march 2015 courier

The Christian Courier The Christian Courier The Christian Courier The C Courier Vol. 65, No. 3 Bellingham First Christian Church March 2015 The C r r T Shoe’s News “Can’t We All Just Get Along?” If you're anything like me, you've been having a difficult time watching the news lately. It seems like everyday there's another story about this religious group attacking that religious group. If it's not the tension between the extremists of one group against a different group, it's the factions within the same religion attacking each other. It's no wonder that there are a growing number of people saying that we'd be better off without religion all together. We know differently. We know that at the heart of all of the world's great living religions there is a message of justice and peace. However, the problem starts when people attach a warped understanding onto the basic precepts of their faith. Human beings are susceptible to such warping, especially if they see themselves oppressed or attacked by another group. So, what can we do? How can we make a difference? I've been dreaming of a church that attempts to make inroads into the mistrust between religions. We have a history, as a congregation, of being kind and welcoming to various faith groups. We have had a Muslim couple preach on Sunday morning, we have had a Jewish woman lead our Sunday School classes, we had a Muslim professor teach a class. Not to mention the Multi-Faith Market that our church has sponsored for the past several years. Is it possible for us to continue to create new relationships between our sisters and brothers of other faiths? Could we become a place where different religious groups might hold their meetings? Could we become a place where we walk fully the path of Jesus, while allowing others to walk their paths of faith? Could we come together to “Celebrate that which we can do together and honor the things that set us apart?” The world seems to be coming apart at the religious seams, perhaps we could do a bit to help mend the brokenness and mistrust by getting to know and honor our diverse faith family here in this place. Pray about it, and let's talk. Joseph’s Closet Opens to the Public Sunday, February 8 was a grand day at First Christian Church, Bellingham. Not only did we host the largest gathering to date for the Someone Cares! Community Meal, but we were able to open Joseph’s Closet to our guests. Thanks to the many donations of those of you who did some intense wardrobe gleaning, we were able to offer clothing and a few household items to more than a dozen people. There were many grateful and surprised folks as they learned that there were no limits to what they could take and that the items were free of charge. One young gentleman was heard mentioning to his friend, “Do you think they’ll mark down the prices?” His delight was apparent in his smile and the fact that he was hugging his selection, when he was told that we might have to pay him to take the shoes. Thank you, thank you for the many donations. They keep pouring in and we are so very grateful. We will continue to make them accessible to our guests. We have also found other outlets in our community for those items which do not seem to fill the needs of our clients. Please note that Joseph’s closet will continue to have basic needs: two people to run the shop, second Sunday of the month, 2 - 3:30 p.m. people to sort, hang, fold clothing on a regular basis people to deliver clothing we are unable to use to other outlets (e.g. YWCA and Ragfinery) funds to cover the basic expenses of the closet (e.g. the hardware to hang the clothes - wooden dowels & brackets, much needed shelving) “It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” - Mother Teresa

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The Christian Courier, the monthly newsletter of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Bellingham, WA


The Christian Courier The Christian Courier The Christian Courier The C

CourierVol. 65, No. 3 Bellingham First Christian Church March 2015

TheC r rT

Shoe’s News“Can’t We All Just Get Along?”

If you're anything like me, you've been having a difficult time watching the news lately. It seems like everyday there's another story about this religious group attacking that religious group. If it's not the tension between the extremists of one group against a different group, it's the factions within the same religion attacking each other. It's no wonder that there are a growing number of people saying that we'd be better off without religion all together.

We know differently. We know that at the heart of all of the world's great living religions there is a message of justice and peace. However, the problem starts when people attach a warped understanding onto the basic precepts of their faith. Human beings are susceptible to such warping, especially if they see themselves oppressed or attacked by another group.

So, what can we do? How can we make a difference?

I've been dreaming of a church that attempts to make inroads into the mistrust between religions. We have a history, as a congregation, of being kind and welcoming to various faith groups. We have had a Muslim couple preach on Sunday morning, we have had a Jewish woman lead our Sunday School classes, we had a Muslim professor teach a class. Not to mention the Multi-Faith Market that our church has sponsored for the past several years.

