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MANAGEMENT 1 ST Assignment Topic: Shanghai Cooperation Organization Submitted to: Sir Osman Alvi Group Members: 12-arid-1432 Mansoor Akhtar (L) 12-arid-1463 Rashid Sohail 12-arid-1442 Muhammad Arslan 12-arid-1413 Bilal qadir

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Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Submitted to:

Sir Osman Alvi

Group Members:

12-arid-1432 Mansoor Akhtar (L)

12-arid-1463 Rashid Sohail

12-arid-1442 Muhammad Arslan

12-arid-1413 Bilal qadir

Management Shanghai Cooperation Organization

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Table of Contents

Shanghai Cooperation Organization ............................................................................................... 3

Member States ............................................................................................................................. 3

Observer States ............................................................................................................................ 3

Dialogue Partners ........................................................................................................................ 3

Guest Attendances ....................................................................................................................... 3

Origins............................................................................................................................................. 4

Structure .......................................................................................................................................... 5

Nursultan Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan) ........................................................................................... 5

Activities ......................................................................................................................................... 6

Cooperation on security .............................................................................................................. 6

Military activities ........................................................................................................................ 7

Economic cooperation ................................................................................................................. 8

Cultural cooperation .................................................................................................................... 9

Future membership possibilities ..................................................................................................... 9

Current observers ...................................................................................................................... 10

Dialogue Partner ........................................................................................................................ 11

Relations with the West ................................................................................................................ 12

Geopolitical aspects of the SCO................................................................................................ 12

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Shanghai Cooperation Organization

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization or SCO is a Eurasian security organization which was

founded in 2001 in Shanghai by the leaders of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia,

Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Except for Uzbekistan, the other countries had been members of the

Shanghai Five, founded in 1996; after the inclusion of Uzbekistan in 2001, the members renamed

the organization.

Member States China






Observer States Afghanistan





Dialogue Partners Belarus

Sri Lanka


Guest Attendances ASEAN



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The Shanghai Five grouping was originally created 26 April 1996 with the signing of the Treaty

on Deepening Military Trust in Border Regions in Shanghai by the heads of states of

Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan. 24 April 1997

the same countries signed the Treaty on Reduction of Military Forces in Border Regions in a

meeting in Moscow.

Subsequent annual summits of the Shanghai Five group occurred in Almaty (Kazakhstan) in

1998, in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) in 1999, and in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) in 2000.

In 2001, the annual summit returned to Shanghai, China. There the five member nations first

admitted Uzbekistan in the Shanghai Five mechanism (thus transforming it into the Shanghai

Six). Then all six heads of state signed on 15 June 2001, the Declaration of Shanghai

Cooperation Organization, praising the role played thus far by the Shanghai Five mechanism and

aiming to transform it to a higher level of cooperation. On 16 July 2001, Russia and the PRC, the

organization’s two leading nations, signed the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly


In June 2002, the heads of the SCO member states met in Saint Petersburg, Russia. There they

signed the SCO Charter which expounded on the organization’s purposes, principles, structures

and form of operation, and established it officially from the point of view of international law.

Its six full members account for 60% of the land mass of Eurasia and its population is a quarter

of the worlds. With observer states included, its affiliates account for half of the human race.

In July 2005, at its fifth and watershed summit in Astana, Kazakhstan, with representatives of

India, Iran, Mongolia and Pakistan attending an SCO summit for the first time, the president of

the host country, Nursultan Nazarbayev, greeted the guests in words that had never before been

used in any context: "The leaders of the states sitting at this negotiation table are representatives

of half of humanity".

By 2007 the SCO had initiated over twenty large-scale projects related to transportation, energy

and telecommunications and held regular meetings of security, military, defense, foreign affairs,

economic, cultural, banking and other officials from its member states.

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The SCO has now established relations with the United Nations, where it is an observer in the

General Assembly, the European Union, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the

Commonwealth of Independent States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Structure The Council of Heads of State is the top decision-making body in the SCO. This council meets at

the SCO summits, which are held each year in one of the member states' capital cities. The

current Council of Heads of State consists of:

Almazbek Atambayev (Kyrgyzstan)

Xi Jinping (China)

Islam Karimov (Uzbekistan)

Nursultan Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan) Vladimir Putin (Russia)

Emomalii Rahmon (Tajikistan)

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The Council of Heads of Government is the second-highest council in the organization. This

council also holds annual summits, at which time members discuss issues of multilateral

cooperation. The council also approves the organization’s budget.

