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  • 8/2/2019 Manual Test Notes


    Page 1Ome sai ram

    Ome namo venkatesayaSrinivasayaGovindaya


    Soft WareTesting:

    Why did you choose this Course?* 1. Scope of getting job is very high.

    2. No need to depend up on any technologies.

    3. Testing remains forever4. I want to be consistent through out my life

    Why explicitly the s/w companies are recruitedthe test engineers?

    1. One person cannot efficiently perform two tasks at a time2. Sentimental attachment.

    Who can do the course?Any graduate can do this course at this point of time

    What exactly we require to get a job?1. Stuff2. Communication skills3. Confidence4. Dynamism

    Project:Project is some thing that is developed based on the particular

    customers requirements and used by that customer only ( E.g.:Marriage laddu)

    Product:It is some thing that is developed based on the companies specification and

    used by the multiple customers (e.g.: Thirupathi laddu)Quality:Classical definition for quality: - Quality is defined as justification of all therequirements of customer in a product.

    NOTE: Quality is not defined in the product; it is defined in the customers mind1

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    Defect: - Defect is defined as deviation from the requirements

    Latest definition for quality: - quality is defined as not only the justification ofrequirements but also the presence of value (User friendliness)Testing:

    Testing is processes, in which the defects are identified, isolated, subjected for

    rectification & ensure that the product is defect free. In order to produce the quality

    product in the end and hence customer satisfaction.

    Bidding The Project:Bidding the project is defined as request for proposal, estimation and signing

    off (Official agreement).

    Kick Off Meeting:It is an initial meeting conducted in the soft ware company soon after the

    project is signed off. In order to discuss the overview of the project and to select a

    project manager for the project.

    Usually high level management, Project managers, team managers, quality

    managers, team leads and quality leads will be involved in this meeting.

    PIN (Project Initiation Note):-It is a mail prepared by the project manager and sent to the CEO of the soft

    ware company in order to get the permission to start the project developments.

    Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC):-SDLC contains six phases they are

    1. Initial phase or requirements phase.

    2. Analysis phase

    3. Design phase

    4. Coding Phase

    5. Testing Phase

    6. Delivery & Maintenance Phase.

    I. Initial Phase or Requirements Phase :

    (a) Tasks: Interaction with the customer and gathering the requirements.

    (b) Roles: Business Analyst (B.A), Engagement Manager (E.M)

    Process: First of all the business analyst will take an appointment from thecustomer, collects the templates from the company, meets the customer on appointed

    day, gathers the requirements with the help of template and comes back to the

    company with the requirements documents.2

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    Once the requirement document has come to the company the

    engagement manager will check whether the customer gives any extra requirements

    or confused requirements. In case of extra requirements he deals the excess cost of the

    project. In case of confused requirements he is the responsible for prototype

    demonstration and gathering the clear requirements.

    Proof: The proof document of this phase is Requirements Document. This iscalled with different names in different companies.

    1. FRS (Functional Requirements Specification)

    2. CRS (Customer Requirement Specification)

    3. URS (User Requirement Specification)

    4. BDD (Business Design Document)

    5. BD (Business Document)

    6. BRS (Business Requirement Specification)

    Some companies may maintain the over all business flow information in one

    document and the detailed functional requirement information in the other document

    Templates: It is a pre defined format, which contains the predefined fields, andused for preparing a document in an easy, comfort and perfect manner.

    Prototype: -Defined as a roughly & Rapidly developed model which is used fordemonstrating to the client, In order to gather the clear requirements and to win the

    confidence of a customer.

    II. Analysis Phase:

    (a) Tasks:

    1. Feasibilty Study

    2. Tentative planning

    3. Technology Selection

    4. Requirement Analysis

    (b) Roles: System Analyst, Project Manager, and Team Manager.


    1. Feasibility Study: - It is detailed study of the requirements in order tocheck weather the requirements are possible or not.

    2. Tentative Planning: In this section the resource planning and the timeplanning (scheduling) is done temporarily.


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    3. Technology Selection: - The list of all the technologies that are required toaccomplish this project. Successfully will be analyzed and listed out in this


    4. Requirement Analysis: - The list of all the requirements that are requiredto accomplish this project. Successfully will be analyzed and listed out here in

    this section.

    SRC- System requirement specification

    Proof: - The proof of this phase is system Requirement specification.

    III. Design Phase: -


    1. High level designing

    2. Low level designing

    Roles: High-level designing is done by the chief Architect & Low leveldesigning is done by the Technical Lead

    Process: The Chief architect will be drawing some diagrams using unified modelinglanguage in order to divide the whole project in to modules.

    The Technical lead will also draw some diagrams in order to divide the

    modules in to sub modules.

    The technical lead will also develop the PSEUDO code in order to make

    developers comfortable while de3veloping the actual code.

    Proof: The proof document of this phase is Technical design document.