Is it possible for us to continue to create new relationships between our sisters and brothers of other faiths? Could we become a place where different religious groups might hold their meetings? Could we become a place where we walk fully the path of Jesus, while allowing others to walk their paths of faith? Could we come together to “Celebrate that which we can do together and honor the things that set us apart?”

The world seems to be coming apart at the religious seams, perhaps we could do a bit to help mend the brokenness and mistrust by getting to know and honor our diverse faith family here in this place.

Pray about it, and let's talk.

Joseph’s Closet Opens to the PublicSunday, February 8 was a grand day at First Christian Church, Bellingham. Not only did we host the largest gathering to date for the Someone Cares! Community Meal, but we were able to open Joseph’s Closet to our guests.

Thanks to the many donations of those of you who did some intense wardrobe gleaning, we were able to offer clothing and a few household items to more than a dozen people.

There were many grateful and surprised folks as they learned that there were no limits to what they could take and that the items were free of charge.

One young gentleman was heard mentioning to his friend, “Do you think they’ll mark down the prices?” His delight was apparent in his smile and the fact that he was hugging his selection, when he was told that we might have to pay him to take the shoes.

Thank you, thank you for the many donations. They keep pouring in and we are so very grateful. We will continue to make them accessible to our guests. We have also found other outlets in our community for those items which do not seem to fill the needs of our clients.

Please note that Joseph’s closet will continue to have basic needs:

• two people to run the shop, second Sunday of the month, 2 - 3:30 p.m.

• people to sort, hang, fold clothing on a regular basis

• people to deliver clothing we are unable to use to other outlets (e.g. YWCA and Ragfinery)

• funds to cover the basic expenses of the closet (e.g. the hardware to hang the clothes - wooden dowels & brackets, much needed shelving)

“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” - Mother Teresa

495 East Bakerview RoadBellingham, WA 98226

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God welcomed us.

All of UsMinistersRev. Gary [email protected]

Mary Ann TeetersFinance/Membership [email protected]

Rev. Tamalyn KralmanDirector of Ed. & Community OutreachCourier [email protected]

Amelia NyeAccompanistTBDChildcare ProviderRev. Sandy MessickRegional MinisterRev. Sharon WatkinsGeneral Minister and President

Sunday Schedule9:30 a.m. Sunday School10:50 a.m. Gathering Time11 a.m. Worship12:15 a.m. Fellowship Time12:30 p.m. Out-to-Lunch Bunch (4th Sunday)2 p.m. Someone Cares! Community Meal (2nd Sunday)

Office HoursMonday - Friday9 a.m. - noonOur staff are in and out of the office throughout the week. Please feel free to stop by during their office hours or make an appointment that fits your schedule.

OfficersDon Hoffman, ChairMegan Shoemaker, SecretaryCheryl Perry, Treasurer

News from the Pews

2 March 2015

First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ)

FCC is Crunching NumbersThe $10,000 shortfall to the First Christian Church budget at the end of 2014 has carried over into the new year and at the end of January will reach the total of $11, 700. Please be mindful of this fact and prayerful as you make your tithes and offerings.

Saturday, March 28, 2015 ~ 5:30 p.m.Best Western Lakeway Inn & Conference CenterBellingham, WA

To contribute to our congregation’s auction items (a fair trade coffee and goodies basket and a pie-of-the-month “club”), please contact Darleen Page or Kathy Wheeler.

FCC Receives a Thank YouThere are not enough words in the dictionary to express how much I appreciated all the flowers, cards, visits, and prayers I received when I was at Christian Health Center. It meant more than you will ever know. Also a big “Thank you” to Pastor Gary for all his visits.

Sincerely,Marian Overcash

Victoria Maria BottsBorn January 27, 2015

7:28 p.m.8 lbs, 2 oz20.5 inches

She is welcomed by happy mommy Ahline

and very proud grandparents Allan and Linda.

