mapping bio

PEMETAAN KURIKULUM CAMBRIDGE INT. EXAMINATION (CIE) 2008 & NASIONAL (KTSP 2006) BIOLOGI Catatan: - pemetaan kurikulum berikut belum disusun dengan urut, karena perbedaan urutan antara kurikulum nasional (standar isi) & internasional - IGCSE setara dengan kelas X-XI, A level setara dengan kelas XI-XII Gambaran umum No . Topik Level di kurikulum CIE Level di kurikulum nasional (SI) Level di kurikulum SBI IGCSE A level X XI XII X XI XII A. PENGANTAR ILMU BIOLOGI & METODE ILMIAH - - - B. KARAKTERIRTIK & KLASIFIKASI MAKHLUK HIDUP – KEANEKARAGAMAN HAYATI - - C. HUBUNGAN MAKHLUK HIDUP DENGAN SESAMANYA DAN DENGAN LINGKUNGANNYA - - D. STRUKTUR & ORGANISASI SEL - - - E. TRANSPORTASI - - - F. RESPIRASI - - G. EKSKRESI - - - H. KOORDINASI & RESPONS - - I. REPRODUKSI - - J. PERTUMBUHAN & PERKEMBANGAN - - - K. HEREDITAS - - L. NUTRISI & PENCERNAAN - - - M. FOTOSINTESIS & KEMOSINTESIS - - N. METABOLISME & ENZIM - - O. VIRUS, BAKTERI, PROTISTA & JAMUR - - - - P. SISTEM PERTAHANAN TUBUH - - - Q. KANKER & TUMOR - - - -

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- pemetaan kurikulum berikut belum disusun dengan urut, karena perbedaan urutan antara kurikulum nasional (standar isi) & internasional- IGCSE setara dengan kelas X-XI, A level setara dengan kelas XI-XII

Gambaran umum

No. TopikLevel di kurikulum

CIELevel di kurikulum

nasional (SI)Level di kurikulum




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International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes Level Indikator

IGCSE X-1 Menjelaskan karakteristik umum sains. Menjelaskan kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan ilmu Biologi. Menjelaskan apa yang dikaji (ruang lingkup) ilmu Biologi. Menunjukkan kedudukan dan keterkaitan Biologi dengan ilmu yang lain. Membuat laporan hasil pengamatan lapangan dan hasil diskusi tentang ruang lingkup Biologi. Memberikan contoh manfaat mempelajari Biologi. Memberikan contoh dampak negatif yang mungkin timbul akibat berkembangnya ilmu Biologi. Menjelaskan pentingnya IPTEK dalam perkembangan Biologi.

Memberikan contoh objek biologi pada tingkat molekul sampai sistem organ individu. Memberikan contoh objek biologi pada tingkat individu sampai bioma. Memberikan contoh masalah biologi pada berbagai tingkat organisasi kehidupan. Mengusulkan alternatif pemecahan masalah biologi yang ditemukan dengan rencana penelitian sederhana yang dapat


Metode Ilmiah Mengidentifikasi urutan sistematika metoda ilmiah. Menjelaskan bekerja dan bersikap ilmiah yang ditunjukkan seorang ahli biologi. Memberikan contoh pemecahan masalah biologi dengan metoda ilmiah. Menjelaskan manfaat hasil pemecahan masalah dengan metoda ilmiah

A level

XII-1 Merancang Percobaan Menentukan variabel yang berpengaruh dan variabel bebas terhadap percobaan yang dirancang. Menjelaskan cara kerja/ fungsi alat yang digunakan untuk melakukan percobaan yang akan dibuat. Menuliskan rancangan percobaan yang direncanakan

Melakukan Percobaan Melakukan pengamatan atas percobaan yang dibuat. Menghimpun data percobaan. Menganalisis data hasil percobaan

Mengkomunikasikan Hasil PercobaanMelakukan seminar hasil percobaan pengaruh faktor luar terhadap pertumbuhan


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International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 1. Characteristics of living organisms- list and describe the characteristics of living organisms- define the terms nutrition, excretion, respiration, sensitivity, reproduction, growth and movement

2. Classification and diversity of living organisms

2.1 Concept and use of a classificatory system- define and describe the binomial system of naming species and classify the five main classes of vertebrates using visible, external characteristic features only- list the main features used in the classification of the following groups: viruses, bacteria and fungi, and their adaptation to the environment, as appropriate

2.2 Adaptations of organisms to their environment, to be illustrated by examples wherever possible- list the main features used in the classification of the following groups: flowering plants(monocotyledons and dicotyledons), arthropods (insects, crustaceans, arachnids and myriapods),annelids, nematodes and molluscs, using visible, external characteristic features only

3. Simple keys - use simple dichotomous keys based on easily identifiable features

X-2 1. Keanekaragaman Hayati Mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman gen dan jenis makhluk hidup dari hasil

pengamatan lingkungan. Merumuskan konsep keseragaman dan keberagaman dari makhluk hidup dari

hasil pengamatan. Menemukan jenis organisme khas daaerah/wilayah dan mendeskripsikan

keanekaragaman gennya. Membandingkan ciri keanekaragaman hayati pada tingkat gen, jenis, dan

ekosistem. Mengenali kekhasan berbagai tingkat keanekaragaman di lingkungan sekitar. Menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang menentukan keanekaragaman ekosistem. Menjelaskan peran keanekaragaman terhadap kestabilan lingkungan . Menganalisis kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi jika terjadi perubahan jumlah

dan jenis keanekaragaman hayati terhadap keseimbangan lingkungan Memberikan contoh keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia dan pemanfaatannya.

berdasarkan biogeografinya. Menunjukkan organisme yang bermasalah yang menjadi kekayaan Indonesia. Menjelaskan cara pelestarian/pengembangan organisme kategori bermasalah. Menunjukkan ciri khas hutan hujan tropis Indonesia. Menemukan permasalahan yang terjadi pada hutan hujan tropis Indonesia dan

pemecahan masalahnya. Menjelaskan fungsi hutan hujan tropis bagi kehidupan. Menjelaskan usaha-usaha pelestarian keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia.

2. Divisio dalam Dunia Tumbuhan Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri umum plantae. Membedakan tumbuhan lumut, paku dan biji berdasarkan ciri-cirinya. Klasifikasi pada tumbuhan lumut, tumbuhan paku dan tumbuhan biji. Menjelaskan cara-cara perkembangbiakan tumbuhan lumut, paku dan biji. Membuat charta perkembangbiakan dan siklus hidup tumbuhan lumut,

tumbuhan paku dan tumbuhan biji. Menemukan peranan berbagai jenis Plantae tertentu yang ada di lingkungannya

terhadap ekonomi dan lingkungan Menyajikan data contoh plantae Indonesia yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi

untuk berbagai kebutuhan. Membuat tabel hasil penggalian informasi pemanfaatan plantae.

A level

(a) *outline the five kingdom classification to illustrate the diversity of (b) discuss the meaning of the term biodiversity;(c) discuss the reasons for the need to maintain biodiversity;(d) describe the reasons why one named species has become endangered, and use this information in the context of other endangered species;(e) discuss methods of protecting endangered species including the roles of zoos, botanic gardens, conserved areas (national parks) and seed banks;(f) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.

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3. Filum dalam Dunia Hewan Mengenal ciri-ciri umum animalia. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik berbagai filum anggota kingdom animalia. Menyajikan data (gambar, foto, deskripsi) berbagai ivertebrata yang hidup di

lingkungan sekitarnya berdasarkan pengamatan. Mengidentifikasi anggota insekta menggunakan kunci determinasi sederhana. Membuat data berbagai spesies hewan invertebrata dari berbagai golongan

yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan Mengidentifikasi morpologi, anatomi berbagai hewan vertebrata dari hasil

pengamatan. Membedakan struktur anatomi hewan vertebrata dari berbagai golongan. Menyusun tabel berbagai hewan vertebrata yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator


1. Energy flow - state that the Sun is the principal source of energy input to biological systems- describe the non-cyclical nature of energy flow

2. Food chains and food webs (Emphasis on examples occurring locally)- define the terms food chain, food web, producer, consumer, herbivore, carnivore, decomposer,ecosystems and trophic level- describe energy losses between trophic levels, and the advantages of short food chains- describe and interpret pyramids of biomass, numbers and energy- recognise that there is an increased efficiency in supplying green plants as human food and thatthere is a relative inefficiency, in terms of energy loss, in feeding crop plants to animals

3. Nutrient cycles - describe the carbon and the water cycles- describe the nitrogen cycle in terms of the role of microorganisms in providing usable nitrogen containing substances by decomposition and by

X-2 1. Komponen Ekosistem & Daur energi Menguraikan komponen ekosistem dari hasil pengamatan. Mendeskripsikan hubungan antara komponen biotik dan abiotik,

serta biotik dan biotik lainnya Menganalisis jika terjadi ketidakseimbangan hubungan antar

komponen (karena faktor alami dan akibat perbuatan manusia) Menjelaskan mekanisme aliran energi pada suatu ekosistem. Menjelaskan faktor-faktor pendukung terjadinya keseimbangan

ekosistem. Menanam pohon di lingkungan sekolah dan sekitarnya.