    IV. Coding phase:

    (a) Task: Developing or Programming

    (b) Roles: Developers or Programmers

    Process: Developers will develop the actual code by using the technical designdocument as well as following the coding standards like Proper indentation, color

    coding, proper commenting and etc..,

    Proof: The proof document of this phase is source code Document.

    E.g.: The programmer will develop some programs every one will develop his

    program in different colors but the soft ware companies will ask the developers to

    develop the program according to the company standards using proper color,

    coding, commenting. So as to understand it easily.


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    V. Testing Phase:

    (a) Task: Testing

    (b) Roles: Test engineers


    1. First of all the test engineers will collect the requirementsdocument and try to understand all the requirements

    2. While understanding it at all they get any doubts they will

    list out all of them in a review report.

    3. They will send the review report to the author of the

    requirements document for clarifications.

    4. Once the clarifications are given and after understanding all

    the requirements clearly, they will take the test case template

    and writes the test cases.

    5. Once the first build is released then they will execute the test


    6. If at all any defects are found. They will list out all of them

    in a defect profile template then

    7. They will sent the defect profile document to the

    development department and then will be waiting for the

    next build to be released.

    8. Once the next build is released then they re-execute the testcases.

    9. If at all any defects are found they will update the profile

    document and sent it to the development department and

    will be waiting fro the next build to be released.

    10. This process continuous till the product is defect free.

    Proof: The proof of the testing phase is Quality Product.

    Test Case: (def) Test case is an idea of a test engineer based on the customersrequirements in order to test a particular feature or a function.


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    VI. Delivery & Maintenance Phase:


    (a) Task: - Installing the application in the clients environment

    (b) Rolls: -Deployment engineer or Senior test engineers.

    Process: - The senior test engineer or deployment engineer will be going to the clients

    place and install the application in their environment with the help of the guidelines

    provide in the deployment document.


    After delivering the soft wate while using if at all any problem occurs

    then that problem becomes a task, based on that problem corresponding rolws will

    be appointed, the roles will defined the process and solve that problem.

    Some clients may request for the continuous maintenance in such situations a

    group of people from the software company will be continuously working on theclients place and taking care of the soft ware.


    Where exactly the testing comes in to picture?Which sort of testing you are expecting?How many sorts of testing are there?There are two sorts of testing.

    1. Un-conventional testing

    2. Conventional testing

    1.Un-conventional Testing: -Unconventional testing is a sort of testing done bythe quality assurance people, in which they test each and every out come document

    right from initial phase of the SDLC (Soft ware development life cycle)

    2.Conventional Testing: It is sort of testing done by the test engineers on theapplication in the testing phase of SDLC.


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    Testing Methodology or Testing techniques:There are three methods of testing

    (a) Black-Box Testing

    (b) White-Box Testing

    (a) Grey-Box Testing

    (a) Black-Box Testing: If one performs testing only on the functional part ofan application with out having any structural knowledge then tat method of

    testing is known as Black-Box testing, usually the test engineers perform it.

    (b) White-Box Testing: If one performs testing on the structural part of anapplication then that method of testing is known as white box testing, usually

    the developers or white box testers perform it.

    (c) Grey-Box Testing: If one performs testing on both the functional part aswell as the structural part of an application then that method of testing as

    known as gray box testing using the test engineers who have structural

    knowledge will perform gray- box testing.

    Levels of Testing:There are five levels of testing

    1. Unit Level Testing

    2. Module Level Testing

    3. Integration Level Testing

    4. System Level Testing

    5. User Acceptance Testing (U.A.B)

    1.Unit Level Testing: -

    It is a level of testing in which one will perform testing on the units. It is a

    white box testing and usually developers or white box testers will perform.

    2.Module Level Testing: -

    Module: Module is defined as a group of related functionalities to perform a majortask

    It is a level of tasting in which one will perform testing on the modules. It is a black

    box testing and usually test engineers perform it.


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    3.Integration Level Testing: -

    It is a level of testing in which the developers will develop some interfaces to

    integrate the modules and test whether the interfaces are working fine or not. It is a

    white box testing usually developers or white box tasters perform.

    The developers may follow one of the following approaches while integratingthe modules.

    1.Top-down approach

    2.Bottom up approach

    3.Hybrid or Sandwich approach

    4.Bigbang approach

    1.Top-down approach: - In this approach one will develop the parent modules

    first and then integrate them with the related child modules

    2.Bottom-up approach: - In this approach one will develop the child modules firstand integrate them to the parent modules

    3.Hybrid approach Or Sandwich approach:- This is a mixed approach ofboth the top down and bottom up approaches

    4.Big bang approach:-In this approach one will wait till all the modules are readyand finally they will integrate all the modules at a time

    STUB: - While integrating the modules in top down approach if at all anymandatory module is missing then that module is replace with a temporary program

    known as STUB

    DRIVER: -While integrating the modules in bottom up approach. If at all anymandatory module is missing then that module is replaced with a temporary program

    known as DRIVER

    4.System integration Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which once the complete application is developed one

    will perform an action at one module and checks for the reflections at thecorresponding modules. It is a black box testing and usually test engineers perform.


