magazines research on golf genre

Golf Magazines!!!! By: Joseph Nieporte

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Golf Magazines!!!!

By: Joseph Nieporte

Page 2: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Types of Golf Magazines

Page 3: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Golf Digest Magazine

Page 4: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Gold Digest Magazine Masthead

• The Golf Digest Masthead is either red, black, or white with the dot of the I sometimes a different color. The font of the masthead is serif. The Central Image is always in front of the masthead.

Page 5: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Media Kit

Page 6: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Regular Features

• Golf Digest Magazine is filled with all things golf. It has all the latest and newest swing thoughts and lessons. It is also filled with the latest equipment and insight to what is new in the golfing world.

Page 7: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Conventions Masthead


Main coverline


Cover line

Cover line

Central Image

Cover line

Cover line

Page 8: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Golf Magazine

Page 9: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Golf Magazine Masthead

• The Masthead is always the same font and serif. The colors of the Masthead differ and go along with the issue and what the cover image may be that month. The central image is always in front of the masthead. The word Golf is always much larger then the word magazine

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Media Kit

Page 11: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Golf Magazine: Regular Features

• Golf Magazine is a magazine from the publication of Sports Illustrated and is filled with articles on news and information on what is going on with the PGA tour. This magazine is a monthly magazine and covers all the vital information fans would be interested over the past month and does a great recap.

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Central Image


Main Cover line

Issue Number

Cover line


Cover line

Page 13: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Golf World

Page 14: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Golf World Masthead

• Golf world always has a black, white, red or fading masthead to blend with the cover. The font is always the same and very simple. The Central Image is always in front of the Masthead.

Page 15: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Golf World

• Golf World Magazine is packed with information all things golf. It has all the latest and newest swing thoughts and lessons. It is also filled with the latest equipment and insight to what is new in the golfing world.

Page 16: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Media Kit

Page 17: Magazines research on Golf Genre

Conventions Masthead



Central Image

Main Cover line

Issue number

Cover line