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EFT Tapping Hub Members Workbook - Part One ©2014 EFT Tapping Hub 1

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Manual EFT


  • EFT Tapping Hub

    Members Workbook - Part One

    2014 EFT Tapping Hub


  • Contents

    Page - 3 - My First Tapping Encounter

    Page - 5 - What is EFT?

    Page - 6 - What are the Results?

    Page - 7 - SUDS and Energy Disruption

    Page - 7 - Psychological Reversal

    Page - 8 - How to Tap

    Page - 9 - The Tapping Chart

    Page - 13 - History of Tapping

    Page - 15 - Marys Story

    Page - 17 - One Minute Wonders

    Page - 19 - How Tapping Works

    Page - 20 - Energy Disruption

    Medical Disclaimer

    The information that you receive from our website and other material is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice.

    It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the EFT Hub and the many contributors of the EFT Hub.

    We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

    Always read our complete disclaimer at before using our material.

    IMPORTANT: You are advised that our videos and audios may trigger you if you are suffering from any severe trauma or psychological problems. Always read our disclaimer at before using our material.

    2014 EFT Tapping Hub


  • Purpose of this Workbook and My First Tapping Encounter

    The work book is for EFT Tapping Hub members to use in conjunction with the online resource and to help them with building confidence and competence as an EFT Tapping practitioner.

    We also advise students to attend a number of good quality workshops and buddy up with fellow practitioners to learn more. As you explore the workbook you will discover many insights into tapping, giving you confidence and competence when using the process on yourself orothers.

    This workbook combines with the many videos and audios we feature inside the EFT Tapping Hub and you will benefit greatly by using it in this way. If you have any questions we will be pleased to help you and we wish you success on your tapping journey!

    When first introduced to the tapping process I was deeply skeptical and was ready to dismiss the process. How could something so simple as tapping the points on your face and saying affirmations cure phobias, deal with traumatic life challenges and change peoples lives so quickly, even after years of traditional therapy?

    Many years ago I attended an afternoon demonstration by a hypnotherapist that a friend of mien introduced me to.

    Not knowing the lady or EFT Tapping I was a little unsure about what I was going to experience and hoped that this was not going to be some wacky waste of my time.

    I watched as a lady was being tapped on, she had reported a physical problem with one eye and you could see by the swelling that the eye was raised so her face was out of proportion. The issue had plagued her for many years and she had had a specialist and many doctors work on her with only mild success.

    The tapping was done and we settled down to watch a half hour presentation featuring the founder of the Emotional Freedom Techniques, Gary Craig on video, yes video! That shows you how long ago it was ;-) And as I watched the video I could not believe what I was seeing, it must have been some kind of trick.

    The video finished and we went back to the issue of the ladies eye and to my and everybody else's amazement her swelling had gone down! The lady became a little angry because she had been stuck with this for many years and how could it be gone in just a few moments.

    The hypnotherapist soon worked through the anger with the tapping process and all was fine. After this encounter I was sent many emails from friends who had also experienced life changing events with tapping but it still took me at least a couple of years before I could accept what I was witnessing and feel able to share this with others.


  • The solving of the eye issue is what could be termed a one minute wonder and in our first audio we talk a little about this and how really we should not expect to experience a one minute wonder every time but they are possible and do happen.

    The truth is though tapping success requires a little more detective work, persistence and finding the right core issues to a problem before the process can really be effective. This is where the skill of a practitioner comes in and you are going to share a vast amount of knowledge with a verity of practitioners and masters of the subject as you go through this program.

    Gary WilliamsEFT Tapping Hub Creator



    Getting started

    Hi and welcome to our EFT Tapping Hub Workbook your chance to discover how tapping can help you get beyond all kinds of limitations and also improve your confidence and competence as an EFT Tapping practitioner. Inside the Hub our first get started video features Gary Williams and Brad Yates walking you through a tapping round.

    Also our first audio includes the history of tapping and other important insights into the process. Watch the video or read an shorter version in this workbook.

    Other insights featured in the first video and audio are:

    How to Tap and a tapping round

    Marys Story and more on the history past and recent

    A discussion on One Minute Wonders

    The Art of EFT Tapping and How it Works


    It is only natural to view new innovations with skepticism, particularly those that relate to our health and which promise rapid results. The Emotional Freedom Technique is based on sound scientific principles and the process launches off the EFT Discovery Statement which says...

    "The cause of all your negative emotions is a disruption in your body's energy system"

    Albert Einstein told us back in the 1920's that everything (including our bodies) is composed of energy and Eastern medical experts have known this for over 5,000 years. These ideas have been largely ignored by Western Healing Practices and that is why EFT often works "where nothing else will".

