management and theorists 001


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is a process of coordinating actions and allocating resources to achieve organizational goals.

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- Evolved from earlier theorist - Theorist of management

were introduced in the 1800

during the industrial age as

factories developed

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Introduced by Mary Follet Presence of proper relationship between manager and members.

The individual worker as the source of control, motivation and productivity in organization.

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a. Classical/scientific approach

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1930 – labor unions became stronger and were instrumental in advocating for the human needs of employee

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– the phenomena of being observed or studied, resulting in changes in behaviour.

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Frederick Winslow Taylor

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, was an American mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency. He is regarded as the father of scientific management, and was one of the first management consultants.[1]

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FREDERICK W. TAYLOR- – acknowledge as the father of scientific management for his use of scientific method.

He was focusing his attention on the operation within an organization by exploring production at the worker level.

PRODUCTIVITY was the area of focus

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Taylor's scientific management consisted of four principles

Replace rule-of-thumb work methods with methods based on a scientific study of the tasks.

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Scientifically select, train, and develop each employee rather than passively leaving them to train themselves.

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Provide "Detailed instruction and supervision of each worker in the performance of that worker's discrete task"

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Divide work nearly equally between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks.

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Henri Fayol

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was a French mining engineer, director of mines, and management theorist, who developed independent of the theory of Scientific Management, a general theory of business administration[1] also known as Fayolism. He was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management.

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Henri Fayol

known as the “father of the management

process school” described this as: Planning Organizing Issuing orders/ commanding Coordinating Controlling

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Recommended centralization through the use of a scalar chain, responsibility accompanied by authority, and unity of command and direction.

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He advocated “ a place for everything and everything in its place.”

Esprit d Corp/ team spirit – the positive act of one is the benefit of the team. Likewise, fault of one is fault of all.

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Respondeat Superior/Command Superior – the master shall always be accountable.

Subordination of personal to the general interest – good of majority before yourself.

Renumeration of personnel

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Lillian Gilbreth

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Lillian Gilbreth and franck focused on inefficiency and

waste - not only the waste of time and motion but also the waste of potential human satisfaction and fulfillment that could be derived from work.

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One of her studies is motion, which could "make visible the invisible.”

She believed that satisfaction comes from using one’s skills, that standardized work could also be skilled work.

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She believed that poorly planned jobs made work tiresome and destroyed enjoyment of the task. Her theory was that managers and owners needed to structure authority in the workplace and that each employee deserved basic human dignity

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Henry Laurence Gantt

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he advocated a scientific approach to industrial efficiency.  The processes and tools he created remain essential to our modern business world.

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A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project

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Max Weber

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German lawyer, politician, historian, sociologist and political economist, who profoundly influenced social theory and the remit of sociology itself.[1

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] Weber's major works dealt with the rationalization and so-called "disenchantment"

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Antipositivism (or non-positivist sociology) is the view in social science that academics must necessarily reject empiricism and the scientific method in the conduct of social theory and research

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empiricism is a theory of knowledge which asserts that knowledge arises from sense experience. Empiricism is one of several competing views about how we know "things,"

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Mary Parker Follett

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was an American social worker, management consultant and pioneer in the fields of organizational theory and organizational behavior.

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Mary Parker Follett pioneered the understanding of lateral processes within hierarchical organizations (which recognition led directly to the formation of matrix-style organizations,

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Elton Mayo

was an Australian psychologist, sociologist and organization theorist.

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Formulate job satisfaction and hawthorne effect

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Chester Barnard

was an American business executive, public administrator, and the author of pioneering work in management theory and organizational studies.

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Barnard looked at organizations as systems of cooperation of human activity, and noted that they are typically short-lived. It is rare for a firm to last more than a century, and the only organization that can claim a substantial age is the Roman Catholic Church

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Rensis Likert

was an American educator and organizational psychologist best known for his research on management styles. He developed his eponymous Likert Scale and the linking pin model.