The council of Foreign Ministers also hold regular meetings, where they discuss the current

international situation and the SCO's interaction with other international organizations.

As the name suggests, the Council of National Coordinators coordinates the multilateral

cooperation of member states within the framework of the SCO's charter.

The Secretariat of the SCO is the primary executive body of the organization. It serves to

implement organizational decisions and decrees, drafts proposed documents (such as

declarations and agendas), function as a document depository for the organization, arranges

specific activities within the SCO framework, and promotes and disseminates information about

the SCO. It is located in Beijing. The current SCO Secretary-General is Muratbek Imanaliyev of

Kyrgyzstan, a former Kyrgyz Minister of Foreign Affairs and professor at the American

University of Central Asia.

The Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS), headquartered in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, is a

permanent organ of the SCO which serves to promote cooperation of member states against the

three evils of terrorism, separatism and extremism. The Head of RATS is elected to a three-year

term. Each member state also sends a permanent representative to RATS.


Cooperation on security

The SCO is primarily centered on its member nations' Central Asian security-related concerns,

often describing the main threats it confronts as being terrorism, separatism and extremism.

However evidence is growing that its activities in the area of social development of its member

states is increasing fast.

At the 16–17 June 2004 SCO summit, held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the Regional Antiterrorism

Structure (RATS) was established. On 21 April 2006, the SCO announced plans to fight cross-

border drug crimes under the counter-terrorism rubric.

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Grigory Logninov claimed in April 2006 that the SCO has no plans to become a military bloc;

nonetheless he argued that the increased threats of "terrorism, extremism and separatism" make

necessary a full-scale involvement of armed forces.

In October 2007, the SCO signed an agreement with the Collective Security Treaty Organization

(CSTO), in the Tajik capital Dushanbe, to broaden cooperation on issues such as security, crime,

and drug trafficking.[9] Joint action plans between the two organizations are planned to be

signed by early 2008 in Beijing.

The organization is also redefining cyber warfare, saying that the dissemination of information

"harmful to the spiritual, moral and cultural spheres of other states" should be considered a

"security threat". An accord adopted in 2009 defined "information war", in part, as an effort by a

state to undermine another's "political, economic, and social systems".

Military activities Over the past few years, the organization’s activities have expanded to include increased military

cooperation, intelligence sharing, and counterterrorism.

There have been a number of SCO joint military exercises. The first of these was held in 2003,

with the first phase taking place in Kazakhstan and the second in China. Since then China and

Russia have teamed up for large-scale war games in 2005 (Peace Mission 2005), 2007 and 2009,

under the auspices of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. At the joint military exercises in

2007 (known as "Peace Mission 2007") which took place in Chelyabinsk Russia, near the Ural

Mountains and close to Central Asia, as was agreed upon in April 2006 at a meeting of SCO

Defense Ministers, more than 4,000 Chinese soldiers participated. Air forces and precision-

guided weapons were also likely to be used. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said that

the exercises would be transparent and open to media and the public. Following the war games'

successful completion, Russian officials began speaking of India joining such exercises in the

future and the SCO taking on a military role. Peace Mission 2010, conducted 9–25 September at

Kazakhstan's Matybulak training area, saw over 5,000 personnel from China, Russia,

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan conduct joint planning and operational maneuvers.

The SCO has served as a platform for larger military announcements by members. During the

2007 war games in Russia, with leaders of SCO member states in attendance including Chinese

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President Hu Jintao, Russia's President Vladimir Putin used the occasion to take advantage of a

"captive" audience: Russian strategic bombers, he said, would resume regular long-range patrols

for the first time since the Cold War. "Starting today, such tours of duty will be conducted

regularly and on the strategic scale", Putin said. "Our pilots have been grounded for too long.

They are happy to start a new life".

Economic cooperation All SCO members but China are also members of the Eurasian Economic Community. A

Framework Agreement to enhance economic cooperation was signed by the SCO member states

on 23 September 2003. At the same meeting the PRC's Premier, Wen Jiabao, proposed a long-

term objective to establish a free trade area in the SCO, while other more immediate measures

would be taken to improve the flow of goods in the region. A follow up plan with 100 specific

actions was signed one year later, on 23 September 2004.

