#makeitmidnight #1 for nus bso: manifesto

Midnight Make it Hey, I'm Midnight, a black warrior queen, running to be your next Black Students' Officer. I have studied in both HE and FE, and I am passionate about liberating the curriculum to improve accessibility for Black, LGBT+ and Disabled students. I stand for dismantling white supremacy and its structures; mental slavery and all the ways it impacts us as Black people; racism and anti-blackness in all its forms and standing for Black love, including Black self-love and Black unity. As a Black woman I have a strong passion for ending violence against Black women, supporting Black survivors and black mental health. My vision is to see a truly liberated Black people in the UK and worldwide. #1 for NUS Black Students Ocer Black Women at the heart On the Black Women’s subcommittee I ensured Black Women’s experiences of domestic violence and lad culture were collected, as our voices were previously erased. Elect me and I will work closely with NUS Women’s campaign, the Black Women’s Forum & UK wide organisations that support black women to ensure Black Women survivors get the support they need. My NUS Experience - Black Students Officer CGSU (13/14) - President of CGSU (14/15) - Black Rep on NUS Women’s Committee (14/15) - Women’s Rep on Black Students’ Committee (15/16) - Black Women’s subcommittee (15/16) - FE rep on NUS Wales Black Students Committee (14/15 and 15/16) Nations & FE Love As a Black woman in Wales & FE I will support all part-time Black Students’ Officers in the nations to build a black students movement that's as strong as the UK's campaign and I will increase support for Black students in FE & Small and Specialist unions. United but diverse Under political Blackness, there are many groups that are involved in the Black Students Campaign as we are united in fighting against racism. However, in some communities, anti-Blackness is sadly prevalent, and this must be tackled. Elect me and I will organise smaller fringe meetings for the different groups within BSC to discuss their specific issues and priority campaigns on which we as a BSC whole can support each other.

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Post on 29-Jul-2016




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Midnight Make it

Hey, I'm Midnight, a black warrior queen, running to be your next Black Students' Officer. I have studied in both HE and FE, and I am passionate about liberating the curriculum to

improve accessibility for Black, LGBT+ and Disabled students. I stand for dismantling white supremacy and its

structures; mental slavery and all the ways it impacts us as Black people; racism and anti-blackness in all its forms and

standing for Black love, including Black self-love and Black unity. As a Black woman I have a strong passion for ending violence against Black women, supporting Black survivors and black mental health. My vision is to see a

truly liberated Black people in the UK and worldwide.

#1 for NUS Black Students Officer

Black Women at the heart On the Black Women’s subcommittee I ensured Black Women’s experiences of domestic violence and lad culture were collected, as our voices were previously erased. Elect me and I will work closely with NUS Women’s campaign, the Black Women’s Forum & UK wide organisations that support black women to ensure Black Women survivors get the support they need.

My NUS Experience - Black Students Officer

CGSU (13/14) - President of CGSU

(14/15) - Black Rep on NUS Women’s Committee

(14/15) - Women’s Rep on Black

Students’ Committee (15/16)

- Black Women’s subcommittee (15/16)

- FE rep on NUS Wales Black Students Committee

(14/15 and 15/16)

Nations & FE Love As a Black woman in Wales & FE I will support all part-time Black Students’ Officers in the nations to build a black students movement that's as strong as the UK's campaign and I will increase support for Black students in FE & Small and Specialist unions.

United but diverse Under political Blackness, there are many groups that are involved in the Black Students Campaign as we are united in fighting against racism. However, in some communities, anti-Blackness is sadly prevalent, and this must be tackled. Elect me and I will organise smaller fringe meetings for the different groups within BSC to discuss their specific issues and priority campaigns on which we as a BSC whole can support each other.

Workshops inclusive for Black Men Whilst Black Women are well-literate on our issues, sadly, it's not always the case for the Black Men in our communities and in this campaign. To move forward in black unity we all need to be liberated and support each other in black liberation. Elect me and I will organise workshop events specifically for Black men on topics like decolonisation, Black masculinity, Black men’s mental health and black men and the police.

Mental Health Elect me and I will work with organisations such as Black Mental Health UK who work to tackle the disproportionate number of Black people who are sectioned under the Mental Health Act. I will also continue to support officers and students by running self-care workshops. Black self-care is a political act!

Building up: #Black Lives Matter

movement Elect me & I will continue the

work of the BSC UK & work with relevant organisations to end

deaths in police custody holding the state to account for every

black life they take away.

#Preventing Prevent

Elect me & I will continue to support unions to reject this

racist agenda as we do not have to comply with Prevent with

skills and panel events to equip you to protest against the

prevent policy in your institutions.

QTIPoC representation Elect me and I will work with the NUS LGBT+ officers to host regular QTIPoC consultations, support estranged QTIPoC and we will co lead to organise the first-ever NUS QTIPoC leaders event.

