manas sept 2011


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Manas Sept 2011 - By XploHRe (The HR forum of IMT Nagpur)


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Metr ics













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Fahad A. Khan

(Chief Editor

& Design)


Archita Shrivastava

Deepa Pil laiEsheeta Ghosh

Dipa PoddarGir ish Bhatia

Kanika Chopra


Hrit ik Singh

Aakash Kumar

Gagan Deep Singh Bhatia

Page 3: Manas Sept 2011

4 | Editorial

6 | Games Metrics

and Management

10 | Agent of Change or Mode of Communication

13 | Social Networks in Organization

15 | Brand Building through HR

17 | HR for Environmental Sustainability

20 | Why do I Work when he Shirks?

24 | Motivational Factorsfor Entrepreneurship


26 | HaRmony

27 | Role of HR in fosteringEthical Workplace

32 | HR strategies for Changing Business World

35 | What makes a“Great Place to Work?”

37 | Impact of Recessionon HR & Shift towards

Strategic HRM

40 | The EmploymentRelationship: Paradigm Shift

for HR

45 | M-Learning: ANew Face of Learning

48 | HumouR

49 | Quotable Quotes

Page 4: Manas Sept 2011

From the Editors

reetings from Team XploHRe- The HR Forum! In tune

with our spirit of change and newness we bring to you

this Digest issue of Manas- the HR Magazine of IMT GNagpur.

Hope you all found the last issue intriguing and informative.

The first thing- I would like to thank all those who sent in their

contribution for this issue without which this what you see

wouldn't have been possible. We had a pleasant time going

through all of them and learning new perspectives in the


In focus we have an article from our respectable Prof. V. Ekkirala, which highlights a key

issue that we may have missed out while busy with our lives. “Games Metrics and

Management” focuses on how numbers have infiltrated our lives and now driving it. The

polarization of the role of HRM reflected in the “soft” and “hard” approach as it explains is

now dissolving so far as effective and enduring organizations are concerned with eyes on

qualitative metrics characterized by flexibility, trust, fairness, openness and an ethical

value system. It could potentially question and make us rethink our beliefs.

The world as we see differs from person to person with different perceptions and beliefs.

But as it stares in the face of another recession, all seem to converge and accept the

indispensable and multi-dimensional role of HR. It's something that the top shots of the

company turn their heads and look up to as a saviour in bad times. Undoubtedly they face

the daunting task of increasing productivity and efficiency, strengthen their development

programs and manage the many trade-offs like that of price rise and demand, costs and lay-

offs so to say. Nevertheless, there are opportunities galore when “Necessity is the mother of

INNOVATION” is realised. This issue carries an article focussing on the same.

Dynamic changes in the HR field bring to the centre stage much more than just managing

people. “Brand building through HR” could be very well a concept that goes beyond cross-

functional perspectives of management. Potentially that could develop “Brand Loyalty” of

employees to level of evangelism. An evolution has taken place where HR rather than just

being a functional department now is a driver of changes in the organization, developing a

culture of values and that makes up a healthy workplace. Adding to the multi-dimensional

role of HR is one of an 'ethical watchdog' where efforts are directed to maintain fair

practices impartially, maintaining transparency and addressing grievances. Talking of the


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changes per se, employment relationship is far from insulated where boundaries of job

definitions are blurring and there is an increasing use of temporary staffing and

contractual labour. Return on 'employee' investment through managing cyclical changes

and risk is the game of HR.

An interesting perspective in this issue is of “Environmental Sustainability through HR”

where green practices are employed by companies for employee engagement which serves

the purpose of a brand builder, a social responsibility and employee satisfaction. It brings to

the fore the fact that companies increasingly link performance management and

appraisals with green initiatives. Thicker bottom lines in process are a sumptuous treat for

the organizations.As the Chinese proverb goes “Learning is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere”, it could be taken

somewhat literally where learning needs to keep pace with the changing environment

around. Web 2.0 is spreading its roots through channels that have redefined the learning

experience. Information and learning-on-the-go is part of the intelligence which is being

dispensed with the use of smart phones, tablets, i-Pads etc. Organizations are now using it

for training purposes as well to cut costs. The pay-off of it for a country like India could well

be imagined.On all of these views, you would witness a deep focus as you read through this issue. Articles

dealing with them in particular bring to focus many other associated issues. HR as it

develops and evolves, I hope that this serves as a platform for exchange of views and

counter views and result in an enhanced knowledge of the subject. What more than coming

out of the text books and learn the issues that face the contemporary times.

Have a pleasant time reading!

~ Team XploHRe


Page 6: Manas Sept 2011

n u n k n o w n wonder games on common man while

mathematician proclaimed that nurturing their passions behind closed

the world is entwined in numbers A doors. Sneaking through the radars, the in its brains, veins and blood vessels and no

recent Tsunamis and hurricane Katrinas system in the world runs without numbers.

were surprisingly caused by the metrics of Be it the age, academic grades, experience,

Games and ICT [the 2G, 3G and other Gs] house, car, pay-check, prices,

triggering Anna Hazare to growth-rates, market share

f i g h t h i s p o w e r f u l and host of least finite (if not

Gandhian barrel gun infinite) dimensions of our

risking himself its two-way lives are dominated by

fire. While the mystified metrics . Despite these

Hazare symbolized the metrics rising, our happiness

triumph of common man's metrics have considerably

voice, the world amazed in declined (see Egidi and

watch to discern the maze Rizzello, 2003).

and mystery of the man

and the unmatched match offee lovers across the

they witnessed. The social Cglobe widely differ in their choice of and political umpires debated the metrics

tastes and flavors over a cup of coffee, of the game watching the soaring spirits of

making Starbucks a star of its metrics while gen-Y (Chatterjee, 2011) with the battle

cricket lovers blend into a passionate flock beyond the ballot.

of common passion and fashion, bonding

into a beehive. Those least amused by the oday, the iconic Anna Hazare rings a

game are fascinated more by the beehive of Tbell in the world of business, with business – legal or otherwise – running

studies on leadership, values, commitment, after their business metrics. The metrics

effectiveness, strategy, change and drive the game, passions, fashions,

influence by business schools and businesses, and players while the business

practitioners (see PTI, 2011; Abhishek, of the game turned a game of business.

2011; Soumabha, 2011). Neither Hazare Intriguing if not amusing is the trend of the

nor Tendulkar would have focused on their game turning increasingly speculative,

scoreboards while battling or batting their volatile and unpredictable. With the heat

way. They surely were driven by an elixir – a and dust in the air, the metrics of

flow springing from the fountainhead of u n c o m m o n w e a l t h f u n d e d b y

values, conviction, passion or commitment Commonwealth games [IPL included] left

or whatever we wish to label – though critics speculating the impact of these

metrics towed their line of finish

Games Metrics and Management


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(Csikzentmihalyi, 2003). Interestingly on the dilemmas in paradigms of HRM

games fascinated management thinkers reflected in the “soft” approach of

for long. Using games as heuristic medium humanistic and developmental orientation

for business, Keidel (1984; 1985; 1987) (Beer et al., 1984; Storey, 1992; Legge, 1995;

showcased models for organizations on the Buyens et al., 1997; Roehling et al., 2000;

metaphors of games. New perspectives on Fitz-enz, 2000; Kane, 2001; Browning and

Edgar, 2004) and the “hard” approach of HR

as a strategic business partner with a focus

on cost minimization and competition

(Schuler, 1992; Purcell, 1995; Truss et al.,

1997; Ulrich 1997; Burton, 2003; Schuler

and Jackson, 2005). The “hard” approach

focused on the deliverables, metrics and

strategic alignment of HRM. The “soft”

approach advocated trust and fairness,

autonomy, openness, team building,

culture, a win-win game and viewed people

as valuable. Practices like flexi-time, work-management poured through the

life balance etc., reflect the soft approach kaleidoscope of games uncovering

appealing to Gen-Y. Effective organizations paradigms and metaphors to understand

develop multi-foci and a balanced breed of organizations (see Manning, 1979; Kahn,

multi-competent organisms with strong 1990; Drucker, 1992; Gayton & Hearns,

survival and effectiveness instincts. 1993; Balog, 1997; VanDerveer & Ryan,

1998; Torre & Dreher, 1999; VanDerveer, oogling our professional, personal 1999; Katz, 1999; 2001). Gand corporate landscapes reveals

shattered assumptions uncovering realities etrics make good servants but bad

stranger than fiction. The hurricane of Mmasters and wisdom lies in their

global change engulfing every sector is d i l i ge nt c ho i c e

assumed to acquire against using them

exponential velocity in as our compass for

future (Cameron, 2003) direction or to fuel

t r a n s f o r m i n g t h e our passion, talent,

business world. In the p u r p o s e a n d

past decade 46% of mean ing. Sad ly

Fortune 500 companies metrics infiltrated

disappeared from the list (Cameron & and inseparably blended with the integrals

Quinn , 2011) . The chal lenge of of our professional lives and corporate

management and HRM remains in rising destinies. It is relevant to recall the debate

Googling our professional, p e r s o n a l a n d c o r p o r a t e landscapes reveals shattered a s s u m p t i o n s u n c o v e r i n g realities stranger than fiction.


