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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS) June 2012 Accelerating Growth

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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS)

June 2012

Accelerating Growth

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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS) | June 20122

© 2012, HCL Technologies. Reproduction Prohibited. This document is protected under Copyright by the Author, all rights reserved.















This paper talks about MFMTaaS background, features, benefits, MFMTaaS layers and MFMTaaS tools.


In the course of a business life cycle, the IT portfolio is changing continuously and the need of change emerges from business or self-sustainability. Either ways, when the customer approaches the change in a heterogeneous technology landscape, it is not always easy to plan, manage, implement the change and run the business with change happening consistently.

At the same time, when customers embark on large projects like outsourcing, transformation or migrations, no single System Integrator (SI) has the answer to their complete portfolio needs. Customers end up going to multiple tool vendors and SI vendors and try to stitch together the solution.

Sourcing from multiple third party tool vendors is expensive. Worse, the customer has to pay for the entire package even if he is using only one or two tools from it.

For automation efficiencies, multiple third party tool vendors with heavy commercials are in the market. The customers are in dire need for a single vendor providing all the transformation/ migration solutions they are looking for.

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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS) | June 20123

© 2012, HCL Technologies. Reproduction Prohibited. This document is protected under Copyright by the Author, all rights reserved.

MFMTaaS (Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service) is designed to be a complete cloud of various services that any customer will need across his portfolio. It is a ‘pay as you go service’ designed by HCL MMS Mainframe CoE to address complete portfolio needs of the customer.

It is a one-stop solution for the tools. Tools built across technologies will be integrated into MFMTaaS framework and will be made available in the form of cloud services.

Customers can rent the tools on a utility/ subscription-based pricing model. For ASM and AD work, tools like inventory analysis, impact analysis and code standardization tools can be accessed from MFMTaaS as and when required.

For transformation work, Tools for Migration Automation, Modernization and Transition Accelerators will also be available in MFMTaaS.

MFMTaaS also allows other non-legacy solution accelerators to be hosted. The framework is built as a web-based SOA framework for executing multiple tools synchronously or asynchronously.


Abbreviation/ Definition Description

MFMTaaS Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service

SOA Service Oriented Architecture

LOC Lines Of Code


• Self-service portal built using SOA

• Plug and play for multiple tools

• Subscription or utility-based pricing model

• MFMTaaS tools can be rented out to customers on utility/ subscription basis

• Provides robust dashboard


Subscription-based pricing:

Tool usage will be charged on ‘per day’ basis. A flat ‘per day’ rate will be applicable irrespective of the number of times the tool is executed on a particular day. The tool usage will be charged based on the number of days, irrespective of the number of times it is executed.

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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS) | June 20124

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Utility-based pricing:

• LOC-based: Tool usage will be charged based on the LOC consumed during the tool execution. ‘Rate per LOC’ defined in the system will be applicable for tools usage. A language migration tool execution, for example, will be charged considering the number of LOC converted by the tool applying the ‘Rate per LOC’ as defined in MFMTaaS

For example, a customer signs up for COBOL to .Net conversion tool on utility basis and executes the tool converting 100,000 LOC. The tool execution charge will be 100000*0.1 USD which is 10000 USD considering rate per LOC being 0.1 USD

• Component-based: Tool usage will be charged based on the number of components consumed during the tool execution. ‘Rate per component’ defined in the system will be applicable for tools usage. An Inventory Analysis tool execution, for example, will be charged considering the number of components analysed by the tool in a single execution applying the ‘Rate per component’ as defined in MFMTaaS

For example, a customer signs up for Inventory Analysis tool on utility basis and executes the tool analysing 50,000 components. The tool execution charge will be 50000*0.1 USD which is 5000 USD considering rate per component being 0.1 USD


• MFMTaaS is a one-stop solution for the tools required by the customer to manage his portfolio optimally

• MFMTaaS tools can be rented on utility/ subscription-based costing

• An unlimited use subscription to a service for a fixed price is an advantage for consumers using those services frequently

• Customers can have measurable ROI in terms of cost savings and faster time-to-market by making use of the tools provided by MFMTaaS

• Customers using MFMTaaS can drive more services with subscriptions versus standard purchase

• MFMTaaS user inventory upload process is isolated from tool execution. Customers can upload inventory of any technology in one go and execute the relevant tools he has subscribed for

• Customers can leverage the MFMTaaS robust dashboard to get critical insights into the data on the tools usage and invoice details

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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS) | June 20125

© 2012, HCL Technologies. Reproduction Prohibited. This document is protected under Copyright by the Author, all rights reserved.


MFMTaaS has the potential to change the way independent software vendors do business. It will change the entire ecosystem in IT management.