2. Daur Biogeokimia Membuat charta daur biogeokimia, seperti air, karbon, nitrogen,

sulfur, posfor. Menjelaskan peran mikroorganisme/organisme dalam berbagai daur


3. Kegiatan Manusia & Masalah Lingkungan Menemukan faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya perusakan


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nitrogen fixation in roots; the absorption of thesesubstances by plants and their conversion to protein, followed by passage through food chains,death, decay, nitrification and denitrification and the return of nitrogen to the soil or the atmosphere(names of individual bacteria are not required)- discuss the effects of the combustion of fossil fuels and the cutting down of forests on thebalance between oxygen and carbon dioxide

4. Population size - state the factors affecting the rate of population growth, and describe their importance (e.g. food,supply, predation and disease)- identify the phases of a sigmoid curve of population growth resulting from the action of alimiting factor- explain the factors that lead to the lag phase, exponential phase and stationary phase in thesigmoid curve of population growth- describe the increase in population size in the absence of limiting factors (human populationgrowth) and the social implications of current human survival rate- interpret graphs and diagrams of human population growth

5. Human influences on the ecosystem With emphasis on examples of international importance (e.g. tropical rain forests, oceans and rivers)

5.1 Agriculture- discuss, using suitable examples, ways in which the use of modern technology has resulted inincreased food production- describe the undesirable effects of deforestation- describe the overuse of fertilisers on the land

5.2 Pollution - describe the undesirable effects of water pollution by sewage and chemical waste, air pollution by sulphur dioxide and pollution due to pesticides and herbicides and nuclear fall-out- assess the significance of non-biodegradable plastics and other, materials

Membuat usulan alternatif pemecahan temuan masalah kerusakan lingkungan.

Mengenali perilaku manusia yang tidak ramah lingkungan. Memberikan contoh bahan-bahan polutan. Menjelaskan dampak suatu bahan polutan terhadap kelangsungan

hidup makhluk hidup.

4. Pelestarian Lingkungan Menjelaskan pemahamnnya tentang hidup ber-etika lingkungan. Mengenal cara-cara menghindari/perbaikan/peles-tarian lingkungan Membuat usulan rencana perbaikan/pelestarian lingkungan rumah


5. Limbah & Daur Ulang Membuat data jenis-jenis limbah rumah tangga berdasarkan

pengamatan. Mengklasifikasi limbah organik dan anorganik dan sumbernya. Menjelaskan jenis limbah bahan beracun berbahaya (limbah B3) Menjelaskan parameter kualitas limbah sebagai polutan. mengidentifikasi jenis limbah yang mungkin dapat di daur ulang. Refleksi diri mengatasi limbah rumah tangga dan lingkungan Mendesain produk daur ulang yang akan dibuat. Memilih bahan limbah rumah tangga untuk daur ulang. Mempersiapkan alat dan bahan sesuai keperluan yang direncanakan. Dihasilkan produk baru yang berguna dari bahan utama berupa


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used in themanufacturing industry - discuss the causes and apparent effects on the environment of acid rain, and the measuresthat might be taken to reduce its incidence

5.3 Conservation - describe the need for conservation of species and their habitats and of natural resources- describe the principle of recycling materials including sewage (water) and paper

A level

(a) define the terms habitat, niche, population, community and ecosystem and state examples of each;(b) explain the terms producer, consumer and trophic level in the context of food chains and food webs;(c) explain how energy losses occur along food chains and discuss the efficiency of energy transfer between trophic levels;(d) describe how nitrogen is cycled within an ecosystem, including the roles of microorganisms;(e) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems. Note: An ecosystem should be studied in relation to an area familiar to the candidates.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 1. Cell structure and organisationCellular nature of all living organisms- identify and describe the structure of a plant cell (palisade cell) and an animal cell (liver cell), asseen under a light microscope - describe the differences in structure between typical animal and plant cells- relate the structures seen under the light microscope in the plant cell and in the animal cell to their functions

2. Levels of organisation

XI-1 1. Komponen Sel Menjelaskan komponen kimia sel. Menggambarkan struktur sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan dari hasil

pengamatan. Menunjukkan bagian-bagian sel berdasarkan gambar

literatur/penelusuran CD interaktif/internet. Menjelaskan struktur bagian-bagian sel beserta fungsinya Karya model sel.

2. Identifikasi Sel Tumbuhan & Hewan

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Modification of cell structure for specific functions- define tissue and relate the structure of the following to their functions:

ciliated cells – in respiratory tractroot hair cells – absorptionxylem vessels – conduction and supportmuscle cells – contractionred blood cells – transport

- define organ and organ system, as illustrated by examples covered in Sections II and III

3. Size of specimens - calculate magnification and size of biological specimens using millimetres as units.

4. Movement in and out of cells4.1 Diffusion- define diffusion as the movement of molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient

4.2 Active Transport- describe the importance of gaseous and solute diffusion, and of water as a solvent- define active transport and discuss its importance as an energy-consuming process by which substances are transported against a concentration gradient, e.g. ion uptake by root hairs and uptake of glucose by epithelial cells of villi

4.3 Osmosis - define osmosis as the passage of water molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration, through a partially permeable membrane- describe the importance of osmosis on the uptake of water by plants, and its effects on plant andanimal tissues- understand the concept of a water potential gradient

Membandingkan struktur sel hewan dan sel tumbuhan. Menjelaskan organel-organel yang dimiliki masing-masing sel

tumbuhan dan hewan. Menjelaskan fungsi masing-masing organel yang dimiliki sel

hewan dan sel tumbuhan. Karya model sel hewan, bagian-bagian dan fungsinya.

3. Sistem Tranport Dalam Sel Menjelaskan ciri-ciri transpor secara difusi dan osmosis. Menjelaskan terjadinya peristiwa plasmolisis. Menjelaskan penerapan konsep transfor yang terjadi pada sel pada

pengawetan bahan makanan. Membedakan mekanisme transfor aktif dan pasif. Menjelaskan proses dan memberikan contoh endositosis dan

eksositosis Merancang percobaan dengan bahan lain membuktikan transpor

lewat membran. Membuat makanan awetan dengan konsep transpor melalui


4. Struktur Jaringan Tumbuhan Menggambarkan berbagai macam struktur jaringan pada tumbuhan

dari hasil pengamatan. Mengidentifikasi macam-macam jaringan berdasarkan bentuk dan

lokasinya. Membedakan struktur jaringan tumbuhan menggunakan gambar. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri utama masing-masing macam jaringan

tumbuhan. Menjelaskan fungsi berbagai macam struktur jaringan tumbuhan.5. Struktur Jaringan Hewan Vertebrata

Menggambarkan berbagai macam jaringan berdasarkan hasil pengamatan.

Mengidentifikasi struktur masing-masing jaringan berdasarkan gambar hasil pengamatan dan kajian.

Menunjukan macam jaringan berdasarkan lokasinya pada tubuh hewan vertebrata/manusia

Mengenal fungsi masing-masing jaringan hewan. Menjelaskan fungsi masing-masing jaringan berdasarkan struktur,

A level

(a) *use a graticule and stage micrometer to measure cells and be familiar with units (millimetre, micrometre, nanometre) used in cell studies;(b) explain and distinguish between resolution and magnification, with reference to light microscopy and electron microscopy;(c) describe and interpret drawings and photographs of typical animal and plant cells, as seen under the electron microscope, recognising the following

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membrane systems and organelles - rough and smooth endoplasmic reticula, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, chloroplasts, plasma/cell surface membrane, nuclear envelope, centrioles, nucleus and nucleolus;(d) outline the functions of the membrane systems and organelles listed in (c);(e) *compare and contrast the structure of typical animal and plant cells;(f) *draw plan diagrams of tissues (including a transverse section of a dicotyledonous leaf) and calculate the linear magnification of drawings;(g) describe the structure of a prokaryotic cell and compare and contrast the structure of prokaryotic cells with eukaryotic cells;(h) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.

