maintenance netgear ruter

Maintenance 5-1 202-10099-01, April 2005 Chapter 5 Maintenance This chapter describes how to use the maintenance features of your 54 Mbps Wireless Rout er WGR614 v6. These features can be found by clicking on the Maintenance heading in the Main Menu of the browser interface. Viewing Wireless Router Status Information The Router Status menu provides status and usage information. From the Main Menu of the browser interface, click on Maintenance, then select Router Status to view the System Status screen, shown below. Figure 5-1: Router S tatus screen

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Maintenance 5-1

202-10099-01, April 2005

Chapter 5


This chapter describes how to use the maintenance features of your 54 Mbps Wireless Router

WGR614 v6. These features can be found by clicking on the Maintenance heading in the Main

Menu of the browser interface.

Viewing Wireless Router Status Information

The Router Status menu provides status and usage information. From the Main Menu of the

browser interface, click on Maintenance, then select Router Status to view the System Status

screen, shown below.

Figure 5-1: Router Status screen

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Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 

5-2 Maintenance

202-10099-01, April 2005

This screen shows the following parameters:

Table 5-1. Wireless Router Status Fields

Field Description

Account Name This field displays the Host Name assigned to the router.

Firmware Version This field displays the router firmware version.

Internet Port These parameters apply to the Internet (WAN) port of the router.

MAC Address This field displays the Media Access Control address being used by the

Internet (WAN) port of the router.

IP Address This field displays the IP address being used by the Internet (WAN) port

of the router. If no address is shown, the router cannot connect to the


DHCP If set to None, the router is configured to use a fixed IP address on the


If set to Client, the router is configured to obtain an IP address

dynamically from the ISP.

IP Subnet Mask This field displays the IP Subnet Mask being used by the Internet (WAN)port of the router.

DNS This field displays the Domain Name Server addresses being used by

the router.

LAN Port These parameters apply to the Local (LAN) port of the router.

MAC Address This field displays the Media Access Control address being used by the

LAN port of the router.IP Address This field displays the IP address being used by the Local (LAN) port of

the router. The default is

IP Subnet Mask This field displays the IP Subnet Mask being used by the Local (LAN)

port of the router. The default is

DHCP Identifies if the router’s built-in DHCP server is active for the LAN

attached devices.

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Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 

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Click on the “Connection Status” button to display the connection status, as shown below.

Figure 5-2: Connection Status screen

This screen shows the following statistics:.

Wireless Port These parameters apply to the Wireless port of the router.

MAC Address This field displays the Media Access Control address being used by the

Wireless port of the router.

Name (SSID) This field displays the wireless network name (SSID) being used by the

wireless port of the router. The default is NETGEAR.

Region This field displays the geographic region where the router being used. It

may be illegal to use the wireless features of the router in some parts ofthe world.

Channel Identifies the channel of the wireless port being used. See “WirelessChannels” on page D-7 for the frequencies used on each channel.

Table 5-2: Connection Status Items

Item Description

IP Address The WAN (Internet) IP Address assigned to the router.

Subnet Mask The WAN (Internet) Subnet Mask assigned to the router.

Table 5-1. Wireless Router Status Fields (continued)

Field Description

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Click on the “Show Statistics” button to display router usage statistics, as shown below.

Figure 5-3: Router Statistics screen

This screen shows the following statistics:

Default Gateway The WAN (Internet) default gateway the router communicates with.

DHCP Server The IP address of the DHCP server which provided the IP configuration addresses.

DNS Server The IP address of the DNS server which provides network name to IP addresstranslation.

Lease Obtained When the DHCP lease was obtained.

Lease Expires When the DHCP lease was expires.

Release Click the Release button to release the DHCP lease.

Renew Click the Renew button to renew the DHCP lease.

Table 5-3: Router Statistics Items

Item Description

Port The statistics for the WAN (Internet) and LAN (local) ports. For each port, the screen


Status The link status of the port.

TxPkts The number of packets transmitted on this port since reset or manual clear.

RxPkts The number of packets received on this port since reset or manual clear.

Collisions The number of collisions on this port since reset or manual clear.

Tx B/s The current transmission (outbound) bandwidth used on the WAN and LAN ports.

Table 5-2: Connection Status Items (continued)

Item Description

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Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 

5-6 Maintenance

202-10099-01, April 2005

From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under the Maintenance heading, select the Settings

Backup heading to bring up the menu shown below.

Figure 5-5: Settings Backup menu

Three options are available, and are described in the following sections.

Restoring and Backing Up the Configuration

The Restore and Backup options in the Settings Backup menu allow you to save and retrieve a file

containing your router’s configuration settings.

To save your settings, click the Backup button. Your browser will extract the configuration file

from the router and will prompt you for a location on your PC to store the file. You can give the

file a meaningful name at this time, such as pacbell.cfg.

To restore your settings from a saved configuration file, enter the full path to the file on your PC or

click the Browse button to browse to the file. When you have located it, click the Restore button to

send the file to the router. The router will then reboot automatically.

Warning: Do not interrupt the reboot process.

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Erasing the Configuration

It is sometimes desirable to restore the router to original default settings. This can be done by usingthe Erase function, which will restore all factory settings. After an erase, the router's password will

be password, the LAN IP address will be, and the router's DHCP client will be


To erase the configuration, click the Erase button.

To restore the factory default configuration settings without knowing the login password or IP

address, you must use the Default Reset button on the rear panel of the router. See “Restoring theDefault Configuration and Password” on page 7-7.

Upgrading the Router Software

The routing software of the WGR614 v6 router is stored in FLASH memory, and can be upgraded

as new software is released by NETGEAR. Upgrade files can be downloaded from the NETGEAR

Web site. If the upgrade file is compressed (.ZIP file), you must first extract the file before sending

it to the router. The upgrade file can be sent to the router using your browser.

Note: The Web browser used to upload new firmware into the WGR614 v6 router must support

HTTP uploads. NETGEAR recommends using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and above and

Netscape Navigator 4.7 and above.

From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under the Maintenance heading, select the RouterUpgrade link display the menu shown below.

Note: Before upgrading the router software, use the router backup utility to save your

configuration settings. Any router upgrade will revert the router settings back to the

factory defaults. After completing the upgrade, you can restore your settings from the


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Figure 5-6: Router Upgrade menu

To upload new firmware:

1. Download and unzip (if the downloaded file is a .zip file) the new software file from


2. In the Router Upgrade menu, click the Browse button and browse to the location of the

upgrade file

3. Click Upload.

Note: When uploading software to the WGR614 v6 router, it is important not to interrupt the

Web browser by closing the window, clicking a link, or loading a new page. If the browser is

interrupted, it may corrupt the software. When the upload is complete, your router will

automatically restart. The upgrade process will typically take about one minute.

In some cases, you may need to reconfigure the router after upgrading.

Changing the Administrator Password

The default password for the router’s Web Configuration Manager is password. NETGEAR

recommends that you change this password to a more secure password.

Note: Before changing the router password, use the router backup utility to save your

configuration settings. If after changing the password, you forget the new password you

assigned, you will have to reset the router back to the factory defaults to be able to log inusing the default password of password. This means you will have to restore all the

router configuration settings. If you ever have to reset the router back to the factory

defaults, you can restore your settings from the backup.

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Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 

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From the Main Menu of the browser interface, under the Maintenance heading, select Set

Password to bring up the menu shown below.

Figure 5-7: Set Password menu

To change the password, first enter the old password, then enter the new password twice. Click 


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Reference Manual for the 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v6 

5-10 Maintenance

202-10099-01, April 2005