On 26 October 2005, during the Moscow Summit of the SCO, the Secretary General of the

Organization said that the SCO will prioritize joint energy projects; such will include the oil and

gas sector, the exploration of new hydrocarbon reserves, and joint use of water resources. The

creation of an Inter-bank SCO Council was also agreed upon at that summit in order to fund

future joint projects. The first meeting of the SCO Interbank Association was held in Beijing on

21–22 February 2006. On 30 November 2006, at The SCO: Results and Perspectives, an

international conference held in Almaty, the representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry

announced that Russia is developing plans for an SCO "Energy Club".The need for this "club"

was reiterated by Moscow at an SCO summit in November 2007. Other SCO members, however,

have not committed themselves to the idea. However on 28 August 2008 summit it was stated

that "Against the backdrop of a slowdown in the growth of world economy pursuing a

responsible currency and financial policy, control over the capital flowing, ensuring food and

energy security have been gaining special significance".

On 16 June 2009, at the Yekaterinburg Summit, China announced plans to provide a US$10

billion loan to SCO member states to shore up the struggling economies of its members amid the

global financial crisis. The summit was held together with the first BRIC summit, and the China-

Russia joint statement said that they want a bigger quota in the International Monetary Fund.

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At the 2007 SCO summit Iranian Vice President Parviz Davudi addressed an initiative that has

been garnering greater interest and assuming a heightened sense of urgency when he said, "The

Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a good venue for designing a new banking system which

is independent from international banking systems".

The address by Putin also included these comments: "We now clearly see the defectiveness of

the monopoly in world finance and the policy of economic selfishness. To solve the current

problem Russia will take part in changing the global financial structure so that it will be able to

guarantee stability and prosperity in the world and to ensure progress".

"The world is seeing the emergence of a qualitatively different geo-political situation, with the

emergence of new centers of economic growth and political influence".

"We will witness and take part in the transformation of the global and regional security and

development architectures adapted to new realities of the 21st century, when stability and

prosperity are becoming inseparable notions".

Cultural cooperation Cultural cooperation also occurs in the SCO framework. Culture ministers of the SCO met for

the first time in Beijing on 12 April 2002, signing a joint statement for continued cooperation.

The third meeting of the Culture Ministers took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on 27–28 April


An SCO Arts Festival and Exhibition was held for the first time during the Astana Summit in

2005. Kazakhstan has also suggested an SCO folk dance festival to take place in 2008, in Astana.

Future membership possibilities In June 2010, the SCO approved the procedure of admitting new members, though new members

have yet to be admitted. Several states, however, participate as observers, some of whom have

expressed interest in becoming full members in the future. The implications of Iran joining the

organization have garnered both academic attention.

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Current observers

India currently has observer status in the SCO. Russia has encouraged India to join the

organization as a full-time member, because they see it as a crucial future strategic

partner. China has "welcomed" India's accession to the SCO.

Iran currently has observer status in the organization, and applied for full membership on

24 March 2008. However, because of ongoing sanctions levied by the United Nations, it

is blocked from admission as a new member. The SCO stated that any country under

U.N. sanctions cannot be admitted.

Mongolia became the first country to receive observer status at the 2004 Tashkent

Summit. Pakistan, India and Iran received observer status at the 2005 SCO summit in

Astana, Kazakhstan on 5 July 2005.

Pakistan currently has observer status in the SCO. Former Pakistani President Pervez

Musharraf argued in favor of Pakistan's qualification to join the organization as a full

member during a joint summit with China in 2006. Russia publicly endorsed Pakistan's

bid to get full membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), as

(Russian) Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made this announcement in response to Prime

Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani's address at the SCO meeting at the Constantine Palace, 6

November 2011. Russia has taken the stance despite the strong relations with India.

China has said that it would convey Pakistan's desire to all SCO member states. In turn,

Musharraf was formally invited to the sixth summit of the SCO to take place in Shanghai

in June. The Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousaf Raza Gillani once again argued in favour

of Pakistan's qualification to join the organization as a full member. On 7 November

2011, Russia, for the first time, publicly endorsed Pakistan’s bid to get full membership

of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

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Dialogue Partner The position of Dialogue Partner was created in 2008 in accordance with Article 14 of the SCO

Charter of 7 June 2002. This article regards Dialogue Partner as a state or an organization who

shares the goals and principles of the SCO and wishes to establish relations of equal mutually

beneficial partnership with the Organization.