    As the founder of the process, Gary Craig says on his emofree website, "it's not that EFT is so stunning, rather, it is because conventional healing methods have simply overlooked the obvious". So although the Emotional Freedom Techniques are an ultra-modern complementary therapy, EFT still has its origins in ancient Chinese medicine.

    This is why we say that the Emotional Freedom Techniques or tapping is an emotional version of acupuncture, but instead of using needles, we stimulate the well established energy meridian points on the energy body by tapping them with the fingertips.

    It is an incredibly gentle technique and you remain relaxed and fully clothed at all times.


  • Electrical messages are constantly sent through your body to keep it informed of what's going on. Without this energy flow you would not be able to see, hear, taste, smell or touch. It has been proven that disruptions or blockages in these electrical pathways can cause limiting thoughts and emotions and lead to ill-health.

    For those of you who have spent weeks, months, or even years trying various drugs, counselling and alternative therapies in a desperate search for relief from your emotional problems, EFT may come as a welcome change.

    Tapping often gets results "when nothing else works". Psychologists, therapists and medical doctors from all over the world have found EFT to be rapid and profoundly powerful. Deepak Chopra, MD has been quoted in saying "EFT offers great healing benefits." EFT Tapping helps to create an environment that encourages positive results for all kinds of emotional problems.


    The results are fast and generally lasting. Strong emotions such as fear, anger, shame and sadness dissolve into clear thinking, enabling a fresh perspective and you may find yourself achieving relief within minutes or you may require a few sessions to really benefit.

    It is particularly effective for conditions such as anxiety where clients are often unable to pinpoint the exact reason for their unease. My experience of using EFT is now with several hundred people and over 90% get some sort of result.

    Because there are no drugs or invasive procedures involved in the application of EFT, it is perfectly safe to use it alongside other forms of medication and complementary therapies. However, EFT offers such quick and effective results that you may not feel the need to use additional therapies. EFT is now used worldwide by therapists, health care professionals, teachers, parents and individuals.

    However, in the case of serious psychological problems, EFT should not be seen as a substitute for qualified medical advice from your GP. You should always consult your GP or existing care provider prior to engaging in complementary therapies.

    If you are reading these pages having already had an EFT experience then what you read will not seem weird or far-fetched and you'll know that emotions and tensions can dissolve in seconds.

    If you have not yet experienced EFT for yourself then I hope you'll understand that EFT has to be experienced to be accepted and no words I could say or write can be a substitute for that convincing experience.



    The technical term is taking a SUDS level or SUDS scale reading. It stands for Subjective Units of Disturbance. What you do is ask yourself on a scale of zero to 10, (10 being the highest imaginable pain/fear/sadness/discomfort, and zero being completely calm, pain free, tranquil, relaxed and happy) how would you rate what you are experiencing in this moment?

    You may use the SUDS scale on yourself and others. The aim is to get a feeling for the level of the resonance of the issue in hand. This works for emotions as well as for physical sensations and even for beliefs which might be the problem.


    On a scale of zero to 10:

    * How depressed are you right now? * How painful is your leg?* How bad is your fear of heights?* How distressing is this memory?

    * How much do you hate this person?


    Psychological reversal is a reversal in your energy flow, it is as though you have your batteries fitted in backwards. This causes self-defeating behaviour; it often occurs subconsciously and is normally outside of our awareness.

    Roger Callahan found, that if you muscle tested people about their commitment to their goal, they would inevitably test "weak" on it. For example the dieter's test muscle would go weak when they made the statement "I want to lose weight".

    The salesperson would test weak on "I want to increase my sales to xx,000.00 a year." He called this problem Psychological Reversal (PR). This does not mean they have a conscious desire to fail. But for some reason, their energy system is locked in a pattern of resisting their goal.

    Psychological reversal exists almost 100% of the time in people who have chronic illness, auto-immune disorders or addictions. About 40% of the time any person may be psychologically reversed on a given issue.

    The good news is that Callahan found that by rubbing certain spots on the body or tapping the Karate chop point while saying an affirmation about the issue, one could temporarily get the reversal to right itself and the person would test strong for their goal.

    Then, by tapping on specific acupuncture points while thinking about the issue and the emotional energy around the problem, the emotional charge would literally "vanish".


  • Dr. Callahan developed an elaborate system for diagnosing and treating various problems using what he called "algorithms" a detailed sequence of tapping on specific energy meridian end points.