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to confront realities and countering the processes and leadership behaviors on the

turbulence of change sweeping the twin dimensions of flexibility versus

organizational world. As any long lasting stability and external versus internal focus.

m o n u m e n t a l b u i l d , d e v e l o p i n g Together these two dimensions produce

organizations of sustainable effectiveness is four clusters of culture – Market,

no quick fix but an evolutionary process Hierarchy, Clan and Adhocracy – indicators

founded on values, people, culture and of values, effectiveness criteria, matching

organization structure and performance

behaviors. The Hierarchy cultured

organizations are internally focused and

stability orientated with, rules, efficiency

metrics, standardization and predictability.

Market cultured organizations are

externally focused and control oriented

protecting and developing markets,

profitability and growth with extensive work ethics. A flood light of core values metrics, to establish market supremacy. beyond metrics, a brigade of right and The Clan cultured organizations are passionate people [while purging the characterized by family orientation, shared wrong ones] and a culture of discipline with values , part ic ipat ion , team-work , an entrepreneurial ethic – letting people commitment and loyalty, mentoring, and decide what to do – triggers great employee development strengthening core performance in organizations (see Sidle, competences. Adhocracy is characterized 2005; Collins 2001). Highly effective by flexibility, fostering creativity, organizations invested their might and innovat ion and entrepreneurship fortunes in developing unique strong emphasizing individuality, customization cultures superseding strategy, market and a n d r i s k -technological competence (Cameron & t a k i n g i n Quinn, 2011). An empirically established d y n a m i c popular tool for diagnosing and changing environments culture is found in the competing values d e m a n d i n g framework of Cameron & Quinn (2011). c o n t i nu o u s The Organizational Culture Assessment innovat ion . Instrument [OCAI] of this framework is These four widely used in analysis and change of clusters are organizational culture and effectiveness matched by criteria, the world over. The framework c o n g r u e n t captures prevalent culture and matching values, structures, processes, leadership criteria of effectiveness, structure, behaviors and effectiveness criteria. The


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competing values model provides an individual assessment tool, the Management Skills

Assessment Instrument [MSAI] (Cameron & Quinn, 2011) mapping the competencies relevant

to these quadrants and a road map for diagnosis and development of required skills. Effective

organizations of today are proactive in each of the clusters maintaining a balance though

skewed towards one cluster but avoiding excessive indulgence triggering counter-productive

and self destructive behaviors. The challenge for management students and managers of

tomorrow lies in acquiring “behavioral complexity” – proficiency in complex and diverse set of

competencies and leadership skills relevant to each cluster to readily switch across the

competing clusters to foster excellence. Some of the trends shaping future workplace

interestingly include authenticity, transparency and trust; global on-boarding; out-tasking;

parallel career paths; demographic shift; virtual work; value-chain partnering; contract-to-

hire etc. (Rasmus, 2011). Effective and enduring organizations are characterized by strong core

of enduring values, skewed towards qualitative metrics partnering people and society in their


Prof. V. Ekkirala

Associate Professor

Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur

(References available on request)


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arbinger to elevate hesitant to even bring to the notice of HR

performance, panacea for any kind of problem that may be perceived

workforce problems or the as a weakness and may arise questions on Hmanifestation of employee friendliness; the capability of the individual by the

does the HR really portray the same figure management.

as contemplated by these management

acronyms? Contrary to the textbook he evolution of HR function dates

definition, recent times have witnessed the Tback to Howthrone studies where it

phenomenon where the task of policy was suggested that the productivity gains

formation is designated to the top occur due to the impact of the motivational

management while HR executive task is effect on the workers as a result of the

confined to maintaining asset databases, interest being shown in them. HR was

facilitating inter-project employee developed as an organizational vertical that

movement or communicating the routine can serve the purpose of motivating the

chores of company activities through a e m p l o y e e s b y g a t h e r i n g t h e i r

blatant mail. requirements and needs and formulating

To express deep regret by reciting a policies that can fulfil those needs and are

company policy on being expected to come in favour of the organizational growth also.

up with a solution to the problem put forth, Besides this primary objective, HR also

as a HR image, accepted as a bitter truth by serves as a medium for two way

the employee does not only bring down the communication between the management

employee's confidence but also affects his and the employees and handles other

performance and results in loss of affection ad m i n i s t r a t i ve t a s k s o f p ay ro l l

with the organization and thus shatters the management and recruitment etc along

possibility with. The use of HR for only the

o f l o n g administrative tasks is where it leads to the

t e r m problem of development of environment of

commitme indifference to employees in lack of the

nt by him, authority to handle the very cause. The

leading to a deviation of role from that of a human

contributin manager to an administrator is not visible

g factor to to the top management as it is often

h i g h disguised as 'better utilization of resources'.

attrition rate. Leave alone the promptness HR is the face of management (to which the

of HR to attract employees for solving employee doesn't have frequent if not

personal and work related problems, to the direct access to) to the employee and while

shock of many, working professionals feel using it to channel the communication,

Agent of Change or Mode of Communication


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utmost care should be taken in allotment of or the smooth functioning of HR the powers of rejection and acceptance at Ffunction it is necessary that the policies the discretion of the HR. A right balance are laid down extensively and addition to between the two at any level of hierarchy them to be made continuously. This is to ensures neutrality of judgement for the cover most of the probable cases of employees. employee grievances under rule. A case to

case basis evaluation will give prominence nother factor in building the HR to subjectivity in decisions which can be Astructure is to make the employee vital from employee perspective and thus

available, the access to the next level HR in should be given due importance to, from the hierarchy if satisfaction is not attained the organizational side. Saving in resources at the immediate level and this chain of in form of time of both the employee and approach should not last until it reaches the the organization and elimination of the topmost level. Taking a cue from the element of personal relations with HR are inspirational Japanese management other benefits that can be achieved though model, Indian organizations have to focus this step.more on the present non-existential system of employee engagement in the policy n order to become the agent of change, formation of the organization and HR is the Ithe HR executive himself should be an best suited authority at command to fulfil efficient worker and thus needs to be the purpose. To ascertain that the lower evaluated. A general practice of HR

l e v e l appraisal has been on the lines of other e m p lo ye e s employees should come w h i c h i s u p w i t h based on disputes with t h e t h e i r performanm a n a ge r s , ce ratings the reporting g i ve n by

hierarchy of HR should be different from seniors and the other technical and managerial entities nowadays inside the organization and these other by peers in entities should not be able to exert any type m o d e r n of influence, direct or indirect, on the HR organizations. Evaluation experts advocate functioning, else it will mar the interests of the involvement of all the stakeholders in a lower level employees by protecting the fair performance evaluation process. And trouble creating managers from catching so, a major glitch that surfaces from the the ire of management. current system (in terms of HR


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performance evaluation) is that of missing employee opinion for the HR. Negligence of the

employee, which should be the major stakeholder in the process, bring a shift in the HR priority

from pleasing the employee to pleasing the immediate manager responsible for awarding the

performance ratings. Equipping the employees with a weapon to have a say in work

performance evaluation of the HR is one of the grass root efforts that has the potential of

brining the HR efforts to the right focus.

eturn of investment formulas in Excel sheets reveal a little about the effect that an HR has Rand can make on the working on the organization and thus is an inappropriate measure of

its output and majorly the catastrophic side effects in form of collateral damage caused due to

its inefficient working. A strong, reliable and employee friendly HR that has the responsibility

of taking care of employee interests at workplace considers employee's welfare as its prime

responsibility and to which the employees can look up to in case of any problem holds one of

the deciding keys to success of the organization.

Bharat Agarwalnd2 Year, Full time MBA,



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ocial Networks as defined in the ecause these social structures are not social network theory are social Bd e f i n e d b y h i e r a r c h i e s a n d Sstructures made up of individuals organizational structures, it is not easy to

called 'nodes' which are connected by one trace them. They can be thought of as o r m o r e i n v i s i b l e t y p e s o f n e t w o r k s interdepend superimposencies such ed on the as common organizatioi n t e r e s t s , n c h a r t . relations of K a r e n b e l i e f s , Stephenson fr iendship, ('Diagnosing Cultural Health', SHRM, HR prestige, financial exchange. Magazine, vol 56, No: 8, pg 52, 2011) speaks

about seven questions that must be asked in n an organization, social networks refer order to reveal and map the social networks Ito formal and informal bonds between in an organization:

people. These are mainly built on trust and · With whom do you exchange

do not refer to superficial acquaintances. information—face to face or

There are three types of roles played by virtually—to get your job done?

various individuals in a social network: the · With whom do you collaborate to hub, the gatekeeper and the pulsetaker.

discuss new ideas?Hubs are people who have a large number

of direct ties based on trust and knowledge · To whom do you turn for expertise

transmission. Gatekeepers do not have a and advice on work-related issues?

large number of direct ties but they are · With whom do you collaborate to fix strategically positioned to link hubs what's broken and improve the way together and knowledge usually flows from things get done?one hub to another through the

· To whom do you go to get decisions gatekeepers. Pulsetakers have lowest

made quickly?visibility but have the highest number of

· With whom do you spend time indirect ties. They have a deep reach via the discussing what's going on around shortest route and are usually well aware of the workplace?what majority people in the organization

are feeling and thinking. · With whom do you discuss where the

company is headed in the future?

