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Maranatha Bible Church Adult Sunday School

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Islam – means “submission” to Allah (God) and also means “peace”. Islam is often translated to mean: Peace through submission to God

Radical Islam – Those who believe it is Allah’s will that all people either convert to Islam or die

Qur’an – also known as the Koran. This is Islam’s scripture and ultimate authority

The name Qur’an means “the reading or reciting” and comes from the revelation to Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel who commanded him to read / recite God’s word.

Muezzin – One who calls the faithful Muslims to prayer in their mosque, the Muslim public place of worship

Mecca – The holy city of Islam and the center for pilgrimage

Jihad – Holy War. To Strive / Struggle in the way of Allah

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Abram’s first son was Ishmael His mother was Hagar Conceived in an attempt to fulfill God’s will themselves rather

than wait on God God (in a theophany: pre-incarnate manifestation to

man) blessed Ishmael and his descendants' (Gen. 16:3-16)

Ishmael was one of four people named by God himself (Adam, Ishmael, Isaac, Jesus) – Gen. 16:11

Ishmael was promised that he would have 12 Princes (Rulers) – Gen. 17:18-20 – and they would inhabit the East of Isaac’s descendants' – Gen. 16:12, 25:12-18

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Genesis 17:18-20(NASB) 18And Abraham said to God, “Oh that Ishmael might live before You!”  19But God said, “No, but Sarah your wife will bear you a son, and you shall call his name £Isaac; and I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him.  20“As for Ishmael, I have heard you; behold, I will bless him, and will make him fruitful and will multiply him exceedingly. He shall become the father of twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation. 

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How old was Ishmael when Abram cast him out of his house? Abram was 86 when Ishmael was born Abram was 99 when Isaac was born

In Gen. 21:9-21 whose cry did God hear? What do you suppose his cry was about? (put yourself in his sandals) – what would you

cry out to God about? What did God promise Ishmael at this time?

What Nation is this today?

Radical Islam’s Roots After Esau sold his birthright to Jacob and missed the first-born’s blessing at

the hand of his Father Isaac (Gen. 27:38-42) what was his objective? Who did Esau take for his wife (along with his other wives)?

See Gen 28:6-9. Whose daughter was she? In what country did Esau and his household live? See Gen. 36:6-8. What country is this known as today? What is stated purpose of Radical Islam today?

Take Iran’s leader for example – what has he vowed to do? Do you believe this is the purpose of all Muslim’s / Islam? Why or Why not?

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What did Peter mean when in Acts 2:14-21? Who are these people who will have these

dreams and visions? What was the outcome of these dreams and

visions? (see Acts 2:21) Could this be happening today? Could this be part of God’s plan for the way

Muslim’s and believer’s in Islam come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior?

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Islam was founded in the 7th Century with Muhammad’s writing of the Qur’an Muhammad was born in A.D. 570 (or C.E – common era) Orphaned at a young age – raised by his Uncle Married at age 25, bore six children Discontented with life – retreated to a cave in the

surrounding hills for meditation and reflection at age 40 where he received his first revelation from an Angel named Gabriel

Muhammad and his followers were persecuted and migrated to Medina in A.D. 622 where he united several tribes and with 10,000 men conquered Mecca. He fell ill and died in A.D. 632

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These revelations, which form the verses of the Qur’an, proclaimed that “God is One” and “complete surrender” to Him (literally ‘islam’) is the only way acceptable to God, and that he (Muhammad) is also a prophet and messenger of God in the same way as Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

According to the Islamic Faith, the history of Islam stared with Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, and Moses.

The Qur’an teaches that the Tawrit (Torah) and Injil (Gospels) had become distorted – either in text or interpretation (or both)

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l-Masjid al-Nabawi (the Mosque of the Prophet) in Madina, Saudi Arabia, is the site of Muhammad's tomb.