Cell & Nuclear Division(a) explain the importance of mitosis in growth, repair and asexual reproduction;(b) explain the need for the production of genetically identical cells and fine control of replication;(c) explain how uncontrolled cell division can result in cancer and identify factors that can increase the chances of cancerous growth;(d) *describe, with the aid of diagrams, the behaviour of chromosomes during the mitotic cell cycle and the associated behaviour of the nuclear envelope, cell membrane, centrioles and spindle (names of the main stages are expected);(e) explain the meanings of the terms haploid and diploid and the need for a reduction division prior to fertilisation in sexual reproduction;(f) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.

bentuk dan fungsinya Mengkaitkan sifat totipotensi jaringan dengan teknik kultur

jaringan. Menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip dasar kultur jaringan. Membuat charta urutan proses kultur jaringan pada satu jenis



International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 7.1 Transport in plants7.1.1 Water uptake- identify root hair cells, as seen under the light microscope, and describe their functions- describe the passage of water through root, stem and leaf

7.1.2 Transpiration - define transpiration- describe: how water vapour loss is related to cell surfaces, air spaces and stomata the effects of variation of temperature, humidity and light intensity on transpiration rate how wilting occurs

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- explain the mechanism of water uptake and movement in terms of transpiration producing a tension ('pull') from above, creating a water potential gradient in the xylem, drawing cohesive water molecules up the plant.- discuss the adaptations of the leaf, stem and root to different environments, with emphasis on local examples and the factors described in the core

7.1.3 Translocation - define translocation in terms of the movement of sucrose and amino acids from regions of production or of storage to regions of utilisation in respiration or growth- describe translocation throughout the plant of applied chemicals, including systemic pesticides- compare the role of transpiration and translocation in the transport of materials from sources to sinks, within plants at different seasons

7.2 Transport in humans7.2.1 Heart- describe: the gross structure and function of the heart the effect of exercise on heart beat- list the likely causes of a heart attack (diet, smoking and stress), and preventive measures

7.2.2 Arteries, veins and capillaries - describe: the structure and functions of arteries, veins and capillaries the double circulatory system- explain how structure and function are related in arteries, veins and capillaries

7.2.3 Blood - identify blood cells, as seen under a light microscope- describe: the components of blood, the functions of blood, including clotting (no details of clotting required), the transfer of materials between capillaries and tissue fluid- describe the immune system in terms of antibody production, tissue rejection and phagocytosis- describe the process of clotting (fibrinogen to fibrin only)- describe the function of the lymphatic system in circulation of body fluids, and the production ofLymphocytes

A level

Cell & Membrane transport(a) describe and explain the fluid mosaic model of membrane structure, including an outline of the roles of phospholipids, cholesterol, glycolipids, proteins and glycoproteins;(b) outline the roles of membranes within cells and at the surface of cells;(c) describe and explain the processes of diffusion, osmosis, active transport, facilitated diffusion, endocytosis and exocytosis (terminology described in the IOB’s publication Biological Nomenclature should be used; no calculations involving water potential will be set);(d) *investigate the effects on plant cells of immersion in solutions of different water potential;(e) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.

Transport System in Plants & Animals(a) explain the need for transport systems in multicellular plants and animals in terms of size and surface area to volume ratios;

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(b) define the term transpiration and explain that it is an inevitable consequence of gas exchange in plants;(c) *describe how to investigate experimentally the factors that affect transpiration rate;(d) *describe the distribution of xylem and phloem tissue in roots, stems and leaves of dicotyledonous plants;(e) *describe the structure of xylem vessel elements, sieve tube elements and companion cells and be able to recognise these using the light microscope;(f) relate the structure of xylem vessel elements, sieve tube elements and companion cells to their functions;(g) explain the movement of water between plant cells and between them and their environment, in terms of water potential (no calculations involving water potential will be set);(h) describe the pathways and explain the mechanisms by which water is transported from soil to xylem and from roots to leaves;(i) *describe how the leaves of xerophytic plants are adapted to reduce water loss by transpiration;(j) explain translocation as an energy-requiring process transporting assimilates, especially sucrose, between the leaves (sources) and other parts of the plant (sinks);(k) explain the translocation of sucrose using the mass flow hypothesis;(l) *describe the structures of arteries, veins and capillaries and be able to recognise these vessels using the light microscope;(m) explain the relationship between the structure and function of arteries, veins and capillaries;(n) *describe the structure of red blood cells, phagocytes and lymphocytes and explain the differences between blood, tissue fluid and lymph;(o) describe the role of haemoglobin in carrying oxygen and carbon dioxide;(p) describe and explain the significance of the dissociation curves of adult oxyhaemoglobin at different carbon dioxide levels (the Bohr effect);(q) describe and explain the significance of the increase in the red blood cell count of humans at high altitude;(r) describe the external and internal structure of the mammalian heart;(s) explain the differences in the thickness of the walls of the different chambers in terms of their functions;(t) describe the mammalian circulatory system as a closed double circulation;(u) describe the cardiac cycle;(v) explain how heart action is initiated and controlled (reference should be made to the sinoatrial node, the atrioventricular node and the Purkyne tissue);(w) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 8. Respiration- define respiration as the release of energy from food substances in all living cells

8.1 Aerobic respiration - define aerobic respiration- state the equation for aerobic respiration, using words

XI-2 1. Alat & Sistem Pernafasan Manusia Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi alat-alat pernafasan

pada manusia. Menjelaskan mekanisme pernapasan pada manusia. Membedakan pernafasan dada dan pernafasan perut.

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- name and describe the uses of energy in the body of humans- state the equation for aerobic respiration using symbols

8.2 Anaerobic respiration - define anaerobic respiration- state the equation for anaerobic respiration in muscles and yeast, using words- describe the role of anaerobic respiration in brewing and breadmaking- describe the production of lactic acid in muscles during exercise- compare aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration in terms of relative amounts of energyreleased- state the equation for anaerobic respiration in muscles and yeast, using symbols

8.3 Gaseous exchange- list the features of gaseous exchange surfaces in animals- state the differences in composition between inspired and expired air- describe a test for carbon dioxide- describe: the effects of physical activity on rate and depth of breathing, the effects of tobacco smoke and its major toxic components on the respiratory system- describe the role of the ribs, the internal and external intercostal muscles and the diaphragm inproducing volume and pressure changes leading to the ventilation of the lungs- explain the link between physical activity and rate and depth of breathing in terms of changes inrespiratory rate ands therefore of carbon dioxide concentration and pH in tissues and in the blood

Menjelaskan proses mekanisme pertukaran Oksigen dan Karbondioksida dari alveolus ke kapiler darah atau sebaliknya.

2. Alat & Sistem Pernafasan Hewan Mengidentifikasi alat-lat pernafasan dan proses

pernapasan burung. Membedakan pernafasan manusia dan burung

3. Kelainan Sistem Pernafasan Menjelaskan kelainan/penyakit yang terjadi pada

sistem pernafasan. Mengenali cara-cara pencegahan/menghindari

penyakit pada sistem pernafasan. Mendata pemanfaatan teknologi yang digunakan

untuk membantu bernafas

A level

Gas Exchange(a) *describe the structure of the human gas exchange system, including the microscopic structure of the walls of the trachea, bronchioles and alveoli with their associated blood vessels;(b) *describe the distribution of cartilage, ciliated epithelium, goblet cells and smooth muscle in the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles;(c) describe the functions of cartilage, cilia, goblet cells, smooth muscle and elastic fibres in the gas exchange system;(d) describe the process of gas exchange between air in the alveoli and the blood;(e) explain the terms tidal volume and vital capacity;(f) describe the effects of tar and carcinogens in tobacco smoke on the gas exchange system;(g) describe the signs and symptoms of emphysema, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer;(h) describe the effects of nicotine and carbon monoxide on the cardiovascular system with reference to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and strokes;(i) evaluate the epidemiological and experimental evidence linking cigarette smoking to disease and early death;

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(j) discuss the problems of cardiovascular disease and the ways in which smoking may affect the risk of developing cardiovascular disease;(k) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.

