making my music video powerpoint


Upload: chantaltaylor

Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Making my music video powerpoint


Page 2: Making my music video powerpoint

We used ‘iMovie’ to edit our music video as we had used the technology before and felt confident that we would be able to edit our video to the best of our ability on this software. We edited the length of the scenes to how we hoped to use them in our video and then dragged those that we wanted to use, as well as the song that we have used into the ‘project’ where we could edit them further.

Page 3: Making my music video powerpoint

We listened to the song playing as we edited the music video, so we could see whether or not it was in sync. When we found parts that weren’t quite in sync we simply deleted the sections that were out of sync (as shown above.) In allof our footage that we used, we increased the contrast and exposure slightly tomake the video appear more professional.

Page 4: Making my music video powerpoint

My partner and I decided that the scenes on the piano looked better in black and white, to do this we went on to ‘video adjustments’ and then reduced the saturation on all of the piano scenes so they became black and white. We also increased the exposure and contrast to make the piano keys and piano stand out more, as well as making the shot appear more professional.

Page 5: Making my music video powerpoint

My partner and I used the rule of thirds when filming this scene, however we weren’t happy with the overall composition of the shot so we used the crop tool.

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Page 7: Making my music video powerpoint

We decided that the shot looked a lot better when cropping it as shown above. We increased the colour saturation of this shot to exaggerate the colours of the sunset more, making the shot appear more professional as well as providing colours that attract the target audience of females aged 15-21.

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Finally, we used a transition of ‘fade to black’ at the end of the last shot to symbolize and show to the audience the end of the music video. Using this technique also creates a cyclical structure as we used the same transition at the beginning of our music video.