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Chapter 10 Developing Business/ Information Technology Solutions

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Developing Business/InformationTechnology Solutions


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Learning Objectives

Use the systems development process outlined in this chapter, and the model of IS components from Chapter 1 as problem-solving frameworks to help propose information systems solutions to simple business problems.


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Learning Objectives (continued)

Describe how you might use each of the steps of the information systems development cycle to develop and implement an e-business system.

Explain how prototyping improves the process of systems development for end users and IS specialists.


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Learning Objectives (continued)

Identify the activities involved in the implementation of new information systems.

Describe evaluation factors that should be considered in evaluating the acquisition of hardware, software, and IS services.


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Section I

Developing e-Business Systems


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Information Systems Development

The systems approach to problem solving applied to the development of information system solutions to business problems.


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The Systems Approach

The systems approach to problem solving

Recognize and define a problem or opportunity using systems thinking

Develop and evaluate alternative system solutions


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The Systems Approach (continued)

Systems approach to problem solving (continued)

Select the system solution that best meets your requirements

Design the selected system solutionImplement and evaluate the success of the

designed system


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The Systems Approach (continued)

Systems Thinking“seeing the forest AND the trees”

Seeing “interrelationships” among “systems” rather than linear cause-and-effect chains when events occur

Seeing “processes” of change among “systems” rather than discrete “snapshots” of change, whenever change occurs.


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The Systems Approach (continued)

Systems thinking (continued)Use a systems context

Try to find systems, subsystems, and components of systems in any situation you are studying


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The Systems Development Cycle



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The rapid development and testing of working models of new applications in an interactive, iterative process.

Sometimes called rapid application design (RAD).

Simplifies and accelerates systems design.


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Prototyping (continued)

The prototyping process


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Starting the Systems Development Process

Systems Investigation PhaseFeasibility studies

Organizational feasibilityEconomic feasibilityTechnical feasibilityOperational feasibility


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Starting the Systems Development Process (continued)


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Starting the Systems Development Process (continued)


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Starting the Systems Development Process (continued)

Cost/Benefit AnalysisTangible costsIntangible costs

Tangible benefitsIntangible benefits


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Starting the Systems Development Process (continued)


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Systems Analysis

Systems analysis is an in-depth study of end user information needs that produces functional requirements.


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Systems Analysis (continued)

Traditionally involves a detailed study of…Information needs of the company & end

usersActivities, resources, & products of one or

more of the present information systemsThe IS capabilities required to meet

information needs of the company, the end users, and all business stakeholders that may use the system


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Systems Analysis (continued)

Organizational analysisStudy

Management structureThe peopleBusiness activitiesEnvironmental systemsThe current information system


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Systems Analysis (continued)

Analysis of the present systemAnalyze how the present system..

Uses hardwareUses softwareIs networkedUses people resources to convert data

resources into information products.How the IS activities of input, processing,

output, storage, and control are accomplished.


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Systems Analysis (continued)

Functional requirements analysisWhat type of information does each business

activity require?Format, volume, frequency, response times

What are the information processing capabilities required?Input, processing, output, storage, control


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Systems Analysis (continued)

Functional requirements analysis (continued)Finally, develop functional requirements

End user information requirements that are not tied to the hardware, software, network, data, and people resources

Goal – identify what should be done, not how to do it.


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Systems Design

Specifies HOW the system will meet the information needs of users

Focuses on three major productsUser interface designData design

Database structuresProcess design

Processing and control procedures


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Systems Design (continued)

User interface designFocuses on supporting the interactions

between end users and the computer-based applicationsDisplay screensInteractive user/computer dialoguesAudio responsesForms, documents, and reports


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Systems Design (continued)

System specificationsFormalizes the design of the application’s

user interface methods & productsFormalizes database structuresFormalizes processing and control



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End User Development

IS professionals play a consulting roleTraining in the use of application packagesAssistance with the selection of hardware

and softwareAssistance in gaining access to organization

databasesAssistance in the analysis, design, and

implementation of your application


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End User Development (continued)

The application development processOutput

What information is needed and in what form?

InputWhat data are available? From what

sources? In what form?


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End User Development (continued)

The application development process (continued)

ProcessingWhat operations or transformation

processes will be required to convert available inputs into the desired output?

What software package can best perform the required operations?


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End User Development (continued)

The application development process (continued)StorageControl

How will you protect against accidental loss or damage to end user files?


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End User Development (continued)


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Section II

Implementing e-Business Systems


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This is the actual deployment of the information technology system.

Follows the investigation, analysis, and design stages of the systems development cycle.


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Implementing New Systems


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, & Services

May require suppliers to present bids and proposals based on system specificationsMinimum acceptable physical &

performance characteristics for all hardware and software requirements are established

Large businesses and government agencies formalize requirements by listing them in a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a Request for Quotation (RFQ)


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

May use a scoring system for evaluationDetermine evaluation factors and assign


Performance of hardware and software must be demonstrated and evaluatedMay use benchmark test programs


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Hardware evaluation factorsPerformance

Speed, capacity, throughputCost

Lease or purchase priceCost of operations and maintenance


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Hardware evaluation factors (continued)Reliability

Risk of malfunction & maintenance requirements

Error control and diagnostic featuresCompatibility

With existing hardware and software?With hardware & software provided by

competing suppliers?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Hardware evaluation factors (continued)Technology

Year of product life cycleDoes it use a new, untested technology?Does it run the risk of obsolescence?

Ergonomics“human factors engineered”?User-friendly?Safe, comfortable, easy to use?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Hardware evaluation factors (continued)Connectivity

Easily connected to WANs and LANs that use different types of network technologies and bandwidth alternatives?