ENERGY & RESPIRATION(a) outline the need for energy in living organisms, as illustrated by anabolic reactions, active transport, movement and the maintenance of body temperature;(b) describe the structure of ATP as a phosphorylated nucleotide;(c) describe the universal role of ATP as the energy currency in all living organisms;(d) explain that the synthesis of ATP is associated with the electron transport chain on the membranes of the mitochondrion;(e) outline glycolysis as phosphorylation of glucose and the subsequent splitting of hexose phosphate (6C) into two triose phosphate molecules, which are then further oxidised with a small yield of ATP and reduced NAD;(f) explain that, when oxygen is available, pyruvate is converted into acetyl (2C) coenzyme A, which then combines with oxaloacetate (4C) to form citrate (6C); (g) outline the Krebs cycle, explaining that citrate is reconverted to oxaloacetate in a series of small steps in the matrix of the mitochondrion (no further details are required);(h) explain that these processes involve decarboxylation and dehydrogenation and describe the role of NAD;(i) outline the process of oxidative phosphorylation, including the role of oxygen (no details of the carriers are required);(j) explain the production of a small yield of ATP from anaerobic respiration and the formation of ethanol in yeast and lactate in mammals, including the concept of oxygen debt;(k) explain the relative energy values of carbohydrate, lipid and protein as respiratory substrates;(l) define the term respiratory quotient (RQ);(m) *carry out investigations, using simple respirometers, to measure RQ and the effect of temperature on respiration rate;(n) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 9. Excretion in humansThe necessity to remove toxic waste products of metabolism- define excretion as the removal of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism and substances in excess of requirements from organisms

XI-2 1. Ekskresi Manusia Mengidentifikasi struktur dan fungsi alat-alat ekskresi. Membedakan struktur dan fungsi alat-alat eksresi. Menjelaskan proses ekskresi, seperti keringat, urine, bilirubin dan

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- describe: the function of the kidney simply in terms of the removal of urea and excessive water and the reabsorbtion of glucose and some salts (details of kidney structure and nephron are notrequired), the relative positions of ureters, bladder and urethra in the body the formation of urea and the breakdown of alcohol, drugs and hormones in the liver- describe filtration of water, glucose and salts out of the blood, followed by reabsorption ofglucose, most of the water and some of salts back into the blood, leading to the concentrationof urea in the urine, and loss of excess water- explain dialysis and discuss its application in kidney machines- discuss the advantages and disadvantages of kidney transplants, compared with dialysis

biliverdin, CO2 dan H2O (uap air). Melakukan uji kandungan zat dalam urine.

2. Ekskresi Hewan Membedakan struktur alat ekskresi ikan, cacing dan belalang

(ginjal). Membedakan alat ekskresi hewan dan manusia. Mengidentifikasi proses eksresi pada ikan, cacing dan belalang.3. Kelainan Ekskresi

Menjelaskan penyebab kelainan/penyakit yang terjadi pada sistem ekskresi.

Menghimpun gambar penggunaan teknologi yang membantu sistem ekskresi.

A level



International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 10. Coordination and responseThe ability to detect and to respond to internal and external stimuli

10.1 Hormones - define hormone- describe the chemical control of metabolic activity by adrenaline- compare hormonal and nervous systems- discuss the use of hormones in food production

10.2 Tropic and taxic responses - define geotropism and phototropism- describe simple behaviour in terms of the taxic responses of invertebrates- explain the chemical control of plant growth by auxins including geotropism and phototropism in terms of auxins regulating differential growth, and the effects of synthetic plant hormones used as weedkillers

10.3 Nervous control in humans - describe the human nervous system in terms of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord as areas of coordination) and the peripheral nervous system

XI-2 1. Sistem Saraf Membuat charta struktur dan funsi susunan syaraf, endokrin,

dan alat-alat indera. Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi (susunan syaraf, endokrin,

dan alat-alat indera). Menjelaskan proses bekerjanya susunan syaraf, endokrin dan

alat-alat indera. Menjelaskan keterkaitan fungsi susunan syaraf, endokrin, dan

alat-alat indera,seperti pada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, proses mendengar, melihat, mengecap, meraba, mencium.

2. Kelainan Saraf Mengenali berbagai gangguan/penyakit/kelain-an dan

penyebabnya yang berkaiktan dengan susunan syaraf, endokrin, dan alat-alat indera.

Menjelaskan cara mencegah/menghindari gangguan/penyakit yang terjadi pada susunan syaraf, endokrin danalat-alat indera.

Mengkomunikasikan dampak pengaruh narkoba terhadap susunan syaraf/alat-alat indera.

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- define sense organs as groups of receptor cells responding to specific stimuli: light, sound, touch, temperature and chemicals- identify motor and sensory neurones from diagrams- describe effectors in terms of muscles and glands- describe the action of antagonistic muscles in terms of the biceps and triceps and the associated bones- describe a simple reflex arc in terms of sensory, relay and motor neurones, and a reflex action as a means of integrating and coordinating stimuli with responses- describe the structure and function of the eye, including accommodation and pupil reflex- compare nervous and hormonal control systems- distinguish between voluntary and involuntary actions- distinguish between rods and cones, in terms of function and distribution

10.4 Homeostasis - define homeostasis as the maintenance of a constant internal environment- describe temperature regulation, and explain the effects of sweating, vasodilation and vasoconstriction only- describe the control of the glucose content of the blood by the liver, and by insulin and glucagons from the pancreas- discuss the general role of negative feedback in homeostasis

10.5 Drugs - describe the effects of alcohol and heroin, and the dangers of their misuse- describe the personal and social problems arising from drug abuse, by reference to alcohol and heroin

A level

Regulation & Control(a) discuss the importance of homeostasis in mammals and explain the principles of homeostasis in terms of receptors, effectors and negative feedback;(b) define the term excretion and explain the importance of removing nitrogenous waste products and carbon dioxide from the body;(c) *describe the gross structure of the kidney and the detailed structure of the nephron with the associated blood vessels (candidates are expected to be able to interpret the histology of the kidney, as seen in sections using the light microscope);(d) explain the functioning of the kidney in the control of water and metabolic wastes, using water potential terminology;(e) outline the need for communication systems within mammals to respond to changes in the internal and external environment;(f) outline the role of sensory receptors in mammals in converting different forms of energy into nerve impulses;(g) describe the structure of a sensory neurone and a motor neurone and outline their

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functions in a reflex arc;(h) describe and explain the transmission of an action potential in a myelinated neurone (the importance of sodium and potassium ions in the impulse transmission should be emphasised);(i) explain the importance of the myelin sheath (saltatory conduction) and the refractory period in determining the speed of nerve impulse transmission;(j) describe the structure of a cholinergic synapse and explain how it functions (reference should be made to the role of calcium ions);(k) outline the roles of synapses in the nervous system in determining the direction of nerve impulse transmission and in allowing the interconnection of nerve pathways;(l) explain what is meant by the term endocrine gland;(m) *describe the cellular structure of an islet of Langerhans from the pancreas and outline the role of the pancreas as an endocrine gland;(n) explain how the blood glucose concentration is regulated by negative feedback control mechanisms, with reference to insulin and glucagon;(o) outline the need for, and the nature of, communication systems within flowering plants to respond to changes in the internal and external environment;(p) describe the role of auxins in apical dominance;(q) describe the roles of gibberellins in stem elongation and in the germination of wheat or barley;(r) describe the role of abscissic acid in the closure of stomata;(s) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 1. Reproduction1.1 Asexual reproduction- define asexual reproduction- describe asexual reproduction in bacteria, spore production in fungi and tuber formation in potatoes- discuss the advantages and disadvantages to the species of asexual reproduction

1.2 Sexual reproduction - define sexual reproduction - discuss the advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction

XI-2 1. Alat & Sistem Reproduksi Manusia Mengidentifikasi struktur dan fungsi sistem

reproduksi laki-laki dan wanita. Refleksi diri terhadap nilai-nilai moral dan agama

dengan makin matangnya sistem reproduksi. Menjelaskan proses pembentukan sperma dan sel

telur. Mengurutkan tahapan spermatogenesis dan

oogenesis. Membuat charta/model spermatogenesisi dan


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1.2.1 Sexual reproduction in plants - describe the structure and functions of the flower of a named dicotyledonous plant- define pollination- name the agents of pollination- compare the different structural adaptations of insect-pollinated and wind-pollinated flowers- describe: the growth of the pollen tube, and the process of fertilization, the formation of seed and fruit, the structure of a non-endospermic seed- define dispersal of seeds and fruits - describe seed and fruit dispersal by wind and by animals- discuss the implications to a species of self pollination and cross-pollination

1.2.2 Sexual reproduction in humans- describe: the structure and function of human male and female reproductive systems, including the menstrual cycle, sexual intercourse, fertilisation and implantation, the development of the fetus in terms of placenta, maternal and fetal blood supplies and exchange of materials, ante-natal care in terms of dietary requirements and maintaining good health birth- indicate the functions of the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid- describe the advantages of breast-feeding compared with bottle-feeding

1.3 Sex hormones - describe the roles of testosterone and oestrogen in the development and regulation of secondarysexual characteristics at puberty- describe the sites of production and the roles of oestrogen and progesterone in the menstrualcycle and in pregnancy

1.4 Methods of birth control- name and describe the following methods of birth control: natural, chemical, mechanical and surgical- discuss the social aspects of artificial insemination and the use of hormones in fertility drugs

1.5 Sexually transmissible diseases- describe the symptoms, signs, effects and treatment of gonorrhoea- describe the methods of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and the ways inwhich it can be prevented from spreading- outline how HIV affects the immune system

Menguraikan proses ovulasi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.

