majlis atfal ul ahmadiyya uk national online · age 11-15 years lesson no. 22. welcome to the...

17 th June 2020 Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online Ta’lim Class GET STARTED Age 11 - 15 years Lesson No. 22

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Page 1: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

1 7 t h J u n e 2 0 2 0

Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online

Ta’lim Class


Age 11-15 years

Lesson No. 22

Page 2: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by

Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK

This Class is for 11-15 year old Atfal only. Ask

your regional nazim for the link to the class for

older Atfal if you do not fall in this age group

Please take this time to make sure your regional

nazim knows that you are present in the class

If you are facing any technical difficulties,

please ask your parents for assistance or

consult the Atfal guide on the Atfal website



Page 3: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

“Would anyone like to share what they have done in the

past week?”

Page 4: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Learning Section

“We should be there to wipe away the tears of

those who have been left bereft, heartbroken and


Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba)

Page 5: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15


Laisa minna man ghash-shanaa

ان ن غش

ا م من


One who deceives us is not from us.

Does anyone know the background to this Hadith?

The Messenger of Allah (sa) passed by a pile of

food. He put his fingers in it and felt wetness. He

said: 'O owner of the food! What is this?' He replied:

'It was rained upon O Messenger of Allah.' He said:

'Why not put it on top of the food so the people

can see it?' Then he said: 'Whoever cheats, he is not

one of us.'"

How should a true

Muslim act in day to day


What does this say

about hypocrites?

What does this suggest

about cheating and

deceiving people?

Page 6: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

❑ The Holy Prophet (sa) was resting in

a section of the Masjid-e-Ḥarām.

❑ Gabriel (as) approached the Holy

Prophet (sa) and woke him up,

brought him to the fountain of

Zamzam and cut open his breast,

after which he thoroughly cleansed

the heart of the Holy Prophet (sa)

with pure water.

❑ After this, a golden platter full of

faith and wisdom was brought.

Gabriel (as) filled the heart of the

Holy Prophet (sa) with this treasure

of wisdom and faith.

❑ He sealed the breast of the Holy

Prophet (sa).

❑ He then ascended into the heavens

with the Holy Prophet (sa).

H i s t o r y o f I s l a m : M i r a j

❑ Upon reaching the door of the first heaven,

he knocked. The Gatekeeper inquired, “Who

is it?” Gabriel (as) responded, “It is I, Gabriel

and with me is Muḥammad (sa)”.

❑ The Gatekeeper inquired, “Has Muḥammad

(sa) been summoned?” Gabriel (as) answered

in the affirmative. At this the Gatekeeper

opened the door and welcomed the Holy

Prophet (sa).

❑ • When the Holy Prophet (sa) entered,

he saw an elderly man who addressed him

saying, “Welcome O righteous Prophet!

Welcome O righteous Son!”

❑ • The Holy Prophet (sa) also presented

him with greetings of peace. The shadow of a

large number of spirits fell upon this man.

When he looked to his right, his face would

glow in delight. But when he looked to his

left, his face would shrivel in grief.

Page 7: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

❑ The Holy Prophet (sa) asked Gabriel (as),

“Who is this honourable man?” “This is

Adam (as)” responded Gabriel, “and to

the right of him, among his progeny, is

the shadow of the people of paradise,

looking towards whom he becomes

delighted. To the left of him is the

shadow of the people of fire, looking

towards whom he feels grief.”

❑ After this, Gabriel (as) took the Holy

Prophet (sa) forward, and at the gate of

the second heaven, he was confronted

with the same occurrence. Upon

entering, the Holy Prophet (sa) saw two

men who warmly received him saying,

“Welcome O righteous Prophet!

Welcome O righteous Brother!”

H i s t o r y o f I s l a m : M i r a j

❑ The Holy Prophet (sa) also presented them

greetings of peace and Gabriel (as) told him

that this is Jesus (as) and John (as), who are

cousins. Similarly, Gabriel (as) took the Holy

Prophet (sa) with him to the third, fourth and

fifth heaven, where he met Joseph (as), Enoch

(as) and Aaron (as) correspondingly.

❑ At the sixth heaven, the Holy Prophet (sa)

met Moses (as), and he welcomed him in the

same manner. The Holy Prophet (sa) also

gave him greetings of peace. When the Holy

Prophet (sa) started ahead, Moses (as) began

to weep. At this a voice was heard, “O Moses,

why do you weep?” Moses (as) said, “O my

Lord! This young man came from behind me,

but his community shall enter paradise more

so than my own. O my Lord! I did not believe

that someone could come after me yet

surpass me still.”