    On average psychological reversal will only be present and hinder the Emotional Freedom Techniques about 40% of the time. When it is present it will stop any attempt at healing, including EFT. Tapping the karate spot normally corrects psychological reversal unless the reversal is considered to be what we term "massive reversal".

    On the next few pages we will get you underway but more success can be achieved by exploring the refinements and studying this workbook and future workbooks in detail.


    The style of tapping has gone through many evolutions since Roger Callahan first introduced it to the west, we share more on the history shortly, and the process over time has been streamlined.

    What we offer you here is a version of the tapping that has been created by looking at how Gary Craig the founder of EFT Tapping is now using the method but more then that what has been developed by EFT Tapping professionals and masters of the subject who are working out in the field and who have developed what they do through the many experiences and insights they have gained by using tapping in the real world.


    The karate chop point (small intestine) is the fleshy part of the hand below the outside of the little finger, the area that is contacted when you make a karate chop motion on the side of a table.

    Tap on that spot with two fingers of your dominant hand, while repeating the set-up statement three times.

    Roger Callahan was the first to discover what is now called psychological reversal (PR), and that by either tapping the karate chop point or rubbing the sore spot whilst saying the set-up statement you can disperse this problem.


  • The tapping chart has a simple explanation but for those who need a little more detail the following will help you to get started.


  • SET-UP

    There are two parts to the Set-up:

    * Repeat a Set-up Statement three times while...

    * Continuously tapping the Karate Chop Point.

    The SET-UP STATEMENT follows the format of acknowledging that you have a problem and then affirming self-acceptance. The default Set-up Statement is:

    * "Even though I have this problem, I deeply and completely love and accept myself".

    Examples include:

    * "Even though I have this sinus headache, I deeply and completely love and accept myself".

    * "Even though I have this anger, I deeply and completely love and accept myself".

    It doesn't matter whether you believe the affirmation or not, just say it. And it's more effective to emphasize the words "deeply and completely".

    Before you begin tapping for any subject or problem, take the time to take a SUDS rating and make a mental note of it.

    Then, when you have completed an EFT Tapping sequence (SET- UP, TAPPING SEQUENCE, SEQUENCE REPEATED), ask the question again to find how much has changed.

    It's a good way to be able to assess how well the treatment has worked and if you need to repeat the treatment.

    Sometimes, the problem can go from as high as 10 to as low as 0 in a single treatment. More often though, you start with 8 or 9, and after a round of tapping, the severity is reduced to a 4 or a 5.

    This means that the treatment is beginning to work but there's more to be done.

    So let's put it all together

    The KARATE CHOP POINT is the fleshy part of the hand below the outside of the little finger, the area that is contacted when you make a karate chop motion on the side of a table. Tap on that spot with two fingers of your dominant hand while repeating the Set-up statement three times.

    Keep saying the Set-up statement as you rub the sore spot or tap the karate chop point.



    Perform the Tapping Sequence by tapping about five or seven times on each of the points listed below (see chart) while repeating a Reminder Phrase and focusing on the problem.

    The best Reminder Phrase is a few word description about the emotion or problem named in the Set-up Statement. Begin tapping at the top of the head around the crown in a circular motion and then move onto the brow in the centre of the head.

    * CR = Crown Tap this point when feeling depressed, unsatisfied and unable to let go of anxiety, fear or unable to imagine cosmic unity.

    * BR = Brow A good point for those who can only see with the intellect and are afraid of intuition. Also good for helping with trauma, anxiety, addictions, and depression.

    * EB = Eyebrow Good for helping with trauma, frustration and restlessness. * SE = Side of Eye Helps alleviate feelings of rage* UE = Under Eye Deals with anxiety, nervousness, phobias and cravings.* UN = Under Nose Ideal for self-defeating behaviour and embarrassment. * CH = Chin Also good for self-defeating behaviour and shame.

    * CB = Collarbone Works on anxiety and insecurity.

    * UA = Under Arm Also works on anxiety, nervousness, cravings, and self-esteem.

    * BW = Back of Wrist A number of meridians run through the wrist so by tapping this area we do not need to work on tapping the meridian end points that finish at the end of the fingers.


    Tap about five times on each of the following points while repeating a Reminder Phrase and focusing on the problem:

    * CR = Crown* EB = Eyebrow* SE = Side of Eye* UE = Under Eye* UN = Under Nose* CH = Chin* CB = Collarbone* UA = Under Arm* BW = Back of Wrist

    Once a full round of EFT Tapping is complete, take a deep breath and focus on the emotion or physical problem you were addressing. Rate the intensity of the ORIGINAL problem or issue on the 1 to 10 scale.