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    5.User- Acceptance Testing: -

    It is the level of testing in which one will perform the same system testing in

    the presence of the user in order to make him accept the application. It is a black box

    testing and usually Test engineer performs it.

    Environment: - Environment is a combination of three layers (e.g.: Yahoo)

    a. Presentation layer

    b. Business layer

    c. Data base Layer

    System: The application installed in to an environment combinable called as system.

    a. Presentation Logic: The logic that is used for viewing application is knownas presentation logic

    b. Business Logic: - The logic that is used for performing the operations on theapplication is known as business logic.

    c. Data Base Logic: - The logic that is used for sharing and retrieving the datais known as database logic.

    Types of Environment: - There are Four types of environments

    a. Stand alone environment or One-tier environment

    b. Client server environment or Two-tier Architecture

    c. Web environment or Three-tier Architecture

    d. Distributed environment or N-tier Architecture

    a. Stand Alone environment: -

    In this type of environment all the three layers that is presentation

    layer, Business layer& Database layer will be present in al single tier.

    This type of environment is suitable for single user application.

    One-Tier Architecture


    BL One tier ArchitectureDBL


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    b. Client server environment:

    In this type of environments there will be two tiers, one tier is for

    clients and other tier is for database servers. The presentation layer

    and the business layer will be present in each and every client . The

    database layer will be present in the database server. This type of

    environment is suitable for multi user application in a single or a

    limited area.

    Two tier Architecture




    Clients Server

    c. Web environment: - In his type of environment three tiers will be there. One is

    for clients the middle one is for application server and the other one is for

    database servers. Presentation layer will be present at clients, Business layer will

    be present in the application server, and database layer will be present at the

    database servers. This type of environment is suitable for the applications that

    are used all over the world by limited number users

    Three-tier Architecture:





    Web server: -It is software, which provides web services to the clients.


    Clients Appl Server Database server

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    E.g.: - Internet Information service (IIS).

    Example for Application servers: Tom pact, Web logic, web sphere etc..,

    d. Distributed environment: -It is similar to the web environment but the number of application

    servers are increased and represented in individual tiers in order to

    distribute the business logic so that the logic will be distributed.

    N-tier Architecture:

    PL DBL

    BL BL BL





    Software Development Models: -


    Clients Apl server1 Apl server2 Apl server2 Database serv

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    1.Water Falling Model

    Advantages:It is a simple model

    Project monitoring & maintenance is very easy

    Drawbacks:Con not accept the new requirements in the middle of the project

    (b) Prototype Model: -

    Advantages: -Whenever the customer is not clear with the requirements this is the best

    suitable model for gathering the clear requirements.








    S/w design


    Black box testing

    Delivery to


    Req.gathering BRS


    TDD, GUI

    Unit test

    Int. test

    Mod Test








    Unclear Req


    SRS Doc

    Base lined

    Client environment


    H/W rotot e

    S/WProtote e

    BRS DOC Base

    H/W rotot e

    H/W rotot e



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    Drawbacks: - It is not a complete model Prototype has to be built on companies cost User may limit his requirements by sticking to the prototype.

    (B) Evolutionary Model: -

    Advantages: -Whenever the customer is evolving the requirements this is the best

    Suitable model.

    Drawbacks: -

    Cannot define the dead lines Project monitoring & maintenance is very difficult

    No Transparency (No clear)

    Spiral Model: -

    Advantages: -This is the best suitable for developing the highly risk based project

    (scientific projects)


    Initial Req


    Application User




    Appl is Base lined

    Feed back with

    new Req.



    Risk Root cause



    Defining the objectives/WA/Constraints

    Refining &

    Planning for thenext cycle


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    Drawbacks: - Risk analysis and estimation is not an easy task

    It is a costly model

    It is a time consuming model

    Fish Model: -

    Advantages: -This is the best suitable for developing the highly risk based

    project(scientific projects)

    Drawbacks: -o Time consuming Model

    Costly model

    Verification: -It is a process of checking conducted on each and every role of the

    organization in order to check whether they are working according to the guidelines or not

    right from the starting of the process till the ending of the process

    Validation: -

    It is a process of checking conducted on the developed product in order

    to check whether it is working according to the requirements or not.

    (D) V-Model: -

    BRS Preparing proj plan14



    eq. Gathering

    RS Review

    SRS Review TDD Review White boxtesting

    Black Box


    Analysis Design Coding Delivery &Maintenance

    Test S/W


    Sys testing

    Initial& designPhase

    Verification Validation

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    SRS Preparing Test plan

    Req.Phase testing

    Design Phase testing

    TDD Program phase testing

    Test SCD

    S/W Build System testingTest management Process

    Testing User acceptance testing

    Port Testing

    S/W efficiency

    DRE=A/A+BDRE=A/A+BDelivery & Maintenance Test S/W changer

    Advantages; -AS verification and validation as well as test management process is done the out

    come will be a quality product.

    Drawbacks: -o

    Time consuming modeo Costly model

    DRE: Defects removal efficiency

    End of the Basic part

    Testing part to be continued.