Belarus was granted dialogue partner status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

(SCO) at the group's 2009 summit in Yekaterinburg. Belarus applied for observer status

in the organization and was promised Kazakhstan's support towards that goal.[citation

needed] However, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov voiced doubt on the

probability of Belarus' membership, saying that Belarus was a purely European

country.[47] Despite this, Belarus was accepted as a Dialogue Partner at the 2009 SCO


Sri Lanka was granted dialogue partner status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

(SCO) at the group's 2009 summit in Yekaterinburg.[46][48]

Turkey, a member of NATO, was granted dialogue partner status in the Shanghai

Cooperation Organization (SCO) at the group's 2012 summit in Beijing. Turkish Prime

Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has publicly stated that he has discussed the possibility

of abandoning Turkey's European Union membership candidacy in return for full

membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

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Relations with the West Western media observers believe that one of the original purposes of the SCO was to serve as a

counterbalance to NATO and the United States and in particular to avoid conflicts that would

allow the United States to intervene in areas bordering both Russia and China. And although not

a member state, the President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has used his speeches at the SCO

to make verbal attacks against the United States.

The United States applied for observer status in the SCO, but was rejected in 2006.

At the Astana summit in July 2005, with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq foreshadowing an

indefinite presence of U.S. forces in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, the SCO urged the U.S. to set a

timetable for withdrawing its troops from SCO member states. Shortly afterwards, Uzbekistan

asked the U.S. to leave the K-2 air base.

The SCO has made no direct comments against the U.S. or its military presence in the region;

however, some indirect statements at the past summits have been viewed by the western media

as "thinly veiled swipes at Washington".

Geopolitical aspects of the SCO There have been many discussions and commentaries about the geopolitical nature of the

Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Matthew Brummer, in the Journal of International Affairs,

tracks the implications of SCO expansion into the Persian Gulf.

Iranian writer, Hamid Golpira, had this to say on the topic: "According to Zbigniew Brzezinski's

theory, control of the Eurasian landmass is the key to global domination and control of Central

Asia is the key to control of the Eurasian landmass....Russia and China have been paying

attention to Brzezinski's theory, since they formed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in

2001, ostensibly to curb extremism in the region and enhance border security, but most probably

with the real objective of counterbalancing the activities of the United States and NATO in

Central Asia".

At a 2005 summit in Kazakhstan the SCI issued a Declaration of Heads of Member States of the

Shanghai Cooperation Organization which addressed their "concerns" and contained an

elaboration of the organization’s principles. It included: "The heads of the member states point

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out that, against the backdrop of a contradictory process of globalization, multilateral

cooperation, which is based on the principles of equal right and mutual respect, non-intervention

in internal affairs of sovereign states, non-confrontational way of thinking and consecutive

movement towards democratization of international relations, contributes to overall peace and

security, and call upon the international community, irrespective of its differences in ideology

and social structure, to form a new concept of security based on mutual trust, mutual benefit,

equality and interaction."

In November 2005 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated that the "Shanghai

Cooperation Organization (SCO) is working to establish a rational and just world order" and that

"The Shanghai Cooperation Organization provides us with a unique opportunity to take part in

the process of forming a fundamentally new model of geopolitical integration".

A Chinese daily expressed the matter in these terms: "The Declaration points out that the SCO

member countries have the ability and responsibility to safeguard the security of the Central

Asian region, and calls on Western countries to leave Central Asia. That is the most noticeable

signal given by the Summit to the world".

Validating that same school of thought, a study published by China's Academy of Military

Science criticizes Washington's "overbearing strategy of encirclement and suffocation".

That may not be Washington's intent. But from Beijing's vantage point, the United States is

arrayed along China's periphery, with a long-term presence in Japan and South Korea, strong ties

with Thailand and the Philippines, a blossoming partnership with India and a growing role in

Central Asia.

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has concluded that the United States is maneuvering "to

preserve its status as the world's sole superpower and will not allow any country the chance to

pose a challenge to it".

Russia is not a supporter of NATO or of any of its former Soviet states joining it, as seen in this

explicit statement made in 2006 by Russian Ambassador to Ukraine, Viktor Chernomyrdin,

"when a neighboring country becomes a member of the North-Atlantic Military bloc, then I'm

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sorry—then this strategic partnership [with Russia] should be viewed from a different angle and

whether this strategic partnership relationship should continue to exist at all".

An article in The Washington Post in early 2008 reported that President Vladimir Putin stated

that Russia could aim nuclear missiles at Ukraine if Russia's neighbor and former fraternal

republic in the Soviet Union joins the NATO alliance and hosts elements of a U.S. missile

defense system. "It is horrible to say and even horrible to think that, in response to the

deployment of such facilities in Ukrainian territory, which cannot theoretically be ruled out,

Russia could target its missile systems at Ukraine", Putin said at a joint news conference with

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, who was visiting the Kremlin. "Imagine this just for a

second". The International Federation for Human Rights has called SCO a "vehicle" for Human

rights violations.