magazine planning2

Magazine Planning

Upload: jcollingwood

Post on 05-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Magazine planning2

Magazine Planning

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My target audience

My target audience is 14-18+, this as a result of the content of the magazine. My magazine will contain generally teenage topics that will appeal to both males and

females. Seeing as I am a teenager myself I will be able to give a more realistic representation. My magazine will have an urban style mostly focusing on current

hip hop and R&B, however this doesn’t mean I will neglect other genres or times of music as my magazine will cater to all teens preferences.

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Genre/Style of magazine

My magazine will have an urban style mostly focusing on current hip hop and R&B, however this doesn’t mean I will neglect other genres or

times of music as my magazine will cater to all teens preferences.

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I plan to roll out an issue every month, however this may change through the reception it receives. The first 3 issues will start at an initial price of £1.20 as a special

promotional price in order to attract new audiences, however its price will rise to £1.70 following the 3 initial issues. Taking into account my magazines direction Bauer

media group would be the best and most appropriate publish my magazine. They reach a large audience specifically that of young people, which is my target audience.

They also work in the mainstream market which is where I see my magazine being placed.

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Magazine designMy magazine will have a unique

aesthetic, but it will have similarities to other urban music

magazines like XXL and Vibe. I don’t plan to oversaturate the

front page with text and an abundance of pictures, instead I will make the topic/feature the centre of the magazines focus.

Also I believe a simpler approach will appeal to my target

demographic rather than one that uses puffs and graphic

features extensively.

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First edition

I plan to feature an upcoming artist on the first issue do create a buzz and awareness of my magazine which will include an exclusive feature length article. I have chosen

this specific artist as they embody the spirit and genre of the magazine. Magazine will appeal to my target audience as it will be produced in a new unique way not familiar

to urban music magazines. This will appeal the ever growing diverse teenager audience who crave for unconventional quality material.

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The magazines content will consist of feature articles, interviews with mainstream and upcoming artist, and news on events that happened

during the week. The magazine reports on trends in fashion, music, art and design, race, technology, sports and video games with a focus on

niche cultures such as street wear, sneaker culture and hip-hop.