Social Networks in Organization


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various sections are working in silos,

hy is it important as an HR Manager especially in transnational organizations. Wto be aware of these networks in the Efforts can then be undertaken to bridge

organization and to map them? these gaps. This is also true in the cases of

These social networks play a significant role m e r ge r s a n d a c q u i s i t i o n w h e r e

in defining the culture of an organization communication plays an important role in

and also how the work gets done. Moreover the integration process. The social networks

these networks define the power dynamics in the organization must also be kept in

in the organization and determine the scope mind when it is going in for a corporate

and degree of influence an employee may restructuring and the restructuring should

possess. This is above and beyond the power be done so that it is possible to take

maximum advantage of these underlying

network structures.

An organization with powerful social

networks may have a competitive advantage

over other firms. Human resource

managers can analyse and help build such

strong networks. Moreover, analysing these

networks will help identify key employees

who need to be retained and nurtured.

Hence it is crucial for the HR managers to

be well aware of these social structures in and influence guaranteed by formal their organization and to have the capability authority, and are characterised by a to utilise these to the organization's commitment that may be lacking in the advantage.relations on the organization chart.

These networks can be used to increase the

level of employee engagement, to find out

what is going on within the company and

also as a communication approach to create

an environment of openness and trust.

Moreover, in case an organization is Saaylee S. Potnisplanning to go in for a major organizational

XLRI Jamshedpurchange, these networks can be used to Batch: 2010- 2012involve employees, ensure that the right

Personnel Management kind of communication reaches the right & Industrial Relations

people and to get a better buy-in. Analysing

these networks also allow HR managers to

identify gaps and bottlenecks in

communication and determine whether


Page 15: Manas Sept 2011

with the right zeal and commitment rand Building and HR - two

towards the organization but it also needs completely diverse fields together!!

to find ways keep employees engaged Sounds weird…isn't it? We all know Bthrough various other brand building that Brand Building refers to a powerful

activities. Therefore, it is the role of the HR Market ing Tool that i s used in

to create a healthy and conducive distinguishing a company from its

environment within an organization which competitors whereas, HR, on the other

will breed satisfaction and fulfillment hand, is one which deals with the

among employees and thus prevent them administration management and training

from falling into a negative trap. of personnel. But, with the cut-throat

competition that has been existent around

he HR in the recent times, it has become Tactualimperative for the firms to create a separate

ly needs to and a distinct identity for itself. Since, HR is

r e in force the first point of contact for an outsider to

and imbibe any firm; it plays a vital role in helping an

the idea of organization to create its own identity thus

'I AM THE leading to the building of its own distinct

BRAND' in brand.

a n

employee. A company's brand image is determined by

Only the the image that its incumbent employees

s e n s e o f hold in their minds. And, it is this

accountability and credibility to the perception of employees that leads to the

company's corporate image can create a creation of a powerful 'Employer Brand'

strong 'Brand Association' among its which in itself conveys the differentiation

employees. This idea of workplace factors of an organization as a whole

association needs to be incorporated in the including its culture, systems, attitudes,

c o m p a n y ' s e m p lo ye e

culture right relationship

f r o m t h e s etc.

lowest level of An HR is

its hierarchy. n o t o n l y

Development responsible

of a strong for finding

'Brand Culture' the right set

t h r o u g h o u t of people

Development of a strong ‘Brand

Culture’ serves as a guiding

principle to the integrity in

delivering ‘Brand Promise’ to the

customers and clients

Brand Building through HR


Page 16: Manas Sept 2011

the hierarchical levels of an organization employees build a long term relationship

serves as a guiding principle to the integrity with the company i.e. building a 'Brand

in the delivery of the 'Brand Promise' to the Loyalty' towards the company. The two fold

company's customers and clients. benefit of which are providing employees

with a stable career and also strengthening

urther, other tools like the right the value of the company's core assets i.e. its Fperformance management and fair employees

compensation strategies can be used to .

reinforce and promote the above proposed o conclude, we need to understand

'Brand Behavior'. Proper training to the Tthat the organizations around the

employees and designing of other reward globe need to realize the importance of

programs will help align their behavior to brand as a strategic asset and should work

the overall Brand Strategy of the company. towards linking the role and mission of the

Human Resource Department. They also

G R O W I N G S I G N I F I C A N C E O F need to comprehend the overall

EMPLOYER BRANDING contribution of the HRD towards its entire

Brand Building strategy. Only the right

mployer branding, as we see, is not at blend of the two can enhance the value of Eall a cake walk. It is an ongoing process the organization and provide it with a

involving numerous steps to rework and distinct identity.

redesign the entire process. Thus, it needs a

tremendous amount of sincere hard work

coupled with a strong and reliable

leadership, all of which if channelized in

the right direction can make the entire

branding exercise a huge success.

highly dissatisfied employee is a Tanvi MehtaAthreat to the organization's image as PGDM 2010-12

he will spread bad word of mouth about the IMT Nagpur


T h u s ,



which reflects the company culture

becomes essential in such situations.

Hence, this not only provides an easy way

towards attracting the right kind of talent

but also goes a long way in enabling


Page 17: Manas Sept 2011

Dear Businessman, implications of the continual plunder by


rom the time man worshipped me to

the times where it has plundered me s most working professionals spend a Fblindly, I stand witness to the stage of Alarge part of their time today in the

self destruction and progress of man. I have office, the onus of sensitising people

been a spectator of how a monkey evolved towards my degrading condition lies with

into a human and with this transformation the organization. HR department of a

evolved his needs and aspirations. Man company has always been the centre of

slowly became 'intellectual' and so much so change implementation process. This

that he just got stuck in the top line and the department keeps an objective at centre and

bottom line. He became busy churning out develops policies and activities around it to

fortunes, quietly ignoring me and let the objective percolate deep into the

displaying his so called 'intellect'. roots of the organization. It is always

thought that its expensive to take care of me

I am nature- the angry nature, the suffering but due to lack of motivation and

nature, the ignored nature, the not my responsibility shown by organizations any

concern nature. I am the environment, efforts in the environmental space have

every living thing breathes in. I am the been highly incentivised. For e.g.: IKEA

nature, quietly gazing the top lines and gave its 12,400 employees free bicycles as a

bottom lines of large corporations who are Christmas gift for a greener transportation.

giant but deaf to my cry. Some of them This not only makes employees aware of

though have woken up in the recent past to their individual contribution to the carbon

lend me a helping hand. These enlightened footprint but also becomes an employee

engagement initiative.

research by CIPD (Chartered AI n s t i t u t e o f Pe r s o n n e l a n d

Development) indicates that organizations

that have become more environment

conscious have had an increase in

workforce health. A healthy workforce

delivers an enhanced productivity to the

organization. To cite another example of a organizations have looked beyond market company that aims at sustainable share and profitability to envision their development I would like to tell about contribution to the society and future Kodak. They have collaborated with the City

HR for Environmental Sustainability


Page 18: Manas Sept 2011

of Rochester, the Geneese Land Trust and Sloan Management Review and Boston

Nature conservancy to establish a Consulting Group 60% of the companies

greenway trail along Seneca Park. This not invest heavily in green initiatives as a part

only benefits o f t h e i r

employees but b r a n d i n g

a l s o t h e i r s t r a t e g i e s .

families. Thus it Hence such

kills two birds organization

with a single s l i n k u p

s t o n e f o r a t h e i r

w o r r i e d H R . performance

Firstly it helps to managemen

c r e a t e a t a n d

b e l o n g i n g a p p r a i s a l

t o w a r d s t h e systems with

brand as now it's not just the employee who green init iat ives or environment

is benefited but also the family. Thus it management. Thus managers in such

improves the chances of employee organizations are assessed on basis of

retention. Secondly as my effect is compliance with green standards laid for

enchanting such greenway trails help the each department, waste reduction, and

employees in stress management. Also it i n i t i a t i ve s

makes the brand more socially acceptable. t a k e n t o

Thus sparing some dollars for me would communicat

not be useless at all. Also if money is what is e t h e

precisely understood then carbon trading environment

can be the motivation to improve my flimsy al policy of

state. In fact profits earned by carbon t h e

trading have resulted in re-rating of many organization.

companies on the stock exchange. It is not A l s o

primarily because the company invested in environment

a CDM project but it's also because the HR management initiatives call for a cross

insured that the motto of the organization f u nc t i o n a l t e a m c u t t i n g ac ro s s

of not chocking me up was inculcated in departments of the company hence

every activity-from recruitment to creating a platform for inter departmental

performance management to training and communications and team building.


n 2005 Cliff Bar came up with a job for

ccording to a Sustainability and Iwhich 'Green Goals' were set. It hired a AInnovation survey done by MIT's full time “sustainability manager” whose


Page 19: Manas Sept 2011

job role was to conduct an in-depth audit of the impact of business on the environment. The

manager's studies revealed that the company could shift its warehouse closer to its bakeries and

switch from the use of diesel to bio fuels. This not only helped the company reduce its costs but

also cut down on its carbon emissions by 75%. Thus HR continuously identifies such green job

roles. On the other hand if seen from a fresh recruits point of view a survey by Harris Interactive

revealed that 33% of the Americans would prefer to go for a green company as compared to the

ones who do not contribute anything for environmental cause. With the new environment

conscious workforce being recruited every day, considering me as a part of the employer

branding becomes indispensable.

