major depression powerpoint

Major Depression By. Lifewithmdd

Upload: lifewithmdd

Post on 21-Jan-2015



Health & Medicine

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*Disclaimer This is a project for a high school AP Psychology course. This is a fictionalized account of having a psychological ailment. For quesitons about this blog project or its content please email the teacher Chris Jocham: [email protected]


  • 1. Major Depression
    By. Lifewithmdd

2. What is Major Depression Disorder?
Mental Disorder where one feels loss of interest in things and in a low mood.
3. What are the Symptoms?
Depressed mood most of the day and nearly every day
No interest or pleasure in things that were pleasurable before
Significant weight loss
4. More Symptoms..
Fatigue or loss of energy
Feelings of worthlesness, hopelessness
Decreased ability to concentrate
Having thoughts of death
5. Who does it affect?
Twice as many women as men
Those of 25-44 years of age
10-25 percent of women
5-12 percent of men
6. Causes of Major Depression
Biological differences: People with depression tend to have physical changes in their brains
Neurotransmitters: Naturally occurring brain chemicals linked to mood may play a role
Hormones: Changes in the bodys balance of hormones may trigger
7. Causes of Major Depression Cont.
Inherited Traits: One is more likely to have this disorder if a biological family member had it
Life events: Events such as death of loss of a loved one, financial problems, or high stress
Early childhood trauma: Traumatic events during childhood
8. Treatments
Combination of Both
Antidepressant drug therapy
9. Risk of Effective Treatment
Antidepressant medications can be very effective, but for some people it may not be right. In young adults, use of such drugs can cause suicidal behavior
10. Whats important in Treatment
Avoid alcohol and drugs
Eat well balanced meals
Get regular exercise
Seek supportive relationships
11. Complications of Major Depression
Increased risk of alcohol and drug related problems
Increasedrisk of tobacco dependence
Increased problems with physical health
12. Prevention of Major Depression
Avoid drugs, alcohol, caffeine
Exercise regularly
Learn how o relax and manage stress
Maintain good sleeping habits
Get involved with activities
13. I have difficulty sleeping every night. I close my eyes to try to get some rest, but all I can think about are my concerns and it doesnt let me sleep
14. I cant eat anything.. My stomach is empty and Im hungry but I lose my appetite and I dont find food appetizing at all. Everything that I used to like eating, I cant eat anymore. I keep losing weight.
15. I feel worthless. I feel like no one loves or cares for me and it makes no difference whether Imliving in this world or not. Afterall, Im just a being on earth..
16. I feel hopeless. I dont think that 9 could feel any better any time and I feel trapped. I feel like Imliving in a black hope and theres no way out. I dont think I can ever find happiness again.
17. The more lonely and depressed I feel, I should go out and have some fun, but I dont want to leave the house or go out with friends. I feel like I have no energy or urge to do so.
18. I dont find anything interestinganymore. Hobbies and things that Ienjoyed doing once doesnt interest meanymore. Its strange because I used to love doing certain things.. But now nothing catches myattention..
19. I cant concentrate in anything I do. I try to focus in school to listen and learn, but nothing gets into my head.. I tend to zone out and my mind goes blank.
20. I think about committing suicide sometimes. Should I overdose on pills or should I use a weapon? Suicidal thoughts cross my mind often and I feel that it wouldnt be a big deal even if I was gone.