Menjelaskan proses menstruasi. Pemahaman diri akan peristiwa menstruasi. Mendeskripsikan alat kontrasepsi pada pria dan

wanita Mengidentifikasi proses fertilisasi, gestasi dan

persalinan Menjelaskan alasan pentingnya ASI bagi bayi.

2. Kelainan Pada Sistem Reproduksi Menjelaskan penyebab terjadinya

kelainan/penyakit yang terkait sistem reproduksi. Menjelaskan cara mencegah/merehabilitasi

gangguan/penyakit berkaitan dengan sistem reproduksi.

A level

(a) *describe the histology of mammalian ovary and testis;(b) outline gametogenesis in a male and female human as a process involving mitosis, growth, meiosis and maturation;(c) explain the role of hormones in maintenance of the human menstrual cycle, and link this to the changes in the ovary and uterus during the cycle;

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(d) outline the biological basis of the effect of oestrogen/progesterone contraceptive pills;(e) discuss and evaluate the biological, social and ethical implications of the use of contraception(f) outline the technique of in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) and discuss its ethical implications;(g) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes Level Indikator

IGCSE - define growth in terms of increase in dry mass- define development in terms of increase in complexity- describe the environmental conditions affecting germination

XII-1 Menjelaskan ciri-ciri tumbuh atau berkembang. Membedakan ciri-ciri tumbuh dan berkembang. Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan. Menjelaskan dampak kekurangan/kelebihan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan. Menjelaskan variabel-variabel faktor luar yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhano Menjelaskan pengertian pertumbuhan primer/sekunder.o Membedakan ciri-ciri pertumbuhan primer dan pertumbuhan sekunder.o Menggambarkan struktur jaringan yang mengalami pertumbuhan primer/sekunder.o Menjelaskan akibat adanya pertumbuhan primer/sekunder.o Mengidentifikasi susunan jaringan yang mengalami pertumbuhan primer/sekunder.o Menjelaskan faktor-faktor internal yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan.o Membedakan pengaruh faktor internal dan faktor eksternal pada pertumbuhan.o Menjelaskan keterkaitan antara faktor internal dan eksternal pada pertumbuhan.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 3. InheritanceThe transmission of genetic information from generation to generation, leading to continuity of, and variation within, the species

3.1 Chromosomes- define the terms chromosome, gene, allele, haploid and diploid nuclei- describe the inheritance of sex in humans (XX, XY)

XII-1 1. Konsep Genetika Membedakan gen, DNA dan kromosom. Menjelaskan fungsi gen, DNA dan Kromosom. Mendeskripsikan struktur heliks DNA serta sifat dan fungsinya. Mendeskripsikan struktur, sifat, dan fungsi RNA. Mendeskripsikan hubungan antara DNA, gen, dan kromosom

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3.2 Mitosis - describe mitosis simply, in terms of the exact duplication of chromosomes resulting in identicaldaughter nuclei (details of stages are not required)

3.3 Meiosis - describe the production of gametes by meiosis simply, in terms of halving of chromosomenumber leading to variation (details of stages are not required)

3.4 Monohybrid inheritance - define the terms gene, allele, genotype, phenotype, homozygous, heterozygous, dominantand recessive - calculate and predict the results of monohybrid crosses involving 1 : 1 and 3 : 1 ratios- explain codominance and inheritance of A, B, AB and O blood groups (IA, IB and Io)

3.5 Variation - describe continuous and discontinuous variation as influenced by the environment and genes,illustrated by height and A, B, AB and O blood groups in humans- define mutation- describe mutation as a source of variation, as shown by Down's syndrome- outline the effects of radiation and chemicals on the rate of mutation- describe sickle cell anaemia, and explain its incidence in relation to that of malaria

3.6 Selection - describe the role of artificial selection in the production of varieties of animals and plants withincreased economic importance- define natural selection as the passing on of genes by the best adapted organisms- describe variation and state that competition leads to differential survival of, and reproduction by, those organisms best fitted to the environment- assess the importance of natural selection as a possible mechanism for evolution- describe the development of strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria as an

2. Sintesis Protein & Kode Genetik Menjelaskan hubungan DNA-RNA-polipeptida. Mengurutkan proses tahapan sintesis protein. Menjelaskan proses replikasi dan transkripsi DNA Menjelaskan proses penyampaian kode genetika. Menjelaskan peran dan bagian-bagian yang terlibat dalam

sintesis protein. Menemukan macam-macam kode genetic

3. Pewarisan Sifat Mengidentifikasi sel yang akan bereprodukasi. Menjelaskan urutan tahapan mitosis. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri dari tahapan mitosis. Menunjukkan lokasi pada makhluk hidup yang mengalami

mitosis. Menjelaskan urutan tapahan meiosis. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri tahapan meiosis. Membedakan proses, tahapan, tempat terjadinya, fungsi

pembelahan mitosis dan meiosis. Menjelaskan gametogenesis terkait dengan pewarisan sifat. Membedakan gametogenesis pada hewan dan tumbuhan Menemukan hipotesa yang diajukan Mendel tentang pewarisan

sifat. Menerapan hukum Mendel dalam persilangan teoritis. Menjelaskan penyebab penyimpangan-penyimpangan semu

hukum Mendel. Menjelaskan macam-macam penyimpangan semu hukum Mendel

dengan aplikasinya. Menerapkan penyilangan secara teoritis penyimpangan semu

hukum Mendel.

4. Pola-pola hereditas

Menjelaskan berbagai pola-pola hereditas, seperti tautan, pindah silang, gen ltal, nondisjungsi dll.

Membedakan pola hereditas yang satu dengan lainnya, seperti tautan dengan pindah silang, tautan seks dengan gen letal

Menjelaskan bagaimana usaha mempelajari pola pewarisan sifat pada manusia.

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example of natural selection

3.7 Genetic Engineering - define genetic engineering as taking a gene from one species and putting it into another species- explain why, and outline how human insulin genes were put into bacteria using genetic engineering

Mengidentifikasi cacat, penyakit, kelaianan, dan pola pewarisannya pada manusia.

Menjelaskan cara-cara menghindari terjadinya pewarisan sifat yang merugikan.

Mengaplikasi perhitungan ratio terjadinya pewarisan sifat pada manusia.

5. Mutasi & Implikasinya Menjelaskan macam mutasi dan penyebabnya. Mengidentifikasi ragam mutasi pada kromosom dan gen. Menjelaskan berbagai mutasi yang dihasilkan manusia, dengan

teknologi yang digunakan. Menjelaskan keuntungan dan kerugian dari berbagai peristiwa


A level

Genetic Control(a) describe the structure of RNA and DNA and explain the importance of base pairing and hydrogen bonding;(b) explain how DNA replicates semi-conservatively during interphase;(c) state that a gene is a sequence of nucleotides as part of a DNA molecule, which codes for a polypeptide;(d) describe the way in which the nucleotide sequence codes for the amino acid sequence in a polypeptide;(e) describe how the information on DNA is used to construct polypeptides, including the role of messenger RNA, transfer RNA and the ribosomes;(f) explain that, as enzymes are proteins, their synthesis is controlled by DNA;(g) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.