I hope I have justified enough reasons to you by means of successful examples that I need to be

taken care of and not buried at the back of the mind under the lucrative figures of your P&L.

Looking forward to see your HR department become the foundation for my recovery and

sustainable development.

Yours Sincerely,

Aggrieved Nature,

Holed Ozone House, Ocean of Toxins

Planet No 3, Milkyway Galaxy.

Aditi Bansal and Varun VijndPGDM- Business Design (HR), 2 Year

Welingkar Institute of Management

Development and Research


Page 20: Manas Sept 2011

Naturally a question pops up in your “Do not hire a man who does your work for mind…money, but him who does it for love of it”How do I Work when he shirks? – Henry David ThoreauA person asking the above question does so

because he is influenced by the negative hough it may seem like an environment set up around him on account ordinary pronoun, the word 'I' is of lack of dedication, sincerity and Tindeed a strong and a complete motivation. Obviously when a person will notion in itself. It reflects the person who is shirk his work, it would influence the one using it and many a time his thought who is sincere. This would in turn poke him process. But is this 'I' always desirable? The though not physically but mentally. To answer can never be an outright make the matters worse, if the closest affirmative or otherwise. When an supervisor or administrator is not paying individual steps out of the cocoon aiming to any heed to this sort of behaviour at work, make his mark in this world, the journey is which is generally the case given the size of full of adventures and adversities but this the organisations; it would result in the makes him evolve from an 'I' to a 'WE'. honest worker asking this question insteadSince man is a social animal, it is only the Why do I work when he shirks?spirit of a 'We' that can help him realise the

true potential of an 'I'. Indeed, team work is his situation becomes trickier when a indispensable but what if you give your Tperson has to face this problem 100% while the other person fails to give

everyday at his work place. So how do these even half of your half? What if, for you, the men and women, who consistently shirk organisation and the job epitomise god and their work only to be replaced by anything his creation; but for your colleague, it's that is not even remotely related to their job

profile, affect others? Well there are

certainly two ways in which he/she can

impact others. These two interactions can

be shown diagrammatically. (Next Page)

The model can be explained as follows. The

choice of feminine gender stems from an

actual case study done by the author on the

employees of a school. S1 has a very casual

approach towards work. She can be termed

as a Distracter. She tries to divert the nothing but popcorn, something which is

attention of H away from the work at hand. synonymous with leisure and passivity?

This is not because she is a pessimist or

Why do I Work when he Shirks?


Page 21: Manas Sept 2011

suffers from an inferiority complex. It is She is a Hinderer. She often tries to affect

inherent that she takes the work at hand the surroundings in which H is working by

casually. So her mind focuses more on ways passing lewd comments, attacking the

to postpone the work for the time being. She personal life and by inventing hypothetical

may find anything else than the work details and stories that when heard by H

interesting which can definitely include would deter her from giving her best. This

chit-chats, tête-à-tête, tea breaks or many might be due to the fact that S2 herself has a

such breaks without any guilt. Such people very pessimistic approach towards life and

are often found to be shirking work just has often been a victim of inferiority

because they find other things interesting complex. She could have been efficient had

then the assignment at hand rather doing it she set herself aloof from the petty

as a habit. The reason why such interactions deficiencies that everyone has in his/her

have been coloured in green with a plus character. Somewhere she might be

sign is that these people do shirk but they ignorant of her true self who leads her to

do not create an aura of negativity around see the positives in others as a source of

you. One can actually enjoy their company worry, insecurity, jealousy and ultimately

but at one's own risk because ultimately hatred. The reason why such interactions

they do pose a hurdle in the way of have been coloured in red with a minus sign

completing one's work. is that these people attack others by

creating an aura of negativity and due to

he scenario changes when an attempt this they themselves get affected and hence Tto analyse the interaction with S2 is shirk the work.

made. Though S2 may not be having that

casual an approach towards work as S1 but ut eventually after all that discussion,

she hinders the path of work progress for H. Bthe question still persists. Why do I


Page 22: Manas Sept 2011

work when she shirks??? people often make the work culture lively

and should be dealt with as in one is dealing

or a hard-worker this becomes nothing in an Adult –Child relationship.Fbut a dilemma who finds it difficult to

keep her/him motivated under such or S2 type of people the advice goes

adverse, yes adverse, conditions. Stress Fsomething like this. Make sure you are

starts to build up and can well penetrate the oblivious of their presence. Avoid any face

personal life of that person even leading to to face or verbal duels with them. They are

a detrimental effect on the health. So what wonderful at making a hill out of a mole, so

should be done? The solution is not that even if you retaliate in your defence, it

difficult but not even simple to be would only make things miserable. These

expressed as a one liner. persons should be made aware of the fact

that they do not exist for you. However that

For S1 type would not

o f p e o p l e mean that

around you, e v e n a

it is better to c o r d i a l

avoid them 9 exchange

out o f 10 o f

times with a pleasantri

kind gesture. es should

Since these do not have anything ill in their be done away with. That should be

minds for you, they can be warded off by a practiced keeping in mind the presence of

pleasant 'No'. They will try to coax you but the third person and the gathering as that

you can escape with a fair chance of being would reflect you moral and cultural know

successful by making them aware of the how. There is no need to show even hatred

gravity of the work load and thus making towards them as even hatred shows some

them conscious about their laxity. This sort of attachment. Be neutral to them. It is

would not only deter their casual self but indeed difficult to act like a sage when

would also make them concerned towards someone is throwing stones at you that too

work. They may secretly start admiring you verbally. This is because a dignified person

for saving them from a possible can bear anything but a character

memorandum or a scolding from the assassination. So to keep yourself calm, it is

supervisor. If that doesn't work then one better to engage yourself in work and other

can make an excuse for bad health or a activities that would limit any sort of

telephone call to wave off such influences. confrontation with the S2s given lack of

Trust me it is not difficult to avoid these free time. If the work load is no longer

people and indeed it is not wise to be significant then one can well spend some

actually staying aloof from them. Such leisure time, one has at the organisation, by


Page 23: Manas Sept 2011

reading some good literature or by surfing the net to know more about the ways in which one

can be more efficient either at work or at one's home. One can simply spend some time sitting

alone and introspecting life as sometimes solitude is therapeutic. For extroverts, they can

simply find someone else to chat with or can help someone with their work.

o sum it up, it can be said that life is neither a bed of roses nor a palisade of thorns Tembanking you. It depends upon your perspective. If you are determined, honest and

focussed towards your assignments, no matter how hard others try, you will sail through with a

miniscule reduction in your efficiency levels status quo. Whether you wish to give a particular

person that much importance, so as to affect your professional and in turn personal life, is in

your hands. It's better to analyse those around you before giving them the above rights because

ultimately Prevention is always better than Cure.