  • Then compare this number with the original rating before you began EFT Tapping. You will either feel COMPLETE relief, PARTIAL relief, or NO relief.


    If you have COMPLETE RELIEF, you experienced, in a few moments, the power of EFT Tapping!

    On the conservative side, a few more rounds of tapping may help the effectiveness of the process and ensure that the original problem won't return.

    When there is PARTIAL RELIEF in the level of intensity, the REMAINDER of the problem needs to be addressed with another round or so of EFT Tapping. In the subsequent rounds, it is important to adjust the Set-up Statement and the Reminder Phrase to address the rest of the emotion or feeling.

    Use wording similar to:

    *"Even though I STILL have SOME of this problem, I deeply and completely love and accept myself" during the Set-up Statement.

    Then repeat:* "This REMAINING problem," during the Tapping Sequence.

    Do as many rounds of EFT Tapping as necessary until the intensity of your problem is a zero. If you experience NO RELIEF after a few rounds of tapping, follow the tips and hints in the next chapter.

    If you find that your client has gone down to a 1or 2 on the SUDS level, you could ask them to look at your finger as you point it downwards in front of them. As you raise your finger slowly up towards the ceiling, ask them to follow it whilst repeating a reminder phrase such as this headache this will normally bring the SUDS down to a 0.

    The Basic Recipe of EFT Tapping is a powerful device, about 80% effective. An even higher ratio is possible when you know how to handle impediments. When EFT Tapping "doesn't work," it is usually NOT because it doesn't work.

    Instead, the real reason for not seeing results is because the practitioner has not applied EFT Tapping properly. Perhaps the practitioner has not been specific enough or maybe emerging aspects are masking otherwise valid healing work.



    In the current climate of fear and uncertainty, it's refreshing to hear of a technique which can tackle negative feelings and emotions head on. EFT Tapping is a powerful process which is really making a difference across the world.

    Meridian Therapies have been used to help Vietnam veterans with terrible memories and nightmares, removing their emotional hold swiftly, and best of all, permanently.

    They have also been used in Israel to help therapists deal with the widespread trauma in that country, and used successfully by people suffering the after effects of the September Eleventh tragedy and the Bali bombing.

    Even though meridian therapy is a recent discovery in the West, some of the ingredients have evolved over the course of thousands of years. You may now be aware of such energy healing as Acupuncture.

    With EFT Tapping we use the same points as in Acupuncture. The Nei Ching is said to have been written by Huang Ti, the legendary Yellow Emperor. The work is still a respected medical source in modern Acupuncture.

    Legend says that the use of this kind of healing began over five thousand years ago, when warriors found that when they were hit by knives or arrows, old illnesses and problems disappeared as a result of the injury. Energy healing using acupoints may not only emanate from the Chinese as has been previously thought.

    There is now some evidence to support the notion that a form of acupuncture was practiced by Neolithic man in Central Europe. The first stone needles used for this purpose are thought to be 9000 years old.

    There is also very good evidence now that the meridian system as its been described does exist. It has become possible to see, as our measuring instruments have become more sophisticated, that there are differences in the electrical response either side of the traditional meridians.

    For instance, if a meridian is stimulated it will release serotonin and other endorphins, and if you stimulate the other side of it that doesnt happen.


    Tapping is closely related to Kinesiology. Around 1962 to 1964 - Dr George Goodheart began to look at the relationship between muscle strength, organs, glands, and the meridians, and looked also at neurovascular and neurolymphatic processes.

    He used what we now call muscle testing. This is used in Kinesiology and may also be used when looking at self-defeating behaviour, an important part of the EFT Tapping process.



    Based on the concept of internal energy fundamental to traditional Chinese medicine, muscle testing is a non-invasive way of evaluating the body's imbalances and assessing its needs.

    It involves testing the body's responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, amongst other things.

    It can also be used to test the body's responses to herbs, remedies and your own self belief system. We will look at this in detail later.

    Muscle testing is often referred to as applied kinesiology, although the two are not the same. Applied kinesiology originated with the work of Dr. George Goodheart, based on earlier work by others.

    Offshoots of this technique, referred to as "specialised kinesiologies," have also been developed.


    Perhaps the best known is a program called Touch for Health (TFH), created by a colleague of Goodheart's, Dr. John Thie, which is taught worldwide. (Thie's illustrated book, Touch for Health, has sold over half a million copies. Another classic in the field is Your Body Doesn't Lie, by John Diamond, M.D.).

    Touch For Health involves a specific series of tests with each limb in different positions, to ascertain how well each of the organ systems is communicating with the brain.