Our Blessed Baby Boom ContinuesFelix Joseph Foster

Born December 19, 20141:32 a.m.

6 lbs, 10 oz21 inches

He is welcomed by happy parents Danielle and Joey Foster and proud grandparents Lynn and Joe Plancich.

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 8

Interfaith Coalition Announces Annual Hope Auction

FallsFalls can happen to anyone at any time, but for people over 65 falls are the leading cause of accidents and can cause many p rob lems such as fractures or significant decline in health status.

Fall prevention is important, especially as we age when physical and health status decline.

Listed below are some fall prevention strategies.

• Make an appointment with your doctor so as to asses your fall potential regarding medications, history of falls, general health condition

• Keep moving -- physical activity can help against falls such as walking, water workouts or tai chi. Exercise reduces the risk of falls by improving strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Working with a physical therapist who can create custom exercise programs can be helpful.

• Proper shoes-- foot wear contribute either to falls or can prevent them. High heels, floppy slippers, and shoes with slick soles can cause falls. Wearing no shoes at all can cause falls through slipping.

Falls can occur for some of the following reasons

• Poor vision or hearing

• Age (65 years or older)

• Illness or physical conditions affecting strength and balance.

• History of falling

• Walking aides (tripping on them)

• Certain medications

• Bladder problems (rushing to the bathroom)

• Poor nutrition

• General unsafe conditions in the home

Making the home safe against falls

• Good lighting

• Safe floors (free from clutter, throw rugs, spills, highly waxed floors; pets: be aware they are a trip hazard)

• Hand rails (especially near stairs; always hold on to bannister and watch each step carefully); grab bars in bathroom near tub, toilet

• Raised toilet seat

People of all ages are at risk for falls. For the young it may be engaging in sports; for babies failure to lock crib bars or highchairs. For general age groups cluttered or

Nurseʼs Notes

Joys and Concernsof Our Congregation

Please submit written requests to update this list.New to Our List:

Mark and Joy, as they make plans for their futureBob Fisher, as he awaits the results of his radiation treatmentsDale Whitney, recovering at home after hospitalizationJohn Riseland’s brother Joe, who has suffered a serious stroke

Ongoing:Bill Thomas & family, nephew of Sue Cross, as he leaves Fort Lewis and seeks employment on the East CoastEthan Powers, 8 year old great grandson of Marian Crim, now recovering at homeSteve McDonald, Velma’s son, has left rehab and entered a group homeHelen Blaney, as she recovers from a broken femurChuck Page, as he recovers from a recent strokeMarian Overcash, as she recovers from a broken hip and hip replacement surgery and her youngest son, who has cancerJoanne Harrell, health concernsDonna Fairchild, health concernsDisciples House Residents, past, present and futureIglesia de Dios, as together we share God’s loveRaices Culturales and the children in their gardening program in our fieldKristine Tissinger, missionary partner in GhanaRev. Sandy Messick, Regional MinisterRev. Sharon Watkins, General Minister and PresidentOur General Church ministriesYakama Christian MissionVictims of injustice, violence, poverty, and disease worldwideAll troops involved in world conflictPeacemakers worldwide

Nurse’s Notes

darkened entry ways, floor areas cluttered or floors that are highly waxed, failure in wiping up spills, improper lighting, etc. Trip hazards exist everywhere so it is necessary to be proactive and try to think ahead with general awareness so as to prevent falls to every extent possible.

Reflection: As we walk our spiritual journey may we be aware and call on the guidance of the Divine to as to make our way secure in God's protection. Amen

Jane Kletka,RN FCN

Health Ministries Network

March 2015 3Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 8

Dear Church Family,

You are a giving and caring family. And some of you have seen this church through some incredibly good times and have weathered some rather difficult times. You were here when we moved from a huge building downtown to this wonderful “country” neighborhood. You’ve seen the need for our building to expand, with multiple additions. You’ve seen all the pews full and the need for folding chairs in the back of the sanctuary for Sunday worship. But things have changed, haven’t they!

