management of thoughts ver 1.6

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    Management of Thoughts


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    Thoughts are produced when we hear something

    or get a threat or face a situation of suspect,

    doubt or fear. Inquiry turns into imagination.

    This happens to all of us naturally; like forming

    waves on surface of water upon a stone hitting


    Thinking is an act of observing thoughts.

    1. Thoughts arising from reaction are never

    permanent but cannot be stopped coming.

    2. Thoughts arising from non-reaction are

    permanent and remain in control.

    Mind is space like a mirror made of water. This

    space is around us. The entire world which we

    see is our own reflection in mind. A dancer on

    stage is self-focused but audiences seen by her

    are in her mind. This self-awareness of dancer is

    called action of non-reaction. The moment

    dancer changes, audiences start changing.

    But if we consider mind as real and touch that

    mirror made of water with a finger, reflection in

    water gets distorted and self-awareness is lost.

    Dancer by disturbing her own mind finds

    audiences seated in auditorium going out of

    control. She when disturbed, no longer is a

    dancer. She gets trapped by her own images.

    More is this struggle, images will have opposite

    and equal response and this struggle becomes

    endless. This system-awareness of dancer is

    called action of reaction.

    After the mind is calm again, we are back in a

    conscious state of the self. We can then witness

    the world in our mind with our physical eyes and

    experience of thoughts but not like to disturb the


    Mind is just an instrument or reflective media

    which echoes our own state of self. Self is

    infinite and so is the world. We change and

    world in mind gets automatically changed. But

    this change in self should be not a reaction.

    Thoughts arising from action of reaction are like

    waves in water, which act in defense. They arise,

    go out to inquire into a matter and when

    satisfied, all thoughts or waves or ripples in

    mind are ironed out. Thoughts occur only to

    inquire into an unknown or alien field (whether

    it is an unknown past, an unknown future or an

    unknown place). With a realization of the truth,

    risk ends; and with it, thoughts end too. A truth

    is therefore, thoughtless.

    The world is made by perceptions. Scenarios

    change dynamically; and observer in physical

    system becomes insecure, defensive and

    reactive. Every observer in physical system

    (physiological observer) feels handicap by its

    senses in coping up with physical system and it

    remains satisfied with assumptions. A

    computational or critical observer on the other

    hand operates at intellectual level and is free

    from fatigue of senses. Wisdom or intuition is a

    further upgrade of computational observers and

    is free from intellectual reason and empiricism.


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    There are two approaches which thoughts use

    for an inquiry into the truth.

    1. Belief: action of non-reaction, spiritual


    2. Disbelief/ skepticism: action of reaction,

    intellectual defense

    Science is based on skepticism because a belief

    when not tested by reason can be a risk.

    Influences or authority acting at an individual

    level temper the thoughts and believing is blind

    fold. This reason makes knowledge

    independent of any bias of observers. Scientific

    knowledge is then transferable and reusable.

    This is subject to arguments (political process)

    and finally, experimental or proven by war.

    Galileo, as computational observer, contradicted

    traditional belief about movement of the earth in

    relation to the sun. This, for physiological

    observers, was an obvious fact that the sun rises

    and sets every day. This belief or assumption

    was corrected by efforts of Galileo. Absence of

    reason cannot be called a belief. Belief is a

    maturity of reason which gives us comfort of a

    collective mind.

    Bias or influence of authority in observers is the

    main reason of mistrust or skepticism. When

    two children talk to each other, they have not

    even an idea of disbelief and therefore accept

    what the other says. Children are nameless as we

    all consider them truthful. No motives are

    attached and identities, not fixed. Truth is not

    dependent on individuals, and identity or fixing

    accountability is unwanted. Consider similarly,

    lives of rishi or saints who believe one another

    unconditionally, and remain immersed in

    meditation. For them, every fact is the

    truth. And yet, this passes tests of skepticism

    and rigor of reason.

    Adults, who have the ability to fabricate

    thoughts by individual biases, carry a certain

    points of view. Motives get attached with

    thoughts. For example, this is my house or

    stock prices will decline are examples of

    thought. This statement cannot apply to all

    others. This fabric of thoughts called mind,

    woven in complex manner with multitudes of

    concepts and logic, becomes a curtain behind

    which universal truth gets hidden. Dependency

    of individuals on fabrication of thoughts has its

    merit and demerit. Being intellectually

    knowledgeable is not equivalent of the truth.