MFMTaaS will be the door opener for large ADMS deals or transformation deals by providing innovative solutions. HCL can generate revenue based on the number of subscribers/ tenants to MFMTaaS.


MFMTaaS is built using the SOA architecture. The UI is built using JAVA and Spring framework. It runs on z/Linux environment and communicates with mainframe backend (Z/OS) through web services and uses DB2 as back-end database.

The following image is the pictorial representation of the layers of MFMTaaS:


MFMTaaS is built using Spring MVC with JAX-WS and Spring Security Framework. MFMTaaS also has the HCL firewall protection & antivirus implemented.

Service Portal

MFMTaaS Registration – HCL sales employees, defined as client partners in MFMTaaS, can register onto MFMTaaS with valid HCL SAP id. The registration request is placed in the service request table and a notification email is sent to HCL admin group email id. Upon approval of the registration request the client partner will receive login credentials to sign on to MFMTaaS and setup client account.

Archives/ whitepapers – Links are provided to HCL mainframe services on the portal. The whitepaper is also made available to the users through the portal.

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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS) | June 20126

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Survey Management – MFMTaaS portal has an option provided to the users to give their feedback on MFMTaaS user friendliness, performance, other tools of interest and other factors. Feedback submitted is saved in MFMTaaS client survey table maintained by HCL admin group.

Service Management

Order Management – All the orders placed by the client partners (registration request, client account setup request, tools subscription request) are placed in the service request table and a notification email is sent to HCL admin group email id. Upon approval of the service request, MFMTaaS database gets reflected with the updated data and the services can be availed by the customer.

Password Management – MFMTaaS users can change their password and other details anytime through the portal.

User Manuals – User manuals are made available through the portal to guide the client partners, client managers and client users in performing their functionalities.

Service Delivery Management

This service layer is responsible for providing services to service management layer. It interacts with hosted tools service layer and back office systems layer to ask services from these layers.

• Customer life cycle management

This service module maintains customer details. Request to add customer, view his details and update details is handled by this service delivery module.

• Service life cycle management

This service module maintains the client tools service details. Request to map a new tool to a client and managing the existing tools for the client is handled by this service module.

• Billing management

This service module maintains billing details for a client based on services availed by him. Request to generate a new bill and to view the existing bill is handled by this service module.

• Metering

This service module maintains service usage details for a client. Request to add or update usage details is handled by this service module.

• Tool life cycle management

This service module maintains tools integrated with the application. Request to integrate a new tool and managing the existing tools is handled by this service module.

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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS) | June 20127

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• Customer support

This service module maintains the client request and response details. Request raised by customer for new tool and new queries etc are handled by this service module.


The diagram below shows the key roles defined in MFMTaaS and their functionalities.

Client Partner

Client partner is HCL’s sales employee representing one or more than one customer. Client partner is the one who registers onto MFMTaaS and sets up client account and does invoice generation.

Client Manager

Client manager is customer employee who owns set of applications. Client manager sets up client applications and adds client users onto the system. Client manager can upload inventory onto MFMTaaS, execute tools and download the output reports.

Client User

Client user is customer employee who owns responsibility for applications mapped to him by the client manager. Client user can upload inventory onto MFMTaaS, execute tools and download the output reports.

HCL Admin Group

HCL admin group is responsible for MFMTaaS administration and portal maintenance.

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© 2012, HCL Technologies. Reproduction Prohibited. This document is protected under Copyright by the Author, all rights reserved.


Client partners are provided with the following reports through the dashboard:

• View account details

• View all clients and their manager list

• View usage list of a customer

• Generate/ download the invoice of a customer

Client managers are provided with the following reports through the dashboard:

• View account details

• View list of all applications and associated inventory

• View list of users and their application mapping

• View usage by user application

• Other tools of interest

Client users are provided with the following reports through the dashboard:

• View or modify account details

• View your usage

Note: Please see Appendix-A for sample report.


Tool Description

Inventory Analysis Tool

Inventory Analysis Tool analyzes the inventory of a given application and provides details about its components. It lists the inventory components and establishes cross-reference with the actual executables in the production environment.

It performs inventory analysis for applications and generates various cross-reference reports. (Handles inventory of COBOL/CICS/DB2/IMS DB/DC, IDMS, Pl/1, Assembler, EZT, XGEN, CSP, SAS, Natural/Adabas, JCL & procs).

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Mainframe Managed Tools as a Service (MFMTaaS) | June 20129

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Tool Description

EGL to C# Conversion Tool

EGL to C# Conversion Tool converts EGL code into equivalent code in .Net with ASP as front-end and C# at the back-end.