    It also involves balancing energy flow in meridians that are deficient, by holding pairs of points on the body and working lymphatic massage points.

    By contrast, "muscle testing" often refers to a technique of testing points on the body to ascertain particular vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

    Donald Lepore, a naturopathic doctor, explains some of this in The Ultimate Healing System. It's also possible to learn a simple technique for self-testing. We will be looking at self testing later when we combine it with a process called the sway test.


    Continuing with the evolution of EFT Tapping around the late 70's, Roger Callahan began to form what is known as Thought Field Therapy, using a process that includes tapping the meridians and muscle testing. Purely by chance he found that by tapping under the eye on a patient named Mary, it helped to deal with her fear of water.



    Brad Yates now shares the classic and dramatic story of how the tapping process was first discovered when Dr Roger Callahan, from TFT, who was working with a client called Mary.

    You will find this story in many publications and books on the subject. Brad also talks about how TFT grew into EFT and how the founder of EFT, Gary Craig, adopted the discovery statement from Dr Callahan The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the bodys energy system or field and will explain more about that.

    Also Brad looks briefly at one minute wonders.

    Brad Yates

    There was a psychologist called Roger Callahan who was very interested in working with phobias, and he had a particular client named Mary.

    Mary had a life long fear of water and my understanding is that she was about 40 years old at the time. She had seen various therapists, had nightmares and had different physical issues around water. She could only bathe in about an inch of water which was very troublesome for her.

    After working with Dr Callahan for about a year, the best they could do was have her sitting near a swimming pool, but she had to be facing away from it. She was kind of ok with that but it was still kind of difficult.

    So, Dr Callahan was expanding his knowledge in different ways and was taking a course in acupressure.

    Acupressure and acupuncture are based on thousands of years of Chinese medicine, and there is energy travelling along pathways in our bodies called meridians, and when this energy is out of whack, illness is experienced.

    So in Chinese medicine you keep peoples energy balanced and their wellbeing is maintained. So knowing that there were different points on different parts of the body relating to physical issues, he asked Mary what physical issues were coming up at the time when she was having trouble about water. She said that she was experiencing a knot in her stomach.

    Dr Callahan said that theres a meridian point under the eye that has to do with the stomach lets see if we can do something about that, and so he tapped her under the eye for a few moments.

    And she looked at him and said Its gone and he said whats gone and she said the fear and started running towards the swimming pool, and he goes running after her shouting stop and she said No, no its ok, I dont know how to swim.


  • But she got down towards to the pool and started splashing water on her face and had no negative reaction whatsoever, and naturally Dr Callahan thought well thats very interesting!.

    And so he started trying this with different clients and found that with different issues, he needed to tap different points. He came up with different algorithms, tapping this point, then this point for one issue and this point, and then another point for a different issue.

    Within a year he put himself out of business because all of his clients who had been coming to him on a weekly basis with their issues felt cured.

    They were no longer having these uncomfortable reactions and Dr Callahan came up with a discovery statement all negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the bodys energy system.

    So by tapping on the meridian points we balance that energy and clear out the disruption. So not only do we see an enhancement to physical wellbeing, but the clearing out of uncomfortable emotions.

    So Dr Callahan started this technique and one of his first students was Gary Craig, who had trained as an engineer at Stanford.

    Taking that training Gary looked at all the different algorithms that Dr Callahan had come up with. He had thoughts that it was all a bit complicated as you had to go through all of this diagnosis to find out which points to use, and there were only about 8 points that were being used anyway, and he thought why not just tap them from top to bottom in order.

    It would only take a few moments it was the same as if a TV set wasnt working and you took it into a shop, and if it wasnt going to cost any more time and money to replace everything rather than going through to find out which tube or which dial was having a problem - why not just have it all overhauled.

    So that was how he came up with just tapping all of the points in order and he found that he was getting the same remarkable results clearing things out.

    So he called this new streamlined therapy, which had been called Thought Field Therapy or the Callahan Technique, the Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT.

    GaryAre there any important aspects to learn from when Dr Callahan observed Mary running towards the pool and everything?

    BradWell, that it doesnt have an idiot factor! She didnt think Im now not afraid of water, Im now going to jump in! just like if someone is cleared of a fear of heights, theyre not going to go jumping off buildings thinking that they can fly!


  • We clear the excessive emotion, we can remove fear without removing natural caution that is a key point as well as it is about balancing this energy which can get disrupted, and when we balance that we clear that out, and this affects the body and mind in a positive way.

    GaryAnd I suppose you could class that as a one minute wonder. Is that true in every case?