    In this philosophy of skepticism or disbelief,

    adults are identified so that a limit is fixed by

    reference and context. This is a pursuit of

    intellectual defense. 'Ahankar' or identity has a

    purpose to identify, track and arrest the source of

    suspected information (a type of mind).

    Science is a well-known mechanism of

    discovering common knowledge hidden in

    various minds (or, thought-fabrics as curtain of

    veiled individuals). Science is a principle with

    which mind (also called fabric of

    thoughts/defenses using a tool of disbelief) is

    opened. Or, curtain of uncertain or false

    thoughts destroyed. Science thus discovers a

    collective mind. With it, belief among people is

    re-established. Belief (absence of conflict) ends

    darkness and next is, rising of the sun as the



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    Individual perceptions are facts but not the truth.

    Sciences are a knowhow or law behind changes

    in perception and status of conscious observers.

    With this knowledge, individuality of mind is

    destroyed. Conflicts of individual perceptions

    end. Observers can then have a stability of

    decision (called character). With it, belief in one

    another is firmly established.

    Study of perceptions in given reference and

    context is articulated by assumed names,

    standards of measurement, relativity of logic and

    so on. This type of knowledge is nothing but

    mirror image of ignorance. Both co-exist. With

    end of knowledge and ignorance, the truth is

    then obvious. This is 7-step scientific approach

    of inquiry of the truth.

    1. Fact

    2. Evidence

    3. Record

    4. Data

    5. Information

    6. Knowledge

    7. Truth



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    Everything perceived, seen physically, or

    logically understood by any individual,

    anywhere, anytime is

    a fact. Experience is

    an example of a

    fact. Fact is an



    undeniable and yet

    not relevant to, or acceptable by all. Every

    moment is a fact. Dream is also a fact for the

    person who saw it. An object seen by

    different people can have many different

    perceptions and yet, all of those are facts.

    Inability to change our points of view is a

    handicap. What each one us sees is different

    than what is seen. Same thing, seen from

    various different points of view appears

    different. Because, nobody believes in

    another; facts can become evidence only

    upon verification or witness by a second

    party with a common motive.


    Two or more people when find a fact

    common, 'that fact'

    becomes evidence. A

    fact verifiable by

    'second party (or

    parties)' in common

    interest either physically or by

    circumstances, is evidence. Stolen jewelry

    is evidence only when it is found in hands of

    a thief and identified by its owner. Presence

    of 'common interest' in a given fact makes it

    evidence. An isolated fact such as a dream

    is not evidence.

    When any two or more independently

    observed facts establish a common motive'

    through logic or reason, those facts become

    'circumstantial' evidence. For example, one

    person saw an aircraft loosing height and

    sliding uncontrollably in north east direction

    from rooftop of his house which is located

    30 km away from city airport. And, another

    person after few minutes saw an aircraft

    crashed in a paddy field away 120 km from

    airport. These two independent facts

    constitute evidence as these are related or

    common fact by reason.

    All facts need not be evidence but evidence

    must certainly be a fact. For example, dream

    of an individual is a fact but it is not

    evidence. Miracles can be facts but unless

    there is corroboration by another observer or

    by logic, these do not become evidence.

    Science was called a magic because it

    showed things not seen before. Evidence is

    critical for establishing a common motive or

    interest from more than one independent

    observation 'facts'.

    Evidence can be tempered. Because of

    physiological fatigue, observers may fail to

    recall evidence. This 'temper proofing' of

    evidence is called Record.


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    Evidence is perishable (or not preserved in

    same condition for a long time) and is

    therefore, not fit to use

    by a third party. A

    record (conserved in

    media of

    communication) makes

    an evidence fit to use for

    a 'third party' or anyone

    independent of interests, to verify it again

    and again. Records must have a time stamp

    or some base in terms of location of time,

    space and author.

    Evidence is a fact which is in a common

    interest (including conflict of interest) by

    two or more observers. And, because it

    involves certain interest, conflict or

    intention, it is prone to tempering; and

    protection is therefore needed to have an

    evidence temper proof in a manner it is fit to

    be used for further inquiry. Record is temper

    proofing of evidence. In a hostile

    relationship, records are necessary.

    Purpose of record or frozen memory is for

    'recall value'. Till the time, there is an

    interest (or conflict or agreement or any

    warranty), records are required to be

    maintained. A document, minutes of

    meeting or photograph or unalterable

    physical object is an example of

    record. Declaration of independence of

    India was evidence which had millions of

    observers on the 15th August 1947 but its

    documentary memorials or pictures or

    videos are the records of that evidence, even


    When record is evaluated using standard of

    measurement it gets converted into data.