Sukhvinder Singh Bhatia

Department of Management Studies,

Indian Institute of Technology Delhind2 year MBA (Marketing) (2010-2012)


Page 24: Manas Sept 2011

General perception towards common traits in them. McClelland in 1961

entrepreneurship argued that a high need for achievement

was a personality trait common to

ntrepreneurship is generally entrepreneurs. In spite of the plethora of

considered an uncertain and research it is still difficult to say what Edifficult carrier path. One has to actually motivates entrepreneurs as they

face problems and frustration associated are highly idiosyncratic and innovative.

with new business development. There is

also a misconception that a large number he motivat ional theories for Tentrepreneurship can be divided into

two categories 1. Content theories: search

for the specific things within individuals

that initiate, direct, sustain, and stop

behavior. 2. Process theories explain how

behavior is initiated, directed, sustained,

and stopped. Gilad and Levine in 1986

proposed two different theories- Push

theory and Pull theory. The “push” theory

says persons are forced to opt the way of

entrepreneur as there is no other way left

for them. External factors may be job of entrepreneurial ventures fail within few dissatisfaction, job loss, and incapability of years. A study carried out by Kirchhoff in switching job, low salary, or inflexible and 1994 shows that only 18% of the small firms boring work. On the other hand the “pull” surveyed reported loss to creditors. theory suggests that individuals are

attracted towards entrepreneurial activities Research: Motivational Theories and because of the high independence, factors for entrepreneurship prosperity and self-sufficiency attached to

it. A research done by Keeble et al., 1992; Herron and Sapienza (1992) stated, Orhan and Scott, 2001 indicates that pull “Because motivation plays an important factors are more prevalent than push part in the creation of new organizations, factors.theories of organizational creation that fail Often decision between a career of self-to address this notion are incomplete” employment or working for others is taken A lot of research has been done in this field considering the three factors shown above to identify the basic motivational factors in the diagram for entrepreneurs and identify the

Motivational Factors for Entrepreneurship


Page 25: Manas Sept 2011

Research of Gerry Segal, Dan Borgia and Jerry Schoenfeld

n a research done by Gerry Segal, Dan Borgia and Jerry Schoenfeld, they found that risk Itaking capabilities has direct correlation with individuals' engagement in entrepreneurial

activities. Even though the individual have interest in self-employment and might possess the

self-confidence to carry that but if the risk appetite is absent then there is high probability that

he or she will keep on postponing the start. They concluded that there are five outcomes

emphasized as criteria in the decision between self-employment and being employed by

others: income potential; financial security; independence; need for achievement; and escape

from corporate bureaucracy.

Measures to promote entrepreneurship

ducators and policy makers should highlight the advantages of taking moderate, Ecalculated risks to get ahead. Examples of the rewards that can result from risking an

entrepreneurial endeavor abound. Many of our most successful executives, including Bill

Gates, Michael Dell, and many others achieved their success by taking the risk of launching

their own ventures.

Archit Shrivastava

PGP-2, IIM Indore


Page 26: Manas Sept 2011

s it is rightly said

employees are the assets of the organization and human

resource management is the backbone for them. Is human Aresource management important??? Imagine any “big”

organization without it, as H.R. is treated as a “supportive” function.

Can any organization do without that support? The answer is NO.

This is the reason that this function is gaining importance day by

day. From recruitment to resignation, when any employee joins

then his joining formalities, induction, training and development,

probation and the list goes on, H.R department makes the employee feel comfortable and get

him used to the company and its environment and during his stay in the company how to keep

him engaged by indulging in various employee engagement activities, know his satisfaction

level, evaluate performance etc. If at all the employee decides to leave, then knowing the

reason behind through exit interviews.

There is a concept called “retention interview” which helps an employee to keep going, mainly

to know employee potential and what he expects from himself and the company, everywhere

human resource management is needed. Agreed that like marketing and finance, human

resource do not have a direct impact on the “profits” of the company but the role it plays to

handle the people who bring in profits is noteworthy and indispensable.

How well the organization has accepted an employee and more importantly how accustomed

an employee is with the organization, factors like his relation with peers, reporting manager,

working environment, proper job-fit between his skills and what job demands, scope for growth

etc., all these things are important in the life cycle of the employee whether he is in finance,

marketing or operations. H.R. manager has to take care that an employee is retained in the

organization, is satisfied and proves valuable to the organization. From an employee's mobile

bill to his life insurance are handled by H.R.M. Do you really think if all these things are not “in

place” an employee would stay in the organization irrespective of any department he is in!!! Just

imagine what the attrition rate would be whether it's any industry. So to keep

the pace of employees and to make sure that they STAY the only alternative is

to make human resource management more strategic so in the end it

maintains the HaRmony of the organization.

Jhanvi Thakkar

PGDM (2010-12)

IMT Nagpur



Page 27: Manas Sept 2011

the approaches have to be used in raditionally HR has been involved

conjunction and HR plays a role in both the with ensuring employee safety,

t w o taking care of their wages and Tapproachhourly concerns, dealing with issues like

e s . T he discrimination, harassment and ensuring

f i r s t legal compliance. Ethics which is

approach understood as standards of behavior that

i s tell how human beings ought to act in the

practiced many situations in which they find

by being themselves [Source: Markkula Center for

clear on Applied Ethics] goes beyond legal

what acceptable behavior is and is not and, compliance and considers one's values.

the second approach is on a more personal Ethics is thus closely associated with the

level, by practicing what you say. We will value system of organization. As HR plays

now see what different opportunities HR an important role in fostering the values

have, tools HR can employ and institutions which an organization identifies with,

they must establish to influence ethical ensuring work place ethics is naturally

behavior.predominantly an HR responsibility.

There are two approaches in literature that

Staffing and Recruiting help in establishing high corporate

integrity. One is the compliance approach

or any individual the entry point to an which focuses on strict adherence to Fo r g a n i z a t i o n i s t h r o u g h i t s corporate policies and regulation to ensure

recruitment process. Thus the organization appropriate individual and organizational

recruitment policy creates the first conduct. The other approach is sometimes

impression of company in the eyes of called engagement or value driven

potential employees. Since recruitment is approach which tries to develop a culture of

an HR function, it is the onus of HR integrity. This is done by building a work

executive to ensure a fair recruitment place environment that encourages

p o l i c y. I t s ho u ld b e f r e e f ro m employee to apply ethical standards and

discrimination, should follow formal values in their decision making. The key to

procedure, should have clearly laid down establishing such an environment is to

criteria, and provide adequate explanation. encourage employee participation in

A parallel can be drawn that educational c o r p o ra t e d e c i s i o n m a k i n g a nd

institutions that haves clearly laid empowering them in taking their own

admission policies are considered ethical so decisions.

an organization with transparent For establishing an ethical workplace both

Role of HR in Fostering Ethical Workplace


Page 28: Manas Sept 2011

recruitment policy would have ethical that ethics is integrated in everyday

image. business practice and forms a part of both

formal and informal rule book.

Institutionalization of Ethics Training

usiness has suffered from its myopic aying down rules and regulation is just Bview that suggests that business only Lhalf the task done. A very important

goal is profit. But in recent years we have part of HR role is to ensure awareness

come to realize that business aim is not just among the employees. Programs should be

maximization of shareholder's wealth but instituted which make employee well

also stakeholder's interest. In light of such informed of their expected conduct and

recognition t i l l now, nonexistent capable of applying ethical frame work

institutionalization of ethics i.e. to have a coming out clean when faced with the

code of conduct and an ethical framework, colloquial black, white and grey areas. HR

needs to be established. It is the role of HR plays an important role in not only design

of such interventions but also in

implementation like how often the training

is done, the seriousness of the training

program and appropriate scheduling,

taking care of the work schedules of the


Establishing Procedural justice climate

t is essential to ensure that an Ienvironment of fairness exist to have an

ethical work environment. The HR can to establish ethical code of conduct.

employ three levers to foster a climate of If clear credos on acceptable behavior from fairness:employee is established it reduces

1. Engagement: It is the role of HR that employee confusion and dilemma.

there is active participation of employee in Whenever there are situations which are

building an environment of integrity. d u b i o u s

R e g u l a r these serve

ac t iv i t ies a s r e a d y

a r e m a d e

organized references.

like open It is for HR

s p a c e t o e n s u r e


Page 29: Manas Sept 2011

technology or confrontation intervention

to promote an environment where people

feel comfortable to speak out their need

and concerns. Another tool which can be

employed is anonymous feedback forms

which will encourage reporting concerns

of inappropriate actions without fear of


2. Explanation: The process should be

established which encourage open

communication, transparency. Everyone is Rule is for everyoneexpected to answer and be questioned

about reason of their conduct. This require t is imperative that the code of conduct setting clear accountability for decision Ishould be laid out for everyone making which again depends a lot on how including the HR executive the top good HR has done a job in allocating clear management and the CEOs. The HR acts as responsibilities. a corporate watchdog and should not

hesitate to raise objection against the top 3. Expectation clarity: The HR must management. HR should never allow empower employees to make principled misconduct to be compartmentalized and decisions. If employees are clear about set a fundamental rule in place: nobody is what is the expectation from them any above the company which includes things which is in violation of ethical code everyone-from the lowest position to the of conduct would be raised by employee CEO of the companybeforehand.

Work-life balanceWalking the talk

he HR plays an important role in he effectiveness of good policy is Thelping the employees achieve work Tlikely only when what is preached is life balance. It is argued in literature that a

practiced. The HR must respond quickly balance between social and professional and appropriately once an ethical issue is life leads to identified. The policies must be modeled by happiness and senior management and HR executives. An satisfaction. A HR leader must not look other way in case h a p p y a n d of violation of ethical behavior as passive s a t i s f i e d compliance to unethical standards is a employee will mark of lack of ethics. This would impede d i s p l a y development of a high integrity organizational organization culture.