    Design &


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    1.Build Acceptance Testing Or Build Verification Testing Or Sanity

    Testing: -

    It is a types of testing in which one will conduct over all testing on the released build

    in order to check whether it is proper for further detailed testing or not. Even some

    companies call it as smoke testing, but some companies says that just before releasing the

    build the developers will conduct the overall testing on the build that is known as smoke

    testing and once the build is released what ever the test engineers do in order to accept the

    build is known as B.A.T or B.V.T or Sanity Testing.

    2.Regression Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will perform testing on the already tested

    functionalities again and again.

    It is usually done in two scenarios.

    1. Whenever the testers has raised the defects, rectified by the developers and next

    build is released to the testing department then the test engineers will test thedefect functionality as well as the related functionality once again.

    2. When ever some new features are incorporated by the developers, next build is

    released to the testing department then the test engineers will once again test the

    related functionalities of the new features in order to confirm that they are

    working same as previous.

    Note: - Testing the new functionalities for the first time is known as new testing but notRegression Testing.

    3.Re-Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will test the same functionality again and again with

    different sets of values in order to come to a conclusion whether it is working or not.

    4.- Testing (Alpha Testing): -It is a type of user acceptance testing in which the test engineers will test the

    application in our company, in the presence of the customer.

    Advantage: - If at all any defects are found then there is a chance of rectifying themimmediately.

    5. -Testing (Beta): -It is a type of user acceptance testing done in the clients place either by the end-users

    or by the third party testing experts before actual implementation.


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    Drawback: If at all any defects are found then there is no chance of rectifying them


    6. Static Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will perform testing on the application or

    application related factors with out performing any action.

    Eg:- Documentary testing, GUI testing, Code reviews and etc.,

    7. Dynamic Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will perform in the application or its related factors

    by doing some actions

    Eg: - Functionality testing.

    8.Installation Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will install the application in to the environment by

    following the guide lines provided in the installation document and if the installation issuccessful then he will come a conclusion that the given guide lines are correct other wise he

    will come to a conclusion that the given guidelines are not correct.

    9.Compatibility Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one may have to deploy the application in to the

    multiple number of environments prepared with different combinations of environmental

    components in order to check whether the application is compatible with all that

    environments. This type of testing is usually done to products.

    10. Monkey Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will perform abnormal action on the application

    intentionally in order to check the stability of the application.

    11.Usability Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will check whether the application is user friendly

    or not and it can be comfortably used by the end user or not.

    12. Exploratory Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will (Domain Experts) will perform testing on the

    application with out having the knowledge of requirements but by exploring the


    13.End-To- End Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will perform testing on all the end- to-end scenarios

    of the application.


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    14.Port Testing:-

    It is a type of testing in which one will deploy the application in to the clients

    environment and check whether it is compatible with that environment or not.

    15.Reliability Testing: -It is a type of testing I which one will perform testing on the application continuously

    for long period of time in order to check the stability of the application

    16.Security Testing: -Its is a type of testing in which one will concentrate on the following areas of the


    a. Authentication Testingb. Direct URL Testing (Uniform Resource Location)c. Fire Wall Leakage Testing.

    (a) Authentication Testing: -It is a type of testing in which one will enter different combinations of usernames and

    passwords and try to access the home page in order to check whether only the authorized

    persons are accessing the application or not.

    (b) Direct URL Testing: -It is a type of testing in which one will enter the URL of an unauthorized page directly

    in the browser and try to access that page in order to check whether it is been accessed or is a unique kind of testing which is usedwidely.

    (c) Firewall Leakage Testing: -It is a type of testing in which one will enter as one level of user and try to access the

    other level of unauthorized pages in order to check whether the firewalls are working

    properly or not.

    17. Mutation Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will perform testing on some thing by doing some

    changes to it.

    18. ADHOC Testing: -

    It is a type of testing in which one will perform testing on the application in his own

    style after understanding the requirements clearly.


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    The Soft Ware Testing Life Cycle Contains Six


    They are

    Test Planning

    Test Development

    Test Execution

    Result Analysis

    Bug Tracking


    Plan: -

    It is a strategic document, which describes how to perform a task in an effective,efficient and optimized way.

    Test Plan: -It is a strategic document, which describes how to perform testing on an application

    in an effective, efficient and optimized way.

    Optimization: -Optimization is a process of utilizing the available input resources to their max and

    getting maximum possible out put.


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    1.0 Introduction1.1 Objective1.2 Reference Document

    2.0 Coverage Of Testing2.1 Features To Be Testing

    2.2 Features Not To Be Testing

    3.0 Test Strategy3.1 Levels Of Testing

    3.2 Types of testing3.3 Test metrics3.4 Automation Plan3.5 List of automated tools

    4.0 Base criteria

    4.1 Acceptance criteria4.2 Suspension criteria

    5.0 Test Deliverable

    6.0 Test Environment

    7.0 Resource Planning

    8.0 Scheduling

    9.0 Staffing& Training

    10.0 Risks & Contingencies

    11.0 Assumptions

    12.0 Approval Information

    1.0 Introduction: -


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    1.1 Objective: -The Purpose of the document is clearly described here in this section

    1.2 Reference Document: -The list of all the documents that are refereed to prepare the test plan will be

    listed out her in the section.