    Data is a value of the record. Value means,

    assigning numerical values to develop a

    comparative understanding.

    Logbook of vehicle is a record but different

    entries of places traveled, distance, time of

    travel, amount of fuel are various data.


    This is a result of numerical treatment of

    records. For sake of comparisons,

    classification or analysis, use of


    standards are

    applied to

    convert records

    into data.

    Standard means which stands unchanged.

    Bus stand or cycle stand is example of

    standard. I am 5 km away from bus stand.

    This means my current location is at 5 km

    away from the bus stand or standard. If bus

    stand can keep moving, this cannot then act

    as a standard or a reference point.

    Tailor stitches cloths. A man comes in his

    shop for getting cloth stitched of his size. By

    definition, actual man is a record or frozen

    evidence for a tailor in a particular scenario.

    Foot is similarly another unchanged object.

    This is used in all scenarios as a standard

    unit of measurement. Tailor needs just the

    data and let the record (actual customer) go.


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    A relationship between foot (standard) and

    length of a man at a given time (record) is

    called data. For example, 6 feet is a data for

    length of a man. Actual man (record or

    frozen evidence) can walk away and yet

    tailor can use the data for stitching cloth.

    Standards are therefore tools for numerical

    treatment of records or any frozen evidence.

    Just as explained in this case, records are not

    needed because data derived from records is

    itself good enough.

    Purpose of data is sanitization of records. A

    record can have its uses in different

    contexts. Analysis of data is contextual.

    Very many unwanted references (points of

    views) are removed. For example, we need

    to study performance of education process in

    a school. If examination score is taken as

    criteria, percentage of students in different

    grades is good enough. Names of student,

    student on the top are not useful for this

    purpose. This means, if the records are not

    properly and purposefully sanitized, it

    causes pollution of thoughts and obstructs,


    Government keeps record of every citizen.

    This record is an act of freezing evidence of

    names, income, caste, city of residence and

    so on, at a given time. But, data from these

    records are extracted carefully for a context.

    Measurements of population by caste or

    community or any personal preferences can

    be a dangerous thing. But, for developing

    public facility, like roads and train, only

    counting of people and their age are

    required. Caste and community or income

    data are not required for such purpose. This

    is an example of using data. With same set

    of records, if the objective of data

    processing is not appropriately chosen, it

    will lead to incorrect, out of context or

    biased information.

    Data analysis

    Purpose of data is to analyze and act.

    Criteria are needed for measurement.

    Measurements (use of data) become a basis

    of monitoring. As a result of monitoring,

    controls apply. If controls become

    successful, acts of measurement and

    monitoring worked well. For example, in

    India there are criteria available for

    measurements of below poverty line

    (income) and backward class (caste).

    People can get certified as poor and

    backward. Government can provide

    facilities and reservations on this basis. But,

    there is no criteria defined for development.

    People cannot identify themselves as

    developed either as an individual or family

    level, or village or city or a country. India is

    therefore unlikely to become a developed


    Data analysis also discovers insufficiency of

    data. When sufficient data is available in a

    given context, this set of data is fit for

    decision making, called information.


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    Information is a decision enabler. 'In'

    formation = whether or not, to form. When

    data is sufficient for an observer for

    deciding an appropriate reaction, this

    becomes information. Information can be

    transferred across people and is understood.

    Know-how, products and ideas are created

    by the information. Information is not

    achieved without a decision to act or relief

    from action. TV News is only a data and not

    information, but a purchase order to a

    salesman is information.

    Take a simple example of drinking tea. The

    taste of tea is 'experience'. This experience

    of taste cannot be transferred to another

    person sitting in some other country. If a

    person sitting at other place wants to have

    the original experience of taste of the tea, it

    needs sufficient 'data' about the tea brand,


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    water quality, proportion, boiling parameters

    etc. The 'data' sufficient enough to enable

    the decision of forming the tea and drink it

    for the original taste is 'information'.

    The way, tea was made in example,

    companies transfer drawings and

    specification of technology and able to re-

    produce automobile, food, machines in

    different parts of the land with local

    materials. Transfer of information is easier

    than transporting materials and people. By

    virtue of transfer of information, quality of

    re-production is assured and brands are built

    by re-creation of original experiences.