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The Rightly-Guided Caliphs

Ummayad Caliphate Empire

Islamic Golden Age – Abbasid Dynasty Arabic Prose / Poetry flourished Arts / Sciences developed Commerce / Industry Revolution Bagdad made the capital of the Caliphate

Qur’an compiled During this period

Expansion of Islam was mainly due to suppression of alternate faiths. Jews and Christians initially were given special status – They had to pay a special tax to maintain religious autonomy – others had to either accept Islam or die

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Mughal Empire

Safavid Empire

Ottoman Empire

South Asia in A.D 1526 – 18th Century Ruler: Akbar the Great Provinces included: Afghanistan, Pakistan India, Bangladesh

Iranian Empire – A.D. 1506 – 1736Ruler: Firuz Shah Zarringkolah

Middle East, Balkans, Northern AfricaA.D. 1281 – 1924 (WWI)Ruler(s): Osman I, Mehmed II, Selim I, Suleiman I, Ataturk (Turks)

Following WWI, remnants of the Ottoman Empire were parceled outAs European protectorates. Since 1924 there has been no major

Widely-accepted claim to the caliphate (which had been last claimed byThe Ottomans)

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Islam is a monotheistic (one God) religion based around three main documents Qur’an (recitations) – The revelations of Muhammed

Divided into 114 suras (chapters) – 6,236 verses Early suras – revelations at Mecca involve ethical / spiritual topics Later Medinan suras discuss social / moral issues relevant to Muslims Perfect only in the originally recorded Arabic – Translations are

regarded as commentaries or interpretations of its meaning, not as the Qur’an itself

Hadith – written record of Muhammad’s Life. Also known as sira Sunnah – Includes Islamic Traditions

This includes the 5 Pillars of Islam Muhammad and other prophets of Islam (Caliphates) are

discussed with reverence – adding the phrase “peace be upon him” whenever their names are mentioned

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The Shahadah – Basic Creed “I testify that there is none worthy of worship except God and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

The Salah – ritual prayer – five times each day facing towards the Kaaba in Mecca. Intended to focus the mind on God and personal communication with Him

The Zakat – Alms giving. Giving based on accumulated wealth, obligatory for all Muslims who can afford it.

The Sawm – Fasting during the Month of Ramadan. Muslims must not eat or drink from dawn to dusk during this month and must be mindful of other sins. Fast is encourage nearness to God and express gratitude and dependence on Him.

The Hajj – A pilgrimage during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah to Mecca at least once in his or her lifetime. Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford it must take the pilgrimage. They must dress in two white seamlessSheets. Rituals of the Hajj include walking seven times around the Kaaba, touching the Black Stone, and symbolicallyStoning the Devil

Jihad – is considered the 6th Pillar of Radical Islam

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Muslim Pilgrims on their Hajj to Mecca must walk 7 times around this Kaaba – House of Allah

Islam tradition says this was first built by Adam and later rebuilt by Abraham

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There is only One God (tawhīd) Allāh means God in Arabic They do not believe in the trinity or in the divinity of Jesus Christ – only

that he is a prophet such as Muhammad was also a prophet Muhammad – The last Great Prophet

Islam lists 28 prophets among whom are: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah, and Jesus. The last great prophet was Muhammad

Belief in Angels is crucial – Gabriel gave the Word of God to Muhammad

End Times Resurrection/Judgment – Preordained by God but unknown to man

The Qur’an emphasizes bodily resurrection Hell – There is a literal hell and sins of disbelief, usury, dishonesty, can

condemn a person to hell. The greatest sin is “Shirk” – blasphemy (i.e. saying Jesus is God – or God is not one)

Heaven – Paradise is a literal place of bliss and joy and physical pleasures.

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Predestination The Sunni’s doctrine includes “Predestination or divine

preordainment” which teaches that the Qur’an says God has full knowledge and control over all that occurs – “Nothing will happen to us except Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector…”

The Shia’s doctrine includes “Divine Justice” which is known as “free will” and stresses the importance of man’s responsibility for his own actions.