    2.0 Coverage Of Testing: -

    2.1 Features to be tested: -The list of all the features that are to be tested in this phase will be clearly

    mentioned here in this section.

    2.2 Features not to be tested: -The list of all the features that are not planned for testing based on the

    following criteria will be listed out here in this section

    a. Out of scope features

    b. Low risk features

    c. The functionalities that are planned to be incorporated in future

    d. The features that are to be skipped based on the time constraints.

    3.0 Test Strategy: -

    Test strategy is defined as an organizational level term, which is used for

    testing all the projects in the organization.

    Test Plan: -It is defined as a project level term, which is used for testing a particular

    project in the organization.

    Note: - Test strategy is common for all the projects but the test plan isspecific for a particular project

    3.1 Levels of Testing: -The list of all the levels of testing that are followed by that company are listed

    out here in this section

    3.2 Types of Testing: -The list of all the types of testing that are followed in that company will be

    listed out here in this section.

    3.3 Test Metrics: -The list of all the metrics that are maintained in that company will be listed

    out here in this section


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    3.4 Automation Plan: -The list of all the areas that are plan for automation in that company will be

    listed out here in this section.

    3.5 List Of Automated Tools: -The list of all the automated tools that are used in that company will be listed

    out here in this section.

    4.0 Base Criteria: -

    4.1 Acceptance Criteria: -When to stop testing feeling that enough testing has been done on the

    application is clearly described here in this section.

    4.1 Suspension Criteria: -When to suspend testing suddenly (abruptly) will be clearly mentioned here in

    this section.

    5.0 Test Deliverable: -

    The list of all the documents that are to be prepared during the testing phase

    will be listed out here in this section.

    Eg: Test case, defects profile document.

    6.0 Test Environment: -

    The customer specified environment would be clearly described here in this

    section. The same environment will be simulated in the company and will be used for

    testing purpose.

    7.0 Resource Planning: -

    Who has to do what is clearly described here in this section.

    8.0 Scheduling: -

    The starting dates and the ending data of the each and every tasks is clearlyplanned here in this section.

    9.0 Staffing& Training: -

    How much staff is to be recruited and what kind of training is to be provided is

    clearly described here in this section.

    10.0 Risks & contingencies (Solution Plans): -


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    The list of all the potential risks and the corresponding solution plans will be

    listed out here in this section.


    Risks:i. Unable to deliver the soft ware with in dead lines.

    ii. Employees may leave the organization in the middle of the

    projectiii. Customer may impose the dead lines.

    iv. Unable to test all the features with in the time.

    v. Lack of expertisation

    Contingencies (solution Plans):

    i. Proper plan ensurance.

    ii. Employees need to be maintained on the bench.

    iii. What not to be tested has to be planned in case of imposed dead

    lines.iv. Severity & Priority based testing.

    v. Proper Training needs to be provided.

    11.0 Assumptions: -

    The list of all the assumptions that are to be assumed by the test engineer will

    be listed out here in this section.

    12.0 Approval Information: -

    Who has to approve what is clearly described here in this section.


    Use Cases:


    Screen Shots

    LLI (Low-level


    HLI (High level


    FRS (Functional Requirement Specification)

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    Use case is a description of functionality of certain features of an application in

    terms of actors, actions& responses

    Input information required for preparing the use case Document: -

    i. Screen shot

    ii. Functional requirements

    iii. Special requirement/Business rules/Validation

    iv. Template

    i. Screen Shot: -

    User name


    Connect to

    ii. Functional Requirements: -

    a. Login screen should contain username, password, Connects To fieldsand login, clear, cancel buttons.

    b. Connect to is not a mandatory field but when ever user requires itshould allow him to select a data base option.

    c. Up on entering valid username, valid password and clicking on loginbutton corresponding page must be displayed.

    d. Up on clicking on the clear button the information present in all thefields must be cleared and the cursor must be available in the user

    name field

    e. Up on clicking on the cancel button login screen must be closed.

    iii. Special requirement/Business ruled/Validation: -

    a. Initially whenever the login screen is Invoked Login, clear buttons must be

    disabled.b. Cancels Button must be always enable.

    c. Up on entering user name and password the login button must be enabled.

    d. Up on entering some information in to any of the fields the clear buttonmust be enabled

    e. The Tabbing order must be user name, Password, Connect to, Login, clear,cancel.

    iv. Use Case Template:Name Of The Use Case :

    Brief Description of Use Case :


    Login Clear Cancel

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    Actors Involved :

    Special Requirements :

    Pre Condition :

    Post-Conditions :

    Flow of Events :

    v. Use Case Document:

    Name of the use case: Login use case.

    Brief Description of use case: It Describes the functionalities of all thefeatures present in the login screen.