    Processes of knowledge can manipulate

    physical system and is able to transfer

    experience of one person to another through

    physical and logical products. Individuals

    mastering the ability to convert experience

    into data, data into information can set

    themselves free from clutches of the

    physical systems and can re-create situations

    of desirable experiences. Information

    (whether to form or not) is of two types.

    First, it is the force of creation or

    materialization that can produce all sorts of

    physical or logical products and other

    manmade systems, for satisfying the desires.

    Work of James Watt, Thomas Alva Edison

    and Bill Gates are the evidences.

    Second, it is the realization of the freedom

    (truth) that eliminates the uncertainty and

    desires. Examples are the work of Newton,

    Albert Einstein and Buddha who never

    found the use of inventing things.


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    It is decision enabler. Information is an

    assortment of data or set of data which is

    considered adequate for a decision. Data is a

    base of decision making. If base is weak,

    decision cannot stand firmly. If a decision

    cannot be taken, that data is not yet fit to act

    as information.

    Information is know-how of

    decision making while

    looking in historical data or

    rear view mirror. It is like

    driving a car but by looking

    in rear view mirror.

    Information is a sort of

    historical evaluation (or

    study of the past), and used

    for assessment whether it is, at this moment,

    successful or not.

    A trend analysis, for example, which is

    presented to prove success of a theory or

    validate a process of management, is

    information. Log book is a record but

    historical trends of fuel consumption of

    automobiles or costs of operation of fleet of

    cars are data, and a set of data sufficient to

    take decisions is the information.

    When historical

    information becomes

    a basis of decision or


    implementation or

    movement is

    continuously verified

    for reasons of control of risk. Information

    therefore needs continued monitoring and

    control. Monitoring action then goes in a

    recursive loop of fact, evidence, record and

    data and finally reaches again at the


    Information is transferable and reusable

    object in a given context. Documented


    drawing, material

    specification and


    process constitute


    (intellectual property). When this

    information is transferred via

    communication, product can be recreated

    anywhere with local materials. Technology

    transfers and commercial agreements are

    examples of use of information.

    Information, for said reasons, is stale,

    historical or knowledge of the past. Because

    of this, use of information in multiplication,

    copying or industrial reproduction cannot be

    original. There is a risk because existence of

    information easily diverts flow of thoughts

    in a given or pre-

    decided route.

    People have a lot

    of directions of

    information but

    not know what

    they actually

    need. What can be good at one place is not

    necessarily good at another place. If that is a

    case, it would be like using medicines even

    before a disease occurred. Societies buy

    infrastructure of police and judiciary and it

    then realize a necessity of crime to justify its

    decision. Information, unless understood

    correctly, is a vicious loop.


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    Information is historical in its nature but

    using it to predict or forecast a future

    scenario is knowledge. 'Forecasts' usually

    depend on historical information as inputs.

    These inputs processed with appropriate

    laws (cause and effect relationship, sciences)

    produce the Knowledge.

    Computational observes do not have

    physical fatigue of 'physiological observer'.

    The observer then becomes objectively

    aware of various cause and effect cycles.

    Information based Knowledge

    Knowledge is a well-reasoned guess work of

    future like a driver of a car going forward

    but keeps looking

    in a rear mirror.

    This is an insecure

    state of mind, and

    knowledge of such

    type is for its own

    safety. Such a knowledge which is based on

    past information is used in safety of

    planning, decision or match fixing but, is not

    natural or effortless act of prediction.

    This idea of knowledge can be easily

    understood by a few examples. In India,

    governments are insulated from market.

    Employees, by a law, get promotion in a

    time bound manner. This promotion in

    career is not on merit; or, very rarely, merit

    can be made an exception. A person who

    joins a cadre at a very young age is sure to

    reach at the level of managing director or

    chief secretary. This is predestined because

    by the age of 60 years, a retirement age,

    only that person in that batch can stay in the

    organization. That person knows from the

    day one, that he is a future chief secretary or

    the director in the company, he or she just

    entered. Similar is a case of first child of a

    king who becomes a king, automatically. It

    is certain that first son of a family in a

    traditional system becomes head of the clan.

    He gets special treatment unlike a child or

    working class employee but as a future king

    or head of a clan. This is an example of the

    knowledge and its effect in people.