Inherited Change(a) *describe, with the aid of diagrams, the behaviour of chromosomes during meiosis, and the associated behaviour of the nuclear envelope, cell membrane and centrioles (names of the main stages are expected, but not the sub-divisions of prophase);(b) explain how meiosis and fertilisation can lead to variation;(c) explain the terms locus, allele, dominant, recessive, codominant, homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype and genotype;(d) use genetic diagrams to solve problems involving monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, including those involving sex linkage, codominance and multiple alleles (but not involving autosomal linkage or epistasis);(e) use genetic diagrams to solve problems involving test crosses;(f) use the chi-squared test to test the significance of differences between observed and expected results (the formula for the chi-squared test will be provided);(g) explain, with examples, how mutation may affect the phenotype;(h) explain, with examples, how the environment may affect the phenotype;(i) explain how a change in the nucleotide sequence in DNA may affect the amino acid sequence in a protein and hence the phenotype of the organism;(j) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve

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related problems.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE - define nutrition as the obtaining of organic substances and mineral ions from which organisms obtain their energy and their raw materials for growth and tissue repair

1. Nutrients- list the chemical elements that make up: carbohydrates, fats, proteins- describe the synthesis of large molecules from smaller basic units, i.e. simple sugars to starch and glycogen amino acids to proteins fatty acids and glycerol to fats and oils- describe tests for: starch (iodine solution), reducing sugars (Benedict's solution), protein (biuret test), fats (ethanol)- list the principal sources of, and describe the importance of: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins (C and D only), mineral salts (calcium and iron only)- describe the use of microorganisms in the food industry, with reference to yoghurt, bread and single cell protein- describe the uses, benefits and health hazards associated with food additives, including colourings fibre (roughage) water- describe the deficiency symptoms for: vitamins (C and D only), mineral salts (calcium and iron only)

2. Animal nutritionDiet as a balance between food intake and energy, growth and health requirements2.1 Diet - understand the concept of a balanced diet- describe: a balanced diet related to age, sex and activity of an individual; the effects of malnutrition in relation to starvation, coronary heart disease, constipation and obesity; the effects of alcohol and the dangers of its misuse- discuss: the problems of world food supplies, the problems which contribute to famine (unequal distribution of food, drought and flooding and increasing population)

2.2 Human alimentary canal - identify the gross structure of the alimentary canal and associated organs (mouth,

XI-2 1. Nutrisi Mengidentifikasi asupan nilai gizi makanan siswa

setiap hari selama 3 hari. Menjelaskan kemungkinan yang terjadi apabila

kekurangan/kelebihan asupan salah satu zat makanan. Menjelaskan cara menguji kandungan zat makanan

berupa protein, lemak, glukosa, amilum.

2. Sistem Pencernaan Manusia Menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi alat pencerrnanan

makanan manusia. Menjelaskan proses pencernaan makanan, seperti

karbohirat, lemak, protein. Membuat tabel alat/kelenjar, fungsi dan perubahan


3. Sistem Pencernaan Hewan Ruminansia Mengidentifikasi struktur, fungsi dan proses hewan

ruminansia. Membedakan sistem pencernaan makanan manusia dan

hewan ruminansia.

4. Penyakit pada Sistem Pencernaan Menjelaskan kemungkinan penyakit yang dapat terjadi

pada sistem pencernaan makanan manusia. Mengidentifikasi cara menghindari/merehabilitasi

penyakit/gangguan sistem pencernaan.

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oesophagus, stomach, small intestine: duodenum and ileum, large intestine: colon and rectum, anus, pancreas, liver)- define ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion - describe the functions of the alimentary canal's various parts in relation to ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion of food

2.3 Mechanical and physical digestion- identify the types of human teeth and describe their functions- state the causes of dental decay and describe the proper care of teeth- describe the processes of chewing and peristalsis- explain the probable action of fluoride in reducing tooth decay and present arguments for and against its addition to public water supplies

2.4 Chemical digestionThe significance of producing small, soluble molecules- describe: digestion in the alimentary canal, the functions of a typical amylase, protease and lipase, listing the substrate and end-products

2.5 Absorption - identify the small intestine as the region for the absorption of digested food- describe the significance of villi in increasing the internal surface area- describe the structure of a villus, including the role of capillaries and lacteals- indicate the role of the hepatic portal vein in the transport of absorbed food to the liver

2.6 Assimilation - describe: the role of the liver in the metabolism of glucose and in the destruction of excess amino acids the role of fat as a storage substance- define deamination as removal of the nitrogen containing part of amino acids as urea, followed by release of energy from the remainder of the amino acid


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE 6.2 Plant nutritionPhotosynthesis as the fundamental process by which plants manufacture simple sugars

XII-1 1. Fotosintesis Menemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kegiatan

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from raw materials

6.2.1 Photosynthesis - define photosynthesis and state the equation for the production of simple sugars and oxygen in words- describe the intake of the raw materials, the trapping and storing of energy (conversion of light energy into chemical energy), the formation of food substances and their subsequent storage- state the equation for photosynthesis in symbols- define the term limiting factor and interpret (as limiting factors that affect photosynthesis) the effects of light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration- explain the use of carbon dioxide enrichment, optimum light and optimum temperatures in greenhouse systems

6.2.2 Leaf structure - identify the cellular and tissue structure of a dicotyledonous leaf, as seen in cross-section, and demonstrate the significance of these features in terms of functions, i.e.distribution of chloroplasts - photosynthesisstomata and mesophyll cells – gaseous exchangevascular bundles (xylem and phloem) - transport

6.2.3 Mineral requirements - describe the importance of: nitrate ions for protein synthesis magnesium ions for chlorophyll synthesis - describe the uses, and the dangers of overuse, of nitrogen fertilisers- explain: the effects of nitrate ion and magnesium ion deficiency on plant growth

fotosintesis dan hasilnya. Membuktikan bahwa fotosintesa menghasilkan amilum. Menjelaskan tahapan reaksi fotosintesa; reaksi terang dan

reaksi gelap. Menemukan tempat terjadinya reaksi terang dan reaksi gelap

dan hasilnya-

2. Kemosintesis Menemukan bakteri yang melakukan kemosintesa

karbohidrat/senyawa kimia lain. Menemukan hasil-hasil kegiatan kemosintesa yang dilakukan


A level

(a) explain that energy transferred as light is used during photosynthesis to produce complex organic molecules and that the process of respiration allows this energy to be transferred through chemical reactions so that it can be used by living organisms;(b) describe the photoactivation of chlorophyll resulting in the photolysis of water and in the transfer of energy to ATP and reduced NADP (cyclic and non-cyclic photophosphorylation should be described in outline only);(c) describe the uses of ATP and reduced NADP in the light-independent stage of photosynthesis;(d) describe in outline the Calvin cycle involving the light-independent fixation of carbon dioxide by combination with a 5C compound (RuBP) to yield two molecules of a 3C compound GP (PGA), and the conversion of GP into carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids (the regeneration of RuBP should be understood in outline only, and a knowledge of C4 and CAM plants is not required);(e) *describe the structure of a dicotyledonous leaf, a palisade cell and a chloroplast and relate their structures to their roles in photosynthesis;

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(f) *discuss limiting factors in photosynthesis and carry out investigations on the effects of light, carbon dioxide and temperature on the rate of photosynthesis;(g) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

IGCSE - define the term catalyst- define enzymes as proteins that function as biological catalysts- describe the effect of changes in temperature and pH on enzyme activity- describe the role of enzymes in the germination of seeds, and their uses in biological washingproducts and in the food industry- outline the use of microorganisms and fermenters to manufacture enzymes for use inbiological washing powders

XII-1 1. Mekanisme Kerja Enzim Menjelaskan pengertian metabolisme. Menemukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kerja enzim. Menceritakan kembali cara menguji kerja enzim. Menjelaskan fungsi enzim dalam metabolisme. Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri enzim

2. Katabolisme & Anabolisme Karbohidrat Menjelaskan tahapan proses respirasi sel. Menjelaskan tempat terjadinya setiap tahapan respirasi sel. Mengidentidikasi enzim –enzim yang berperan dalam respirasi sel. Menghitung jumlah energi yang diperoleh dalam respirasi aerob dan

anaerob. Merakit alat pengamatan fermentasi gula. Menjelaskan cara melakukan pengamatan fermentasi gula. Menjelaskan hasil yang diperoleh dari respirasi aerob dan anaerob. Menuliskan hasil rancangan kegiatan fermentasi dengan bahan


A level

(a) explain that enzymes are globular proteins that catalyse metabolic reactions;(b) explain the mode of action of enzymes in terms of an active site, enzyme/substrate complex, lowering of activation energy and enzyme specificity;(c) *follow the time course of an enzyme-catalysed reaction by measuring rates of formation of products (for example, using catalase) or rates of disappearance of substrate (for example, using amylase);(d) *investigate and explain the effects of temperature, pH, enzyme concentration and substrate concentration on the rate of enzyme-catalysed reactions, and explain these effects;(e) explain the effects of competitive and non-competitive inhibitors on the rate of enzyme activity;(f) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


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International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes Level Indikator

IGCSE X-1 1. Virus Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri virus. Membedakan struktur virus dengan makhluk lainnya. Menggambarkan struktur tubuh virus. Membuat model virus tiga dimensi (3D). Menjelaskan cara hidup virus. Menjelaskan cara replikasi virus. Membuat charta replikasi virus. Mengidentifikasi virus yang berbahaya dan merugikan. Menjelaskan peran virus yang menguntungkan dan merugikan. Mengkomunikasikan cara menghindari diri dari bahaya virus, seperti influenza, AIDS, Flu burung dll.