Page 8: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

❑ After this, the Holy Prophet (sa) entered

the seventh heaven, where he met

Abraham (as), who was leaning against

the Baitul-Ma‘mūr. Abraham (as) also

greeted the Holy Prophet (sa) in the same

way as Adam (as) and the Holy Prophet

(sa) also presented him with greetings of


❑ After this the Holy Prophet (sa) moved

forward and reached where no man had

laid foot before. The Holy Prophet (sa)

heard the sound of many pens writing

from above him (which were as if the

pens of decree and destiny). The Holy

Prophet (sa) saw a Lote-tree, which was

as if the final point of relation between

the heaven and this world, and from it

began the final abode of paradise. The

fruit and leaves of this Lote-tree were

very large and of a strange type.

H i s t o r y o f I s l a m : M i r a j

❑ When the Holy Prophet (sa) looked to this

tree, an inexplicable manifestation was shown

upon it, about which the Holy Prophet (sa)

says, “Words have not the power to describe

it.” There were four rivers flowing beneath

this tree.

❑ Gabriel (as) told the Holy Prophet (sa) that

“Among these, two rivers are the physical

rivers of this world, the Nile River and the

Euphrates. The other two are the hidden

rivers which flow to paradise.”

❑ At this instance, the Holy Prophet (sa)

witnessed Gabriel (as) in his actual figure and

form. The Holy Prophet (sa) saw that Gabriel

(as) was adorned with six-hundred wings.

After this, the Holy Prophet (sa) was given a

tour of paradise.

Page 9: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

❑ In the end, the Holy Prophet (sa)

witnessed that he was presented in the

royal court of the Mighty God. Allāh the

Exalted directly spoke to the Holy

Prophet (sa) and gave him various glad-


❑ Eventually, he was informed by God

Almighty that fifty prayers had been

prescribed for the community of the Holy

Prophet (sa) day and night. When the

Holy Prophet (sa) returned with these

injunctions, Moses (as) stopped him on

the way and inquired, “What injunctions

have you been given?”

❑ The Holy Prophet (sa) related the

ordainment of fifty prayers.

H i s t o r y o f I s l a m : M i r a j

❑ When Moses (as) heard this, he was startled

and said, “I am experienced on account of my

dealings with the Banī Isrā’īl. In no way shall

your community be able to bear so many

prayers. Thus, go back and request God to

lighten these commands.”

❑ The Holy Prophet (sa) returned where after

by a reduction of ten, Allāh the Exalted

ordained forty prayers. However, on the way

back, Moses (as) stopped the Holy Prophet

(sa) again, and said “Even these are too many,

go back and request for further leniency.”

❑ Upon this, the Holy Prophet (sa) returned,

and a reduction of ten further prayers was

approved. Therefore, in this manner, on the

suggestion of Moses (as), the Holy Prophet

(sa) would return to the court of God again

and again, until finally, five prayers were


Page 10: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

❑ Upon this, Moses (as) stopped the Holy

Prophet (sa) once more, and proposed

that he return again to request further

leniency, and said, “I have seen the Banī

Isrā’īl, and they were not able to perform

even less worship than this”, but the Holy

Prophet (sa) refused saying, “Now I feel

embarrassed to return again.”

❑ At this, a hidden voice was heard that, “O

Muḥammad! These are five prayers, but

they are equivalent to fifty, for we have

fixed a reward of ten prayers for every

one prayer. In this manner, our servants

have received leniency and our actual

order has been upheld.”

H i s t o r y o f I s l a m : M i r a j

❑ After this, passing through the different

heavens, when the Holy Prophet (sa) came

down again, his eyes were opened (meaning

this state of vision began to fade).