    Those who forecast the scenario by

    knowledge of the tradition or a system try to

    take undue advantage. This knowledge is

    misused. When this happens, intellectually

    very superior people (with knowledge)

    become dangerous to humanity. Rawan (the

    king of Lanka) was a person with high

    intellectual capability. He tried to destroy a

    natural system (dharma) in society for his

    personal advantage.

    More is the uncertainty, more is

    requirements of knowledge. Energy markets

    are uncertain because of competition from

    different technologies, political and market

    forces. Given higher uncertainty, forecasting

    or knowledge is difficult to make. Stock

    market or act of investing is similarly a field

    of intensive knowledge, and attracts the

    brilliant minds. Politics (when it is not a

    family rule), is also an uncertain field.

    Electoral politics is uncertain and forecasts

    of any person to be chosen as head of a state

    against a competition is highly demanding

    intellectual rigor.


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    System based Knowledge

    Knowledge is realization of the system.

    We all know that natural system or laws of

    nature exists

    already and is

    uncovered. Laws

    of nature cannot

    be broken and

    this can be a

    basis of

    forecasting. If

    somehow that

    system is

    known perfectly, it is no need to see

    anything in past or future, and any

    forecasting is verified.

    Galileo contradicted traditional belief about

    movement of the earth in relation to the sun.

    This was an obvious fact that the sun rises

    and sets every day. This belief or

    assumption was changed by efforts of

    Galileo who backed up the prediction or

    forecasts with a rationale.

    Knowledge in such a scenario becomes

    universal truth. By forecasting with

    knowledge of a system, everybody knows

    whatever it needs to know in advance, and

    this is a way to end all conflicts. For

    example, if we know that water boils at 100

    degree C, it is used every day in cooking

    rice without any forecasts. No record, no

    data and no information are needed for

    cooking rice because this forecasting is a

    result of established knowledge of the

    physics or physical system.

    This means, system of nature is independent

    of the knowledge of the system which

    people gather by their intellectual ability.

    Knowledge of science gets challenge from

    scientists themselves. If anyone tries to

    manipulate knowledge in selfish uses, any

    forecasts made with it cannot become


    Intellectually independent Knowledge


    Knowledge is, 'seeing the unseen through

    computational or logical ability' or 'best

    guess' or forecast. Since knowledge is a best

    guess, it is very much possible that two or

    more people with knowledge (containing

    error or biases), can come out with their

    different predictions or forecasts. Any bias

    in knowledge makes a prediction incorrect.

    If intention is not good, however be

    intellectual capacity, knowledge will not

    deliver accurate and consistent forecasts.

    In courts, two

    lawyers contest

    against a case. These

    lawyers have great

    knowledge but have

    a bias or interest in

    winning a court case.

    For this reason, their forecasts differ. But, a

    judge is relatively novice, a paid employee

    and insulated from market. Judge is system

    dependent. Judge makes a forecast which is

    independent of bias of any of the lawyers.

    Our lives are filled by examples. In political

    elections, different TV channels forecasts

    differently by their highest intellectual

    capability. Some say A wins and another say

    B wins. But the public who is without any


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    data or information and is not biased either

    by A or B, decides finally who should

    actually win and makes a correct forecast.

    Knowledge is necessary just as soap is

    required for cleaning ignorance. But after

    ignorance is cleaned, soap is cleaned too.

    Similarly, knowledge exists till ignorance

    exists. Once ignorance is gone, knowledge is

    gone too. There is no existence of

    knowledge without ignorance. Electricity lit

    lightings are example of knowledge because

    it is needed in night. But soon after the sun

    arises, night or darkness or ignorance ends

    and simultaneously, electrically lit lightings

    become useless.

    Self-realization does not come from what

    one knows intellectually but what one

    becomes as a result of that knowledge The

    Bhagwat Gita

    Knower and known both, become one.

    Knowledge becomes a character which is

    inseparable from body and mind. Becoming

    a fish is a result of that knowledge which it

    intellectually, by a PhD in aquaculture


    Remember, purpose of

    knowledge is to destroy

    all doubt or disbelief.

    Once a belief is re-

    established, ego or

    individuality of mind

    ends. All biases end.

    This is a state of peace of mind or stable

    mind or mind without defense. Knowledge

    gives us a hope by absence of conflicts, and

    this loss of individual ego rebuilds trust.

    Truth is beyond knowledge and ignorance.

    Truth exists unchanged and active

    irrespective of whether or not we know it or

    not know it. Truth is independent of all

    knowledge or means of prediction as well as

    prediction itself. A forecast with zero bias in

    points of view is Truth. All differences end.