2. Bakteri Menjelaskan ciri-ciri archebacteria dan eubacteria Membedakan ciri-ciri archebacteria dan eubacteria. Menceritakan kembali cara mengisolasi bakteri. Menjelaskan cara perkembangbiakan bakteri. Membuat charta perkembangbiakan bakteri. Menjelaskan berbagai peranan bakteri yang menguntungkan/merugikan dalam kehidupan Membuat nata de coco, yoghurt, dll.. Membuat laporan alat/bahan, cara kerja, dan produk pembuatan nata de coco, yoghurt, dan atau asinan/manisan.

3. Protista Mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri umum Protista berdasarkan pengamatan. Mengenali protista berdasarkan ciri-ciri morpologinya. Membedakan organisme Protista mirip jamur,, mirip tumbuhan, dan mirip hewan berdasarkan pengamatan. Menjelaskan dasar pengelompokkan organisme protista mirip jamur, mirip tumbuhan dan mirip hewan. Menjelaskan cara-cara perkembangbiakan organisme Protista. Membuat Charta cara-cara perkembangbiakan dan daur organisme Protista. Memberi contoh peranan protista bagi kehidupan. Mengidentifikasi protista yang menguntungkan/merugikan bagi kehidupan manusia

4. Jamur Menjelaskan ciri-ciri umum Divisio dalam Kingdom Fungi. Menjelaskan dasar pengelompokkan Fungi. Menggambarkan struktur tubuh jamur dari berbagai golongan. Membedakan berbagai golongan jamur berdasarkan ciri-ciri morfolginya. Menjelaskan cara-cara perkembangbiakan yang ditemukan pada berbagai golongan jamur.

A level

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Membedakan spora vegetatif dan generatif berbagai golongan jamur. Membuat charta siklus hidup jamur dari berbagai golongan. Membuat laporan tertulis hasil pengamatan jenis-jenis jamur di lingkungan sekitarnya (dengan foto/gambarnya). Menyajikan data contoh peran jamur bagi kehidupan. Membuat makanan dari hasil fermentasi jamur.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

A level

(a) *recognise phagocytes and lymphocytes under the light microscope;(b) describe the origin, maturation and mode of action of phagocytes;(c) explain the meaning of the term immune response;(d) distinguish between B- and T-lymphocytes in their mode of action in fighting infection and describe their origin and functions;(e) explain the role of memory cells in long-term immunity;(f) relate the molecular structure of antibodies to their functions;(g) distinguish between active and passive, natural and artificial immunity and explain how vaccination can control disease;(h) discuss the reasons why vaccination has eradicated smallpox but not measles, TB, malaria or cholera;(i) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.

XI-2 Membedakan antigen dan antibodi. Menjelaskan fungsi antigen dan antibodi pada

mekanisme pertahanan tubuh. Menjelaskan proses mekanisme pertahanan tubuh

terhadap benda asing. Menjelaskan akibat yang terjadi bila pertahanan tubuh



International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes Level Indikator

IGCSE XI-1 Membedakan pemahamannya mengenai tumor/kanker. Menjelaskan faktor pencetus terjadinya tumor/kanker Menunjukkan macam-macam kanker yang terjadi pada manusia

A level


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International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes Level Indikator

IGCSE XI-1 1. Sistem Gerak Mengidentifikasi struktur dan fungsi tulang, sendi, dan otot dalam sistem gerak Menggambarkan struktur tulang, otot dan sendi Menjelaskan keterkaitan tulang, otot dan sendi dalam sistem gerak. Menjelaskan terjadinya proses gerak: gerak biasa dan gerak refleks. Mengurutkan proses terjadinya sebuah gerakan. Menjelaskan mekanisme kerja otot sebagai alat gerak aktif. Menjelaskan penyebab terjadinya kelainan/gangguan pada sistem gerak. Menjelaskan cara menghindari/rehabiliitasi berbagai penyakit pada sistem gerak. Membuat laporan hasil studi pemanfaatan teknologi pada kerusakan sistem gerak.

2. Sistem Peredaran Darah Menjelaskan komponen darah: plasma dan sel-sel darah. Menjelaskan fungsi darah. Menggambarkan macam-macam sel darah Menjelaskan fungsi darah, jantung, dan pembuluh darah (arteri dan vena). Menentukan golongan darahnya sendiri. Menjelaskan prinsip dasar penggolongan darah. Menjelaskan dasar-dasar transfusi darah. Menjelaskan berbagai alat-alat yang berkaitan dengan peredaran darah. Membedakan antara pembuluh vena dan arteri. Membedakan peredaran darah balik dan peredaran darah nadi. Membedakan peredaran darah pendek dan peredaran darah panjang dan lintasan/alat-alat yang dilalui. Mengenal berbagai kelainan/penyakit pada sistem peredaran darah. Menjelaskan penyebab kelainan/penyakit yangterjadi pada sistem peredaran darah. Menjelaskan upaya menghindari/rehabilitasi kelainan/penyakit pada sistem peredaran darah. Menjelaskan sistem peredaran darah berbagai hewan. Mengidentifikasi alat-alat peredaran darah berbagai hewan. Mengidentifikasi ciri khas berbagai sistem peredaran darah berbagai hewan

A level


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

A level

(a) *carry out tests for reducing and non-reducing sugars (including semi-quantitative use of the Benedict’s test), the iodine in potassium iodide solution test for starch, the emulsion test for lipids and the biuret test for proteins;


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(b) describe the ring forms of alpha and beta glucose;(c) describe the formation and breakage of a glycosidic bond;(d) describe the molecular structure of starch (amylose and amylopectin), glycogen and cellulose and relate these structures to their functions in living organisms;(e) describe the molecular structure of a triglyceride and a phospholipid and relate these structures to their functions in living organisms;(f) describe the structure of an amino acid and the formation and breakage of a peptide bond;(g) explain the meaning of the terms primary structure, secondary structure, tertiary structure and quaternary structure of proteins and describe the types of bonding (hydrogen, ionic, disulphide and hydrophobic interactions) that hold the molecule in shape;(h) describe the molecular structure of haemoglobin as an example of a globular protein, and of collagen as an example of a fibrous protein and relate these structures to their functions (the importance of iron in the haemoglobin molecule should be emphasised);(i) describe and explain the roles of water in living organisms and as an environment for organisms;(j) state one role of each of the following inorganic ions in living organisms: calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, nitrate, phosphate;(k) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

A level

(a) explain what is meant by an infectious disease;(b) describe the causes of cholera, malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS;(c) explain how cholera, malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS are transmitted and assess the importance of these diseases worldwide;(d) discuss the roles of social, economic and biological factors in the prevention and control of cholera, malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS (a detailed study of the life cycle of the malarial parasite is not required);(e) discuss the global patterns of distribution of malaria and tuberculosis;(f) outline the role of antibiotics in the treatment of infectious diseases;(g) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


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International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

A level

(a) discuss the importance of homeostasis in mammals and explain the principles of homeostasis in terms of receptors, effectors and negative feedback;(b) define the term excretion and explain the importance of removing nitrogenous waste products and carbon dioxide from the body;(c) *describe the gross structure of the kidney and the detailed structure of the nephron with the associated blood vessels (candidates are expected to be able to interpret the histology of the kidney, as seen in sections using the light microscope);(d) explain the functioning of the kidney in the control of water and metabolic wastes, using water potential terminology;(e) outline the need for communication systems within mammals to respond to changes in the internal and external environment;(f) outline the role of sensory receptors in mammals in converting different forms of energy into nerve impulses;(g) describe the structure of a sensory neurone and a motor neurone and outline their functions in a reflex arc;(h) describe and explain the transmission of an action potential in a myelinated neurone (the importance of sodium and potassium ions in the impulse transmission should be emphasised);(i) explain the importance of the myelin sheath (saltatory conduction) and the refractory period in determining the speed of nerve impulse transmission;(j) describe the structure of a cholinergic synapse and explain how it functions (reference should be made to the role of calcium ions);(k) outline the roles of synapses in the nervous system in determining the direction of nerve impulse transmission and in allowing the interconnection of nerve pathways;(l) explain what is meant by the term endocrine gland;(m) *describe the cellular structure of an islet of Langerhans from the pancreas and outline the role of the pancreas as an endocrine gland;(n) explain how the blood glucose concentration is regulated by negative feedback control mechanisms, with reference to insulin and glucagon;(o) outline the need for, and the nature of, communication systems within flowering plants to respond to changes in the internal and external environment;(p) describe the role of auxins in apical dominance;(q) describe the roles of gibberellins in stem elongation and in the germination of wheat or barley;(r) describe the role of abscissic acid in the closure of stomata;(s) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.



