magazine survey results

Magazine Survey Results Matthew Cairns

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Post on 26-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Magazine survey results

Magazine Survey Results

Matthew Cairns

Page 2: Magazine survey results

Question 1

In the first question I asked how old they were to get an idea of who was completing the survey and what that age group would answer in the rest of the survey. 100% of the people taking the survey were aged 16-21 so I then had a rough idea of what they would answer for the rest of the questions.

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Question 2

As well as the first question, this question was to find out more about who was taking the survey which I would take into consideration when looking at the rest of their answers. 100% of the people who took the survey were male so at this point I knew that all of the people who took the survey were 16-21 year old males.

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Question 3

In the third question, I asked the survey takers about the style of music that they liked to give me an idea of what music genre to base my magazine on. It turned out that there were mixed opinions as clearly some of them liked more than one genre. 100% of the survey takers answered ‘Hip Hop/RnB’ and 75% answered ‘Pop’ so this showed me that these two genre’s were clear favourites among the age group and gender. However, 25% answered Rock, 25% answered Dance and 25% answered Classical which I also took into consideration as well as Hip Hop/RnB and Pop.

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Question 4

In question 4, I asked the survey takers why they would want to buy a magazine. With 50% of the answers, Price was a favourite whereas Free Gift and Variety of Articles and Artists got 25% of answers and Bright Colours got 0%. This meant I had to take Price into consideration when deciding on how much my magazine would cost as well as a gift and a variety of articles and artists but nobody answered the bright colours option so I wouldn’t focus too much on having bright colours.

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Question 5

In the fifth question, I asked the survey takers what existing magazines that they bought. 66.67% answered VIBE and 33.33% answered NME. VIBE is a Hip Hop magazine and NME is a Pop magazine which reinforced the answers to question three that male 16-21 year olds like Hip Hop and Pop but mostly Hip Hop. The fact that one person didn’t answer the question shows that not everybody buys magazine.

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Question 6

In the sixth question, I asked people what price they would recommend that my magazine would be. 50% of people answered £1.99 and 50% of people answered £2.99. Because of this I took into consideration what they said however I still wanted to make it cheaper than existing publications so that more people would be attracted to buying my magazine (like answered in question four) but maybe not as cheap as £1.99.

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Question 7

In question seven, I asked the people taking the survey how many magazines they bought a month. 100% of the people who answered, answered ‘1’, meaning I had to make my magazine the best to make sure that they would buy my magazine.

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Question 8

In question eight, I asked which format the people taking the survey usually read magazine on. 66.67% answered paper and 33.33% answered smart phone. This meant that to make sure that everyone could access my magazine I would make my magazine available for paper purchase but also digital purchase.

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Question 9

In question nine, I asked how often the people taking the survey would like the magazine to be published. 66.67% answered monthly and 33.33% answered yearly. This showed that the people taking the survey didn’t want my magazine to be made too often as they wouldn’t want to buy it every time but not too infrequently. I already thought about making my magazine monthly but this confirmed it.

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Question 10

In question ten, I asked the people taking the survey what types of content they would want in the magazine. 50% answered artist interviews, 25% answered new music and artists and 25% answered competitions. This helped me in choosing what content I would add and I chose all three options that were answered to include in my magazine.