    BradNo, thats always the danger in telling this story as it was a one minute wonder, and we certainly have those. Well work with people and an issue that has troubled them all their lives or for what seems ages, is gone in a matter of moments. Most of the time it doesnt happen quite that quickly or easily.

    Its usually more of a process and to use Gary Craigs analogy of a forest, more often we are cutting down tree by tree or taking out certain areas but not taking it all out at once.

    But we see both.


    Heres Tania Prince talking more about one minute wonders

    TaniaI have had one minute wonders, but I do find that some people come in and get disappointed if they dont get a one minute wonder. Almost like it doesnt work for me so I must be a failure.

    I think that its good to dispel that because some issues are considerably complex and they take considerably longer than one minute. These things take as long as they take basically.

    But it is very nice when you do get a one minute wonder. Saying that, I worked with a lady who had had a spider phobia for about 50 years and it took about one minute to get rid of a life long spider phobia.

    So the speed at which you get rid of a problem is not dependent on the length of time that youve had a problem.

    GaryIt is important to know that isnt it? As there could be an assumption that because youve had this for a life time its going to take a long time to get rid of it.

    TaniaI think that people might naturally make that assumption, but thats not necessarily true at all. I dont think that the two are linked, so its interesting.

    TaniaIf I am working with someone and it seems to be clear after one minute, I want to


  • be testing that because some people are very very keen to get a result, they might not test it properly within themselves, and you do need to test it because you want to make sure that there is a true result there. So Ill go for multiple testing mechanisms with the person.

    One of them is to ask them to think and try and get that back and be ruthless with yourself.

    I will only ask that if I felt it was safe to ask them to do that. I will give them time to do that because I want them to go through every possible thought they could have to get into it, because you want to make sure its 100% gone.

    That is Tania and we will be hearing more from Tania later.


    Brad started our discussion about one minute wonders and talked about the danger of promoting tapping in this way and Gary Craig the founder of EFT Tapping shares more on this subject with us now.

    GCI dont think that danger is the right word, a lot of people are conditioned to wanting to find instant results, the fast food society they want instant results. We do get that with EFT. We have on many occasions in one, or two or three minutes, a very brief period of time, taken care of emotional issues that have been plaguing people for decades, despite the fact that they have gone through all the conventional therapy that you can imagine.

    So yes, we get our one minute wonders headaches will go away and other pains will go away, that happens a lot. While danger not being the right word, this perception that everything is a one minute wonder, that isnt true, some things are one minute wonders, but other things take patience, they take persistence, they take skill, they take detective work, they take things like that.

    GWSo theres an art to actually being good at EFT then?

    GCYes, but I would expand on that some. We have ten year olds who use what we call our basic recipe that is the mechanics of tapping and what you say - and ten year olds get results really nicely. But if you get into more sophisticated areas, thats when the skill of the experienced practitioner is invaluable because they can open doors that each individual client is simply too close to it.



    Gary Craig also shares his thoughts now on how he thinks EFT Tapping works.

    GWSo how do you think EFT really works?

    GCI wish I knew every little nuance about EFT, but what I think is happening is that when one has an emotional issue it is because the free flow of the chi (so- called by Chinese acupuncturists - being the energy which flows round the system), has become disrupted and short-circuited - the same as a short circuit in a TV or radio, and by tapping with the fingertips and stimulating these meridian points, we send energy down these meridians, and this disruption or short circuit vanishes, and with it the emotional issue vanishes.

    Also, as a result of taking care of emotional issues so rapidly we often find that this can take care of physical things as well, disease symptoms start to go away, headaches go away and back pain goes away and so on.

    GWAnd do you need to believe in EFT for it to work?

    GCNo, it might be helpful but I dont think you need to believe in it. In fact in my experience, especially in the early years, every one of them was openly skeptical and in fact some of them were just outright hostile and worked flat out to prove that it didnt work, and how stupid it was and everything else, because we were violating their beliefs big time.

    And even with that open hostility their headaches went away and they were no longer afraid of traffic or whatever it was that was bothering them!

    So even with this open hostility we were able to help them. Belief becomes helpful because if people believe in it they are co-operative with you, if they are hostile with you they arent going to give you much time, but I dont think you actually have to believe in it for it to work.

    GWIt is a strange process isnt it, when you see it being done?

    GCWell, its strange to those who havent seen it before, and it would be strange to someone whose own knowledge of healing would be the medical route for example, because the medical route doesnt do anything like this, so if thats where one is conditioned this is going to look not only unbelievable but stupid, but for someone who comes from the Chinese method of healing, this is easy to understand.


