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  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    Robot Motion Control in Deserted

    Area for Landmines Detection

    Presented by

    Mahmoud Ahmed Hasssanien

  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx



    A landmine is an explosive material with a rinmechanism often laid in roups! called mineelds"

    desined to prevent the enemy from passinthrouh a certain area"

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    #he other sad feature of thisweapon is that it hts on

    lon after hostilities haveceased"

    Many potentially richaricultural reions are

    threatened by landmines!and the daner rows as apopulation increasenecessitates the cultivationof new land"

    $ach day! around the world!

    tens of people die as a

    result of landmines ! More

    than 26,000 people arekilled or maimed b

  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    Landmine Components

    %irin mechanism or other device &includin anti'

    handlin devices("

    Detonator or initer &sets o) the booster chare("

    *ooster chare &may be attached to the fuse! orthe initer! or be partof the main chare("

    Main chare &in a container! usually forms the

    body of the landmines("

    Casin &contains all of the above parts("

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  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    +arious types of landmines have

    been manufactured and laid" #hereexist about ,--- di)erent types oflandmines for which catalos exist"

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    Countries and Regions

    Afected by Landmines

    there is still a lon way to o beforethe world is free of AP landmines! thecountries worst'a)ected are those!

    which have experienced wars in thepast ,- years"

    .orldwide landmine distribution and

    its clearance status are summari/edin next table "

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    .orldwide landmine distribution andits clearance status

  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    Demining Approaches and echnologies

    #he process of detectin and removinlandmines is called demining.

    #he deminin methods currently bein used

    are not safe for clearin landmines" #he methods are neither cost e)ective nor


    Mine clearance itself can be accomplishedthrouh di)erent methods with varyinlevels of technoloy! but the most laboriousway is still the most reliable"

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    .e should favor technoloies that can be

    manufactured in mined countries! that are

    transferable! and that provide employment

    and economic infrastructure! where it is most

    urently re1uired"

    !" Manual Demining# Manual deminin is a procedure in which landmines are

    manually detected and neutrali/ed by a human deminer"

    Manual deminin is extremely danerous"

    one deminer has been 2illed for every ,!--- mines

    removed! with even more civilian victims"

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    #he deminer rst scans the round with ametal detector" #hen! the deminer uses a

    prodder in order to feel! locate! and identifythe ob3ect causin the sinal! after whichthe deminer carefully uncovers it"

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    When operating in this way, the detection phase still relies

    heavily on metal detectors. whereby each alarm needs to be carefully checked until it has

    been fully understood and/or its source removed.

    Most landmines contain enough metal to be detected by this

    method. However, only about one in every 1000 signals detected

    belongs to a landmine or !" #ne$ploded %$plosive "rdnance&.

    'he accuracy of metal detection depends heavily on the level

    of minerali(ation and debris in the ground, the type oflandmine used, and the time needed to clear land varies

    enormously, depending on local conditions.

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    2"he $se o% Animals, &nsects and 'acteria#

    4o far! dogs are considered the best detectors of

    explosives" #heir sensitivity to this 2ind of substance is

    estimated to be 5-!--- times hiher than that of a man'

    made detector"

    Mine detection dos can wor2 in almost all types of terrain"

    #hey are also easy to transport and hihly reliable"

    they can screen land up to ve times faster than manualdeminers"

    'ut! Dogs can become confused if they can smellexplosives

    coming from several sources at once"

    #he e)ectiveness of the dos depends entirely on their levelof trainin! the s2ill of their handlers! and their correct use"

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    Another 2ind of animals is rats, they

    have advantaeous over dogs, asthey cheapest! bettersense of smell! and are

    more resistant to tropical diseases"

    'esidesdos and rats! other animals arebein considered for their

    possible use as minedetectors li2e beesand pigs"

    Also! engineered bacteria is anadditional technoloy forettin rid of landmines and678"

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    (" Mechanical mine clearance#

    A naive techni1ue for mine clearance consists in a safeactivatin of the landmines situated on a mineeld"

    #he eld of mechanical mine clearance is the mostdeveloped one and there are commercially availablevehicles"

    However! these machines

    cannot uarantee acomplete clearance!

    thusthey have to be used in

    combination with manual

    techni1ues" Moreover!the

    cost is still a limitation fortheir wide use"

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    )" Autonomous *ehicles9

    Most people in the mine clearance community

    would be delihted if their wor2 could be doneremotely or! even better! robotically"

    #he larest deree of automation forhumanitarian deminin can be implemented in a

    fully automated system which should be able toperform all of its staes" However! this is a verycomplex and probably una)ordable tas2"

    4o! currently the research is mostly concentrated

    in the direction of automated mine clearancebecause it is the most danerous stae ofhumanitarian deminin"

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    An automated *ehicle has to per%orm he%ollo+ing main tasks in order to assist themine clearance task#

    Landmine detection"

    Removal or mar2in &for further removal by humans( of thedetected landmines"

    Plannin a safe path throuh the mineeld to ensure its fullexploration"