This message is from your Stewardship Ministry, which is responsible for overseeing the responsible use of our resources, both real and financial. We feel it is imperative that you have this information prior to the Congregational meeting, following morning worship on March 1st.

We, as a congregation, are facing some significant changes in our membership, finances and our building. We have welcomed new members recently, but we have lost even more of our long-time friends. As our attendance decreases, so does our income.

We have certain fixed costs of staff salaries and benefits, utilities, and taxes. Currently our income does not cover them, and we find ourselves in an increasingly serious financial situation. We have reduced spending as much as possible, and have for several years deferred maintenance on our building and grounds. All the while our aging building is needing costly repairs.

It is time to address the issue in a direct and up-front manner. Our financial situation has become a hindrance to our effective ministry in this community and beyond.

We truly appreciate your past generosity; when we have asked, you have responded. But now we find ourselves asking for your approval of a different way to more fully meet our obligations.

As most of you are aware, we set aside some monies from the sale of property several years ago. We have been using the return on those invested funds as a vital part of our operating budget each year. But even that has not kept up with our budget needs. The Board has recommended, and will ask for your approval to access those funds to rectify the situation.

The Proposed Spending Plan for 2015 is attached for your consideration. Please read and give prayerful attention to what you read. Your questions are welcome at the meeting, or if you prefer, call one of us prior to the meeting.

Making the best decision about how to meet our financial obligations, and care for our property, is the most significant consideration in several years, and should not be taken lightly Your Stewardship Ministry urges you to be informed, to attend, and to vote.