  • For someone who has been conditioned in this way and someone who has been studying recent findings in quantum physics, this would be easy to understand. It only looks silly for people who have been conditioned along other lines.

    GWSo what can be achieved which cant be achieved by other therapies?

    GCWell in my experience you can apply EFT to every known emotional issue that you can name, every known physical issue that you can name, every known performance issue that you can name.

    You can apply it to everything - does that mean that we get 100% results for everything and for everyone? No sometimes we seem to hit a wall and newcomers to this would say EFT doesnt work for that issue, or EFT doesnt work for this person. But I dont think that this is accurate.

    When we stub our toe were not getting to find the real issue yet. Were not finding whats really going on and sometimes these emotional issues are hidden even from the client, and sometimes it takes a lot of detective work to bring them up.

    Ive oftentimes run into walls so to speak and Ive just kept being persistent and kept backing up, and all of sudden Aha and now were going through a door weve never gone through before, and all of a sudden were finding issues and we are getting healing where we seemed to have stopped.

    Generally speaking its not that EFT doesnt work, its that we havent found the real issue yet. I think that EFT is appropriately applicable to every known emotional, physical or performance issue that you can name.


    How does this disruption come about and why is it important?

    The Japanese call it Ki as in Reiki and the Indians call it Prana and apparently the Eskimos and Navahoes have a word for it and most cultures do, but our English language has lost it. The early doctors may have called it Vitalism that carried the life force or spirit. It is whatever is the difference between a live body and a dead one.

    The Chinese after 5 000 years of Chinese medicine their understanding is that Chi is flowing through us all the time and it flows particularly along pathways that are known as meridians. Now the meridians are observable to western science.

    If tracer dye is injected into them and then an X Ray done, you will see that the dye travels along the line of the meridians when injected into a meridian point. If it is injected where there isnt a meridian point it just moves out randomly. There is also now a meridian pen which goes beep beep beep when held over a meridian. So meridians are observable.


  • They are like pathways through the connective tissue. They are not like blood vessels, you know when you think about heather on the moor, they are like a pathway through the heather and chi flows along these pathways.

    Now when everything is flowing smoothly and all the pathways are connected, the end of one is the beginning of the next, the end of that one is the beginning of the next so it flows around in a circle, it kind of flows in and out, a bit like a starfish shape or a sunflower shape.

    It flows around in a circle and the circle has ins and outs. When this path is flowing smoothly, you feel calm, you think clearly, you can get things done. When that path is disturbed its like a disruption zzzz its flowing too fast or its flowing too slow, its stuck, its not flowing smoothly around the system. Then you dont feel calm, you cant think straight.

    More detail with Gwyneth Moss

    The disruption is a not calm. Now there can be all sorts of different flavors of not calm. There can be an angry not calm, a scared not calm, a sad not calm and an over excited not calm, and whatever the sort of not calm, you cant think straight can you?So when we think about something or see something, either there is something in our environment or something in our thoughts because your energy system responds to your imagination as well as it responds to your environment. I would like to demonstrate this.

    So if you want to close your eyes to do this, Id like you to think about a picnic by a river and you are with people you enjoy being with, delicious foods, its a sunny day, nothing that you have to do and just notice what is happening in your body as that imagery enters your mind.

    Now open your eyes. The feeling in your body was nicer. Now think about getting a parking ticket. And whats happening in your body?

    Well there is no river picnic and there is no parking ticket. Your body responded to what you put in your head. I said some words, those words tuned in some imagery and your body responded as though that was actually happening. So what you were experiencing when I said about the parking ticket, was a disruption in the bodys energy system.

    Now there is another step in the process, there were my words, your imagery, your bodys response but then your mind notices your bodys response and gives it a label and gives it anger. So thats what we mean by the cause of a negative emotion is a disruption in the bodys energy system.

    If you are in that real situation, you are walking back to your car after a shopping trip and what do you see on the windscreen but a parking ticket.


  • If you see that in reality you get that reaction but also if you picture it in your mind, you get that reaction.

    Now this is how EFT can be so wonderfully effective because we were using the words to tune into the energy disturbance. We were creating it when it wasnt here. So thats one side of EFT that we do using words.

    The other side of what we are doing is using the tapping, so when we are tapping these points we are helping the chi to move around the system, we are loosening stuckness.

    So we are using words to tune in, to bring presence this is why when people say about using EFT Why do you focus on the negative?

    Because just about every other technique is about laying positive on top of negative youve got this negative emotion and most other methods are about putting enough layers of positive stuff on top of it that you cant sense any more.

