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The S ev en M agic K e ys f or Su cc e s s The Seven Magic Keys for Success Brian Maynes Parents’ Workbook

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Page 1: Magic Keys Magic Ke for Success -… · consciously chosen goals or desires to your subconscious

The SevenMagic Keysfor Success

The SevenMagic Keysfor Success

Brian Mayne’s

Parents’ Workbook

Page 2: Magic Keys Magic Ke for Success -… · consciously chosen goals or desires to your subconscious

The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook


Welcome 4

Introduction 6

Part One Students’ Introduction 12

The Seven Magic Keys for Success 14

The Seven Magic Tips for Commanding Genies 27

The Seven Questions of Power 29

Part Two The Seven Steps of Goal Mapping 30

Say it. See it. Feel it. Believe it. Achieve it 37

Creating Focused Goal Maps and Repeat Sessions 38

Appendix Recommended Reading 39

Goal Mapping Templates 40


Page 3: Magic Keys Magic Ke for Success -… · consciously chosen goals or desires to your subconscious

The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook


“A child who can set and accomplish a simple goal, will become an adult who knows the joy of changing the world.”

Linda and Richard Eyre

Page 4: Magic Keys Magic Ke for Success -… · consciously chosen goals or desires to your subconscious

The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook


Thank you for choosing to empower a child with Goal Mapping: The Seven Magic Keys for Success. For many years I have practised the art of mapping goals and have made it my life-purpose to encourage as many others as possible to do likewise. Over the past thirteen years countless thousands of people have used my Goal Mapping system to further their career, improve their relationships, excel in sport and education, and generally to achieve their best in life.

I first conceived the system of Goal Mapping in 1994 and was amazed at its power as I used it to dramatically improve my own dire circumstances at that time. Within a year the change in myself and my life was so great that people around me wanted to know more about the system I was using to map my goals, and I started teaching the technique on a regular basis.

Since that time the programme has spread both far and wide helping hundreds of thousands of people around the world, young and old, from all walks of life, to achieve their dreams.

From the outset it has been my particular passion to teach the life-skill of Goal Mapping to children, and to date, over 100,000 children have created Goal Maps to improve their lives.

This special edition of Goal Mapping: The Seven Magic Keys for Success has been specifically created to teach the art of Goal Mapping to children in a fun and interactive way using simple language that aids understanding. I sincerely hope that you receive the same great benefits from this profound technique as I have, and like me, gain great satisfaction from empowering young lives.

Brian Mayne


Page 5: Magic Keys Magic Ke for Success -… · consciously chosen goals or desires to your subconscious

The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook


The Winds of Change We are living in a time of great change. Just a generation or so ago the norm for most people was to live in one place for most of their life, have one career, one marriage, one family and home.

How times have changed. Now more and more people are moving and relocating, not just nationally but internationally. People are having many different homes, several careers, and increasingly, more than one family. Every area of our lives is changing; the way that we work, the way that we shop, the way that we communicate, the way that we entertain ourselves, and the way that we learn or are educated.

The march of change is relentless as the rise of technology drives it ever faster. And if you think you have seen many changes since your own childhood, understand that the next generation will experience a great many more as the pace of changes quickens still further.

Many people fear uncertain change and want things to remain somehow the same. However, in truth ‘change’ is the only future thing of which any of us can be absolutely certain. Change, is like the wind that blows – we cannot slow it nor alter its direction. What we can do, like a windmill, is harvest the benefits and opportunities that the wind of change carries with it by setting goals to move towards our dreams.

The Guiding Light of Goals By setting a ‘goal’ we create a beacon of light to aim for during stormy times when the winds of change blow strongly. This programme has been specifically created to help children stay focused on the guiding beacon of their goals, thereby harnessing the wind and capturing its opportunities. In this way ‘change’ how ever frequent or far reaching, is transformed into a stepping-stone to further our aims, rather than being a stumbling-block to stall our ambitions.

Learning how to set and achieve goals is a master skill for life. It is in fact through the development of this skill that we gain all other skills and learnt abilities. There are many fine learning institutions and educational programmes that can help us move forward in our lives. Likewise there are excellent accelerated learning systems that can speed our progress. But unless we are clear on where we want to go in our futures, and have a good feeling or motivation about making the journey, the opportunities to learn and qualify are not taken or maximised upon.