    Finally, it is one thing what actually will

    happen. 'Truth' is therefore independent of

    any knowledge or prediction or forecasts.

    There are no prizes for guessing a truth such

    as the sun rises in the east. The truth is

    always universal, ever present, and no


    Truth is thoughtless. But this

    thoughtlessness comes by

    processing of thoughts.

    Millions of tons of gold dust

    produce just a few kilogram of

    pure gold. Similarly, this

    reduction of thoughts is a step by step

    process. No conflict (record level), no

    competition/surveillance (data level), no

    worry (information level), no

    forecast/expectation (knowledge level) and

    no inquiry and no thoughts (truth level). As

    and when humanity develops, people will

    enjoy this journey of relief from reactive


    Everyone, at all times knows the truth but is

    unaware of it without thinking.


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    The Spiritual Wisdom of Albert Einstein

    Pondering the unknown with the world's

    most famous scientist

    Though he was the most famous scientist of

    his time, Albert Einstein knew we could

    never fully understand the workings of the

    world within the limitations of the human

    mind. Experiencing the universe as a

    harmonious whole, he encouraged the use of

    intuition to solve problems, marveled at the

    mystery of God in nature, and applauded the

    ideals of great spiritual teachers such as

    Buddha and Jesus.

    In Search of the Cosmic Man

    The following is an excerpt of his writings

    that explore the meeting place between

    science and spirituality, giving us a

    fascinating glimpse into how Einstein saw

    the world:

    School failed me, and I failed the school. It

    bored me. The teachers behaved like

    Feldwebel (sergeants). I wanted to learn

    what I wanted to know, but they wanted me

    to learn for the exam. What I hated most was

    the competitive system there, and especially

    sports. Because of this, I wasnt worth

    anything, and several times they suggested I


    This was a Catholic School in Munich. I felt

    that my thirst for knowledge was being

    strangled by my teachers; grades were their

    only measurement. How can a teacher

    understand youth with such a system?

    Einstein felt strangled by his grade-driven

    teachers at school

    Order in the Universe, Disorder in the

    Human Mind

    From the age of twelve I began to suspect

    authority and distrust teachers. I learned

    mostly at home, first from my uncle and

    then from a student who came to eat with us

    once a week. He would give me books on

    physics and astronomy.

    The more I read, the more puzzled I was by

    the order of the universe and the disorder of

    the human mind, by the scientists who didnt

    agree on the how, the when, or the why of


    Then one day this student brought me

    Kants Critique of Pure Reason. Reading


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    Kant, I began to suspect everything I was

    taught. I no longer believed in the known

    God of the Bible, but rather in the

    mysterious God expressed in nature.

    The basic laws of the universe are simple,

    but because our senses are limited, we cant

    grasp them. There is a pattern in creation.

    If we look at this tree outside whose roots

    search beneath the pavement for water, or a

    flower which sends its sweet smell to the

    pollinating bees, or even our own selves and

    the inner forces that drive us to act, we can

    see that we all dance to a mysterious tune,

    and the piper who plays this melody from an

    inscrutable distancewhatever name we

    give himCreative Force, or Godescapes

    all book knowledge.

    Science is never finished because the human

    mind only uses a small portion of its

    capacity, and mans exploration of his world

    is also limited.

    A musical Einstein believed we all danced to

    a mysterious tune within

    Experiencing the Universe as a

    Harmonious Whole

    Creation may be spiritual in origin, but that

    doesnt mean that everything created is

    spiritual. How can I explain such things to

    you? Let us accept the world is a mystery.

    Nature is neither solely material nor entirely


    Man, too, is more than flesh and blood;

    otherwise, no religions would have been

    possible. Behind each cause is still another

    cause; the end or the beginning of all causes

    has yet to be found.

    Yet, only one thing must be remembered:

    there is no effect without a cause, and there

    is no lawlessness in creation.

    If I hadnt an absolute faith in the harmony

    of creation, I wouldnt have tried for thirty

    years to express it in a mathematical

    formula. It is only mans consciousness of

    what he does with his mind that elevates him

    above the animals, and enables him to

    become aware of himself and his

    relationship to the universe.

    I believe that I have cosmic religious

    feelings. I never could grasp how one could

    satisfy these feelings by praying to limited

    objects. The tree outside is life, a statue is

    dead. The whole of nature is life, and life, as

    I observe it, rejects a God resembling man.