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Likert scale

is a psychometric scale commonly used in questionnaires, and is the most widely used scale in survey research. When responding to a Likert questionnaire item, respondents specify their level of agreement to a statement. The scale is named after its inventor, psychologist Rensis Likert.[2]

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The format of a typical five-level Likert item is:

Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree

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Linking pin model

The linking pin model is an idea developed by Rensis Likert. It presents an organisation as a number of overlapping work units in which a member of a unit is the leader of another unit

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Douglas Mc Gregor

Discuss about the theory x and theory Y

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Theory x

McGregor argued that the conventional approach to managing was based on three major propositions, which he called Theory X:

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1. Management is responsible for organizing the elements of productive enterprise-money, materials, equipment, and people-in the interests of economic ends.

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2. With respect to people, this is a process of directing their efforts, motivating them, controlling their actions, and modifying their behavior to fit the needs of the organization.

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3. Without this active intervention by management, people would be passive-even resistant-to organizational needs. They must therefore be persuaded, rewarded, punished, and controlled. Their activities must be directed. Management's task was thus simply getting things done through other people.

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Theory Y

Management is responsible for organizing the elements of productive enterprise-money, materials, equipment, and people in the interests of economic ends.

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2. People are not by nature passive or resistant to organizational needs. They have become so as a result of experience in organizations.

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3. The motivation, potential for development, capacity for assuming responsibility, and readiness to direct behavior toward organizational goals are all present in people-management does not put them there

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. It is a responsibility of management to make it possible for people to recognize and develop these human characteristics for themselves.

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4. The essential task of management is to arrange organizational conditions and methods of operation so that people can achieve their own goals by directing their efforts toward organizational objectives.

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Henry Mintzberg

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Formulate organizational structure

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Robert blake and jane mouton Proposed the manegerial


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Alvin toffler

Adhocracy is a type of organization being antonymous to bureaucracy. The term was first popularized in 1970 by Alvin Toffler[1], and has since become often used in the theory of management of organizations (particularly online organizations), further developed by academics such as Henry Mintzberg.

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The word is a portmanteau of the Latin ad hoc, meaning 'for purpose', and the suffix -cracy, from the ancient Greek kratein (κρατείν), meaning 'to govern'[1], and is thus a

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c. Management science approach

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Herbert Simon

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was an American political scientist, economist, and psychologist, and professor—most notably at Carnegie Mellon University—whose research ranged across the fields of cognitive psychology, computer science, public administration, economics, management, philosophy of science, sociology, and political scienceof the 20th century

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. With almost a thousand very highly cited publications, he is one of the most influential social scientists

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A polymath (Greek polymathēs, πολυμαθής, "having learned much")[1] is a person, with superior intelligence, whose expertise spans a significant number of subject areas. In less formal terms, a polymath (or polymathic person) may simply refer to someone who is very knowledgeable. Most ancient scientists were polymaths by today's standards.[2]

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Leonardo da Vinci is regarded as a "Renaissance Man" and is one of the most recognizable polymaths.

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Theory Z

is a name applied to two distinctly different psychological theories. One was developed by Abraham H. Maslow in his paper Theory Z and the other is Dr. William Ouchi's so-called "Japanese Management" style popularized during the Asian economic boom of the 1980s.

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Maslow's Theory Z' In contrast toTheory X, which stated that workers inherently dislike and avoid work and must be driven to it, and Theory Y, which stated that work is natural and can be a source of satisfaction when aimed at higher order human psychological needs.

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For Ouchi, Theory Z focused on increasing employee loyalty to the company by providing a job for life with a strong focus on the well-being of the employee, both on and off the job

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. According to Ouchi, Theory Z management tends to promote stable employment, high productivity, and high employee morale and satisfaction.

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Principles of management

Unity of command- Hierarchical organization

principle that no subordinate should report to more than one boss; or, 'Two bosses are not better than one.'

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they should be responsible to only one superior”

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esprit de corp

solidarity, rapport, team spirit, camaraderie, mutual support, common bond, fellow feeling, community of interests, group spirit He enjoyed the friendship, comradeship and esprit de corps of the army.

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Division of labor or economic specializationis the specialization of

cooperative labor in specific, circumscribed tasks and roles, intended to increase the productivity of labor.

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Span of control

is a term originating in military organization theory, but now used more commonly in business management, particularly human resource management. Span of control refers to the number of subordinates a supervisor has.