    Actors Involved: Normal user, Admin User.

    Special Requirements: There are two types of special requirements1.Explicit requirements

    2.Implicit requirements

    1.Explicit Requirements: -The Requirements that are directly given by the customer are known as

    explicit requirement.

    2.Implicit Requirement: -The requirements that are analyzed by the business analyst feeling that

    they will add the value (user friendliness) to the application are known as

    implicit requirements.

    List of Explicit requirements: -

    Initially whenever the login screen is Invoked Login, clear buttons must

    be disabled.

    Cancels Button must be always enable.

    Up on entering user name and password the login button must be


    Up on entering some information in to any of the fields the clear button

    must be enabled

    The Tabbing order must be user name, Password, Connect to, Login,

    clear, cancel.

    List of Implicit Requirements: -

    Initially whenever the login screen is invoked the cursor must be available in

    the user name field


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    Upon entering in valid username, valid password and clicking on log in

    button an error message should be displayed Invalid username Please try


    Upon entering valid username, In valid password and clicking on login

    button an error message should be displayed Invalid Password Please Try


    Upon entering Invalid username, Invalid password and clicking on login

    button an error message should be displayed Invalid user name and

    password Please try again

    Pre-Conditions: Login screen must be available

    Post-Conditions: Either home page or admin page for the valid user and errormessage for the invalid users

    Flow of Events: There are three flows for the application

    1. Main Flow2.Alternative Flow3.Exceptional Flow

    1.Main Flow:Action Response

    1.Actor invokes the application.

    2.Actor enters valid user name, Valid

    password and clicks on login button.

    3.Actor enters valid user name, valid

    password, selects a database option and

    clicks on login button.

    4.Actor enters invalid user name Valid

    1.Login Screen is displayed with the following fields

    Username, Password, Connect to, Login, Clear&cancel.

    2.Either home page or admin page is displayed

    depending up on the actor entered by authenticating.

    3.Authenticates,Either home page or admin page is

    displayed depending up on the action entered with

    mentioned data base connection.

    4.Go to Alternative flow table 1


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    Page 27password and clicks on login button.

    5.Actor enters valid user name, Invalid

    password and clicks on login button.

    6.Actor enters both username and

    password invalid and clicks on login


    7.Actor enters some information in to anyof the fields and clicks on clear button.

    8.Actor clicks on the cancel button.

    5.Go to Alternative flow table 2

    6.Go to Alternative flow table 3

    7. All the fields are cleared and cursor is placed inthe user name fields

    8. Login screen is close

    1.Alternative flow table 1: -(Invalid User name)

    Action ResponseActor enters invalid user name, valid

    password and clicks on login button

    Authenticates an error message is

    displayed Invalid User name Please Try


    2.Alternative Flow Table 2: -(Invalid Password)

    Action ResponseActor enters valid user name, invalid

    password and clicks on login button

    Authenticates an error message is

    displayed Invalid User Password Please

    Try again.

    3.Alternative Flow Table 3: - (Invalid username & Password)

    Action ResponseActor enters invalid user name, invalid

    password and clicks on login button

    Authenticates an error message is

    displayed Invalid User name and

    password Please Try again.

    Cross Reference Document: -(Traceably Document)

    It is a document, which contains a table of linking information used for tracing

    back for the reference in any kind of ambiguous (confusion) or questionable situation.


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    Common Tracebility Matrix

    Requirement Tracebility Matrix


















    Defects Tracebility Document














    Types Of Test Cases:There are Two types of test cases if we see broadly they are:

    1. GUI Test Cases2. Functional Test Cases

    The Functional cases are further divided in to Two types

    (a) Positive Test Cases,

    (b) Negative Test Cases.

    Guide Lines fro developing the GUI Test Cases:

    Check for the availability of all the objects

    Check for the alignments of all the objects up on customer requirements

    Check for the consistency of all the objects

    Check for the spellings and grammar

    Apart from the above guide lines any thing else that can be tested just by

    looking with out doing any actions will fall under GUI test cases









    28 1




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    Guide Lines for Positive Test Cases:

    A test engineer should have positive mind set up

    He should consider the positive flow of the application

    He should use only the valid Input

    Guidelines for developing Negative Test Cases:

    A test engineer should have negative mind set up

    He should consider the negative flow of the application

    He should use at least one invalid input per a set of data

    Test Case Template: -

    (a) Test Objective

    (b) Test scenario

    (c) Test procedure

    (d) Test Data

    (e) Test Cases

    (a)Test Objective: -The main purpose of the document is described here in this section

    (b) Test Scenarios: -The list of all the scenarios that are to be tested will be listed out here in

    this section.

    (c)Test Procedure: -DEF: It is a functional level term, which describes how to perform

    testing on the functionalities of the application.