❑ The Holy Prophet (sa) noticed that he was

still resting in the Masjid-e-Ḥarām just as


Page 11: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Abid Khan Sahib’s Diary

Earlier that evening I had begun to feel the first effects of a cold and a fever. I was immediately

alarmed because flu and severe colds had started to spread amongst the Qafila members in

the preceding few days. My experience is that on all the longer tours, most of us become sick

at some point. Probably because, in addition to the travel, we sleep less, often eat at irregular

times and not always healthily. I fell asleep soon after lying down but woke up in a sweat just a

few minutes later. I had a fever and my throat was extremely sore and for the rest of the night, I

hardly slept and felt progressively worse. I managed to get ready for Fajr but even during it I

felt seriously unwell. Once Namaz had finished, I returned quickly towards my room. As I

entered the building, it so happened that Huzoor had entered at the same moment. I had

come in from the front of the residence, whereas Huzoor had entered through the patio next to

the kitchen.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor

Ahmad (aba)

“Feeling Unwell”

My spirits were immediately lifted at seeing Huzoor. It was rare in the extreme for me to meet Huzoor straight after Fajr. He

looked so graceful and immaculate in his achkan coat and paghri (turban). Huzoor mentioned that it had been quite cold at

night and asked if it was the same in my room. In the past, whenever I have been unwell on tours, I have tried to conceal it for

as long as possible. Even though it cannot be helped, I do not wish for Huzoor, or anyone else, to think that I am not ready for

duty. This is not exclusive to me and I have seen the same attitude amongst most of the Qafila members. However, something

different went through my mind at that moment. Instead of thinking of my duty or work, all I could see was my spiritual father

and so I told Huzoor that my night had been difficult, and I continued to feel quite unwell. Very lovingly and affectionately

Huzoor asked what symptoms I was suffering with. Just to hear the affectionate and sympathetic tone of Huzoor’s words made

me feel better.

Page 12: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Abid Khan Sahib’s Diary

Huzoor then advised that I take homeopathic medicine and paracetamol. Huzoor returned to

his residence via the stairs in the hall, whilst I returned to my room via the stairs on the other

side of the building. Three or four minutes had passed, and I had just started to recite the Holy

Quran when I heard the door open from Huzoor’s residence and Huzoor called out my name. I

rushed out to the corridor and upon seeing me, Huzoor said: “It occurred to me that you will

not have homeopathy with you and so I have brought it for you. Also here is a packet of

throat lozenges to soothe your throat.” With his hand, Huzoor poured a dose of the

homeopathy into mine. He then handed me the lozenges which were cherry menthol

flavoured. With that, Huzoor returned to his residence. I was completely overcome by emotion

that Huzoor had come himself specially to give me medicine.Hazrat Mirza Masroor

Ahmad (aba)

“Feeling Unwell”

How kind, how compassionate, how loving! I had seen first-hand how busy Huzoor was and how relentless his schedule was, yet

upon learning that I was unwell, Huzoor had taken the time to come and personally give medication. With the Grace of Allah,

and Huzoor’s prayers, the medication worked well, and I was feeling much better soon.

Page 13: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Activity & Discussion Section

“We should be there to wipe away the tears of

those who have been left bereft, heartbroken and


Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba)

Page 14: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Book Club: An Elementary Study of Islam

This book is a brief introduction to the five fundamentals articles of the Islamic

faith. The articles of faith, which all Muslims believe in, are: Unity of God, Angels,

Prophets, Holy Books and Life after Death.

Throughout the book, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) emphasises the areas of

similarities between Islam and other religions. He shows how religious teachings

evolved through the ages culminating in the complete, perfect and universal

teachings of Islam.

Then Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) further argues that it is this universal nature

of Islam which renders it the religion capable of uniting people from all the

nations of the world under one banner of Peace and Submission.

This is a small book with approximately 65 pages which is essential for all Atfal to

read to learn more about the true teachings of Islam.

Page 15: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Discussion: Polygamy• What does Islam say about having more than one wife?

• What are some of the reasons a person may have more than one


• On what condition is someone allowed to marry more than one wife

in Islam?

• How many wives did the Holy Prophet (sa) have?

• Why did he have more than four wives?

• What were some of the different reasons for the Holy Prophet’s (sa)


Page 16: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Next Class date for the diaries – 20th June (Saturday)

All content available on Atfal website:

Make sure you let your regional nazim

know that you were in the class

Other initiatives

17th June







❑ Qaseeda memorisation challenge

❑ Spring reading challenge

❑ Talim Vlog

❑ Atfal work out

❑ Let’s Talk

Page 17: Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya UK National Online · Age 11-15 years Lesson No. 22. Welcome to the Online Ta’lim class, organised by Majlis Atfal-ul-Ahmadiyya UK This Class is for 11-15

Learn Quiz Resources

Make sure to go over the

learning section and

memorise all that is taught

There will be a short quiz as

a recap in the next class

The slides will be made

available on the Atfal website:
