managing fusarium diseases in vegetable crops

MANAGING FUSARIUM DISEASES IN VEGETABLE CROPS JULY 2018 INTRODUCTION Fusarium is a genus of common soil-borne fungi. Most live as saprophytes on decaying plant matter while a few are also important plant pathogens. These plant pathogenic Fusarium fungi are necrotrophs (they feed on dead plant tissue) – which implies they produce enzymes or toxins that kill plant cells as they invade. Fusarium pathogens of vegetables produce characteristic banana-shaped spores (macroconidia), as well as other smaller, jellybean-shaped ones (called microconidia) and small resting bodies (chlamydospores and sclerotia). These chlamydospores and sclerotia can survive in soils for several years. Wilt diseases While there are many different pathogenic Fusarium species, some of the most damaging diseases are caused by strains of one species complex, Fusarium oxysporum. They cause vascular wilt diseases by entering the roots and colonising the water-conducting tissue (xylem) and then spreading up into stems where they secrete enzymes and toxins that destroy the surrounding tissue. This causes older leaves to yellow and plants eventually wilt and die. 1 Banana-shaped Fusarium spores. Yellowing and wilting cucumbers affected by Fusarium wilt.

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Page 1: Managing Fusarium Diseases in Vegetable Crops




JULY 2018

INTRODUCTIONFusarium is a genus of common soil-borne fungi. Most live as saprophytes on decaying plant matter while a few are also important plant pathogens. These plant pathogenic Fusarium fungi are necrotrophs (they feed

on dead plant tissue) – which implies they produce enzymes or toxins that kill plant cells as they invade.

Fusarium pathogens of vegetables produce characteristic banana-shaped spores (macroconidia), as well as other smaller, jellybean-shaped ones (called microconidia) and small resting bodies (chlamydospores and sclerotia). These chlamydospores and sclerotia can survive in soils for several years.

Wilt diseasesWhile there are many different pathogenic Fusarium species, some of the most damaging diseases are caused by strains of one species complex, Fusarium oxysporum. They cause vascular wilt diseases by entering the roots and colonising the water-conducting tissue (xylem) and then spreading up into stems where they secrete enzymes and toxins that destroy the surrounding tissue. This causes older leaves to yellow and plants eventually wilt and die.


Banana-shaped Fusarium spores.

Yellowing and wilting cucumbers affected by Fusarium wilt.

Page 2: Managing Fusarium Diseases in Vegetable Crops



Strands of Fusarium hyphae growing inside cucumber xylem.

F. oxysporum has evolved into host specific sub-species (called formae speciales) and races which may infect some varieties of a plant species and not others. For instance the fungus that causes Fusarium wilt of cu-cumbers is called F. oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum which is different to the fungal strains causing wilt diseases on spinach, watermelons, cauliflowers, tomatoes etc. There are at least three races of F. oxysporum f.sp. cucu-merinum which means there are varieties of cucumbers with genetic resistance to races I and II. Unfortunately, the dominant race causing this disease in Australia is neither of these races and there are no commercial varieties of cucumbers available carrying resistance to this pathogen.

Not all Fusarium wilt pathogens are known to occur in Australia (see Table 1). Similarly, new Fusarium races appear around the world that may attack vegetable varieties that have previously been grown successfully. Therefore they can be biosecurity threats.

Table 1 Fusarium wilt causing strains (formae speciales) occurring on vegetables


Beans phaseoli ?Brassicas conglutinans +Capsicums capsici -Celery apii ?Cucurbits





Bottle gourds

Bitter melon

Winter melon
















Eggplants melongenae -Lettuce lactucae -Onions (Alliums) cepae ?