Decolonizing the

curriculum Elect me & will continue

supporting unions to tackle the Black attainment gap

which is as important in FE as it is HE, and endeavour to

eliminate any structure which stands for

colonisation and racism.

Black business This campaign needs to be doing more to encourage students to view entrepreneurship as a career path. We also need to do more to help Black students smash through the double/triple glazed glass ceiling in the workplace so that we can access successful employment during our studies and after our studies. Elect me and I will organise events and workshops with black people in the industry so that Black students can reach their full potential and get a seat at the table where we belong.

“Midnights commitment to empowering and uplifting Black women was apparent from the get-go. She has made history as the first-ever Black Woman president of a students’ union in Wales. She has held committee positions within NUS and is passionate about intersectionality & liberation. That’s why I’m backing Midnight #1 for NUS Black Students’ Officer!” Noorulann Shahid, NUS LGBT+ Officer (Open place)-elect

@midnightlit #MakeItMidnight If you require this manifesto in an alternative format, please get in touch!

Make it Midnight #1 for NUS Black Students Officer Hey, I'm Midnight, a black warrior queen, running to be your next Black Students' Officer. I have studied in both HE and FE, and I am passionate about liberating the curriculum to improve accessibility for Black, LGBT+ and Disabled students. I stand for dismantling white supremacy and its structures; mental slavery and all the ways it impacts us as Black people; racism and anti-blackness in all its forms and standing for Black love, including Black self-love and Black unity. As a Black woman I have a strong passion for ending violence against Black women, supporting Black survivors and black mental health. My vision is to see a truly liberated Black people in the UK and worldwide My NUS Experience - Black Students Officer CGSU (13/14) - President of CGSU (14/15) - Black Rep on NUS Women’s Committee (14/15) - Women’s Rep on Black Students’ Committee (15/16) - Black Women’s subcommittee (15/16) - FE rep on NUS Wales Black Students Committee (14/15 and 15/16) Black Women at the heart On the Black Women’s subcommittee I ensured Black Women’s experiences of domestic violence and lad culture were collected, as our voices were previously erased. Elect me and I will work closely with NUS Women’s campaign, the Black Women’s Forum & UK wide organisations that support black women to ensure Black Women survivors get the support they need. United but diverse Under political Blackness, there are many groups that are involved in the Black Students Campaign as we are united in fighting against racism. However, in some communities, anti-Blackness is sadly prevalent, and this must be tackled. Elect me and I will organise smaller fringe meetings for the different groups within BSC to discuss their specific issues and priority campaigns on which we as a BSC whole can support each other. Nations & FE Love As a Black woman in Wales & FE I will support all part-time Black Students’ Officers in the nations to build a black students movement that's as strong as the UK's campaign and I will increase support for Black students in FE & Small and Specialist unions. “Midnights commitment to empowering and uplifting Black women was apparent from the get-go. She has made history as the first-ever Black Woman president of a students’ union in Wales. She has held committee positions within NUS and is passionate about intersectionality & liberation. That’s why I’m backing Midnight #1 for NUS Black Students’ Officer!” Noorulann Shahid, NUS LGBT+ Officer (Open place)-elect

QTIPoC representation Elect me and I will work with the NUS LGBT+ officers to host regular QTIPoC consultations, support estranged QTIPoC and we will co lead to organise the first-ever NUS QTIPoC leaders event. Mental Health Elect me and I will work with organisations such as Black Mental Health UK who work to tackle the disproportionate number of Black people who are sectioned under the Mental Health Act. I will also continue to support officers and students by running self-care workshops. Black self-care is a political act! Workshops inclusive for Black Men Whilst Black Women are well-literate on our issues, sadly, it's not always the case for the Black Men in our communities and in this campaign. To move forward in black unity we all need to be liberated and support each other in black liberation. Elect me and I will organise workshop events specifically for Black men on topics like decolonisation, Black masculinity, Black men’s mental health and black men and the police. Black business This campaign needs to be doing more to encourage students to view entrepreneurship as a career path. We also need to do more to help Black students smash through the double/triple glazed glass ceiling in the workplace so that we can access successful employment during our studies and after our studies. Elect me and I will organise events and workshops with black people in the industry so that Black students can reach their full potential and get a seat at the table where we belong. Building up:

#Black Lives Matter movement Elect me & I will continue the work of the BSC UK & work with relevant organisations to end deaths in police custody holding the state to account for every black life they take away. #Preventing Prevent Elect me & I will continue to support unions to reject this racist agenda as we do not have to comply with Prevent with skills and panel events to equip you to protest against the prevent policy in your institutions. Decolonizing the curriculum Elect me & will continue supporting unions to tackle the Black attainment gap which is as important in FE as it is HE, and endeavour to eliminate any structure which stands for colonisation and racism. @midnightlit #MakeItMidnight If you require this manifesto in an alternative format, please get in touch!