ScalabilityCan it handle the processing demands of

end users, transactions, queries, & other processing requirements?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Hardware evaluation factors (continued)Software

Is system and application software available that can best use this hardware?

SupportIs support available?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Software evaluation factorsQuality

Bug free?Efficiency

Well-developed system of program code that does not use much CPU time, memory capacity, or disk space?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Software evaluation factors (continued)Flexibility

Can it handle our processes easily without major modification?

SecurityDoes it provide control procedures for

errors, malfunctions, and improper use?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Software evaluation factors (continued)Connectivity


Is the programming language familiar to internal software developers?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Software evaluation factors (continued)Documentation

Well-documented? Help screens and helpful software agents?

HardwareDoes existing hardware have the features

required to best use this software?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Software evaluation factors (continued)Other factors

Performance, cost, reliability, availability, compatibility, modularity, technology, ergonomics, scalability, and support characteristics


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Evaluating IS ServicesPerformance

Past performance in view of past promisesSystems development

Are website and other e-business developers available? Quality and cost


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Evaluating IS services (continued)Maintenance

Is equipment maintenance provided? Quality and cost

ConversionWhat systems development & installation

services will they provide during the conversion period?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Evaluating IS services (continued)Training

Provided? Quality and costBackup

Are similar computer facilities available nearby for emergency backup purposes?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Evaluating IS services (continued)Accessibility

Services from local or regional sites?Customer support center?Customer hot line?

Business positionFinancially strong with good industry

market prospects?


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Evaluating Hardware, Software, and Services (continued)

Evaluating IS services (continued)Hardware

Provide a wide selection of compatible hardware devices and accessories?

SoftwareOffer a variety of useful e-business

software and application packages?


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Other Implementation Activities

TestingMay involve website performance testingTesting and debugging softwareTesting new hardwareReviewing prototypes of displays, reports,

and other outputShould occur throughout the development



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Other Implementation Activities (continued)

DocumentationSample data entry screens, forms, and

reports are examples.Serves as a method of communication

among the people responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the system

A detailed record of the system’s designImportant in diagnosing errors & making



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Other Implementation Activities (continued)

TrainingEnd users must be trained to operate a new

e-business system or implementation will failMay be limited in scope or may involve all

aspects of the proper use of the new systemManagers and end users must be educated

in how the new technology impacts business operations and management


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Other Implementation Activities (continued)

Conversion methodsParallel

Both old and new systems are operated until the project development team and end users agree to switch completely

PhasedOnly parts of the new application or only a

few locations at a time are converted


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Other Implementation Activities (continued)

Conversion methods (continued)Pilot

One department or other work site serves as a test site

PlungeA direct cutover to the newly developed



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Other Implementation Activities (continued)


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Other Implementation Activities (continued)

IS MaintenanceSystems maintenance

Postimplementation review


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Discussion Questions

Why has prototyping become a popular way to develop e-business applications. What are prototyping’s advantages and disadvantages?

What are the three most important factors you would use in evaluating computer hardware? Computer software?


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Discussion Questions (continued)

Assume that in your first week on a new job you are asked to use a type of business software that you have never used before. What kind of user training should your company provide to you before you start?

What is the difference between the parallel, plunge, phased, and pilot forms of IS conversion? Which strategy is best?


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Discussion Questions (continued)

What are several key factors in designing a successful e-commerce or internet website?


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Real World Case 1 – Fidelity Investments

Evaluating Usability in Website Design

Is a usability lab like Fidelity’s necessary, or are there other alternatives for testing usability in website design?

Which is the better approach?


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Real World Case 1 (continued)

Evaluate the suggestions for good website design shared by companies in this case. Which are the most important to you?

In what order would you rate the companies in this case in terms of website design?


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Real World Case 1 (continued)

What are your choices for the top five design failures at business websites?

Why were those your choices?


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Real World Case 2 – PacifiCorp, Reynolds, & Zurich NA

This case describes a change in focus in IT project management from time to market and market share goals, to profitable projects completed on time and on budget.

Why has there been a change of focus in IT project management?

Is this change necessary?


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Real World Case 2 (continued)

What are the reasons for the difference in the project management focus of the meetings held by PacifiCorp and Reynolds?

Which is more important?


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Real World Case 2 (continued)

What are the benefits to IT project management of project status transparency and the project agreement as practiced by Zurich NA?

Will the change in focus in IT project management stifle creativity and innovation in business system design?


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Real World Case 3 – IMG Worldwide

IT Resource Acquisition Strategies

Do you agree with the methods and criteria that Gergely Tapolyai of IMG uses to evaluate IT products?


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Real World Case 3 (continued)

What characteristics of the OshKosh B’Gosh buying process should be implemented by other companies?


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Real World Case 3 (continued)

What other evaluation methods and criteria (whether mentioned in this case or not) are crucial to the IT acquisition process?



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Real World Case 4 – Macy’s and Lands’ End

Systems Design Criteria for Website Shopability

ConsiderationsTrustCategoriesSearchProduct pagesNavigation


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Real World Case 4 (continued)

How does the Macy’s website measure up to the five shopability criteria discussed in this case?

Which do you like best? Macy’s or the Lands’ End websites.


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Real World Case 4 (continued)

What are several other website design suggestions that either website could make to improve their shopability?


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Real World Case 5 – GM Locomotive Group

Failure in ERP System Implementation

GM Locomotive says the problem wasn’t with the ERP software. Then what DID cause the major failure of their ERP system?


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Real World Case 5 (continued)

What major shortcomings in systems implementation, conversion, or project management practices do you recognize in this case?


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Real World Case 5 (continued)

What would you advise GM Locomotive to do differently to avoid similar problems in their upcoming ERP implementations?