    The plan for testing the functionalities is briefly described here

    in this section

    (d) Test Data: -The date that is required for testing is made available here in this


    (e)Test Cases: -

    The format of a test case template is given below


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    DESCRIPTION EV AV Result Severity Priority Reference

    est case Table

    TCID TYPE Description Expected Value Actual Value Result Severity Priority Refer

    1 GUI

    Check for the availability ofall the objects as per theLogin Obj Tab

    All the objects must beavailable as per thelogin obj tab

    All the objects areavailable as perthe login obj tab Pass

    2 GUICheck for the constancy ofall the objects

    All the objects must beconsistent with each


    All the objects are

    consistent witheach other Pass

    3 GUI

    Check for the spellings ofall the objects as per the

    Login obj TabLogin Obj


    All the objects must bespelled properly as perthe login obj tab All the objects are

    spelled properly Pass

    4 GUI

    Check for the enableproperty of login, clear andcancel buttons

    Initially login, clear mustbe disabled and cancelbutton must be enabled

    Login, clear andcancel buttonsare enabled Fail

    5 GUICheck for the initialposition of the cursor

    Initially the cursor must

    be positioned in theuser name field

    Initially the cursor

    is present in theusername field Pass

    6 Positive

    Enter some information into user name andpassword field and checkfor the enabled property oflogin button

    Login button must beenabled

    Login button isenabled Pass

    7 Positive

    Enter some info in to anyof the fields and check forthe enabled property ofclear button

    Clear button must beenabled Clear button is

    enabled Pass


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    8 Positive

    Enter user name,Password as per theVITand click on login button

    Corresponding pagemust be displayed asper the VIT

    Correspondingpages aredisplayed as pervalid in puts table Pass

    9 Positive

    Enter username, Passwordas per the VIT and select adata base option and click

    on login

    Corresponding pagemust be displayed asper the VIT With thementioned data baseconnection

    Correspondingpages aredisplayed as perthe VIT with thementioned data

    base connection Pass

    10 Positive

    Enter some information into any of the fields andclear button

    All the fields must becleared and the Cursorshould be placed in theuser name fields

    All the fields arecleared but thecursor is notplaced in the username field. Fail

    11 Positive Click on the cancel button

    Login screen should beclosed Login screens

    closed Pass

    12 PositiveCheck for the tabbing orderof all the objects

    Tabbing order must beas follows User name,

    Password, Connect to,Login, Clear, Cancel

    Tabbing order isas followsUsername,

    Password,Connect to Login,clear, Cancel Pass

    13 Negative

    Enter username, Passwordas per the IVIT and click onlogin button

    Correspondingmessages should bedisplayed as perIVIT

    Correspondingerror messagesare not displayedas perIVIT Fail

    14 Negative

    Enter some informationonly in to the user namefield and check for theenabled property of loginbutton

    Login button must bedisabled

    Login button isenabled Fail

    15 Negative

    Enter some informationonly in to the passwordfield and check for theenabled property of loginbutton

    Login button must bedisabled

    Login button isenabled Fail


    Sno Obj Name Type

    1 User name Text Box

    2 Password Text Box

    3 Connect To Combo box

    4 Login Button

    5 Clear Button

    6 Cancel Button


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    Valid Inputs Table

    Sno User Name Password Expected Page Actual value Result

    1 Suresh qtp Admin Admin Pass

    2 Raja rani Home page Home page Pass

    3 Chiru mbbs Home page Home page Pass

    4 Praveen puppy Home page Home page Pass

    5 NTR illu Home page Home page Pass

    6 Admin Admin Admin Admin Pass

    Valid Inputs Table (IVIT)

    Sno User Name Password Expected Page Actual value Result

    1 Suresh1 qtp Invalid User name Plz try again Admin Fail

    2 Raja2 rani Invalid User name Plz try againInvalid User name Plz try

    again Pass

    3 Chiru DADA Invalid password Plz try againInvalid password Plz try

    again Pass

    4 Praveen TOPI Invalid password Plz try again

    Invalid password Plz try

    again Pass

    5 NTR1 illu4Invalid user name &

    password Plz try againInvalid user name &

    password Plz try again Pass

    6 Admin5 Admin6Invalid user name &

    password Plz try againInvalid user name &

    password Plz try again Pass


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    A test Engineer will do the following during the test execution

    1. He will perform the action that is described in the description column

    2. He will observe the actual behavior under the actual value column.

    3. He will document the observed value under the actual value column.

    In this phase the test engineer will compare the expected values with the actual values

    and if both are matched they will document the result as pass other wise they will

    document the result as fail.

    Bug Tracking is a process in which the defects are identified, Isolated and managed

    Defect ID: -

    The lists of defect numbers are mentioned here in this section.

    Defect Description: -What exactly the defect is clearly described here in this section.

    Steps for reproducibility: -The list of all the steps that are followed by the test engineer to identify the defect willbe listed out here in this section.

    Submitter: -The name of the test engineer who has submitted the defect will be mentioned here in

    this section.

    Date Submission: -The date on which the defect is submitted is mentioned here in this section.

    Version No: -33

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    Corresponding Version number is mentioned here in this section.

    Build No: -Corresponding build number is mentioned here in this section.