• EGL Database Schema will be converted into SQL Server Equivalent code

• Conversion will be done using layered architecture

• The target environment is Windows/Linux; the output of the tool should be deployed on Windows/Linux platform

COBOL to .NET Conversion Tool

COBOL to .Net Conversion Tool provides automated code conversion that includes:

• Program conversion – Conversion of COBOL code to C#

• Screen conversion – Conversion of CICS screens to ASP.Net pages

• JCL conversion – Conversion of JCLs to Shell scripts

Impact Analysis Tool Impact Analysis Tool has been developed to analyze the source available in the form of source code, copybook and includes libraries for input variables, DB2 components, patterns and variable types. It lists down the impacted code in the source programs, copybooks and includes based on the input seed list.

Impact Analysis Tool will cater for impact analysis of COBOL/CICS/DB2/IMS DB/DC, IDMS, Pl/1, Assembler, EZT and Natural/Adabas supporting BATCH, CICS and DB2 combinations.

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Tool Description

Natural/Adabas to Cobol/CICS/ DB2 Conversion Tool

NACT (NATTO-LCT) is a Natural language and Adabas database to COBOL language, CICS OLTP and DB2 database migration tool.

It converts the source components pertaining to NATURAL/ADABAS/MAP/Utilities/JCL to corresponding IBM -COBOL/DB2/CICS/BMS which can be executed on IBM Mainframes.

Flow Generation Tool This tool generates flow chart for the selected program showing all the called programs up to nth level and the maps used in the program. Programs missing in the inventory can be identified with the color coding used. This tool also provides an option to download the call tree sheet and the flow chart.

* Scheduler Migration Tool

This tool is to migrate from one scheduler to another scheduler.

* Security Migration Tool

This tool is for security migration.

* Batch Flow Documentation Tool

This tool documents the batch flow.

* Assembler to Cobol Conversion Tool

Converts Assembler code to COBOL. Development in progress.

*COBOL IMS DB/DC to Cobol/CICS /DB2 Conversion Tool

Converts IMS database to DB2 database including the data and data access migration.

The IMS-DB/DC to DB2/CICS Migration Toolkit is a Suite of Tools developed for Migrating an IMS Application’s Database, Data, Application Programs and Batch Jobs to use DB2 as the databases instead of IMSDB, to convert IMS screens to BMS Screens and convert the IMS calls used in the application.

* COBOL to JAVA Conversion Tool

This tool converts COBOL inventory into JAVA.

* Tools planned for future release

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Sample screenshots of MFMTaaS Portal:

MFMTaaS portal home page

MFMTaaS admin home page

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© 2012, HCL Technologies. Reproduction Prohibited. This document is protected under Copyright by the Author, all rights reserved.

Sample tool usage report


MFMTaaS serves as a complete portfolio of tools required by the customer for portfolio management. Customers can subscribe for the tools on utility/ subscription basis and plug and play for multiple tools.


Krishna Kumari is part of MMS Mainframe Solution CoE team as project manager for solution accelerators team and has 14 years of experience in various areas of Mainframe. In the past, she has worked in several large engagements from transition to complete management of the project in application development, maintenance and support projects across various technologies.

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© 2012, HCL Technologies. Reproduction Prohibited. This document is protected under Copyright by the Author, all rights reserved.

About HCLAbout HCL Technologies

HCL Technologies is a leading global IT services company, working with clients in the areas that impact and redefine the core of their businesses. Since its inception into the global landscape after its IPO in 1999, HCL focuses on ‘transformational outsourcing’, underlined by innovation and value creation, and offers integrated portfolio of services including software-led IT solutions, infrastructure management, engineering and R&D services and BPO. HCL leverages its extensive global offshore infrastructure and network of offices in 26 countries to provide holistic, multi-service delivery in key industry verticals including Financial Services, Manufacturing, Consumer Services, Public Services and Healthcare. HCL takes pride in its philosophy of ‘Employees First, Customers Second’ which empowers our 82,464 transformers to create a real value for the customers. HCL Technologies, along with its subsidiaries, has reported consolidated revenues of US$ 4.0 billion (Rs. 19,412 crores), as on 31 March 2012 (on LTMbasis). For more information, please visit

About HCL Enterprise

HCL is a $6.2 billion leading global technology and IT enterprise comprising two companies listed in India - HCL Technologies and HCL Infosystems. Founded in 1976, HCL is one of India’s original IT garage start-ups. A pioneer of modern computing, HCL is a global transformational enterprise today. Its range of offerings includes product engineering, custom & package applications, BPO, IT infrastructure services, IT hardware, systems integration, and distribution of information and communications technology (ICT) products across a wide range of focused industry verticals. The HCL team consists of over 90,000 professionals of diverse nationalities, who operate from 31 countries including over 500 points of presence in India. HCL has partnerships with several leading global 1000 firms, including leading IT and technology firms. For more on HCL, please visit