    Avoidin eventual obstacles on the way"

    Most of the research pro3ects are dedicated to themechanical desin of the platform to ma2e it reliablein the harsh outside conditions"

    %ew pro3ects also incorporate the landmine detectionand the path plannin tas2s"

    #here are also developments in the area ofautomated landmine removal"

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    #here are many mechanical structure forthe deminin robots as 9

    a' A 1uadruped wal2inmechanical structure :#A;'

    :7( used for the deminin

    b' spider'li2e robot 4:L8< used forhumanitarian deminin

  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    c' a simple wheeled platformfor testin of deminin path

    plannin alorithms

    d' A pneumatic cartesianplatform' LAD$R8! used for

    landmine detection

  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    ensors and Algorithms %orLandmine Detection

    A sensor is a de*ice that measures a physical

    -uantity and con*erts it into a signal +hich can be

    read by an obser*er or by an instrument.

    An antipersonnel landmine is a complex ob3ect composed from

    several heteroeneous parts"

    4o! there is no eneral =landmine sensor> which would allow to

    sense a landmine as a whole ob3ect because the parts have

    physically di)erent properties as shown

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    :n this situation! it is usually not possible to provide there1uired 1uality of landmine detection by sensin only one

    of the landmine characteristics" #hus! there aredevelopments of sensin devices usin di)erent physicalprinciples &appropriate to the landmine characteristics( inorder to provide as more information as possible"

    :t should be noticed that the deree of non'selectivity of a

    sensin method also depends on the approach used for thediscrimination between landmines and other ob3ects"

    #he 1uality of the sensin method is a)ected both by theselectivity of the sensor and by the selectivity of the sensedproperty" :t must be also mentioned that the nal result of

    landmine detection is a binary decision ta2en by somealorithm usin the sensor data"

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    ensors types#

    5' Metal sensors" #hey are the oldest history and is

    the most developed"

    #hese are the most widely useddetectors"

    ,' Detection of thermal radiation Landmines! as all other ob3ects with non/ero temperature!

    emit thermal radiation in form of electromanetic waves ofspecic fre1uency"

    Measurin this radiation can allow to distinuish an ob3ect if

    its temperature is di)erent from the bac2round" #he most widely used are passive microwave radiometers

    which wor2 in microwave rane &,'5? @H/( and infraredcameras for infrared rane &5'5? micro"m(

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    ' @round penetratin radars &@PR( #his method is based on four principles as shown

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  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    DC Motor

    Consideration %orchoosing motors

    Motor nominalvoltae"

    the continuouscurrentthe controller will

    need to supply" #he Control method" 4inle vs"

    dual &double( motorcontroller

    Servo Motor

    #he Controlmethod"

    Determine thenumber of servosto be controlled"

    Stepper Motor

    unipolar orbipolar"

    the motor controller voltae rane"

    how much currentper coil your motorre1uires"

  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx



    An actuator is a mechanism %or acti*atingprocess control e-uipment by the use o%pneumatic, hydraulic, or electronic signals.There are several types of actuators in roboticarms.

    5' 4ynchronous actuator9#he motor contains a rotor thatrotates in synchrony with the oscillatin eld or current! histypes is brushless DC ser*o! stepperand brushed DCser*o"

    ,' Asynchronous actuator9#his motor is desined to slipin order to enerate tor1ue! his types is raction Motor! ACer*o Motors! neumaticand 1ydraulic"





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  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    Microcontroller is a single integrated circuit that is designed to function

    as an embedded system contains #a )*, +M, +"M, -/" ports and


    :t consists of hardware and software! 1ard+areconsists ofMicrocontroller Architecture! Pin Descriptions and MainConnections" o%t+areconsists of Microcontroller proramminLanuae and 4oftware re1uirements"

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    Arduinois an opensource physical computing platform based on asimple i/o board and a development environment program. -t can be used

    to develop standalone interactive obects or can be connected to software

    on computer. physical -nput / "utput board #-/"& with a programmable -ntegrated

    )ircuit #-)&. -ts based on ) programming rduino )2.

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    Motion in deserted area

    .e interested here by 2ind of motion and type of wheels whichcan overcome the rued nature of desert! suitable sensorsfor detectin landmines and controller which ive mechanismsfast response li2e %LC! A;; and ;%C with enetic alorithm"

    4o! we can introduce various versions that can be suitable to

    deserted area"

    Comet :: mine'detection robot

    #alon * robot

  • 8/10/2019 Mahmoud Ahmed Hassanien.pptx


    " Re%erences&5( 4vetlana Larionova ! =Automated Landmine Detection bymeans

    of a Mobile Robot 6niversity of Coimbra!,--E"

    &,( @odfrey C" 8nwubolu! = Mechatronics Principles and Applications#he 6niversity of the 4outh Pacic! %i3i"

    &( $mad Abd $lhalim $lsayed $lsha/ly! =Classication of *uried8b3ects 6sin Acoustic .aves ,--

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    #HA;J F86