Page 30: Manas Sept 2011

citizenship behavior. That means they will rules. This will ensure employees are

display enhanced moral conduct and will serious about their ethical responsibility.

not engage in unethical practices. Since

they identify themselves with the Grievance redressal

organization in the sense that organization he establishment of impartial

becomes their extended selves, they will do Tgrievance redressal mechanism is an nothing to tarnish the reputation of the

important step in instilling confidence in organization .In fact they will help to create

people to a positive

c h a l le n ge image of

obstacle in t h e

pursuit of c o m p a ny

e t h i c a l by act of

b e h a v i o r . h i g h

For e.g. the m o r a l i t y

establishmee v e n

n t o f a n outside the


n and clear The reputation of organization becomes

policy for whistle blower creates an their own and they will not engage in any

environment which encourages ethical unacceptable activity to bring it under


CSR InitiativesPerformance appraisal

he appraisal system should ensure ol i c ie s l ike pay rol l g iv ing , Tthat employee adheres to company Pvolunteering, and partnership with ethical standard. The evaluation should not

civil society organizations which allows only focus on quantifiable facts that are employees to give back to society help to result oriented but also focus on harder to enhance the self-esteem of employees. An quantify but equally important means to employee with high esteem will be less achieve the results. The marks should be likely to engage in ethical activities.for both: what you have achieved and how

you have achieved?Summing up

Reward and disciplinary system hus we have seen that HR through the

R must help in designing and Tpolicies and tools under its ambit can Himplementing the reward and play a vital role in the establishment of a

disciplinary system so that there is swift more ethical workplace. In the today word

punishment to those who violate ethical of Nadia Tapes, 2G scams, mining scams


Page 31: Manas Sept 2011

and similar stories public opinion will force companies to be accountable for their practices. As

India gears up for fight against corruption demonstrated through the public support for Anna

Hazare during the lokpal agitation, the day is not far when corporate India would be answering

some uneasy questions. So this is a moment where HR executive have to play a leading role by

ensuring ethics is ingrained company's day to day functions.

or this it is imperative that top management give HR team the power and support to push Ffor accountability in behavior on part of everyone. The HR holds the middle ground with

transaction with top management and interaction with employee and will have to play a pivotal

role in building an organizational culture of integrity.

Madhukar Anand

IIM Kozhikode


Page 32: Manas Sept 2011

he role of HR and the strategies it

has to craft and deploy has become

very challenging. This is because Tof the significantly changing contours of

the business world- be it in our own country

or across the globe. Until a couple of

decades ago, the focus was on Industrial

Relations and Personnel Management.

Over the last 20 odd years, the scope and

'space' has shifted to Human Resource employees to be active brand ambassadors.

Development & Management (HRD & It needs to work on embedding the

HRM) and as we speak, there is a movement Corporate Brand values in the Employer

towards claiming its rightful place as a key Brand Value Proposition.

enabling Strategy for Human Capital

Management (HCM).HR strategy has to increasingly keep a close

watch on the current and the emerging

he above, however, is NOT merely a required competencies. It would have to Teuphemism or semantics. The HR include initiatives towards the:

function has metamorphosed into being a) Development of the life cycle

accountable for crafting a comprehensive management of the employee and hence

People and Process architecture- aligning the requisite inputs on personal growth,

the external world with the internals of the development and effectiveness.

organisation. Dave Ulrich (the noted HR b) Specific competency gap filling and/or

Guru) has rightly said, “The HR today acquiring newer competencies on a need

needs to align its strategies in line with the based platform. This includes Training, On

core business of the organization”. It needs

the Job deve lopment p roces se s , t o p r o m o t e t h e d i s c o v e r y a n d

Mentoring/coaching. Strategic Planning strengthening of the 'intangibles' of the

tools and techniques including SWOT, firm, e.g.: promoting the employer brand

PESTLE, Balanced Score Cards etc.towards converting existing and future

HR Strategies for the Changing Business World


Page 33: Manas Sept 2011

integrating diversity with management

HR Strategy would also need to leverage practices and link diversity with business

popular platforms like social media to goals. For example, IBM has ensured that

engage with employees and contribute to the ability to manage diversity is made one

overall talent management. Embracing of the core competencies and is used to

these newer media- however 'strange' it assess the manager's performance. It has

may look for employees born decades become mandatory for new managers to

earlier- would help immensely in receive training in Diversity management,

facilitating authenticity, transparency and and this is how they built in the employees

'emotional connect ' in employee trust by demonstrating their commitment

communication. through action.

rganizational Democracy needs to be aintaining a productive and healthy Ointegrated into the HR strategic Mwork life balance is emerging as a

framework, so that employees ARE major challenge for employees. Hence, HR

REALLY provided the 'organisational strategy has a 'vacant space' to immediately

space' to ideate innovate and experiment.

Company's like Google and Apple lay a lot

of importance on providing employees the

f r e e d o m t o t h i n k b eyo nd t he i r

conventional roles and responsibilities.

iversity management is another key Dissue which HR today is grappling

with. Diversity needs to be considered as an fill with creative and meaningful opportunity as it helps in transfer of initiatives. Lifestyle management has to effective working practises and ideas across become the concern & focus and not cultures with little or manageable something that 'has to be managed outside resistance. HR needs to play a crucial role in of work or when there is no work to do”.

While stretch goals have proven to be

motivating for employees, there is a thin

line to walk between stretch, pressure,

stress, failure, depression etc.

R has an opportunity to work on a HTotal Value proposition. What

brings value to the firm, what employee's

value is important challenger to improve

retention and bring out the best of


Page 34: Manas Sept 2011

employees. ROI is not to be limited to employment engagement, training days and

productivity. Additive measures like employee health; well being and happiness need to be

focussed. Strategies should not be limited to ROI but also ROE (Return of Expectations) to meet

the expected results.

R function into the emerging tomorrow would be held accountable to proactive Hmanagement and development of global talent

pools, developing access to knowledge centres,

developing and deploying life skills capabilities of the

employees, managing organizational partnerships

(outsourced arrangements) &facilitating increased

organizational transparency.

The above would add value to all stakeholders and the

sustainability of the business purpose and its longevity.

Harshit Upadhyaynd2 Year PGDM (HR)

Welingkar Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai


Page 35: Manas Sept 2011

n this article we explore understands and implements them. One

what makes a great workplace and way to accomplish this is to share how the

how even in tough times we can I values are real to us, where they came from

maintain one. Today companies are talking and how we learned them, and the intimate

about building the right organizational a n d p r o f o u n d p e r s o n a l

culture to sustain and grow in this era of experiences—glorious or traumatic—that

intense competition. Studies show that shaped our self-awareness. In a way this

Fortune 100 best companies are very good means making ourselves vulnerable but

the results are worth taking the risk. The

story we share does not need to be very

dramatic, only real. True epiphanies often

c o m e f r o m a s e r i e s o f s m a l l

moments—visible, for instance, only after

reflecting on the decisions that first caused

us to need our values or become aware of


study by Great Place to Work employers. These companies also see lower AInstitute India in partnership with turnovers than others. Culture is a product Economic Times indicates that India's of values and defines the vision of a economic performance has gone up but company. One of the important aspects of employee perceptions have gone down. any culture is to maintain and nurture Perceptions at lower levels have dipped relationships. How an employee feels about down the most. Only very large his workplace is determined by its culture organizations have been relatively also. unaffected. The study has covered 395

registrations and over 53,000 companies mployers need to be cautious about and is the largest study on workplace Ethe prevalent culture in their culture in India. Employees' responses were

organizations. Managing a team involves captured through 60 statements. Even understanding and revealing “moments of sentiment and buzz analysis of comments truth”. The purpose of good leadership is of employees were done. The top words of not just to increase shareholder's value or what makes your organization a great place the productivity of work teams but to stand are culture, freedom, atmosphere, care, for one's values and make a positive fun, home. While the top words which can difference to this world. It is not possible to make an organization a good place to work live personal values till the team also are salary, promotion, HR, benefits.

What makes a “Great Place to Work”?


Page 36: Manas Sept 2011

ways to retain good employees. The HR and

he study measured the trust index and line managers should recognize good Tculture index of companies. Trust is employees (this is more inclusive than just

the key driver of any great place to work for. critical employees) by considering two

A good manager – employee relationship, parameters.

where an employee can openly 1) Assess the impact of departure of

communicate with his manager and employee on the business

2) The probability that the employee in

question might leave

Once the hidden gems have been

recognized, companies should tailor

retention approaches to the mind-set and

motivations of specific employees.

There are some things money can't buy;

and employee's loyalty is one of them. By

creating a great workplace and nurturing

it, an employer can earn an employee's

loyalty.convey his concerns and apprehensions, is

important. Expectations of fair appraisal,

integrity and equity are crucial for

nurturing a good relationship. Other

important factor is the environment of the

workplace. A good camaraderie with other

employees makes a healthy workplace.