    However feelings buried alive dont die and the negativity is still there and when something in your environment matches it, and it neednt even be a good match, it can just be a match of that pattern then hey presto, that negative comes to the surface, however many positive layers youve put on top. Very often people will say Ive got my head around that, Ive dealt with that, all they mean is Ive found a better way of suppressing it.

    What we can do with EFT is to get into that energetic disturbance, its not the emotions that are the problem, its the energetic disturbance thats the problem, so when we clear the energetic disturbance by balancing the system with EFT we are using words to tune into the imagery, the thoughts that set off that disturbance.

    Then we are using tapping to rebalance it. The person can then think the thoughts without the reaction.

    So the discovery statement starts to makes sense. Now I have a problem with the word cause the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the bodys energy system, and I like to reword the discovery statement in a different way.

    I like to say negative emotion is our conscious awareness of a disruption in the bodys energy system, because thats what negative emotion is when our thinking mind when you said well I kind of feel angry thats your mind noticing what your body was doing this tension and giving it a label calling it anger so emotion and all emotion joy, happiness, exuberance is our conscious awareness or a perturbation a perturbation is like a squashing or changing something slightly emotion is our conscious awareness of a change in our bodys energy system.


  • Every thought in your head changes it and every time you look at anything or you hear anything, you touch, taste or smell anything, it will set off whole chains of association because your brain is a google machine.

    Anything you put into your brain, your brain googles it and there is a little organ in your brain called the amygdala, and as your brain googles things its scanning them and it is scanning them for danger, and if it matches with any experience which had danger in it.

    Say you had very bad news in a room with a particular shade of blue wallpaper.

    Many years later you are sitting in a restaurant with someone whose company you really enjoy and theres that same blue wallpaper you dont actually think this wallpaper reminds me of when I got that devastatingly bad news, but you just feel uneasy.

    If people receive bad news on a mobile or cell phone they will not want to use the cell phone. I have a friend who wont check his voicemail on his phone and I think it is something like that something that gave him that shock that jolt, because when we get those shocks it creates like a vortex in the bodys energy system so that when something matches that, and it can be in a completely different context and a completely safe context, we get kind of sucked into that little vortex.

    I would like to sum up by saying to people how I think of the discovery statement its emotion, its behaviour, feeling our thinking minds awareness of a change in our energy system.We use EFT to clear the stuckness in the disturbance because when we do that and we bring a person back to balance, natural joy just springs back.

    I dont like to just tap in positives all the time, but people kind of get caught up in it because so much of their experience of therapy has been about building layers and layers of positives on top. We dont need to do that.

    I think of negativity as clouds with a blue sky behind them. The clouds arent permanent, they just temporarily get in the way. Clear the clouds and the blue sky comes back all by itself, we dont have to bring it back.

    Positive Tapping

    I think that tapping in positives is like bringing in a layer of blue in front of the clouds and pretending thats the sky!

    When we have done a thorough job of clearing up those clouds, we can use positive tapping as a way of setting intention, as a way of setting direction.


  • To Summarise

    Gary Craig said in the discovery statement that the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the bodys energy system

    After 5 000 years of Chinese medicine the understanding was that Chi is flowing through us all the time and it flows particularly along pathways that are known as meridians. Now the meridians are observable to western science

    When this path is flowing smoothly, you feel calm, you think clearly, you can get things done. When that path is disturbed its like a disruption zzzz - its flowing too fast or its flowing too slow, its stuck, its not flowing smoothly around the system. Then you dont feel calm, you cant think straight

    When we think about something or see something, either there is something in our environment or something in our thoughts because our energy system responds to our imagination as well as it responds to your environment

    What we are doing is using the tapping, so when we are tapping the points we are helping the chi to move around the system, we are loosening stuckness

    There is a little organ in your brain called the amygdala, and as your brain googles things its scanning them and it is scanning for danger, and if it matches with any experience which had danger in it you react to it again

    Feelings buried alive dont die and the negativity is still there and when something in your environment matches it, and it neednt even be a good match, it can just be a match of that pattern then hey presto, that negative comes to the surface, however many positive layers youve put on top

    Very often people will say Ive got my head around that, Ive dealt with that, all they mean is Ive found a better way of suppressing it

    Discover more in part three of our EFT Tapping Hub Workbook.

    For more information on the contributors featured please visit:

    Gwyneth Moss -

    Gary Craig -

    Brad Yates -

    Tania Prince -


  • If you or someone you know is in need of a private treatment or mentoring session, contact Gary Williams for more details. Email: [email protected]

    Thanks again for taking part in our EFT Training.

    Wishing you tapping success!Gary Williams

    Copyright 2014 The EFT Hub