    Assigned To: -The development lead will fill the developers name for whom the defect is assigned.


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    efect Id


    Steps forReproducibility Submitter

    Date OfSubmission



    Assignto SeverityPriorityStatus

    Initially Login, cearbuttons are enabled

    instead of beingdisabled

    Not Applicable

    Sri Balaji 11-Feb-08 1.0.0 1

    Upon Clicking onclear button all thefields are cleared

    but the cursor is notplaced in the user

    name field

    1.Enter someinformation in to anyof the fields2.Click on clearbutton3.Observe that thecursor is not placedin the usernamefields after clearingall the fields

    Sri Balaji 11-Feb-08 1.0.0 1

    Upon enteringSuresh1 as

    username and qtpas password andclicking on login

    button admin pageis displayed instead

    of error message

    1.Enter Suresh1 into the user namefield 2.Enterqtp in to thepassword field3.Click on loginbutton4.Observe adminpage is displayedinstead of errormessage.

    Sri Balaji 11-Feb-08 1.0.0 1

    Up on entering theinformation only into the user name

    field login button isenabled instead of

    being disabled

    1.Enter someinformation in tousername field2.Check for the

    enabled property oflogin button.

    3.Observe that loginbutton is enabledinstead of being

    disabled.Sri Balaji 14-Feb-08 1.0.0 1

    Upon entering theinformation only into the password

    field login button isenabled insteadbeing disabled

    1.Enter someinformation in tho

    password field2.Check for theenabled property of

    login button3.Observe that login

    button to enableinstead of being

    disabledSri Balaji 11-Feb-08 1.0.0 1


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    Defect- Id: -The list of defect numbers are mentioned here in this section

    Defect Description: -What exactly the defect is clearly described here in this section

    Steps for reproducibility: -The list of all the steps that are followed by the test engineer to identify

    the defect will be listed out here in this section

    Submitter: -The name of the test engineer who has submitted the defect will be

    mentioned here in this section.

    Date Of Submission: -The date on which the defect is submitted is mentioned here in this


    Version No: -Corresponding Version number is mentioned here in this section.

    Build No: -Corresponding build number is mentioned here in this section.

    Assigned To: -The development lead will fill the developers name for whomthe defect is

    assigned.Severity: -How serious the defect is defined in terms of severity, Severity is

    classified in to four types:

    1.Fatal (Sev1) or S1 or 1

    2.Major (Sev2) or S2 or 2

    3.Minor (Sev3) or S3 or 3

    4.Suggestion (Sev4) or S4 or 4

    1.Fatal:If at all the problems are related to the navigational blocks or unavailability of

    functionality then such type of defects are treated to be fatal defect.


    Main Menu










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    2.Major: -If at all the problems are related to the working of major functionalities

    then such types of defects are treated to be major defects.

    3.Minor: -If at all the problems are related to the Look & Feel of the application

    then such type of defects are treated to be minor defects

    4.Suggestions: -

    If at all the problems are related to the value of the application then suchtype defects are treated to be suggestions.

    +Ve integer Box
















    Plz Try


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    Priority: -by developerPriority defines the sequence in which the sequence in which defects has to be

    rectified. It is classified in to four types

    1.Critical (Pri1) or P1 or 1

    2.High (Pri2) or P2 or 2

    3.Medium (Pri3) or P3 or 34.Low (Pri4) or P4 or 4

    Usually the Fatal defects are given critical priority, Major defects are

    given High priority, Minor defects are given Medium Priority and suggestions are

    given Low Priority, But depending up on the situations the priority will be changing.

    I - Case:

    Low severity-High Priority Case: -

    Up on customer visit to the company all the look and feel defects are

    given highest priority.

    II - Case:High severity Low Priority Case: -

    When ever 80% of the application is released to testing department as

    20% is missing the test engineers will treat them as Fatal defect but the development

    lead will give least priority for those defects as features are under development.


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    Is it




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    Bug Life Cycle: -


    Build #1

    Build #2




















    Fixed for









    As per









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    Status: -

    New: - When ever the defect is found for the first time the test engineer will set the

    status as New.

    Open: -When ever the developer accepts the raised defect then he will set the status as


    Fixed for verification Or Fixed for rectified: - When ever the developer rectifies the

    raised defect then he will change the status to fixed.

    Re open and Closed: -When ever the defects are rectified, next build is released to the

    testing dept then the test engineers will check whether the defects are rectified

    properly or not. If the defect is rectified properly then the test engineer will set the

    status as Closed. If the defect is not rectified properly then the test engineer will set

    the status as Re open.

    Hold: - When ever the developer is confused to accept or reject the defect then he will

    set the status of the defect as hold.

    Testers Error or Testers Mistake Or Rejected: - When ever the developer isconfirmed it is not at all a defect hen he will set the status of the defect as


    As Per Design: - When ever the test engineer is not aware of new requirements and if

    he raises defects related to the new features then the developer will set the status As

    Per Design.

    Note: This is a rare case not usually Occurs