If the curriculum is the ‘What’ to learn, then the various accelerated learning strategies represent the ‘How’, and Goal Mapping helps the student become clear about their ‘Why’. All three are needed for true success – what to, how to and why to.

“We may not be able to direct the wind, but we can always learn to adjust the sails.”


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The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook


Yale University The importance of setting goals has been recognised throughout history and is particularly well highlighted by a piece of research conducted by Yale University in 1953. All the final-year students from the various university departments were interviewed for their opinions on every aspect of their University experience. One of the questions asked was; ‘Do you have goals for your future?’ 10% of the total answered yes. However the next question was; ‘If you have goals, do you have them written down?’ Only 4% of the total answered yes.

Twenty years later, in 1973, the University surveyed the group again to ascertain how they had faired. It was discovered that the 4% who had written down their goals were streets ahead of the rest when it came to indications that might suggest success. Their wellbeing, commitment to community, their relationships and much more were outstandingly better than the majority. Money was one of the easiest indicators to measure as each individual within the 4% was financially secure; indeed they were worth more in material terms than the other 96% added together.

Goal Mapping When we commit a goal to paper we given it power and it has a greater effect on us than simply holding it as a desire in our head. Goal Mapping is a unique whole-brain system designed to powerfully connect your consciously chosen goals or desires to your subconscious mind, so that your subconscious, like an autopilot, begins to move you towards your goals without constant conscious effort.

To achieve whole-brain activation, Goal Mapping uses a balance of KEY-WORDS to activate your left-brain and symbols or simple PICTURES to activate your right-brain. Together they communicate your goals to your subconscious autopilot with clarity and power, thereby triggering a process that gradually transforms the goal, first into an attitude, then into an action, and ultimately through to an achievement.

Example left-brain Goal Map Example right-brain Goal Map

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The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook


The Seven Steps of Goal Mapping As each person is guided through the 7 steps of the Goal Mapping process they gradually fill in both a left-brain and right-brain template thereby creating their very own Goal Map of What they want, Why they want it, When, the major actions of How they intend to achieve it and Who they would like help from.

Each step of Goal-Mapping is an intrinsic principle for creating success. Together they represent the key elements and questions such as What, Why, When, Who and How, that need to be included for the achievement of any successful plan or goal.

Overview of the Seven Steps

Step 3: DRAW Step 4: WHY Step 5: WHEN Step 6: HOW Step 7: WHOStep 2: ORDERStep 1: DREAM



















I am qualified

I excel at sport

I’m a great friend

I’ve a happy home

I likemyself

Step 1: Dream Imagine living an ideal day in your future, noticing all of your achievements in the major areas of life, such as; relationships, qualifications, career and adventure.

Step 2: Order Make a list of what you want to achieve then identify your ‘main goal’, the one that would most help you in the achievement of the others and write it in the centre box.

Step 3: Draw To activate your right-brain, use the Goal Mapping templates and draw simple pictures or symbols that represent your written goals.

Step 4: Why Identify your main emotional ‘reasons why’ you want to achieve your goals, and place them on the top of your Map in words and picture.

Step 5: When Decide on an ‘achievement date’ for your main goal, and record ‘today’s date’ at the bottom of your Goal Map, thereby creating a timeline.

Step 6: How Identify the 3 major actions that you will need to take for the achievement of your goal, and place them in sequential order from the bottom up.

Step 7: Who Choose the people whose help you would like in achieving your goals, such as family, friends, teachers, and yourself.

Page 8: Magic Keys Magic Ke for Success -… · consciously chosen goals or desires to your subconscious

The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook


You can read more by buying the complete workbook.

Goal Mapping: The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook is available now as a PDF e-book

priced £9.99.

You can also purchase the workbook as part of our

Parents’ and Children’s Goal Mapping Pack. As

well as the Parent’s Workbook, this pack also includes

a Students’ Workbook and a copy of Brian Mayne’s

enchanting children’s story, Sam the Magic Genie. The

complete pack is available now priced £24.95.

Goal Mapping: The Seven Magic Keys for Success Parents’ Workbook is also available in print,

priced £15.95.