Your Stewardship Ministry,

Linda HeyneMax and Cheryl PerryDarleen and Chuck PageZach Shoemaker

A Message from Stewardship

4 March 2015Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 8

March 2015 5

2015 Budget WorksheetActual/Adj Actual Proposed Proposed

EXPENSES Totals/Year Monthly Per Year Per Month

2014 2014 2015 2015




Base (892.75*24) 21,426.00$ 1,785.50$ 23,568.60$ 1,964.05$

Housing (842.20*24) 20,212.80$ 1,684.40$ 20,212.80$ 1,684.40$

Car Allow (166.66*24) 4,000.00$ 333.33$ 5,000.00$ 416.67$

SS (686.66*12 transferred-paid qrtly)) 8,239.92$ 686.66$ 8,571.26$ 714.27$

+ 53,878.72$ SubTT 4,489.89$ 57,352.66$ SubTT 4,779.39$


Med/Dent (208.34*12) 2,500.08$ 208.34$ 2,500.08$ 208.34$

Co pay (261.01*12 trans to designated) 3,132.12$ 261.01$ 3,132.12$ 261.01$

Pension 2(Base)+ ss+med/dent+hous*14% 7,333.08$ 611.09$ 7,679.40$ 639.95$

Medical Insurance 17,073.00$ 1,422.75$ 18,300.00$ 1,525.00$

Professional Exp 1,298.00$ 108.17$ 2,000.00$ 166.67$

+ 31,336.28$ SubTT 2,611.36$ 33,611.60$ SubTT 2,800.97$

= 85,215.00$ TTT 7,101.25$ 90,964.26$ TTL 7,580.36$


Dir. Ed/Comm Outreach 18,204.00$ 758.50$ 20,024.40$ 1,668.70$

Finance/Member Adm. 10,920.00$ 910.00$ 12,012.00$ 1,001.00$

Accompanist 7,650.00$ 318.75$ 8,415.00$ 701.25$

Child Care 650.00$ 54.17$ 2,000.00$ 166.67$

Payroll Taxed (churches share) 2,813.16$ 234.43$ 3,247.53$ 270.63$

40,237.16$ TT 2,275.85$ 45,698.93$ 3,808.24$

Total Payroll Expenses 125,452.16$ TTT 9,377.10$ 136,663.19$ 11,388.60$


Advertising 596.00$ 49.67$ 200.00$ * 16.67$

Office Supplies 1,368.00$ 114.00$ 1,385.78$ 115.48$

Maintence/Copier 1,140.00$ 95.00$ 2,760.00$ ** 230.00$

Copier Lease 1,681.00$ 140.08$

Phone Lease 1,920.00$ EST 160.00$

Postage 302.00$ 25.17$ 305.93$ 25.49$

UTILITIES Water 4,826.00$ 402.17$ 4,888.74$ 407.39$

Electric 3,143.00$ 261.92$ 3,288.00$ 274.00$

Gas 5,271.00$ 439.25$ 7,956.00$ 663.00$

Phones-Service 2,248.00$ 187.33$ 2,353.68$ 196.14$

Internet 146.00$ 1,680.00$ 140.00$

Waste 1,259.00$ 104.92$ 1,392.00$ 116.00$

INSURANCE Comprehension 6,330.00$ 527.50$ 9,029.40$ 752.45$

BUILDING/ Maintenance 2,079.00$ *** 173.25$ 2,106.03$ 175.50$

GROUNDS Property Tax 3,110.00$ 259.17$ 3,150.43$ 262.54$

MINISTRY EXP Supplies/Worship/Kitchen 1,333.00$ *** 111.08$ 1,350.33$ 112.53$

160,284.16$ 12,267.60$ 180,429.51$ 15,035.79$

14,421.83$ Includes FFLM expenses. Budget above does not.

* Dropping Dex Phone Adv. 10%

** Negotiating new lease for both copier lease and maintenance agreement. Estimate is hoped for price. 1.30%

*** Totals are from General Fund only. Building maintenace was $ 6580 total with designated funds used first. Increases by vendor

Ministry expenses were General Fund monies only. FFLM supplied monies also.

FFLM supplied $ 562 each to 6 ministries.

**** Was asked if we had money for childcare. I said not at this time. Stewardship's decision??

2014 avg expenses per month=

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, M

arch 8

Whoʼs on First?!

6 Change your clocks Saturday night, March 7 March 2015

Sunday, March 1Elders: Leslie Pinkston (O), Melody Hoffman (C)Lock-Up: Gregg HeyneIn Home Communion: Melody Hoffman, Margaret BrownDeacons: Jane Kletka, Sandy Grant, Mary Ann TeetersReader: Mary Ann TeetersGreeters: John and Brenda RiselandFlowers: TBDFellowship Time: TBD

Sunday, March 8Elders: John Riseland (O), Gregg Heyne (C)Deacons: Marian Overcash, Linda Heyne, Ardythe HannahReader: Gregg HeyneGreeter: Megan ShoemakerFlowers: TBDFellowship Time: TBD

Sunday, March 15Elders: Brenda Riseland (O), Lillian Moir (C)Deacons: Lois Oswalt, Pat Whitney, Connie PageReader: Nancy LangfordGreeters: Sandy Grant and Lois OswaltFlowers: TBDFellowship Time: TBD

Sunday, March 22Elders: Joe Plancich (O), Don Hoffman (C)Deacons: Lynn Plancich, Kathy Wheeler, Jayne WitmanReader: Charles SchmidlingGreeter: Kathy Wheeler and Alisha SanchezFlowers: Esther GroupFellowship Time: Esther Group

Sunday, March 29Elders: Margaret Brown (O), Leslie Pinkston (C)Deacons: Jane Kletka, Sandy Grant, Mary Ann TeetersReader: Megan ShoemakerGreeter: Russ and Bekki WestonFlowers & Fellowship Time: TBD

Sunday, March 1 Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm 22:23-31 Romans 4:13-25 Mark 8:31-38 or 9:2-9Sunday, March 8 Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm 19 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 John 2:13-22Sunday, March 15 Numbers 21:4-9

Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 Ephesians 2:1-10 John 3:14-21Sunday, March 22 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 51:1-12 or 119:9-16 Hebrews 5:5-10 John 12:20-33Sunday, March 29 Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16

Happy BirthdayAaron Pinkston 3Judy Bayless 6Doug Farrar 6Chandler Udo 9Jim Franks 15Dale Whitney 15Kade O’Halloran 17Jamie Franks 20Aaralyn Gilson 21Andrew Wheeler 21Kelly Gilson 24Opal Hanna 28

Donna Fairchild 29Marshall Foster 29

Happy AnniversaryPaul & Frances Van Dyke 13Jon & Linda Cavnar 16John & Amber Pitton 18Mark & Renee Hoemann 21

This Monthʼs Lectionary

Checking-In GroupThis group meets at 5:30 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month and is an opportunity to talk about life! Location to be determined. Please contact the church office for more info.