Peas pisi +Radish raphani ?Snake beans tracheiphilum +Spinach spinaciae +Tomatoes lycopersici




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transplanted or when the plant matures. The fungi survive for many years in soil and are difficult to eradicate once they have become established on a farm. The Fusarium spores spread with soil and media, water, (Sciarid and Shore) flies, contaminated equipment and workers’ hands, footwear and clothing. One important factor favouring Fusarium wilt diseases on many crops is ammonium nitrogen. Potassium deficiency has been shown to favour brassica yellows.

Different Fusarium wilt diseases are favoured by particular temperature ranges – generally higher soil temperatures favour disease, and soil temperatures over 20oC.

Plant stresses caused by imbalances in water, nutrition or heavy fruit load also favour disease development.

Management strategies• Use resistant varieties – containing race-resistance genes

• Grafting onto resistant rootstocks

• Avoid ammonium (NH4+) fertilisers – nitrate

fertilisers can suppress disease

Fusarium rot of pumpkin caused by F. solani.

Vegetable diseases caused by other Fusarium species or strainsOther strains of F. oxysporum cause diseases of certain vegetables; for instance, F. oxysporum f.sp. radicis-cucumerinum causes a stem and root rot disease of cucumbers overseas. Similarly F. oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici causes a stem and root rot of tomatoes. There are also other Fusarium species that can cause fruit, stem and root diseases. Examples are: strains of F. solani causes fruit and stem rot of capsicums; stem and fruit rots of pumpkins and other cucurbits and beans; F. lactis causes internal fruit rot of capsicums overseas; and F. avenaceum causes dry rot of carrots; and several species are associated with crown rot of asparagus. Some Fusarium strains can be associated with seedlings damping off and they often form disease complexes with other fungal (e.g. Rhizoctonia) or oomycete (e.g. Pythium and Phytophthora) pathogens.

Source, spread and factors that favour Fusarium diseasesFusarium spores can be a contaminant on seed and it can spread on seedlings in nurseries. Unfortunately, infected plants can be symptomless until they are

Fusarium basal plate rot of leeks (left) and healthy plant (right). The plant on the right was grown in soil following a brassica biofumigant cover crop.


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• Apply calcium supplements

• Avoid overwatering: use less more often; for soillesscrops in substrates such as coir or sawdust ensurethe medium does not remain saturated overnight,particularly in winter

• Preventative measures – crop and farm hygiene,and biosecurity: e.g. come clean – go clean

• Contaminated irrigation water can be treated byfiltration, UV radiation, or with chemical disinfectants

• Control Sciarid flies and soil-borne insect pests –particularly at the seedling stage

• Remove, bury or compost infected plant waste

• Crop rotation (>3 years), cover crops (such asbiofumigant mustards or sorghum), organicamendments (such as quality composts) cansuppress diseases

• Microbial biocontrol bacteria and fungi, as well asplant defence activator chemicals (such as solublesilicates or chitosan) can suppress soil-borne diseasesincluding Fusarium but are not specifically registered in Australia for disease control in vegetables

• There are no agrichemicals registered in Australiafor use during cropping; soil fumigation can beused between crops.

Fusarium wilt of bunching spinach occurs mostly as a disease complex with root rot pathogens such as Pythium and Phytophthora species and Rhizoctonia solani.

Fusarium yellows of cauliflower.

Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited (Hort Innovation), Applied Horticultural Research Ltd (AHR) and RM Consulting Group (RMCG) makes no representations and expressly disclaims all warranties (to the extent permitted by law) about the accuracy, completeness, or currency of information in VG15010 A multi-faceted approach to soilborne disease management. Reliance on any information provided by Hort Innovation, AHR or RMCG is entirely at your own risk. Hort Innovation, AHR or RMCG are not responsible for, and will not be liable for, any loss, damage, claim, expense, cost (including legal costs) or other liability arising in any way, including from any Hort Innovation, AHR, RMCG or other person’s negligence or otherwise from your use or non-use of information from VG15010 A multi-faceted approach to soilborne disease management, or from reliance on information contained in the material or that Hort Innovation, AHR or RMCG provides to you by any other means.