Salvation / Entrance into Paradise is determined solely by God based upon if your good works outweigh your sin or if you die while on Jihad (Holy War)

The Scriptures Four God (Allah) -inspired books: Torah, Psalms , Gospels, and

Qur’an The Qur’an contains 99 names for God – ‘God of love’ is not one of them

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Islam’s God (Allah) is a transcendent (high and mighty) God and cannot relate to mere humans. Even in paradise Muslims do not expect to meet a ‘God of love’ “Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind); If you love Allah,

follow me; Allah will love you.” “If you love Allah…Allah will love you.” - Qur’an 2:195; 3:31

Contrast with the what John says about the true God 7Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and

everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. 8The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 9By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him.  10In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.  1 John 4:7-10(NASB)

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The Qur’an teaches that Jesus was: A prophet Born of Mary, and not sinless Did not die – someone else died in Jesus’ place, as

death would have been a failure I Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also died for sins once for

all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.”

Jesus in mentioned 97 times in the Qur’an, while Muhammad is mentioned only 25 times.

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Islamic calendar is Lunar and not Gregorian (Western) Years are counted from the prophet Muhammad’s move to Medina in 622 C.E.

2000 C.E. was 1420/21 A.H (in the year of Hegira) Muharram – first month of the Islam year

New Years Day is not a major holiday Ramadan – Month of fasting from dawn to sunset

9th month of Islamic year Lailat ul-Qadr – night of determination (last 10 days of Ramadan) – when Allah makes

determination about the destiny of individuals and the world as a whole Eid ul-Fitr – celebrates the end of the month of fasting (3 days)

Eid ul-Adha – Feast of Sacrifice – celebrates willingness of Abraham to sacrifice Isaac instead of Ishmael

Al-Isra Wal Miraj – Night of ascension of Muhammad to Heaven Celebrated on the 27th day of 7th month – where Muhammad set out discipline of daily

prayers Muhammad-Maulid al-Nabi – celebration of the birth of the prophet

Muhammad 12th day of the 3rd month

Festival Dhikr – celebration to glorify Allah and seek spiritual perfection Start with black coats and hats and then after greeting the Master, they take them off to

reveal white shirts. They whirl until they are in a trance as they seek union with Allah

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Beliefs about ancestry traced back to Adam, Noah, Abraham and Ishmael

Beliefs about some aspects of God Creator, sustainer of life, sovereignty, to be worshipped

Resurrection, judgment, hell, some form of paradise

Recognition of the Old Testament prophets of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses

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These points of similarity can be used as a starting point in reachingout to Muslim’s and those of Islamic faith for Christ

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4 inspired books – Qur’an God

Monotheistic- not triune Non-loving, transcendent

Jesus Simply a prophet Never died on a cross Died later on and was hidden

Muhammad – a great prophet like Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, and Adam

Salvation – works, Jihad End times – General resurrection

those good – paradise, others to hell Evangelism – by force: convert or die

(Radical Islam)

Bible – Only inspired Word God

Triune (Father, Son, Spirit) Loving, cares about man

Jesus God in the flesh Died on the cross Rose again – not in the tomb

Does not recognize Muhammad as a legitimate prophet of God or the Qur’an

Salvation – by faith, grace End times – Jesus will return to reign,

two resurrections – one for Life, the other at end of age for judgment in hell

Evangelism – present Gospel and Holy Spirit works in the persons life

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Love Scripture – especially those passages that

they agree are inspired Prayer

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Cumming, Joseph. Muslim Followers of Jesus?, Christianity Today, December 2009.

Esposito, John L. Great World Religions: Islam, The Great Courses, Religion, Chantilly, VA.: The Teaching Company, 2003.

New American Standard Bible Edition : Fourth Copyright : Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. All rights reserved. Electronic Edition STEP Files Copyright © 2003, QuickVerse, a division of, Inc.

Pollack, Robert. The Everything World’s Religions Book, Avon, MA.: Adams Media, An F+W Publications Company, 2002.

Ridenour, Fritz. So What’s The Difference? – A look at 20 Worldviews, Faiths, and Religions and how they compare to Christianity, Ventura, CA.: Regal Books, 2001. Accessed December 28, 2009. World Religions Made Easy, John Hunt Publishing, Peabody, MA.:

Hendrickson Publishers, 1999.

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