Menʼs BreakfastAll men are invited to meet at Dennyʼs, 7:30 a.m. each Saturday for fellowship and food. A sense of humor is encouraged!

Wild Goose WorshipMeeting at 6:30 p.m., first and third Tuesdays in the church library, this is an alternative worship experience designed for young(ish) adults (or those in transitional stages of life) who who want that “spiritual” experience AND a faith community without all the rigamarole of traditional “church.”

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

19:30a Sun. School10:50a Gathering Time11a Worship12:15p Fellowship Time12:10p Congregational Meeting1:30 p Spring Creek Worship

2 3

6:30 p.m. Wild Goose Worship



6p Bell Choir Rehearsal7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal

5 6 7

7:30a Menʼs Breakfast, Dennyʼs

Change your clocks

before bedtime!

8Daylight Saving Time

Begins9:30a Sun. School10:50a Gathering Time11a Worship12:15p Fellowship Time12:10 p Deacons Mtg2p Someone Cares Community Meal


6:30 pStewardshipMeeting


Noon Bible Study


6p Bell Choir Rehearsal7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal

12 13 14

7:30a Menʼs Breakfast, Dennyʼs

15Courier Deadline

7:30a Eldersʼ Mtg9:30a Sun. School10:50a Gathering Time11a Worship12:15p Fellowship Time1:30p Spring Creek Worship


11:30 a.m.Esther Group


St. Patrickʼs Day

Noon Bible Study

6:30 p.m. Wild Goose Worship


5:30 p.m .Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East

6p Bell Choir Rehearsal7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal


6:30 p.m.Pub Theology, Copper Hog

20 21

7:30a Menʼs Breakfast, Dennyʼs

229:30a Sun. School10:50a Gathering Time11a Worship12:15p Fellowship Time12:30 p Out-to-Lunch Bunch7p Book Group

23 24

Noon Bible Study


6p Bell Choir Rehearsal7p Chancel Choir Rehearsal


5p Checking in Group

27 28

7:30a Menʼs Breakfast, Dennyʼs


March 2015 7

March 2015Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

The Christian Courier (USPS

0589-870) is published monthly at

First Christian Church, 495 East Bakerview

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A 98226-9168. PERIO



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aster: Send address changes to The Christian Courier, 495 East Bakerview

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A 98226-9186

First Christian Church(Disciples of Christ)A church of grace and welcome for all!495 East Bakerview RoadBellingham, WA 98226-9168

PERIODICALS POSTAGE ATBellingham, WA 98226-9168

USPS 0589-870

Contact UsOffice [email protected] 360.734.6820

Find us on Facebook First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Bellingham, WA

Follow us on Twitter FCC Bellingham

Submissions for the Next Courier are Due March 15

To go paperless: Subscribe to the e-Courier at [email protected].

To unsubscribe: Contact 360.734.6820, 495 East Bakerview Road, Bellingham, WA 98226, or [email protected].

Sign up in the fellowship hall to bring Easter lilies in honor or memory of

loved ones.

Save the DatesSun., Mar. 29 11 a.m., Palm SundayMon., Mar. 30 - Wed., Ap. 1, 9 a.m., Lenten BreakfastsThurs., Ap. 2 7 p.m. Maundy Thursday WorshipFri., Ap. 3 Prayer Vigil, times TBD 7 p.m. Good Friday WorshipSun., Ap.5 8 a.m., Easter activities begin Stay tuned for all the details!

Daylight Saving Time begins Sunday, March 8