Giving professional support to each other

and collaborating to produce results

demonstrate respect for each other. All Neeti Kumarthese add up to pride in the job, team &

ndPMIR, 2 year,organization and make a great workplace.XLRI Jamshedpur

s it is said that the true color of a Arelationship comes in testing times-

how a company treats its employees in

tough times shows how much it really

values them. While the focus of many

companies has been to retain the critical

employees by offering them financial

benefits, a study by Mckinsey has shown

that there are cheaper and more effective


Page 37: Manas Sept 2011

he world today is HR's impact during recession

waiting with bated breath, hoping t is interesting to see how some

that a “Double dip recession” does T Icompanies ended up stronger than they not hit us. As with the most recent were before recession, and some simply recession, the buzz words are job cuts, job wilted. Although reasons for these would freezes, training budget cuts, and the likes. certainly not be limited to HR, it can be said

that HR surely had a major impact. General Motors had a lot of things going against them, but it is interesting to study the medical benefits and retirement benefits which they offered. These were two of the largest items, which took GM into the red. At the other end of the spectrum is Cognizant, which has been the cynosure of all eyes, as it has gone from strength to strength during recession, surprising IT-naysayers. While Cognizant did cutback quite a bit, it actually INCREASED the

In fact, the two functions whose budgets focus on training, and kept improving its were most impacted whenever things aren't people. It's foolish to say that Job cuts, going as well as anticipated are, without a freezes etc. are unnecessary. However,

constraining the role of HR during doubt, HR and Marketing. Although CEOs recession to only this much is foolish and have been known to give famous, and loud myopic. It would be fair to say that statements to the effect of, “People are our recession gave HR the opportunity from

greatest assets” (In fact, every famous CEO changing quite a few perceptions about

worth his salt has been known to say some their field. Some responded well, and some

version of this statement), data from the let go of the opportunity.previous recession suggests otherwise.

Negative Impact of recession on HR

hile most articles focus solely on the s previously commented, HR could Wimpact of HR and role of HR in a Aeasily have taken the lead role. But, in

recessionary scenario, we believe that the many organizations, HR played the “wait

opposite is equally interesting, i.e. the and watch” game, unfortunately losing out

impact of recession on HR. We will initially on a superb opportunity to bring about real

briefly look at the more conventional topic change. This gave even more fodder to the

of HR impact on recession, and then move HR-bashers who claimed that HR was

on to the topic at hand.reactive and scared. Unfortunately, in quite

a few Organizations, this was the case.

The Impact of Recession on HR & Shift Towards Strategic HRM


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While it is easy to say that Top Management recession alone. It has led to a quantum

did not support HR in these organizations, change in how HR is viewed. Even during

it is necessary to realise that HR had an recession some companies made HR

equal stake in this, and did nothing in quite mistakes, which have doubtless had a

a few organizations. Although costs had to negative impact on perceptions regarding

be cut, it was necessary to acquire and HR. But the change is perception towards

retain top talent , and many HR strategic HRM is not limited to the more

departments failed to cope with the successful organizations alone. Those that

conflicting ideas of cutting costs, yet did not succeed have by now figured out

ensuring this goal. These points showed where they went wrong, and have since

HR in a pretty poor eye not just for the rectified it (or are in the process of).

employees but also from the point of view The Strategic HRM shift due to recessionof the Business.

Positive Impact of recession on HR

he biggest positive impact for HR has Tbeen the increasing realisation of the

strategic nature of HR. Changes were

necessary to deliver in the changed

scenario of recession, and where HR

delivered, the organization delivered.

Cognizant is but one example. There are

several such available that are now being

used as case studies, to show how rganizations realised (and some were innovation in HR helped Organizations Otoo late to realise!) that people were gain and maintain their strategic

the most important strategic tool for competitive advantages. success. If the HR policies are not

The most important thing is that this shift integrated with the overall strategy and the i n t h e goals of the H R organizatioperspect n, it is a ive from recipe for the point disaster. It of view would be an o f t h e understatebusiness ment to say towards that strategy and HR are linked. They are a more strategic focus is not limited to more than linked. HR is defined by strategy,


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and at the same time, HR is strategy. The focuses on future strategic alternatives.

shift from Operationally Reactive and This may include creating a culture of

Operationally Proactive to the Strategically innovation and creativity, identifying

Reactive and Proactive HR is taking place at Mergers and Acquisit ions (M&A)

a frenetic rate. Earlier HR just took care of opportunities, creating better internal

the day to day administrative activities, capabilities etc. Essentially, the shift from

hi r ing , bas ic sk i l l t ra in ing e tc . Operational to Strategic HR has led to HR

(Operationally Reactive). Hard times being a true business partner.

forced Organizations to improve the The future

delivery of these basics of HR. While HR

reengineering, TQM etc . lead to hether or not there is a double dip Wrecession, the time is right for HR to

take the centre-field. In case there does turn

out to be a recession, HR needs to learn

from the mistakes of the past recession.

Even if there is no recession, HR still needs

to incorporate these learning, and not wait

for another recession to take place. The

Organizat ions which rea l i se the

importance and invest in Strategic HRM

will be the ones that will be frontrunners in

the future, recession or not.

Operationally Proactive HRM, there was

still little strategic content. It is only now

that the movement towards Strategically

Reactive and Strategically Proactive HR is

taking place.

trategically Reactive HR focuses on Simplementing a business strategy,

through activities like identifying and

developing technical knowledge, skills and

business culture consistent with the

business strategy, facilitating change

management and organizing HR into

service centres. Strategically proactive HR

Amit Kumar & Anjan VarmandPMIR 2 Year

XLRI Jamshedpur


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Dynamic Business Environment

oday, we are living in the age of

change and dynamism. The world Tas we know it is increasingly

changing at a faster pace defined by global

competition, faster flow of information,

easier communication & increasing

complexity of business environment.

With these rapid changes, new paradigms

of business are constantly getting created, Organisations are increasingly using while the status quo is continually temporary staffing and contractual labour challenged by forces of technological as a means to mitigate the cyclical changes breakthroughs, economic growth, market as well as manage costs and efficiencies. evolution, societal changes, shifts in These changes have the following consumer tastes and political events.implications on Human Resource

Management for both organizations and Changing Employment Relationshipemployees:he pace and nature of changes in the

1. Companies no longer assure lifelong Tenvironment in which businesses of employment to their employeestoday operate, the nature of employment 2 Employees do not profess complete and relationship is undergoing fundamental lifelong loyalty to the employer.changes. Reengineering, shifting market 3. A talented and committed human downsizing, and make other factors have resource base is emerging as a source of contributed to rapid changes in existing great competitive and creation of new ones. There are no 4. Increasing focus on HR practices & rigid job definitions. Functional flexibility

is the new rule of the game. The role and policies to retain and motivate the

composition of teams has expanded. workforce

The Employment Relationship: Paradigm Shift for HR


Page 41: Manas Sept 2011

The companies need to invest in their

human capital fully well knowing it could mployment Relationship in Future

be their riskiest investment. Hence there EOrganizations addresses the issues of

are risk – mitigation / hedging methods in change within employee relationships

HR which are observed in recent times like resulting from the impact of factors such

the 'Employment Bonds' that are being as:

used by the organisations as tools to · International competitive pressures

minimise the potential loss of a bad people · Technological change

investment. · Changing individual expectations and


The new employment contract is analysed I from inside and outside organizations and n this the issues are addressed from both a human quest resource management and work t o psychology perspective.w i n

t h e Emerging Chal lenges for HR – ' W a r Employment Relationship:for Talent', employers often make promises · Trustthat are likely to be met only if the pace of aluing the employment relationship growth in the business continues steadily. Vimplies that both the parties viz. The However, the business realities of the employers & the employees should value downturn in the recent past have shown us trust in the relationship. Employers should that growth may not be uninterrupted or pay attention to building employee's trust steady all the while and managing human in the organisation through transparency resources may have to re-adjust to satisfy and management credibility. This means o t he r s t a ke hold e r s , p a r t i c u l a r ly clarifying what is on offer, meeting shareholders, by cutting down on promises commitments, or when necessary, made earlier, as a consequence, the explaining what has gone wrong and relationship between employee & monitoring employee attitudes from time employer is impacted. to t ime. Non-Organizational Psychology is a subject f u l f i l m e n t o f which applies the principles of psychology p e r c e i v e d to one of the most important areas of obligations may people's life – work, specifically, with the l e a d t o human aspects of the workplace and aims d i s c o n n e c t . at improving people's efficiency, and hence C o n g r u e n c e organizational effectiveness, through the between what has knowledge of human behaviour. been promised &


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what the employees receive from the productivity of the employee. Hence a slew

organisation strengthens trust in the of measures will be required to be initiated

employment relationship. by the HR Managers of tomorrow.

