements; it seems to be a strategy from the

media monsters that offer a materialistic world that

is taking control of our lives.

When you have to sit at your desk or maybe

every time you are eating your breakfast what do

you like to do the most? Do you read a newspaper

or talk with your family and friends about what is

going on? So, in any of those cases we are being

updated and getting information or news from

different sources. One example could be that every

time you take a newspaper, you can get national and

international news or just get neighbors’ updates.

Another case is, when you are driving, walking,

running to arrive to your destiny you can see the

billboards from different companies showing the

products that you can buy from them. As you can

see, in every moment of our lives media is present

no matter the place, country or time.

Media is not only used to be informed about

what is happening in the world. Media is also used

to create a sense of consumerism. If we watch TV,

we can see different advertisements about fast food,

new technologies, and different telecommunication

plans, in which they create a need to buy those

things to make your life easier, to enjoy a delicious

meal or to be the one that has the latest technology.

What will happen to our children if they are not

accepted because of who they are, but rather by

what the wear or have? Why to buy or have things

that we do not need?

Maybe because we feel the pressure to be in the

same page with what is new on the market or to

have the same or even better things than my

classmates or coworkers to prove that I can have it

too and that we are not old fashioned.

Ana Maria Sánchez Rivas

Women and media influence

English 3

The women marketing began some years ago, when huge companies decided to use the female figure to sell products for men, the impact was so big, that all the brands started doing the same thing, at the beginning they were just focused in the sell market but then, it turned out in an addiction. That’s where the problem began.

Unfortunately they never thought about the consequences of these decisions, now we can see how the media affects women directly; young teenagers are the highest percentage affected by this market. We have grown up watching TV commercials with beautiful fitness models, trying to sell even junk food.

There is no doubt that the media, like TV, movies, magazines and advertising are an extremely powerful force in shaping who we are as a culture. The influence is insane, for a lot of people TVs and computers have become a need, it socializes them, entertains them, comforts them, disciplines them, and tells them what they can and cannot do.

Every day we are impacted by images of thinness, youth and beauty; these

things wrongly promise many things, such as success, fame, fortune, love, self-confidence and power, there is no mystery why we buy these empty promises, particularly when it comes to adolescents, the biggest consumers of mass media.

It is obvious that most of the companies don’t care at all about the well-being of their consumers, and do a great deal for revenues. We often forget that those advertisers just want us to buy their product, so they are going to reflect a perception of reality, fiction or something unreal. No matter what kind of promises this business tries to give us, telling us that our dreams will become true just because we buy or use their products. The debate between those that believe that media plays a significant role in the development of eating disorders and those that don’t is playing now, we will probably never know the real answer, there is a lot of money involved, but we can make the difference educating our families in order to stop these disaster.

Jatniel Ramirez


Life is about taking challenges, decisions we make, getting up every time we

fall down. But what will happen if we have to accept big changes in our live.

I am not talking about a haircut or to know if we should buy a house or a

car. What I am saying is, that for us those things involve big changes, but for

other people are not easy because they need to learn how to walk with one

leg or talk in signs. Bethany’s live has taken a new course, in which she

accepted her new reality.

You may think, why do I admire this surfer? Well she is a girl that

survives at a shark attack when she was thirteen years old. The shark ate her

left arm and one part of her surf table. After losing 60% of blood trying to

get to the coast and after several surgeries, she recovered with a positive

attitude. While she was in rehab, she never stopped thinking about if she

was going to be able to get into the water again. Her fist thought was “I am

really worried, because I do not know if I will lose my sponsors”. She went

over her situation and pushed to get into the water as soon as possible and

kept surfing likes if nothing would have happened, winning championships

and becoming professional like she dreamed.

It is amazing how she fought and never gave up. She made me

think about all the times that I wanted to quit and leave my dreams behind

and that it does not matter what are the circumstances there is always a way

out. What we need is to see beyond from where we are right now, to live all

those things that are waiting for us. Everything happens at the right time,

place and reason, but for us it is difficult to understand why it is happening

like Bethany’s case. Being her I would be scared of getting back to water,

knowing that I can be eaten by a shark or that I cannot be able to do more

surfing, but she proved that everything is possible when we desire from the

heart and give the best.

Life twist

Besides Bethany’s live takes a 180 twist. She

moved forward getting used to her new life. Reading an

ABC article, she mentioned that since she came back to

water she had seen 3 sharks. Can you believe it! I would be

scared after living a situation like the one she went

through. Do you know the reason why the shark ate a part

of her left arm? Well some experts said that the sharks

thought that Bethany was a green turtle for the shape that

surfer has, when it is down or swimming, without knowing

the difference between a human being and green turtle.

The Hamilton’s family, to prevent future shark attacks

avoids surfing at hours that those animals are hungry, for

example at night or early at mornings. After that

experience she became more famous than she thought she

will be.

I cannot imagine that my life would change like

Bethany’s live. But after reading her story she proves to

herself and me that anything is possible. That we are here

for one mission and that we do not know what is our plan

in our life, but making our own decisions we build our

future. And that we are source of inspiration to others by

the actions that we do.

Ana María Sánchez


How many years would you like to live?

