makkah - madinah "birth and the first 40 years of life"

s.1 ep.04 Birth and the first 40 years of life

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s.1 ep.04Birth and the first 40 years of life

إن الله اصطفى كنانة من ولد إسماعيل . واصطفى قريشا من كنانة . واصطفى من قريش بني هاشم . واصطفاني من بني هاشم

(Sahih Muslim)

Hasyim (amr) = Very generous, honour of ar-Rifadah was-Siqayah

Abd-al-Muthalib ◦ De facto governor of Mecca◦ Elevated status in Quraysh after he ediscover the well of zam-zam◦ 10 sons, vows to slaughter one of them

Why this nobility is required?

هو فينا ذو نسب ثم قال لترجمانه : قل له كيف نسب هذا الرجل فيكم ؟ قلت : . فقال لترجمانه حين قلت ذلك له : قل له : إني سألتك عن نسبه فيكم ….

وكذلك الرسل تبعث في نسب قومهافزعمت أنه ذو نسب ، (Sahih al-Bukhari)

◦ Negate the Prophet’s need to elevate himself socially by claiming prophet-hood◦ Arabs respected and listened to the nobles

Abdullah ibn abd-al-Muthalib and Aminah bint Wahb◦ Abdullah died at Yatsrib, Leaving 5 camels, few sheep, and a servant as inheritance

Birth as orphan◦ Monday, 12? 9? Rabiul awwal, the year of Elephant◦ Muhammad was not a common name

Raised in desert◦ Physical upbringing, Eloquent tongue of Arabic

Banu Sa’ad◦ Nursed by Halimah Sa’diyah◦ Signs of blessing◦ The cleansing of the hearth

أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أتاه جبريل صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يلعب مع الغلمان . فأخذه فصرعه فشق عن قلبه . فاستخرج القلب . فاستخرج منه

علقة . فقال : هذا حظ الشيطان منك . ثم غسله في طست من ذهب بماء زمزم . ثم ألمه . ثم أعاده في مكانه . وجاء الغلمان يسعون إلى أمه ) يعني

ظئره ( فقالوا : إن محمدا قد قتل . فاستقبلوه وهو منتقع اللون . قال أنس : . وقد كنت أرى أثر ذلك المخيط في صدره

(Sahih al-Bukhari)

4-6 years old stays with his mother◦ Aminah bint Wahb Died on the way back from Yatsrib (al Abwa’)

6-8 years old, Abd-al-Muthalib assumes custody◦ Love and company of Abd-al-Muthallib◦ Learn to deal with honorable people◦ Learn different dialect of Arabia

8 years old, Abu Thalib assume custody◦ Many children, having responsibility of ar-Rifadah was-Siqayah

Work as shepherd (8-20 years old)

قالوا : أكنت ترعى الغنم ؟ قال : وهل من نبي إال وقد رعاها(sahih al-Bukhari – Muslim)

ما بعث الله نبيا إال رعى الغنم . فقال أصحابه : وأنت ؟ فقال : نعم ، كنت أرعاها على قراريط ألهل مكة

(sahih al-Bukhari)

Signs of greatness in the future◦ 12 years old – meet Buhaira the monk, many signs of prophet-hood◦ Ilm-al-Farasa: examination of facial feature to predict the future

Exceptionally good manner◦ Never fight for the food, never complaint◦ Never tell a lie >>> as-Sadiq al-Amin (the honest, the truthfull)

Protected from sinful behavior◦ Prevented from attending wedding party during jahiliyah times◦ Drinking, unethical words/singings/acts

Never worship the Idol◦ Hates the idols so much◦ Prevented from worship of idol

Protected from naked in public

14-15 years old, the event of Harbul Fijar

◦ War of sin (violation of the sacred month and sacred sanctuary)◦ Quraysh and Kinanah against Qais Ailan (Hawazin, Ghatafan, Tsaqif)◦ Self defense, protecting and collecting arrows◦ Exposed to strategy of combat fighting


◦ Violation of Al-Ash ibn Wail to the properties of stranger merchant◦ Bani Hasym, Bani Asad and Bani Zuhra vowed to be on the side of justice and fairness◦ To defend the weak in Mecca regardless of tribal loyalties

، لقد شهدت في دار عبد الله بن جدعان حلفا ، لو دعيت به في اإلسالم ألجبتتحالفوا أن يردوا الفضول على أهلها ، وأن ال يعد ظالم مظلوما

Khadijah bint Khuwailid, widow of honor and wealth◦ Married twice (Atiq’ ibn Abid Al-Makzumi, Abu Halah ibn Al-Nabbash◦ Entrusted Muhammad with trade to Syams, accompanied by Maisarah (servant)◦ Muhammad honesty, noble characters and good manners were reported to Khadijah

Marriage to Khadijah◦ Khadijah proposed through her friend Nafisah◦ Muhammad proposed through his uncle Abu Thalib and Hamza◦ They married with dowry of 20 camels◦ He was 25 and she was 40◦ 6 children, 2 sons and 4 daughter

Umar ibn KhattabSaid ibn Zaid

Mush’ab ibn UmairKhalid ibn Al-WalidAbu Jahl

Aminah bint WahbSa’ad ibn Abi-Waqqash

Uthman ibn AffanAbu Sufyan ibn Harb

Khadijah bint Khuwailid

Amru ibn Al-Ash

Uthman ibn Math’un

Abu BakrAisyah

Muhammad ibn Abdullah

Rebuilding of the Ka’ba◦ Destroyed by flood or other natural disaster◦ Restoration of the Ka’ba, the wood and the engineer, the clean money◦ Al-Walid ibn Al-Mughirah starts demolishing the Ka’ba

Conflict of the black stone◦ Bani Ummayah, Bani Hasyim, and Bani Abd-Daar◦ Muhammad as-Sadiq al-Amin as judges

We will continue in the next session on the revelation and the first few years of nubuwah, insyaAllah