· Information

· Psychological Contract ne of the cornerstones of any

sychological Contract between the Orelationship is the openness of Pemployer and the employee involves communication and the amount of

the beliefs about the obligations that are information sharing that is done in good

predicted on the unstated perception that a faith. Employment relationship is no

promise has been made between the two different. Organisations going forward will

stakeholders. Psychological contract is have to design policies which enable them

dynamic. It t o

implies the seamlessl

inferences y share

o f t h e relevant

'Employee informati

v a l u e on on a

Propositio continuo

n ' a s us basis

promoted by the organisation. It refers to with their employees and engage them in

the way the employment relationship is the state of affairs from time to time as

interpreted. It helps build the people important stakeholders driving in a

d i m e n s i o n i n t o t h i n k i n g ab o u t transparent and accessible environment.

organisational strategy. Now, the purpose · Fairness

of business strategies becomes how to get dopting fair practices and ensuring

the best return from their employee's Athat there are no inherent bias that

energies, knowledge and creativity. creeps into any of the HR related processes

Managing the favourable balance of this whether it is the recruitment, performance

ever changing Psychological Contract is evaluation, compensation parity or even

going to be one of the biggest challenges for that matter, facilitating the exit of an

for the HR practitioners going forward. employee, there should be no room for any

· Well Being prejudice, preconceived mindsets and

he workforce today has matured meritocracy should be the norm. This is a Tbeyond wanting only compensation at very difficult target to achieve, especially

par. They demand more from the job – well given that some of these processes rely on a

being. The organisations today have also great degree of an individualistic

recognised that an employee's emotional assessment of the situation. When fairness

and physical well being is essential for in process is religiously followed, it

overall eff ic iency and maximum significantly reduces the employee –


Page 43: Manas Sept 2011

employer litigation matters. Any lapse in he problem occurs when the maintaining a stringent check on the fair Temployee perceives that the and unbiased treatment can lead to the organisation has failed to meet its severing of an employment relationship. obligations towards the employees and vice

· Involvement versa. This is a cognitive experience when umerous empirical studies over the either of the parties forms judgements Nyears have shown that a positively regarding the level of breach of the

engaged workforce is more likely to be unstated psychological contractual closer to their optimum performance. relationship.

This perception not only leads to negative

feelings about the unmet expectations

associated with specific promises, but also

to more general feelings of organisational

belongingness in term of not being

mutually valued and respected. Such

alienation in the minds of the employees

would lead to the following behavioural


· Lack of commitment

· Increased Absenteeism & tardinessIntellectual stimulus and creating a · Frustrationchallenging and compelling environment · Job Insecurityfor every employee's involvement is going · Disengagementto be a great challenge for the HR Ultimately resulting in Voluntary Managers going forward. To keep up the Turnover / Attrition which eventually morale of the workforce and to ensure that results in elevating people costs to the there are enough opportunities create to organisation and lower productivity.differentiate the quality of internal talent

pool, creating platforms for employee

involvement will be vital for maintaining a

healthy employment relationship. In the

absence of such available platforms,

boredom, monotony, lethargy and atrophy

can easily creep in dislodging the balance &

harmony of the employment relationship.

Consequences of Mismanagement of

Employment Relationship:


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This is a turbulent time for the HR managers. With increasing number of legal cases involving

employees and the employer, mostly revolving around employments bonds, HR managers

have a strategic role to play. From acquiring the right talent and designing perfect employment

agreements to helping the employees sustain or have a peaceful exit, HR managers have quite

a lot on their plates.

Organisations trying to improve the quality or efficiency of employee's work can gain a great

deal while taking into consideration the holistic view of the Employment Relationship from

the point of view of the employee and vice versa. Empathy from both sides is the key in this

symbiotic association.

A strong organisational culture aligned with the vision and the strategy of the company can

elicit the highest performance and retention of the top talent thereby enabling the

organisation to truly emerge as a great place to work in.

Olivia D'Mello & Himanshu Kapadia

Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Mumbai

PGDM 2010 - 2012 | Batch 3


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FAST TRACK: INFORMAL learning may occur anytime and in any

LEARNING GAINS MOMENTUM activity, where an individual happens to

learn something unexpected. Informal

he sphere of work and organization learning ensues from processes which are

is changing! Now learning is no not organized or structured. Post recession, Tmore just about knowing and not several organizations have decided to cut

knowing. It is incomplete without 'action' – down on the budget allocated for learning

implementing the knowledge gained over and development. In other organizations,

a period of time. It is vital to ensure that the senior management expects more ROI

learning keeps pace, such that what is from the trainings. Hence, it is all the more

learnt does not become obsolete by the time inevitable that the focus on informal

it can be put into action. Learning can learning has increased. There has also been

broadly be classified as follows: a gradual increase in awareness about

using technology for informal learning

and the inter-relationship between

employee performance and informal

learning. In this article, we intend to focus

upon M-learning (Mobile Learning), which

is a form of informal learning.


– Learning is learning on the move, Mfrom various hand devices. As

defined by eLearning Guild, Mobile

Learning is any activity that allows

individuals to be more productive when

Formal learning is structured and

organized, and includes school-like

programs developed in bus iness

environment for technical, vocational and

professional trainings. Intentional learning

consuming, interacting with, or creating is when an individual intends to learn

information, mediated through a compact something on his own and identifies ways

digital portable device that the individual of achieving that objective. Accidental

M-Learning: A New Face of Learning


Page 46: Manas Sept 2011

carries on a regular basis, has reliable WHO USES IT?

connectivity, and fits in a pocket or purse. It

enables the organizations to facilitate 'just- he great thing about m-learning is, it

in-time', 'just expected' and 'just-for-me' Tcan be used for learning by the

support and guidance to the learners

without any constraints of remote

locations. It helps to fetch information, fun

and learning activities and other contents

to flexible, transportable and portable

devices like mobile phones, net-books,

digital cameras, e-readers, smart phones,

iPads, tablets, etc. Though it is similar to

internet learning or e-learning and

distance learning in certain aspects, it is

distinctive in its approach towards learning

across contexts using mobile devices. employees at any level of an organization. It

facilitates learning on the go and HOW IT WORKS? employees can utilize it in their time of

convenience. This mode of learning is mart phones can be used to send preferred by the new breed of tech-savvy Squizzes to learners to evaluate and employees. Learning through micro

gauge their performance. Document blogging, watching videos on the mobile, digests, short audios and videos can be sent etc instantly attracts them and are easily to the learners on their smart phones. The adopted by them. Companies like employees can also have mobile Microsoft, Deloitte have already started communities according to their learning using this technology for training.needs where they can share their ideas and WHAT IS IN IT FOR YOU?learn from others. Blogs, wikis containing 1. Organizations can use this to update latest developments in the company, in the the employees about lates t industry helps keep the employees aware of happenings in the industry and the latest developments and learn about within the organization.them. A formal Mobile Learning 2. It can be used anywhere, anytime, Management System can be established by according to the convenience of the the organization which will handle all the learner.technological requirements and the 3. Employees can share their learning content of the Learning system. It will also on collaborative platforms like supply the users with Help Manuals on mobile social networking.their mobile device. 4. Mobile devices can not only be used

for imparting training but can also


Page 47: Manas Sept 2011

be used for giving feedback and

testing knowledge.

5. Once the infrastructure of the m-

learning is established, the training

cost per person will decrease

dramatically in the long run.


1. Not all employees will have smart

phones supporting and having the next 3 years and 47% will utilize storage space for all the softwares Smartphone apps for learning. With such needed for m-learning. bright prospects and the increase in use of

2. Technologies get obsolete very technology in our day to day life, there are quickly so the organization has the several opportunities still unexplored in responsibility to continuously this field with regards to training. upgrade the mobile phones, which The use of m-learning in the organizations might increase the cost of training. is still in its nascent stage. Only few

3. There might be connectivity organizations have tried this and there also, problem in some places. it is not formally included in the training

4. The small screens of mobile phones process. M-learning can be seen as an make them inconvenient for reading enhancement and a complementary tool to big documents; processing time is the current learning techniques.also low for lower priced smart


5. There are also security issues. The

mobile is more susceptible to virus

attacks and copying of shared

content by hackers.


n India the mobile subscriber base is 811 Imillion and is projected to cross 1 billion

in 2014. Mobile broadband is expected to Kumari Meera & Indu Naircross 100 million 3G subscribers by 2015. FT MBA Core- HR (2010-12)Also, according to the ASTD/i4cp study, NMIMS, Mumbai57% organizations will design training

programs accessible on mobile devices in


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The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit

of happiness-Henry David Thoreau

If money is your hope for independence you will never have

it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is

a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.-Henry Ford

An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory-Friedrich Engels

He who asks a question is a fool for a minute; he who does

not remains a fool forever-Chinese Proverb

Always recognize that human individuals are ends, and do

not use them as means to your end-Immanuel Kant

Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how

close they were to success when they gave up-Thomas A. Edison

Success consists of going from failure to failure without

loss of enthusiasm-Winston Churchill

It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or

what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is

what you think about-Dale Carnegie

Quotable Quotes


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