International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006

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Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level IndikatorA level

(a) explain how natural selection may bring about evolution;(b) explain why variation is important in selection;(c) explain how all organisms can potentially overproduce;(d) explain, with examples, how environmental factors can act as stabilising orevolutionary forces of natural selection;(e) describe the processes that affect allele frequencies in populations with reference tothe global distribution of malaria and sickle cell anaemia;(f) explain the role of isolating mechanisms in the evolution of new species;(g) describe one example of artificial selection;(h) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve relatedproblems.

XII-2 Menjelaskan berbagai teori evolusi. Menjelaskan pokok-pokok pikiran teori evolusi Darwin. Menemukan persamaan dan perbedaan pandangan para ahli tentang evolusi. Refleksi diri akan kebenaran teori evolusi. Menemukan faktor-faktor dan petunjuk-petunjuk pendukung terjadinya evolusi Mendeskripsikan keterkaitan antara mutasi dan evolusi. Memberikan argumentasi keterkaitan mutasi dan evolusi. Menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip dasar hukum Hardy-Weinberg. Menerapkan hukum Hardy-Weinberg secara teoritis melalui contoh perhitungan

matematis. Menjelaskan proses spesiasi Membuat proposal studi mengenai fosil. Melakukan seminar hasil studi tentang fosil. Membuat laporan hasil studi tentang fosil. Mendisain dan membuat karya fosil buatan.Teori Asal-Usul Kehidupan Menjelaskan asal-usul kehidupan di bumi secara ilmiah dari berbagai pandangan/teori. Menjelaskan usaha para ahli membuktikan kebenaran ilmiahnya mengenai asal-usul

kehidupan. Refleksi diri melalui kajiam secara ilmiah mengenai asal-usul kehidupan. Menceritakan pandangan baru tentang perkembangan teori evolusi. Mencermati pandangan Harun Yahya atas teori evolusi.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

A level

(a) describe the steps involved in the production of bacteria capable of synthesizing human insulin:• identifying the human insulin gene• isolating mRNA and making cDNA using reverse transcriptase• cloning the DNA using DNA polymerase• inserting the DNA into a plasmid vector using restriction enzymes and DNA ligase• inserting the plasmid vector into the host bacterium• identifying genetically modified bacteria using antibiotic resistance genes• cloning the bacteria and harvesting the human insulin(b) explain the advantages of treating diabetics with human insulin produced by gene technology;(c) explain why promoters need to be transferred along with desired genes in gene technology;(d) explain why and how genes for enzymes that produce fluorescent or easily stained substances are now used instead of antibiotic resistance genes as markers in gene technology;

XII-2 Menjelaskan proses rekayasa genetika.

Mengidentifikasi urutan proses rekayasa genetika

Memberikan contoh prosuk hasil rekayasa genetika yang dimanfaatkan dalam kehidupan.

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(e) describe the benefits and hazards of gene technology, with reference to specific examples;(f) discuss the social and ethical implications of gene technology;(g) *outline the principles of electrophoresis as used in: • genetic fingerprinting, • DNA sequencing;(h) describe the causes and outline the symptoms of cystic fibrosis (CF) as an example of a recessive genetic condition (reference should be made to CFTR protein, issues related to CF will need to be handled with sensitivity);(i) describe the progress towards successful gene therapy for CF;(j) discuss the roles of genetic screening for genetic conditions and the need for genetic counselling;(k) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

A level

(a) outline the use of microorganisms in the extraction of heavy metals from low grade ores;(b) explain what is meant by the terms batch culture and continuous culture;(c) compare the advantages and disadvantages of batch and continuous culture with reference to the production of secondary metabolites (e.g. penicillin), enzymes (e.g. protease) and biomass (e.g. mycoprotein);(d) describe, for penicillin as an example of an antibiotic:• the mode of action on bacteria and why it does not affect viruses• causes and effects of antibiotic resistance;(e) *immobilise an enzyme in alginate and compare the ease of recovering the enzyme and ease of purification of the product compared to the same enzyme that has not been immobilised;(f) explain the principles of operation of dip sticks containing glucose oxidase and peroxidase enzymes, and biosensors that can be used for quantitative measurement of glucose;(g) outline the hybridoma method for the production of a monoclonal antibody(h) evaluate the use of monoclonal antibodies compared to conventional methods for diagnosis and treatment of disease, and testing for pregnancy;(i) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.

XII-2 Menjelaskan arti Bioteknologi. Menjelaskan prinsip-prinsip dasar bioteknologi. Membedakan bioteknologi konvensional dan modern Menidentifikasi sumber-sumber agen bioteknologi dan

produk yang dihasilkan. Menjelaskan keuntungan dan kerugian diperolehnya

produk bioteknologi. Menjelaskan dampak pemanfaatan hasil produk

bioteknologi di berbagai bidang. Membuat usulan atas alternatif dampak penggunaan

produk rekayasa genetika, bayi tabung, bank sperma. Membuat laporan membuat produk bioteknologi



International (CIE) 2008 Nasional 2006Level Learning Outcomes (students should be able to …) Level Indikator

A level

(a) *describe and explain the structural features of a named, wind pollinated plant;(b) compare the outcomes of self-pollination and cross-pollination in terms of genetic variation;(c) *describe the structure of the fruit in maize and explain the function of the endosperm;


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(d) explain the significance of the grains of cereal crops in the human diet;(e) *explain how the structure of the leaves of C4 plants such as maize or sorghum are adapted for high rates of carbon fixation at high temperatures in terms of:• the high optimum temperatures of the enzymes involved• the spatial separation of initial carbon fixation from the light-dependent stage(biochemical details of the C4 pathway are not required);(f) *explain how sorghum is adapted to survive in arid environments;(g) *explain how rice is adapted to grow with the roots submerged in water in terms of tolerance to ethanol and presence of aerenchyma;(h) outline the following examples of crop improvement:• hybridisation leading to polyploidy in wheat• inbreeding and hybridisation in producing vigorous, uniform maize• genetic manipulation to enhance the vitamin A concentration in rice;(i) use the knowledge gained in this section in new situations or to solve related problems.


1. Bagaimana perbandingan antara kurikulum nasional dan CIE secara umum?

2. Bagaimana perbandingan antara level IGCSE & A level pada kurikulum CIE?

3. Sub topic apa yang tercantum dalam kurikulum nasional tetapi tidak dalam kurikulum CIE?

4. Sub topic apa yang tercantum dalam kurikulum CIE tetapi tidak dalam kurikulum nasional?

5. Topik-topik mana yang dapat dipelajari secara independent oleh siswa?

6. Topik-topik mana yang sangat berkaitan antara yang satu dengan yang lain, sehingga dalam pengajarannya dapat digabungkan?

7. Topik-topik mana yang berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran lain (biologi, fisika, matematika, bahasa)?

8. Desain beberapa project untuk siswa yang menggabungkan pengajaran kimia dan bidang ilmu lainnya dalam suatu rangkaian yang sistematis.

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9. Bagaimana urutan topic pengajaran yang paling sesuai menurut anda? Dengan pertimbangan bahwa siswa akan mengikuti ujian IGCSE pada akhir kelas XI semester 2,

ujian nasional (UAS & UAN) serta ujian A level pada akhir kelas XII semester 2.