Living day by day is something you would like to do for a long time? For

some people this is so important that they spend money, time and also their

personal activities and happiness to achieve longevity; a lot of persons

around the world dedicate their life’s to find the secret of longevity.

Living as many years as possible is something interesting, but on the

other hand, it could be something boring and not so good for the people

around us. We can mentioned that living too many years can help us to

understand life, to gain experience with each day, to help others and counsel

the youth that need help in specific situations. We cannot forget about all the

dreams that we can become true in all this time, even if there are obstacles,

with time and passion we can achieve everything.

Anyone can be a longevity person, but there are so many factors that

can be involved in this project and I would like to list some of them. First of

all, to work on our physical shape is very important, exercise, healthy diet,

avoid staying up late and also sleep the needed hours is something important

that can help us a lot. As a second point and one of the most important, is to

work every day on keeping a good state of mind and good relationships with

the people around us, in order to work on being happy.

Third, and according to the scientist’s one of the most influence

factors is: Genetics, this can define the expectancy of life of a person,

studying the ancestors and also the cause of death of the relatives. Obviously

it is not completely accurate, but definitely it can provide an idea of their

longevity percentage and the probability to become a healthy person.

Finally, longevity is something that is not easy to achieve, it is

something that can change according to a lot of factors, but there is an

important aspect, we cannot assure how much we are going to live or for

how many years, what we can assure is that longevity is something that not a

lot of the people achieve and being an elder person is not so bad, but it would

depend on our passion, happiness and desire to live. It is not something just

physical. There is an internal force that pushes everybody to achieve it,

Geordie Marin Hines


Is this for real that in the present days the percentage of human

longevity is much less than before? Which factors could be

affecting the natural human cycle? Is this showing us how

dangerous we have become for the planet?

We can review some possible and important reasons that

explain why years are being reduced from our lives.

Radiation affects more directly our skin than before, due to

global warming and the issues with the ultraviolet rays,

including as well all the technologic devices like microwaves

and cellphones. All of these make us more vulnerable and our

exposure is huge, statistics prove the increase in different kinds

of skin cancer.

The lack of physical activity is critical and a really sensitive

key. Our bodies were designed to do physical and hard work

every day, humans used to run and hunt to get some food

during the first centuries, however the human has become lazy,

we watch on T.V more and more devices made to make our life

easier, advertising “Quality of Life”, according to that, we must

enjoy our life resting more, working less and eating the best.

The food industry has become our worst enemy; owners just

care about selling more at any point, sometimes using

chemicals as primary resources in order to save money. Those

worldwide franchises are growing fast; there is one famous

HBO program that showed the way they work, the type of

ingredients they use to avoid high costs.


It is really sad how we intoxicate our

lives ignoring what is going on.

Increases in Overweight, heart attacks

and high blood pressure are just some

consequences of bad decisions.

We have to take care of ourselves, this

is the only body we have, and

unfortunately there is no way to

change it once it does not work

anymore, or to repair it once it is too

late. It is a fact that we are living less

every day, causing our own extinction

and affecting the place where we live

“if we do not react now, then it will be

too late to go back”.

Jatniel Ramirez

Maybe you will think a dog cannot work but I think

that is totally false. There are dogs that are trained like us to

do a task. We can see that because some of them work as drug

searchers, rescuers, taking care of sheep so on. I remember

that I read that in old times Rottweiler carried wood and

heavy materials to houses and markets. This kind of animal

can bring down a person can you believe it! Dogs are really

involved in human’s live helping in many areas mentioned

before, but also they can be a guide. Some blind people have

dogs specially trained to help them to cross the street to guide

them, to get to his destiny. Also, I read that some dogs are

being used to help patients in hospitals as part of their therapy.

I think that maybe it is because patients feel that they have a

friend or forget for a little time about the situation they are

living and focus to spend time with the dog and play with


What will be the real difference between us and animals? If

many of our behaviors animals also have it. Why to feel

higher than them, if they can be our partners in our daily life. I

do not think that we are so different from animals, they think,

act for instinct to survive, talk in their own language as we do.

Dog’s intelligence

People say that animals are not smart, but have

you ever seen a dog trying to cross the street?

Sometimes they know when a car is coming,

and when it is the correct time to get to the

other side. In the case when a dog has an

owner, they recognize when a stranger is close

to them or in their house. Many skills that make

them smart. Despite they are the human’s best

friend, they also are good workers.

I am not a huge fan of animals, but my

opinion is, that dogs are intelligent and feel like

us. For example, when we go to the

veterinarian and they need a vaccine, they feel

the pain but before that, they start with an

unquiet behavior. I think they know that the

vaccine is not going to be a good friend of

them. Maybe dog’s behavior is the same

behavior that we have when we know that we

need a vaccine, we start to think: I want to run

out of here or we breathe profoundly to finish

with that.

Another dog’s intelligence case is when

the owner goes to work and when he or she gets

to home, the dog start to jump and move his tail

expressing love and happiness. We feel happy

too when the people we love come to our house

and share time with us. Also, like us they care

about the kin ones. If someone is knocking and

is not part of the family, they know instantly

and start to bark, because they know their own

territory and their family’s members.

Ana Maria Sánchez Rivas