    Man has infinite dimensions and finds God

    in his conscience. [A cosmic religion] has no

    dogma other than teaching man that the

    universe is rational and that his highest

    destiny is to ponder it and co-create with its


    Unveiling the Magnificence of Creation

    I like to experience the universe as one

    harmonious whole. Every cell has life. Matter,

    too, has life; it is energy solidified.


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    Einstein discussing Science and God with

    Indian spiritual teacher Tagore

    Our bodies are like prisons, and I look

    forward to be free, but I dont speculate on

    what will happen to me.

    I live here now, and my responsibility is in

    this world now. I deal with natural laws.

    This is my work here on earth.

    The world needs new moral impulses which,

    Im afraid, wont come from the churches,

    heavily compromised as they have been

    throughout the centuries.

    Perhaps those impulses must come from

    scientists in the tradition of Galileo, Kepler

    and Newton. In spite of failures and

    persecutions, these men devoted their lives

    to proving that the universe is a single

    entity, in which, I believe, a humanized God

    has no place.

    The genuine scientist is not moved by praise

    or blame, nor does he preach. He unveils the

    universe and people come eagerly, without

    being pushed, to behold a new revelation:

    the order, the harmony, the magnificence of


    And as man becomes conscious of the

    stupendous laws that govern the universe in

    perfect harmony, he begins to realize how

    small he is. He sees the pettiness of human

    existence, with its ambitions and intrigues,

    its I am better than thou creed.

    This is the beginning of cosmic religion

    within him; fellowship and human service

    become his moral code. Without such moral

    foundations, we are hopelessly doomed.

    Einstein believed that the real scientist has


    Improving the World with Ideals, not

    Scientific Knowledge

    If we want to improve the world we cannot

    do it with scientific knowledge but with

    ideals. Confucius, Buddha, Jesus and

    Gandhi have done more for humanity than

    science has done.

    We must begin with the heart of manwith

    his conscienceand the values of

    conscience can only be manifested by

    selfless service to mankind.

    Religion and science go together. As Ive

    said before, science without religion is lame

    and religion without science is blind. They

    are interdependent and have a common

    goalthe search for truth.

    Hence it is absurd for religion to proscribe

    Galileo or Darwin or other scientists. And it


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    is equally absurd when scientists say that

    there is no God. The real scientist has faith,

    which does not mean that he must subscribe

    to a creed.

    Without religion there is no charity. The

    soul given to each of us is moved by the

    same living spirit that moves the universe.

    I am not a mystic. Trying to find out the

    laws of nature has nothing to do with

    mysticism, though in the face of creation I

    feel very humble. It is as if a spirit is

    manifest infinitely superior to mans spirit.

    Through my pursuit in science I have known

    cosmic religious feelings. But I dont care to

    be called a mystic.

    I believe that we dont need to worry about

    what happens after this life, as long as we do

    our duty hereto love and to serve.

    I have faith in the universe, for it is rational.

    Law underlies each happening. And I have

    faith in my purpose here on earth. I have

    faith in my intuition, the language of my

    conscience, but I have no faith in

    speculation about Heaven and Hell. Im

    concerned with this timehere and now.

    The intuitive mind is a sacred gift

    It is Intuition which Advances Humanity

    Many people think that the progress of the

    human race is based on experiences of an

    empirical, critical nature, but I say that true

    knowledge is to be had only through a

    philosophy of deduction. For it is intuition

    that improves the world, not just following a

    trodden path of thought.

    Intuition makes us look at unrelated facts

    and then think about them until they can all

    be brought under one law. To look for

    related facts means holding onto what one

    has instead of searching for new facts.

    Intuition is the father of new knowledge,

    while empiricism is nothing but an

    accumulation of old knowledge. Intuition,

    not intellect, is the open sesame of you.

    Indeed, it is not intellect, but intuition which

    advances humanity. Intuition tells man his

    purpose in this life.

    I do not need any promise of eternity to be

    happy. My eternity is now. I have only one

    interest: to fulfill my purpose here where I


    This purpose is not given to me by my

    parents or my surroundings. It is induced by

    some unknown factors. These factors make

    me a part of eternity.

    ~ Albert Einstein

    Text Source: Einstein and the Poet: In

    Search of the Cosmic Man (1983). From a

    series of meetings William Hermanns had

    with Einstein in 1930, 1943, 1948, and 1954